#babe u got me kicking my legs n everything
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tojisun · 1 year ago
hi! saw this on twitter n thought you might like it <3
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im losing my mind holy fuck?? cant cope CANT FUNCTION WELL HFHFHFH it's not even just the bod - which hhhh im convulsing about - but the way their eyes are narrowed; the rippling authority in their bite-sized commands; the way they're gripping their bulges-
thats it. time of death for me is 10:11 am. im never recovering hhhhhfhhfh
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heeheesang · 2 years ago
arcade | he knows me?!
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i cleared my throat, "guys! let's get bacl to practice, break's over!" i yelled as everyone sighed and we huddled up one again, "okay look, we need to win against jisung's team, he's pissing me off." i started as everyone laughed and agreed.
"dear captain, when are you not pissed at his team?" sunwoo asked in a teasing tone as i kicked his knee from the back, causing him to stumble.
"okay c'mon, we need to win, even though we are one team as a whole with jisung, we need to showcase what we are able of dping so the coach will pick us for tournaments." i said as everyone agreed before we did our cheer.
soon enough, we dispersed to our places. heejin ran up behind me, "jaemin's still here, i think he's watching jisung and his friends."
"what should i do about it? like sunwoo said, shouldn't get my hopes up." heejin rolled her eyes before going to her position.
soon, coach blew on the whistle, signalling that the game had started. i was pushing through everything and focusing on the ball itself as a centre. i got super annoyed because jisung was also a centre and he kept provoking me with his long legs and fake passes.
"oh c'mon, minji noona, you can do better than this~"
oh how much i hated him during game plays. soon soccer training ended, we were tied thanks to sunwoo's last defence as a goal keeper. we shook hands with everyone, "good play, minji noona."
"good game, jisung."
we shook hands as captains and co-captains before smiling and laughing away. jungmo, sunwoo, heejin and i went to change before heading out of school because we were sweaty, duh. in our friend group, we sorta had a small system.
it was like if you needed to go somewhere, the person will follow you and vice versa. in our group, it was jungmo and heejin, and sunwoo and i. sunwoo and i were pretty close, pretty close to the point i almost caught feelings for him, or so i thought.
"you sure you don't us to wait for u and sunwoo?" jungmo asked as i nodded, "it's fine, you guys can go first. you both live on the same street anyway~"
heejin and jungmo nodded, leaving as they waved goodbyes. i waited at the benches outside the guys toilet, scrolling through instagram on my phone while waiting for sunwoo to arrive.
"heyy? minji right?" a familiar voice rang in my ears as i looked up to see jaemin sitting in front of me while his friends were at the side waiting for him.
"hi, yeah i'm minji..."
"just wanted to say, you played really well on the field earlier on... i was wondering if you wanted to exchange numbers? as friends of course?" he asked with a wide smile on his face.
"urm, sure." i exchanged my number with his when suddenly i felt a hand on my back, "you ready to go, babe?"
"babe? didn't know you and sunwoo were together. my bad, i'll see you some other time, princess." jaemin said as he left with a wink while a very evident blush was on my cheeks, sunwoo called me his babe??
"where's jungmo and heejin?" sunwoo asked as he took a seat next to me, sitting sideways so he was facing me completely, taking his phone out and was about to text them when he suddenly stared at me.
"do you like jaemin that much that you're blushing like mad?" sunwoo chuckled before shaking his head.
"n-no.." i said before cupping my face to cover my cheeks and face him.
"let's just go, c'mon, babe."
he can't just make my heart flutter like that... i like jaemin, not my best friend...
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tulsa-trash · 4 years ago
I usually don’t read the outsiders fanfiction but yours is so good that I can’t resist! just dropping by to say that + I hope you’re doing well and may I request a Dallas Winston fluffy headcanon/imagine? thank u so so much
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I’m doing great! Hope you’re doing good as well :D thanks for reading!
WARNING(S): Mentions of violence, swearing
Most teenagers would be thrilled if they got their house all to themselves for a weekend, but not you. Being alone in your big, empty house frightened you quite a bit. Especially when you were curled up on your couch watching a scary movie with all of the lights off. 
You found yourself cowering deeper into the blanket you had covering your body, the movie was now at a very intense scene. The killer was slowly sneaking behind his victim, the music getting louder and louder with every step he took. He grabbed the women and stabbed her in the chest, a shrill cry erupted from the TV just as you heard a loud bang come from your front door. 
"AHH!" You cried out. 
"Y/N?" A muffled voice called for you.
With shaking legs you got up off the couch and turned the lights back on, you sent the black and white television a dirty look.
"Ugh, why did I even watch that in the first place." You scolded yourself. 
More banging came from the front door, you glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. Who could possibly be knocking at your door this late at night? You grabbed the fire poker from near the fireplace and tiptoed to the front hallway. 
"W-Who is it?" You asked while readying your weapon by holding it up above your shoulder.
"For cryin' out loud, its Dallas! Open the door!"
You sighed in relief and unlocked the door for your boyfriend. You could barely make out his tall silhouette, it was too dark. He quickly brushed past you without saying a word. You rolled your eyes and closed the door behind him, locking it in the process. When you turned, Dallas was no where in sight.
You walked up to your bathroom door and waited for him to get out. 
"The hell is all the screamin' about? I could hear you wailin' all the way from down the street." He said from the other side of the door.
"Yeah... About that..." You face palmed yourself and shook your head. "I was just watchin' a scary movie. The girl was yellin' a lot."
His signature, taunting laugh sounded out, "Yeah babe, sure it was the TV."
You lightly kicked the door, "Well it is really scary, Dal. Now would ya come out already? You haven’t even told me why you’re here."
The door swung open, revealing the smug and cocky Dallas Winston you've come to know so well. Only he had a fresh busted lip, a swelling black eye, and a unlit cigarette dangling from his lips.
"What the hell happened to you?" You asked him worriedly. 
“Since when do I need a reason to come see my girl?” He ignored your question and lit his cigarette.
“Dallas.” You whined. 
"The other guy looks worse, trust me... why do you have a fire poker?"
You groaned loudly and decided not to answer that question. You grabbed his hand and lead him to the living room, forcing him to sit on the couch.
 "That desperate to start foolin' around, huh Y/N?" He teased suggestively whilst grabbing your hips.
You aggressively pushed his hands away before returning the fire poker to it's stand. You then rushed to the bathroom to get your first aid kit from under the sink. Upon your return he was casually leaned back on the couch, exhaling a big cloud of smoke. 
"No smoking in the house." You scolded before snatching the cancer stick out of his mouth. You crossed the room to your father’s ash tray and put it out. 
"Why are you still actin' like a goody two shoes? Your parents ain't even around." He huffed.
"Well maybe I don't want them to come back to the house smellin' like smoke!" You sassed. “They’ll think it was me and they’ll skin me alive.”
You made your way back to him and handed him his half-smoked weed, he took it and placed it back in his carton. As you cleaned his wounds, Dallas went on and on about how good the fight was and how he beat the guy senseless. Once you got to cleaning up his knuckles he was going into detail about how messed up the guys face was, which made you sick to your stomach.
"Dal." You finally cut him off. "All of these details yet you still failed to tell me why you even got into a fight in the first place."
"Ah, that ain't important." He shrugged. 
"Yes it is." You insisted. "I know you love fightin' but I highly doubt you almost killed this guy just for the hell of it."
There was a moment of silence that fell between the two of you, you glanced up from his hands to look at him. He was blankly staring at the wall, expressionless. He was good at that, hiding everything he was thinking or feeling. But you knew better.
"Dallas." You said his name softly, making him turn back to you. "Why?"
"The guy was talkin' about ya." He confessed. "There. You happy now?"
"What do you mean he was talkin' about me?"
"I'm not gonna tell you every f*cking thing he said, man. I sure as hell wasn't gonna let him get away with it." He spat.
"Were you jealous or somethin'?" You asked. 
He rolled his eyes, "The guy was disrespectin' ya, babe. Obviously I wasn't gonna sit there and listen to it."
You placed the first aid kit on the end table then climbed up onto his lap, straddling his waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a light kiss on his bruised cheek.
"You're not mad?" Confusion was laced into his deep voice.
You leaned your head on his shoulder, "No, I'm not."
You felt his hands rest on the small of your back, making goosebumps flood over your entire body.That was always your natural reaction to any of his soft gestures, you cherished these moments as if it would be the last time he'd do it.
"Thank you."
"Thank you, Dal. I don't know what those boys were saying about me but I'm glad you stuck up for me." You told him sincerely.
"Jeez, kid. Don't get all sappy on me now." You could hear the smirk in his voice.
You lifted your head up from his shoulder to look at him, raising one eyebrow. "Sappy? Let's not forget you were the one that got into fist fight over me."
Dallas snickered, "Gettin' all cocky now, huh?"
You nodded your head, "What can I say, its not everyday a girl got the ‘Big ‘Ol Bad’ Dallas Winston wrapped around her finger."
"Oh really?" He raised his thick eyebrows.
"Yeah, really!" 
He swiftly threw you off of his lap, making you land on your back beside him on the couch. You began to laugh hysterically, one hand holding your stomach while the other tried to cover the loud guffaws leaving your mouth. Dallas got on top of you and pinned both of your arms on either side of your head.
"Y-You were jealous!" You sputtered.
"Was not." He grumbled.
"Were too!" 
He sighed and let go of your arms, you giggled as you looked up into his dark brown eyes. "Don't tell the gang."
"No promises."
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simpforboys · 4 years ago
custom battle
she/her pronouns
summary: y/n and vinnie goof around when they go in a custom battle on valorant against each other
warnings: fluff, swearing
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“when are we getting on with everyone?” y/n asked, playing with vinnie's hair as they laid on his bed.
vinnie pulled her tighter against him, putting his face into her neck and giving it a small kiss.
“what if i just kiss you all over instead of playing?” he whispered.
“you do that anyways,” y/n smiled, wrapping her arms fully around his neck as he moved to lay on her.
hera stretched, being woken up by vinnie's movement. “you woke the baby,” y/n frowned, petting hera on the tail.
“you woke this baby.” vinnie said tiredly.
“you're referring to yourself as a baby now?” y/n smiled.
vinnie only hummed in response.
spreading her legs slightly, vinnie moved down so he could rest his head on her boobs. “need suck?” y/n joked, hearing vinnie laugh.
“mommy,” he joked back, closing his eyes and resting against her.
a few hours later y/n went back to her room so they could play val with everyone.
vin<3: i miss u already babe
y/n<3: im literally in the room next door
vin<3: am i not allowed to miss my hot gf?
y/n<3: hot?🤓🤓
vin<3: u heard me
y/n<3: ig i can call u😔
y/n clicked facetime as she turned on her monitor, hearing vinnie accept. “hi pretty girl.”
“hi pretty boy,” y/n grinned, looking at him to see him setting up too.
after turning everything on she opened valorant and waited.
“who are we playing with?” y/n asked, accepting the invite to vinnie's party.
“i don't know, to be honest,” vinnie answered.
“wanna warm up with some deathmatchs then?” y/n asked.
“yeah, i'll call you on disc,” vinnie hung up.
after the couple warmed up and vinnie started streaming, he got an invite from cavern to join his party.
vinnie then sent an invite to y/n.
“okay, is everyone here now?” someone asked.
the custom lobby was full with 10 players. y/n sucked in a breath, seeing her phone light up with a text from vinnie.
vin<3: u okay baby?
y/n: yeah, hbu?
vin<3: i'm okay. hope i get to have u on my team
y/n:  i thought u liked competition ?
vin<3: not against u, ur scary
y/n: grrrrr LOL
vinnie laughed at his phone as he refocused on the game. “okay, i'll take eden, vinnie, y/n, and-“
vinnie watched as y/n clicked over to his team. “not the couple together!” someone on the other team complained. “don't be mad you're gonna lose,” vinnie defended.
y/n grinned, watching as the game started.
“y/n, you wanna play reyna?” cavern asked.
“if someone else wants to-“ y/n started but saw everyone had selected agents.
“never mind.” she laughed, picking lock in.
the score was 7-3 as it was the last round before the swap. y/n was second fragging, one kill under vinnie.
popping reyna's ult, she killed the raze, omen, sage, and reyna. eden got the last kill; killjoy.
their team quickly won the game as they went back into the party. “are we switching teams?” cavern asked.
“hell yeah, dude! we want y/n!”
y/n laughed.
“okay, i'll have vinnie,” cavern read off more names.
y/n clicked on the defender side. sending vinnie a whisper, she typed, “be ready to get your ass kicked, babe.”
with bind being the map y/n got into the agent select screen. “i can play sage, to throw vinnie off,” she said to her teammates. y/n never played sage, preferring to play a duelist or controller.
meanwhile on vinnie's team he had omen hovered over. “y/n is probably gonna play reyna, so we need to be on a look out for that.”
y/n locked in sage, seeing vinnie was playing omen. when they got into the game, vinnie typed in all chat, “sage really?”
“gotta keep u on ur toes sweet face :)” she replied, hearing her teammates talk strategy.
vinnie smirked, following his teammates to b site.
“should i wall off hookah?” y/n asked.
“not yet, i would say wait for them to come first,” the yoru said.
the round started and y/n heard footsteps outside hookah. “they're here.”
“go ahead and wall,” viper told her.
seeing the tip of a gun poke out, y/n right clicked and killed vinnie instantly. laughing, she got another kill before dying.
“BABY DOENOWNS” vinnie typed in all chat.
“LMFAOOOOO” she replied.
their little bantering when on for the rest of the game until it was a 1v1, match point.
y/n was taking spike to a, not having her res ready.
“y/n vinnie is shaking rn” cavern typed in chat.
smirking slightly, y/n walled off ct and planted the spike. playing with time, her shaky hands and rapid heartbeat, she heard vinnie's footsteps in showers.
vinnie checked his corners, but y/n was smarter. using her op, she headshot him as soon as he stepped away from the spike.
“yes!” she shouted, loud enough to make sure vinnie heard it.
seconds later there was footsteps outside her door when vinnie ran in, picking her up out of her chair and threw her onto her bed.
“ah!” she screamed, feeling him tickling her.
“why do you have to be so good at the game?” he asked, continuing his torture.
“b-baby p-please! stop!” she laughed, losing her breath as vinnie stopped moving, now kissing her face.
“i was shitting my pants, i didn't know where you were,” she confessed, wrapping her legs around his hips as he hovered over her to look into her eyes.
“you scared the fuck out of me,” he told her, causing her to grin evilly.
“op queen,” she joked, now kissing his face.
“ah, are ya'll fucking?!” michael screamed, slamming y/n's door closed.
the couple laughed.
“no, i just shit on him at valorant,” y/n explained, pushing her boyfriend off her so she could stand back up and show michael they were fully clothed.
michael nodded and headed to his room.
vinnie kissed y/n's cheek. “i'm gonna get off. wanna hang out with you,” he told her. she nodded.
when they both settled back into their chairs, they clicked on party chat.
“hello?” y/n asked in comms.
“finally!” eden said.
“we thought you two ran off,” cavern joked.
“i got tackled like a fucking football player,” y/n explained, hearing vinnie laugh.
vinnie and y/n said their goodbyes, hearing vinnie open the door again. y/n was now laying down in her bed as vinnie held hera in his hands, plopping her down on the bed.
“come to mama,” y/n said, feeling hera purr against her as the cat nuzzled against y/n's leg.
“what about me?” vinnie frowned, slipping under the black comforter.
“i guess you can join too,” y/n joked, putting her head on his chest as they entangled their legs. hera curled up in the middle of them.
“i still cannot believe you fucking headshot me with an op,” vinnie said.
y/n grinned.
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wizkiddx · 4 years ago
Hiii I really love your work! Could you write about Tom secretly or not secretly watching yoi have a Zoom Uni class? And maybe he teases you in a way, trying to make you laugh or he sends you text messages or something? And later when you're done and he has a meeting,you tease him right back?
Hope you're having a lovely day 💞
a/n hey anon!! this was a really cute idea but I have another req for the vice versa bit, so only did the first half in this- I hope u don't mind :)
warnings: implied smut at the end but rlly just a fluffy cringe fest
Early mornings where never you’re favourite and this one wasn’t an exception to the rule. The LA sun was flooding through the curtains that had been hurriedly thrown almost-closed last night as you huffed into the duvet. You needed to get up - but you definitely didn’t want to. To be fair, you’d only arrived the day before and were still acclimatising to the jet lag - though Tom’s presence certainly made everything alot easier.
Especially as you’d been without him for so long, the pandemic meaning you hadn’t been able to make the long-weekend trips you usually would’ve. So when at the beginning of may, Tom had offered for you to come out and stay with him for half the summer (while he was busy working). There was only really one answer…. free holiday with the absolute specimen of a human who you call your boyfriend? Yes please.
It did mean though, that you had flown out before the end of the semester. Only by a week and it didn’t make much difference because you only had a few zoom lectures - but they were compulsory. So even if you were living in the US, you had to follow your UK school timetable. Hence why you had to get up at 6:30, to make your UK time 14:30 lecture.
The arms around you seemed to have other ideas, huffing and only pulling you tighter when you tried to wriggle out of his embrace. You groaned in annoyance, mainly because he was making it more and more tempting to stay huddled up against him.
“Toooooommm I gotta get up” Clearly not agreeing, he just squeezed you to his chest tighter, whilst emphatically shaking his head - all with his eyes still firmly pressed shut.
“Let go! I have a lecture!” Still not letting up , he just shook his head once again - making his bed hair especially wild as it dragged against the linen pillows.
With a sigh you turned in his death grip, now being able to see his puffy morning eyes pressed firmly shut. First you arched up and pressed a soft kiss to his chin, then jaw and then nose.
“Seriously T, I need to show up to this one.” Because yes, you might’ve already had an absence from yesterday, where you had both slept through the alarm.
“-o it-’” Croaking so much so you couldn’t even puzzle out what he said, the man cleared his throat before trying again, the sound reverberating in his chest. “ uhmm do it from bed, don’t go.”
That had you pouting at his cuteness. Ever since you’d arrived he’d been unbelievable clingy to you, barely letting you out of his sight. You showered together; he sat and stared whilst you did your skin care routine; even at restaurants he insisted on sitting next to you with his hand on your knee. When you had asked him, the only reasoning you got was a shrug and a muttered ‘I missed you’. Never, ever would you complain about Tom’s attention. But…. you really needed to get to your laptop.
“I can’t babe thats not very profess-“
“-wont even be able to tell.”
As much as you tried, you couldn’t ever really deny Tom anything. Not when he cracked his eyelids open, revealing the softest warm brown eyes, coupled with a lazy smile. So yes, you ended up quickly getting changed into one of Toms old burgundy tops, running a brush through your frizzy hair and then clambering back into bed. You balanced your laptop on a tray on top of a box, so the angle was less obvious that your backdrop was a headboard. Instantly Tom had half-asleep turned over to lay his messy head on your lap. And with a half sigh half laugh, you logged on- once in the waiting room bringing a hand down to trail your nails through Tom’s hair which made him groan with delight.
It was all going so well too, up the point where breakout rooms were announced and you had to talk - your chipper voice and laughs with your course mates rousing Tom from his sleep. Every time he almost lifted his head into the view of the webcam, you were very quick to slam it back down, forcing him back onto your lap.
Eventually he got bored of the restrictions, as well as not being very into the history module you were all puzzling over- so slid out of bed into the shower. Once he was gone you did almost sigh in relief, you had thought that Tom in his friendly-idiot manner would end up getting you caught at some point. Especially as our relationship was so secretive, none of your course mates knew you weren’t single - imagine their shock if an a lister popped up in the zoom class.
But oh, the relief did not last long at all.
The issue was Harry had gone out for the day. It was just you and Tom in his fancy rented LA house. And, as mentioned, Tom was being clingy as hell. It couldn’t of been more than 20 minutes before the fluffy haired brunette was back in the room - pouting when he saw you still on the computer.
Even though you shooed him away, Tom just cocked his head to one side, a small smirk on his face. And you knew. You knew he was going to be a little shit. He slinked over the bed, perching at the foot next to where your feet lay.The warning look you shot him, metaphorical daggers coming out your eye did absolutely nothing - you watched his hand pin your right ankle down before stroking the sole of your foot. Familiar shivers shot up your leg and it took everything in you to not kick out, launching the laptop across the room as tickled you.
Soon though he stopped, you pulled yourself into a cross legged position, readjusting the laptop and trying to concentrate back on the lecturer. Seeing your disinterest, Tom hopped up off the bed and you thought he was leaving. But no. No you were wrong. He just stood at the foot of the bed, hands on hips as he appeared to listen intently to the lecturer too.
Clearly Tom was an actor, he was pretty good at accents. You should’ve known he wouldn’t be able to resist the impersonating your academic staff - who happened to have a strong Somerset accent.
Pretending to ignore Tom as he hunched up and widened his stance - to imagine the physicality of your lecturer- you narrowed your eyes at the computer screen. Then though, a deep booming farmer-like voice came out your well spoken south london boy - god you were glad you’d stuck the mute button on as soon as he had entered.
“And then as your reading in chapter twel-“
“And then as yowr readinf in chapter twelve….” Tom echoed the lecturer loud and proud, making it completely impossible for you to attempt to concentrate. As much as you wanted to be furious at him- well, all it took was one look.
He was holding his face in some sort of duck pout and all the movements were extra pronounced and exaggerated. You couldn’t help it- instantly you burst out laughing, having to turn off the video for fear of anyone noticing.
Seeing he’d got a rise out of you, Tom was only spurred on, continuing the dramatic acting with a new found confidence. That was until you got yourself under control, face turning like a switch from joy to fury.
“Shut the hell up!”
And he did, for a few minutes, whilst pouting like a told-off toddler. In a strop, he sat down, shoulders slumped at the edge of the bed. Oh how wrong your were, when you thought you’d won - with a satisfied smile concentrating back on the laptop screen. Just in time to hear the lecturer FINALLY starting to rounding up the lecture.
“Alright so next session we’re-“ Before he’d even stammered his way to the end of the sentence, Tom’s face had switched up once again - into one of mischief as he started crawling up the bed either-side of your legs. One strong arm reached out to touch the back of your laptop lid and before you could protest he was pushing it down, till it landed with a small ‘clunk’.
“You did not just do that!” Yelling at him, you sat up so now he was kneeling across your lap.
“But I just did.” He mimed a mic drop which had you cringing hard, staring at him in disbelief. Okay the lecturer was beginning to round off, but that conclusion could’ve gone on for 5 minutes at least!
“Oh you are so in for it Holland.”
You’d meant it as a threat, as a sort of ‘I’m-going-to-make-your-life-a-living-hell” but the bright eyed boy before you had other plans. Wordlessly he nodded, then placed your laptop on the bedside ; then pushed you down on the bed. His legs either side of you, his arms like rockets to pin yours either side your head.
“Ah but you see my love…” he tutted, with a wide smile, hhis breath fanning down onto you as he took your breath away. “That is exactly what I want.” Immediately his lips were on yours, the both of you fighting for dominance as you arched your head up to get extra purchase on him.
“I hate… I hate you… so bloody much” It was hard to talk when his intoxicating lips were moving against yours, melting away all your resistance.
“Hmmm… well its… its a good thing… that I love you.”
He was impossible and no doubt you’d missed the prep work for tomorrows lecture. But having him there, body pressed against yours, after months apart.
Well, you wouldn’t mind failing the module for him.
~~~~ let me know what you think <333~~~~
tag list : @thefernandasantana @lovehollandy12 @hallecarey1 @crossyourpeter @hollandfanficlove @msmimimerton @thegirlwiththeimpala
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catxsnow · 4 years ago
Request: Hi! I would like to ask for a request about Gar. The situation would be that, the reader (who is part of the Titans) had a tough week, Dick made them even more than usual with Jason which occasionate that Gar and them barely spend time together, so that with the fact that they were feeling pretty down and sad, how would Gar react when he went to see how his s/o and Jason were training and he sees his s/o crying beacuse Jason was upset about a little thing and yelled at them, this usually wouldn't even bother the reader but they had a though week. So how Gar would react to that. English is not my first language so I hope that you can understand me, and I'm sorry if is too long this request, if is to long tell and I will tell you something different. Thank u for your time ♡♡
Warning: fluff, Jason being an ass, 
A/N: hello everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I won’t be posting fics as often. I used to try to get them out every three days or so but ir’ll probably be more like once a week now. School started back up again and to be honest, I was draining myself trying to get that many out. Thanks xx
Word Count: 1.4k 
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Gar usually knew when you were having a bad week. He could see it in your eyes, the way you held yourself, most importantly your lack of communication with him. He always tried his best to make you feel back like yourself when you were in a rut like this. This week, you barely had the chance to see him.
Dick was pushing you both harder than before that week. You knew he had his best intentions in mind but it was absolutely draining. Hours upon hours of training, readings, life skills that you apparently didn't know you needed. He was getting you ready for the outside world as best as he could.
Which meant that your hours spent with Gar dwindled and you were stuck with Jason or Rachel half the time. He was the most experienced out of the four of you - and being without powers as well it made sense for you to be teamed up with him. As much as you'd rather be goofing off half the time with Gar during spars, you knew, in the long run, it wouldn't help.
It was the same that day as any other. Pushing yourself to your limits, Jason going as hard as he could on you. As badly as you wanted to be cuddled in bed with your boyfriend - Dick was right you needed to be pushed harder. The slacking off had been going on far too long and it was time to get your butt in gear.
Reluctantly, you pushed on through the spar, wanting for this to end so you could finally spend a much needed night with Gar. It had been days since you had seen him last - which wasn't helping with your already foul mood.
Jason had been trying to teach you this new move for days now. It was a far more complicated one than you were used to and it was evident that your ability to perform it was lacking. Not only were you getting frustrated by the struggle, but so was Jason. It had only taken him a few tries to learn it when Bruce first showed him.
He wasn't used to taking the time to go through things like this. Unfortunately, his little amount of patience was already dwindling down. At another failed attempt, Jason had finally lost it. The moment that you slammed down on the mat with another loss, he had expressed himself in full.
"Fuck (Y/N)! It's not that hard why the hell are you taking so long to get this! If you can't even learn this one move then maybe you aren't meant to be here!" Jason yelled at you. He had instant regret for his words. Immediately, tears started pooling in your eyes at his harsh words. "Wait, no that's -"
You never heard the rest of his pathetic attempt at an apology. Jason was left alone in the training room as you stormed off towards your own room. The heat of his words burned through you, tearing apart the small shred of strength you had left. The week had already been awful, but Jason had given the icing on the cake.
Usually, his demeaning words never got to you. Jason was poor at keeping himself in line but that didn't mean that you let his anger bother you. Today, this week, it had all been so terrible that it had affected you far worse than you imagined it could.
Maybe you didn't belong on that team, maybe he was right. Or maybe he was just a jackass who didn't know how to keep his own feelings in check. Either way, the slam of your door surely could be heard from where he remained alone. It also went heard by your boyfriend only two doors down.
Less than a minute after you had been curled in your bed, tears streaming down your face, a soft knock emitted. As badly as you wanted to be alone, Gar wouldn't give up - and not to mention you owed him an explanation at your sudden mood change. With a weak response, Gar slipped into your room and locked the door behind him.
Gar didn't say anything. He simply crawled into your bed and snuggled up against you. His chest flat against your back, leg over top of yours to keep you completely trapped in his loving embrace. For some stupid reason, it made you cry harder. If Jason was right, that you didn't belong there, then it meant you didn't belong with Gar either.
The thought of losing him hurt more than anything. Your sobs echoed through the room. Gar squeezed you tighter. He didn't ask what was wrong - not until you were ready to tell him. His hold on you was the only thing that mattered.
As your sobs turned quiet, Gar got you to flip towards him. You nuzzled into his neck as he kissed the top of your head. His hand stroked up and down your back, filling you with the comfort that you needed. With a shaky breath, you pulled away from him.
"What's going on baby?" Gar asked, continuing his motions. He had missed you all week too. It was always rough having to focus on other tasks rather than each other. For so long it was easy to just be so consumed with one another that the rest of the team - and your responsibilities - seemed irrelevant.
When things changed, you thought a strain would be put on your relationship. Instead, it seemed to make your bond stronger. Gar would always love you - even when your time together was less and less every time.
"Everything," your voice cracked. Gar frowned at your response. He pecked your lips once before encouraging you to keep on. "Just, not getting to see you this week and Dick going so hard on us. And just now Jason yelling at me for not being able to get this stupid fucking move down and- and maybe he's right! Maybe I don't belong here!"
"(Y/N) of course you belong here," Gar assured. "You were meant to be here, we were meant to be here. Jason gets upset at himself and projects it onto others - he's been doing that for months now. I'm sorry that he yelled at you, but whatever he said don't listen to him. He's wrong."
"But nothing, babe," Gar cut you off. "If Dick believes you in then you belong on the Titans. I believe in you, I'll always believe in you." His thumb wiped along your cheek to brush away the stray tears that you had. As always, his touch was inviting. "Do you want me to go full beast mode on him?"
For the first time in days, you let out a laugh. It brought a smile to his face as well. "As much as I'd love to see that happen, I don't think Dick would appreciate it very much," you matched his smile. Gar leaned into kiss you again, this time far more than just a peck and a sure way to express his love towards you.
"You know, I think Dick might actually be on board," Gar continued to joke. It was evident that there was always tension between Dick and Jason. Many nights of joking with Gar about who was going to lose it first and who would win. It was entertaining to say in the least. "Last chance."
"He's not worth your time anyways, my love," You rolled your eyes as he let out a growl. The second that you were back in his arms your mood instantly boosted. Gar always seemed to have that effect on you. "I love you, Gar."
"I still think I should go kick his butt," he playfully narrowed his eyes. Even with his powers, Gar was still wary of being able to beat Jason. Anyone trained under Batman had to be extremely skilled. Nonetheless, he was always willing to put himself on the line for you. "I love you too, (Y/N). Always."  
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starrynite7114 · 4 years ago
perfume (drabble)
A/N: Hello peeps! Mayans Season 3 is almost done and I guess I’m here with a drabble. I got the request and the inspiration just flowed. I’m not going to lie, my inspiration has been non-existent lately due to personal reasons. I’m trying little by little, but I think my muse for Angel is not as strong as before. If anything, you might even see me posting for Rio, Ez, Miguel and Bucky Barnes. Regardless, I hope you will all bear with me, I am trying to finish all my works in progress for Angel, I do not want to leave any of you hanging. You never know, my muse might return! 
I hope everyone has been well. It feels like it’s been ages, but it’s only been a few months and everything is just kicking my butt. 
Please enjoy this little drabble! <3
Requested by anon! Thank you!
i don't know if you take requests or not, but please if you do can you make this tiktok with angel??🥺? like she sees the tiktok and think abt doing it with angel when he comes home tired or anything you think is good...
thank you very much and if u don't feel like writing it i understand ❤️
Groupchat for updates! Please join since the tags could be a bit iffy at times!
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know! My tag list is a little messy, but please let me know if you want to be added!
Also, if you’re not being notified when I post, please let me know! <3
Word count: 730
You yawned, your head against Angel’s pillow as you watched the next episode of Shadow and Bone. Angel was out late due to a late run called by Bishop. You tried your best to stay awake since you wanted to see Angel. With how busy the club was and how busy you were at work, you’ve only seen Angel a few times this week.
You were used to it, you’ve been together for six years, this was just another busy season. You heard the rumble of his motorcycle which woke you up. Sitting up, you leaned against the headboard and placed a pillow in front of you. The door opened and your boyfriend’s voice reverberated throughout your house.
“Mi Dulce, I’m home.” Angel called out.
“Room, baby.” You replied.
Angel walked in, kutte already off and boots gone. “Let me shower.” He walked over to you and dropped a kiss on your lips. “Hi mami, you look good.”
Your cheeks warmed at his words and you smiled. “Such a charmer.”
“Only to you baby.”
He walked out and left you to your own devices. You paused Shadow and Bone, opening TikTok. It was addicting but such a blessing during this pandemic. Scrolling through, you saw a woman talking about spraying perfume in between your breast and shoving your significant other’s face between them. You looked at your perfume on your vanity. Standing up, you pulled your tank top down and sprayed your perfume. When you sat back down, you heard the water turn off. Settling in your previous spot, Angel walked in with just a towel around his waist.
Your boyfriend was too fucking sinful.
“Like what you see?” Angel smirked.
“Yeah, Ben Barnes is looking good.” You matched his smirk, giving him a wink as well. 
Angel looked at the screen and rolled his eyes. “He’s on another fucking show?”
“Yes, he is.” You opened your legs and arms, “cuddle?”
As much as Angel wanted to fuck you, he was exhausted. He wanted to lay down and just hold you or be held by you, regardless, he just wanted to relax. He slipped on some boxers and basketball shorts before joining you in bed. 
He crawled over to you and laid his head in between your breasts. You hugged his head to your chest, kissing his forehead, rubbing your fingers through his hair. Angel breathed you in and he was immediately intoxicated with your scent. He knew that perfume, it was your favorite one.
“Fuck baby,” he breathed in your scent again, burying his head further into your chest. Your fingers continued to run through his hair and it was lulling him to sleep. “I love you.”
“Me too.” 
Angel poked you, hating it when you replied in such a nonchalant way. He looked up from your chest, glaring at you.
“Okay, Jesus Christ, I love you too.” You kissed his forehead again.
“Thank you.” He turned to face your chest again.
“Everything go okay?” You questioned as you resumed your show.
“No, but I don’t want to talk about it.” His voice was muffled by your skin. “How was your day?”
You continued to rub his head. “Good, you know fending off men.” 
Angel’s head shot up and you laughed. You hugged his head towards your chest and kissed the top of his head. “I’m joking. It was fine, busy, but it was fine.”
“I can’t believe you started this show without me.” He pretended to whine, knowing fully well he didn’t care for the show. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You said you didn’t want to watch it!”
“Yes, but I’ll watch it cause it’s our thing.” He snuggled further into your chest. You were his favorite pillow. 
You and Angel always watched TV shows together. You two took turns picking and this was the first time you veered from that tradition.
“I feel betrayed.” Angel added. 
You laughed. “Babe, did you want to see me gush over Ben?”
“Yes, I don’t care as long as I’m there with you.” His voice was fading, you knew he was getting sleepy. Today was such a tense day, but having your arms around him, your scent invading his senses, he was at peace.
And just like that, Angel fell asleep. You heard his light snores and smiled. Maybe TikTok wasn’t all about pranks, sometimes, it could be useful.
tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @carlaangel86 : @woahitslucyylu : @encounterthepast : @enamoured-x : @anangelwhodidntfall : @briana-mishell24 : @bribri-82 : @chibsytelford : @agirllovespancakes  : @twistnet : @everyhowlmarksthedead : @trulysuccubus : @jadert15 : @sammskellington : @cind-in-real-life :  @onmyspookysblock : @sadeyesgf : @thickemadame : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass : @gemini0410 : @elcococruz : @samcrobae : @sesamepancakes : @iambabyharry : @blackmissfrizzle : @mrs-losa : @1-800-imagines : @phoenixhalliwell : @lady-pswrld : @dazzledamazon  : @getyourcrayoncas : @fvckthisbxtchup : @lukealvxz : @scuzmunkie : @lilac-tea-time : @danie1432 : @cocotheclown : @soaronmywings : @my-rosegold-soul : @buttercup812 : @un-poetryy : @angelreyesgirl : @sheeshgivemeabreak : @vicmackeybullshxt : @bigcreatorwombatdreamer : @khyharah : @strawberrywritings : @cherry-icetea : @fuzzy-jellyfish : @losolvidad0s : @brownsugarcoffy : @courtrae89 : @prdsdjarin : @blessedboo : @marvelmaree : @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead : @thesandbeneathmytoes : @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind : @maddie-georges : @pearlkitten33  : @incorrect-mcdanno : @that-chick212 : @imanerdychubbyqueen : @60shannon : @deeandbobbymcgee : @marquelapage : @justlikebreathing : @mindless-x-dreaming : @thesewordsareallihavetogive : @wiccanmetallicrose : @appropriate-writers-name : @likedovesinthewnd : @admirehermind : @krysiewithak : @helli4nthus : @robbosvgdens : @scuzmunkie : @proudlittlewitchbitch : @lilacyennefer : @witchyhours : @amorestevens : @skyofficialxx : @booksandlatenights : @appropriate-writers-name : @capnsaveahoe : @aria725 : @miss-nori85 : @acelovestoread : @withmyteeth : @luckyharley1903 : @berberriescorner : @pananegra : @montanaraed : @cherieann-2001 : @chaeycunty
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angsty-omi · 4 years ago
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arms tonite
fuckboy!atsumu miya x fem!reader
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genre: angst, unrequited love,
cw: suggestive content, swearing, heartbreak
word count: 1.5 k
Different girl every night and no repeats; that was the rule of law Atsumu Miya lived by. Whether it was Asians, Whites, or Black girls he didn’t discriminate. If they had a beating heart and a pussy then he was set. Hearing about these conquests as his best friend, really made you think ‘wow who’s the poor that let Atsumu put his dick in that night?’ And as you would find it, soon enough it’d be you.
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Media portrayal of college students, especially in movies, falsely portrayed college students and gave unrealistic ideas of how they live. These media outlets give impractical ideas of what college students are- intense party seekers, people who have all the time in the world, or just lazy nonworking students who revolve everything around their social lives. This was, by all means not true.
You, and many other diligent college students, can attest to this. The heavy number of finals and research papers due would soon drown you in your sleep. To prevent you from feeling overwhelmed, you always went to him. The one person who could talk your ear off, which though annoying, kept your mind off things, Miya Atsumu. See, Atsumu had the ultimate college experience. The ones that occurred on screen, the ‘intense party seeking’ events where somehow your invite was always lost in the mail. Every Wednesday, you’d always fit him into your schedule for brunch, which mostly consisted of him talking about the ‘new freshman babes’ at the Inarizaki Frat House, and you lived vicariously through him, not because you were envious of his lifestyle, rather, you were just interested in what could’ve been. 
“Did you get that Y/N?” Your thoughts were interrupted.
“U-uh, yeah! Of course, I did.” You tried playing it off, but Atsumu could see right through you. He knew all your mannerisms, for example, when you bite your lip, it’s a sign that you’re prepared for a big change or if you handball your T-Shirt, you’re feeling insecure. He could tell you had something weighing in on you, but he decided to ignore your blatant lie and wait for you to tell him.
“So, are you gonna tell how you’ve been doin’?” He lightly asked. 
“Yeah, uh life has been hard for me… I guess. It’s just that- with all these finals I am feeling so overwhelmed,” you buried your face in your hands to attempt forgetting about school. Knowing Atsumu, he would just drown out your sorrow, or so you thought. You continued, “I can’t eat, sleep, or you know-,” not even acknowledging the fact you just referred about your inability to get off. Atsumu became was suspiciously quiet. 
“What,” you furrowed your eyebrows. “Nothing, Nothing,” he shook his head, chuckling.
 “No, seriously what’s so funny?”
“You really want to know?”
“Ya’ reeeaaaallly want to know?”
“I said yes already, just spit it out,” you irritated with anticipation. 
“I could help your little issue down there,” Atsumu grinned. Studying? When has Atsumu Miya ever wanted to study with you? The only reason he got into this school was because  he was a D1 athlete. Unless, he turned a new leaf and he chose a path where you don’t slap a ball back and forth because quite frankly you thought that it was risky caree- Oh. That little issue. “You’ve got to be kidding, I would never,” you felt offended. It wasn’t that he was ugly, it was quite the opposite. He had a charming personality, while also being built like a Greek God, and with a face like that it’s no wonder these girls fall for him. However, you felt too prideful to sleep with him. Sure, you may have some underlying feelings for him that you shut down deep inside, but you didn’t want to be treated like a human toy. So, that thought was always out of the question.  
“Never say n-” He was interrupted with his corny ringtone.
“Hello?... Yeah, I’m free, right now… Alright, see you then.” 
Atsumu always did this, it was like clockwork. He’d bail on you when you clearly were in distress and he could not even prioritize time to listen. He even, left you with the check. Sure, he’d Venmo you afterwards, but it still hurt nonetheless. On the walk back to your dorm, your thoughts were full of cursing Atsumu out for always bailing on you. Holding it in for so long only lasted you so much before you exploded. 
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That night, Atsumu came over, not even expecting your wrath. 
An hour in, and he still couldn’t understand your argument. “Atsumu, if you could just.. I don’t know- not bail on me? Cause you know, it’s common courtesy!” You exclaimed. 
“Dude, it was literally just a few times, I don’t know why you’re getting so upset?”
“Upset? Upset? Upset is an understatement. How would you feel if I dropped you for some dick?”
“Like that would ever happen. C’mon, Y/N, you’re acting like my girlfriend and I’m uncomfortable.” He blurted, frustrated that this argument has lasted almost two hours. He just rejected you, and you didn’t even get the chance to even address those feelings. 
“Get out.”
“You know I didn’t mean it that way.”
“I don’t care, get out.” You wiped a treacherous tear from your eye. You opened the door, and gestured him to leave. But, he just stood there. Moving over to him in tears, you tried to push him out. Your measly arms were incomparable to his toned abs that he’s built since high school. He grasped your arms, and for a moment you could feel his padded thumb, wiping your cheek. Your faces were only a few inches away. This was your chance to get a taste of him, before he turned into a stranger. You leaned in his lips.
The lack of return made your heart drop. You let go and rambled with apologies,“I-I’m so sorry. Look, I-” He shut you up with another kiss, more passionate than yours. “I told ya’ I could fix that little issue of yours.”
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The morning after, you woke up with your body aching in pain. Drool all over your chin, and in disgust, you wiped your mouth and skimmed your calendar. ‘The biomedical final isn’t at 10, it’s at 8-’ whispering to yourself. Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach. Then, you slowly gazed at your alarm clock, ‘7:57 AM�� it read. 
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” you screamed to yourself. Without thinking, you dashed out the door and sped to the testing center. At the entrance, your professor met eyes with you. “Testing entry is closed, I thought you were better than this, Y/N.” Scolding you up and down. I only missed the final by a couple of minutes, why is she shunning me? You thought. But before you could continue, you looked down. There you were, love marks all over, in your panties and an oversized T-shirt to top it off. 
You rushed into your dorm, to find the vampire who did this to you. The universe was seemingly against you once more, because on your way over to your bedroom, you slipped on a textbook. How ironic. The loud slam woke him up, making him sit upright. “Oh my God Y/N are you okay?” He said with a concerned look on his face.
“Why the fuck are you still in my bed?” 
“Well if you wanna know the details-” He smirked, “No no no, I’m okay,” you interrupted him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what went on. 
You felt blood drip on your upper lip. Both of you just stared in shock. Immediately, he swiped you up, bridal style, and plopped you onto the sink. He stood in between your legs, soaking your nose with numerous amounts of toilet paper. There was a comfortable silence in the air. You know, Atsumu was quite beautiful with his mouth closed. The way the sunlight accentuated his sharp features, with his eyes reflecting a shade of light hazel. In an impulse, you pecked his lips and to your surprise, he reciprocated. 
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It’s been a month since you’ve been hooking up and it’s become your new normal. As a small treat, you wanted to do surprise.
Prior to this dynamic, as best friends you always had a spare key, which his twin brother made sure of because Atsumu was forgetful. As tacky as it was, you were wearing a trench coat, that covered your bright red two-piece lingerie underneath. Silently twisting the knob, you walked into to his bedroom. The apartment was still clean, signaling that he wasn’t home. In which, gave you enough time to position yourself on his bed. After many awkward attempts of seductive positions, you chose the cross-over leg at the edge of his bed, which accentuated your hips. 
You heard his front door open, and his loud voice gave you the signal. You felt relaxed, but it wasn’t until you heard another voice. High-pitched and fruity, it was one of those voices you could tell it’d belong to a pretty girl. You panicked, and mentally scolded yourself for pushing Atsumu to go with a minimalist aesthetic for his bedroom, which left nowhere to hide for you. The knob was opened slightly, where only he could see you. Eye contact was made, and he immediately slammed the door shut. 
There was a muffled, “Hey! uh- my room is kind of dirty right now. Let’s go over to yours.” And after, hearing the front door shut, you assumed she complied. In awe, you mentally kicked yourself over and over again. You took off your attire immediately walking into your bedroom, it burned your skin with insecurities and embarrassment. So much for putting yourself out there. Although, what hurt the most was the way his eyes were full of disgust when he saw you.
That night, he knocked at your door. You opened it, thinking it was your food.
Your heart was beating rapidly, because just an hour ago you made a whole scheme of routes to take without seeing him. You coyly responded with, “you’re not my DoorDash,” and tried to close the door. But he blocked it.
“We need to talk,” he said in the most serious tone you’ve personally ever heard from him. How could those words scare you when you’re not in a relationship.
“What was that shit you pulled earlier?” He irritated. You felt so small under his gaze.
“I thought it would’ve been nice,” you mumbled. “Nice? That girl was the president of one of the most notorious sororities. She could’ve seen you.” He yelled, continuously blaming you. The way he viewed her, would never be the way he saw you. You were just a friend who needed a favor, not someone he actually wanted to pursue.
“You know what? Fine, my fault. Sorry that I ruined it, sorry that I showed up, sorry that I even planned it, sorry I ever thought that you saw me more than just a skank, sorry I even called you over that night, and finally, sorry for ever loving-” it just slipped out. His eyes widened, “Finish that sentence, Y/N. If I knew-”
“Knew what? Knew that I loved you, you wouldn’t have gotten involved? Yeah, well it’s too late. You know what? Just get out. I never want to see you again, Miya,” you sobbed, tears flowing down your face freely. Pounding your fists against his chest. His immobility gave you a small sliver of hope.
“I’m not ready, Y/N. I can’t give you what you want.” Conflicted, unbeknownst whether he was talking to you or himself. “But we can still be friends.”
That sentence was the nail in the coffin.
“It hurts to even look at you Atsumu.” Your voice cold. For someone that could read you so well, why did he think that would save your relationship? “I’ll.. be on my way then.” He slowly got up, and turned the knob. Selfishly enough, he made one more glance at you. He embraced this last glance. Did you know you were beautiful? Even with snot, running down your nose. Of course, you didn’t look back, you were too focused on biting your lips.
Atsumu’s face went pale. He knew what sign that meant. And the change was him. You were really set on ghosting him. With the door closed and Atsumu leaning on it, he couldn’t help to question why that made a pang in his heart.
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allthingsfuckd · 4 years ago
ur endgame fic was SO good and idk if u take requests or if they’re open at the moment but if they are could you possibly write a bucky x fem!reader fic where shes like really hurt and hides it from him until she passes out or something and he like freaks out? and is just SUPER protective and caring during the healing process but like he’s mad at himself for not being able to tell? idk just very very protective concerned caring angsty fluff basically. 🥺❤️
thank you so much!! yes, i do take requests but it might take a while for me to respond (i’m a full time student). YES i love that idea!!!!
pairing: bucky x fem!reader
warning(s): physical fighting, mention of blood, daggers, fainting, angst and fluff.
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you walked by the men laying on the ground, brushing off the concrete dust on your jacket. “Bucky, i’m headed your way,” you said through the comms. you looked down at your side by your ribcage when you felt a soft tingle of pain. your white shirt stained red with blood. the adrenaline from fighting wore off and the pain got worse, you didn’t know exactly how you got it probably from when you held a man in a chokehold on his shoulders.
you shook it off since it was just the start of the mission, the real target not captured yet. you zipped up your leather jacket as you approached Bucky. “you okay?” he asked when he saw your scrunched up face. “yeah, i’m good just got kicked hard,” you lied, not wanting to hold the team back since the mission was time sensitive. you tailed behind Bucky as he opened a door. fuck, you thought when you saw it was a stairwell. “which floor did Sam say Dr. Kim was on again?” you asked Bucky. “10th,” he answered, already half-way up the first flight of stairs. you followed behind him, skipping 2 steps as you went.
when you took the last step on the 10th floor, you felt dizzy. you tried to fight it but you felt your vision dissolve into darkness. “Buck,” you said softly, your vision blur trying to reach for the railing, seeing Bucky walk through the door. he couldn’t hear you. and then, it was all black.
“okay, you wait here for my signal,” Bucky said as he looked at the map on his phone. “y/n?” he looked behind to see you were not there. “y/n where are you?” he said over the comms, growing worried when you didn’t respond immediately. he walked back to the stairwell, his heart dropped when he saw you on the ground.
he got down to his knees trying to wake you up but your body was limp. he unzipped your jacket to look for any wounds, seeing your bloodstained t-shirt. “Sam, y/n’s down,” he opened your eyes to check for any signs of a concussion. he took a bandage out of his pocket and wrapped it tightly around your chest. “fuck, y/n, stay with me,” he grunted under his breath as he lifted you up.
“she lost a lot of blood,” the EMT said to him in the ambulance. he held your hand, his mind buzzing with thoughts and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. being a former assassin and with your skillset, you were undoubtedly independent when it came to missions. Bucky knew he could count on you when it came to missions, seeing as you’ve saved his ass multiple times more than he’s saved yours. this was the first time he’s ever seen you so weak and fragile.
he sat by your bed, staring at your body waiting for even a slight movement from you. his legs jumping as he waited for the anesthesia to wear off. when you did move a little, he would get up immediately to check on you. it did seem odd that you were hissing a lot and went slower than usual going up the stairs, he thought. mad that he didn’t bother to ask you again. 
finally, he saw your eyes flutter open. “hey, grumpy,” he relaxed a little, hearing the infamous nickname you gave him, realizing he’d been frowning. “what the hell happened there, y/n?” his voice angry, but a glint of worry in his eyes. “i didn’t realize it was that bad, Buck, sorry i hid it from you,” your voice weak, bringing your hand up to run your fingers through his hair. “no, i’m sorry i didn’t notice,” he moved his head to kiss your palm.
you were discharged from the hospital two days after but that didn’t stop Bucky from being overprotective. “babe, you really don’t have to do everything for me,” you laughed when he got up from his seat to help you stand up from the couch. he always became soft when it came to you. he helped you in the shower, woke up early to make you breakfast in bed so you didn’t have to get out of bed. he would even stay in the same room as you on purpose thinking you wouldn’t notice. 
“thank you, Bucky, you’ve been amazing,” you kissed him while he was helping you undress for a shower. he looked into your eyes, smiling after pulling away from the kiss. “i love you,” he said, and your eyes grew wide. his widened too after he realized what he said. you only started dating a few months ago and were too busy to find the right time to share your first i love you. you pulled him in for another kiss, a longer one. his hands went up your sides and you hissed in the kiss. “shit,” Bucky pulled his hands away from your body. “i’m sorry,” both of you laughed. “i love you too, Bucky,” he smiled and kissed your forehead.
p.s. im so sorry if it wasn’t that good. but i hope it was close to what you wanted!
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crowdedimagines · 4 years ago
Leaked (Finale) Harry Styles
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“You guys got to see a very raw and real side of us. It’s a bummer that it wasn’t our choice, we didn’t choose to reveal such a personal thing that happened, not to mention what else has been leaked.” I sigh, finally breaking eye contact with the camera sitting on a tripod in front of us. The fans will be getting a glimpse into Harry’s home for this video.
“I know what I signed up for when I got into this business, very little privacy, but I never expected it to come to this extreme. M’very private with my relationships, and I never want to see anyone-'' He pauses to focus himself again, I place a hand on his thigh and attempt to carry on. Against the better judgement of both Jeff and Jordan we both decided against a script, we had highlighted points we wanted to address, but didn’t want it to seem disingenuous.
“Harry and I lost a child last July.” I pick my head up letting the tears openly fall without letting myself choke over them, “And the song you guys have all heard came from that, a place of hurt and exhaustion. We never expected the world to hear it, and we never thought those pictures would be out in the world either. But that’s life isn’t it?” I laugh humorlessly.
The song was leaked a few hours ago now, my name having never left the top trending on twitter, but now Harry’s and several conspiracies have joined it. People cutting parts from it with raw and loud sobs coming from each of us, open for discussion among the whole world.
“We love you all, but please understand our choice to step back from the public for the time being.” Harry chimes in. We both look at each other and nod, feeling we addressed what we need to.
“Treat people with kindness, yeah?” I ask as we both get up from our spot on Harry’s couch.
“Yeah.” He pulls me in for a hug, as Jeff gets up to cut the camera. Our teams were both getting the footage and posting it to our accounts. Harry and I have both agreed to a break from phones for a bit.
“Okay, so this will be posted across all platforms, on both of your accounts shortly. I don’t think we’ll need to edit much.”
I walk over to the other side of the living room where Jordan is standing reading through her phone, she glances up as soon as she sees me coming. She puts on a smile, and pulls me in for a tight hug. She knows just how long the past few days have been.
“Alright, Paula and I booked flights, we’re heading out this afternoon to go home.”
“What about me?” I question.
“We both know that you need to stay here for a while.” She smiles, “Take some time to heal, just remember you two never fell out of love. Call me if you need anything.”
I glance back at Harry whose now joined by his sister and mother. I don’t want to leave, to be completely honest. The last thing I want is to have to go home to my empty house in L.A. Harry and I ran away from each other last year, maybe this is the opportunity for us to finally stop running.
Harry’s POV
“Don’t you think that you need to heal together this time? You can’t let her leave again.” My mum explains, trying to make her point, as quietly as possible. I watch as she glances over my shoulder to where Y/n must be somewhere.
“Mum, I can’t make her stay.” I shake my head. I couldn’t make her stay before, now we’ve spent so much time apart. All I want is to pull her into my arms, but I don’t know if that’s what she wants after all this time. Hell, after this week she might not ever want anything to do with me.
“No, but you can ask her.” Gemma nods her head in Y/n’s direction as she walks over to join us.
“Harry, can I talk to you?” Her voice is soft and calm. My shoulders visibly drop as I relax and follow her to the back porch. We sit in the same spot on the couch as we did yesterday.
“What’s going on, love?” I ask once we’ve both taken a seat.
“Well, Jordan and Paula are flying out this afternoon.” She says, she pulls her legs up close to her chest.
“And you?”
Please god tell me you’re staying.
“I think I might stay.” She picks up her head, “If that's alright with you.”
I can’t fight off the smile at this point. I just give her a simple nod, pulling her close to lean on my shoulder. I should’ve known that we were on the exact same page, we always have been.
“I don’t think I could go back to an empty house, to be honest.” She sighs.
“I don’t think I could let you walk out of that door again, to be honest.”
Y/n’s POV
“Do you mean that?” I ask, picking up my head, “Truly?”
He simply nods and bites at his bottom lip.
“What are we supposed to do, Harry? I don’t think we can just pick up where we left off?”
“No, but isn’t that the beauty of it? We can try again, try for a different outcome. Build on how much we already love each other.”
“Hmm, how much we already love each other?” I smirk, my tone taking on a teasing edge.
“Mhm.” Harry hums, his cheeks taking on a pink hue.
“Alright Styles, lets give this a shot.”
“Hello? Is anybody home?” Anne’s voice rings out loudly as she lets herself in the front door.
I make my way downstairs, I’m sure that she’s found Harry who's in the kitchen getting dinner prepared. Gemma got here about ten minutes ago. I put on a record and go to stand in the doorway and watch the encounter. Anne gives her son a big hug, stealing a carrot from his cutting board as they make small chat to catch up.
“Hello.” I walk in, making my presence known.
“Look out you!” Anne squeals, “You’re glowing!” She immediately walks over to pull me in for a hug, her hands resting on my belly once I pull away.
“I feel like a bit of a whale, but thank you.” I smile.
“Oh hush it.” Harry scolds.
“How’re you feeling?”
“Like I’m having a baby in four weeks.”
“Yeah, and she’s still going on runs!” Harry says with a proud grin, “Every morning she gets up with me and we run a few miles.”
“It’s pretty much a fast walk for Harry though.” I smile.
“Yeah, but he isn’t forming a pancreas while he does it!” Gemma cuts in making us all laugh. “We’re more impressed with you.”
“Exactly.” Harry presses a kiss to my temple.
I join Gemma at the counter while Anne helps Harry finish cooking everything. I would help, but my ankles are too swollen by the end of the day, and I know everyone in the room would kick me out before I could even start.
“So, things have been going well with everything? You guys feeling ready to be parents?” Anne grins.
“Is anyone ready before they are?” I ask, “I’m just trying to take it one day at a time, and read as much as I can.”
“You guys will be wonderful parents.”
It means the world to hear this from Anne. It’s been weird to be in London for most of the pregnancy and away from my own mother, but it’s been a blessing to have Anne. She’s an amazing mom herself, and she hasn’t complained once over my odd and annoying questions.
“And if not they’ll have the best Aunt ever to make up for it.”
I roll my eyes and take Gemma’s hand in mine and set it on the front of my belly. Moving and adjusting to the exact spot that the little bean is kicking in.
“That’s mad.” She sighs, “I don’t think I would ever be able to get over that.”
“Harry can be like a leech sometimes! Can’t get him off.” I laugh.
“You feel it all, I’m going to steal as much time as I possibly can.”
We all sit down to eat, and catch up on everything that we’ve missed in life over the past few weeks. Ever since the pregnancy both Anne and Gemma have made an effort to come to our house as often as they can for meals, or even just a visit.
I think we were all a bit shocked to find out I was once again pregnant. Harry and I couldn’t believe it at first, I don’t think we wanted to. Didn’t want to risk getting our hopes up. It had been a year and a few months since we got back together when we found out. Four tests sitting on the counter, two thins lines on each of them.
We waited a long time before telling anyone, too afraid that it could be a repeat of what happened those years ago. Once we did finally tell our families they couldn’t be more excited. The fans were too, surprisingly. I debated pulling a Kylie Jenner and just disappearing from the world for months, but I knew I would get too stir crazy. So as soon as the bump was visible, Harry and I both confirmed it on social media.
The fans were happy for us, most of them were so disappointed and saddened about what happened, they felt bad that we were made to share things neither of us were ready too. This time we were trending for positive reasons, and I’ve never felt more supported by everyone in my life.
“Love, are you sure I’m good to go to the studio?” Harry asks for the millionth time, not wanting to leave me home alone so close to my due date.
“Yes!” I laugh, pushing him closer to the door, “You actually have the time while the bean is inside me, I’ll need you here once they’re out.”
“Alright.” He says with hesitancy, “Please call me for anything. The studio isn’t even far from here, so please don’t hesitate with anything.”
“Ok, babe, just go so you can come back!”
“Promise you’ll call?”
“Yes, I promise.” I laugh, he’s always been protective, but now he’s to a whole nother level since the pregnancy.
“Alright, I’ll bring home food too, I really shouldn’t be gone too long.”
“That’s perfect, babe! Maybe we can get - ow!”
He instantly turns around and pulls his hand from the door when I cry out in pain.
“Darling? Are you okay?”
“No, I’m fine.” I hold out my hand, “It was just this really sharp-ow!”
I cry out again, clutching my belly. Before I know it, a warm liquid is spreading down my legs.
“Love, your water just broke!” He cheers, his eyes saying nervous but he has a smile on his face. “I guess I’m not going to the studio.”
“Oh god!” I groan, I start waddling towards the door, “Okay, you grab the go-bag, I’m gonna start walking to the car.”
I know it might take me awhile to get there. I know it’s not true, but I feel like I need to keep my knees shut from keeping the little bean from falling out.
“Right, go bag.” He mutters to himself, slowly becoming more flustered, “Should we call an ambulance?”
“No.” I laugh, taking deep breaths.
“Love, are you sure you’re okay?”
“Just grab the bag so we can go to the hospital.”
“Harry!” I yell, “In the coming hours I am going to force a human being out of my vagina. Now I personally would like to do that at a hospital, will you go grab the bag, or do you need me to do it?”
He swallows and runs upstairs to grab the bag and I make my way to the car. It doesn’t take him long at all, now he’s finally had some sense smacked into him.
“We’re really doing this?” He asks, smiling as he pulls out of the driveway.
“We’re really doing this.” I grin, taking his hand in mine.
O N E   Y E A R  L A T E R
“Happy birthday to you dear, Anderson, happy birthday to you!” We all sing to the little one year old boy I hold tight to my chest.
“Let’s blow out the candles, baby.” I lean forward and blow out the singular candle for the one year old. We made a true event of it, calling everyone we knew practically to celebrate in our backyard, complete with so many games for other children, even though our son was still too young to play most of them. Harry and I couldn’t be more proud of our little boy.
Everyone cheers, I smile looking at Harry who’s got a similar grin. A year in the making to get to this day, lot’s of late nights, but more laughter than anything else. It’s been a wonderful afternoon, everyone loving the little boy who looks practically identical to his father. Cheering as he smashes his little cake all over his face, the table, and his clothes.
“Alright, let’s have Grandma get you all cleaned up!” Anne says as she steals Anderson from me. I smile watching her take the giggly little boy inside to get the cake he’s managed to smear everywhere cleaned off.
Most everyone has left at this point, it has been a packed house to celebrate the one year old, but as it gets later things slow down. It’s finally just down to immediate family and Harry and I can put our feet up for a few minutes.
“Can you believe it? A whole year we’ve been parents.” I lean back into Harry’s side. We’re sat on the outdoor couch, a spot that has grown to contain a lot of heart to hearts over the years.
“No, he’s getting too big too fast.” Harry presses a kiss to the top of my head, “He’s going to be needing another sibling soon.”
I let out a soft chuckle.
“Hmm, is that so?”
“Yeah, who wouldn’t want another kid like that?” We both look over our shoulders to peek in to see Gemma and Anne playing with blocks on the floor in the living room.
“Are you gonna push the next one out?” I tease, I get up and grab the only unopened present that’s remained on the table all day.
“It’s funny that you should say that.” I smirk, turning my attention back on the man I love. I hand him the box, neatly wrapped in polka-dot paper.
“What’s this?”
“Just open it.” I sit down again.
He tears the paper from the box and flips the lid open. His jaw dropping as soon as he sees the contents. Pulling out an olive green tee shirt for Anderson. Simply written across it is “Big Brother”
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“You’re teasing me?” His eyes look hopeful though, like he’s praying I wouldn’t tease him like that.
“You can check the four tests in my drawer in the bathroom if you don’t believe me.” I smirk, “Or the fact that I have an appointment at the clinic this Monday.”
“Shut up.” His grin only getting wider.
“Baby Styles number two, coming soon.”
He tackles me down to the couch, a big warm hug.
“Oh my god.” He sighs into my neck. “I can’t wait to do this all again.”
“Me neither.” I grin, rubbing my hands up and down his back. He finally pulls back to get a good look at me, holding my face in his hands.
“God, I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.”
kinda cheese, but a fun way to end it! this was cute lol
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urlocalnctstan · 4 years ago
hihihi<3 can u do one for Renjun+angst and 'My Everything' as the song✨
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Song : My Everything - NCT U
Genre : Angst mentions of toxic parents, mentions of underworld/mafia, mentions of a minor character death
wc : 1.6 K
December 28th, 2017
Renjun stood exactly 40 steps away from your shivering figure that sat on a red swing, the temperature of the night dropping as it got deeper. While he watched you waiting alone with a heavy heart, unbeknownst to his presence you rubbed your palms against one another to produce some friction as an attempt to allow you the bliss of warmth momentarily. You puff out a string of smog in annoyance, re-checking if your boyfriend actually agreed meeting up tonight.
you : tonight. 9 pm at the park. sharp or ill kill u
RJ: 9 pm it is.
You jumped in surprise at the sound of your own sneeze, quickly bringing out some tissues from the pocket of your jacket before your allergy worsens. It was already 10 pm, and you started you wonder if he would actually ever show up. You fix your woolen beanie, the one you have matching with Renjun, anxiously tapping your feet against the blanket of green beneath you. You squint your eyes, sensing the devious arrival of your migraine. What a great night it is indeed! You thought. 
Renjun took two steps towards you, hesitation holding back his legs from approaching any further; I should tell you, he thought. He did not want to drop a bomb on you out of the blue when you hear the news of his sudden disappearance. He wanted to come out clean, if not to all at least to you. You of everyone deserve an explanation. But fate had other plans for you both that day. Annoyed red, you harshly kick the swing you were previously seating on, swinging your bag on your back before speeding off back to your house. Renjun sighed, but he wasn’t sure if it was out of relief or because you were making too hard for him to say the truth.
“What do you mean?” You felt your heart drop at his words, a solemn expression sitting on his face. It held no regrets, no emotions; and you pondered if he was the same guy that you had been dating for the past 11 months. “Babe, what are you sa-”
“You heard me right, Y/N.” Renjun rubbed the temples of his forehead, an exasperated huff leaving his mouth. “Don’t wait for me. I’ll be leaving in three days. So its best we break up.” He was not even bothering to look you in the eyes, did all these months mean nothing to him at all?
You were too numb to answer him back, feeling as if a lightning directly ascended upon your existence. You stood in your position motionless, not even realizing how he had already disappeared from you line of sight. You wanted to cry and scream at him, but it was if your body was retaliating against you; unable to form any sort of sound. That night, you cried to your heart’s content; a very worried Jaemin comforting you throughout the whole night despite having his Valedictorian Speech rehearsal scheduled the next day. Without a word, he listened to your muffled cries and screams, sometimes letting out coos of ‘it’ll be okay’ or ‘i’m here for you’. For the first time in all your years of being friends with him you had actually listened to his words when he said, “Cry out, cry to your heart’s content tonight, but remember to never cry again for that dipshit after tonight.” Jaemin took your slowly calming sobs as an agreement to his prior wording, a deep sigh escaping his lips as he listened to another set of muffled sobs reverberating from his earphones.
December 28th, 2027
“Oh my God!” A very merry Sooyoung, you best friend who was also your colleague at the law firm you worked at chirped gleefully as you twirled around gracefully with your wedding dress. Yes, it was your wedding day. You blushed like every other bride as you glanced at your reflection on the mirror, slightly taken aback by this very different version of yourself. You looked ethereal, like those scenes in movies where a soft light from the windows falls upon the main lead with white curtains dancing in the back? Yeah, you felt similar to that. 
Giggling at your weird imaginations, you turn over to meet a teary Sooyoung, sniffing with the napkin clutched in her hands. You would hate to cry at this moment, it had barely been twenty minutes since you arrived in the waiting room. But most importantly, you would really despise the idea of getting your makeup ruined, not really adamant on spending another stash of dollars for a simple bridal makeover. However, your sobbing best friend was making it really hard for you. Your sweet moment was cut off by an urgent spree of knocks, the person standing on the other side being extremely impatient to even bother waiting for someone to twist the door knob open. 
The door opened to reveal a very unexpected person standing with a bouquet of fresh white orchids and white roses; your favorites. You had a shit eating grin on your face as he stepped inside the room, elegancy dripping with every movement he made. His dark brown hair was gelled back, making his already sharp features stand out even more. The jet black tuxedo was perfect on him, making his look like a walking prince. 
“Renjun,” you call out, barely above a whisper; his name feeling a bit foreign on tongue. “You’re here.”
“I am.” Renjun no longer held that poker face you had despised so much ever since your breakup, joyous grin adorning his face at the sight of you. You look so beautiful, so so beautiful, he thought grinning to himself. Renjun felt his heart squeeze against his ribs, half because of how ethereally beautiful you looked and half because how he wished that it was him you had dolled up for. With light steps he leans forward to your sitting figure, wearing a smile that looked more of a painful one as he placed you the bouquet of flowers he chose for you.
“I am really surprised how you still remembered.” Unlike him, you remained more composed; unfazed by the reunion with your past lover. Your fingertips caressed the white delicate petals that were slightly wet, admiring how beautiful the bunch looked. “Thank you so much, Renjun.” You say to the man, sincerity dripping with every syllables you let out. He was currently sat crouched on the ground, careful not to step on the white laces of your expensive wedding gown.
“Tsk, tsk. Don’t say thank you yet. I still have something else stored for you too.”
“Please give a big round of applause for the most beautiful bride!” Haechan exclaimed, his hands clapping as he motions Jisung to ask the caterers to position the light towards you. Audience stared in awe, you looked like a dream with the white lace dress, your veil trailing behind as the tiara glistened in the soft light. You were glowing.
“On the road that shines exceptionally,” a sweet honey-like voice catches you off guard, momentarily making you halt in your pace as you search for its owner. Renjun stood on the stage just beside the alter, your cousin Mark strumming his guitar while another one of your friends Chenle produced sweet melody on the pianoforte to muse with the vocals. You couldn’tt help but beam at the sight.
“Standing there, I am waiting for you” Just turn around, make me conquer my cowardice. Hold on to me instead of the cold metal chains of the red swing. Will you wait for me if I ask you? Will you wait until I return for you?
“What do you mean?”
Please don’t go yet Y/N, ask me to stay back. Just ask me once and I’ll do it.
“Babe, what are you sa-”
“You heard me right, Y/N.” Please this is not what I want, please see how much I am struggling to let go off you. Just when Renjun was just about to blurt out all his emtoions, his eyes widened at the sight of his father, gawking over him from the top of the stairs right behind you.
“It's not cold When you are in my arms, I can feel the warmth.”
Renjun remained silent, too scared to say something that might end up really fatal for him; for you. “That girl is a distraction for you.” Renjun’s father glowered at the younger, his grip tightening on the loaded pistol residing in his hand. “Cut her off, or I’ll do the favor for you.”
Renjun did what he thought was best. If your safety meant the sacrifice of his love, he would gladly comply so. It wasn’t long that the illegal empire built by his father collasped after his sudden demise; Renjun escaping his worst nightmare at the night of funeral. It was somewhat easy for him to start a new life since he was never exposed to the strings of underworld, fleeing back to China without any trace. He was able to have a fresh start with his desired career : a musician. 
Seeing you smile brightly as the luminescence shining from above created a halo around you, he felt as if he were witnessing an angel that had directly ascended from Heaven. Heavy heart filled with pain, a fresh pool of tears start to form at the corners of his eyes; how he wished it was him standing at the other side of the alter instead of Na Jaemin. 
“You're my everything I want to protect your days and nights You are a miracle to me, I wish you could see it Spreading all over me, a gift called you You’re my night and day Waiting for you in this street, drawing you again.”
this was long I hope i was able to meet a teeny tiny bit of your expectations love  @bluejaem
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dumdumsun · 4 years ago
Forever and Never
A/N: Enjoy ❤️
Warnings: mentions of marijuana and rape
Word Count: 2493
Five: The Beauty That Is Stanley Barber
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“And after I found out what happened, I became kinda cold towards him…”
That Monday, I had felt like absolute shit. I had never gotten that drunk before, that I guess I was still recovering from Ricky’s party. I hadn’t remembered much of anything other than dancing, kissing Stan, and being alone with Ricky. My mind went blank once that door locked. It truly angered me that I let myself get intoxicated enough to lose my virginity to the one person I wanted to keep it away from, but that was just the story of my life. I hadn’t spoken to anyone since then, not wanting my headache to increase by staring at a phone screen. When Pam got home, she only tutted at me as a ‘told you so’ before proceeding to baby me for the entirety of Sunday. I hadn’t complained, not for a second. In her care, I almost forgot what it was like to be swarmed by my overbearing school body. Walking into school that Monday instantly shifted my mood. The overlapping conversations, the constant bumping into everyone, countless greetings I didn’t bother to return. I just rubbed my temples and sped down the hall. Almost at my locker, I heard a familiar voice call out to me. It was too familiar to ignore, so I turned to find Dina, standing at her locker with a friend. She whispered something to her companion, leading them to smile at us both and walk away. Her eyes assessed me as I approached her, leaning against her neighboring locker. She chuckled and crossed her arms. “Well, someone is still fucked up.”
“Yeah, I feel like shit,” I mumbled. “Is Ricky looking as bad as I am?”
“No,” Dina frowned in confusion. “He was nowhere near as drunk as you.”
Despite its protest, I snapped my head up to attention. “Huh? Yeah, he was. We were both shitfaced.”
“I’m telling you, (Y/N), Ricky was tipsy for, like, half an hour. He had been looking for you once he sobered up.”
My heart dropped to my stomach as my mouth dried up. Pushing myself off of the locker, I turned and walked away, my head too foggy to hear Dina calling after me. He can’t and won’t do that to you again, (Y/N). That’s what I told myself right before entering that party.
Well, he did. And he did so much worse.
Ricky wouldn’t do that without consent, right? He was so respectful towards me, he was patient with me.
He never was patient when it came to sex. That’s why I avoided him in the first place.
My breathing was labored, my vision was clouded by tears, my mind went haywire. Ricky raped me. I got drunk and I isolated myself in a room with him. A locked room. He knew what he was doing. As I passed the girls’ bathroom, I saw a familiar blur of curls, but my mind forced my legs to keep moving. I caught onto the last bit of what he was saying to me.
“-- doing okay? How are you feeling?” When I didn’t respond, he sighed. “Why is no one talking to me today…?”
Maybe it was his defeated tone, maybe it was the fact that I trusted him most, but without a second thought, I grabbed Stan by the wrist and dragged him around the corner. I led him under the stairs and stopped when we were consumed in darkness. I opened my mouth to tell him, but where do you even start with this? My hands flew to my mouth to muffle the broken sob that escaped. Stan stiffened at the sound before ducking his head to search my face. “(Y/N)? Hey, talk to me. What happened?”
“S-Stan, Stan, I… Me and Ricky had sex at his party.” I shakily whispered. His brows furrowed, and I noticed an eye twitch, but he slowly nodded for me to continue. “B-But… But I-I just t-talked to Dina and s-s-she said that Ricky wasn’t even drunk. I-It was just me, Stan, it was just me.”
“Shit, (Y/N)...” He whispered and let me fall into his chest. I always felt safe in Stan’s presence, in his arms, and he was usually who I turned to if I ever wanted to spill out my feelings to someone. “I-I’m so sorry… Hey, hey, do you wanna go home? I-I can take you home, Nugget.”
“No, I don’t wanna go home.” That was a lie, but Pam and David were sure to be notified if I had missed any classes.
“Well, then… tell me what to do. Do you want me to kick his ass? I’ll kick his ass for you, I swear to god, (Y/N)-”
“No, don’t fight him,” I sniffled. “He’ll beat the shit out of you.”
“Sorry,” I hiccupped and let him brush my tears from my cheek ever so gently. “I’m so pissed… Like, that was my first time? I didn’t get to even consent to my first time?”
“You know, I heard that if you didn’t consent, it doesn’t count. So… you don’t have to worry about that.” Strangely, his awkward approach at comforting me was what prevented me from curling into myself and spiraling. That had been a gift of his.
Pulling away, I noticed a mark on his face. When I reached up and gently brushed my thumb across the bruise on his eye, he flinched back. “W-What happened to your eye?” When he hesitated, I knew immediately. His dad was home.
“Don’t worry about it,” He mumbled, holding my hand in his. “I just wanna worry about you right now… Because this whole situation is so fucked up. Are you sure you don’t want me to fight him?”
“Well, I want him to get hurt, but not by you.” I tried a smile, but it fell immediately. With a huff, Stan wrapped his arms around me yet again and pulled me against him, letting the sounds of our fellow peers take over.
“As the temperature increases, if an atom loses one or more electrons, it becomes oxidized!” When Mr File realized his exclamation fell upon deaf ears, he faltered. “Uh… Yeah, okay. Goggles up. Bunsen burners on, and please, please, please, nobody burn down the school.”
Stan carefully watched me as I slapped my goggles onto my face. His hand held mine under the table, causing me to turn to him. “Hey, Nugget, I need to talk to Sydney. Are… you gonna be okay if I-”
“Go ahead.” I whispered, my eyes never leaving him. Ricky was only a table away, and I watched as Stan checked him before giving me a nod. When he turned around to talk to Syd, I felt unsafe. I felt exposed. I felt open to Ricky. My shoulders tensed as I took a deep breath, trying to focus on my work. I felt Stan’s hand on my shoulder as he leaned in close.
“I’ll be right back, I won’t leave you.”
“I know.” I nodded, allowing him to leave the table and follow Syd. My table mate asked if I could hand her the test tube with the blue liquid. I hoped to god she didn’t notice my hand trembling as I reached out to pick it up. Ricky was looking at me. I could feel it. His eyes bore into the side of my face and my hand wouldn’t stop shaking and my table mate was looking at me oddly and-
“Hey! Where are you-”
The sudden exclamations from Sydney and Mr File snapped me out of my daze, my hand naturally letting go of the test tube. Both my classmate and I yelped as the liquid spilled across our table. We stood as our teacher quickly gathered paper towels.
“Shit, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I apologized profusely as I felt someone tug me away from the table. The gentle touch informed me that it was Stan and I was safe. He turned me to face him, and I felt hot tears prick the corners of my eyes.
“It’s okay, Miss (Y/L/N). Did any of it get on you?”
“Yes, it got all over me! I have to go!” The warm touch of Stan’s hands slid from my shoulders as I raced out of the classroom. I gasped aloud when I felt Ricky touch my arm.
“Babe, are you-”
“No!” I shouted at him, ripping the door open and dashing down the hall. My heart pumped in my ribcage as I flew down the stairs, hiding in the same place Stan and I were that morning. My knees pulled into my chest as my hands clutched my head.
Calm down, (Y/N)... Calm the fuck down. Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts, (Y/N).
Memories of my dad, of Jacob, of Stan flashed through my mind. My dad and I engaging in a tickle fight. Jacob practically flinging me around his bedroom to the beat of his favorite song. Stan using his comb as a microphone, pointing to me as we belt out the lyrics to some 80’s song blasting throughout his bedroom. The flat of my chest wasn’t heaving as much as I leaned against the wall. I felt safe, I felt calm.
Then I felt a hand on my wrist.
Gasping out, my head snapped up and my gaze focused on Stan. His eyes were searching my face, his hand left my wrist, but hovered close. “Do you… want a hug…?”
I was safe again. “Please.”
The rest of my day consisted of ignoring Ricky and staying under Stan’s protection. I didn’t eat lunch, despite his insisting, I almost had two more panic attacks when Ricky found me alone, and my throat was sore from holding in sobs for hours. In the end, I made it. When I came home, I locked myself in my bedroom and called my dad. He wouldn’t have to know about everything, but it would have filled my heart with so much relief if I could at least hear his voice. The dial droned once, then twice, thrice, and a fourth time before it went to voicemail.
“Please leave a message at the tone.”
My tears spilled over once I heard the high-pitch beep. “D-Dad, hey… Uh, it’s (Y/N)... U-Um… I-I’m not having a good day today, and I know you’re probably hella busy, but I just… I really need to talk to you today. So, please call back as soon as you get this. Please. I-I love you.” And with a shaky breath, I hung up. Three soft knocks averted my attention to the door, where Jacob had just entered.
“Hey, Bug…”
“Do you… maybe wanna watch some movies with me? Your pick.”
“That sounds really great, Jake, but not tonight. I’m just, uh… wanting to be alone.”
“I get it. Totally get it,” He nodded and backed out of my bedroom. “Just know that if you change your mind, I’m down the hall and very willing to drop everything.”
I only nodded as he closed the door. I hadn’t trusted myself enough to spend dinner with the family, so I laid in bed and tried my best to fall asleep. But it wouldn’t come. I was too occupied by my thoughts, too alert. It was honestly stressing me out to the point that I ironically began falling asleep once the sky faded into night. Just as my eyes drooped, I heard a soft tap on my window. I wanted to ignore it but it happened again. And again. And again until I heard a tap that could’ve cracked the window. Jumping up from my bed, I rushed over to find Stan. He had one hand full of small rocks, the other ready to launch. Of course, he stopped upon seeing my form at the window. He dropped the rocks and waved with both his hands. Softly chuckling, I slid my window up. “What?”
“Wanna go for a drive?” He loudly whispered.
“Hell yes.”
I didn’t realize how much I missed Stan until we were on that drive. With his windows down, soft rock music gracing our ears and the wind blowing in our hair, I was brought back to the summer. When we’d spend the day in this car, cruising around Brownsville. We had not a care in the world. We lived in bliss, only with each other for company. Selfish with each other’s time. I had him all to myself those days. As I looked over at him in that moment, I couldn’t help but grin. The curls on his forehead were now leaning with the wind as his fingers tapped to the beat of the song on the steering wheel. He looked so pretty like this, the moonlight kissing his pale skin just right. He was so beautiful and he didn’t even know it. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, a blush spreading across his cheeks. “W-What?”
“Nothing, just… I’m happy to be here.”
Later on, we parked in the middle of an empty grocery store parking lot. Reclining the seats all the way back, we let our legs drape outside the car window. In that moment, everything felt perfect. The sweet melody of Vanilla Skin rang throughout my ears as the sound of Stan’s lighter flicking accompanied the night critters’ chirping. This was everything I needed. Bloodwitch, a joint, and Stan by my side. It took us only twenty minutes for our highs to kick in, but this time, it was different. We weren’t stupidly laughing. It was comfortably quiet between us. I suppose we both had our own battles we were fighting that day because at the same time, we both inhaled deeply and soundly exhaled.
“Stan, why isn’t every guy like you?” I quietly asked. He looked over at me with furrowed brows.
“I mean, why can’t they just be patient? And considerate? And just naturally sweet people? Why can’t they do something for a girl without wanting something else in return…?”
“Why can’t every girl be like you?” He sighed as I reached my arm in the air, fingers grazing the top of his car. “Why can’t they understand that I’m here to help?” He reached his hand up towards mine. “That I wanna help?” Our fingertips touched. “That I love helping?” And our fingers interlocked. Slowly, our joined hands rested in between our bodies, our heads simultaneously turning to each other.
“I don’t know… maybe we’re not meant to meet other people like ourselves…”
His mouth quirked up in a hesitant smile before he leaned closer. I met him in the middle in yet another kiss. I knew that after, we wouldn’t speak of this. We’d reset and go back to normal so that Stan could keep trying with Sydney. I knew he wasn’t mine, that I wasn’t his. But-
Just let me have this.
Taglist: @nate-hargreeves @sapphicsyn @stqnley @lonely-kermit @juliet-doesnt-give-a-fuck @moatsnow
93 notes · View notes
vostokovasmelina · 5 years ago
drunk night.
for anonymous
pairing: thomas shelby x fem!reader
word count: 1.1k+
warning: we’re getting drunk here, babe
request: I loved the tommy x reader one!! Can we get something fluffy with him doe?? Him taking care of drunk reader?? Maybe?? THANK U all the ❤️
a/n: this is not edited and therefore trash but oh well
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The Garrison was crowded as always at this time of the night. Your head was filled with the cheerful hollering of your friends and strangers, not a single soul entirely sober anymore, especially not Arthur. You were watching as the eldest Shelby tried to climb on top of the counter, unable to fully control his legs and finally slipping and falling down onto his brother John, earning all the curse words in the dictionary in return. Your laughter bubbled up out of your belly uncontrollably at the sight and you successfully spilt all your scotch whiskey on the floor, the puddle around you growing even more. Even Tommy was laughing, much more at you rather than at his brother. He reached out for your glass to finally take it from you and stop you from drinking more than you can take, but when you understood what his intentions were, your smile suddenly fell and you grasped your now empty glass, hiding it in the safety of your chest.
“No, you’re not getting my drink, Thomas, pour yours yourself!” You yelled, bringing your cup up to your mouth only to realise a few seconds later that you had nothing left to drink. You looked at your boyfriend in pure frustration but he was of no help either- Tommy could barely contain his laughter. You truly were the most adorable drunk in the world.
“That’s because you’ve been overly generous to the floor and your dress tonight, love,” he replied, leaning closer to you and slipping his arm around your waist to help you up. “Come on, it’s high time we went home,” he decided, trying to pull you up from your seat gently and failing in the very next minute.
“No way, I will not let you crash the party! You’re such an old man, Thomas!” You complained, grabbing the edge of your seat in protest. Tommy was trying his best to put on a serious expression, but the way you said his name still put a smile on his face. Normally, he would have always tried his best to avoid hearing ‘Thomas’ from you since it could only mean that you were really pissed off at him. However, there was nothing normal about your present condition. Right now, it had the same effect on him it would have had if it had come from a child’s mouth.
“What party, Y/N? You’d have a much more enjoyable company in the stables than the one here,” your boyfriend remarked, making you roll your eyes at him in annoyance.
“I’m sorry we aren’t classy enough for Mr Thomas Shelby,” you replied, reaching out for the bottle of whiskey John had offered you in the meantime. Before you could take it, however, Tommy sent his brother away, leaving you with an empty glass just again. You were truly getting fed up with your boyfriend’s behaviour. However, there came a moment when you felt the whole room spinning around you and you could feel that acidic taste travelling up your throat. Before you threw up right on the table in front of you, you leant down and pressed your forehead to the tabletop, groaning loudly. Tommy simply shook his head and placed a loving hand on the back of your neck, caressing you softly.
“My goodness, tell them to stop spinning the bar, Tommy, it makes me feel nauseous,” you breathed out, trying to find a position in which the meat you had for dinner didn’t want to come back out of you.
“Right, we’re going home, come on,” Tommy exclaimed, slipping a firm hand on your waist just again and pulling you up from your seat. When you bent over in protest and tried to lie down on the floor soaked in booze, your boyfriend slipped another hand under your legs, picking you up and heading towards the door. At first, you were kicking and punching, almost rolling out of his arms, but once you’ve realised that only worsened your already terribly nausea, you stopped and gave in. You let your arms fall down and also bent your head back. Before the door closed behind you and the chilly air of the Birmingham night hit your bare skin, you could still see Arthur waving at you and you pouted back at him in return.
“Hey, Tommy! Tommy, people already miss me, Arthur seemed so sad when we left, please, take me back, I’ll be a good girl,” you begged, looking up at him with wide puppy dog eyes, suddenly forgetting about everything spinning in an uncontrollable way. Tommy, however, simply kept walking, not even paying attention to you acting like a full-on child in his arms. You still kept whining about wanting to go back to ‘Arthur and your friends at the bar’ even when the Garrison wasn’t in range of vision anymore, but eventually gave up when you saw the front door of the Shelby Headquarters, as you liked to call it. 
Once you both stepped in the door and Tommy closed it behind you, you headed for the sofa to put yourself in a horizontal position and maybe stop the room from spinning. Your boyfriend disappeared in the kitchen to get you a cup of hot tea and some bread to eat and froze in his tracks when he saw your head lying on the floor and your legs sticking up towards the ceiling.
“I’ve never had the chance to examine this carpet up close and it’s beautiful,” you murmured, mostly to yourself but that didn’t stop Tommy from chuckling as he tried to collect you and pick you up to finally make sure you had something other than alcohol in your system. When you sat up and leaned heavily against him, Tommy brought the bread to his lap and started feeding you little pieces, not taking ‘no’ for an answer. Once you had got to the half of it and you really weren’t able to have any more, he helped you drink the small cup of tea as well and wrapped an arm around you. You laid your head on his shoulder and moved even closer, leaning into your boyfriend’s side entirely.
You could already feel your eyelids getting heavier with each blink and the calm breathing of Tommy made you feel at ease so much that you seriously had to hold back a yawn but he still heard it.
“Are you getting sleepy, love? Good, because you’re a pain in the ass when drunk,” he said, caressing your cheek playfully and smirking down at you. You simply groaned in return, punching his thigh gently.
“Shut up or I’ll vomit in your shoe.”
“I love you, too.”
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years ago
Early Mornings
Summary: Your boyfriend Marcus wakes you up, and he’s clearly got something on his mind.
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x F!Reader *check A/N below
Word Count: 1.8k
Rating/Warnings: SMUT! Basically PWP. Morning sex, P in V sex, protected sex (proud of u bby,) fingering, almost getting caught in the act, a minor is mentioned but not in a sexual way (worried about Missy catching you and Marcus in flagrante delicto.) I push my language kink on the reader sorry not sorry.
A/N: Look, I just wanted to write Marcus Moreno getting some sweet morning lovin’. Is that a crime? *Also I mention that reader doesn’t understand Spanish - sorry to my fluent readers - but also that she’s sleepy and then a little preoccupied, so I think as long as it’s not your first language, it works? I don’t usually indulge my language kink, let me have this one.
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The bed was soft under you, a contrast to the muscular chest pressed to your back. You sighed contently, happy to be waking in such a cozy place. The chuckle from the man behind you reverberated through your own chest. You knew he was already awake, his strong hand massaging your hip under the covers had been what woke you in the first place.
“Good morning, carino.” Marcus sang, keeping his tone low in the quiet house. His voice was hoarse with sleep, and slipping that pet name in there… you should have realized quickly what was on his mind.
“Mornin’.” You hummed back. “Time s’it?” You couldn’t be bothered yet to open your own eyes to check.
“Early.” Marcus dismissed as he nuzzled your neck. His nose pressed against your pulse point, breath tickling your sleep-warmed skin. The hand massaging your hip moved to stroke up and down your thigh, playing with the hem of your sleep shorts at each pass. He began muttering praises in Spanish against your skin.
You sighed his name, feeling desire pooling within you at his ministrations. Barely awake, you fell for his charms quickly - not that you wouldn’t have fallen for them regardless. He knew what kinds of things got you in the mood, and he was pulling out all the stops. You were putty in his hands.
His fingers slid past the waistband of your shorts, caressing your bare hip. He pulled you back, your ass grinding into him. You felt his erection, hard and heavy against you.
“Marcus,” you sighed once again. He had you breathless already. “What about Missy?”
He paused his Spanish appeal to calm your worries. “Still asleep. We’ll be quiet.” He promised, lips tickling your ear as he spoke.
You blinked your eyes open. The sun was low, barely risen, but enough to light the room through the open curtains. You looked over towards the door, but your sight was still bleary. “The door locked?”
Marcus hummed noncommittally as he kissed your neck. You whined quietly, although you couldn’t tell if it was due to the man behind you or the answer he gave.
“Can’t you…” You waved your arm in the direction of the door. The rest of the question died on your lips as his hand slid between your legs. You gasped, dropping your hand to grip his forearm as his fingers slid between your wet lips.
Marcus hummed in approval, rolling his hips into you. “Already so wet for me.”
You cursed under your breath, arching into him as he stroked up and down your folds.
“Can I, hermosa? Please, baby.” He asked, finger teasing your opening.
“Please,” you nodded.
Both of you moaned quietly as his long finger dipped inside you. You gripped his arm tighter, rolling your hips as he fingered you. Soon, a second finger joined the first.
“Feel good?” He whispered against your shoulder. You nodded, worried that you’d be too loud if you spoke.
He added light pressure to your clit, his thumb circling the bud gently. You couldn’t stop the whimper from bubbling up in your chest.
“Shh, that’s good.” He praised, his soft, soothing voice making you tremble around him. “Can you stay quiet, carino? If I move these shorts out of my way and slip inside, can you stay quiet for me?”
You nodded frantically, wanting to feel him. “Yes, Marcus.” You promised, voice shaking.
As he slipped his hand away from you, you shimmied your shorts down your hips, kicking them off to be lost under the covers. Marcus busied himself in those moments, grabbing a condom from the bedside table and slipping it on once he’d freed himself from his briefs. He pulled your leg overtop of his hip, spreading you open for him as he ran his cock through your lips. You shuddered, arching backwards into him.
Your breath caught as he pressed into you, his own shaky groan echoing in your ear. He went slow, letting you both get used to the sensations without losing control. Once he was fully sheathed, his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly to his chest.
You reached behind you for him, leaning over your shoulder and pulling him into a kiss. It was a sloppy kiss, the angle not ideal and both of you struggling to stay quiet despite the sensations running through you. It was easy to lose yourself in each other, but you didn’t have the luxury of that this morning.
Tongues still dancing, Marcus began thrusting into you. He kept his pace slow and steady, trying to keep the bed from creaking. The pace was torturous. He dragged against your walls non-stop, in and out steadily, your nerves dancing with every pass. You had to break away from the kiss to focus on breathing and keeping quiet. The break in the kiss gave Marcus a chance to start whispering Spanish nothings in your ear.
You couldn’t make out everything he was saying, your mind too focussed on the pleasure you were feeling. Pet names like hermosa, mi corazón, and mi reina stood out. His voice changed, from a loving melodic tone to a growl and you knew the content changed with it. You didn’t need to know Spanish to know he was now spewing filth, talking dirty to you in a language he knew drove you wild.
You whined his name quietly in response, telling him how good he felt, how deep he was. Your voice shook with the struggle to not moan wantonly.
A soft clicking noise out in the hallway had both of you freezing in place. Marcus stopped moving, both of you stopped talking. The only noise in the room was both of your deep breaths and even that felt too loud as your ears strained to listen.
Missy’s door swung open and closed. You tried to move your leg from where it stretched over Marcus’, but he held it still. 
“Marcus-” You hissed, but he shushed you just as quickly.
“She’ll go downstairs.” He whispered in your ear.
“What if she doesn’t?” You whispered back.
“She will.”
You were so still you could feel the way your walls fluttered around him. You knew he had to be feeling it too. He buried his face into your neck, trying to hide the way his breath stuttered at the involuntary twitching.
You held your breath as her footsteps came to the door of Marcus’ bedroom but they didn’t stop. They continued down the hallway and downstairs. You finally let yourself breathe again as you heard the living room TV turn on.
“Told you.” Marcus’ voice was still low, but not a full whisper. You could hear the grin in his voice although his face was still in your neck.
“Fuck off,” you grinned, laughing softly as the tension left your body. You had to bite your lip to stop from moaning as he thrust into you with one hard stroke before stilling again.
“I’m trying.” He teased before picking up his previous pace.
The threat of being caught was lessened now that Missy was downstairs. Marcus thrust into you harder, not worried if a few springs started squeaking. You gasped and moaned softly, telling him how good it was, how deep you could feel him, how close you were getting.
You slid your hand down to play with your clit, your fingers grazing against Marcus’ cock as he pistoned in and out of you. Feeling your hand, Marcus tossed the blankets off of the two of you so he could watch you play with yourself. He groaned, telling you how sexy it was.
“Are you close, babe?” You panted, watching him over your shoulder. He was biting his lower lip, dark eyes staring down your body.
“Yeah. Almost.” He told you through grit teeth.
“Good.” You stopped rubbing yourself to move his hand under your thin nightshirt to your breast, quickly resuming your motions. He moaned in your ear as he palmed the flesh, pinching at your nipple that had peaked due to the cool air of the bedroom outside the covers.
“You first.” He ordered, clearly holding himself back until you came. You nodded, telling him wordlessly that you were close. He nuzzled your neck, his breath ghosting over your ear as you felt that peak getting closer and closer…
You gasped, squeezing your eyes shut as your vision turned white. Your body trembled in his arms as your walls milked him. He groaned loudly against your skin, following you over the edge. Your hand flew to his, still on your breast, holding him close as the waves of pleasure overtook your body.
You were glad the blanket had already been thrown elsewhere as you came down from your high, body overheated and sticking to Marcus’ with sweat. Still, you didn’t want to let go of him, or have him let go of you, just yet. Marcus seemed to agree, clinging to you as he also caught his breath.
You giggled quietly, disrupting the quiet. Marcus hummed inquisitively.
“Hell of a way to wake up.” You explained the reason for your giggles.
Marcus pulled out of you carefully, rolling onto his back and joining in your giddiness. 
You rolled over, resting your head on his chest to look up at him. His skin was flushed and sweaty, and you were sure you looked much the same. He cupped the back of your head and pulled you into a sweet kiss. You hummed softly into his mouth, enjoying the lazy kiss.
He broke the kiss to dispose of the condom in the trash next to the bed, luckily not having to leave the bed to do so. You turned to check the alarm clock, seeing it was just after 8 in the morning. You could probably get away with a few more minutes in bed, but you had worked up a bit of an appetite already.
“Shower?” You proposed, knowing the two of you couldn’t go downstairs looking or smelling the way you did. You weren’t sure what level of sex talk Marcus had had with Missy yet, but she would definitely be able to figure out something had gone on in this room.
“You say shower, I say round two.” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
You laughed, smacking him lightly in the chest. “You, Marcus Moreno, are insatiable.”
“Only for you, carino.” He winked.
You sat up, groaning as you stretched out your muscles. You knew Marcus was watching you as you slipped out of bed.
“Well super powers or not, I think you need to come to terms with something called a refractory period.” You challenged as you stripped off your sleep shirt. The second the words were out of your mouth, you saw his eyes darken as his jaw set. You smirked at him before heading into the ensuite. You heard him jump off the bed to chase after you with a warning growl, and you were very glad Missy was watching loud cartoons.
Tagging @wickedfrsgrl @din-damn-djarin @thisisthe-wayson @insideafictionaluniverse @vonschweetz @driedgreentomatoes @computeringturtle​
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kurt-nightcrawler · 5 years ago
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Request 1: Omg I just read the I have a boyfriend and the opposites attract and I'm aksjksjeje. Idk if ur taking requests, but in case u are I need more on that mother nature reader and Warren pleaaaaseee!!! Maybe something with angst, like some conflict in their relationship, but with a happy would be greatttttt I absolutely love ur writing x
Request 2: I have a idea for mother nature x warren: how about an angsty fic about their first fight? And for the first time mother nature feels heartbreak and is really hurt. Her eyes are pitch black and empty. Usually, when she relaxes, she grows pumpkins etc. But this time all the vegatables are rotten or too small. Maybe you feel inspired by this :) (would be great if it has a happy ending though haha) Thank you, you're great!
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex, underage drinking, panic attack, and assault
Word Count: 8k
A/N: This took a long time but I hope you guys enjoy it! This builds more into Warren and Mother Nature’s relationship, probably set before fairytale
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 Everything had been perfect. Halloween was coming up, and (Y/N) asked Jubilee if she’d do a group costume with her and another girl. 
Jubilee said yes, trusting (Y/N)’s opinion on people, for she always saw the good in them.
Jubilee took her, and the other girl, Jessie Rowe, to one of those pop up Halloween shops to look for costumes. 
“We can just get inspired if we don’t see anything perfect, you know?” Jubilee said. “We can always make our costumes.” (Y/N) nodded while looking at the different colored crayon costumes. 
“But it would be so much easier just to get one now. We could all go as like— sexy angels or something. In honor of Warren!” Jessie suggested. 
(Y/N) grimaced a little at the outfit Jessie held up. She didn’t feel comfortable wearing something so thin and tight at some house party on a cold October night. 
Jubilee laughed, “That’d be cute.” 
“Come on,” Jessie nudged her. “(Y/N), I bet your boyfriend would go nuts seeing you in this.”
“Mmm, I think he might find it kind of offensive or something…” She didn’t want to go as a sexy anything for Halloween. No offense to anyone who did dress sexy on Halloween, but that just wasn’t (Y/N)’s vibe. “Not my thing anyway…”
“Oh, come on! He wouldn’t be offended; Warren’s such an angel. I bet he’d fuck you if you wore this.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes went wide with shock. She’d never had someone be so blunt and explicit with her— Well, she had, but it wasn’t directed at her. 
“Um, we’re going to a party, Jess…” (Y/N) awkwardly reminded her. 
“I know, but you guys could sneak off somewhere or leave early. People do it all the time.” 
“What about vampires?!” Jubilee interrupted, holding packages of fake fangs in her hands. 
“Oh, that’d be fun! And we could get fake blood too!” Jessie put the angel outfit back on the rack and went to a different area with Jubilee. 
(Y/N) followed behind, thankful for the interruption, but still thinking about Jessie’s comment. 
“If you two do decide to fuck at the party, I want all the details…”
Why did she care so much if Warren and I are having sex?
She tried to focus on other things as Jubilee attempted to change the subject. 
“Fruits? Personally, I’d like to be a strawberry.” 
Jessie laughed, “We’re not in elementary.” Jubilee shrugged before holding up a banana costume and made a suggestive joke. Jessie and (Y/N) laughed at her. 
“I think we should be pink ladies.” Jessie morphed her voice to sound like Olivia Newton-John. 
“From Grease? But that’s so overdone,” Jubilee didn’t like the idea, but it was the first decent one Jessie had all day. 
“I mean, if someone else shows up in the same costume, we’re technically not matching…” (Y/N) said. 
“See?” Jessie smiled. “(Y/N)‘s smart!” 
“Alright, alright, give me some time. I’ll think about it,” Jubilee stated. 
“Trust me; you’ll come around.” 
Warren was lying in bed, fast asleep. He’d just showered after training with Mystique and got his ass kicked. Even when he thought he was getting better, he still wasn't as good as her. 
(Y/N) entered the room, excited to tell Warren about her Halloween costume plans. 
Sure, she could have just texted him, but she hadn’t seen him all day. 
“Warren, Angel baby—“ She quickly shut her mouth when she saw him sprawled over his bed, fast asleep. 
She cooed over his sleeping figure, tempted to leave him as he was. 
What if he’s been asleep for hours? Or all morning? It’s still light out, though. I better wake him up anyway.
(Y/N) tapped his shoulder and said his name a few times, trying to get a response from him. 
He slowly stirred in his slumber, waking up from (Y/N)‘s interruption. “Hmm?...”
“Hey, War,” 
“Mmm… what time is it?” 
“Join me.” (Y/N) sat on his bed, sitting next to him as he shifted, snuggling next to her, and slowly woke up. “How’d shopping go with Jubilee?” 
“It was alright.” (Y/N) massaged his scalp as she retold her day. “Jessie kept shooting down our ideas and the ones she had Jubilee never really liked, so we didn’t exactly settle on anything…” 
Warren looked up at her. “I thought you guys were going as crayons?” 
“Jessie said no.”
(Y/N) shrugged, “She suggested we go as sexy angels.” 
Warren’s facial expression was piqued with interest, despite him trying not to show it. 
“I said that would be offensive to you, and we’d freeze to death anyway.” 
Warren chuckled, “I’ll be there to keep you warm.”
“Aren’t you gonna be shirtless?” 
“Maybe. I said I might— Roger Taylor didn’t wear a shirt most of the time.” 
Warren was teaming up with Kurt, Scott, and Peter to dress up as Queen, the rock band, for Halloween. 
“You could get sick! It might even rain on Halloween, which will make you even colder!”
“I’ll be fine.” Warren wasn’t too worried. 
“Wear a jacket, please.” 
“I will. I will…”
(Y/N) huffed, “Good… Cause if you don’t, I’ll bring you one, and it will be tacky and ugly and totally ruin your costume.  So you better bring one…” She jokingly threatened. 
Warren chuckled, “Yes, Mom.” (Y/N) laughed at his demeanor. 
Warren looked up at her, lifting his head up, lips puckered. A way of silently asking for a kiss. 
(Y/N) complied, and gave him a peck on the lips. 
“Wanna get some food? I’m kind of hungry.” 
Warren nodded. He finally, and officially, got out of bed since his nap, (Y/N) next to him. 
As they were about to leave his room, a leaf fell from (Y/N)‘s head. 
“You dropped a leaf.” 
She frowned, eyes purple with embarrassment, “That’s the fifth one this week.” 
Warren bent down to pick it up. “It’s fall. I’m surprised you still have a few left.” 
“I’ve still got about a month.” 
The vines wrapped around (Y/N)’s legs and the leaves in her hair were shedding— Just like the trees outside, as the weather dropped and plants prepared for winter. 
Warren took the leaf and set it in a book. He liked to press any of (Y/N)‘s leaves he could get his hands on. 
She thought it was silly, they were just leaves, but Warren liked them. 
(Y/N) rummaged through the fridge for something to eat. 
“I think there’s leftover Chinese from last night,” Warren told her. 
“Yeah, but I don’t want to take those. They aren’t mine.” 
“You can say I ate them. Ororo and Kurt took my pizza after we went to East Village Pizza.” 
“Didn’t you label the box?” 
Warren nodded, “Yeah, but it’s Kurt and Ororo. They ignored it.” 
(Y/N) stifled a laugh as she took out some milk, deciding to make mac and cheese. 
“They’re the only ones who don’t fear me.” He joked. 
“Hey! I’m right here… and besides—“ She turned the stovetop on. “—No one here “fears” you. Not even the little kids. Jamie Donaldson told me he wanted to be you for Halloween.” 
Warren tilted his head slightly in confusion.
The water in the pot had reached a boil and (Y/N) poured the dried noodles into it. “He said you were his hero. That he wanted to be like you when he got older.” 
Warren dismissed it, “His friends are gonna tease him.” 
“I’m sure they already do… he has gills… Deny it all you want, Worthington, but you’re not tough as nails. Underneath the metal, you’re a big softie who cries during The Notebook, and helps Alex teach the second graders.” 
“Babe, everyone cries during the notebook, and I had a free period, and Alex needed help.” 
(Y/N) nodded, “Mmhmm… well, you can’t let Jamie down. It would crush him.” 
“I’m no—“ Warren stopped. 
“You’re no what?” (Y/N) teased nonchalantly. She knew what he was going to say. 
“You’ve trapped me.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I’m not gonna say it.” 
(Y/N) mixed the milk, butter, and cheese powder in a separate bowl. “Say what?” 
“Oh, so that’s how we’re gonna play it?”
“You’re too hard on yourself! Be honest and caring for once.” (Y/N) pouted. 
“I’m not saying it. It’s dumb and cheesy.” 
“Fine. Then you don’t get any of my mac and cheese.”
“I’ll steal some when you’re not looking.” 
(Y/N) widened her eyes for comical intimidation. “I’m always looking.” 
Warren crossed his arms, “I’m still not going to say it.” 
“I’m a bad person, (Y/N), I’ve done bad things…”
(Y/N) chuckled lightly, “Isn’t your therapist Brenda helping you not sound like Batman so much?” 
(Y/N) kissed his nose. “Okay, Angel.” 
“(Y/N), I’m not—“
“Yes, you are! Say it.” 
“Fine,” He caved. “I’m an angel.” 
“Say it like you mean it. A positive tone of voice and affirmations improve a plant’s lifestyle and growth.” 
Warren couldn’t deny the small smile on his face, “I’m an angel.” 
(Y/N) squealed and kissed Warren’s lips. His cheeks were red, for he was flustered. 
“Can you get some bowls? Mac and cheese is done.”
“Yeah, sure.” Warren got two bowls and forks for them both and set them on the counter. 
(Y/N) scooped some macaroni into both bowls, then she and Warren sat on the barstools on the other side of the counter and chowed down. 
Jessie entered the kitchen as they ate their food. 
“Hey, (Y/N). Hey, Warren.” 
“Hey, Jessie! I just made some Mac and cheese if you’re hungry.” 
“I’m good, thanks. I don’t really eat carbs.”
“Oh… Okay…” (Y/N) looked down nervously at her bowl, trying to hide her purple eyes.
“Yeah, they just don’t agree with me, ya know?”
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I don’t really like hot Cheetos.”
“See? We’re practically one and the same.” Jessie smirked.
Warren’s gaze kept shifting between the girls. He was confused at the tone of the conversation. 
“Anyway, I came down here looking for you.” She said to (Y/N). 
“Really? What’s up?” 
“I convinced Jubilee that we should go as pink ladies.” 
“That’s great!” 
Jessie nodded, “We’re gonna get the stuff we need for our costumes tomorrow.” 
“Sounds good to me.” (Y/N) said. 
“Uh, huh… what are you going as for Halloween?” Jessie asked Warren. 
“A few other guys and I are going as Queen.” 
“Ooooo! I love their music.” 
Warren nodded, “Scott’s going as John Deacon, Peter’s going as Brian May, I’m going as Roger Taylor, and Kurt’s going as Freddie Mercury.” 
Her voice shifted to a flawless British accent, “Well, I’m sure you’ll look amazing, darling.”
Warren laughed, “Thanks.” 
“Of course… (Y/N) I’ll talk to you later about Halloween stuff.” 
“Okay. See you later.”
As Jessie sauntered away, Warren was a bit unsettled by Jessie’s attitude but was more worried about his girlfriend.
“You need to eat some carbs…” (Y/N) mumbled. 
“She’s probably just doing some fad diet,” Warren reassured her. 
“I dunno…” 
Warren shrugged and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, “There’s no harm in eating macaroni… and no matter what you do, you’ll always be healthier than Peter.”
“Oh god, yeah,” (Y/N) jokingly grimaced. No offense to Pete’s lifestyle, but consuming only twinkies and Diet Pepsi would not go down well for Mother Nature, or anyone else. 
“I’m gonna save the rest for later.” (Y/N) went through a cabinet looking for some Tupperware. 
“Alright. Want me to put what we didn’t touch in another container?” 
The girls all grabbed pink ladies jackets and paid for them. 
“I was thinking we wear all black— heels, shirt, and leggings or maybe like a skirt or something.” 
“Heels?!” Jubilee shrieked. “You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna wear heels all night on Halloween.” 
“It’s just for pictures,” Jessie reassured her. “And besides, you’ll kick them off at the door anyway.” 
“Why would I wanna roam around barefoot at a party?” 
“(Y/N)‘s barefoot all the time. To feel one with nature.” 
(Y/N) furrowed her brows, eyes orange. “No, I’m not. I rarely ever do that…” 
Jessie held up her hands in surrender, “Well, I heard it from Nancy Robinson…”
“She’s wrong… I told her I connect easily with plants.” 
“She must have misunderstood.” 
(Y/N) nodded, unsettled. 
“Do you guys wanna go to the mall? There’s this cute little black dress at Forever 21 I wanna get for Halloween.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“I need to get some more foundation at Sephora,” Jessie stated. 
“Good, cause we were going anyway.” Jubilee joked threateningly. Jessie and (Y/N) laughed. 
As they walked around the Sephora, Jubilee scanned the isles for blue eyeshadows in different shades. 
“Kurt asked me to do his makeup for Halloween. He wanted some 70s glam rock.” 
“You’re gonna do a great job!” (Y/N) told her. 
“For sure— I’m also doing Warren’s and Peter’s too.” 
“They’re all going to look great. I hope we can get a group photo of them before they get all sweaty and tired out.” 
Jubilee nodded, smiling, while she placed all her items on the counter to be rung up. 
“Why didn’t Warren ask you to do his makeup?” Jessie asked. 
“Oh, uh… I dunno.” (Y/N) shrugged. “I’m not very good at super dramatic glittery looks.” 
“I’m just surprised he didn’t ask you, is all. I thought he would’ve, considering you’re dating.” 
“I mean, he’ll probably ask to borrow my mascara or something... It’s not a big deal.”
Jessie raised her eyebrows in questioning before paying for her foundation. “If Scott was going to wear makeup, I’m sure he’d ask Jean to do it for him.” 
“Scott would just want an excuse for his face to be inches away from Jean’s face, and for her to constantly be gazing into his eyes and glancing at his lips. Until they finally break the tension and spend the whole time making out, and Scott’s still not even wearing any makeup by the end.” Jubilee states. 
“That’s very specific… Also, don’t they kind of do that already, anyway?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Yeah,” Jubilee chuckled. 
“Still, I don’t know why Warren didn’t ask you.” Jessie interrupted. “Maybe you should ask him.” 
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah, uh, I— I might.” 
Warren was lounged on (Y/N)’s bed, focusing on a textbook assignment. 
“Why didn’t you ask me to do your makeup?” 
Warren looked up. “Hmm?”
“Jubilee said you asked her to do your makeup for Halloween… I could’ve done it.” 
“Oh, uh, I mean Kurt asked her to do his, and then Peter asked her, and we both figured why not do mine too? She’s just going to do some eyeliner and highlighter. It’s no big deal.” 
“Oh…” (Y/N)’s eyes flashed purple. 
“Do you want to do my makeup?” 
(Y/N) shook her head, her eyes slightly red and orange. “Never mind… It was stupid… I’m not even that good at makeup…” 
Warren blinked, no longer focused on his homework. “Are you okay?” 
“What? Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” 
“I mean, if you wanna do my makeup, go ahead. I don’t care. If it’s that big of an issue—“
“It’s not an issue. I was just wondering why you didn’t ask me.” 
“I didn’t think you’d want to do my makeup.” 
(Y/N) pursed her lips. He was kind of right. She really couldn’t have cared less— Halloween was proving to be so stressful already. 
“Yeah…” She mumbled. 
“See, problem solved.” 
A weird feeling of tension filled the air. 
Warren and (Y/N) never fought, and they rarely argued or bickered over things that weren’t Warren’s low self-esteem. 
Despite him saying, “Problem solved.” It didn’t feel that way. 
Warren barged into Peter and Scott’s room. Inside were Scott, Kurt, and another kid. 
“(Y/N) and I had an argument—“ Warren glanced at the short blonde guy sitting on Scott’s bed. “Who is he?”
“Warren, this is Bobby. Bobby, this is Warren,” Scott introduced. “Bobby’s new, he’s a freshman, and we’re kind of the only guys his age, so he’s just hanging out with us.” 
“Hi,” Bobby awkwardly waved at Warren. 
He waved back, “Hey.” 
“Anyway— what happened with you and (Y/N)?”
Warren sat down on Peter’s bed. “We got into an argument about the dumbest thing…”
Kurt squinted his eyes in confusion, “That’s not— you guys don’t do that… Or is that a normal thing for most American couples? All the fighting and yelling.”
“Okay, first off Blue, you need to stop watching sit-coms with Jean and Jubilee where the middle-aged suburban couple’s hate each other’s guts. Second, we weren’t yelling, and it wasn’t really a fight fight, but there was uncomfortable tension.”
The other three boys were focused solely on Warren, waiting for him to explain more. 
“She like got mad I didn’t ask her to do my makeup for Halloween, but then she wasn’t mad and said she didn’t even want to do my makeup. And like we settled it, but I still felt weird afterward. Almost like we didn’t settle it.” 
Kurt was baffled, unsure of what to say. Scott was taking a moment to formulate a good response, but before he could even open his mouth, Bobby spewed some words of… wisdom.
“(Y/N)— I’m assuming you guys are dating, right?” Warren nodded. 
“Okay… (Y/N) doesn’t care about who’s doing your makeup. She’s upset over something else but is using the makeup as a cover-up. She doesn’t want to admit she’s upset over… whatever she’s upset over, but she’s upset, so little things like, you not asking her if she’d do your makeup, are going to make her like, really mad, even if it seems like they shouldn’t or ordinarily wouldn’t.
You have to get her to talk, or find out from one of her girlfriends, what’s really upsetting her.” 
The other boys left their mouths gaping, blinking in shock. 
“You’re like, fourteen, why’d you give such good advice?” 
Bobby shrugged, “My parents fight a lot. They need a divorce, but they’ll never get one.” 
“I was gonna tell you to apologize…” Scott sheepishly admitted.
“Apologize for what?” 
“I— I don’t know…” 
“She said she was stressed out about Halloween…” Warren confessed. 
“There you go—“ Bobby exclaimed. “—She’ll be fine. Don’t even worry about the little lovers’ quarrel you guys had.” 
Warren nodded, feeling a little bit better about the situation.
He still wanted to talk to (Y/N), though. 
“Hey, Jubes!” 
“Oh, hey, Jessie. I was just headed to Bio, what’s up?”
“I heard, a few freshmen girls are going as Pink Ladies for Halloween—“
“And?” Jubilee hugged her binder tight in her arms. 
Jessie huffed, “We just can’t go as the same thing as some freshmen girls!” 
“Why not? Halloween is in two days! We can’t just change our costumes at the last minute.” 
“Jubes, we’ll look like freshmen. We can’t have that!” Jubilee opened her mouth to object, but Jessie didn’t let her. 
“(Y/N), and I already agreed we should switch. We’re going to go as the plastics from Mean Girls.” Jessie’s voice had shifted to sound like Rachel McAdams. “I’m gonna be Regina, and (Y/N) will be Karen.” 
“Okay, that’s fine. I can go return my jacket.” 
“Yeah!” Jessie grinned. “Plus you can wear your shirt that says “On Wednesdays we wear pink! Perfect!” 
Jubilee smiled, “Yeah… Well, uh, I gotta go—“ She motioned to the door. 
“Right! Don’t wanna make you tardy. I’ll see you later!” 
“See ya.” 
Weird, Jubilee thought to herself as she took a seat in Dr. McCoy’s classroom. But not unusual for Jessie, always changing her mind… She’s so wishy-washy on things… Oh well.
(Y/N) was quickly trying to finish her makeup and get dressed so she could help the little kids trick or treat. 
Older students could volunteer to take the younger one’s trick or treating until 9, and then if they wanted, they could go to whatever house party the locals from the public school in the area were hosting. 
Luckily for the X-Men, Jubilee was extremely popular with the public schoolers, and they were invited to most house parties.
Ororo had already left, for she had just worn a unicorn onesie she borrowed from Peter. 
“I think this is his sister’s, but hey! It’s comfy.” 
“You look great!” (Y/N) only glanced at Ororo, for she was worried about her own look for the night.
“Thanks, I’m sure you’re going to look great too. Don’t sweat it… you have a half-hour left.”
“I’ll meet you downstairs with the others!” 
“Sounds good to me.” 
The others being Scott, Jean, Kurt, and Warren. Jubilee, Peter, and Jessie had decided to skip the trick-or-treat assist and go straight to partying. 
Warren knocked on (Y/N)’s door, asking if she was ready. 
She opened it and stepped out. 
Warren glanced up and down, checking her out. She looked good. Then again, she always looked good. 
(Y/N) did the same, checking her boyfriend out. Maybe I should have gone as a slutty angel to compensate… Warren looks… hot.
Tight leather pants, a sparkly fringed vest with nothing underneath— showing off his toned abs— his classic, worn-out combat boots, and his makeup. Jubilee did an excellent job with it. 
Her eyes were magenta. 
Warren kissed her cheek. “You look great, babe!” 
“Uh… thanks… um… you— you…”
Warren chuckled, “I look stupid, don’t I?”
“No! No— you look, whatever the opposite of stupid is… Stupidly hot, maybe…” (Y/N) felt like a pile of mush. 
And for what? Warren in tight pants, no shirt, and black lines on his face? That was a regular Tuesday look for him. 
“Maybe?” He teased. (Y/N) avoided eye contact, her eyes a vibrant purple.
Warren intertwined one of his hands with her and kissed her cheek again. “You’re adorable.” 
The gang made their way to the party a little after 9. It was in full swing by then, with loud music vibrating the outdoors. It just got amplified as they walked in. 
“I’m gonna look for Peter,” Warren told (Y/N). 
“I’m gonna try to find Jubilee and Jessie, get some group photos.” They parted ways, agreeing to meet up again later. 
(Y/N) got distracted along the way— she danced to the Monster Mash with Jean and Kurt, helped with any trick or treaters that came to the door, (despite it not being her house), and she took a few photos with a group of freshmen also dressed up as pink ladies. 
“Where are they?” 
She spotted Jubilee’s big mop of black curls and quickly made her way over.
“Oh my gosh! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” 
Jubilee and (Y/N) stared at each other, both extremely puzzled.
“I thought we were going as pink ladies?”
“I thought we switched to The Plastics.” 
“What?” (Y/N) asked.
Jubilee took a sip from her cup, “Jessie told me you guys agreed on us switching to the plastics cause a bunch of freshmen were going as pink ladies.” 
“She never said anything to me bout going as the plastics. I haven’t seen her in like, two days.”
“What?” Jubilee was beyond confused. 
“Yeah, I thought we were still all going as pink ladies. I even saw the freshmen you’re talking about, and they took photos with me!”
“That’s nice…” 
“Why didn’t you clear this up with me, Jubes?” (Y/N) asked, her eyes slowly turning grey. 
“I thought Jessie did. I was busy trying to scope out a good place to crash and party at.”
(Y/N) crossed her arms, “Where is Jessie, anyway?” 
“I think she’s in the kitchen.” 
Warren was trying to have fun at the party. He didn’t drink as he did in Germany, so everything just seemed less exciting… but with his friends, they never failed to disappoint. 
He wanted to find Peter so they could get group pictures before a group of girls swarmed Kurt, fawning over his accent, soft blue fur, and gymnast body. Before Scott gave a little pep talk on safety to whichever friends would listen and then run off to make out with Jean in the nearest bathroom. And then he wanted to spend time with his girlfriend. 
He found Kurt, no problem— but finding their Brian and John was proving much more difficult. 
“Maybe Peter shouldn’t have worn a wig. We usually spot him due to his grey hair.”
“Then it wouldn’t go with the costume,” Kurt pointed out. “And the whole group would look out of place.” 
“I guess so…” Warren spotted Scott as they walked into the kitchen. He was talking to the new kid— Bobby— with Jean next to him. “Let’s get Scott.” 
Kurt waved at the group, and they motioned him over. 
“Hey, guys! This is Bobby,” Jean introduced.
“We already met,” Warren explained. “Have you seen Peter?” 
Jean shook her head. 
“I think I saw him—“ Bobby spoke up while filling up a cup from the “monster mix” punch bowl. “He had on a big curly brown wig…?” 
Kurt nodded, “Ja, that’s him!” 
Bobby handed Kurt and Warren cups. Warren sighed quietly to himself. He didn’t want a drink of some mystery liquid. He knew there was probably alcohol— Bobby probably didn’t, though— the kid was a freshman. Warren didn’t have time to refuse it though, for Bobby told Kurt where he last saw Peter, and then— bamf!
Kurt teleported him and Warren to that same place. The backyard. 
Warren felt a little nauseated— he hadn’t eaten anything all night except for a few pieces of candy, and the smell of sulfur was disgusting. 
Peter ran up to them and quickly noticed Warren’s turmoil. 
“Oh, dude! Here— drink up—“ He quickly put Warren’s cup in his mouth and almost forced him to drink up the “monster mix.” 
“Peter—“ Kurt scolded. “That’s not water!”
Peter’s face paled. “Oh shit. Shit! Dude, I’m sorry— I thought— cause you don’t drink—“
“Bobby gave it to me… He doesn’t know any better. I can handle myself. It’s one drink.” 
Peter almost scoffed at the mention of Bobby. “Who invited him?”
“Probably, Scott.” 
“I dunno… Make him feel included, I guess…”
“You good?” Kurt asked Warren. 
He nodded, “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Let’s get Scott… Come on…”
They decided to walk back to the kitchen, like ordinary people.
Bobby was gone, but Scott was still there, along with Jean, and Ororo was there too this time. 
“Did Bobby give you the monster mix?” Peter asked.
“Oh, dude— I had like three cups of it, and I feel a little tipsy— I think— but dude! I’m so sorry—“
“Peter, it’s fine. It just burned a little going down. It was only one drink— I’ll be fine. Stop worrying.” 
“Hey! You found him.” Jean smiled. “Photo time!” 
Everyone smiled and got into various poses and huddled little groups to take many silly pictures— many of them not even ending up on the group’s Instagrams— but still fun nonetheless. Jean telekinetically held up her phone so that everyone could be included in the pictures. 
Warren could feel himself getting a little tipsy as they kept taking photos, but he ignored it. 
“Oh my god! Warren!” It was Jessie. Not in a pink ladies costume. 
“(Y/N)’s been looking for you— come on, I’ll take you to her.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the kitchen. 
He squinted his eyes, puzzled as to what was going on. 
They were walking upstairs. 
“Where are we going?” 
It was dark. 
Warren couldn’t see the figure in front of him too well anymore.
The highly spiked drink he had was starting to get to him.
The voice sounded like (Y/N)’s. 
“You— You sounded like, (Y/N).” 
She giggled lightly, “I am (Y/N), silly.” 
She led him upstairs into an empty room. The lights were off. He still couldn’t see her very well. 
“Angel, baby,” She cooed. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too.” He went to go and turn on a light, but she stopped him. 
“Leave them off… I wanna have fun tonight…” 
“Oh?” Is she talking about earlier, before we left the mansion? Has she been drinking? I would like to do stuff but—
“Mmhmm…” She kissed his neck and kept kissing him, leading up to his lips. He kissed her back, hands on her until they got near her neck— he wanted to tug on her hair a little, but upon touching it, he realized something was wrong.
He didn’t have time to figure it out, though, for someone opened the door. 
Warren and the other person turned to see who it was. 
It was Jubilee and (Y/N). 
“Have you seen Jessie?” (Y/N) asked. 
Her friends in the kitchen eyed her and Jubilee up, confused— weren’t they supposed to go as the same thing for Halloween? 
“Um, she was just here. She said you were looking for Warren, and then they went upstairs.”
Jubilee glanced at (Y/N) nervously. That wasn’t a good sign. 
“Thanks.” (Y/N) and Jubilee headed upstairs to find the two. 
Once they got to the top of the stairs, they walked around, trying to open every door they could to no prevail. 
“Wait— Shh!” Jubilee whispered. She motioned to a door they hadn’t opened yet. 
(Y/N) didn’t waste any time opening the door. 
She wished she did, though.
Because she saw them.
Warren and Jessie, so close together. It looked like they had been kissing moments ago. 
When Warren’s eyes met (Y/N)’s, she felt sick to her stomach. He looked lost, confused even. 
He looked almost terrified. 
Warren looked over at the girl who he thought was (Y/N). The light from the open door revealed it was Jessie. 
Warren started internally panicking. He kissed Jessie thinking it was (Y/N)! 
She can change her voice to sound like whoever she wants! How could I think— So stupid of me! 
He looked over at (Y/N), trying to form words to say. Her eyes— they’d turned completely black. He couldn’t tell her iris and pupil apart. They’d never been pitch black before. 
“(Y/N)! Jubilee! Thank goodness! I was looking for you guys—“ 
“No, you weren’t… What’s going on?” 
“Warren’s drunk he thought I was you and he tried to come onto me—“
“No, I didn’t!” (Y/N) glared at Warren meticulously, making him shut up.
“He kissed me! Can you believe it?! He couldn’t tell his own girlfriend apart from me, and he was forceful!” Jessie stepped away from him in “fear.” 
“You’re lying— I would never—“
(Y/N) wasn’t even paying attention anymore. Everyone could see that. 
“I’m going home.” 
“What? (Y/N)—“ 
She glared at Jessie, “Fuck off. I don’t want to talk to you anymore. And you—“ She looked at Warren. She felt her heart breaking, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She didn’t know what to think, and she was so tired. “We’ll talk about this later. I’m leaving.” 
She took a ride home with the freshmen girls. They didn’t ask why she needed one or why her eyes were all black. 
(Y/N) wasn’t in the mood to answer them anyway. 
How could he do this? It doesn’t feel right! But Jessie— Jessie wouldn’t lie to me. Would she?
She was snapped out of her thought when one of the girls gasped. 
“Look! Look at all the plants! They’re all dead! Even the carved pumpkins are rotting.” 
“Yeah, Lily, that’s what plants do—“
“No, look!” Everyone looked through the car window, shocked by what they saw. 
(Y/N) took one look at the dead plants and started shaking. She didn’t have the strength to bring them back to good health. 
It worried her, but her mind kept focusing on Warren…
Jubilee dragged her friends outside to the front yard. She had Jean use her powers to keep them from running off anywhere. 
A few people were watching, but she couldn’t have cared less.
“Okay! What the hell happened? And none of the bullshit you told (Y/N) earlier! I know you took Warren upstairs, Jess. I know you didn’t tell (Y/N) we changed our group costume at the last minute, and I usually don’t say this kind of stuff, and I've held it back for (Y/N)’s sake, especially since she felt bad for you! And asked if you could do a group costume with us.” Jubilee was practically fuming, sparks almost igniting in her hands. 
“You’re kind of a bitch.” 
“Jubilee! Warren tried to fuck me! He was drunk and not acting right, and he started kissing me and stuff!”
“Warren doesn’t drink!” 
Kurt glanced at Peter and Scott before speaking up, “Warren had one drink…”
“Okay? That’s not going to get him shitfaced enough to fuck you!” Jubilee stared at Warren, trying to see if he’d finally speak.    
“I was a little tipsy, and Jessie said you and (Y/N) were upstairs. It got dark, and I thought I heard (Y/N) talking to me, but I think it was just Jess. She started kissing me, and it took me a minute, but I realized it wasn’t (Y/N). Then you guys came in.”
Everyone was in shock about Warren’s side of the story. 
“Isn’t it illegal to lie about this kind of stuff… and to kiss someone without consent?” Kurt whispered to Scott.
“He’s lying!” Jessie exclaimed. 
“Jean, read my mind. Read Jessie’s. I’m not lying!”
“He’s a monster! Why should you believe him?!” Jessie spat.
Warren was disgusted by her words. “You tried to fuck me!” 
“And with all your weird questions and comments about their sex life, I’m not surprised you kissed Warren,” Jubilee stated angrily.
“He kissed me back!” 
“He thought you were someone else!” 
“Guys! Shut up!” Jean told them. “I’m trying to focus!” 
She dove into Warren’s mind to see the events play out before her. She did the same when in Jessie’s mind. 
“Warren was telling the truth.”
As (Y/N) walked into her room, every plant in there withered and died. 
Typically, she’d fall to the ground and sob for accidentally killing what she practically considered her children, but she felt too numb. She kicked off her shoes and flopped onto her bed. The vines around her bed didn’t even move out of her way. They were lifeless and still, just like her.
(Y/N) was restless trying to sleep. She only slept for about fifteen minutes, and when she awoke, she was covered in ivy… poison ivy. 
Most of the time, when she was restless, she’d grow a watermelon or a pumpkin in her sleep, but this was new. She didn’t want to spread it to Ororo or let her see that she killed all the plants in the room. 
She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, scribbling down a note for Ororo, telling her what happened and for her to not come in until the ivy went away, and it was safe. 
She quickly tapped the note to the door and locked herself inside. 
The rest of the gang quickly headed home. They didn’t notice all the decaying plants outside. 
Scott parked in the garage. 
“Hey, Kurt…”
“Ja, Ororo?”
“I need to check on some of the plants in the attic. I didn’t have enough time to water them all before we went out. Can you take me up there?” 
Kurt nodded, “Yeah, of course.” 
They were gone in the blink of an eye. 
Everyone else was lingering around, deciding on what to do. 
“I’m going to go talk to (Y/N)—“
A blood piercing scream interrupted Warren’s words. 
“Oh my god! Is that Ororo?” 
“I think so!” 
Jean used her telepathic powers to see what was wrong. 
“All the plants… they’re dead!” 
“Jean, check the fridge. See if the fruits and vegetables are alright,” Xavier instructed.
She opened the fridge, and to her horror, the produce rotted.
“But— I went with Sean and Raven to the grocery store two days ago! It shouldn’t have all gone bad.” Peter was puzzled.
“Do you think it was (Y/N)?” Jubilee asked. 
“I’m gonna go talk to her.” Warren head off to her dorm room. 
He felt so guilty and heartbroken. Even though it technically wasn’t his fault, he felt pathetic for not being able to tell his girlfriend apart from a stranger in the dark. 
He kissed Jessie! Nothing was going to undo that. 
Warren stopped at (Y/N)’s door, about to knock, but he was distracted by the note on it. He removed it off the door and read it. 
“I’m not feeling great right now, and I accidentally grew some poison ivy when I took a nap. I’m trying to get it to go away, but for now, people shouldn’t come in. I don’t want it to spread around. Also, I killed all the plants in our room. They’re going to be fine, but for now, I can’t help them.”
Warren knocked on the door, holding the note in his hand. “(Y/N)?” 
“You can’t come in here.” 
“Can you open the door?” He pleaded. 
“No, you can’t get close to me. The ivy came from me. I don’t want it to spread.”
“I won’t come in.” 
“Warren,” She cried. “Can’t you just wait?!” 
“I want— I need you to know what actually happened.”
It was silent from (Y/N)’s side of the door.
She didn’t respond, but Warren heard her unlocking and opening the door. He took a few steps back to respect her boundaries and commands. 
He took in her appearance. She switched from her pink ladies outfit to some pajamas. She didn’t wash her makeup off makeup, so it smeared all over her face.
Her hair was messy and her eyes… her eyes were pitch black. 
“I went to go look for Peter. I looked in the kitchen and didn’t see him. The new kid— Bobby— he gave me a drink, and I didn’t know how to explain I didn’t want it. Kurt teleported me to the back porch when we got word Peter was outside. I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch, so I felt a little sick. Peter came over to us and noticed I looked bad and had me force down whatever was in my cup. He assumed it was water or something else non-alcoholic, cause I don’t drink.”
“I was like, ‘this is fine. It’s one drink of vodka, cranberry sprite, some hooch, and like whatever else was in the monster mix.’ Then we took photos in our Queen costumes and goofed around for an hour. I was getting a little tipsy, but I didn’t think it was that bad. Jessie came in, saying you were looking for me. And she just dragged me upstairs. It was extremely dark, and my brain was getting a little fuzzy, and Jessie shifted her voice to sound like yours… She led me into a dark room and said she wanted to like, hook up, or do stuff. I tried to explain to her I’d been drinking, but she started kissing me before I could.” 
(Y/N) stood on the other side of the door, listening inventively to Warren. 
“I kissed her back. Then I realized it wasn’t you— it didn’t feel right— and then you walked in.” 
(Y/N) sighed. She was sure he was telling the truth. Their friends wouldn’t let him come up and see her otherwise. 
“I am so sorry…” 
“Yeah, um… Jessie’s kind of… kind of mean. But like— I just— I got so upset because of a lot of different things. Um, Jessie had been asking and saying stuff about our relationship— saying like, we should have sex after the party, I should hoe it up more, or trying to get me to accuse you of not trusting me cause you didn’t ask me to do your makeup… and I just thought she was being weird or whatever, cause like, those were the vibes she’d given me almost all the time. I never thought she simply wouldn’t like me. Especially since I asked if she wanted to do a group costume with Jubilee and me… and I just—“ (Y/N) scrunched her nose. “I don’t let stuff like that get to me, but… but I’m so inexperienced, and you’re not. I don’t really care if people talk about whatever they do behind closed doors. I don’t care about that… I just don’t want people interpreting that I’m like the Virgin Mary, or there’s a problem in our relationship, cause there’s not. There’s not!” 
(Y/N) started crying. She was crying and shivering, and poison ivy started growing and wrapping itself around her body. 
“I’m not mad at you. I just…” She sighed. 
“...Am I not enough?”
“What?” Warren was confused.
“Would you leave me for her? Or anyone else?”
“No. Never— I should have done more, I shouldn’t have followed her or let myself believe it was you— I’m so fucking stupid.” 
Her voice was stern. “No. You’re not stupid. I just… I just need some time to think and be alone right now.”
“Whatever you want,” Warren nodded timidly. “I’ll tell Ororo she needs to sleep with Jean and Jubilee for the night… Although I doubt she’ll leave the attic.” 
“What happened in the attic?”
“All the plants in the attic died… She’s extremely torn up about it… (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) zoned out a little, her heart was pounding heavily in her chest, she was sweating, quivering, and all she could focus on was how she killed everything. Everything she loved and touched, she destroyed it. She couldn’t control herself, and she was hurting the world around her. She heard Warren yelling her name, but she couldn’t find herself to respond. Her breath was quick and eradicating. 
Warren was trying his best to respect her wishes by not coming to close, but he had to help her. 
“(Y/N)— (Y/N), baby, look at me, look at me,” Warren stepped closer to her. “Sit down, sit down, okay?” He helped her sit down on the ground. She leaned against the right side of the doorframe. 
“Um, I need you to— I need you to focus on my voice. Focus on me, okay?” 
“I just— my entire life—“ She broke into a sob. 
“Hey, hey, hey, you’re okay. The plants are going to be okay. We’re going to get through this. I need you to breathe. Focus on my breathing, okay?” 
“I can’t!” The ivy from her body was overgrowing rapidly, clinging onto Warren. 
“Yes, you can. Just focus, you’re going to be okay.” He put one of his hands on her arm to stop her from shaking. Her muscles tensed at first, but they slowly relaxed under his touch.
“You’re doing good, just breathe in slowly, okay? Copy me—“ Warren slowly inhaled air. (Y/N) tried to copy him, but it didn’t help her out. The ivy kept growing around the two of them, getting tight as it tangled between them. 
Warren had to move closer to (Y/N), to try and make more space. He wrapped his arms around her body. The out of control vines caused his grip to tighten on her. 
The feelings of his arms pressing against her helped (Y/N) focus in on something.  
“(Y/N)? Hey, it’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. Close your eyes and just focus on my voice, okay? Can you do that for me?”  
“I…” (Y/N) felt dizzy and nauseous like it was just piling up inside her. 
Warren coaxed her into slowing her breathing down, but her heart was pounding. Every breath she took felt shaky. 
Yet, the ivy slowed down, wrapping itself around Warren and (Y/N) like old stone walls. 
She was slightly shaking still, but her mind wasn’t getting as overwhelmed anymore.
“Hey, hey… Sweetheart, it’s okay. You’re going to be okay… the ivy stopped. It’s okay.” 
“It— it did?” 
Warren nodded, “Uh, huh. Everything’s going to be alright.” (Y/N) slowly stopped shaking and buried herself into Warren’s chest. 
“Do you want to get some water or maybe take a shower?” 
“Um, yeah, but I can’t— I can’t get rid of the poison ivy… Like I can’t—“
“That’s okay. We can just leave it.”
“Oh, okay…” 
“Let’s go shower in my room, okay?” 
She nodded. 
“Can you walk, okay?” He asked her. 
“Um, I think— I don’t know— I’m sorry.” 
“Hey, no, no, no. It’s okay. I can carry you.” 
Warren carefully scooped her up in his arms. He looked at her once over before heading to his room. 
He set her down on the edge of his bed. “Do you want me to help you get undressed?” 
“I can do it.” She answered in a small voice. 
Warren nodded, “Okay, I’m gonna get undressed too.” 
Warren didn’t face her as he stripped off what little clothing he had on and threw it in a small pile. 
“Is it okay if I take my underwear off?” (Y/N) nervously asked. 
“Yeah, we’re going to shower. It’s okay.” 
(Y/N) left her clothes on Warren’s bed. She slowly got up, and Warren quickly rushed to her aide. She used him for support as they walked into his bathroom. 
He turned the shower on and let it heat up for a minute before stepping in. 
(Y/N) leaned against Warren’s chest as the water rained on them both. 
“Is the water warm enough? Is it too hot?” 
“It’s fine,” She mumbled. 
Warren nodded, understanding she didn’t really want to talk. 
He grabbed his shampoo from the edge of the tub and poured some into his hands. Warren rubbed his hands together before massaging the shampoo into (Y/N)’s hair. It was hard to rake through, her hair was thick and tangled, but he tried his best. 
He applied a little conditioner to her ends. (Y/N) hummed against his chest. 
He chuckled to himself, “You asleep?”
“Mhmm…” She half-heartedly replied.  
“Wanna go to bed?” He asked. (Y/N) nodded, and Warren felt it against his chest.
He washed the conditioner out of her hair and turned the water off. 
He grabbed a towel and helped (Y/N) dry off. When he finished, (Y/N) sat on the edge of the tub and watched Warren dry off. 
His eyes caught (Y/N)’s in the mirror. She looked better than before, a bit more relaxed, but still nervous. 
“I’m really sorry for what happened at the party…”
“I’m sorry about… you know…” 
Warren nodded, “Yeah, um, it’s okay. It’s not your fault. And, and I’m here for you— always. If you want to talk about it, or not.”
“Same goes for you.” 
Warren nodded, “Yeah, yeah, um, let me get us some clothes.” Warren stepped out of the bathroom for a moment. 
He gave (Y/N) one of his much larger sweatshirts without holes in the back and a pair of boxers. “Is this okay?” He asked. 
“Yeah, um, these are fine. Thanks.”
Warren nodded and stepped out of the bathroom again, so (Y/N) could get dressed in private. 
Warren was planning to sleep on the floor for (Y/N)’s sake, as not to make her uncomfortable, but she objected to it.
“I… I don’t want to be alone.” 
“I’m right here,” Warren was quick to wrap (Y/N) up in his arms, having them both get under the blankets on his bed. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? You’re safe…” 
��Promise?” She asked, looking up at him. Her eyes weren’t entirely black anymore, but they were very gray. He could have sworn they were pink for a moment, but they were just grey. 
“I promise.” 
(Y/N) was reassured by his words and snuggled into Warren’s chest. His wings wrapped around them, almost like a cocoon. 
“Can… Can you kiss me, please?” (Y/N) asked. “Just like, my forehead or something…” 
“Of course.” Warren laid a small kiss on the top of her head before whispering, “Goodnight.” 
“Goodnight, Angel.”
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g0ldengubler · 4 years ago
Hi! First of all i want to let you know I love your work, it feels so inclusive. I wanted to request a fluff with a bit of angst fic about reader coming out as bi to Spencer. Maybe they've been in a relationship for a while and she was a bit anxious about telling him. Thanks a lot
aaaaaaa i’m so sorry that this took so long i deepy apologize! thank u so much for the feedback and i’m glad u see it as inclusive! i don’t want to write y/n as someone really really specific look wise so thank u for seeing that💖 as a fellow bisexual, i love this idea! but here it is i hope u enjoy and i hope u enjoy the little thanksgiving vibes :)
Tumblr media
Sweater Weather
Request: YES/no
Category: fluff
Couple: spencer x reader
Summary: you and spencer have been dating for several months now. the minute you two started dating, you made a promise to not keep secrets from each other, but that wasn’t something you kept. what better way to come out than on thanksgiving, right?
Word Count: none bc i wrote this in my notes app lol
on a chilly thanksgiving night, the steam from the food on the stove fogged the kitchen windows as y/n prepared a feast for her and Spencer. it’s been several months since the two of you started dating. he was the sweetest guy you’ve ever met. you loved all his little quirks, like how much of a germaphobe he was or how excited he got when he rambled on with facts upon facts. you loved listening to the thoughts that were trapped in his brain, ready to explode out of his mouth for anyone to hear. you never told him to cool it when he was with you, because the sound of his voice soothed you.
you both had decided to stay in D.C for thanksgiving. reid’s mother was in at a clinic in houston and your parents decided to go on vacation, so everything just fit perfectly. you wouldn’t want to spend this holiday with anyone else, especially when he’s the only one you know who would watch it’s thanksgiving charlie brown with you and enjoy it.
while the excitement filled your body, your nerves were kicking in, too, and they weren’t mixing well. you were nervous because you were going to talk to him about something you kept from him; your bisexuality.
in reality, it’s not that big of a deal. but the two of you never really got into those deeper conversations. you didn’t know how he would react to that. what if he breaks up with you? what if he only accepts you just because you’re still attracted to men so in his head, he doesn’t have to accept the fact you’re also attracted to more than one gender? what if he’s like other men you’ve dated where all they hear is “threesomes”?
you knew this was just your nerves talking; you knew he was too sweet to think any of those things. but you’ve only been dating so long, so you didn’t really know each other fully yet.
as the turkey was at its end of cooking, the doorbell rang. you heard that sweet boyfriend of yours imitate a turkey with, “gobble gobble!” and couldn’t help my giggle as your ran to the door, skating across the floor with your fuzzy socks. when you opened the door, you saw your very handsome boyfriend, wearing a maroon knitted sweater with brown corduroy pants. “don’t worry,” he said, moving his pant legs up a bit to show you, “i have turkey’s on my socks.”
you smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck before his wrap around your waist, your lips softly crashing together. you broke away after a moment and let him in as the timer went off. he sat down the bottle of wine on the counter while you took the turkey out of the oven and sat it on top of the stove.
“man, does it smell amazing in here!” he says as he wraps his arms around your waist again, leaving soft kisses on your exposed neck.
“are you talking about the food or me?” you joked.
“all up to interpretation.” he smiles as he continues to kiss your neck.
“slow down there, pretty boy,” you said, pushing away as you began to cut the turkey, “we need to eat first.”
he chuckles as he finally lets go, stealing a quick peck on your cheek before hand. spencer helps you with the rest of the turkey and setting down the last few things on the table.
when should i tell him? you ask yourself, when’s the right time to tell him? is there a right time? ok y/n, stop making a big deal of something that really isn’t and just fucking tell him already.
“hey, spence?”
“yes babe?” he answers as he pours the wine for the two of you.
“um…before we eat, can i talk to you about something?”
spencer sets the bottle down after he finished pouring into his class and looks up at you, looking a little worried. “of course! is everything ok, y/n?”
you take a sip of wine (or more of a gulp but who’s paying attention), feeling the nerves kick in. you set down your wine glass on the table, getting the courage to tell him, yet trying to find the right words was getting harder than you thought. you kept stumbling your words until finally, you just came out and said it.
“look, spence. this isn’t a big deal and i don’t want it to be that way. we promised each other that we wouldn’t keep secrets, and i’m keeping that….”
you then grabbed your phone and hit play on a song that you already had ready. sweater weather by the neighbourhood  begins to play as you put your foot on your chair, cuffing your jeans. you gave him a meh smile with teeth, but clearly spencer wasn’t getting it, even though you did show him videos from online that had the song in them.
you end up giggling at his expression, feeling more relaxed to tell him. “i’m bisexual..and i never told you because i didn’t know how you would react. i just don’t want to hide that part of me from you. but because of my sexuality doesn’t mean i’m going to be a bitch to you and look at girls when i’m with you. i want to be loyal to you, because you’re the best thing that has happened in my life, let alone this year. i’m sorry that i kept this from you and i hope this doesn’t change anything between us.”
spencer slowly walks over to the other head of the table reaching out with his hand, his palm facing the ceiling. you put yours in his, feeling his thumb caressing your hand.
“y/n,” he began, “that doesn’t change a single thing about us. i love you, babe,” wait, did he say what you thought he said? “and i have nothing no problem with that. i don’t have a problem with anyone no matter their sexuality or gender. what made me fall in love with you the first time i lay my eyes on you, was how you see the world. i wanted to get inside your head since that day, because you’re intriguing to me in the most beautiful way possible.”
you quickly cupped his face into your hands and kissed him. he took aback at first, chucking in the kiss shocked. but then he wrapped his arms around your waist again, indulging in the bliss you both fell in.
when you broke away, you looked up into his eyes smiling. “did you know that i fell in love with you that day, too?”
all spencer did was smile as he softly rubbed his thumb on the side of your cheek.
“i love you so much, spencer reid.”
“i love you too, y/n. so much.”
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