#baby cat mewmew mewmew mew
anarchisty · 6 months
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my cat when he was kitten p2
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grokebaby · 1 year
Just wanted to pass by and ask: Where are Mewmew's kits now ? They musta grown quite a bit since that photo, so I'm kinda curious myself :33 How's their relationship with m too ? Is it good ? Do they know Bout Evie in the house ?
Hiiiii you can read more on tha kittens here and here :3
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Here's also some art I done of them!
[Two slight updates on the kittens' (adult) names but Goop is now Goog, and Turbotuho goes by just Turbo! Other than that there's not too much new.]
•Googy (Mew Jr.), as mentioned somewhere in the fuzzy past, is a housecat for good. Yes, they're on the same level mentally as Mewmew and everyone else, and also has the option to choose to develop some kind of alternative mecha mode. But they completely choose not to, and so remain in cat mode indefinitely. Mew Jr. Is fully content to live as a normal pet cat until the end of time (or until their.. Humans pass away from old age..) Junior is a laidback personality who envied normal cats in their kittenhood and thus made the decision to become one as much as possible. Cannot be convinced to adopt some alt form and is rarely in contact with their siblings. However Turbo misses them sometimes, and Goog has the ability to use a phone (opposable thumbs you see), so they call sometimes. Mewmew is completely accepting of this lifestyle choice, if not very distant to Mew Jr...
•Captain Tiramisu and Turbo are living a space opera/cheesy scifi drama somewhere in the far off cosmos, and they're very close! They're each other's emotional support, even if they're perpetually bickering. Similarly to Mew Jr., they both chose the kind of external mode that they personally found the absolute coolest, and live in robot mode almost exclusively. Turbo is more keen to kitty around every so often tho, for comfort reasons. Turbo is the sweet optimist of the two, and loves breaking stuff. An absolute biting fiend as a cat. Love language is biting (Cap'n Tiramisu also bites but not lovingly).
There's no nicer way to say this but Tiramisu is an egotistical, petty brat. While Turbo is more of a follower personality, they do also blatantly and stubbornly make their own choices and turns along the way. Many people often wonder how these two can stand each other, but Turbo often comforts Tiramisu when things don't go their way and occasionally enables their bombastic revenge plots, and Tiramisu will violently explode you if you're mean to their baby sibling. Turbo likes to test Captain's patience (making them a better person by pettily not leaving them any other choice sometimes), and Captain "Mom friend anxiety hack"s* their way to helping Turbo take care of, or stand up for themself more. *(aka. Oh no I'm too nervous to do this thing. Oh, you're also too nervous to do this thing? I'll fucking do it double for you then!!!)
Both are neurodivergent so they also assist each other in whatever the other can't do. Despite having many petty and childish traits to them, these two make it work.
•Relationship with Mewmew can be summed up with:
Captain Tiramisu - Geez mom/dad, you're embarrassing meeeeee.... Ugh... Fine. I love you.. Yeah yeah I'll send you a post card from the milkyway association's holiday hotel.. Yeah of course I won't get into trouble (gets into trouble as soon as they depart)
Turbo - Oh weee yuppeee It's mom/dad ^~^ so here's everything I've been up to since we last saw (talks for three hours), sorry I didn't call you I forgot, wow you're so cool I love you, and Tiramisu and Mew Jr. Love you too. Okay bye, I wanna go do something now! I'll call you (forgets to call.)
Admittedly they've gotten distant with adulthood.
•To address the.. Evie in the room, I will just say that none of the kittens know of Mewmews life during the galactic alliance, they only know Mewmew "did something in the military but quit to pursue a peaceful life". The kits were born after quitting. They do know of Evilicus, as that scary dark lord that was defeated long ago, and they actually do community service sometimes for planets that Evie's reign has left scarred and ravaged. They however definitely haven't been in touch with Mewmew recently enough to know Evie is roommates now lolol
Thank you for the ask!!! ^w^
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brainbuffering · 2 years
12 Days of Manga 2022
Day 10: Top 3 Favourite Completed Manga 
(These aren’t necessarily series that ended THIS year, but they are series that I personally completed this year!)
1) Sweat and Soap by Kintetsu Yamada from Kodansha (T: Matt Treyvaud L: Sara Linsly E: Kristin Osani)
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[ID: English Cover of Sweat and Soap Vol 11. A goofy shot of the entire wedding party for Asako and Natori‘s wedding. Asako wears a white lace dress and Koutaro wears a matching white suit.]
“In an office romance, there's a fine line between sexy and awkward... and that line is where Asako -- a woman who sweats copiusly -- met Koutarou -- a perfume developer who can't get enough of Asako's, er, scent. Don't miss a romcom manga like no other!
Asako's living her dream, working at the toiletry maker Lilia Drop. Little do her coworkers know, the reason she loves the company so much is that she's ashamed of her body odor, and their soap is the only thing that does the trick. So when the company's lead product developer, a perfuming genius, approaches her in the lobby and wonders what "that smell" is, she's terrified... but could it be... that he likes it? And, even more surprising to Asako... does she like him?
The hilarious ups and downs of an office romance at a personal care products company are the subject of this sexy, strange romp.
Sweat and Soap combines the odd-couple chemistry of Wotakoi, the "too real!" workplace comedy of Aggretsuko, and a heavy dollop of office steaminess!”
Sweat & Soap is yet another one of those manga that appears on everyone’s lists and actually deserves to be there. Which, if you want to be all 2013 Hipster about it, is incredibly frustrating but from every other perspective it is delightful and wonderful that a series that focusses on clear communication is so popular! If you’re looking for a series that deal with how kink negotation can be applied to every day life then this is one I can whole heartedly recomend! 
Because that’s what Sweat & Soap comes down to: communication. Whilst Yamada admits the series began as simply them wanting to write about a big breasted office lady who got easily flustred (and honestly: valid) it quickly became something far more meaningful and stand out. Anytime I thought that a scene was a little off or that consent wasn’t clearly given it was talked about by the characters in an open and honest fashion!
When Ichise was introduced, i was worried it was going to decend into some sort of rival love triangle where both girls were out to get eachother; but rather what happened was a mature look at missed-out-love from her perspective, and clear boundry setting from Asako and Natori. It would be unreasonable for Asako to ask Natori to never speak to his work friend again, but it is not unreasonable for her to ask him to be less physically affectionate with her. He might see her like a little sister, but that doesn’t mean she is his little sister. 
This series encapulates all that the phrase “Adult Romance” should. There’s sex, yes, but there’s also trying to figure out an appropriate work-life-balance, what to look for when moving into a new flat (advice I actualy used when moving out recently, so thanks for that on Yamada-sensei!) and how to get your girlfriend’s beloved family cat to actually play with you!!!!   
I know I am going to be recomending this series for years to come, and I eagerly await to see if any of Yamada’s other work gets translated into English! Come on Kodansha, you like money, don’t you???
2) Tokyo Mew Mew by Reiko Yoshida and Mia Ikumi from Kodansha (T: Elina Curran L: AndWorld Design)
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[ID: English Edition of Vol 3 of the Tokyo MewMew Omnibus. Ichigo wears a straawberry themed wedding dress and veil that is pushed back past her cat ears. She carris a bouquet of flowers, and sits in a ring of pink and yellow stars. The background is light pink with a pattern of baby pink strawberries.]
“Ichigo is out on a date with her 'crush' when suddenly she's involved in an odd incident in which her DNA is merged with the DNA of an almost extinct wildcat. When four other girls' DNA is merged with the DNA of four other almost extinct animals, it's apparent that they're part of a much bigger plan. Ichigo and her friends have been chosen to become a part of a secret project called the 'Mew Project'. Their mission: To protect the planet from aliens who are using animals to attack humans!”
I first read this series way back in year 9 of school, but I don’t think I ever got beyond volume 2 or 3? So when the anime was announced I decided to re-read the whole series. And what a lot of fun it has been!
It’s been fun to revisit this time in manga, and it reminded me of my love of Action Shoujo! It’s so quintessentially magical girl, but doesn’t have some of the more yikes tropes that have me hesitating to recommend Sailor Moon or Cardcaptor Sakura to children. (CLAMP... why? Why all the student-teacher relationships?!)
Sure, Quiche -- sorry: Kish -- is a major creep when it comes to declaring his undying love for Ichigo but he is the villain! If you’re going to have someone disrespect boundries, it should be painted as acts of criminality and evil!
And like all good Magical Girl shows, the focus remains on the power of female friendship and how they can raise eachother up! Just a group of lesbians supporting their bisexual leader as she fumbles her way through teen romance.
I’ll admit I felt the ending was a little rushed in places, which meant that some of the scenes that should have had huge emotional impact were brushed over too quickly. I’m hopeful though that the new anime will fix that problem and allow things to progresss at an appropriate pace. I think they’ve done a good job so far in adapting it, and another 12 episodes should be all it needs! 
My biggest gripe with the series is how Kodansha localised the names so inconsistently, sometimes choosing to translate the characters’ names into their appropriate food related topics and sometimes not. But it appears that the fandom itself cannot decide what version to use so at least there’s consistency in the inconsistency. These decisions often come from above, specifically from the Japanese Team, so I don’t hold Curran responsible, but it’s still something worth noting in my opinion. If I ever find my TokyoPop versions I’ll be sure to do a comparison!
At only 7 Volumes across 3 Omnibus Editions, this is absolutely worth investing in if you’re looking for some old school magical girl fun! Be that as someone new to the genre, or a vetran looking to relive the glory days before everything was Pretty Cure.
Now come on Sentai, do every little girl a favour and dub this series into English!!!
On the topic of the anime... given Ikumi-sensei’s passing this year, i felt very emotional reading her thoughts on getting to see the orignal anime under production. She was so excited to see eveything made, and got the seiyuu to write up little messages as their characters for all the readers. It’s so sad that she never got to see the fans’ reaction to the reboot. I suppose it’s a reminder to cherish the moments we have together, and may her memory be a blessing to us all.
3) BL Metamorphosis by Kaori Tsurutani from SevenSeas (T: Jocelyne Allen L: Ray Steeves E: Jenn Grunigen)
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[ID: English Cover for Vol 5 of BL Metamorphosis. Ichinoi (an elderly woman) and Urara (a teenage girl) sit on a japanese verander drinking tea in the sunshine. There are plants growing all around them. Ichinoi looks u at the sky, and Urara looks groggily in a similar direction.]
“In this heartwarming and award-winning manga originally known as Metamorphose no Engawa, an elderly woman and a high school girl develop a beautiful friendship through their shared passion for Boys' Love.
Ichinoi, a seventy-five-year-old woman living a peaceful life, unwittingly buys a boys' love manga one day, and is fascinated by what she finds inside. When she returns to the bookstore to buy the next volume, the high school girl working there-Urara, a seasoned BL fan-notices a budding fangirl when she sees one. When Urara offers to help Ichinoi explore this whole new world of fiction, the two dive into the BL fandom together, and form an unlikely friendship along the way.” 
Age Gap Romances are OUT! Age Gap Friendships are IN!
BL Metamophosis was a wonderful slow paced read, perfect at 5 volumes. It was great to see Ichinoi and Urara form such a strong bond between them, not just because intergenerational friendships are so uncommon in media but also because it proved that it’s never too late to start a new hobby and make new friends! The pair learn a lot from eachother, there’s mutual value in their relationship and the story is much more than some cliched message about how “there’s value in youth and in age”. 
Urara learns to become more confident in herself and in the things she loves due to Ichinoi’s encouragement, and Ichinoi learns that just because she’s only got a few more years left to live doesn’t mean that she has to just keep still. I was especially moved by seeing her reflecting on her past regrets, and seeing them through Urara’s fresh eyes and being determined to no longer live like that. She might be much older now than before, but if she wants to go to the top of Tokyo Tower than she will!
I will also have to say, as someone with varaious chronic conditions and mental health problems, Ichinoi’s determination to fight to stay alive until the final volume of her favourite manga is published was incredibly relateable!
As much as I would love to know how Urara is getting on at school and what her life plans are (is she going to try to make more BL Comics?) I’m very content with how the series eneded. It gave closure to everyone’s arcs, whilst giving it a realistically happy ending. Nothing felt out of place.
This is absolutely a manga I would recommend to anyone, whether they be Urara’s age of Ichinoi’s! I’d also consider it a great starter manga given how short it is, and whilst perhaps an understanding of BL tropes is helpful I don’t think it’s needed as Ichinoi is being introduced to the genre along with the reader. If anything, I’d be really interested to know what someone who doesn’t know anything about BL thinks of the series! 
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forestshadow-wolf · 8 months
MEOWWW!!! I SET 10 BOXES OF CATS LOOSE IN YOUR INBOX !!! 🐈🐈🐈‍⬛️🐈‍⬛️🐈🐱🐱🐱🐱🐈🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈🐈🐈🐱🐱🐱🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈🐈🐈🐱🐈🐈🐱🐈🐈‍⬛🐱 :3
That one scene from The Marvels
ajjshdhdgbshagshhshaj *cough cough* *wheeze* ugh sorry hairball
Meow Meow mrrow mew mrreow mewmew
Little baby meowmeows
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noahfuckingdies · 5 years
Ser Pounce the Cat of GOT
We only saw him once (in the show) but that was enough, he's a very wholesome being who was Tommen's good friend. Change my mind.
Anywho, I reminded my dad, back in April, that Tommen had a cat named Ser Pounce. My dad asked what happened to him, and I explained that I had read somewhere that he had been skinned alive by Cersei, between s6 and s7, because she disliked his name (I also assume because he reminded her that Tommen was forever dead). Now, my dad firmly believes that Ser Pounce is an amazing name and I think he dislikes Cersei a little bit more because of it.
(Note, my dad and I had been talking about Joffery being a sadistic bastard and Ser Pounce got brought up because Joffery threatened to do horrible things to him.)
Different note! I have cats with very odd names and Ser Pounce would have fit right in. Here we goooooooo:
Sailor: (three-legged inside cat; brown and white tabby cat; huge baby that likes to scream; I take her to my mom's everytime I go, she hates it; dislikes Boomer)
Jefferson/Baby Jeff/Jeff: (Sailor's only living sister; a loud baby that yells for food and attention at any time; my brother wishes to rename her Jeffabell I refuse; named after Jefferson from Hamilton even after I knew she was a girl)
Toothless/Mama Cat: (had a lot of kittens before she got fixed;was always the best mom; named by my older sister; big black fluffy girl)
Babu: (named by one of my older brothers after a presidents pet ocelot; Toothless's littermate; tiny brown tabby cat)
Seymour: (named by the same person as Babu and others; silver tabby; name kind of comes from Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors and the fact he opened his eyes first)
Peridot: (I named him partly after the rock and the character from Steven Universe which I no longer like; he's very buff, the biggest cat we own but a huge baby; black and white boi; sibling of Toothless and Babu, from a different litter)
Aku: (A Toothless baby; black, sleek-furred girl; very demanding, and rude; gets angry when I don't let her in or stay on my lap or pet the other cats; one of the few cats Sailor likes)
Nermal: (a very wholesome boi; brown and white, mostly white; we sometimes call him Frog; brother of Mewmew; named after the Garfield character Nermal despite not looking like him at all)
Mewmew: (a small skinny girl; brown and white tabby, most brown with white socks and underbelly; looks barely over 6 months old but is two this year; sister of Nermal; named after one of our old cats Mew; likes shiny things; once walked back outside with one of my necklaces, I have yet to find out where that went)
Gordon: (looks like Seymour but with amber eyes; Babu's kitten; lives at our neighbor's barn as does Babu; I don't see him much but he's very nice)
Boomer: (an orange and white tabby; Loki's only cat friend; my mother's new child, she adores Boomer and believes he can only do somethings wrong; once stole my mom's chicken wing off her plate and barely got yelled at for it; he has no luck with girl cats, friend-wise because he's fixed; tries to be nice to Sailor but doesn't work because of his stupidity the first time she met him; he's not very smart but cat push open my door; he's a confusing creature with a huge chin)
Loki: (orange tabby; was named after Marvel's Loki because he had huge, pointy ears when we got him; then he got fat and we realized Garfield was a better name; very sweet but weighs 18-lb; he once sat on my mom's computer and broke it; he stepped on my computer and broke the camera for a year; then stepped on it again, now it works)
Khaleesi: (a calico cat; the newest addition to my mom's cat family; named after Daenerys' moniker of 'Khaleesi'; reminds me of Jeff and Sailor in her demands and loudness; also dislikes Boomer despite only seeing him through windows; probably likes me the most because I gave her my chicken one day and sat outside with her for half a night while watching GOT on my phone)
At this point, if a cat showed up at my dad's house (where all but Loki, Khaleesi, and Boomer are) and I named it Ser Pounce or anything from GOT no one would bat an eye.
If anyone wants pictures just ask!
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cloudandsugar · 4 years
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Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001
Skin: HEART WIFI / 90′s Baby Gacha - Momo Skin - ULTRARARE 2
Eyes: more x cheezu. kirara-tsurara gacha - eyes 2
Makeup: {Nyaru} - Yumi Eye Makeup
Hair: *PH-PL* MewMew Gacha - Hair Pastel
Ears: - U.Store - Neko Nyan Cat Ears
Outfit: ALTAIR* mew strawberry .pink. (Ota-Con)
Tail: ALTAIR* cosplay cutie gacha - cat tail .black. *tinted*
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spuddly · 8 years
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Baby Walli! #birthdayparty #happybirthday #walli #kitten #scotishfold #munchkincat #cute #nottohappy #cat #kittycat #adorable #softkitty #warmkitty #littleballoffur #meow #mew #saturdaynight #saturday #mewmew
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grokebaby · 2 years
I've been really immersed in developing various ocs as of late but none of them I've mentioned on here yet. At least I think so?
I think I could share a few little. Rambles? About them?
For one I've given brief thought to Mewmews two kits (not the third lmao there's not much to develop since they're just an ordinary pet cat). I wanted the names to be something that would be easy to pronounce both in finnish and English, just like Mewmew. One is named Tiramisu, the other one's Turbotuho (eng. Turbodestruction but that's too long so you get a pronouncable finnish name). All the kittens were given baby names by Mewmew originally, since mew expected them to grow into their own anyway. The three kits were Boop, Purr and Mew Jr. Only one of them is named Mew Jr. Bc otherwise they all would've been named Mew Jr and that woulda gotten messy.
Boop -> Tiramisu, Lives in robot mode exclusively and only goes to cat mode for special occasions. Rolls with Turbotuho, they're inseparable
Purr -> Turbotuho, lives in robot mode primarily and has a third form which is a huge cannon/blaster. Used when necessary
Mew Jr. -> Called Goog by their humans but fully owns the name Mew Jr. And introduces themself as that to any other cats. Lives in cat mode, obviously, and hasn't learnt any other forms. Although they've been eyeing the household appliances their humans use
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noahfuckingdies · 5 years
Extremely Personal Message (You don't have to read I just thought I should post about it here)
If you all remember, not to long ago I posted about my sick cat (MewMew) and how I could not get her veterinary treatment. Sometimes she seemed to be better and other times she stopped, what was most worrying was the fact she was not eating. Eventually I told a friend (who works/volunteers at shelters and paid for Sailor's amputation/treatment) and she took Mew to the vet. The vet found many problems in Mew. Her liver was failing, she had abscesses in her mouth, and she had an upper respiratory infection. My friend gave Mew some baby food and Mew ate it herself, which was good as I had not been able to get her to do so with any food. Mew was supposed to stay with my friend until Monday when her next appointment was. However, things took a turn for the worse today when Mew refused to eat and struggled against the syringe feeding. This was not good as, to counter-act the liver failure, Mew needed to eat a lot in a short amount of time. Things got even worse when Mew had a major seizure and started to have irregular, shallow breathing, a sign of nearby death in anything. My friend came to pick me up just in case Mew passed away on the way to the vet or she had to be put down. Mew ended up dying on the way there, but at least she knew I was there. I know she heard my voice when I said hi to her or was talking to my friend. Maybe hearing me was what allowed her to pass away, she laid down in the carrier after she had heard my voice and stayed like that even when she died. She may have had a painful last few days, we did our best to keep her alive, but at least she was with a familar voice when she died. I've never cried in public before, I did today. That's not why I'm saying, writing or whatever all this, I'm just trying to distance myself away from Mew's death. I'm having Mew cremated and their going to do an autopsy (the animal version) on her. I allowed them to do the autopsy because I want to know if she died of feline leukaemia or something else, if Mew has any blood disease or anything then it is likely that my other cats do to. My friend will tell me when they are done with it and is going to bring Mew's ashes when they cremate her.
I love Mew, not "loved", love because I'll always love her. She was the nicest cat I've ever had, loved necklaces and shiny objects like a true Princess Mew, she liked frogs and loved to sleep in my lap or curl around my legs. She was always small, even after her littermate (Nermal) and younger sisters (Sailor and Jefferson) got bigger and past her size. But regardless of her small size, she was fast and strong enough to rip a stick out of my hand should she want to. Alas, my baby Mew couldn't handle this, it was probably best that she passed while I was around.
Rest in peace my precious baby MewMew.
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