#baabe's logs
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bootyliciousbaaabe · 2 months ago
my co-worker said that it's weird how i managed to get married when im so "boring"
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bootyliciousbaaabe · 3 months ago
@bootyliciousbeta honey i need you stay away from whatever this thing is
just tied a pink bow around my tail!! im so coquette!
૮ . . ྀིა⁩
going to try tying one to my front “tail” uwu
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aggro-my-beloved · 2 months ago
since SOME OF YALL ain’t about angst, here’s some fluffy, bite-sized, tooth-rotting headcanons to curl up in bed with a warm drink and read…
baabe mastered the art of knitting long ago, and each holiday season they will hand make themselves and asher matching sweaters. three sweaters, to be exact, so his wolf form can also wear one when it gets chilly outside. only two of six sweaters have been regifted or donated since this last year, when asher admitted to being allergic to the wool material purposed for the first two sweaters gifted to him by baabe. of course, he did spill after more than a year of owning them that “last winter’s bug wasn’t a bug at all, it was me being an idiot” but baabe thought it adorable that asher spared his feelings (and immune system) for them, nonetheless.
milo and sweetheart stay up each year to watch the first snowfall greet dahlia’s grounds. in preparation they drink egg nog amidst expiring (regular for milo, spiked for sweetheart), while they form a trio to Michael Bublé and——“ariana grande? *scoffs* “ash must’ve added that one.” still they waltz around the baige-bathed, dwarfish living room of their apartment, with aggro leaping in toe. he is freshly three years old, and has made it his birthday mission to reach the spiked poof of red and sienna yarn attached to the toque fit snug on his owner’s head. the yule log on the grainy television exudes no heat, but the humming radiator and milo’s body swaying with theirs warms sweetheart plenty.
“you little snot.” david chastises his partner as the icing smeared on his nose begins solidifying. leave it to him to accept angel’s invitation to build gingerbread houses on their first shared holiday. and leave it to angel to pursue their menace activities like clockwork. he grumbles something about acting indecent on a national holiday, but as angel’s come to discover, the sharp tone is all for show. at their suggestion to go clean him up with outstretched hand, david takes the risk and allows them to guide him to the kitchen for a paper towel and fresh glass of cider. his mate then pauses in the threshold, sparing a glance to the top of the doorway. “huh.” david’s eyes follow the same trail and all he can muster is a scoff at the mistletoe dangling above them. “you know, angel, if you wanted a kiss all you had to do was ask.”
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hoonieyun · 2 years ago
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chocobi baby
pairing: idol!haechan x streamer!reader
genre: fluff ,,,,, fluuuuuff
plot: you’re a popular streamer and haechan is obsessed with chocobi, thats it
warning: nothing
notes: haechan’s chocobi obsession is so cute i cant take itttttttttttt
includes: just haechan and mentions of dreamies
words: 443
“thank you everyone!” you were saying your goodbyes and reading chat for the last time before you logged off your stream. “today has been so fun! but i need to get off for today, i’m a little tired and i-” in the middle of your sentence haechan walks into your room “baaabe, where’d you put the chocobi i ordered? it says it got delivered!” as he finished his sentence he realizes you’re still streaming and shyly waves behind you to the camera, “hi everyone!” he greets your viewers. 
your chat starts to fill with your viewers spamming different versions of hellos and heys, some laughing at what haechan said right before. you mute your mic to talk with haechan which leaves your chat whining saying they want to hear what the two of you are saying. after a few seconds you turn back to your stream and unmute, “okay guys! thanks for the stream, don’t forget we’ll be doing a 24 hour stream this weekend so stop by and keep me company if you have some time! say goodbye babe!” you wave haechan over. “goodbye my beautiful y/n’s stream!” he says with a tiny wave and a kiss to your cheek before he runs out the room. you chuckle and wave goodbye before ending your stream. after logging off for the night you make your way to your living room but not before grabbing 3 large boxes from your closet. 
as you enter the living room, you find haechan hugging his chocobi backpack he received at one of his concerts, already snacking on a pack of chocobi you assume he had in the bag. “baabe, look what i have.” you say in a sing song voice. as he turns to you his eyes grow wide and he’s suddenly running toward you. “no way! i didn’t order this much!” he says surprised. “well, the thing is when i saw you at one of your concerts and saw how obsessed you had gotten with chocobi, i ordered some for when you got back! it turns out you ordered some too so now you have way more than we both thought!” you told him laughing and he’s just too overjoyed to respond. he opens one of the boxes and gasps when he says all of the bags of chocobi, almost losing the balance in his knees as his legs seem to turn into jello. he drops the box of chocobi which startles you so you bend to pick it up when he tackles you to the ground. he begins peppering kisses on your face saying thank you in between kisses. you both start laughing as you both lay on the floor in a hug. “i guess we’re having chocobi for dinner tonight!” haechan says.
copyright 2023 - present © hoonieyun fka jjhyn all rights reserved
all writing here is fiction & not in any association with characters mentioned.
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faydingrain · 2 years ago
Cu-wip-osity Tag Game~!
Thank you @bvbyphoenix for tagging me!
(My main was tagged, but I'm posting this here to keep writing to the writing blog~)
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. (I'll only include fandom-relevant ones for this post, and idk many people in the fandom, so if you see this: Tag! You're it!)
ets log: rec(Obsession.lov) Part [2]: Eden(Love) manages to recover her Obsession code successfully, as it's become her only reason for living. She continues trying to hold onto the code without it being found and removed again, while also obeying ETS's tests so she can get outside the facility and start looking for Marcus again.
Part [3] will be her excursions outside, mostly about clubs and parties she goes to between her work (which I'm making that she has to find a proper "opening" or something to the Meridian). ETS allows her to have fun so she can learn better how to blend in with people, but truthfully, she's gathering info about Marcus's wherabouts.
Untitled: A brief drabble that takes place during Inversion: Another Story about how Chelsie is glad Kody got kicked out so he wouldn't have to be in that situation.
Untitled: Kody is talking with his therapist about people can be burdened with grief even without the physical death of another.
A Clearing in the Algae: An update on Chelsie and Kody, and how things are starting to get better for them.
Imperium Willow(Darlin'): I admittedly forgot why I wanted to write this oops- Willow manages to survive this AU, and swears revenge after holding David's lifeless body in her arms.
Aftershock: Another Lament: I still want to work on this okay- But just for fun, I'll briefly list the parts I had in mind for it:
P1 - Angel: How Angel is doing after hearing about David's death. Will end with Milo and Chrys(Sweetheart) trying to reach her so she's not alone.
P2 - Alpha: Asher is having nightmares, and he and Emmanuel(Baabe) talk about Asher's becoming Alpha, and how he would rather have David back.
P3 - Sire: An update on Vincent and Gracie(Lovely). Will end vaguely in order to branch off with the person they chose to let Vincent turn.
P4 - The 69: Huxley was chosen to be reborn in Route 1. After being greeted by Vincent, Lasko (wearing an eyepatch) and Damien (in a wheelchair) enter to check on him. They discuss what happened and grieve their losses, while also including the fact that Gavin returned to Aria for an undetermined amount of time.
P5 - Detective: Milo is having nightmares about being outside the ward watching people die. Chrys tries to reassure him, and they continue into talk about the investigation. Chrys is on leave do to their motorcycle injury, but has received a promotion due to their work during the Inversion.
P6 - Healer: Willow joins Sam alone on a rooftop to reflect on the Inversion. She asks about how the kids are doing, and Sam provides updates. He also mentions that D.A.M.N. is now extremely shortstaffed, but they're having a flood of people wanting to study healing, and they've offered him a job knowing he's very skilled in that area. Willow thinks he should accept the offer, but he's not sure if teaching is what he wants to do.
P7 - The Freelancer: Cora was chosen to be reborn in Route 2. After being greeted by Vincent, Gavin and Caelum enter to check on her. They discuss what happened, including Lasko and Damien being in the hospital, and grieve their losses.
P8 - Dreamer: To end the series, we cut to Jessi(Blake's Listener) and Blake out on a date. Blake basically goes "uhuhu according to keikaku" while Jessi has no clue that her bf is a psycho.
Pending P? - Sister: This was a bonus chapter I've already sorta decided to pull, but it was going to purely revolve around my Blake's Sister OC Ava, and her feelings about this new case opening up as a result of the Invesion. This includes the police chief asking her (probably offscreen) if she'll be able to handle a case that involves her sibling, and revealing to Kieran (maybe Chrys on call) that the dreamwalker that interfered may be her brother. She reveals to them that while the two had a tense relationship growing up, and haven't spoken in years, she still loves her brother as a family member and may find it difficult to combat him.
Lovestruck: This drabble series has 3 chapters already, but here's my super secret list of other drabbles with their songs that I intended to write but haven't gotten to:
All of Me or Everytime We Touch- David/Angie
Drag Me Down - Emmy/Asher
Stereo Hearts x Zaalima - Milo/Chrys
Love Me Like You Do [Cello/Piano]  - Vincent/Gracie
*I Like It [Remix] - Amalia (OC)/Briar(Bright Eyes)
*I Like It [Remix] - Fred/Ryder (OC)
*This one was technically the next one I intended to write, and was left off in progress. It's going to be a double-drabble.
Rather Be - Avior/Stella
Birds of a Feather - Elliot/Sunny(Sunshine)
Hypnotic - Vega/Hydra(Warden)
Fever Dream or Shut Up and Dance - Blake/Jessi
Burn Break Crash or Accidentally in Love - Guy/Amy(Honey)
Can’t Help Falling in Love [Dark ver] - Ivan/Rivka(Baby)
Glad You Came - Kieran (OC)/Lasko
A Thousand Years ["Wedding" Ver] - Will/Kalila (OC) [Probably won't make]
Fever Dream - [Bonus gn listener if I feel like it] James/"Darling" (This was before he had a real listener, lmao. I don't actually know what the listener's name is though...)
Bad Things Happen Bingo (for Redacted):
Hanahaki: I've had an idea scribbled down to write this for Sam and Willow, specifically Sam since I've been enjoying the one-sided yearning on his part, ehehe~
Basically, Sam gets Hanahaki Disease, and the clan is trying to figure out what's wrong with him. William cites that it's an old and rare disease he hasn't seen in a while, and tbh, I have no idea how else it would go other than that, lol.
Locked in a Cage: Angie(Angel) right before her execution in the Imperium.
This is For Your Own Good: Avior realizes he completely fucked up handling Stella's(Starlight's) memory loss. Before their relationship shatters beyond repair, he holds her down and erases her memories to have one more shot...again.
Vague Ideas:
Vega/Warden: I just wanted to write about Hydra, and reference how she's friends with Caelum 💞
Vaelum Fluff: ...Okay soooo I kinda want to make a Vega/Caelum fic, but I don't really have any ideas for how to go about writing it, so it's just been a desire of mine silently floating through the void. I just know I want it to be soft and fluffy 💕
Kody Redemption P?: Maybe or maybe not a part where Chelsie goes to get her things back from her ex, but he tricks her into getting her alone so he can hurt her. Chelsie manages to reach Kody and in a very melodramatic fashion, Kody goes fisticuffs with her ex. He somehow gets out of it less harmed than Chelsie is, so she ends up in the hospital longer. This will be the second time she meets Damien, who will now be in a wheelchair.
Kody Redemption P?: I did want to include somewhere that he started going back to college somewhere else and met a cute and sweet girl that he likes and likes him back. It will also touch on how he slips back into his bad habits of stalking and possessiveness, but whether he stops talking to the girl or forces himself to correct his behaviours, I haven't decided yet.
Quinn Arc Shorts [My Ver]: I did intend once upon a time to fill in some of those blanks that Yours in Eternity, My Dearest had about what was going on with Quinn, but I'm not sure I have the desire to anymore honestly. I still have the spot reserved for it tho.
Vincent/Gracie&Dana(Stranger) Date OR Future Vincent/Dana: I have tossed the idea around to expand on Never Let You Go Again a little and have the three of them doing stuff together one day. I also had the idea of distant future Vincent after Gracie's passed away and how he and Dana start to hook up {Vampire/Mermaid couple anyone??] but idkkkk
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bootyliciousbaaabe · 3 months ago
come join in the pack server! angel build most of the cool stuffs in it and i build this silly pompompurin
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Darlin is showing me ‘Minecraft’.
I don’t really understand it, but I’ll have fun either way.
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toyinvb4 · 4 years ago
The blockchain is a decentralised and distributive ledger.
The prove of a digital asset is recorded.
The data on a blockchain cannot be modified.
It can be seen as a legitimate disruptor for industries such as payments, cybersecurity and healthcare.
The blockchain is not a distributive computing system.
Too much energy is consumed by some blockchain solutions.
The data is immutable, it is not possible for the blockchain to go back.
Blockchains can be inefficient at times.
It is not a completely secure system.
The users can be seen as their own bank private keys.
IBM is the largest company embracing blockchain.
Purchase cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.
An exchange traded fund ETF can be bought, it can invest in shares in such companies exposed to the blockchain.
Immutability .
Consumers are provided with greater efficiency.
Consumers are provided with control over sources of energy.
Secure and real-time updates in energy usage data can be provided by immutable ledger.
Energy data can include
Market prices
Marginal costs
Energy law compliance
Fuel prices.
Blockchain contains information in chain of blocks.
Each block contains information depending on the type of blockchain.
A Bitcoin block contains information such as
Bitcoins numbers to be transferred
The genesis block is the first block in the chain.
Secure sharing of medical data.
NFT marketplace.
Music royalties tracking
Cross border payment.
Real time ioT operating systems
Personal identity security.
Antioney laundering tracking system
Supply chain and logistics monitoring.
The blockchain has the potentials to transform the method that online identity management uses.
A tremendous or overwhelming level of security is offered due to the verification processes used by member computers on the blockchain network.
Money can be made online using a mobile phone.
500k-1000k average monthly income can be made.
It has a personal promotion channel.
A free promotion channel.
Red envelopes should be given to successful invited members online.
An invitation link can be sent to others to register.
Click on 'My' on the bottom bar of the logged in website
Another screen opens up
Click on 'My Promotion's
Another screen or interface opens up.
Move down to the bottom right and click on 'Go on'.
Another interface opens, move down the screen and click 'Copy'
The copied link is sent as an invitation for others to register.
Gain N300 reward per person registered.
Invite 10 people and get 3000 (30×10).
A red envelope link can be sent to the member who invited others.
Click on the link.
It opens up into a website.
The red envelope contains money
Grab it.
Take a screenshot of the red envelope
Share your happiness with other members.
Personal speed determines if you can get money.
One can Join Red to play.
Red has even numbers such as 2 4 6 8.
If 100 is spent to trade, 2 will be deducted as service fee.
The contract amount is 98
If the result shows 2, 4, 6, 8
Then the member gets 98×2 = 196.
If the result shows 0.
The member gets 98×1.5 = 147.
If 100 is spent to trade
2 is deducted as service fee
The contract amount is 98
If the result is the same as the number selected.
The member received. 98×9= 882.
The trading rules are the same.
The lottery system is independent.
One or more purchases can be chosen at the same time.
Click on 'My Wallet's
Another interface opens up
Click Withdrawal
Another interface opens up.
Click 'to add bank card'
Another interface opens up
Fill the bank card information.
Minimum single transaction is 200.
Bank charges 2% if the amount withdrawn exceeds 10000.
Single lower limits and upper limit is 2500-100000 unlimited times.
Choosing colors require methods and skills.
To learn more methods and techniques.
Visit the VIP group.
The easiest colors to win prizes are red and green.
The probability of winning is 50%.
A - Red. B. - Green
Rule 1: ABAB or BABA
Rule 2:. AABB. or. BBAA
Rule 5: ABB or AAB
Rule 6:. AAB AAB. or BBA BBA
Rule 7: ABBA. or BAAB
All the funds should not be bought in one order.
It is risky to buy all funds in one order. Make an attempt to buy.
Funds can be arranged.
The recommendations should be followed strictly.
After a continuos green, red can appear several times.
At times, the color combination is changeable
We do not have a correct forecast
Ronson should be observed
1st 1 tm 90. 50. 90. 48
2nd 3 tms 150. 200. 294. 74
3rd. 8 tms 400. 600. 784. 184
4th 24tms
5th 72tms
Identity guard
Identity force
Identity shield
Identity IQ
Identity watchdog .
Experian identity works
Enroll in online services
Have an awareness in what you share ..
String passwords should be shared.
Accounts should be checked regularly.
Get the bank alerts
Private records and statements should be destroyed.
Secure mails.
Safeguard social security number
A paper trail should not be left.
Do not let the credit card out of sight.
You should know who you are dealing with. .
Take your name off marketers list.
Report identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission. FTC online or by phone.
You have stopped getting your bills or other mails
Your checks are refused by merchants.
The debt collectors are calling you on debts that are not your own.
There are unfamiliar actions or charges on your credit report.
Medical identity theft
Criminal identity theft
Financial identity theft
Child identity theft.
NFT. Non fungible asset is a digital asset that ranges from real world object such as art, music and others.
These assets can be bought and sold with digital currency on the platform.
They are encoded with blockchain technology such as digital coins.
Sell on a marketplace.
The collection should be located.
Click on the collection and find the sell button.
Then enter a pricing page.
There you define the sale condition
which includes running an auction or Sel at fixed price.
Digital paintings.
Sports merchandise.
NFT are digital collectibles.
Use a blockchain technology and get them authenticated.
They can be purchased with cryptocurrencies.
Convert Bitcoin to cash.
Move it to a bank account.
Sell Bitcoin on a cryptocurrency exchange as Coinbase.
Withdraw resulting cash from the bank account.
0 notes
muftiasifabdullahqadri · 5 years ago
الصــلوة والسلام‎ عليك‎ ‎يارسول‎ الله ﷺ
Hazrat e Ibn e Umar رضي الله عنه se riwayat hai Huzoor Rehmat e Aalam ﷺ irshad farmate haiñ log Allah Ta'ala ki baargaah mein khade honge yahañ tak ke baaz log kaanoñ tak paseene mein doobe hue honge.
(📚Mukashafatul Quloob,Baab 37)
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bootyliciousbaaabe · 3 months ago
making pizza with @sweetheartgreerr mwehehe
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dopecurtis · 7 years ago
Funny Jokes In Urdu
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Aik perley darge ke sust-ul-wajood shaks ne apne aik dost se kaha. Bhai meri to hamesha qudrat ne madad ki hai.
Kaise? Sust aadmi bola.
Main ne kuch darakht girane ka program banaya tha ka toofan aagia aur kuch darakht gir gia is kay baad mujhe kura karkat ke dher ko jalana tha kay aasmani bijli karki aur kura karkat kay dher khud ba khud jal kar rakh ho gia.
Ab kia program hai. Dost ne sust-ul-wajood se pucha. Mera program zameen se aaloo gajarain nikalne ka hai aur main is kam ke liye zalzaley ka muntazir hon.
Musafir (Gard se): gard saheb kia gari chalne mein itna waqt hai keh main chaye pi aayon. Gard: is kay yakeen dilane kay liye mein khud aap ke sath chal sakta hon chaye pine kay liye.
Aik aadmi ko buhat pias lagi huyi thi. Woh aik sharbat walay kay pas gia aur kaha mujhay aik glass sharbat do. Phir kaha meri larayi honay wali hai.
Sharbat walay nay dheyan nahi dia aur sharbat ka glass pesh kia.
Woh aadmi sharbat pi kar bola. Mujhay aik glass sharbat aur do meri larayi honay wali hai.
Sharbat walay nay suna magar kuch kaha nahi. Phir is nay kaha. Sharbat walay nay tisra glass bhi dia aur jab is nay sharbat pi lia to is nay pucha aap ki kis say larayi honay wali hai.
Is aadmi nay kaha. Tum say kiun keh meray pas denay kay liye sharbat kay paisay nahi hain.
Musafir (Gard se): gard saheb kia gari chalne mein itna waqt hai keh main chaye pi aayon. Gard: is kay yakeen dilane kay liye mein khud aap ke sath chal sakta hon chaye pine kay liye. Bhikari nay aik aadmi say kaha:khanay ko kuch mil sakta hai? Is aadmi nay poocha:kal ka salan khalo gay? Bhikari nay kaha: Ji han koi harj nahi. Is aadmi nay kaha: acha to phir kal aajana, aaj to kuch nahi hai.
1 Aurat koma me chali gai shohar murda smajh kr dafnany chala. rasty me janaza khamby sy takrany sy aurat ko hosh aa gya. 5 saal bad aurat phr chal basi. sab log kalma parhty huwy ja rhy thy lekin shohar ki zuban py 1 he baat thi
khamba wekh k mera veer khamba wekh k.hahahahaha. "ANAS NASIR"
Assalam o Alaikum!!! . . Mafhome Hadees: Nabi SalLalLaho Alaihe Wasallam Ghar Tashreef laye tou Roti ka 1 Tukra Gira howa dekha, Aap SalLalLaho Alaihe Wasallam ne osay uthaya, saaf kr k kha liya aor Farmaya: Aay Ayesha..! izzat walay (Rizq) ka ehteram karo, Kion k Ye Jis Qoum se chala jata hay tou dobara un k Pas Wapis nahi ata (Sunan ibne Maja, Hadees 3353, Kitab uL At'ema, Baab: Khana Phainknay ki Mumana'at, Ravi: Ayesha Razi Allah Anha) "ANAS NASIR"
Funny Urdu Jokes Urdu Jokes In English Images On Husband And Wife SMS Dirty For Kids Facebook Of Sardar With Pictures PIcs
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popofventi · 7 years ago
The 20 :: Your Daily Cup of Culture (#197)
"When I was young I was far-out We can hold hands, we can make-out Sit silent or cry out."  -- Welles "Seventeen"
Your Daily Cup of Culture...
Here's The 20 things I found on the internet worth sharing today. Your Daily Cup of Culture can be fun, serious, thoughtful or just some great new song or something to buy. If not, you can get your money back.
1. Ad of the Day - Sometimes the moments that never happen, matter the most. Introducing the New Volvo XC60. The Future of Safety:
2. "Mind-Boggling" Science - Stanford research turns human blood cells into functional neurons in three weeks.
3. Cutting Edge Fear - Computers that can perfectly mimic the human voice? Hyper sensitive surveillance cameras? Advances like these are already a reality, and need to be regulated now. These are the technologies that should scare us.
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4. "I Am Groot." - A Canadian man set a Guinness World Record for Most Marvel Comic Tattoos.
5. International Corner - Iceland is a remote island about the size of Kentucky. It has a population similar to St. Louis, Missouri. It is a gun loving country. But Iceland has not had a shooting murder since 2007.
6. "Allez McEnroe!" - Cheering John McEnroe in Paris Never Gets Old
7. Feel - A high school baseball player in Minnesota is gaining a lot of attention. Once he struck out a friend on the opposing team to win a game, he decided his friendship was more important than a celebration:
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8. New Song of the Day - "Seventeen" by Welles
Follow the Ventipop New Songs Playlist on Spotify
9. Obligatory Coffee Link of the Day - These are the world's most expensive coffees.
10. Pucker Up! - Sonic kept its world and is now serving a sweet and sour pickle-flavored slush.
11. The TV Tourist - Meet the woman who likes to vacation where her favorite tv shows are set.
"Some people play golf or rock-climb. I get a little obsessed with my favorite shows, sometimes so obsessed I even commit some light trespassing. I’d say this is one of the pleasures of our era: The golden age of TV has given us a golden age of TV tourism. You can visit sets and settings that take you closer to this bit of popular art you love, so that later you can re-watch it in a fresh way, newly immersed. In the last few years, I’ve gone to Utah Mormon country because of Big Love, the Florida Keys because of Bloodline; Monterey, California, because of Big Little Lies; and Breckenridge, Colorado because of CNN’s High Profits."  -- ~ CATHERINE BAAB-MUGUIRA, AKA THE TV TOURIST
12. Hitting On All Cylinders - Meet 8-Year-Old Drummer Yoyoka who's giving a whole new meaning to "Hit Like A Girl". So great:
13. Vacation Travel Log 2018, Stop #1 - San Francisco Travel Tips To Self for Next Time - 
Stay in much quieter and slower paced Sausalito NOT San Francisco.
Bring more warm clothes. Residential Homes in S.F. do not have air conditioning. Because they do not freaking need it.
Avoid touristy Piers and stay away from seagulls. They attack and will work in pairs to steal corn dogs.
Buy the Muni Mobile Pass again to ride all city transportation easily including trollies. DO NOT NEED CAR in San Francisco.
Big City Scavenger Hunt was cheap fun and a great way to see many landmarks.
Stay in Italian North Beach Neighborhood and eat at Mama's for breakfast every morning.
Start training one year out for bike ride across Golden Gate Bridge.
Have a real conversation with kids before coming here again about San Francisco's homelessness problems.
14. On The Road To The World Pastry Cup 2019 - Belgium wins silver medal at European Pastry Cup.
15. Hostile Architecture - Think your city doesn’t like you? You’re right. The Subtle Design Features That Make Cities Feel More Hostile
16. Game of the Day - My kids absolutely loved Cuphead when it came out last year...and now there's a sequel of sorts in the works:
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17. Shhhhhhh... - Librarian Shaming is a place for librarians to get things off their chest anonymously, and enjoy some commiseration from their peers.
18. Sweet Extension - Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown Will Remain on Netflix for “Months to Come”.
19. Dying Wish-ful Thinking - 7 Futuristic Things To Do With Your Body When You Die
20. The Last Drop - Artist of the Day is Seoul-based artist Lee K.:
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Grind #197
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saiyedzi · 8 years ago
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Namaz: Amin (Surah Fatiha ke bad) Baab : امام کے پیچھے آمین کہنے کے حکم۔ أَخْبَرَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ مَالِكٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ سُمَيٍّ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ أَبِي صَالِحٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ:‏‏‏‏ إِذَا قَالَ الْإِمَامُ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلا الضَّالِّينَ سورة الفاتحة آية 7 فَقُولُوا:‏‏‏‏ آمِينَ فَإِنَّهُ مَنْ وَافَقَ قَوْلُهُ قَوْلَ الْمَلَائِكَةِ غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ . Rivayat hay Abu Hurairah RadiAllahu Anha se: RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Ala Aalihi wa Sallam ne farmaya: Jab Imam "ghairil maghdubi'alaihim wa lad dhallin" kahe to tum log "Amin" kaho, kyon ki jiska Amin kah na Faristo ke Amin kahne ki muafik ho jae ga iske tamam sabikah (pahle ke) Gunah baksh diye jaen ge. رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: جب امام «غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين» کہے تو تم لوگ آمین کہو، کیونکہ جس کا آمین کہنا فرشتوں کے آمین کہنے کے موافق ہو جائے گا اس کے تمام سابقہ گناہ بخش دیئے جائیں گے ۔ It was narrated that Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, that: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: When the Imam says: Not (the way) of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who went astray, say: 'Amin,' for if a person's Amin coincides with the Amin of the angels, his previous sins will be forgiven.' [Sunnan e Nisai, Hadees No : 942] Read more..... https://islamromanurdu.com/category/namaz/
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bootyliciousbaaabe · 2 months ago
@b4b3-s-bet4b0y just us being awesome
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bootyliciousbaaabe · 2 months ago
the inversion anniversary is today? what's next? getting nightmares about my husband dying again? fuck this.
( ooc : @vind3miat0r am totally not copying you)
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bootyliciousbaaabe · 2 months ago
How much can you fit in your mouth?
i have once tried to bite my husband's whole fist and his hands are pretty huge 🥰
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bootyliciousbaaabe · 2 months ago
asher is jumping around getting excited for solstice 🤭
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