#babettes brothel
crowsandfrogs · 2 years
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I found this image in the public domain through wiki commons and i went ham once I thought up the concept.
Babette’s being shown, a brothel, without the stigma often attached to it and then having Babette, the owner and runner of it help to vi in arcane mean so much to me. I thinks she has far more depth than shown adn I loved the ways in which her brothel and office differed from other zaun backgrounds and areas in tone and color. I love it.
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zeusmachina · 3 months
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i've watched arcane. again. im obsessed and now im trying to work on an oc in the show
dont have a name yet but she works for Babette, in the brothel, and outside too. She's getting infos through zaun and piltover to blackmail here and there
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unluckiestmember · 2 years
Arcane Characters + Working at the Brothel
Summary: You finally got a job! But it’s at the brothel. Here’s how the Arcane cast reacts to it. 
Characters: Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Viktor, Ekko, Silco, Sevika, Mel, Jayce, Vander
Warning: None. Mostly SFW, some suggestive themes here and there though.
A/N: I personally would never work at the brothel. But if I did, you can catch me in the same room as the Brothel Girl ;)
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“You got a job?! That’s great news, toots! Where?... The brothel? Awesome! I’ll try and go there every week- No every day- No, no no! Every hour!”
Will literally be a super supportive girlfriend. She’s just excited at the fact you actually got a job after you’ve been complaining about being unemployed for so long. She happily goes to the brothel almost every day you work just to be your client. The visits are sweet, but also weird because sometimes she’ll pay you even though you both live together. But her actions are appreciated.
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“Oh, you got the job? No way, that’s awesome! What’s the job though?... You’re working at the brothel? Huh. Okay.”
Honestly, Vi is okay with your line of work. Though she would lie if she said she wasn’t a little fearful for you. You are her lover after all! You mean the world to her and if she was to hear that someone touched you wrong or cussed you out for doing your job, she would probably kill someone. Luckily, her fear subsided when she spoke with Babette, who assured her nothing bad would happen to you. Sometimes Vi will surprise you at work when she’s done with her job early or has a day off. When she’s your client, you two will either talk for hours on end or use the many experimental rooms around you to your advantage. Wink wink-
Caitlyn Kiramman
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“Congratulations on getting the job, darling. What will you be doing for work?... Oh. Um. Well, um. Alright. N-No, don’t worry. I’m okay… Why the brothel?”
Caitlyn is honestly against it. She might play coy and act like she’s alright with you talking to and doing things with strangers in Zaun, but she’s actually upset when you first tell her. She gives you a somewhat cold shoulder attitude for a few days until you confront her about it. It takes her some time, but she slowly warms up to you working at the brothel. She’ll sometimes show up and say she’s a customer to talk to you about her day. Be ready to have her visit you during hours if she’s had a terrible day at work.
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“Where will you be working now?... The brothel? Okay. Are you sure you want to work there though? I heard of the sort of things that happen there.”
Viktor is not against you working at the brothel. He just needs to make sure you’ll be safe. He knows Zaun can be shady with their business transactions, let alone that Zaunites can get handsy for little to no reason. If you assure him you’ll be okay, he’ll believe you. However, this doesn’t change that he will always be concerned about you when you’re at work. He’ll go to the brothel sometimes on his break just to check up on you. You can try and make him stay there for a visit, but he’ll politely decline. Besides, that’s not really his kind of setting.
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“The brothel, huh? What do you do there?... Oh, talk? That’s cool. So like therapy?... Woah. Woah! You sure you wanna do that?!”
Ekko will be super skeptical of your new line of work. He’s usually not a jealous guy, but when he hears that people will be paid to do whatever they want to you, he loses it. It’s not until you tell him that you have the decision to decline offers and choose what boundaries you have does he calm down a bit. He knows you are your own person, so he’ll let you stay at the brothel. But he’ll never tell you he has some firelights scoping out the area for your safety… Oops.
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“You? Working at the brothel? I don’t think so, my love. I don’t think so…”
Silco is definitely against you working at the brothel. He knows about the kind of men and women that go there. Hell, he knows that Sevika goes there! You can try your damndest to go to work, but this man will use any excuse and obstacle he can find. Walking there? Oh no, an investigation was happening at the entrance. Got called in? Gonna have to decline because you had to go on a mission with Sevika. Because of his actions, you almost lose your job just as quickly as you got it. You know Silco’s secretly being a clingy boyfriend, but there’s so far you can go before your actions are borderline ridiculous.
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“... Wait. What?”
Sevika will be so confused as to why you got a job at the brothel. She’ll also become more cautious of going there. She’s a regular customer, so if she were to go one day and hear that one of the clients has been talking about her rendezvous to you? She’ll just want to crawl into a hole and die. After a few days of her avoiding you, she tells you about her visits. You’re understandably upset, but you forgive her as long as she hasn’t and doesn’t cheat on you. From that day forward, Sevika is still a regular, but she’s also your number one client.
Mel Medarda
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“That’s good to hear, honey. Where will you be working?... Like hell you are.”
You can argue, you can talk it out, you can do sweet things for her, but Mel will never let you work at the brothel. She knows from her time in Noxus and through her mother how those kinds of places work. So the last thing she needed was to see or imagine you having one on one time with someone in an inappropriate manner for money. She doesn’t care if you can choose what happens to you, she will still stand against it. Before you know it, you’ve lost your job. But luckily Mel is quick to help you find another.
Jayce Talis
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“So you’re working at the brothel? What’s that? Like a church or something?”
The poor innocent fool that is known as Jayce. He has spent his entire life in Piltover, never setting foot outside of the topside to explore the undercity. So of course he doesn’t know what a brothel is! He will think you have a sweet job helping people worship an entity or guide them in life. One day though, he chose to give you a surprise visit. And when he saw what you were actually doing? Well, let’s just say Babette closed the brothel down for a while when a bunch of enforcers came crashing through her place with a vengeance. By the way, you were fired.
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“You finally got a job? That’s great to hear. So where is it, huh?... Oh, the brothel. You just gave me a reason to start going back there.”
Vander is supporting your work at the brothel. This big softy will literally pop up there occasionally to be your client for the entire day. He will take advantage of all the different rooms the brothel has and the services it provides with you by his side. Though you both have one rule; Never let the kids know, no matter what. Even if they question your line of work, keep your mouth shut. The last thing they need is their minds being blown when they hear what you do for a living.
Arcane requests are currently open! :D
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, be safe and have a good day! <3
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sandraharissa · 9 months
Giving Silco a bad eye and making this his symbol was such a genius idea, like it’s so delicious on so many levels.
For one it really adds to his look/design. Fans would often joke that he looks like a rat, which is fair and funny, but imo the goal of the designers was to make him look like a shark. He’s got this peculiar nose that gives his whole head roughly the shape of a shark snout, he’s got the broken teeth that look like triangular shark teeth, and then there’s the eye, which has no eyelid and never blinks, exactly like a shark’s eye.
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(see Jinx gets it)
Then, on the topic of no eyelid, he obvs never blinks with that eye which gives the impression of constant surveillance and being all-knowing. This ties nicely into the eye being his symbol, the image we see of the open eye that never blinks that is present on all the locations he owns/has influence over/oversees. That was most definitely a part of Silco’s Undercity that he established, keeping ppl in line through fear. It’s reflected in his own man refusing to cooperate with Cait but instead of insulting her or claiming loyalty to a cause he says ‘he’ll kill me’, then we also see it with Babette (who I’m certain knew everything but wouldn’t risk it for Vi and so essentially lead Vi to Sevika/her death) and Huck. It’s most obvious with Marcus, how he thought he could do what he wanted (‘rescue Vi’) against Silco’s interests behind his back cos he’ll never find out, but he does find out eventually which puts Marcus and his daughter in a Situation. This is how Silco does business. (Babette knew and didn’t want to find herself in a Situation in the future imo, telling Vi nothing of value, sending Vi away in a way that wouldn’t cast suspicion on herself and wouldn’t tie Vi to the location of her brothel and essentially leading her to Sevika so she could retroactively claim loyalty even if found out.)
In general the eye imagery is often connected to seeing more than others, the third eye and knowledge. All apply to Silco through his ideas of independence and a unified nation that were revolutionary for the Undercity and ahead of its time. Most notable is the moment when he talks to Vander about Zaun, he looks in the distance as tho he can see it in front of him meanwhile others can’t. Here I could also point to other things like him understanding/being right about the Council like ‘I just need to scare them’ and also the thing Silco himself thinks of as a secret knowledge he possesses aka his monster ideology.
Lastly to me the eye in a big way represents his trauma. It’s literally a wound/disability that is the result of the traumatic event in question but metaphorically it also shows how ever since the traumatic event he’s never been able to see the world in a normal way again but that from then on the way he perceives the world is always filtered through the lens of his trauma. And that is the eye that never closes. But I also think it’s very fitting to give him the one bad eye but keep the other eye normal. I’d say it’s a fair assessment of Silco to say he lives with one leg in reality and the other in his delulu land.
And that also creates a nice contrast with Jinx whose designed so that her right eye is covered most times but just by her bang which could symbolize that she has blind spots and that her ability to see reality is obstructed but otherwise her both eyes are normal. But then she reaches her final form with the shimmer eyes, and even tho from a distance it now looks like she has got the bad left eye, in reality both her eyes are ‘trauma eyes’ now and she can’t see reality for what it is anymore.
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sevsdollette · 11 months
Not So Sweet [Sevika x fem reader]
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49324864/chapters/124546213#workskin
content warning: still smut. (MDNI) they’re at the brothel this time. fingering, edging, strap on. bondage and like dub con, i guess? obviously reader is into it but Sevika just kinda does what she wants with her to teach her a lesson. brat taming.
summary: It seems like she’s not a customer anymore. Your night could’ve been peaceful, and surely your coworkers would be jealous of you taking their business.
1. Relaxing Night
2. A Long Night at Work
note: this one’s fun. tell me why i cared enough about zaun currency to read a reddit post to learn about it. probably still got it wrong too bc i skimmed :/ still in love with her and trying to include more backstory. the reader is like very much based on my arcane oc because why not? it’s my writing i do what i want. also i just really like that story so i want to put it out there. anyway, this one is like just all smut. not much fluff, sorry, but the next one will have plenty of playful banter. hope you like :) (proofread? never heard of her)
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—————— 18+ ——————
Life at Babette’s wasn’t nearly as bad as some could picture it. The job itself already gave you a place to sleep—a roof over your head. You were at a point where you were worth enough that only tolerable customers came through. Sure, you had your share of creeps, but most were clean and civilized.
Babette was like your family at this point. You’d been working for her since you turned 18. She had been promising you a job for years before that but wouldn’t allow it until you were old enough. The enforcers would take one look at a minor in her house and arrest her, even if you weren’t working. The day you turned 18, you got off the street.
The worst part was the enforcers. They would raid the place, looking for any drop of shimmer or illegal coins. Some were just trying to do their job. Others would pin you to the ground and cuff you if you blinked at one of them wrong. They’d have their fun teasing you, trashing your room “searching” for illegal activity, before spitting on you and leaving with nothing.
In another life, you were a fighter. In that life, you’d had your fair share of enforcer blood on your hands.
But in this one, you were already too beaten down to care.
Piltover had taken everything from you, much like it did to everyone else. You were one of the only workers that didn’t accept Topside clients. They could go fuck themselves; they didn’t need your help.
That was part of the reason fucking Sevika gratified you so much. It made you feel like you were really pissing off the enforcers, screwing the crime ring’s best fighter. You were helping her grow her forearm strength that night.
You hadn’t run into her since that night. It had been about a week and you’d been lying low. You never knew with those sorts of situations. People could always have ulterior motives. Besides, the lesser known brothel down the road had been raided a couple days ago and you were preparing for the day they came to you.
Sevika surely intrigued you. Given the chance, you would fuck her again, but you knew the likelihood of that. She was too important to hook up with the same person twice. She had every woman in the undercity at her disposal. You were just a whore.
The night was still young as you sat up after your last client. They were an excited couple that was much too interested in having a third.
Some of the party left a little disappointed.
In the end, the husband was just watching you take care of his wife. The idea made you chuckle even now.
On your bedside table was your payment. Five silver and two bronze. They didn’t tip well.
Your room at Babette’s was one of the largest there. Lavish curtains hung from the ceiling like it was a deep purple and black circus tent. Silver beading and faux gems hung around the banisters of your canopy bed. The lighting came from low lamps and dripping candles scattered around the room.
The bed, of course, was the centerpiece. It was even on a raised platform compared to the rest of the room. It was a large king with the softest silk a Zaunite could ever touch. There were secret hooks and straps hidden on the sides for easy access, and the bedside tables were packed full of toys.
Other than the bed, There was a small lounge sofa, a mirror, a long plush rug, and a swing. There were other small pieces of furniture around like cushion chairs and little tables, but nothing to be paid attention to.
You got used to your feet and walked down to the other half of the room. You approached the mirror, checking if they left any marks and if they messed up your makeup too badly.
Everything seemed good, and you checked the rest of you. You were wearing a tight black velvet corset with a straight neckline that pressed your chest up. It was part of an underwear set that connected to garters and thigh-high stockings. Your heels had been tossed somewhere around the room, and you didn’t care to find them.
On the coffee table beside the sofa was your mask, which you promptly slid back on. It was simple black and covered down to the tip of your nose. Thin silver laced the edges.
You fell onto the couch, lying across it like a luxurious woman and not an undercity whore. You had the glamor of a woman from Piltover but not the reputation.
You closed your eyes, taking this brief moment of silence. Of course, you could hear the distant sounds that came along with the job. Erotic noises came from nearly every room around, but they blended in after so many years of being there. Someone was always laughing, screaming, moaning, and weeping.
A moment later you rang a bell for the interns to come in and change your bedsheets. They did so quickly and left without saying a word. You were glad. They were a bitchy bunch trying to take your job. All because they thought they were hotter, prettier, or more skilled.
They weren’t.
Out in the hall you heard someone approaching in clicking heels. The curtains to your room slid open, and your coworker Zanira poked her head inside. Her eyes were wide, and she looked around for you somewhat frantically. “Babe, you’ve got a customer coming.”
“Okay.” Your brow furrowed at her. Usually there wasn’t an odd warning before a customer. They just walked on in. You blinked at Zanira. “Let them through?” You didn’t know how to respond in such a random interaction.
Zanira pursed her lips, obviously wanting to say something, but she just nodded and closed the curtain. Her heels clicked as she walked away, and heavy footsteps replaced hers. They were getting louder.
The curtains rustled, being pushed open for the large frame that entered.
A sly smile spread on your face as you watched her look around for you. When her dark, gray eyes met yours, you cooed, “Come back for more?”
When you heard her footsteps you assumed it was some ghastly man coming through for a quick fuck. This was a pleasant surprise. Though, whatever state she left you in would surely impact how the rest of your workday went.
Sevika pulled the curtains closed and clipped them shut. You followed every movement of hers, focusing on how her fingers flexed as she tied the curtains shut. “I heard you’re an expensive one,” she said, eyes sliding back over to meet yours.
You nodded proudly. “It takes a golden hex to get me to do anything.” It took you years to earn your reputation.
“Hm.” She looked over all your furniture, analyzing what the two of you had at your disposal. “What’ll you do for three?”
You smiled mockingly, cooing, “Fall in love with you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Then I’m glad I only have two.”
You scoffed. You didn’t need her attitude if that’s all she was here to give. “What brings you here? My girl looked a little alarmed when she saw you coming through.”
Her brow creased and she turned fully to face your side of the room. “Am I not allowed to be here? I come all the time.”
“Yes, but you usually stay with the more… docile of our servers.”
She liked submissives. You’d heard their cries every now and then when you knew she was around. When you would speak to them and they’d mention her, they’d whisper with blush in their cheeks and a prudishness to their words.
You were no such doe.
“Come here and I'll show you why.”
You cocked one eyebrow. “I’m not moving until I see money.”
For just a moment, her strong demeanor faltered. Did she really expect you to crack like that? It was almost cute. She was disappointed. You weren’t like the easy sluts down the hall that listened to her every beck and call.
“What?” You pulled yourself up by the back of the sofa. You now sat across it like a model. It was enchanting and you knew it. “You think just because we hooked up at a bar that you don’t have to pay me?”
That was an off-the-clock fuck for fun. For actual pleasure. If she found you while you were in this room, she had to pay you. There was no premium pass just because of what happened in the back room of the Last Drop.
Though, you wanted her. Half of your brain said “so what? Whatever will happen will be worth much more than whatever she’ll pay you”. The way she stared down at you made you hot. She was there for one reason, and, hell, you wanted to make sure she got what she came for.
“You weren’t asking for payment the other night. Say, by the way you looked I doubt you even remembered what a hex looked like at the time.”
Images of what the two of you had done came flooding back (as if they ever left), and you pressed your thighs together slightly.
Still, curtly, you asked, “Is that so?” You faked a pout. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Your vulnerability is showing, Sevika. Don’t be so desperate, now.”
Her face hardened into stone, and she looked down at you with stern eyes. You would be lying if you didn’t say it excited you. This little game the two of you played was pure entertainment.
She stalked over to you and stopped when she stood above you. You stayed lying back, acting as cool as could be. She leaned down, placing one finger under your chin to tilt your face up to meet her eyes. She didn’t smile as she said, “You’re real cute when you act like you’re in charge.” She pointed across the room. “In bed. Now.”
A shallow breath fell from your lips and, yeah, just like she said, you couldn’t even remember what money was. You wanted her again—you needed her.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Fuck, you’d make up the money some other way.
You stood up, slipping past her as she ran her hand down your back and watched you go. Her gaze was like glue to your backside, you could tell.
“And get rid of that fucking mask.”
You threw it to the floor.
You crawled into your bed, pushing the covers back and sitting up by the pillows. Across the room, Sevika walked over slowly, pretending to be interested in everything else in the room but you.
When she reached the bed, She stood at one of the banisters, leaning against it and crossing her arms.
“What’s wrong?” You cocked your head to the side. “Water too cold for you?”
She shook her head. “Not at all.” She gestured to all of you. “I want you to touch yourself.”
Her tone had you wishing you would listen to her. She did something to you no other fuck did. Just the way she raked her eyes down your body made you shiver. But you couldn’t let her know that.
“Why should I do that?”
“Because I’m not doing anything to you until you do, and if you don’t start listening to me when I tell you the first time, we’re going to have some problems.”
“Then I guess we have problems.” You stuck your bottom lip out, mocking her.
She sighed, raking her hand through her hair. She looked back down at you. “Come here.”
You crawled forward, stopping at the edge of the bed where she was and getting up on your knees to meet her eye level.
“Oh, but you’ll listen to me now?”
You smiled. “I choose what I want to do.”
“Yeah, alright.” She wrapped her hand around your throat. “I thought you learned your lesson last time. Now, I’m losing faith in you.”
She squeezed just tight enough to have you dizzy. You grasped her forearm, leveling yourself and she held you up just slightly. Excitement riddled your body and you felt yourself getting wet. You wondered how much longer until you broke.
“And, gods, you’re gonna have to stop talking,” she growled, getting close enough to your face that you could smell her.
She pressed a metal finger to your lips. “No.”
You swallowed a boulder. Her grip on your neck was starting to have you see stars. It was heavenly. She leaned in, but flinched back when you tried to do the same. She held an ironic, menacing grin as she held you still and kissed you.
It felt like a wash of relief. As much as you were playing to cool, you wanted her so badly. Your panties were ruined and soon you would be too. The heat in your core was nearly unbearable.
Her hand squeezed just the slightest bit tighter around your throat and she had you gasping. You clawed at her forearm and she continued to kiss you, sliding her tongue beside yours. Instead of letting you win, she took one of your frantic hands and brought it down to your underwear, encouraging you.
The room was rocking and spinning around you. Sevika kept you wrapped in her kiss as your shaky hand slipped into your underwear and you dragged one finger through your folds.
A strangled moan ruptured your kiss. Sevika moved to kiss your cheek, jaw, and then your neck as your fingers began to circle your clit. The feelings together were the perfect mix, and you felt yourself relaxing into her touch. Despite this being only your second time together, she knew exactly where to drag her teeth to have you moaning into her ear.
She took her hand from your throat, caressing it down your body as her metal arm kept you firm in her grasp. You needed it. You kept a slow, torturous pace on yourself and it was starting to make you weak. You’d finish soon if you weren’t careful.
Sevika kissed down your neck and across your collar. Her arm hooked around your waist and reached for the laces of your corset. “How do I get this off of you?”
You could hardly think with your hand still massaging your clit. With your free hand, you reached behind yourself and felt around for the right tie.
She was impatient, taking her sharp metal finger and slicing through every row of laces.
The corset fell off your front and she pushed it out from between the two of you. She stared down at your breast, taking one in her hand as she muttered, “I’ll get you a new one.” She rolled your nipple between her fingers, having you sigh. “Now, shut up.”
“You can’t make me—“
Her lips caught you in another kiss and she led you to lie down on your back. She moved you so the two of you were lying properly in the bed.
You could feel your orgasm coming. You rubbed your clit faster as she seemed distracted with your breast. She dragged her lips down your body and took one of your nipples in her mouth. She ran her teeth over the sensitive skin, sucking it into her mouth. The sensations of all your pleasures made you feel electrified and you could stop from moaning her name.
You were expecting a boring night. But this was anything but that. her figure over yours was enough alone to send you over the edge. Just to know that you were in her arms, being ordered around by her, being punished by her, was maddening. You felt dizzy even without her hand around your throat.
Just as you thought you were going to cum, she pulled your hand out of your panties.
“But…” Your eyes got lost in hers.
“You really don’t stop talking,” she grumbled. You watched as she leaned over and pulled one of the drawers of your nightstand open. Excitement fluttered in your stomach as you wondered what she was grabbing.
She came back with a cloth tie. She sat back between your legs, holding it up menacingly. “Maybe this’ll help you shut up.”
Before you could protest, she was wrapping it around your head and tying it tight enough that you couldn’t speak. The gag pressed into your mouth and you bit down on it with as much attitude as you could, glaring back at her.
“There,” she smiled. “So much prettier when you’re quiet.”
You spit curse at her through the cloth, only becoming more irritated as she nodded along mockingly. As if she could understand every gargled word. Her grin only widened with every nasty word.
Her coarse hands ran over your ribs, reaching around you to flip you over on your stomach. “Stay there.”
And before you could jerk your hands up to move or untie the cloth, she had your wrists pinned behind your back. They fit between the grasp of her calloused palm snugly and she held you still.
She was reaching over again, grabbing another tie to keep your wrists together. “I wouldn’t have to do this if you were more obedient.”
You lay there, completely at her disposal, as she picked up your hips and moved them where she wanted. You were on your knees, shoulders and face pressed into your sheets, and growing wetter by the second. Your clit still pulsed from your fingers, and you needed her to touch you.
Everything she did to you was different and electrifying. Hundreds of people came to visit you but none knew how to touch you like she did.
You turned your head to one side, craning your neck to see her behind you. She was pulling her shirt off and then her bra. It was an entrancing sight, watching the muscles in her shoulders and neck move to pull the clothes over her head. Her brow was tense with focus as she dropped her things off the side of the bed.
You looked at her bare figure, nearly moaning just at the sight of her. You needed to see her pants come off too, but she was done, looking back at you with a hooded stare. She was devouring you with her eyes. it sent a shiver up your spine.
She leaned over you, pressing her chest against your back as she pressed a kiss to the side of your neck. Her breath was hot against your bare neck, and the sound of her breathing so close to your ear made your core drip. She groaned as you pushed your ass up against her hips, her teeth biting down on the back of your shoulder.
Her hands ran down the sides of your torso, dragging her fingertips over your skin to make you shiver. Her hands rubbed the underside of your breasts, massaging your soft mounds.
She cupped your breast in her hands, pressing them against her palms as she pinched your nippled between her fingers. A sigh fell from you as you continued to grind your hips back against hers.
One hand moved down your front, toying with the edge of your panties as she bullied your nipple until it was sure to bruise.
“You don’t need these, do you?” She asked.
Before you could even try to respond, she was ripping through the fabric and pulling it off you. She discarded the tatters before slipping her hand back down and diving into your sensitive folds.
“Mm,” she hummed, collecting your slick on her fingers. “So fucking wet, and I was starting to worry you didn’t like me.”
The tips of her fingers began to push into your entrance, causing you to relax into the mattress as a moan slipped past your clenched teeth. Her two fingers curled inside of you, her palm rubbing your clit as she set a slow and burning pace.
The cool metal of her arm slid around your hip, guiding you to ride her fingers. She forced you to comply with her slow pace though you wanted to rest your finish so badly. With every curl of her fingers, she pressed hard against your most sensitive spot. Your soft walls tensed around her hand, dripping down her knuckles as she left a hickey on your upper back, right where your muscle met your neck.
It was hot and painfully slow how you rutted against her hand. A slow moan slipped from you as she tugged at your sore nipple once more. She rolled it in her fingertips, massaging your soft tissue as she rubbed your clot against the bone of her palm.
“You’re so fucking nasty, baby,” she groaned. “Can’t believe I’m fucking a whore like you.”
A blush spread across your face as you whined, grinding your hips faster to try and get her to speed up. You cried her name with a demand to get her to do what you wanted, but it only came out as a string of muffled grumbles.
“What was that?” Her voice was laced with teasing pleasure. It was dripping with amusement. She pulled her fingers out a bit just to shove them back in harshly, having you suck in a hard breath. “You’ve got something in your mouth, babe. I can’t understand you.” She said it so plainly it was like you didn’t already know. Like you were just that fucking stupid.
She seemed to be taking pity on you, ravishing in the way you squirmed when she went faster. Her assault was unwavering as the pleasure spread throughout your body.
Heat shot to your head as you felt your orgasm coming. Your body was frantic, trying to grind and ride her hand just the way you needed to finish. Stray curses and moan were muted by the gag. The cloth was now soaked with your spit and drying out your tongue.
“What’s that?” She taunted, “You’re close, aren’t you?” Her gravelly voice right by your ear. You nodded quickly, face rubbing against the mattress as your eyes snapped open to look at her. The hair was falling out of her ponytail and curling over her forehead as she hovered behind you, close to your neck.
The constant rubbing of her fingers inside of you had you hardly hearing her. The room was filled with your strangled, muffled moans as all you could focus on was chasing your finish.
As quickly as you felt the orgasm coming, she pulled her fingers out of your soaked cunt. The sudden loss of sensation had you twisting under her, hard and angered words spat through the gag as you flared back at her.
“Hey—hey!” She gripped you by the hair on the back of your neck, tugging your face up to look her in her eyes. “Don’t be suck a fucking brat. You’ll get what you want, be patient.”
Your hair slipped through her fingers as she dropped your head back down onto the mattress. Your face smushed into the sheet as your lower half went cold. She moved off of you, once again reaching into your nightstand to find something else.
Your eyes widened as she pulled out a strap that was bigger than one that had ever been inside of you. That one was only for you to use on other people. You didn’t think it could fit in you.
Her name was butchered through the gag as you tried to get her attention. She was too busy pulling the harness over her hips to care about your worries.
Her pants had already been dropped to the floor, and you fought your hardest to break your wrists from the tie she’s put them in. You wanted to feel the strong hacks of her thighs. Her plain black underwear was low on her hips, revealing how far her deep purple scars went down her body.
Her eyes flicked up to you. Her face was shadowed with lust. Even if you could tell her that would be too much, she wouldn’t listen. You could still see your juices on her two fingers as she walked back over to the bed, crawling behind you.
“I know,” she assured, rubbing your ass and hip. “You’ll be okay, baby. I know you can take it. You talk a lot of shit, but I see right through you. You like it when I treat you like this.”
Your fingers clenched as you tried to pull your wrists free. She only took it as an opportunity to reach down and kiss your knuckles gently. As if she was trying to be chivalrous and sweet.
A final snarky remark was spat into the gag, and this one was louder than the last. A sharp sting spread across your ass as she spanked you. “Watch your fucking mouth.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as she smacked you again, the pain tingling under your skin. It lingered as she adjusted behind you and began to rub her cock through your soaked folds.
The cold silicone made you shiver and whine into the mattress. She eased you into the feeling, but soon enough she was pressing the tip against your entrance. So covered in your slick, the tip pushed into your puffy pussy with more ease than you expected, but soon the stretch became painful.
A sharp cry broke through the gag as she continued to abuse your cunt. Every time you thought all of it was in you, she pushed just one inch more. Finally, the base of her cocker your entrance and you whimpered at the fullness. There was no more you could’ve fit if she tried. Your walls clenched around her and you pushed your hips into her to convince her to move.
Perhaps her teasing was over because she complied, pulling out and rocking back into you. She found a rhythm that you could keep up with, your thighs shaking and tensing as she thrust you again and again.
The tie around your wrists was beginning to strain the muscle in your shoulders and wrists. Your head pressed to the side made your neck crane and cramp as you were pushed harder into your bed. So fucked out, the pain was hardly noticed compared to the coursing, heated pleasure thy she sent through your core, all the way into your lower belly.
You would’ve stayed there forever. The bed creaked with every thrust of her hips, hitting against the wall as she muttered a mix of cruel and sweet saying to you to coax you along.
At some moment, she moved behind you slightly and slowed her pace. Your worries grew and you thought she was denying you your finish again, but she soon began her cruel humping again.
“Here, sweetheart,” she cooed, leaning down so you could see her. In her hand were her two hexes. “Take it.”
You glared up at her, wrists writhing in their tie.
“Come on,” she urged, holding her hand closer to your face so you could really see the money she was going to give you. “You can’t have it unless you take it from me.”
She jerked her hips into you harder, making the strap shove further into your cunt. She had you groaning, face smushed further into your pillow.
Through the bag came a muffled “fuck you”, and she frowned at you pitifully. She shrugged, moving out of your gaze and dropping the coins somewhere on her clothes.
She thrust roughly into you again. “I think you should just give up on this bratty act. I like you a lot more when you’re broken and fucked out underneath me.”
Sure, she was talking to you, but you weren’t listening. One of her hands had snaked down to your front and was rubbing tight circles around your clit. Together, her stimulation and rutting was quickly driving you to your finish.
If you could talk, you would beg. The pleasure was too overwhelming for you to come up with any bite. You needed to cum. You needed her to take you there.
Your peak was approaching fast. and she could tell from the way your hips pushed back into her more sloppily than before. It was a frantic attempt to finish before she could stop you.
“Come on, baby girl, you can cum.”
That was all you needed, her deep voice pushing you over the she as you keened, going limp into the bed as your orgasm shot through you. It came in heated waves that had you crying for her.
She was kind and slowed with your finish. The ribbed sides of the dildo beginning to burn as she slowly pushed in once more time. Then, she pulled out, rubbing the muscle in your shoulder as she sighed.
Her hand slipped up to undo the gag at the back of your head. Your limp body had her pulling the cloth out from under the other side of your head as you spat it out of your mouth.
A thick breath heaved from your lungs as you licked your dry lips. “Give me a break.”
She lifted an eyebrow.
Your nose wrinkled. With the nastiest, most disrespectful tone you could, you spat out a “please”.
She shook her head, smiling to herself. “Okay, baby, I’ll give you a break while I untie you.”
“What if I run?” You hissed. She loosened the tie around your wrists, and you immediately pulled your hands free, rolling your wrists as you pushed yourself up onto shaky arms.
“You couldn’t even if you tried,” she said, helping you roll over onto your back.
You stared up at her, the hair sticking to her forehead, her chest rising with her heavy breaths, and the imprint of a wet spot on her underwear. The sheen on her broad shoulders and biceps was entrancing as you were lost in the sight of her as she leaned down to kiss you softly.
Her hot tongue slipped against yours as you whined against her lips, cradling her face in your hands. She rubbed her palms down your hips, adjusting your legs and spreading your thighs as she brushed the sticky strap against your core again.
A weak sigh slid between your mouths as you braced yourself to take her again. You were sore, but as the dildo rubbed against your clit, you were alight with arousal once more.
She frowned. “I’m sorry, but I’m not done ruining you, sweetheart. I want to see you cry on my cock.”
She sunk deep back into you, having you a heaving mess under her. “Now,” she began. “Do you think you can stay quiet without this?” She held up the gag, looking down at you with an expectant gaze.
You let out a heavy breath. As it fell out of you, you realized she’d won. You were too tired and fucked out to bite back. All you wanted now was for her to take care of you. You’d do anything to keep her here with you.
“Good girl.” She rubbed her thumb across your cheek. “See? You can behave.”
She pulled out just enough to ram back in. Your mind was lost in the heat of her. You were ready to beg if need be. You just couldn’t focus on anything but the feeling of her fucking into you.
Your hands, still sore from the tie, pressed against her collar and chest. Her skin was softer than expected, and slick with her sweat. You reached between your bodies and cupped her soft breast, massaging it gently. She moaned into your skin, rutting into you so the strap stimulated her clit just as much as she pleasured you.
You were so full, her cock so thick as she rubbed the ribbed sides against your abused walls. You wrapped your legs around her, pulling her closer as you ran your hands through her hair.
Her lips met yours in another heated, hungry kiss. She was nearly desperate, spit mixing with yours as she thrust harder and you whined against her mouth. Her teeth nipped at your bottom lip. She rested on one elbow, hand threading through your hair as her metal fingers gripped your thigh to keep you tight against her.
She wasn’t focused on your pleasure, humping against you just so she could feel the strap rub against her clit and get her off. She used you as a fucktoy to reach her climax, being ceaseless in her own pace.
The idea of it made you feel close regardless. The fact that you were her’s and she used you however she wanted had warmth spreading through your core and sparking to your clit.
Your eyes began to sting as tears built at the edges. It was a flood of sensations that had you moaning and crying out as she kissed you again.
“You’re okay, sweet girl. You look so beautiful right now.”
She bit down on your neck so hard you were worried she’d draw blood. Your makeup was running down your face as tears collected in your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure. You tugged at her hair, having her moan against your skin.
You met her hips, trying to persuade her rhythm to please you, but she only pushed your hips down harder. “Stay still, baby, I’m close,” she groaned. Her incessant thrust only hurt, smacking against your cervix as she chased her high.
Another wave of arousal rolled through your body as her chest pressed against yours, her nipples pressed into your skin and breasts. It didn’t take much longer before she became a mess above you, moaning loudly in your ear as she jumped her cock into you quickly to satisfy her finish.
Stray whispers of praise fell from her lips as she continued to thrust into you, wanting to see you cum and you were close. Shivers shot down your spine as she dragged her lips across your jaw, and your orgasm came on suddenly, having you shake and your vision go white. You screamed, nails digging into her shoulder as your pleasure overtook you.
She hushed you, hand rubbing your hip to coax you down from your high. Heavy breath heaved through your chest as you lay there, hot and thoroughly fucked as she helped you come back to her. Your eyes cracked back open, finding her looking down at you gently with a slight crease in her brow.
“You there, doll?”
You smiled, nodding as she rubbed her thumb across your bottom lip. Sharp exhales still shot through you as you relaxed against the bed and in her arms.
She pulled out slowly, easing out as you but your lip from the sensation. You watched as she took the harness off. She came back with a cloth and wiped the insides of your thighs.
“Why can’t you be this nice all the time,” you jested, pushing her shoulder gently with one foot.
She scoffed, laughing lightly. “I could say the same thing to you.”
You made an annoyed sound in your throat, brushing her off as she got back up. The mattress shifted with her weight and you tried your best to sit up and lean back against your pillows. Your wrists ached as you pushed yourself up, and the tendons in your thighs were sore as you closed your legs.
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” you muttered. “How am I supposed to do my job now?”
She shrugged, pulling her pants back on. “That’s not my problem.”
You crossed your arms. “Food is expensive.” You didn’t make enough money that day to buy dinner for yourself yet, and you were starting to get hungry. She tired you out in every sense. Hell, you really needed some water too.
“Okay,” she nodded. “How about I make it up to you? I’ve got a poker game tomorrow night and one of my guys just bailed. There’s an empty spot at the table if you want it.”
Your brow furrowed. Why the hell did she want you there?
“You can eat as much as you want,” she offered.
Your head tilted to the side. Every pro and con ran through your mind and a million questions shot through you, but one came to the surface: “Why me?”
“Because I want someone easy to beat,” she teased, pulling her shirt over her head. She saw your glare and shook her head. “Really, there’s just no one else, and the game won’t be as good with less people. You seem like you could hold your own against the guys I hang out with—much better than the girls down the hall.”
Surely, she had some ultimotives. She probably just wanted to get in your pants again but was trying to be nice enough so you would let her. A night at her poker table would probably be a good time. You gambled with some of the other workers when business was slow and you thought you were pretty good. Besides, being seen with her so publicly would probably keep you safer when walking down the street.
“What time should I be there?”
She was fully dressed, standing at the edge of the bed. If she was happy with you agreeing, she didn’t show it. “About nine.”
“Okay. Fine.”
She nodded, leaning over the bed. “Okay, I have to go now.” She motioned for you to come forward and kissed you slowly when you complied.
She hummed against your lips. “Walk me out?”
She laughed, leaning back and muttering a goodbye as she walked out. You said it back quietly, face slightly contorted in confusion as you tried to figure her out.
After she was gone, you laid there for a while in silence. Your sweat stuck to your skin as you ran your hands over your hair to tame it in the back. You wiped the makeup that was smudged under your eye.
A few minutes later, Zanria poked her head back into your room. You assumed she was just being nosy, but you soon saw she was carrying a tray of something.
“What?” You asked, feeling a bit too tired to be nice.
“She paid for this,” Zanria said, walking up to you in the bed. You sat up more to see the platter full of grapes, cheese, chocolate, and other small foods. There was a small pitcher of water, too.
Of course she did. She seemed to care about you a lot more than she was supposed to, and you weren’t complaining.
You only hoped it wouldn’t get too deep
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
So ummm weird question lol. Do you think Sevika would ever date a girl who's asexual? And like she allows Sev to go to the brothel cause y'know she knows she has urges and stuff and she trusts Sev enough. Do you think that would work out?
not a weird question, of course she would!
men and minors dni
let's be clear, sevika doesn't date just anyone. she actually doesn't date anyone, period.
until she meets you.
you unlock some soft part of her she didn't even know she had in her. you're special, you're amazing, she's in love with you.
she wants you. the specifics don't matter much to her.
so, when you hesitantly tell her that her feelings are very mutual, but you're not sure you'll be able to meet all her expectations when it comes to the 'typical' relationship, she just laughs.
she's disappointed, sure. she thinks you're sexy as hell, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't have a few dirty fantasies about you. but more than that, she's thrilled that she gets to call you hers now.
you guys work out a deal. sevika can continue her visits to babette's to see her usual girls, so long as she comes home to you.
it works out really well. sevika's never had feelings for her girls at the brothel anyways, it was a purely physical release.
the longer you are together, the less she frequents the brothel. it's not like her sex drive is any lower, it's just that she finds other outlets for her sexual energy-- mostly involving you.
cuddling becomes one of her favorites. elaborate date nights are another great way for her to feel satisfied. if you're up for it, sevika would love to shower with you-- nothing sexual, she just likes the intimacy of caring for you by washing you.
she masturbates a lot. and depending on your preferences, she'll include you in it as much or as little as you like. if you're cool with make out sessions and heavy petting, she'll make out with you for hours, before leaving for the brothel, taking a cold shower, or locking herself in your bedroom to rub one out.
if you're cool with it, she'd even touch herself while you're kissing.
but if that's not your thing, she understands that too.
the last thing sevika would do to someone she loves is cross their boundaries or hurt them in any way. she's crazy respectful of you.
like, one time, you walk in on her masturbating, and before you can even stutter out an apology, sevika's spewing apologies to you, worried she crossed a boundary some how. you giggle and reassure her, then give her a long kiss, smack her ass, and tell her to get back to it.
while she used to spend her entire evening at babettes, fucking and drinking and smoking, now she's just in and out, ready to get back to her girl.
yeah, i think you guys could make it work.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess
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His Love
|Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader|
Part Seven
Master List of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, or how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: Oh my goodness, an early update from me?? How crazy!  I never update early the world must be ending. I know it's only like a day, but still, it's a day early! For someone reason, it was super easy to write. I don't know what that says about me. xD I want to thank y'all sooooo much for constantly supporting me. When I first started this fic, I honestly thought nobody would read it and that those who did would hate bomb me. Everyone who has commented has been super nice to me, and I honestly can't thank you enough for it. I do want to warn you, though, that there's going to be a chapter in the distant future where were discuss Aegon's not-so-consensual activities. That's all I'm going to say about that. I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's a steamy one toward the end. ;)
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Chapter Warnings: Flash Back, Somnophilia
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Prince Daemon opened the door to Madam's brothel like a dark cloud, slowly traveling with the threat of a storm, Dark Sister tapping the frame. Rage was his presence as he entered, though his outward appearance seemed as if he was unbothered. He was on a mission, and he had only one question.
"Where is she?" He asked the first woman he saw, a client on her arm. She smiled at him sweetly.
"Give me one moment Ser, so I can escort this handsome patron out, and I will be right with you." She buttered the man up, her words a purr in his ear as she stroked his cheek.
Daemon rolled his eyes, taking three long strides to the girl and grabbing her by the arm. "You will listen to me and listen well. Forget this fool." She whimpered, letting go of the man's arm as she went to shield her face.
"I am Prince Daemon Targaryen, the man who created the very Gold Cloaks that will burn this establishment to the ground should I snap my fingers." She nodded, eyes teary and lips quivering. The girl was confused and caught unaware by the Prince's presence. He had not been here in quite some time, ever the loyal husband to Princess Rhaenyra. 
"Where is Madam?" He seethed through gritted teeth at her prolonged silence. The whore took a shaking breath, hesitating momentarily as she glanced at Dark Sister, deciding the truth would be better than Valyrian steel through her stomach. 
She leads Daemon to a back room, hidden and out of the way so no simple-minded customers could mistakenly enter. A small fire was lit, and a cast iron cauldron hung over it as Madam stood hunched, her shoulders shaking.
"Madam," the girl spoke softly, and she straightened her posture, wiping at her face as she turned to scold the worker, but stopped short, seeing a former star patron.
"Prince Daemon," she curtsied, sniffling to clear her nose, "to what do I owe the pleasure?" Madam knew she was playing a dangerous game.
"You know exactly why I am here," he replied firmly. Madam tilted her head at her worker, silently telling her working girl to leave.
"I am not sure I do. You know better than anyone that there is no need to come directly to me in order to schedule a session," she said dismissively. 
Of course, Madam knew precisely why he was here. It was the exact reason why she was crying.
"Do not play dumb, Babette. Where is Elaina?" He asked, losing patience.
"I already told you this many years ago when you first asked. My answer has not changed. She went back home to the North." Daemon scoffed, rolling his eyes again as he stepped closer.
"I may have believed that lie once, but not anymore. She has no ties to her family." Madam sighed, shaking her head and raising her arms as if talking to a belligerent child.
"I am not sure what you want me to say, Your Grace. That was all the explanation she gave me before disappearing."
Daemon growled, charging at the poor woman and pushing her against the fireplace by her neck. Madam could not react, nearly falling into the simmering stew pot as she grappled for purchase.
"Stop protecting her, Babette; I have no intention to harm. I need answers," he spat.
"I have none to give," she relented, ever the strong woman from years prior. 
"Stop lying to me!" He yelled, shoving her into the hearth, her head smacking the stone. "Where is Elaina? Where is my child?"
Madam was a force to be reckoned with herself, but when put against the Rogue Prince, the man crowned King of the Step Stones, she had no choice but to yield. Her years of hardening were not meant to withstand the flames of a dragon.
"Elaina is dead, thanks to the babe you put in her belly, and that child-- my child," Daemon's grip loosened, a lump beginning to form in his throat, "that I have raised into a beautiful young woman has been taken by your eldest nephew for reasons unknown to me,"
Sadness replaced his rage, a dark, depressing feeling shadowing in the pit of his stomach. 
Yet another woman in his life has died from childbirth—his mother, sister-in-law, wife, and now a former mistress. Did the cycle of maternal loss ever end? The water wheel that was the Targaryen's customs was spun by endless blood and loss. Daemon's face was stone, though his heart was not. A twitch of his lip indicated he was upset by the news of Elaina's death.
Finally, he stepped away from Madam. Was he destined to lose every woman he had cared for on the birthing bed? What would become of Rhaenyra? She had just given birth to Joffrey not nearly two years ago, and she was already filled with the starts of another. She had been lucky, but the Gods' favor only lasted so long. What would become of you once put in that same spot?
"She is with Aegon, yes?" He questioned Babette, sniffing once as he rested his hand on Dark Sister. She nodded, cradling her wounded head, blood painting her fingers. "The Gods only know what that drunkard has done to her," Daemon said as he swiftly left the brothel, a new mission on his mind.
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Lyra ducked into an alcove. Her grey cloak covered most of her recognizable face, the shadows of the secret entrance aiding her efforts. The layout of the many secret passages into the Red Keep was slowly becoming etched in her memory. She needed to know them like the back of her hand.
Her little apple, she thought somberly, her heart aching in the palms of gluttonous high-borns. Left to be eaten until there is nothing.
Madam had sheltered you too much from the reality of the world. You were too kind to bare the Targaryen name, too innocent to become a part of their "holier than thou" culture. You were not stupid, Lyra knew that, but your ignorance was simply due to a purposeful lack of knowledge on Madam's part. Unlike most girls your age, you knew about sex, the pleasures a man could receive, but you still had the inexperience as them, and without some trustworthy to guide you... there was no telling what path you might follow.
Lyra stopped at an almost invisible door, the wood untreated and dark within the shadows. She used her knuckles to knock a rhythm into the door, short and legato sounding. She waited, her anxiety boiling inside her stomach as she bounced on her feet. The passing time seemed too long. By now, someone would've opened the door.
"Lyra, you must leave. The castle is in a tizzy with the arrival of-"
Lyra didn't wait for the servant dressed in red to finish, shoving her way into the bustling kitchen of the Red Keep.
"Lyra, I cannot help you right now," Sara chased, tugging her friend's arm. "They are preparing a feast for the royal family!"
Lyra ignored her, running to another hidden servant's passage, her leather shoes tapping on the worn stone floors.
"Where is she," Lyra asked, sprinting up multiple steps. "I must see her. I need to tell her to wait." Sara tripped up the stairs, catching her skirt as Lyra gained more distance.
"If you would take a moment, Lyra, I could tell you," she huffed, catching up to her old friend at the top of the passage. "They are at dinner," Sara finally answered, her breathing ragged. "She met Daemon. I observed through the walls. He was kind to her. I believe there is no ill-will between them."
"That is a relief to hear; truly, it is Sara, but the things I have listened to since she left..." Lyra trailed off, "a girl of her age should not be partaking in such activities. She is far too young to comprehend the consequences fully."
"That is hypocritical, Lyra," Sara scolded, crossing her arms. "I remember us during girlhood. We were not much better."
"That was different," Lyra said. She dismissed any more attempts of scolding from Sara, opening the door as the sounds of music seeped through the crack.
She could see you dancing, hopping back and forth like a rabbit with Princess Halaena. Lyra could not help but smile. Seeing the joy on your face was infectious. It had become a rare sight over the past moons. Partly, because you had just gotten your cycle, your body readying itself to fill its biological purpose. A part of her almost felt guilty for trying to ruin your night with the plans of your escape.
Your laughter carried into Lyra's hiding place as you lifted the Princess. Lyra slowly shut the door, a wan smile covering her face. It might do you good to extend your stay at the Red Keep. You could live as a girl, make friends and play as you never could. It would give Madam a sense of ease to know you were well and to gather the needed supplies for your trip across the Narrow Sea.
Sara gave Lyra a confused look as she retraced her steps. She still needed to memorize them. You would be safe for now, and that was all that mattered as Lyra slinked back to Flea Bottom.
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Daemon had escorted you to your room after dinner, silent the entire way. You were thankful for that; if he had sparked conversation, you could not have held back your grin.
Of course, you were still upset with Aegon for stealing you away and keeping his real reason for wanting you at the castle, but how he looked at you... He made you feel like you were the only person worth looking at in a room full of royalty... It made your heart feel full.
Perhaps you were too harsh in judging him? He is still a person growing into an adult, the same as you. You acted immaturely with Ma, and he acted stupidly with you. You would forgive him, just as Ma forgave you.
You thought of Daemon, wondering what was running through his head during that silence. You understood that people believed you were his daughter, but your mother was not alive to claim it as such.
Sara calmly unbraided your hair as Caldia fluffed your pillows, and one of the other girls you had come to find out was named Izola laid a thin buttoned nightgown on the bed. It was nice to be dotted on, feeling more important than you were as your eyes became heavy.
It reminded you of the nights you and Aunt Lyra would pamper each other. She would use extra wages on the day off to gather pastries, flowers, and sweets. You would sit and listen to her odd stories of patrons for that week about how one man wanted her to call him "brother" and cried after he came. You would laugh and laugh as you both stuffed your mouths full.
Suddenly, your chest hurt, your heart skipping a beat, fluttering rapidly to regain its set pace. You clenched your fist, placing it over your heaving breasts as you tried to steady your breathing. It felt like you had fallen from a great distance and landed on your back. Tears swelled in your eyes as your body panicked, unsure of how to respond as it betrayed itself.
"My Lady," Sara spoke with concern in her voice. She had stopped unbraiding your hair, her hands on your shoulders as they heaved up and down. "Are you alright?" She asked, turning to see your frightened expression.
The other girls came rushing over, like swans landing on a pond, as they all gathered around you with concerned looks.
"My Lady, what has upset you?" Izola questioned as she put the back of her hand to your temple.
"My..." You stuttered, clutching your beating chest. "My... Heart," you gasped, confused and scared about what was happening. "I want Auntie Lyra. I want Ma. Where is she?"
You couldn't think straight. Your mind attempted to grasp what was happening, reverting to a terrified child after a nightmare.
"Ma is not here. You are in the Red Keep," Sara attempted to soothe you, unsure whether she should reveal what she knew.
"I-I want to go home," your voice was thick with shedding tears.
"You..." Sara glanced around, unsure, her voice becoming soft and pointed, trying to convey a message with her tone. "You are home."
"No," you cried, yanking at the collar of your dress. "I want to go home! I want to be with my family!"
The gown no longer held beauty when you gazed upon it. All you saw were hands.
You were screaming, your eyes blinded by tears as you stumbled into the vanity, falling to the stone floor. Dozens of pale jeweled fingers become your skin, trying to penetrate your flesh. They consumed you, curling inside as you attempted to pry them away. You pulled and swatted at them, but nothing worked. A never-ending cycle would appear as soon as you broke free of one another.
"Get off," you shrieked, "get away from me!"
You couldn't think. You couldn't breathe. You couldn't see. All you could do was feel their burrowing digits wiggling into you.
"Ma!" You screamed again, though you knew she wasn't coming. "Ma! Ma!" Your voice cracked, sounding thick with saliva.
You heard a loud crashing noise in the background, and you turned to look, but one of the hands gripped your face, forcing you to look back at them. You could see them gnawing like rats through your flesh and bone. Before you realized it, you were being lifted, the bejeweled fingers still all over your skin as someone shoved you into a chair.
Suddenly, they all vanished under a curtain of water, and you finally regained all your senses, looking at staring faces.
Caldia stood panting, a silver bucket in her grip. The other two maids were there, along with the Guard who was stationed outside your room. Sara and Izola were holding each other, their faces red and tears brimming their eyes. They must have seen them too... the hands.
"I came as swiftly as the Gods allowed," an older gentleman in pious brown robes said, bursting into your chambers with another man dressed similarly with a leather bag.
"Maester Mellos," Sara greeted in relief. She released Izola and thanked him with a squeeze. "I do not know what happened. One moment I was readying her for bed; the next..." She trailed off, looking at you with concern.
The Maester turned, seeing a girl who looked like she had run from one end of the Keep to the other, then averted his eyes swiftly.
"For God's sake. Give this girl some clothes."
You lowered your head. While in your fit, you had split the gown down to the waist; you only tore your small clothes a little higher. You covered yourself in shame, and embarrassment biting your ears. Caldia dropped the pale and grabbed your night dress from the beautifully patterned silk bed while Sara and Izola went to pull the tattered slit to keep your modesty.
Maester Mellows continued his examination, listening to your heart and touching your neck and underarms for anything abnormal. His companion took notes, a leather-bound book and feather quill in hand as the Maester whispered his findings. Your handmaids stood in the background, each with worried expressions.
One with a hand over their pursed lips, the middle looking between you and the stone floor, the other with arms crossed tightly around their chest, swaying slightly.
"She seems to be in good health," Maester Mellos declared. All three women sighed in relief, whispering thanks to the Seven. "Though her heart beats like a wild stallion, even when resting." As he continued, their faces dropped, fear rising to replace their short-lived relief. "I recommend deep breathing exercises to steady the pulse, but if something like this were to occur again..."
He motioned to his assistant, taking his bag and rummaging through it until he found what he was searching for. "Take a spoonful of this. Not a drop more."
He handed you an amber-colored glass bottle, a cork keeping it tightly sealed as you accepted it with trembling hands, letting him know you understood.
"Child, do you think you will be able to sleep tonight?" You lowered your gaze as your pride made your tongue feel like lead.
Maester Mellos sighed through his nose, kneeling to your height and placing a hand in your shaking ones.
"Tis alright, my girl. All women suffer hysteria from time to time. A punishment that all suffer in this time. Just do as I ask and all will be well." His tone was soft and kind, as a grandfather would speak to their grandchild, but the contents made you feel insulted.
He uncorked the bottle with a pop, getting a spoon from his bag as he poured the liquid into the bowl. You opened your mouth as he raised it, wrapping your dry lips around the cold silver. It was tan, almost the same color as molasses, and you began to feel skeptical of the powers this magic potion was implied to have.
You nearly spat it out from the taste. It was a bitter flavor worse than the absinthe Aegon gave you and burned your throat just the same. You didn't think to ask what it was, too focused on not spitting up as you forced yourself to swallow, taking a gulp of air with you and burping afterward.
"Rest now, child; the Seven smile down upon you. Thank the Maiden for this being your only ailment, and pray to the others for your continued health. You will be well in no time if you devote yourself to that." You nodded again, pushing yourself out of the chair wordlessly as you climbed into your bed, your handmaid hurrying to help you.
The Maester and his companion took their leave with a swift bow, the Guard escorting them out of your chambers and leaving the four of you alone. You had been nothing but a calm, albeit stubborn, guest in the Red Keep, and they were more concerned than anything. You could sense that they had questions, wanting to know where this sudden outburst came from.
The day had taken too much from you, and you had no more energy to speak as they pulled the silk sheets to your chest, tucking you in as Ma or Lyra would. You had begun to feel the effects of whatever Maester Mellos had given you as the girls left. Your limbs were heavy, and you felt your body and mind relax, sinking deeper and deeper onto a bed of clouds.
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Aegon had drowned himself in his cups as always, but he did not desire to explore the Streets of Silk as he usually would at this hour. He sat on the stairwell leading down to your bed chamber hallway, waiting patiently until he saw everyone leave. Seeing the Maester as one of them did startle him a bit. What had happened in the time he was not with you?
He realized then that his little dragon could not be left unattended. He must be with you at all times lest something happen. It would be a difficult task for Aegon, yes, but he would do it. He would do it for you. You were his hatchling, after all. His and only his.
The eldest Prince waited a few more moments until he was sure your ladies would not return. He pulled himself up onto wobbly legs as he descended the stairs, dragging his fingers along the corridor until he felt a familiar little divot.
Aegon opened the wall into a hidden passageway connected to the many others that led out of the castle, but he didn't intend to leave tonight. Everything that he desired was right here in these very Redstone walls.
He traveled until he saw the familiar patch of stone that signified your room, making sure his drunk legs did not make a sound in case you had fallen asleep. Aegon pushed the wall slowly, careful not to have the stone scrape the ground as he peered through the crack.
Aside from lit candles on your bedside tables, there was no light in your chambers. He pushed the door partly open so that he could slink through, still as quiet as a mouse as he went to the lump on the side of the bed. He called out softly to not scare you, but as you did not move, he continued and sat on your mattress. Still, you did not stir. Your lips parted slightly as drool leaked onto your cheek. He leaned over, gently swiping away the spit, and finally, you roused, only moving from your side to your back, the covers below your chest.
Your nightgown had come unbuttoned, exposing the glistening valley between your breasts. It stopped short of fully revealing what he longed to see to Aegon, much to his disappointment. He traced his finger over your skin, sticky from the summer night's heat, and you, once again, did not move. He was mildly concerned you did not wake from his touch, but it did not stop him, his cock growing hard in his trousers.
He knew in his mind that if you had been awake, you would not let him touch you as he did, moving the fabric over to free one of your breasts. And the fact that you were not conscious right now, your body unable to reject or accept his advances, made him groan.
Aegon moved, swinging a leg over so you were in between his. Surely this would be when you would wake, kick, and scream at him until he left. But no, you laid beneath him like a log, and he grinned. Indeed this was a sign from the Gods you wanted him. In sleep, your body did not see him as a threat, which meant you truly desired him; your conscious mind did not know it yet.
His needy cock became too much, and he freed it from the confines of his pants. The head was a ruddy pink from his rushing blood, his thick shaft pulsing in time with the hammering of his heart.
He removed your other breast from your nightgown, the nipples taught and ready for him to pinch. One hand found the base of his member, the other groping and massaging the sensitive flesh. It only made him go faster, his hand pumping in shorter and quicker strokes. To his luck, you were still sound asleep, with no expression as to whether you felt him.
Aegon wanted to shove his needy cock down your throat and continue what you had started from a moment that now felt ages ago. When you asked him, drunk on the little death he had just given you, to teach you how to pleasure him. Perhaps your subconscious could learn instead.
"I like it sloppy," he said in a strained voice, spitting on his prick as he mimicked the squeeze of your womanhood with his fist, "but for you, little one, we will go slow. I'll have you dripping first, your little cunt begging to be stuffed by me. You will do better that way," Aegon grunted at the thought as he continued. "Then, I'll have you spit on me and use your tongue to spread it before I sink into your mouth. Do not worry. I shan't shove it in all at once. I'll ease it in. I'll guide your head to find the pace I like, and you'll use your hand to make up for the lost space."
He felt a jolt of pleasure, picturing the scenario in his mind, your big doe eyes staring up at him, looking for reassurance.
"Of course, you will be unsure if you are doing it right, but not to worry, I will tell you." The stroking of his cock went faster, making the pace that you would set for him. "Good girl, I would say. You're taking me so well. I know you would just clench at my praise and try to take more of me. I know what you are, even if you do not. A good little girl that would take whatever I gave her with a smile; you just don't realize it yet." Aegon could feel his high mounting quickly, grunts and moans spewing from his chest as he moved his free hand to squeeze your throat.
"You will do that for me, won't you, little one? You'll take my cock down your fucking throat and thank your Prince when you are done?"
Your eyelids fluttered open at the lack of air, sleep still clouding your vision and mind. You could only make out a face—shoulder-length hair of white, pouting pink lips wet with spit, and flushed cheeks.
"Aegon," you whispered groggily, suddenly pulled back under the sleep waves.
He came quickly and suddenly at the sound of his name from your lips. It was such a force that his seed shot to your chin.
"Yes, it is me, little one. I am here," he answered as more spurts of his manhood fell onto your bare chest. "I am here." You did not hear his words. Already back in a deep slumber as you squirmed slightly, wiping his labor off your chin.
Aegon cursed the Gods for such an insurmountable and sudden pleasure, stroking his cock slowly as he came down, almost collapsing on top of you. He wanted to watch you clean yourself, forcing you to wipe his spend off your body with your fingers, sucking it off before swiping for more, but alas, his little dragon was sleeping and knew better than to wake you. He needed now, more than ever, for you to be awake.
Aegon tucked himself back into his trousers and left the bed, searching for a rag to wipe you but could find none, only seeing your peasant clothes draped over a chair. The maids must've forgotten them, and he grabbed the dirty outfit stained with sweat and alcohol to clean his sin of your flesh. He looked out the window once he was done, throwing the clothes in a random spot for later.
At this point in the night, he realized where his highs would cease, and his thoughts would finally reign free. His chest felt empty, a horrid feeling of shame and guilt gnawing at his gut. No one would ever love him, he realized, not in the way he sought for. His mother was ashamed and disgusted at the mere thought of him. His brother filled all the criteria his Mother wanted him to, and his youngest sister, his... wife, stuck in a marriage she nor he wanted, forced to carry his heirs. His father often forgot he even existed in favor of Rhaenyra and her bastard children.
How would he ruin your life, Aegon wondered. It was inevitable. You, too, would surely follow the same pattern. You would hate him, be repulsed by his heinous actions, and become like everyone else. He heard you stir in bed behind him but did not care; you were still fast asleep. He felt the sting of tears in his eyes, sniffing and willing himself not to let them shed as he crossed his arms for comfort.
"Aegon," he heard a soft voice behind him call. "What are you doing here?" He quickly wiped the tears from his face, rushing over to kneel on the opposite side of your bed.
You saw the wet streaks, his eyes bloodshot. "Are your alright?" You asked, sitting up as you grew more concerned.
"Yes, yes, little one. I am pretty alright. I was just stopping by to see how you faired after tonights events," he lied. You didn't believe him. Your mind slows as you think of what to say.
Though you were still angry at him for what he had done, you felt your heart soften at his broken face as you opened the covers on the other side of you. "Would you lay with me," you quietly spoke, doubling down as you saw his surprised expression. "Just for a little while until I fall back to sleep." Aegon did not hesitate to kick off his boots, shedding his wine-stained shirt as he climbed in. He, too, was desperate for companionship, as he always was.
You knew this was considered improper in royal customs, and you would most defiantly get into trouble if Daemon found out, but you didn't care. You could tell you, and Aegon needed some, if just for the night.
Aegon climbed into bed wordlessly. From the moment you met him, he was always the one to lead, and you were blank on how to proceed. He was afraid to say the wrong thing and have you refute your offer. You both lay there awkwardly, staring a the black ceiling in silence. You were still trying to figure out what to do.
You recalled childhood moments when you would crawl into Aunt Lyra's bed after Ma had scored you. It was almost second nature for her. She always knew how to help you and make you feel better.
You scooted closer to Aegon's stiff form, wrapping your arms around him as he turned. You did not speak. There was nothing to say as you squeezed him closer to you. Each other's presence was enough as you slowly drifted back to sleep. Eventually, his arms wrapped around yours as something akin to water slid down your skin.
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Master List of Series
Aegon is a mentally ill and emotionally stunted individual who does terrible things. Instead of mommy issues, he has "everyone in his family issues." I just wanna stroke that baby prince's cock and tell him what a good boy he is as he makes a mess of himself with his cum.
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Tagged Peeps: @zeennnnnnn, @malfoytargaryen, @targaryencore, @justasmallbean, @alexandra-001, @buckysmainhxe, @omgsuperstarg, @sommornyte, @silverslive, @unclecrunkle, @prettykinkysoul, @duesobabe, @djlexi, @ynbutbetter, @honestlykat, @graykageyama, @legolas017, @iiamthehybrid, @brezzybfan, @ladybug0095, @millies0bsimp, @kalfilit, @sheislonelyalways, @tempt-ress, @bellameshipper, @minttea07, @trikigirl271, @esposadomd, @buckylahey, @partypoison00, @please-buckme, @pastelorangeskies, @joliettes, @existential-echo, @priyajoyyy, @valaenatargaryensdragon, @merovingianprincess
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fanandfiction · 2 years
Night at The Bar - Sevika X Reader
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I am feeling inspired by the headcanon I wrote the other day to write some more :D Thank you for the response on the last one!? Should there be a part two to this? If you have any Arcane-specific requests feel free to ask! 
Sevika X Fem!Reader 
Word Count: 4.2k words
Summary: You’re the sweet new bartender at the Last Drop, and you’ve seemed to catch the eye of one of the regulars. (This story is set in Act 1 of Arcane). 
Tags/Warnings: +18 MDNI/NSFW,  Dubious Consent, Groping, kinda Shy!Reader, Inexperienced!Reader, Sex Workers, Alcohol Consumption, Drinking, Catcalling, Kissing, Canon Typical Violence, Pet names, Sevika still has her arm 0.0
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The air in the undercity was always dense and thick, and tonight it was no different. Clouds of exhaust and fog surrounded the Last Drop, small streams of murky water lined the streets filling in potholes as they went, making some innocent-looking puddles treacherous. Somehow, the conditions hadn’t deterred people from meandering through the street in various states of soberness and through the doors for a drink or two.
The air inside the bar was just as, if not more, dense than the air outside. On top of that, it was hot, almost suffocating to anyone not used to it. And the bar, an already busy hotspot, had been seeing a lot more business than usual, making the heat ten times worse. The reason- the lovely new bartender Vander hired. 
He hired you hoping his workload would lessen, yet somehow that backfired on him entirely. There’s a certain softness and warmth that you’ve got that’s rare in the undercity. You would greet every customer with a smile and promise to attend to their needs as soon as possible. Regulars knew they could come rant to you, and you would genuinely listen. And despite the influx of customers, no one was ever waiting too long. Food was served hot and ready, and the drinks were always ice cold. Anyone you served left feeling cared for and loved.
How you survived relatively unscathed by the undercity for so long will remain a mystery. You weren’t without the usual scratches and bruises one was subject to from the undercity. You’re an orphan like most, but let's be honest, if you weren’t an orphan in this economy, your parents might’ve sold you otherwise.
 You were a cute kid, so for most of your childhood, people would give you their scraps in return for small services, mostly errands like deliveries or small cleaning services. As you aged, you found a good mom in Babette at the brothel. She never let you be a working girl- she forbade it. Insisting she didn’t want that life for you and that you were too innocent for that kind of work anyway.
 So for a while, you would just work the front desk at the brothel, and growing up, that was more than enough. You would rent rooms and pleasure to the men and women of Zuan and Piltover alike. The only issue was you were never in a position to make connections with people, and you never would be if you had stayed there. The customers at the brothel weren’t there to make connections, and if they were, they weren’t with the desk attendant. As you got older and gained more control over your life and a sense of the undercity, you started looking for different jobs. Lo-and-behold now you find yourself working for Vander at the Last Drop. You still live with Babette; with the undercity how it is, there wasn’t anywhere else for you to go. She remains the present mother figure in your life, and you’re on fantastic terms.
Though, as much as you would like it to be, your employment at the Last Drop wasn’t coincidental. You would never know though, that Babette went to Vander as soon as you told her you were looking for a new job. She knew he was looking to hire some help, and he owed her a favor. He didn’t think it’d be so bad- he initially thought maybe she was doing him a favor. You had an outstanding work ethic, and you completed all tasks promptly. How wrong he was.
Vander realized quickly that your soft naivety would be your downfall if he didn’t intervene. Your softness attracted people, and there were hardly any good-intentioned people in the undercity. People would come and share the vaguest sob stories, and you would show them the same compassion every time. You would offer them a warm drink and sometimes even a hug. Vander knew the ones who asked for hugs only ever had ill intentions. They only wanted to feel you up, but he never had the heart to tell you they were creeps. Vander adored the empathy and compassion you offered everyone, and you weren’t completely unaware. So he would intervene when customers held on for too long, or customers got too handsy. 
Tonight nothing had happened so far- it was just as busy as the other nights were. Most of the tables were full of people playing cards, making illegal trades, eating- any underground activity you could name someone was probably doing. You were setting drinks you had just made on a tray to take to a table on the floor. Your shift had just started, and you were feeling pretty good. 
“I’m gonna take this to table 3,” You shout over all the bar ruckus. Somehow, you were balancing the tray of drinks in the palm of your hand.  
“You got it?” Vander asked, nodding towards the large tray of drinks that wobbled haphazardly in your hand. 
“Yep!” You give him a reassuring smile that did nothing to reassure him (he wouldn’t tell you that) before going on your way towards the table. 
The table was a group of younger-looking men who wore leather and tight black clothes. They had various melee weapons in the form of spiked bats and metal batons, which wasn’t uncommon for most people in the undercity. They were probably a part of the various gangs that made up Zaun.
 They got rowdy and erupted in cheers as soon as they noticed you carrying their drinks. That also wasn’t uncommon- the group would likely get louder the more they drank. Plenty of other groups came in every night, drinking together and looking for a good time. You didn’t mind if everyone was having fun- if they were happy, so were you.
“Alrighty, lads! The pretty lady has finally returned with our drinks!” you couldn’t tell who shouted, but you laughed along with them and set down their drinks one by one as they erupted into laughter and cheers. 
“Is there anything else I can get you?” You ask after everyone has what they ordered. 
Your eyes made rounds through the group but ultimately ended up on the man seated closest to you. He had a round head with a pointed chin, his face was decorated with piercings, and his eyes protruded from his face in a way that made him look wide awake. On his scalp rested a spiked mohawk. The tips were colored hot pink, and the rest of it faded to black. 
He gave you a toothy grin, “Are you on the menu?”
 The way he was slurring his words, you could tell he was at least a little tipsy. His buddies were as well. The other men start cheering for him like dogs as if he actually said something important. 
Thinking drunk-flirty customers were just a part of the job, you were ready to ignore what he said when his hand came down hard against your behind. He squeezed your flesh tightly in the palm of his hand, groping your ass. You shrieked loudly on impact, more startled by the fact that he had his hands on you than anything. 
Vander had witnessed this all and was ready to jump the counter and rip the man to shreds when the slamming of the front door halted everyone in the establishment. You, the man with a handful of your ass, his table, everyone- stopped what they were doing to look at who entered. 
A tall brutish woman with broad shoulders, someone you recognized as one of Vander’s regulars (meaning: only he was allowed to serve her when she was there), had walked through the door and stood at the entrance. If you recall correctly, her name was Sevika.
You also had faint memories of Sevika frequenting the brothel. She would ignore you and go straight to Babette's office before one of the working girls came and took her back to their rooms. Babette had many friends who did this, so you never thought anything of her visits. Babette did it to cover any activity topsiders might come to question her about concerning customers. 
Sevika locked eyes with you immediately. The table you were waiting on was closest to the door. She instantly looked you up and down and noticed that as she did, the man holding you had quickly removed his hand. By then, it was too late. She had put two and two together and recognized that whatever was happening wasn’t consensual. 
“Hmph,” she grunted, approaching the table. Her boots made a heavy impact on the floor as she neared, and the sound her boot’s made sent waves and waves of vibrations through you. You squeezed the tray you were holding closer to your body. 
“What do you think you're doing?” Sevika snarled slowly, nearly walking through you to get to the man who had just assaulted you. 
“B-Boss, I-I-I-I w-was just-“ The poor man looked as if he shit himself. It didn’t help that he was too frightened to speak. His buddies, who were laughing with him a second ago, looked as though they had seen a ghost. They were actively choosing to look anywhere but towards him and Sevika. 
“I’ve decided I don’t care what your excuse is,” she spoke, and without hesitation, she took the man's face in her hand and lifted him from his seat. His chair fell back, and his drink spilled. The man began thrashing like a fish in her hold.
 He started pleading, begging her to let go, that he was sorry, but she didn’t listen. Sevika squeezed her hand, breaking something and halting his resistance before she threw his body out the door. 
The only sign the man was still alive afterward was the meek string of whimpers he allowed to release shortly after. 
You couldn’t help but wince. While you were grateful someone came to help you, part of you really hoped that man wasn’t going to die. Little did you know, had Sevika chosen to ignore that man, Vander likely would have killed him. 
“The regular, sweetheart,” Sevika grunted, again walking through you to get past you, nearly knocking you on your ass as she went. “And make sure you bring it to the booth yourself.”
You look from her to Vander, who watched this all unfold, completely flabbergasted, as she disappears into her usual booth. Something about her voice made you want to do everything she asked, but you knew there had to be a reason only Vander or Babette ever worked with her. It was only fair to want to seek out permission before moving forward.
To your surprise, Vander began making her drink with an unreadable, solemn look on his face. 
A somber “Just try not to say too much- anything happens, I’m right here, ” and a pitiful smile was all he had to offer you before you were again on your way. This time, the tray you carried stood adorned with two glasses, one empty and one with a large ice cube and some water. A dainty bowl of orange slices and an ornate bottle of distilled spirits sat with a drink sieve and a stirring spoon. 
“G-Good Evening,” You don’t remember it being so hard to speak before. 
“Hmph,” She was shuffling a deck of playing cards back and forth between her large hands. She doesn’t look up from the playing cards at all. You decide just to set the glass and bottle in front of her on the table. Your hands tremble the entire time you’re doing this.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” you try to put a smile on your face without looking scared or forced but suspect you fail miserably. 
When she finally looks up from the cards, her eyes rake slowly up your body in a way that’s almost predatorial. You feel as though she’s going to eat you alive. A shiver runs down your spine. She then looks at the glasses and back at you almost expectantly- you’re shaken by this immediately. Did you forget something? Was this not what Vander did when giving her her beverages? It wasn’t this tension brewing between the two of you that was the reason as to why you weren’t allowed around her, right? Was it like this with everyone she encountered? 
“Are you not going to come and pour me a glass,” she pats the leather seat next to her like a cat owner does when calling their cat to them. Except this was slower and more seductive, a clear trap, even to you.
“I-I have other tables that need t-tending. I-It would be rather rude of me to leave them abruptly,” You try to decline politely, on the technicality that it was, in parts, a self-serve drink. You couldn’t explain why but something felt dangerous about crawling into the booth with Sevika. Something was screaming at you that it wouldn’t be a good idea. 
“You don’t want to?” her deep voice was so enticing. You watched her dark lips as they moved. Sevika, in reality, wasn’t really doing that much to convince you, and already there was a spell over you. “I see you sit and chat with people all the time. Did I do something wrong? Is there something wrong with-“
“No! Nononononono, there’s nothing wrong with you,” you quickly interrupt, refusing to let her finish the sentence. 
In the grand scheme of things, you were so easy for Sevika to trap. You froze halfway through, realizing what you were doing, but by that point, it was too late. You were in the booth with her. Her hand grasped your wrist, giving you an idea of how much bigger she was than you as she pulled you in to sit next to her. Your little heart was about to beat right out of your chest any minute. You weren’t sure why. You'd never been in a situation like this before.
“Then you shouldn’t have a problem pouring me a glass, should you?” She whispered. Her face was now less than an inch away from yours. She was towering over you by at least another head. An almost sadistic smirk that told you she was aware of everything she was currently doing to you found its way to her face.
 You swallow hard, unable to find a viable excuse, you mumble, “No, not at all.”
“Good, good” she looks down at you through half-closed lids, keeping that same smirk she gestures with her head towards the glass, urging you to pour her a drink. 
Realizing you hadn’t breathed at all within the last minute, you didn’t need her to tell you twice. You quietly inhaled as you sat up, savoring the sweet oxygen that filled your lungs as you reached for the bottle of spirits. 
Your hands were terribly shaky, and you were keenly aware she was monitoring you as you poured. This pour could hardly be called  “clean,” several drops of the spirit spilled as you brought the neck of the bottle to the edge of the empty cup. You filled a third of the glass with the liquor before precariously setting the beautiful bottle back down with a harsh ‘thud.’ 
You then reach for the sieve and the cup with water. The metal clangs unceremoniously against the cup as you pour water into the other glass filling it another third of the way. The liquor becomes a milky white as you pour in the water. Finally, you set the sieve down and use the stirring spoon carefully to drop the remaining ice cube into the glass. You then stir the drink once, twice, and then three times before deeming your work done.
“Give it here,” her voice was deep and thick like honey, and you were drowning in every bit of it. 
“O-Okay.” you do as she says, pulling the glass towards the two of you, scared to use your shaky hands to lift it. 
When she takes it, she purposefully brushes her hand against yours, and your heart flutters- you think maybe it has begun palpitating.  
“The oranges,” she motions with her left hand, and you lean over to pull them closer. There was no way for you to do this without leaning a little into her lap. 
The overwhelming sense of danger was still very present, yet something else you couldn’t name was beginning to smother that feeling. A particular warmth had settled in the pit of your stomach, and you couldn’t help but want to explore it a little more. 
“Hmm, good girl,” She hums. Your brain nearly melts, unused to the form of praise you were getting. 
You could safely confirm: she definitely didn’t treat Vander like this. The way she was behaving put you back in the brothel- except instead of being behind the protective glass of the front desk, you were in the place of one of the girls that would bring her back to their rooms. 
Sevika would walk with the girls, one of her beautifully muscular arms wrapped tightly around their waist as they went together. The girls would giggle obnoxiously, and Sevika would have a playful smirk on her lips as she trailed kisses up and down their necks. 
You quickly got lost in imagining yourself dressed in one of the beautiful but skimpy outfits the girls would wear, dragging Sevika back to your room, that same playful smirk decorating her face as she ghosted kissed all along the sweet spots on your neck. 
You could suddenly vividly remember the screams of pleasure the thin walls at the brothel did little to conceal. It would go on for hours and hours, and in the days following, the girls would walk around with a wobbly pep to their step and brag to the others about how good she had fucked them.
 You were so enamored by the fantasy playing out in your head that you failed to notice she brought the glass, drenched in condensation to her lips.
“Ahh,” she swallowed, bringing you back to reality, as she set her drink on the table. 
You watched with doe eyes as one of her thick hands moved to pick up an orange slice and bring it to her mouth. You felt so dizzy, and she was literally just enjoying her drink. 
The wet noise that departs from her mouth as she chews into the orange made you want her mouth elsewhere. Your mind was reeling, you’d go crazy if this went on any longer, but it didn’t look like anyone was going to come to your rescue anytime soon. A brief glance at Vander showed he was currently preoccupied with customers because of the earlier display. Everyone wanted to be served by him to avoid getting in Sevika’s way.
“Vander did well by hiring you,” Her sultry voice brings your attention back to her. Not that she had ever really lost it. Sevika had discarded the orange peel and took the glass in her hand again.  
“You pour a good drink, sweetheart,” she affirms. 
She brings the glass to her lips, sipping more of the liquid. Except Sevika doesn’t swallow when she sets the glass down this time. Instead, she uses her left hand to pick up another orange slice and cups your face in her right. Everything was moving in slow motion for you. You could hear your heart beating loudly in your ears, you worried she might be able to hear it.
She’s now towering over you, and her face starts closing in on yours. You now had a pretty clear picture of what was happening, but that didn’t stop you from gasping when her lips met yours. It offered Sevika the perfect opportunity to spill the cool liquid into your mouth. The liquid had an intense earthy, licorice flavor. Without a second thought, you swallowed and savored the bitter drink as it burned your throat on the way down. 
Before you knew it, her lips left yours, and the sweet flesh of the orange was on your lips. You took it graciously, allowing the juice to soothe the burning in your throat, all while she still held your face in her hand.
“Mmh,” Your eyes flutter, and you moan into the fruit as she feeds it to you.
You don’t get it as clean as she got hers, but she had other plans for it anyways. Without breaking eye contact, she looks at you through her own lashes as she takes the remaining orange into her mouth. 
“How was that?” She asked, setting down the clean peel. 
“G-Good,” You nervously swallow, barely managing to sputter out words. “It was good.” 
The smirk she had turned into a shit-eating grin. Whether it be the liquor or because she had just kissed you, a dopey smile showed on your face to mirror hers. 
“I’m glad,” Her thumb came to wipe excess juice from the side of your lip. “Quality control is good once in a while, isn’t it?” 
“Mmhm,” You’re eager to agree with whatever she says. 
She laughs at you. Your cheeks feel hot, and your stomach fills with butterflies even though you’re pretty sure she’s making fun of you. 
“Look at that,” You can’t, you’re too busy looking at her to care about whatever that is. She is looking past you and towards the bar. “Your boss is checkin’ in on you? Huh? How sweet.” 
She cleared her throat and nudged your side, which woke you up a little, at least enough to look up and over at the bar with her. Vander was indeed looking on with a hard unreadable look on his face. Suddenly, you were very aware of what was going on and that not only was this not an appropriate place to be doing, well, whatever this is, you were also at work. This was not the time for drinking or making out with customers.
“I-I’m sorry, I have to go.” 
“No, wait.”
You try to pull away from her, and when she doesn’t let go, all noise in the bar ceases. Vander had loudly dropped the kitchen towel that naturally rested on his shoulder onto the bar counter, halting all movement in the bar. A blatant warning, if you'd ever seen one. 
Sevika only paid him a glance before looking back to you. Her other hand reached behind her quickly. She pulled out a coin purse. 
“Are you gonna leave without a tip? Hmm?”
She let go of your face to open the purse, and you let out a deep breath. 
“Oh no!? You really don’t have to,” You try to say, but she has none of it. Sevika takes one of your smaller hands into hers and drops several gold coins into your hand. 
Closing her hand around yours, she says, “I insist.” 
You can’t say no to her.
“Now, get back to work,” She chuckles, looking past you again and towards Vander. “Before your boss comes around here and starts a fight.” 
You don't need her to tell you twice- You’re out of there in a heartbeat. Your shaky legs had barely found safely behind the bar when the men who played cards with Sevika had already begun squawking her table. You tried to lean against the counter for support, but Vander quickly ushered you through the doors that led to his family’s living quarters. 
“Are you okay? What did she do to ya? Goddamnit, I knew I shouldn’t have sent you over there.” His large hands found your shoulders as soon as you passed the threshold of what appeared to be an empty common area for his kids. He examined you for any physical harm or any severe distress. 
“I-I’m okay, she just asked me to pour her the d-drink that’s all,” You stutter, conveniently leaving out the fact that she kissed you. If Vander hadn’t seen what happened, for right now, you didn’t want to worry him by telling him what happened. Even if he knew you were lying, he wouldn’t push you to expose what happened if you didn’t want to. 
He sighed. Oh, he definitely knew you were lying. “Alright.”
“Do you think you can work for the rest of your shift?” He asked. “You don’t have to go have to either of those tables tonight if you don’t want to.” He gave you a look that told you he understood if you didn’t want to go back to work tonight after all that had happened. 
“I think I can,” You offer him your usual sweet smile. It’s contagious, and soon, he's smiling as well.
“Okay, hun, take your time coming back to work. We got plenty of customers waiting for you to come back,” He chuckled, letting you have a few minutes alone before you returned to your shift.
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I want to write more on this!!! Tell me which parts you like! Also I gave you angst cause why not.
Warnings: past child abuse, mentions of selling into marriage. Not explicit detail, only mentioned twice
Your days with Sevika had to be some of the best ones of your life.
You have never known true freedom until you had fled to the Undercity. Piltover may have prided itself for being superior to Zaun in most regards but truthfully, depravity had no exceptions for who it decided to reach and theirs had no limits, even amongst their own people.
You had been born in a family that saw you not as their own flesh and blood, but a tool they could use to climb higher on the ladder of status and wealth. Your childhood, if it could be called that, consisted of grueling training with the goal of turning you into a proper lady. Endless hours spent at the table until you could exhibit proper posture and dining etiquette. Countless dancing lessons with your mother who picked apart your form and corrected you with her cane.
No visible marks left, lest they ruin your chances of finding a wealthy husband or wife by marring your smooth skin. The final straw had been them planning on selling you to a man known for his cruelty, one interested in only what heir you could provide him with.
There’s a picture of Sevika’s nails and they look pretty well kept. What if she treats herself to a weekly spa day?
You somehow bluff your way into a job at Babettes. Not as a sex worker, but a manicurist for those that want a spa treatment after they’ve been serviced. You had gotten plenty of manicures and pedicures in your life time so you assumed you would be able to replicate the job. Needless to say you’re shit at it.
You send a prayer to whoever’s listening and hope your first customer isn’t high maintenance, but someone up there must hate you because it is one of the regulars. Someone who is expecting their usual outcome. She’s insanely fucking tall with a scary looking metal arm. Exactly the kind of company you were warned to keep away from as a kid and a part of you still harbors some weariness from lessons that were ingrained into your young mind.
Her robe is white and fluffy, half open to provide a scandalous view of her chest littered with lipstick marks. Your eyes remain trained on the ground like she’d pass right by you as if you didn’t exist. Luck is not on your side and she sits in your chair, lounging back into a stretch to ease sore muscles. It’s easy to guess because she never fails to make her presence known in the brothel. Sevika, the women squeal when she strolls in, throwing themselves on her arms. Sevika, they yelp as she tosses them over her shoulder, hauling them into the closest room (not even the closest available room, just the closest). Sevika, they moan, heard throughout the whole building as she tells them to scream her name. She’s obnoxious. Definitely not handsome.
“You’re new.”
You get to work massaging her feet, refusing to meet her stare.
“And… you’re shit at this.”
When you manage to steal her heart and vice versa, it’s not long until she figures out where you’ve came from and what made you leave. She’s dangerously perceptive, after all.
Sevika still caught you staring into space, jumping at shadows, and shying away from Piltover visitors. She always made it a point to accompany you whenever you left the apartment to assuage some of your worries. The weight of her arm slung over your shoulders was just as grounding as her voice was, the gentle, uncharacteristic, “you wanna go back, princess?”
When you’re not even ten feet away from the door she casts no judgment, just unbridled protective concern.
When Sevika had found out the extent of your parents' mistreatment of you, she was ready to start the war on topside early just to be the one to massacre those who had a hand in your abuse. To say it shocked you would be an understatement. You knew Sevika had far from an easy life in the Lanes, surely worse than you, and it still remained a bit of mystery to you on why it set her off as much as it did. Either she cared about you to an extent you couldn’t comprehend, or you simply gave her more fuel to support her hatred for topside.
When you had first told her, it was after a panic-induced episode from a miniscule mistake you made and couldn’t even remember. For a woman who had as much experience being the initiator of said attacks for others as she did smoking cigars, her attentiveness and soft-spoken comfort lulled you into a safe space in your mind you’ve never been before. It was enough for you to spill enough information pertaining to your childhood that allowed her to easily connect any dots for what you left out.
You had remained in her arms for the rest of the night under warm hands that never ceased their caress on your back or your hair, wailing at the soft touch you’ve been devoid of for your whole life.
At some point you had to have left her arms because the first thing she did when you awoke was guide a glass of water to your lips. After drinking enough to soothe your raw throat, you wordlessly accepted pills for your aching head and a cool rag was placed over your puffy eyes.
Sevika had thought of everything, and based on the dark circles under her eyes you wondered if she had plenty of time to do so by remaining awake throughout the whole night.
It was foolish to think her unfazed by the revealing intel you sprang upon her last night. Foolish to believe you hadn’t broken down her walls of a stoic, uncaring soldier to unleash a furious lover ready to avenge you. It was her shaking hands that gave her away as she calmly asked you for your former address.
Your quiet refusal had snapped the bit of restraint she had left. She had paced, nearly ripped the door off its hinges to start her rampage if it wasn’t for you calming her down. Her anger was never directed at you. Anytime she felt her control slipping she left the room to cool off.
That had started the overprotective coddling. Her eyes stayed trained on you whenever you left her side while in public. She monitored Piltover visitors like a hawk and never let them get too close. Her body and her cape was there to shield you if need be. She wanted your arm looped through hers in the crowded streets of Zaun, the motion never failing to make you swoon when she offers her arm to you, her thick muscle unlike anything you’ve felt before.
The differences between the two of you were quite jarring. Her manners were lacking if not nonexistent, some of her actions had you gasping in shock, and she drank far too much to be considered lady like. She blurred any kind of lines your parents deemed a respectable citizen. She was perfect.
The teasing. On both sides. You’re uptight, and you preen too long in the mirror. Sevika has to drag you out the door
Her manners are abhorrent and she will exaggerate just to see that adorable, scandalized look on your face. You scold and insult her with false superiority but on the inside, you’re marveling at her lack of caring. It makes you fall for her more and more.
The food stalls she takes you too should be shut down for a number of health code violations. Your first date would be the most questionable diner she could find, and how she adores watching you try to keep your face neutral and devoid of judgment. She’ll know everyone there by name, and everyone knows her of course.
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lepusrufus · 2 years
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I'm so easily persuaded to ramble so here you have it: The speech on how Vi is actually very smart.
Ok I wanna preface this by saying that I know this way of thinking probably also stems from the way a lot of people see more masculine women. But it just doesn’t feel like it’s my place to comment on that so I’m keeping this strictly a character analysis of Vi. 
Anyway, let’s get started. 
Right off the bat, I think one thing that does Vi a bit of a disservice when it comes to the way fans see her is the way she’s surrounded by a lot of characters that are what would traditionally be seen as intelligent. Most obvious example, Jinx. She’s very smart and her biggest strength is how inventive she is with the tools at her disposal (heck ,even Viktor comments on it while disabling her bomb). Ekko is pretty much in the same boat as Jinx, only with vastly differing results. Another big example, Caitlyn. She’s basically the Sherlock Holmes of League and has a very investigative mind despite the naivety that her upbringing comes with. Which makes perfect sense for her character. 
But even characters that Vi isn’t often associated with, but we all know that the show is full of parallels and foils so even if the characters themselves don’t even know each other, there’s always connection. You have JAyce and Viktor, who are your typical straight As academy students and inventors. Mel, who’s a political and economical genius. Heimerdinger… well him. You get my point. 
Vi is very different from these characters. 
Her intelligence lies in more… practical (?) skills that she just had to get good at in order to survive. (Side point, we almost never see Vi in a situation where she’s not acting in order to survive or protect the people around her so that’s also something to keep in mind.) She knows her way around people very well and is a natural leader (see the way she knew where to look for information the moment she stepped out of prison, aka to Jericho and Babette, or the way she went to Jayce after the council meeting bc she knew he was the way to get something done about Silco). She has hella street smarts, which I don’t think needs elaborating. 
What she lacks, which seems to be what people are looking at the most for some reason, is the academic education. Which makes perfect sense? However I hope I don’t have to wax poetic about how school isn’t the end all be all of someone’s intelligence. But while I’m at it, I will say that I highly doubt she’s downright illiterate. She and her siblings may not have had the chance to go to school, but I don’t believe Vander didn’t at least teach them basic stuff. 
The second Big Point that I wanna make is that I don’t think she’s nearly as impulsive as everyone seems to think. She acts impulsive in certain situations, but I feel like that’s usually in situations that force her hand in a way. Which is realistic. We all have those moments where we would act in ways that are unusual to who we really are. But either way, moving on to some examples. 
Firstly, to get this out of the way: Vi parkouring off a cliff with a stab wound when she can barely stand by herself. Yup. Dumb decision. I’ll admit, the jokes about it are hella funny. BUT. For all Vi knew she was very close to just bleeding out and dying. And she wanted to lay down and do that in the last place that held some familiarity to her, since the only other place that fit in that category was The Last Drop which… yeah (another proof to this is how she didn’t even try to get help since there’s no way her old home was closer to where she fought Sevika than, say, the brothel. So Vi really was just ready to die there). 
Secondly, her fighting Sevika. Sevika is straight up a big outlier in the way Vi acts because Vi has a strong sense of loyalty and therefore a deep hatred for those she deems traitors. To Vi, Sevika is practically that friend from middle school that turned on you to hang out with the popular kids and then became a bully. You may be a pacifist now but no matter what you’d still drop anything and throw hands if you saw them. But dial it up to like a thousand. 
On the flip side however, you can see Vi being quite strategy oriented. Which, again, natural leader so go figure. 
She planned the robbery to Jayce’s lab and, were it not for the explosion, it might have worked out too. During the act 1 finale you can see her being more than capable of taking lead in and adapting to stressful situations. At the brothel, she gives Caitlyn a fake lead to make sure she’s out of the way but at the same time safe while she went after Sevika. Down in the fissures when Silco went after them, she keeps him monologuing while figuring out what Caitlyn is doing behind her and then turning her back to fighting Silco in order to get away. Again, her going to Jayce because she recognized him as the perfect means to an end (aka taking down Silco by chipping away at the thing that gives him power, Shimmer). 
This is getting a little long and rambly and I kinda suck at rgumenting my points so I’ll wrap it up here but yeah. Vi is incredibly clever and people don’t give her half the credit she deserves for it.
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matchamilkislover · 8 months
In The Darkest Corners, 4.
pairing: vi x fem!oc (reader with a name basically)
warnings: mature themes, just an overall minors beware, violence, just general arcane-ness.
word count: 1,525
synopsis: finally leaving the brothel, olive is hopeful vi found a lead. unfortunately, it’s not exactly the lead she was looking for - but it’s exactly the lead vi wanted to find.
authors note: there will be more explicit violence in this chapter because…reasons. vi being the main reason. anyways, hopefully i’ll get chapters 5-11 uploaded shortly after this one.
don’t forget to read parts 1, 2, and 3 first!!
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
Olive awkwardly bid the woman in the fox mask goodbye and followed Vi through the doorway. The conversation wasn't half bad — but she knew what the woman would expect had she stayed much longer. She released an audible sigh as they exited the brothel and the smoke changed to a smog.
"So you're no stranger to Babette, huh?" Vi asked teasingly.
"That's none of your business," Olive responded with a scratch in her throat, like just the thought was upsetting her.
"Whoa, my bad, didn't mean to hit a sore spot." Vi lifted the hands in her jacket pocket as an informal defensive stance.
"So where are we going now, anyway? Did...Babette have any information?" Olive asked, desperate to change the subject.
"We aren't going anywhere. I'm following the lead Babette gave me, but it's better I do it alone. I'll find you later."
"I'm sorry, what? If you've got a serious lead, I'm coming with!" Olive exclaimed, her face knotted with offense and surprise.
"No, you aren't." Vi's eyes hardened as she stopped and stared Olive down, like she was committing some crime by wanting to be involved in her own investigation. "This is something I need to do myself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't seem like much of a fighter, and I don't want to deal with being in charge of someone else's life right now." Her voice was firm. Olive knew she wouldn't bend.
"Fine." Olive crossed her arms. "As long as you don't get yourself killed before we figure this shit out."
Vi winked. "Wouldn't dream of it."
Olive grumbled to herself as she trudged to her shamble of an apartment, cursing herself for not trying harder to stick up to Vi. Not much of a fighter my ass, she thought. She hasn't even seen me fight! She sighed, knowing it was no use to argue about it with herself. She'd just have to wait and hope that Vi kept her word about finding her. Unless...
Once inside her apartment, she headed straight for the pack she'd been living in since she first left her old home with it. Deep at the bottom, where she hoped she would never have to reach, her hand curled around a metal object. Pulling it out, Olive took a long look at the pistol that once felt warm in her hands. She always resented the shooting lessons and tournaments that her parents forced her into, but now that she actually had a use for her unforgotten skills, she started to understand just a little bit why they enforced it so much. She gripped the weapon tighter in her hand, then checked that it was still loaded like she remembered before standing up and walking grimly out of her apartment.
Olive scaled the walls of the tallest building near her and began to travel along the raised pathways, jumping over gaps and scaling more stories as she needed to. While this wasn't her favorite form of travel, it would be the best way of spotting whatever Vi was getting herself into. She suddenly stopped when she heard Vi's voice.
"Filthy traitor!"
Olive got down low and peeked over the ledge she was on. What she saw was Vi slamming another person's face into a wall. Ouch. Upon taking a closer look, Olive gasped when she recognized Vi's opponent. Sevika? Olive herself had always stayed as far away as possible — that bitch was scary as hell. But she was also giant, with a metal shimmer-powered arm. The fact that Vi was holding her own against her, and actually kicking her around, was impressive.
And hot.
Olive followed the fight as it moved, watching as they slammed each other through walls and made hit after hit. When Vi launched Sevika through a wall into another alleyway, Olive cursed and quickly leaped across another roof and rushed onto a raised walkway to keep track of the fight. She watched as Vi grasped Sevika's throat and held her down with her boot, growling something to her that Olive couldn't pick up. When Sevika replied, she watched as Vi's face slipped into shock and her guard started to come down.
That was when Sevika stabbed her through the abdomen.
Olive gasped in shock, and after a moment she came back to herself and started fumbling to get her pistol out, cursing her stupid fingers. She felt helpless as she watched Sevika kick Vi down from where she was already crawling on the ground and then walk around to pull her up by her chin. Then Sevika raised her arm, about to recharge. Olive knew instantly that she was aiming to kill. Without a second thought, she pointed her pistol at the vial of shimmer that was about to recharge Sevika's arm, and shot. The vial burst open, shocking the great brute long enough to give Olive the chance to keep shooting. She aimed for her now failing arm again and again, but her target quickly jumped back into action, growling at Olive when she spotted her before dodging her shots and running off.
Olive instantly leapt down to the alley Sevika had left Vi in, calling out her name desperately as she rushed towards her. She shoved the pistol back into her holster and knelt down to check that Vi was conscious, or at least alive. To her relief (and surprise) Vi looked at her with a weak smile and held a hand towards Olive.
"You gonna help me up or not, cupcake?"
Olive sighed and pulled Vi up with both arms after holstering her pistol, laying Vi's arm along her shoulders so that she could hold most of Vi's weight while she still walked.
"Stop calling me that, my name is Olive," she said in a tone of half-assed annoyance.
"But you're so sweet, like a cupcake," Vi replied with a smile in her voice.
Olive rolled her eyes but kept helping her along down the alleyway in the opposite direction of where Sevika had gone. A shiver suddenly ran down her spine when she heard shouting and running in their direction.
"Shit," she hissed under her breath, about to hoist Vi more onto her figure so that they could speed up.
"Start running," Vi said, suddenly quickening her own steps with a painful groan. Olive did as she was told and started rushing down alleyways, taking whatever turns and detours Vi instructed her to. They slowed to a stop in front of a ledge that housed levels of scaffolding below it.
"Are you sure you can do this in your-" Olive was cut off by Vi leaping down on her own, and Olive rushed to look what she was doing just in time to watch her slam herself onto a horizontal pole, but keep launching herself down.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Olive cursed in hushed tones before following her lead. She did her best to avoid throwing herself around like Vi had done, but this wasn't exactly an easily navigable path. She dropped herself next to Vi and put her arm out to stop her before she started trying to move again.
"My apartment is just down the next alley, we can go there," She gasped, still trying to catch her breath. Vi nodded and, surprisingly, let Olive continue helping her as they made their way to her apartment.
They struggled up the steps, but soon enough Olive was kicking open the door with her free leg and led Vi to the mat that she used as a bed. The latter groaned and let her head fall against the wall as she shifted her hand that was covering her wound.
"Let me see," Olive said gently, reaching to move Vi's hand and then her shirt that was blocking her full view of the wound. She winced, seeing just how wide and deep Vi's wound really was.
"You're not a bad shot, Cupcake," Vi groaned, trying to lighten the mood.
"I'm a great shot," Olive retorted with a sigh, moving to search for whatever first aid supplies she could make out of her few belongings. She found a clean cloth and some alcohol, and turned back to Vi to clean her up.
"This is going to sting," she warned before pouring a bit of the alcohol on the wound and quickly covering it with the cloth to soak everything up. Vi groaned and hissed in pain.
"You're not even gonna give me some of that stuff before you start pouring it on me?" She asked with a grimace. Olive shot her a glare and stood up.
"You need some sort of medicine for this." She stated, looking out the one tiny window in her apartment.
"Good luck on finding that," Vi retorted with another groan.
"I'm sure I'll manage. I'll be back soon." Olive turned and started towards the door, but Vi spoke again suddenly.
"Olive, I...Thank you," she almost whispered.
"Anytime," Olive replied casually before heading out the door and back into the Lanes.
Once outside, she cursed herself for being so confident in finding medicine in the undercity. This wasn't going to be easy.
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sevikasbeloved · 9 months
Poker Face
Part 1
Part 2
Word count: 1.6k
This Chapter is suitable for teen + up
Part 3
You’d hit a dry spell. No wins in almost a month. Usually you’d put it to your lack of interest in the games you played, throwing them because you could and wanted to.
But no, you fought for wins and were never granted one. It was unbelievably frustrating, and you knew the one person you have to blame was her. Sevika.
With her smug fucking grin, her teasing and games had fucked with your head. The worst part being, you hadn’t seen her in all this time. It was like she was torturing you, knowing that you’d come seeking revenge, she hid away, forcing you to bide your time for so painstakingly long.
Showing your face at the bar after all those losses became, to say the least, embarrassing. A few jeers and nasty whispers had been your final straw so you’d decided to find somewhere else to spend your good money.
It was a rainy evening, the pavements glossed with a thin layer of rain and ash. Your eyes wandered from each parallel of the street, looking at merchants behind their booths, looking down alleys to see if you could find an illegal game happening under the dark blanket of the night.
As you reached the end of the road, the bright lights of the brothel shone obsessively onto every passer by, their eyes glued to the dancers out front.
You weren’t a stranger to the brothel, but then again neither was anyone else who lived down here.
The front of the building was painted with the same words,
Let your worries fade with our hearts and our bodies.
You scoffed, Babette sure knew how to advertise.
You smiled gently to the ladies out front, pulling your hood up and stuffing your hands into your pocket as you were ushered in through the heavy chiffon curtains that divided the street from the pleasures and desires inside.
The smell was the first thing that hit you. An overindulgence of incense and perfume each hinting a note of vanilla, sandalwood and jasmine - a combination so sweet and alluring when put together.
Soft moans and murmurs filled the air as you kept down the long stretching hallway, your eyes stern on the ground as to not intrude on anyone’s privacy or excite anyone’s curiosity.
As you reached the back door to the brothel, you heard a voice call out from behind you.
You turned around to see a smiling and familiar face.
“Francesca, hey.” You replied, your hand leaving the door begrudgingly.
She ran up to you, enveloping you in her arms, almost taking the wind out of you.
“What's the warm welcome for?” You chuckled, returning the hug.
“It’s just been a minute,” she said, pulling back slightly as she looked at you earnestly, “I’ve missed you.”
“You mean you miss what I did for you.” You half joked.
Francesca was a girl you visited constantly for years before you’d gotten into poker, trading one vice for another was your shtick, but she always kept an hour open for you whenever you called, if you ever did.
She rolled her eyes, pressing her digits into your waist as a response.
“What are you doing here?” She questioned, her eyes lazing to the back door you seemed to be guarding with your life.
“Looking for a game, you know me.”
“The grind never stops with you, does it?” She teased, releasing you from her grip as soon as she realised that she wasn’t the fix you were looking for.
She looked you up and down, almost sizing you up before finally saying, “they’ve started playing out back already, one of the guys had a dance with me not long ago, he’s loaded, if you can get a game in.”
You smiled gently, biting back your excitement and sudden course of adrenaline that rushed through you.
“Thank you, I owe you, Fran.” You said, kissing her cheek once before heading for the back again.
“You always will!” She called out just in time before the door slammed shut behind you.
The back of the gardens was stark in comparison to the inside. It was bare with exposed brick and a handful of posters, promoting whatever the fuck, lazily slapped onto the walls.
As you turned the corner, you saw exactly as you expected, a group of hungry men, in more ways than one, looking to steal a tidy penny on the low.
They looked to you as you entered their sights, quickly turning back to their game without even so much as giving you an ounce of acknowledgment.
You rolled your eyes, pulling a splintered barrel up in place of what should’ve been a chair, and sat at their table.
Still, they didn’t acknowledge you. Not that you minded an interlude before their next game. You leaned your shoulder against the crumbling wall, picking a cigarette out of your pocket, putting it to your mouth and lighting it.
Their game was slow, mundane. Hardly any of them said anything to one another, the only words spoken were the official ones to the game,
Your cigarette burnt fast, or at least it felt like it did, and once you felt the warmth of the cherry’s edge closer and closer to your fingers your patience wore thin.
“Guys, seriously, this is the most boring game of poker I’ve watched.” You announced to their dismay.
One of the men scoffed, “feel free to fuck off.” Giving another weasley man the confidence to chime in,
“Yeah, you’re off limits anyways” he giggled to himself.
You stopped in your tracks, cigarette smoke sitting dormant behind your slightly agape lips,
“Off limits?” You repeated, “who the fuck said that?”
“Take it up with your caretaker.” He responded, feeling chuffed with himself at his quick wit, something that clearly came once in a blue moon for him.
You chuckled to yourself, standing up silently as you straightened your posture, taking a deep breath in. You strolled over to him, a calm storm evident on your face.
You leaned down beside him, your head towering over his body,
“nope, try again.” Your voice was steady, but your insides ruptured like bile ran through your bloodstream.
He shrugged his shoulders, slamming his cards onto the table as he met you at your height, the smell of cheap beer pungent as he faced off with you.
You smiled falsely, the possibility of letting off some steam after the long month you had, being all the reason you weren’t going to back down right now.
“I said,” he trailed off, “take it up, with your care-“
You interrupted him with a swift blow to his jaw. He fell backwards into the playing table, finishing the game early for everyone else. His pained groans mixed in with the annoyed groans from the rest of the table.
You ignored the rest of them, your sights set on giving this guy a run for his money. You slowly approached the table, placing a knee right between his legs, making it hard for him to get up if he wanted to.
You grabbed a dagger out of your thigh holster, twirling it in your hand as you watched him look at you in fear.
“I usually don’t give people third chances,” was all you said as you waited for your answer.
“Sevika! Fucking Sevika!” He hollered, hands waving in front of his face.
“What?” You said aloud, truly stumped by her audacity to claim you as hers, especially after…
“I don’t know anything else I swear!” He cried, interrupting your thought process.
You let up from your position, giving him freedom to stand, and he took that chance leaping out of the vicinity without even taking a cent from the table.
Left alone, you sat down on the only literal chair there, burying your head in your hands. Not only had she embarrassed you in your own sport and still left you wanting her more than ever, she had also claimed a stake on you, barring you from playing anywhere outside of her presence.
Filled with untameable anger, you screeched at the top of your lungs, your voice bouncing off the hollowed out walls of the backend of the brothel. Your hands balled into fists, as you sat there, completely still, staring solemnly at the ground.
A clicking of heels on the ground alerted you to the back door, but you could barely bring yourself to look up at them,
“Y/N?” Francesca’s voice hummed calmly, as you felt her hand rest on your shoulder.
You didn’t respond.
“I didn’t want to be the one to say it…” she whispered.
Finally, words loud enough to move you.
“What?” You spoke with a steady tone.
“I-“ her hand moved from your shoulder and onto her lap, her legs shifting uncomfortably, “I saw her, she was making her rounds, making sure everyone knew you were to be left to her,” She paused, her voice trembling, “I thought she was gonna kill you, y/n, that’s why I was so glad to see you.”
“She might as well.” You mumbled, and in retrospect you knew it was melodramatic, but she took the respect you had worked hard for, and along with that, the money, time and effort you put into it.
The most frustrating part of it all? She did it all in a matter of days. Her sway on this city was undeniable. It intrigued you yet fucking killed you to know you were at the butt end of it all.
“Maybe this is a good thing,” Francesca said, “maybe it’s worth finding something else to fill your time with.”
Her hand moved to your thigh, the tips of her nails scraping against you, sending a shiver through your body. You huffed, a stream of air rushing through your nostrils.
You stood up, rolling your shoulders back as you stood tall again,
“Nah.” You scoffed, “if she wants me to herself, she can fuckin’ have me.” You spat, leaving Fran in your seat alone, as you headed to the one place you knew you’d find your self-imposed master.
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morethanroommates · 24 days
So, I'm learning to code in Python and made a simple program to update Babette's brothel catalog from Arcane. Looks like Vi got her hands on it. Who's going to tell Cait?
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abitohoney · 1 year
Hi! A friend recommended your blog and have to say, you don’t disappoint! They were very right, your writing is great and your content as well ♡
Could I ask you for Grayson x fem!reader x Sevika? I don’t see Sevika and Grayson as friends, but I'm pretty sure if challenged (by each other or someone else) they'd be more than prepared to share a pretty woman. Maybe one of Babette's? Finding the sheriff at the brothel might interest Sevika... and tbh, who wouldn’t want to be caught between them 😏
Hi nonny!
Oh my goodness thank you and please tell your friend thank you as well! 🥰
I'm all for us getting a threesome with any of the Arcane hotties, and the Sevika/reader/Grayson is definitely near the top for me! (I have a Sevika/reader/Ran planned too 😘) I'll toss this on my list, but I should warn you; my list is huge and I'm slow at getting anything out (one post a week usually).
I'm curious though...
Also, if you want to see what oneshots have been requested so far, or see what I've already completed, please check out my pinned post. <3
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sevsdollette · 11 months
Not So Sweet [Sevika x fem reader]
ao3 link: Not So Sweet - sevsdoll - Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021) [Archive of Our Own]
content warning: …SMUT (mdni. get out). drinking, smoking cigars. sex worker reader. face sitting (cunnilingus). fingering. brat taming (reader loves to bite back). dom!sevika. no use of y/n
summary: you’re one of Babette’s best girls, and you’re just taking a night off when you intrigue the most dangerous woman in Zaun. She just can’t ignore you, and soon the night becomes a lot more interesting than you planned.
1. Relaxing Night
note: WC: 5.1k (@-@ i know). this is a series. i’m already working on chapter two. look i know the show came out two years ago, but someone’s gotta keep writing for her. she really just makes me foam at the mouth. i love her so much. I don't write very often so sorry if this sucks. this series will have the golden trio: smut, fluff, and angst. smut hopefully in every chapter.
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After a long day-shift, you wanted a drink.
The customers at Babette's weren’t so entertaining or pleasant when the sun was still up. What normal person (as normal as someone in Zaun could be) went to a hooker during the day? They were all perverted, or it was the only time of the day they could sneak away from their real “love” to see you.
Overall, not a fun time. You had a particularly nasty customer come through, and while after a normal day, you’d go right into working the night, you thought you deserved a treat.
You show up to the Last Drop, a frequent bar of yours, and plan to have a relaxing night with a cold drink.
You get in quicker than other patrons. While Babette didn’t like Silco, she played along enough and that got you some perks. She gave little tokens to her favorite employees and that earned you some privileges at the right times.
The bouncer opened the door, waving you in, and you were hit with the blasting music that usually infected the bar on a Friday night. Even when it was only eight.
The bass of the music almost made you nauseous, but you pushed it away, telling yourself you were going to have a good night for once. No brothel, no weirdos, and no sex.
You were sick of sex. It was getting quite boring. Even those customers who claimed to be expirimentive or interesting were not. It was the same thing over and over again.
Okay, but you were going to stop thinking about work now.
Since it was early in the night, you were able to get your own booth. Usually, that would be impossible, and you were sure that some group might come along to kick you out of it at some point. But, for the time being, it was your personal wrap-around booth. The stained leather cushions were like heaven. The table was cracked and carved into, but it was solid wood.
You felt good. You were dressed nicely: a tight and dark dress that complimented your complexion, and your hair was done up to reveal your neck and the long costume earrings you swiped once upon a time in Piltover. You showered a lot more often than the people you worked with, so at least you smelled good too.
The back booths were usually taken care of better than the crowded tables near the front. After a few minutes of you sitting down, a barkeep came over to ask if you wanted anything to drink. You ordered and then sat back and enjoyed the atmosphere.
No where in the Undercity was pleasant, but you began to enjoy your time. Your drink came back and you slowly sipped on it as you watched the bar fill with people. You put your feet up on the booth as well, lounging like you owned the place.
It didn’t matter that you didn’t, either. Silco and his whole crew didn’t scare you much. You’d seen worse than the whole crowd. All the immature prostitutes at Babettes would quiver and hide when Sevika, Silco’s number two, came by or when any other of her goons poked around. They didn’t instill the same reaction in you. Sure, they were strong, intimidating and ruthless, but you’d had worse done to you than have your face beaten.
You’d never personally served Sevika or her crew, but you knew people who did.
Speaking of the devil, the group just strolled in. It was around ten pm when Sevika and four others came into the bar and got their usual booth across the room from your own. The chaos of the dancing, drinking, and smoking crowd parted for them quickly, but paid them no mind, and they went about their usual business.
As you watched them sit down and order a drink, your eyes caught the shallow ones of Sevika. It was only for a quick glance before she looked down to shuffle cards, but she seemed to look longer than one would normally when accidentally meeting a stranger's eye.
You didn’t know what the hell her problem was. As much as you weren’t afraid of her, you sure as hell didn’t want to deal with her. All you wanted was a calm night, and whatever issue she had with you surely wouldn’t help.
You’d been jumped a couple of times. They were when you were younger and more naive, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t happen again. All those times, you had to stumble back to Babette with a bloody lip and bruised ribs for her to wrap up. You had no one else to take care of you.
For the next two hours or so, you kept your eyes to your own. Or, at least you tried to.
After that first look, she couldn’t take her eyes off of you. Her steel gray gaze kept your form across the room as the club lit up with action. The loud music and crowd of dancers frequently broke her stare, but once there was a break in the mob, you’d catch her looking at you again.
The idea of her made you nervous. The way she stared made you feel weak—like she was a predator about to pounce. There was no way she’d hurt you in the bar, right?
Something about the look in her eyes made you feel something other than nervous. It was entrancing the way her lips curled into a smirk at a winning hand. Her banter with her men made her seem warmer—nicer. You couldn’t help but drag your eyes across her broad shoulder, reveling in the way the muscles in her forearms moved as she shuffled cards.
You tried to ignore her and her rough eyes as you watched the lively crowd. After two drinks, almost every sight was amusing, and you were feeling quite relaxed. The alcohol helped your nerves.
At some point, you got up and went to the bathroom. While fighting your way through the crowd, you didn’t even see Sevika put down her cards to follow after you.
The bathrooms were small, which was quite inadequate for the business of the bar, but it made it less common for people to be in there. It was empty when you went in, and you went into one of the stalls to relieve yourself.
The door opened not long after you came in, and when you were stepping out of the stall, you froze.
Sevika stared at you, still standing by the door. You couldn’t get out. Suddenly, the bathroom felt even smaller than it already was.
You decided not to poke the bear. Anxiety rushed over you as panic threatened to set in. But you wouldn’t let her know it. Reputation was all about strength around here. Any weakness would’ve your downfall.
You went into denial. Maybe you were wrong about her staring. Maybe this was all just a coincidence. She just so happened to catch your eye and it was just your luck that she came into the bathroom at the same time as you.
You washed your hands, keeping your eyes down at the sink as you heard her steps. They got closer and closer until she stood behind you, just far enough away that she wasn’t touching you. You stood up straight, looking at her through the mirror.
“Can I help you?” You tensed your brow, eyes stuck to the ones that had been watching you all night. This close, and in the dim light of the bathroom, you could’ve sworn they had hints of blue in them.
“What’s your name?” She asked. She reached out, touching your shoulder lightly as she leaned forward. She towered over you.
“None of your business,” you said. You could feel the heat of her body against your back, and she couldn’t stop exploring you with her hands.
It seemed she didn’t really care what your name was. Perhaps she only asked as a formality. Maybe some women found it rude when she didn’t ask, but you didn’t care.
“Are you just going to eye-fuck me all night,” she muttered. “Or do you want to do something about it?”
She ran her thumbs along the creases of your dress. feeling the bottom edge of your bra through the fabric as she did so.
“You’re the one who can’t stop staring,” you said, turning your head to look up into her eyes. “If I were a betting woman I’d say you have a small crush.”
She scoffed. “Don’t think of yourself so highly.”
You smirked. She just wanted to fuck. She’d been around the brothel enough time for you to know that, and the idea of her had always been an intriguing one whenever she came around. You’d never dealt with her, but you’d heard the stories.
Her fingers dragged down your hips, tugging at the edge of your dress before slipping under. It was just enough so she could feel the skin of your inner thigh. The light grazing of her skin against yours made you feel fuzzy, and you leaned back into her slightly.
She hummed, leaning into your neck and kissing under your jaw. Her lips pressed just under your ear as she asked, “Want to come to the back room with me? I'll make it worth your while.”
“Are you gonna pay me?” You jested. Of course, you didn't need her to, but teasing her just felt so right. You’d never even spoken to her before, but the banter was too delicious to ignore.
“I think you’re the one who’s gonna have to pay me,” she whispered, her hands now massaging your thighs as she tried to draw you towards the door. “Come on, baby, I need to get this dress off of you.”
You groaned, pushing her hands off of you. “So needy,” you teased. “Go and wait for me and maybe I'll show up.”
She stared down at you. The two of you were close; you could practically feel her breath against your face. In her eyes was anger at your attitude, but you could tell she was amused. Normally, the women she picked didn’t fight her: they crumbled and begged for attention.
Her hand came up and gripped your jaw. She moved forward, pressing you against the countertop as her lips met yours harshly. The wind was knocked out of your lungs as she kept you pinned, kissing you enough to make you dizzy.
She gripped your hip with her metal hand, the tips of her sharp fingers pressing into the fat of your ass just enough for it to sting. You whimpered against her lips, hands jerking as they didn’t know whether to push her away or pull her closer.
“Oh, you’ll show up,” she growled. And then, as quickly as she had come, she pulled away. The cold air where she once was made you feel funny as you watched her walk out of the room.
The bathroom was silent. You stood there, palms pressed against the counter, shaking. Outside, the bass of the music pushed through the walls and shook the floor. It felt chilly all of a sudden, and you realized it was because she was gone. She was so hot pressed up against you, and you were worried you’d freeze without her.
Screw the whole “sick of sex” thing. You were going to fuck the hottest, most dangerous woman in Zaun.
In your frozen state, another woman came into the bathroom and gave you a strange look as she saw you standing there. You hardly met her eyes as you walked past her, shuffling quickly out of the room.
The chaos of the main room hit you hard when you came out. The flashing lights and blaring music were a sharp contrast to the dim and quiet bathroom. Across the room you saw Sevika standing by her table, settling her bets with her fellow players quickly.
You made your way up to the bar to close your tab. You doubted you would want anything else. The bar was crowded and it took a moment for you to shove yourself to the front with your money.
You reached out your coins to the bartender.
“Thieram, put her drinks on my tab.”
The bartender looked past you and nodded at Sevika. He pushed your hand back and quickly walked away to serve another customer.
You turned to say something to Sevika, but she was already walking towards the back room. You took the moment to watch her walk away, your eyes grazing over her body.
Her back was wide and thick with muscle. Every part of her was woven together with strength, and the glow of the neon lights made every ridge seem deeper.
Your body began to get just as excited as your mind was.
When you walked into the back room, she was sitting on the sofa. This room was a small lounge with two couches and a couple of chairs surrounding a coffee table. There was a small side table with a lamp, and a large bay window on the back wall with the curtains tightly shut.
The lamp was on and it gave off a full glow that illuminated the room just enough that you could see her shadowed brow turn up to look at you.
It seemed like a place she came to often. She had her maroon cover dropped on one of the armchairs, and there was a pack of cigars on the coffee table with a lighter. It was a little messy, but you assumed it was a busy room.
“Thanks for the drinks,” you said, sounding unimpressed.
“They’re free for me.”
“Yeah, I thought so.”
You sighed loudly, stepping forward into the room more. Once again, her eyes stuck to you like glue.
She leaned back. “Are you gonna get over here or are you gonna make me chase you?”
That could be fun. But, no, you weren’t in a state to run at the moment. You smiled, almost mockingly at her, and strolled over.
You stood in front of her as she stayed seated, looking up at you. Taking her face roughly in one hand, you dug your nails into her cheek slightly. She looked up at you with tense eyes, studying the way you glared down at her. Your thumb brushed over her bottom lip and she nipped forward, trying to bite you.
You jerked your hand back. “Watch it!”
She chuckled, reaching out to hold you by your hips. She steadied you, keeping you as close as you could without pulling you into her lap. “You seem like someone who doesn’t give two shits about me,” she said. “I like that.”
You lifted your brow. “Don’t like attachment?”
“Fucking hate it.”
She pushed your dress up, the bottom now pooling above your hips, making your thin lace underwear fully visible for her to touch and rip off.
“Good. I’m a whore, all I ever have to deal with is attachment.” Her hands were now rubbing down the backs of your thighs. The ghosting of her fingertips over the edge of your underwear sent a shiver up your spine. “It’s always: ‘Oh, I love you’ and ‘oh, baby please come home with me’—drives me nuts.”
She smiled up at you. “I’ll never love you.”
“Thank god,” you breathed, lost in the sight of her so close to you. Her eyes stuck to your lips and her brow creased in focus. She pulled you in, trapping you in a kiss. Her hands pressed against the small of your back, pushing you down to straddle one of her thighs.
A sigh slipped from your lips as she pushed her leg up just slightly. It fit perfectly and her hard muscle did well to please the ache that was just starting to grow between your legs.
Her lips were soft yet demanding, holding you there as she devoured you. It was hard to breathe between her hungry kisses. It was intoxicating in all the best ways. Her tongue brushed against yours and soon you were tasting each other, drawn in and never letting go.
Your hands brushed through her hair, tugging out her hair tie and tossing it behind you onto the coffee table. She grunted, pulling you even harder against her and grinding your hips against your leg.
She kissed across your cheek and down your neck. She was harsh. She ran her teeth along your skin and bit down hard enough for you to whine. You gripped her shoulders and pressed your clothes clit harder against her leg, trying to find satisfaction.
You knew she was going to leave marks. Something about that thought made you crazy. You were not supposed to belong to anyone, but you wanted people to know she fucked you—that she wanted you.
Her tongue ran over a fresh hickey as she leaned back up and kissed you again. She exhaled heavily out her nose, settling into the kiss.
You clutched her face gently in both hands, cradling her head as she slid her tongue into your mouth. You could feel heat looking in your stomach. Surely your underwear was ruined by now. She might’ve even had a wet spot on her thigh.
Everything felt so disorienting. It was like she was her own drug, pulling you in and locking away the rest of the world. You couldn’t hear any outside of the room, and nothing matter but how her chest felt pressed against yours.
“Lie down,” you whispered, running your fingers through her hair.
She wasn’t the type to listen to others, but something in the way you coaxed your voice made her comply. She was much too large for the small couch so her legs hung off the other end, but you made sure her head was nice and comfortable on a small throw pillow.
She propped herself up on her elbows, smirking at you as you stepped off the couch and pulled your panties off. “You just think you have all the power, don't you?”
You cocked your head to the side. “Do I not?”
“Hm.” She wasn’t amused. You crawled on top of her, your thighs on either side of her head as you sat on her collar. You brushed the stray hairs off her forehead.
“I’ll put you in your place, baby girl, don’t worry,” she assured. “But I might as well let you have a little fun first.”
“That’s sweet,” you teased. “I’m almost intimidated. But, really, anyone who gets underneath me always ends up being my bitch.”
She rolled her eyes. “Just fucking sit on my face already.”
“Say please?”
She ignored you, dragging your hips up and grinding your core against her face. Your breath caught in your throat at the sudden movement, hands flying to her hair to steady yourself as her tongue parted you.
You pressed your lips together. “Oh, fuck, Sev…” you moaned, head falling back as she lapped at your folds like you were the last thing on earth. Her mouth was hot against your cunt and she was sending shockwaves through your body.
She pressed all your weight against her face and everything she was doing made you relax against her. Part of you cared if she could breathe but most of you didn’t. Your mind was only focused on how she circled your entrance with her tongue.
You dug your nails into her scalp, tugging as she moved up to flick your clit with her tongue. The pleasure had you tugging at her hair. She moaned into your folds, the vibrations eliciting another wave of ecstasy.
She gripped the backs of your thighs, keeping you steady as your strength wavered. As you unwound, she continued to undulate your cunt against her.
Everything she did drew you closer and closer to your peak. It was a constant assault as she dragged her tongue though you with a sharp tip before pulling your clit into her mouth to suck.
“God, that feels so good,” you moaned, grinding harder on her nose as her tongue fucked into you. “Don’t stop.”
With the tone of your voice, she could tell you were close. Her hands came from behind to cup your ass and squeeze it harshly, making you moan again before her finger came closer. She circled your entrance with them, coating each with your slick before easily slipping one thick finger in.
“Two,” you demanded, breathless.
She pushed a second one in and you almost regretted it. It was a tight squeeze as she pumped her finger deep inside, still working on your clit with her mouth. She was ruthless with her speed, and soon you were helpless. You rode her finger and face breathlessly until your orgasm hit with a wave of pleasure.
You cursed loudly, moaning as she helped you down from your peak. It seemed to go one forever, pulsing with your fast heart rate. She kept her finger deep inside you as she pushed you off her face.
“Sev…” you muttered, wiping her chin with your thumb. You realized you had no words. She curled her fingers inside of you. “Fuck,” you whined
She flipped the two of you over, pushing your hips down into the couch as she went harder.
“Wait,” you whined. The overwhelming sensation from your last orgasm was too much to bear. So much that she was leading you right to another one. You couldn't take it. “Sevika,” you cried.
She shushed you, demanding, “Take it.” She was peppering kisses down your neck and over your chest. Your low-cut dress was becoming more and more disheveled, and she could nearly kiss your nipple.
Just her presence was arousing. She was almost animalistic the way she hovered over you, so much bigger than you. She shadowed you in the dim room, gazing down at you like you were her prey. You couldn’t get out even if you tried.
Her hard metal arm that pinned you down radiated a sharp heat that reminded you she could kill you if she really wanted to. And that shimmer in her vials could turn her into a monster with no mercy.
You bit your lip, your head pressing back against the couch as you felt your finish coming. You couldn’t believe how good she was. The people you fucked for you job hardly ever really got you turned on. She made your head spin.
And she was so attentive. Every second she was digging her teeth into your collar or running her mouth along your breast. Her hot breath against you skin had you writhing under her, mumbling curses and urging her to never stop.
Her fingers pumped inside, curling with every thrust to hit your sweet spot. The heel of her palm rubbed against your clit as she abused your velvet wall, rutting against it when she would pull out and shove back in.
“I’m gonna cum, Sev,” you cried. “I’m so close.”
She hummed into your skin, quickening her cruel pace to a point that made your legs tense and your hands run down her back, pressing crescents into her skin.
Your peak was coming closer and closer. You could feel it rising in you with every passing second of pleasure. The ribbed rubbing of her fingers in your cunt overwhelmed every sense until she stopped.
She stopped moving.
“What the fuck—“
“You were real cocky coming in here,” she growled into your ear. Her voice was almost gritty. “You need to know that’s not okay.”
You squirmed under her, just trying to get her to move or maybe be able to ride her fingers. “Sevika, just let me—“
She held you very still. “In this room, you’re mine. You do whatever the fuck I tell you to, and you ask nicely for things.” Her still fingers were driving you insane. The full sensation of hay being full but not stimulated made you push against her shoulder, urging her to do something.
She lifted her head to look at your pleading face. “Outside of here you might belong to anyone with enough money in their pocket, but right now you belong to me. I chose when you cum, do you understand?”
You glared up at her, irritation alight in your eyes as you thrashed and tried to get her to move. You couldn’t speak, only fighting to move to reach your finish.
“I didn’t expect you to be such a fucking brat, baby.” She pushed a third finger inside slowly. The stretch was painful as you cried out, your nails digging into her back. She still wouldn’t fucking move. “But that’s okay,” she assured. “I’ll teach you a lesson. I’ll make you my good girl.”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you sunk further into the cushion. “Sevika—“
She smacked your clit harshly. “Say please.”
You squirmed again, the pain pulsing through your core. You pressed your lips together, trying not to give her the satisfaction.
Her brow creased and she frowned down at you. Disappointed pooled in her gaze and it made you feel awful. She slid her fingers out of you, shrugging and moving to get up.
You holt forward, hands wrapping around her thick forearm to pull her back to you. “No—fuck—please, Sev, please.” Your wide, pleading eyes helped lure her back. “Please. I need it. I need it so fucking badly.”
She sighed, pulling you close to her again by your hips, cradling them against her own as she pushed you back down into the couch. She kissed you once, gently. “What do you need, baby?”
All attitude was thrown out the window. All you could do was obey. “To cum—please, just let me—“
She forced her fingers back inside of you, having you crying out at the sudden stretch. She pushed your legs open, spreading them widen so she could fuck you deeper.
The room echoed with your cries. The sudden intrusion made the stretch so intense it was painful. The feeling mixed with the incessant pleasure drove your mind to an unreachable place. You were a babbling mess underneath her, mumbling pleas and begging for her to never stop. You were rendered senseless.
“Please…please, I’m so close.”
She rubbed her thumb over your clit and bit on the pulse point of your neck, the sharp sensation pushing you over the edge
Your vision went white as hot, immeasurable pleasure shot through your core. Your legs squeezed around her as she slowed her lace to a gentle rolling of her fingers to guide you through your orgasm.
The way she held you made all your bitching seem so senseless. She was ruthless but caring, attending to every need as she brought you down from your high. It felt as if you couldn’t move, lying limp underneath her as she took care of you.
“Good job.” She kissed your cheek. “I knew you could behave.”
All you could muster up was a whine as you pawed at her face, pushing her up so you could pull her in for a kiss. She settled into your lips, helping you relax as your heartbeat still pounded against your chest. Her hands gripped your thighs, your juices sticking to your hot skin.
She pulled back. “Careful, you don’t want to make me start again.”
You shook your head frantically, mouth still so dry yet searching for words but you couldn’t find any. So fucked out, all you could do was lie there and stare at her.
Your eyes were glassy and she smiled slightly at the state she left you in. “You okay, doll?”
You nodded.
“Okay,” she chuckled, sitting up. “I’d hate to scare you off too quickly.”
You made some helpless noise, clawing after her as you tried to push yourself up. It felt like you could hardly move your legs, and your hands felt numb.
She helped you sit up, pulling you across her lap to rest your head against her shoulder. “Though you seem quite comfortable.”
You giggled. “Just tired.”
She hummed, reaching around you to find a cigar on the coffee table. You watched her hold it in her lips as she leaned forward again to grab the lighter.
You just liked to watch her. She moved comfortably in herself, relaxing back on the couch as she puffed on the cigar. She made rings with the smoke, showing off to impress you, maybe.
She let you take a puff, but it wasn’t exactly for your taste. Instead, you just relaxed against her, listening to the slight boom of the bass through the walls. You couldn’t even remember hearing it until now.
Minutes passed, maybe even a half an hour as the two of you relaxed. You could feel your eyes drooping the longer you sat against her warmth.
“It’s late,” she observed. “Do you need me to walk you home?”
“So chivalrous,” you murmured, fixing the neckline and straps of your dress. You sat up straight, blinking slowly to meet her eyes. “I think I’ll be okay. Babette’s is just down the street.”
A crease formed in her brow. “You live there?”
You shrugged. “Yeah.” Your eyes fell to the floor. “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Hm,” she hummed, adjusting the hem of your skirt so it was fully over your ass. Her limited reaction made you slightly nervous, but it was better than her overreacting. “I’m going to walk you home.”
She patted your hip, urging you to get up. Begrudgingly, you slid off her lap and to your feet. You stumbled, partially from the alcohol still in your system, but also from the ache in your legs.
Sevika held you against her, smiling. “Easy, baby.”
“Shut up.”
“Attitude's back already?” She teased, “I should’ve been meaner.”
You grumbled, waving your hand aimlessly to get her to stop talking. Hell, you would’ve loved if she fucked you with no restraint, but you couldn’t take any more. You worked all day, and she just knocked the wind out of you for so long.
She guided you towards the door, helping you walk as the two of you pushed through the front room. It was past midnight for sure, and the crowd had lessened, but those who were left were wasted and uncontrollable. You noticed how she held you away from everyone who seemed too intoxicated.
It was about then when you realized your underwear was still on the floor of the back room, but you didn’t give a shit. Maybe she’d keep it as a souvenir. You surely had the bruises on your neck to remind you of her for days.
God, you wished every night ended like this.
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inari-zaheer · 1 year
oki oki oki what if?? instead of being Silco's right hand, Sevika decided to be a brothel madame?? she's running a business either way, so any headcanons you might have on this? Or maybe Grayson dumping enforcement life to run a brothel..? I'm sorry, buff women make me melt 🥺🥺❤️
My friends and I were joking about this the other day, now I'm genuinely curious. It's fine if you don't feel comfortable writing about this, I completely understand
A/N:Hey guys, so first of all y’all deserve an explanation, i stoped writing because i got two jobs and got on college, so sadly i didn’t had time to do what i love most, that is writing, but now as i’m only in one job and college i wanna start doing it again, sadly i will empty my inbox first as i’m not inspired to do Arcane fics anymore (this was written a long time ago) , so they’ll be open in no time, thanks for the ones who stayed and waited❤️
tw:Mild nsfw
Ok so, I can definitely see Sevika wanting to run a brothel cause 1-she wanted to help the girls in need of a job in Zaun, and 2-to work with what she loves the most ✨women✨
She probably got the offer from Babette, as she wanted to retire but also give her business to someone she knew she could trust
Even if she didn’t work for Silco she’d still be one of the most feared person in the Undercity
Wouldn’t let anyone treat her girls badly, no matter who it was nor the paycheck
Let’s just say some people showed up dead in the alley behind the brothel after doing so
She would definitely do one of those big orgy rooms and put an almost throne looking chair and just watch every night the activity’s
She says is for the safety of the girls and boys but come on, we know what she’s really there for
She also likes to have her time with the girls, but they love their boss so everyone’s happy
She definitely uses the brothel to do some undercover stuff, but nothing that would affect the workers
Overall great boss and great business manager
At first she never thought of giving up on her enforcer job to do anything else
But it was because of said job that she changed career paths
on an undercover mission
And she had to make up a perfect excuse to why one of the most prestigious enforcers was in the depths of the undercity just doing whatever
She chose this line of work to be undercover cause besides being a business where she could get many information, she couls also help the people that were going to work there, making it a safe environment for them
But after a few months it just got to a point where she longed more to be running the brothel than going to her office, so one day she just decided that she could do much more for the Zaunites while working there than what she could do in Piltover
She's the kindest boss ever, always worried about her worked on multiple ways
Also giving them self defense classes just for safety
Would think that partaking in relations with the workers is wrong, but after a while and a good talk with them she realized that as long as everyone was fine with it it was ok
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