#baby diaper rash ointment
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skineasi · 1 year ago
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SkinEasi is a trusted brand for skincare protection cream. Buy the best Anti Chafing, Anti Rash, Anti Shoe Bite, and Diaper Rash Cream online. Made in India.
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luveline · 1 year ago
Would u ever write about early days kbd! Steve and reader?? Maybe newly married or finding out about being pregnant for one of their babies?? I just love them so much ♡
kisses before dinner au —mom!reader, 1k
“I’m just gonna go to the bathroom really quickly and then I’m leaving,” you call. 
Steve calls back. “Okay, babe. Avery, say bye to mommy! Can you say bye? How about you, Beth?” 
Avery calls a happy goodbye. Beth babbles unintelligibly. I’ll say goodbye in a second, you think, slinking into the bathroom with a plan in mind. 
You bend down under the sink where you keep things that wouldn’t hurt anybody should they get pulled out; ointment for wet rash, diapers, and the little disposable pregnancy tests for emergencies. 
You and Steve are careful after your lovely first Avery. She’d been a surprise, and you weren’t willing to be blindsided again, but now that you’re actively trying the more expensive pregnancy tests have been taken upstairs and in tens. How many have you taken in the last three or four months? Too many to count, and the latest only last night. 
The test said negative, but you’ve been pregnant twice already. You know what it feels like. You’d woken up this morning and turned to watch Steve still sleeping, and you’d thought about waking him, but you didn’t want to get his hopes up again without knowing for sure. 
You let the test develop on the sink, contemplative, drying your washed hands slowly. You can hear Steve laughing like a kid in the kitchen, Bethie’s infectious baby laughter quick to follow. 
Avery shouts something like, “Stop, dad!” but you’re not sure what they’re fighting about. 
Trying for a baby is fun. It’s stressful, sure, but you enjoy the process (whoops) and there’s something so hopeful about waiting to see when it’ll happen. Steve is doubly excited, his anticipation contagious, and you want another baby so much you’ve started buying baby clothes, a wardrobe full of onesies and you’re stuffing in new socks and footie pyjamas every other day. You’ve even picked out the new wallpaper for the nursery. 
You really, really want another baby. 
The test finishes developing. You stare at it until your eyes cloud with tears. 
Last night, you took a test that didn’t come out with anything. Steve hadn’t baulked. He never does. He’d given you a short kiss and a longer hug, whispered, “It’s okay, we’ll just have to try again,” into your hair. 
You can’t help yourself. You grab the test and sweep out of the bathroom down the hallway to the kitchen. Bethie’s eyes glow when she sees you, her small arms held out to you waiting to be picked up. 
You’re very very sorry, but you throw yourself at Steve instead. 
“Hey!” he laughs, pushing you away. “I’m covered in sugar!” 
You wrap your arms behind his neck, “I don’t care!” 
“What?” he asks, totally perplexed. Then, despite his confusion, Steve hugs you tight and lets out a contented sigh. “Why are we so happy?” 
You make some space between you again to show him the test. His hand comes up under yours slowly, bigger, often gentler, cupping your fingers as he bends down to see it. “Oh,” he says. He falls quiet for a few seconds. 
When he looks up, he’s smiling. “Honey!” His smile abruptly catches, tears filling his eyes. “Oh my god.” 
“No, don’t,” you say, your voice wobbling. 
Steve tries to pick you up and spin you around, but there’s no room and you’re too heavy, too sure-footed, arms around his neck and kissing up his cheek. “You’re acting like I’m the one pregnant!” he says, fighting to kiss your cheek instead. “I’m so happy,” —he kisses you— “I could die,” —his lips press rough to the highest point of your cheek— “I could cry!” 
“You are crying,” you laugh wetly. 
Tears rush down his cheeks. “Three is so many.” 
“What? Don’t say that.” You wince as Bethie starts crying. “She thinks that too.” 
Steve picks Bethie up from her high chair and Avery in all her little Steve-ness gives you a brown eyed, doe-wide smile, pointing at your face. “Sad,” she says. “You’m crying, mom.” 
“I’m not–“ You wipe your cheeks with the backs of your hands. “I’m not sad, babe, I’m happy! Mommy’s so happy! It’s making me cry because I’m super happy, I’m not sad.” You smile at her sweetly. “Do I look sad, my love?” 
“Up, mommy,” she says, lifting her hands. You pick her up and laugh another round of tears down your cheeks as she starts to wipe them away. “Happy.” 
“Extremely happy,” Steve says. 
“Dad, you–” She looks between you both with a cartoonish frown. “Dad cry too?
“We are both so happy,” you say. 
Avery mumbles some strange garble of words in her high voice, and then asks more clearly for her buppy. Steve starts to open one of her bottles but his tears suddenly escalate, and he can’t see enough to finish pouring in her formula. 
“We’re having another baby,” he says to you. 
You breathe in a much needed breath. “Yeah, H. Another baby.” 
He passes you Beth, forcing you to manage both of the girls in your arms, and gets about halfway down the hall before he whoops loud enough to make you jump. 
“Okay,” he says, jogging back. “Can I call Robin? I’m so fucking excited.” 
You dot kisses against small foreheads. “We can tell, can’t we?” you ask, to Avery’s amusement. 
“Can tell, dad!” she parrots. 
Steve grabs you and pulls the three of you into an ironclad embrace. “I love you,” he says, much quieter now. You honestly don’t need him to tell you, you can feel it in every moment you spend together, but you take the confession greedily. 
“Too much,” he says. He starts kissing you again, an overflowing heap of them, until the girls are too jealous to speak and you’re as late for work as you’ve ever been. 
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queenimmadolla · 11 months ago
Just read the little blurb about Penny vomiting on Eddie when she was a baby, and it just makes total sense for Eddie to become a victim of his children's projectile bodily fluids, lmao.
Where there was Penny's vomit, there was Wayne's pee.
There was a serious moment where Eddie was scared to change Wayne's diaper, after the kid started randomly unleashing his pee the second the diaper came off. As Wayne has on his usual baby blank face, just comfortably flailing his legs about, he's watching his dad totally freak out about being covered in pee!
This has, unfortunately, happened to me, so this is coming from some experience :’)
(p.s. i love everything you always add on to them so much)
Changing Wayne’s diapers is anxiety inducing, sometimes.
All the time.
Eddie’s got the baby on the changing mat, his onesie undone and scrunched under Wayne’s lower half as his son’s legs kick in the air, little fists bunched up, brown eyes boring into his dad’s. The diaper is undone, fastening strips pulled apart and now the front of the diaper is just covering his son up, acting as a shield.
The two Munson boys just stare at each other.
Eddie’s face, like Wayne’s, gives off no emotion, blank as he gives his baby ample time to add a last minute addition to his soiled diaper because—for some godforsaken reason─the minute Eddie pulls the top of the diaper down, Wayne shoots off like a hose and Eddie is left scrambling to cover his son’s doodle and stop the pee stream attack. It had been bad enough when Penny would do it as a baby—she didn’t have a penis, though. Her pee stream was relatively controllable, whereas Wayne’s would hit the ceiling, the walls, and any shirt Eddie was wearing. And, on occasion, his face.
Eddie had heard the sound of a small stream of pee against the inside of the diaper moments prior, had seen the unsecured diaper rise for just a few seconds with the force of it. But his baby is a trickster, a little mischievous, just like his dad. And he’s got one helluva poker face.
Eddie wonders if it’s a pavlovian effect; if he’s actually and accidentally conditioned his kid to start pissing the second his lower half is freed from the confines of his diaper. Wayne’s gotten you a few times, too, but you’re speedy (and well prepared now, you immediately place a wet wipe over your baby’s little bits to soak up last minute additions that might come out as you switch out the soiled diaper for a clean one).
After five more minutes of their stare down, he braves a check─
—and immediately has to shove the top of the diaper back in place when a stream shoots out to hit the back of the couch, near Eddie’s head.
HAH! His little fire hydrant missed.
This time.
Eddie grins as he realizes he can easily swap the diaper out now, he’s got a small enough window of time.
The grin slowly falls when he glances around him, at all the diaper changing supplies, wet wipes, spare diaper or two, some ointment to prevent any chaffing or rashes in between his son’s rolls….but no baby powder. His gaze slowly slinks across the room, spying the white bottle on the small kitchen table, before falling back to rest on his son.
Little legs still kicking, eyes still boring into him, but this time his plump little lips stretch into a puckered ‘O’, and Eddie can already hear his son in his head, Ooooooh, you left it all the way over there, daddy. Go get it...I won’t peepee on you when you get back….
Safe to say, Eddie ends up having to change his shirt again after he snags the baby powder and finally changes his son’s diaper.
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randomthunk · 1 month ago
Are you expecting a baby, going to a baby shower, or need to gift something for a baby? I have the two MVPs of babyness in our house that I could not live without:
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First - Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy. In short, I put that sh*t on everything. It can be used for moisturizing, for usual diaper changes, and to treat diaper rash (of which my baby had one that usual ointment wasn't sticking to but this cleared it right up like damn). Not to be mistaken for Aquaphor's diaper rash treatment, which looks similar but that has "3 in 1" on the tube. Skip that, just get this*. (*I am not a doctor, don't @ me.)
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Second - the Fisher-Price Glow & Grow Kick and Play Gym. This one's not a secret but it must be said that it is a great toy. A lot of larger baby toys can't be used until they can sit up, but this can be used right away, when they're still in their back-confined newborn stage.
Don't be led astray into getting a more expensive "aesthetic" play gym. Not only are bright and high-contrast colors good for baby's visual development, but the piano is like, THE best feature of this toy. Babies get the wiggles so they can kick it and make noise, but it also is the feature that grows with the child and can be used outside the very little baby stage. Also as a nice bonus, this has a pretty small footprint.
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bambinotattoo · 2 years ago
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Hey everyone, I hoper you have a great day today. Treat yourself and each other great today.
So this past weekend I wasn’t feeling that well, not well at all. Which Is kinda rare honestly, either way. Over the last few weeks/days I have been noticing myself experiencing episodes of light headedness and even passed out a time or two. Which is effin scary cause I live along ( future Mommy, now is the perfect opportunity to tell me it’s okay, your here to take care of me!! “A boy can dream”.
So as you can imagine passing out and falling down can be pretty dangerous, actually crashed into my bedside table on Saturday and broke it into PIECES. CHIPPED A BONE IN MY HAND TOO. I’m not a big fan of hospitals and all of that, but thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go and just make sure things are okay. Being a full time diapered baby, sometimes it can be tricky. I generated speaking will only go if I have a friend or sitter to kind of help be a buffer. Just in case I say something dumb, or someone gets suspicious. I will also usually change into a “Normal” diaper and avoid wearing anything to “babyish”. Just easier that way.
Well, lol, this weekend I was feeling so gnarly that decided they can think what they want…I am coming comfortable and as myself. I was wearing a pink Princess with a booster, a bright blue onesie and some pastel blue full zip and baby patterned pair of footed Jammie’s. Fuck it, right. Lol. As well, the only diaper bag I had packed was my pink clear acrylic see through backpack style one. To put it lightly, it was Halloween in my bubble and boy did I get the stares and looks. I just put my paci in and ignored them. Thankfully the waiting room was fast and I was taken back with in 15-20 minutes
By the time I was escorted back, I had filled my diaper almost to the point of leaking. Hell I was sure the front desk girl could hear me release embarrassed pee pee streams the whole time we checked in. Which always happens. A great way to know if your really got me flustered is immediate bladder evacuation, followed my a beat red face and a goofy smile. The nurse that brought me to my room was trying to mind her own business and just get on with things, but offered to help get me into a gown since there were s many snaps on the Jammie’s. She then discovered the onesie, which of course had been leaked on showing I was blatantly a helpless little pissy pants. I ended up just standing there silent, looking scared to death I’m sure, while this attractive woman near my age stripped me of my baby clothes exposing just my saggy, stinky, diaper. And a pink baby one at that. She looked up at me with a little distaste and I started wimpering. She quickly began to console me and wrapped me in the gown and had me sit down.
“I know it’s none of my business, but that diaper is pretty wet isn’t it”
“Um, y…ye…yea”. As I started getting more upset.
“Hey little guy, it’s okay, it’s okay. Is that your diaper bag over there”
“Um, yes. Yes it is.”
“Okay, here in a lilts while when I get a few seconds would you mind if I changed you?”
This wasn’t the first times something like this happened, it pretty common. Just never had I come to a medical situation with this much ABDL swag before. She just smiled and told me to try and calm down and things would be just fine. She exited the room and I was left alone awaiting the doctor and etc
The first doctor came and went, nothing to crazy, but wanted me to consider seeing a Urologist while there. I sure maybe, but knew it was a no.
Several minutes later and the fist nurse came back in and closed the curtains behind her.
“Okay little guy, let’s get you more comfortable…huh?”
I just nodded and signaled for my diaper bag. I pulled out a Tykeables, my wipes, powder, and desitin as I had been nursing a rash for a few days. She giggled at the powder and ointment and said I need to make sure and change more often to ovoid that. I told her I know, and joked about needing a full time caregiver to make sure.
She actually popped my paci in, gave me a smile and told me to relax, and everything will be done quickly. I couldn’t tell her that I loved being changed without sounding like a creep so I just smirked, laid back, and started rhythmicly sucking my pink pacifier. She got the VERY wet diaper untapped and began to wipe me down with the SUPER cold wipes (I’m used to my wipe warmer). Right as she was going to slide the new diaper unde me and as she was saying
“Okay, life your butt”
There was suddenly commotion near the screen that separated my spread eagle bottom with a diaper being slide under, and anyone walking past and or etc. she immediately shouted
“Hey, hey…I’m busy in here…DO NOT COME IT. Private private stop”
And guess what, they did not stop. To my horror and here annoyance the doctor from earlier and THREE resident doctors started piling in. He saw what was going on and didn’t care at all. I am laying there, more red faced than I had even been while getting a change while the doctors just hung out waiting for her to finish. I tried closing my eyes to block out the more than uncomfortable situation, right up until when the doctor said
“So, why are your wearing diapers that look like that? Aren’t those the like fetish ones people wear?
The doctors and nurse changing me all tried not to laugh.
I wasn’t able to communicate that well through the fog of humiliation but did manage something to the effect of…
“I don’t like it when they leak. These kinds are thicker and make me feel more secure.”
The doctor made his snide remarks the nurse finished up and I was dry, and covered again. After a battery of tests the doctor wasn’t concerned about my passing out and all that, but did want to keep me for 24 hours for observation. I argued and pleaded to not be held over, but the decision had already been made and there was already a bed on the 8th floor being prepared. The nurse that changed me went out above and beyond and explained that she was talk to the nurses station where I’m going and let them know of my special needs, that way there wouldn’t be any confusion. I asked if I could have a friend bring some some supplies because I only had 1 more diaper in my bag and my onesie wasn’t the cleanest. I did, and my friend Ashley who babysat a occasionally was giving to drop by later with a care package.
After getting up to my room I began calming down and accepting the situation I was going to make the best of it. Around that time a nurse I hadn’t met yet comes in knocking and wanted to introduce herself and figure out all the details and etc.
“H there, Eric? Yes hello, my name is Nora and I willl be your nurse tonight and until 6am or so. I hear your an extra special little one, yea? Lol.
I really didn’t know what to say or what she expected me to say, but I just smiled blushingly and nodded my head.
“You really are a shy one, they were kidding. Lol. Okay, so, this is a hospital, I am a nurse, and diapers and changes are absolutely normal and nothing weird! I hear you like the babyish ones and even the cute toddler clothes too”.
Still blushing, she just smiled and started coming near me.
“Well, let’s just see what we have going on, shall we? I will be checking you everytime I’m in the room. So just be prepared for it. Are you used to that or are diapers a new thing”
What ya think, y’all want the rest?
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compose-myself · 8 months ago
Due to a wildly irresponsible athletics coach in high school, I got heat stroke repeatedly as a kid. Now I’m just a couple hours away from heat stroke any given day in summer.
Here’s my recommendations if you have to be outside:
-Hair back in a braid and off your neck. Even a pony tail is still essentially a wool blanket hanging down your neck.
-Straw or bucket hat with vents and a wide brim. We’re called rednecks for a reason.
-Sports bra/bikini top with an open weave net beach coverup a la
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-Shorts. I hate shorts. I feel half naked in shorts and my legs chafe. Hate them. Still wear them. Antiperspirant between your thighs helps a lot with the chafing.
-White sneakers for working, sandals otherwise. Too much sweat around your toes gets gross fast.
-Camel pack with ice water/gatorade and ice blocks wrapped in towels. Drink every time you feel even the slightest bit thirsty. You will be going inside for refills multiple times a day. Make your peace with the inconvenience.
-Put out two water bowls for your pets, one with ice.
-If little kids get sleepy and want a nap when they usually don’t need one, they’re probably overheating. Get them in a cool bath before they go down.
-Dedicate a significant percentage of your freezer space to ice trays. Even if you have an ice maker.
-If possible, acclimate slowly. You can move your comfort zone up a good fifteen degrees if you do it over a month or two.
-Siestas were invented for a reason. Start work as early as you can, the break from 3-7, then finish up and clean up.
-Carry chapstick. You can get tubes of gel that won’t leak if they melt in your pocket.
-Carry a spritz bottle. I can’t always get inside immediately when I get overheated and stop sweating. Spritz yourself all over, including the top of your head to cool off your hair.
-If you do overheat, get in a cool shower if possible. Otherwise hold ice packs to places close to blood flow: your neck, your wrists, between your thighs over your femoral arteries. Your entire blood volume cycles through your kidneys every couple minutes so if you can cool them off you’ll cool your whole body. Just holding your bare wrists under a running tap will work wonders in a pinch.
-Sleep naked if possible. Your nether regions are going to sweat a lot. Cool shower and air time will help prevent issues. If issues do happen, there’s a diaper rash ointment in the baby aisle called Baby Butt Paste that helps a lot.
-SUNSCREEN obviously. If you get sunburned anyway, aloe goop helps. For the love of all that’s holy, DO NOT USE ICY-HOT ON SUNBURNED SKIN. I do not care how sore your muscles are. That is curl-up-and-puke levels of pain.
-Plan for cold meals. Fruit and veggies, sandwiches, chicken/egg/tuna salad etc. You don’t want to run your stove or oven if you don’t have to. If you can though, eat spicy food. It kicks your body into extra cooling measures without actually adding heat to your system.
-Smoothies are better than ice cream and popsicles. Sugar makes it harder to thermoregulate and dairy doesn’t always sit well in the heat. Spinach, avacado, frozen blueberries, a spoonful of cocoa powder and a spoonful of lemon curd. Even picky toddlers will love it even though it’s essentially a salad in a cup.
-Grapes don’t freeze solid (it’s why we don’t have grape ice cream) so snack sized baggies of frozen grapes make fantastic cold snacks. No danger of broken teeth.
-If you lose power, don’t open your fridge/freezer unless you absolutely have to. Your food will stay cold enough for a couple hours if they’re not exposed to warm air.
Good luck!
For all of the northerners that stood up for Texas during our freeze and said, "Don't make fun of them, they've never dealt with this before. Their infrastructure isn't made for snow and freezing."
This one is for you.
Where I live 108°F with 80% humidity with no wind is normal.
Pacific North West is dealing historic best waves 35-40°C or 95-105°F.
First of all. Don't make fun of them for bitching about the heat. Just like Texas isn't built for a freeze and our pipes burst, Pacific North West isn't built for heat and a lot of their homes don't have AC.
If you live somewhere with a high humidity like 80+ HUMIDITY IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. The "humidity makes it feel cooler" is a lie once it gets beyond a point.
If you live somewhere with a lower humidity, misters are nice to cool off outside.
Once you get over 90°F (32°C) a fan will not help you. It's just pushing around hot air. (I mean if you can't afford a small AC unit because they're expensive as hell, by all means a fan is better than nothing).
If you have pets, those portable AC units aren't safe. If your pets destroy the outtake thing, it'll leak CO2. Window units are safer.
Window AC units will let mosquitoes or other small bugs in. Sucks, but that's life.
Now is not the time to me modest. If you have to cover for religious reasons, by all means. If you don't, I've seen people wear short shorts and a swim top. It's not trashy if it keeps you from getting heat stroke.
If you do have to cover up for religious reasons, look for elephant pants or something similar. They're made with a breathable material.
Shade is better than no shade, but that shit it just diet sun after some point. Don't think shade will save you from heat stroke.
I know the "drink your water" is a fun meme now, but if you're sweating excessively you need electrolytes. Drink Gatorade, Powerade, or Pedialite PLEASE. I don't care if you're fucking sitting in one spot all day. That shit WILL save you from heat stroke.
If you're diabetic and can't drink Gatorade, mix water, fruit juice, and either lite salt or pink salt
If you can afford it, cover windows with thick curtains to insulate the house
If you have tile floors, lay on them with skin to tile contact. If you don't, laying your head on cool counters works too.
If the temperature where you're at is hotter than your body temperature, don't wear heat wicking clothing. Moisture wicking is safe though.
Check your medication labels. Many make you more susceptible to sun and heat
-Room temperature water will get into your body faster. This is something I learned doing marching band in high summer in Georgia, and it saved all of our asses. Sip it, don't gulp it, especially if you're getting into the red; same goes for whatever fluid you're drinking. And just in general drink during the day.
-If you are moving from an air conditioned space to an un-air conditioned space, if at all possible try to make the shift gradual. When my dad and I were working outside and in un-ac houses a few years ago, he'd turn the air down to low in the truck about ten-fifteen minutes before we got where we were going. This way your body doesn't go from low low temps to high temps. S'bad for you.
-If you can, keep your lights off during the day. Light bulbs may not generate a lot of heat, but the difference is noticeable when it gets hot enough. I literally only turn my bedroom light on in the evening when it gets too dark.
Don't be afraid to just like... pour water on yourself if you need to. The evaporation will cool you off.
Put your hand to the cement for 15 seconds. If you can't handle the heat, it'll burn your dog's paws. Don't let them walk on it.
Dogs with flat faces are more prone to heat stroke. Don't leave them out unsupervised.
Frozen fruit is delicious in water.
Wet/Cold hat/handkerchief on your head/neck will help you stay cool.
Pickle juice is great for electrolytes! You can even make pickle juice Popsicles!
Heat exhaustion is more, "drink water and get you cooled off." Heat stroke is more "Oh my god call 911."
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Image Description provided by @loveize
[Image description: an infographic showing the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The graphic is labeled "Heat Dangers: First Warning." Signs of heat exhaustion: faint or dizzy, excessive sweating, cool, pale, clammy skin, rapid, weak pulse, muscle cramps. If you think you or someone else may be experiencing heat exhaustion, get to a cool, air-conditioned place, drink water if conscious, and take a cool shower or use cold compress. Signs of heat stroke: throbbing headache, no sweating, red, hot, dry skin, rapid, strong pulse, may lose consciousness. If you think you or someone else may be experiencing heat stroke, call 911. End description]
Be safe.
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sumitpatil3344 · 7 days ago
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rohini1020 · 9 days ago
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akshatrasayanblog · 12 days ago
Top Gel White Petroleum Jelly Supplier in Delhi
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Delhi is a key hub for industrial and personal care products, making it crucial to find a trusted Gel White Petroleum Jelly supplier. Whether for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, or industrial use, sourcing from a reliable supplier ensures product quality, consistency, and cost efficiency.
What is Gel White Petroleum Jelly?
Gel White Petroleum Jelly is a refined, semi-solid petroleum-based substance known for its purity and versatility. It is widely used in skincare, pharmaceuticals, and industrial applications due to its superior moisturizing and protective properties. Being non-toxic and hypoallergenic, it is an essential ingredient in ointments, creams, and other personal care products.
Applications of Gel White Petroleum Jelly
Cosmetics & Skincare: Used in lotions, lip balms, and creams for deep hydration and skin protection.
Pharmaceuticals: Serves as a base for medicinal ointments and dermatological treatments.
Industrial Uses: Functions in lubricants, coatings, and rust prevention.
Baby Care Products: Found in baby creams and diaper rash ointments due to its gentle and safe formulation.
How to Choose the Best Gel White Petroleum Jelly Supplier in Delhi
Delhi has numerous manufacturers and suppliers offering high-quality petroleum jelly. Consider these key factors when selecting a supplier:
1. High Purity & Quality Standards
Opt for USP/BP-grade petroleum jelly that meets international quality benchmarks. Reputable suppliers provide lab-tested, certified products free from contaminants.
2. Competitive Pricing & Bulk Availability
Choose suppliers that offer cost-effective bulk purchase options, ensuring affordability without compromising quality.
3. Custom Packaging Solutions
Leading suppliers provide flexible packaging options, ranging from small retail jars to large industrial drums, along with custom branding and labeling for private-label businesses.
4. Certifications & Regulatory Compliance
Ensure the supplier adheres to ISO, GMP, and FDA standards, ensuring product safety and compliance with industry regulations.
5. Reliable Supply Chain & Timely Delivery
A dependable supplier ensures on-time delivery and a well-managed supply chain, preventing production delays and inventory shortages.
Top Gel White Petroleum Jelly Suppliers in Delhi
Several established suppliers in Delhi provide premium-quality petroleum jelly for various industries. Some leading names include:
Akshat Rasayan – Known for its high-purity petroleum jelly and industrial-grade products.
ChemoLorganisys – Offers pharmaceutical and cosmetic-grade petroleum jelly that meets international standards.
Local Manufacturers & Distributors ��� Various Delhi-based suppliers cater to bulk and custom orders.
When selecting a reliable Gel White Petroleum Jelly supplier in Delhi, prioritize those offering premium quality, bulk availability, and custom packaging solutions. A trusted supplier ensures consistent product quality, regulatory compliance, and efficient delivery, making it easier for businesses in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and industrial sectors to thrive.
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treesah · 2 years ago
Please include changing tables in these bathrooms, too.
And for the baby changing tables, it’d be really nice to NOT have them be in the ONLY wheelchair accessible stall. I have been in more than one situation where I’ve occupied that stall for almost ten minutes changing a poopy diaper on a wriggling toddler and applying the correct amount of diaper rash preventative ointment over the entire area of potentially-affected butt, only to discover upon exiting that someone in a wheelchair had been waiting on me the whole time. People in wheelchairs deserve to access a toilet within a reasonable amount of time and parents with young children deserve not to feel harried and rushed while diapering their children. (A huge pet peeve of mine, back when my son was still in diapers, was his other caretakers not taking the time to PROPERLY diaper him. He NEVER even had even the slightest hint of mild irritation on his butt during my maternity leave and my subsequent time as sole/main caretaker during COVID lockdown. But everyone just wants to rip the diaper off, do a perfunctory wipe, slap the thinnest smear of Aquaphor directly onto a still-damp buttcrack, and hastily fasten on a new diaper without checking the leg ruffles, and then they’re all surprised when the kid gets diaper rash and the diaper leaks.)
It makes sense to put adult changing tables in the wheelchair accessible stall due to space and privacy concerns, which is why more than one wheelchair accessible stall is necessary. But for baby changing tables, there is really no reason to not just have them in the main area where the sinks and trash cans are.
I am once again explaining that in order for walkable cities and public transit to work for disabled people, there also need to be more public bathrooms available in and around those areas. Not just places to sit down or rest. Bathrooms. We need accessible, clean bathrooms. With sharps bins. With multiple wheelchair accessible stalls. With an area to set down supplies needed to maintain one’s body. Even if it’s not being used to get rid of bodily waste, bathrooms are one of the few spaces disabled people have to maintain some sort of privacy when they’re in the middle of a flare up or they need to take medication or what have you. Designing a public space? Include bathrooms.
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legacycream · 1 month ago
Zinc Oxide | Legacy Cream
The Power of Zinc Oxide: Exploring the Benefits of Legacy Cream
Some ingredients in the constantly changing skincare industry endure, continuously demonstrating their value after decades of use. Zinc oxide, Legacy Cream's zinc oxide content a potent substance with several advantages for skin health, is one such component. Zinc oxide-enriched Legacy Cream has established itself as a reliable option for people looking for skincare products that work well for a range of issues.
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What is Zinc Oxide?
A naturally occurring mineral, zinc oxide is well known for its restorative and protecting qualities. It serves as a physical barrier, protecting the skin from harm while encouraging recovery and reducing irritability. Zinc oxide is a common ingredient in many skincare products, such as sunscreens, diaper creams, and therapeutic ointments, because of its non-toxic and safe properties.
The Multifaceted Benefits of Zinc Oxide in Legacy Cream
Sun Protection Zinc oxide is a key ingredient in mineral sunscreens. Unlike chemical sunscreens that absorb UV rays, zinc oxide reflects harmful UVA and UVB rays, providing broad-spectrum protection. Legacy Cream incorporates zinc oxide to offer a natural and effective way to shield your skin from sun damage.
Soothes Irritated Skin Whether you’re dealing with redness, rashes, or sensitive skin, the anti-inflammatory properties of zinc oxide make it an ideal solution. Legacy Cream calms irritation and provides relief to inflamed skin, making it suitable for conditions like eczema and rosacea.
Promotes Wound Healing Zinc oxide stimulates the production of new skin cells and collagen, which are essential for wound healing. Legacy Cream can be used to accelerate the recovery of minor cuts, burns, and abrasions.
Moisture Retention The occlusive nature of zinc oxide helps to lock in moisture, preventing dryness and maintaining hydration. Legacy Cream is formulated to create a protective barrier, ensuring your skin remains soft and supple.
Acne Treatment Zinc oxide’s antimicrobial properties make it an excellent choice for acne-prone skin. It helps to reduce inflammation, control oil production, and prevent bacterial growth, leading to clearer skin over time.
Why Choose Legacy Cream?
Legacy Cream is a high-end skincare product that combines additional nourishing components with the ageless advantages of zinc oxide. For the following reasons, Legacy Cream is essential:
Gentle and Safe: Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
Versatile: Addresses a range of skin concerns, from sunburn to diaper rash.
Non-Greasy Formula: Absorbs quickly without leaving a heavy residue.
Dermatologist Recommended: Trusted by skincare professionals worldwide.
How to Incorporate Legacy Cream into Your Skincare Routine
Daily Sunscreen: Apply a thin layer of Legacy Cream as the final step in your morning routine to protect against UV rays.
Spot Treatment: Use it on acne-prone areas or irritated spots for quick relief.
Nighttime Barrier: Apply to dry or compromised skin areas before bed to promote overnight healing.
Diaper Rash: For parents, Legacy Cream is a safe and effective option for protecting your baby’s delicate skin.
Customer Testimonials
"Legacy Cream has been a game-changer for my sensitive skin. The zinc oxide works wonders for calming redness."
"I use it as a sunscreen and a moisturizer, and my skin has never felt better."
"As a mom, I trust Legacy Cream for my baby’s diaper rash. It’s gentle and effective."
The Legacy of Skincare Excellence
The longevity of zinc oxide in cosmetics is evidence of both its efficacy and safety. Legacy Cream uses this amazing substance to create a multipurpose solution for today's skincare requirements. Legacy Cream produces reliable results whether your goal is to hydrate, Mekrama Legacy Cream protect, or heal.
Take the first step towards healthier skin today with Legacy Cream. Embrace the power of zinc oxide and experience the difference it makes.
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nurifitandhealth · 2 months ago
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Best Diaper Rash Creams for Babies: Protect Their Skin
Choosing the right diaper rash cream is crucial to protect your baby’s sensitive skin. Some top picks in India include:
Burt’s Bees Baby Diaper Ointment: A natural, gentle formula that soothes and protects.
Sudocrem: A trusted, multi-purpose cream that heals and prevents rashes.
Desitin Diaper Rash Cream: Known for its fast relief and long-lasting protection.
Mother Sparsh: Ideal for sensitive skin, providing effective rash prevention.
These creams not only treat but prevent rashes, keeping your baby comfortable. For the best options, explore our full guide and buy today!
Visit NutriFit and Health for more information.
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news24-amit · 2 months ago
Baby Skincare Trends: From Organic Ingredients to Eco-Friendly Packaging
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The global baby skincare market is witnessing robust growth, fueled by increasing awareness about infant health and wellness, rising disposable incomes, and the growing trend of using natural and organic products. Valued at US$ 11.6 billion in 2023, the market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2024 to 2034, reaching a valuation of US$ 22.0 billion by the end of the forecast period.
Key Market Drivers
Rising Parental Awareness: Parents today are more conscious about the ingredients in baby skincare products. This has led to a surge in demand for chemical-free, hypoallergenic, and organic products that ensure infant safety.
Innovation in Product Formulation: Companies are focusing on developing advanced formulations that cater to specific needs, such as sensitive skin, eczema, and other dermatological concerns. For instance, products enriched with natural ingredients like shea butter, aloe vera, and coconut oil are gaining popularity.
Online Retail Growth: The proliferation of e-commerce platforms has significantly boosted the availability of baby skincare products. Online channels offer convenience, variety, and detailed product information, enabling parents to make informed choices.
Product Segmentation
The baby skincare market is broadly categorized into the following product types:
Soaps & Body Wash: These products dominate the market due to their regular use in baby hygiene routines.
Moisturizers & Ointments: Essential for preventing dry skin and diaper rashes, this segment is witnessing steady growth.
Hair Shampoo: Mild, tear-free formulations are preferred by parents for maintaining their baby's scalp health.
Others: Products such as lip balms and baby sunscreen lotions are niche but growing in demand.
Distribution Channels
Distribution channels play a vital role in shaping the baby skincare market. Modern trade, general/traditional trade, and online retail are the primary channels. Among these, online sales are gaining traction due to the convenience of doorstep delivery and availability of product reviews.
Regional Insights
The baby skincare market is thriving across regions, with Asia-Pacific emerging as a significant player due to a large population base and increasing middle-class incomes. Meanwhile, North America and Europe continue to drive growth, supported by high consumer awareness and demand for premium products.
Future Outlook
With rising consumer awareness and continuous innovation, the baby skincare market is poised for substantial growth. Companies investing in sustainability and eco-friendly packaging are likely to gain a competitive edge, as environmentally conscious parents increasingly prefer such options.
In conclusion, the baby skincare market offers vast opportunities for stakeholders. By understanding consumer preferences and adapting to evolving trends, brands can establish a strong foothold in this thriving industry.
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memekjeslin · 3 months ago
Top Eco-Friendly Diaper Creams for Sensitive Baby Skin
When it comes to caring for your baby’s sensitive skin, choosing eco-friendly diaper creams is not only good for your baby but also kind to the environment. Many parents are now opting for natural and sustainable options to protect their little ones from diaper rash while minimizing their environmental impact. Here’s a look at some of the best eco-friendly diaper creams that combine gentle care with planet-conscious ingredients.
Earth Mama Organic Diaper Balm
Key Features: Made with organic oils and herbal extracts like calendula and chamomile, this balm is free from petroleum, parabens, and artificial fragrances. Why It’s Great: Earth Mama’s diaper balm is not only gentle on sensitive skin but also comes in recyclable packaging, making it a top choice for eco-conscious parents.
Burt’s Bees Baby Bee Diaper Ointment Key Features: Contains natural ingredients like shea butter, lavender oil, and zinc oxide to soothe and protect.
Why It’s Great: This cream is 100% natural and formulated without phthalates or parabens. Its responsible sourcing practices add to its eco-friendly appeal.
Weleda Diaper Care Cream Key Features: Made with calendula extract and almond oil, this cream is certified natural by NATRUE.
Why It’s Great: Weleda’s cream not only soothes irritation but is also produced sustainably, using environmentally friendly farming and packaging practices.
Honest Company Diaper Rash Cream Key Features: Uses organic shea butter, coconut oil, and zinc oxide to treat and prevent diaper rash.
Why It’s Great: Honest Company’s commitment to clean ingredients and transparent sourcing makes this cream a reliable eco-friendly option.
Green Goo Baby Balm Key Features: Infused with natural oils and herbs like calendula, chamomile, and lavender, this balm is free from petroleum and synthetics.
Why It’s Great: Green Goo’s multi-purpose balm is biodegradable and packaged in recyclable materials, making it a sustainable choice.
Babo Botanicals Sensitive Baby Fragrance-Free Diaper Cream Key Features: Enriched with colloidal oatmeal, shea butter, and zinc oxide, this cream is hypoallergenic and fragrance-free.
Why It’s Great: Perfect for ultra-sensitive skin, Babo Botanicals’ products are also certified B Corporation, highlighting their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.
Badger Balm Baby Balm Key Features: Contains USDA-certified organic ingredients like olive oil, castor oil, and calendula.
Why It’s Great: Badger Balm prioritizes ethical sourcing and eco-friendly packaging, making it a trusted brand for environmentally conscious parents.
Tips for Choosing the Right Eco-Friendly Diaper Cream
Check the Ingredients: Look for creams made with natural, organic ingredients and avoid those with synthetic fragrances, parabens, or petroleum.
Consider Certifications: Brands with certifications like USDA Organic, NATRUE, or B Corporation are often more committed to sustainable practices.
Review Packaging: Opt for products with recyclable or biodegradable packaging to reduce waste.
Patch Test First: Always test a small amount of cream on your baby’s skin to ensure there are no allergic reactions. By choosing eco-friendly diaper creams, you’re not only providing gentle care for your baby’s delicate skin but also contributing to a healthier planet. These top picks combine effectiveness, safety, and sustainability, offering peace of mind for parents and comfort for babies.
Product Insights
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projectfamilypreschool · 4 months ago
Preventing diaper rash is a key concern for parents and caregivers. Here are some essential tips to ensure your baby remains comfortable and rash-free, especially for those utilizing childcare in Kent, Washington. One important tip is to change your baby’s diaper frequently, as prolonged exposure to urine and feces can irritate the skin. Additionally, using a barrier cream or ointment during each diaper change can help protect your baby’s delicate skin from irritation and rash development.
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digitalsolution123 · 4 months ago
Diaper Rash Cream: What You Need to Know for Your Baby's Comfort
Diaper rash is a common skin condition that affects many babies, causing discomfort and distress. It's typically characterized by red, inflamed skin around the diaper area. While diaper rash is usually not serious, it can make your baby feel uncomfortable, and if left untreated, it can worsen. One of the most effective ways to treat and prevent diaper rash is by using a diaper rash cream.
What is Diaper Rash Cream?
Diaper rash cream is a specially formulated ointment or cream designed to soothe irritated skin and create a barrier to protect it from further irritation. The cream works by keeping moisture away from your baby’s skin, helping it heal faster and preventing rashes from forming.
These creams typically contain ingredients such as zinc oxide or petroleum jelly, both of which are known for their protective and healing properties. Zinc oxide, in particular, is often found in the majority of diaper rash creams because it creates a thick barrier between your baby’s skin and any irritants (like wetness from diapers).
Why Do Babies Get Diaper Rash?
Diaper rash can happen for several reasons, including:
Prolonged Moisture Exposure: When your baby’s skin is exposed to a wet or soiled diaper for too long, it can become irritated. This is the most common cause of diaper rash.
Friction: Tight diapers or clothing rubbing against the baby’s skin can cause irritation, leading to a rash.
Sensitive Skin: Some babies have more sensitive skin, which may react to certain diaper materials, wipes, or even laundry detergents.
Changes in Diet: When babies start eating solid foods, their bowel movements change, which can sometimes lead to more frequent or acidic stools, causing diaper rash.
Infection: In some cases, yeast or bacterial infections can develop in the warm, moist environment of the diaper area, leading to a more severe form of diaper rash.
How Diaper Rash Cream Helps
The primary role of diaper rash cream is to provide relief and protection for your baby’s delicate skin. Here's how it works:
Barrier Protection: Diaper rash creams create a barrier on the skin to shield it from moisture, irritants, and friction from the diaper.
Healing Properties: Many creams are infused with healing ingredients such as aloe vera, calendula, or vitamins A and D, which help to speed up the recovery process and soothe the skin.
Anti-Inflammatory: Some creams have mild anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling and redness associated with diaper rash.
Preventative Action: By applying diaper rash cream regularly, especially during diaper changes, you can help prevent rashes from occurring in the first place.
How to Use Diaper Rash Cream
Using diaper rash cream properly can make all the difference in how quickly your baby's skin heals. Here's a simple guide:
Clean the Area: Always start by gently cleaning your baby’s diaper area with warm water and a soft washcloth or unscented baby wipes. Make sure the area is dry before applying the cream.
Apply a Thick Layer: Squeeze a generous amount of cream onto your fingers and apply it to the affected area, focusing on the inflamed or irritated parts of the skin. Don’t rub it in completely; leave a thick layer so that it can protect the skin.
Change Diapers Frequently: To prevent further irritation, make sure to change your baby’s diapers often, especially after bowel movements.
Choose the Right Diaper: If possible, opt for breathable diapers that allow airflow, which can help keep your baby’s skin dry.
How to Choose the Best Diaper Rash Cream
With so many diaper rash creams available, selecting the right one for your baby can seem overwhelming. Here are a few things to consider when choosing:
Look for Zinc Oxide or Petroleum-Based Creams: These are the most effective at treating and preventing diaper rash.
Avoid Fragrances and Harsh Chemicals: Babies have sensitive skin, so it’s best to stick to creams that are fragrance-free and free of harsh chemicals or dyes that could cause further irritation.
Consider Natural Ingredients: If your baby has extra-sensitive skin, you might want to try creams that use natural ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, or calendula.
Consult Your Pediatrician: If your baby’s rash is severe, or if you’re unsure which product to use, it’s always a good idea to consult your pediatrician for recommendations.
Preventing Diaper Rash
While diaper rash cream are excellent for treating rashes, preventing them from occurring in the first place is always the best strategy. Here are some tips:
Change diapers frequently to avoid prolonged moisture exposure.
Use soft, fragrance-free wipes or simply clean with water.
Allow your baby’s skin to air-dry whenever possible before putting on a new diaper.
Use diaper rash cream as a preventative measure, even if no rash is present.
When to See a Doctor
In most cases, diaper rash can be treated at home using creams and good hygiene practices. However, if the rash persists for more than a few days, appears severe, or if there are signs of infection (such as pus-filled blisters, fever, or spreading redness), you should consult your pediatrician. They may prescribe a stronger cream or recommend other treatments.
Diaper rash creams are an essential part of every parent's toolkit. They help heal, protect, and prevent rashes, keeping your baby comfortable and happy. By understanding the causes of diaper rash and how to properly use these creams, you can ensure that your baby’s skin stays healthy and rash-free. Remember, regular diaper changes, proper hygiene, and the right diaper rash cream can make a world of difference for your little one!
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