#baby goose at 8: my name is bradley peter bradshaw-kazansky-mitchell
pollyna · 2 years
When he's eight, Bradley starts to sign his school papers as B.P. Bradshaw-Kazansky-Mitchell, in his screwy writing that makes his teacher move the paper up and down, right and left, to be sure she's reading correctly. He takes his card home to let Mav sign the vote, and Bradley doesn't get why his dad is crying. You sure you want all this surnames Baby Goose? You won't get tired of writing them all the time?
But pops, I want dad's and your surname too! Just like any other kid!
And so yeah, maybe it's a little longer than normal, and his teacher calls him just Bradshaw when she checks to see if everybody is in class, but Bradley always, always, introduces himself with his full name.
(It makes Mav's and Ice's eyes wet every time.)
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