cldhrbour · 6 months
[ necklace ] sender helps receiver with the clasp of their necklace from behind – you know it can be romantic!! - @wolfbrawn
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it'd become a part of her now. the iron that casted the most gruesome grin , encircled around her neck. ever the reminder of who exactly she'd belonged to. winter had wrapped it's callous fingers about skyrim and for days they'd been stuck in snowfall. finally , just before the sun set , had the heavy flakes finally rested for intermission. and , as luck would have it , during their travel down to riften for a job, they had timed it perfectly that they'd be passing through eastmarch , littered with hot springs. it's a bit comical , she thinks , that two creatures encased in bodies of vastly different temperatures ( who had no need for regulation like mortals did ) still found solace in the embrace of the hot springs amidst a frostbitten night.
once undressed she'd slipped beneath the waters , letting the warmth envelope her and it was only then that she'd realized she'd forgotten to remove her. . . well it was a collar for all intents and purposes , wasn't it ?? it should've been easy enough to unclasp. reaching up , her attempts were futile between her inability to see and how slickery her fingers had become from dipping into the springs too early. ready to give up and just continue warming up without bothering to take off molag's visage , serana's attention flitted about to find farkas , only to feel him come up behind her with an embrace. a damp kiss to nightfall hair is almost distracting enough for her to not feel the gentle tug at her throat as the necklace is loosened. he's pressing calloused fingers about nearly perfect bone-white skin , but she's used to that by now isn't she ?? finally. SHE'S RELEASED. even if only temporarily. winter-chilled air kisses her neck seconds before warm lips paired with the brush of the halo of shadow that danced across his jaw take over. hopes that he hadn't simply dropped the tribute of a necklace into the pool flittered away like the scattering of birds.
he's a picture of adoration and tenderness. turning her around, the wolf nuzzles at her cheeks , leading her down so they could sit and be more completely enclosed in the heat of the pool. " thank you. . . " she murmurs against the brush of his hair as he continues to paint her with kisses and nips ──── refusing to take his mouth from flesh as if he'd been waiting days to eat her up. the suggestion of giving each other a wash dies in her throat. such a thing can wait. for now she was happy to be consumed in silence as night cloaked them.
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