Darkest Before the Dawn
(Barren wasteland, Hokkaido)
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For a supposed Yakuza, you do seem pretty weak.
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Fuck you....
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I’d rather not.
The woman says, wiping the blood of the Yakuza boss off her blade.
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Y-You’re gonna die for this, fuckface!
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Now, Now Kuzuryuu, you knew just what would happen if Natsumi didn’t marry the heir.
She says in a nasty little sing-song voice. She then kicks Fuyuhiko as he bleeds out.
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D-Don’t you dare touch her!
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Like you have any room to threaten me.
The hitman then buries her sword in Fuyuhiko’s chest. The Yakuza sputters and cries as he draws his final breath.
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I do apologize for my brother’s weakness, that poison was supposed to stop Natsumi’s heart in under an hour, yet that Samurai saved her.
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Of course, i dismantled your little tool, she was so scared to die.
She kicks the corpse.
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We shouldn’t be around for much longer, Natsumi is in the wind again. If we are to succeed at my plan, all links to the Kuzuryuu-gumi must be severed and burned.
The purple haired woman nods as she bags Fuyuhiko’s corpse up and heads to the crematoria.
(Kuzuryuu safehouse)
Natsumi is blissfully asleep, safe in her bed. Will you wake her to tell her the news? Or wait until morning?
This post has been sitting on the back burner since May 1st 2022. I’ve had to revise this several times as the story has naturally evolved. It was originally going to be a much bigger event with Natsumi’s father dying, but that got moved to another event.
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A Promo stained in blood.
*You were going on about your business until you came across a Television giving a gruesome news report. The scene is at a PizzaHut Restaurant.*
News Reporter: “We are here at PizzaHut where a horrific scene has occurred. The murder of all the restaurant’s staff along with many of it’s customers in a horrific massacre. Only three survivors were found at the scene. A young man with two little kids by his side. We are about to question him on the scene now.” *The camera moves over to a boy with red and blonde hair. He had an eye patch, a facial scar, and a purple eye. He was wrapped in some bandages as two kids was seen hugging him while whimpering.* “Tell us, young man. What is your name?”
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“B-Bastion. I’m telling you man, i-It was horrible, man. W-We just came in to enjoy some pizza when suddenly some deranged maniac came in and started killing everyone! All because the employee had the wrong toppings on their pizza! It’s madness! Scared the hell out of my siblings and I. I did my best to stop the killer, but-” *The young man grown in pain as he grips his stomach. A red stain appears on the bandages.*
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“BIG BRO!” *The two kids were on the verge of tears as Bastion fell over, with the doctors coming over to tend to his wounds.*
News Reporter: “Such a brave young man. We’ll have more to tell as the story unfolds. Back to you, Ken.”
Ken: “Thanks Barbie. As of this moment, no clues have arrived pointing to the identity of the murderer in question nor their whereabouts. So for now, stay vigilant and be careful. If you find any clues regarding any potential suspects, please inform the police immediately. We’ll have more after his commercial break.” *The report ends there as it goes to a random commercial. Someone stands next to you, looking at the screen.*
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“Bloody Lance.” *Hm? Does he know something about the crime scene? Do you question him about it?*
@the-vampire-den @mikado-sannoji @ask-ultimate-personas @ask-ultimate-fashionista @ask-the-ultimate-entomologist @ask-pregame-v3 @silently-lying @dranother-memory @fallen-liar @the-purple-hero @hoshi-neko-hikari @hopeless-protagonist @seven-crimes-and-punishments @the-robot-family @the-real-natsumi-kuzuryuu @kittensofhokkaido @ultimate-skier @ultimate-waifu-bait @ultimate-name-not-found @ask-theshadowcyborg @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer @the-plushie-togami-sisters @perfect-bloodcovered-family @pick-and-shovel-laborer @expired-sugar @monsters-of-all-your-fears-blog @ichi-peachy @ashes-of-desire @hopeful-symbols @sinless-slaughter @sinning-harmony @sinistcr-kxrma @oddblogfullofoddmuses @thehypnoticsnakedomain @thepersonaking56 @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter @tobys-multiverse-official @hinokamiikaguraa @sshoukinokamii @wwindblumee  @fragmented-liar @just-another-harem @motherkuma-and-monokubs @demons-for-darling @demon-queen-lilith @ask-shslpianist @alonelymechanic @bloodstains-and-bloodsuckers @the-wonder-sisters @yui-samidare-returns @your-pink-party-pony @y0u-f4il3d-m3 @little-miss-succubus @class-105 @the-real-kokichi-ouma​ @ultimate-little-liars​ @mercy-of-the-ashes​ @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer​ @japanese-ultimateautism​
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causeitsagame · 1 year
Fic: Evening Commute
Characters: Hajime Hinata, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Author: @miggylol
Notes: For @hajihiko as a birthday present! (I know it's a little early, but didn't want to miss it.) Thank you for all the art you feed us.
Excerpt: The door closed. In the silence, a breeze blew fingers of dust around their feet.
"Okay," Hajime eventually prompted. "I guess we head back."
At least the hospital was close to the bridge, but the walk seemed longer than it ever had before. Hajime became keenly aware of every sound he made: footsteps, coughs to clear his throat, swallowing. Even breathing sounded loud in his ears.
It was just so deeply weird to be walking like this with Fuyuhiko.
If patients do not need to be accompanied, overnight stays by non-patients are expressly forbidden.
"Don't worry!" Mikan insisted from the front door of the hospital. Her fists clenched white-knuckle tight on a cool cloth she'd been using to soothe Nagito's fever. Around her, shadows lengthened into deep purple bruises on the building's exterior. "I won't let anything happen to any of them!"
"Damn straight you won't." Fuyuhiko shifted his weight after the terse words. He didn't yet seem sure of how to encourage people. That had come out more like a threat or order than praise, but he didn't try to clarify himself.
Hajime added, "We'll be back in the morning, all right? And we know we can trust you to keep them safe in the meantime."
Mikan nodded. Though their faith earned a smile from her, fear for their suffering friends kept the expression tight around its edges. "I should get back to Nagito. I need to keep his fever under control. Good night!"
The door closed. In the silence, a breeze blew fingers of dust around their feet.
"Okay," Hajime eventually prompted. "I guess we head back."
At least the hospital was close to the bridge, but the walk seemed longer than it ever had before. Hajime became keenly aware of every sound he made: footsteps, coughs to clear his throat, swallowing. Even breathing sounded loud in his ears.
It was just so deeply weird to be walking like this with Fuyuhiko.
I can do it, y'know.
Don't talk to me like we're friends or something!
I'll fucking kill you!
It wasn't that he mistrusted the guy's turnaround. No one would make that apology unless they deeply, fully meant it. But Hajime wasn't practiced with this new dynamic, yet, and his mind was consumed with worry for the people in the hospital. It was easier to just walk in silence.
Eventually, their feet stepped off the bridge and onto the pathway that circled the central island. It was a slight change in elevation, and Fuyuhiko let out a soft noise as he stepped down to the road.
Hajime's gaze flicked to the other boy's torso, where he'd been most recently bandaged. In the growing dark, he futilely tried to make out any spots of blood appearing on Fuyuhiko's white shirt. Fuck it, he should probably ask this before they got any further from the hospital. "How're you doing?"
Fuyuhiko started in surprise at the unexpected question, and stopped walking. "Huh? I'm not sick, if that's what you're worried about." Concern flickered through his good eye. "At least, I don't seem to be. Yet."
"Same here," Hajime assured him, but hesitated. "I actually meant your…" He gestured toward Fuyuhiko's abdomen.
"Pfft." Fuyuhiko snorted dismissively, but the noise cut sharply off. Discomfort crossed his face, soon hidden. To make that sound, he'd needed to tense his abdominal muscles. He closed the eye not hidden behind a patch, inhaled slowly, then opened it and began walking again. "Let's go."
Hajime opened his mouth, closed it, and set back into motion. Fuyuhiko was probably fine.
"That thing's goddamn creepy," Fuyuhiko muttered as the enormous countdown clock came into view. "Think it's really a bomb?"
"I don't know," Hajime mused. "If it's a normal bomb that size, then what happens? Is he just going to blow up the park and whoever happens to be standing there?"
"So, the other option is… what? That it's not a normal bomb? It's a fuckin' nuke, or something?" Fuyuhiko shook his head, but he still eyed the countdown ticking down with suspicion. "I can believe that some of the assholes involved in this could find one on the black market, with everything we've seen. But I don't think they'd go that route."
"Really?" Hearing the possibility spoken, as remote as it was, had sent a coil of fear twisting through Hajime. He wouldn't mind hearing why the idea had to be wrong. "Why's that?"
"That'd kill all of us like that," Fuyuhiko said, and snapped his fingers. "And then the show's over for the bear. I don't think we're getting out of things that quickly."
"Well, that's…" Hajime trailed off and smiled wryly. "Fair point." That was a darker answer than he'd expected, but honestly, it did make him feel better to rely on such a cynical assessment of Monokuma's behavior. Cynicism could be a lot more believable than optimism, sometimes.
Fuyuhiko actually smiled back at his reaction. A small smile, barely there, but it might be the first one Hajime had seen out of him.
Hajime slowed his pace once he understood how much pain Fuyuhiko was covering, while not making it so obvious as to be patronizing. If Fuyuhiko did notice, he didn't complain. Minutes later, they reached the bridge to the first island. It was even longer than the bridge to the third island and seemed to vanish into the twilight distance. They stepped onto it, and as the central island faded behind them, the sound of waves crashing below became a hungry roar.
"We'll need to check the restaurant tomorrow morning before we actually go in," Hajime mused. "When we grab something for breakfast, I mean. Before we head back."
Fuyuhiko eyed him sidelong. "Why?"
"The other group will have to run there for food, right? I can't think of anywhere they'd eat on the third island." Fuyuhiko still looked at him oddly, and Hajime continued in an uncertain voice, "So… to maintain the quarantine, we should make sure we don't walk into the middle of their group, if they've come over."
"They're not coming over," Fuyuhiko said with iron certainty. "Not until this disease is fixed. They're gonna hole up in that hotel, turn it into a known home base, and treat everywhere and everyone else as a danger zone. That's how people react in a crisis. Trust me."
Hajime frowned a bit. That was slightly too much cynicism for his taste, now.
"Especially after we tell them we're back in the cottages overnight, during tomorrow morning's call," Fuyuhiko added. "If we're walking back and forth between here and the hospital, the two of us will make them write off this whole first island as unsafe. They probably won't even risk the diner on the second island, since you and I also messed up the central one."
"So, you don't trust them?"
"It's not a matter of trust or not." Fuyuhiko shrugged faintly, careful to only move his shoulders. "When things go south, animal instincts can take over. People pull their claws out. They get fuckin' mean." He took a half-dozen steps. "…Sorry. For that. Y'know."
Hajime deliberated his answer, and simply said, "Thanks." But he also made sure to change the subject. "So, if they won't go to the diner or back to the hotel, then how are people going to eat anything?"
Fuyuhiko considered that. "Bar at the music venue? Concessions at the movie place?"
"Fair enough," Hajime admitted. No, there weren't any real restaurants over there, but there was something. Maybe paying attention to resources like that came from being a yakuza. If an escape was cut off, there would still be a way to survive in the meantime. "Do you think the sick people are going to be okay?"
Fuyuhiko took a few thoughtful steps before replying. "I'm not too worried about Akane, assuming that no one decides to just up and go psycho killer inside her hospital room. She probably wouldn't even defend herself, if they did." He saw Hajime's appalled look and snapped, "You asked!"
"Sorry, no, you're right. I just hate imagining that. So… you are worried about the others, then."
"Right," Fuyuhiko sighed. "Part of me thinks that Monokuma doesn't actually want Nagito to kick off. Same logic as for the bomb, y'know: he wants to watch us suffer in the trials. But Nagito might die, anyway, from how Mikan's talking. And Ibuki…" Troubled, he trailed off, looking even more concerned than he had for Nagito. (Of course, that could simply be explained by Nagito Komaeda being Nagito Komaeda.)
"You think she's the one to worry about?" Hajime clarified.
"People can bring themselves to kill. More people than someone like you would want to admit." Fuyuhiko's pace slowed a little more. After needing to heal from so many grievous injuries, his energy reserves must be running low. "But most people can't bring themselves to swing a weapon and see blood. With how she's acting right now… they wouldn't need to. Yeah. I'm worried."
"I guess you're right," Hajime said with sharpening unease. Even if it would get them out of here, he could almost certainly trust everyone to not bloodily plunge a knife into Akane's chest as she sobbed. No one was that brutal. But might there be someone tempted by the idea of handing Ibuki a knife, telling her to do the same thing, and then closing the door so they wouldn't have to watch any blood spill? That did sound more plausible, as much as he hated it.
Fuyuhiko stared straight ahead as they walked. "Of course, me thinking that way probably just says I'm dangerous, too. Right?"
Hajime eyed Fuyuhiko sidelong as they stepped off the long bridge and onto the first island. "No. It sounds like you're trying to protect people."
A dozen steps passed. In Hajime's peripheral vision, Fuyuhiko nodded. It might be in agreement, or in thanks.
Silence returned as they finished the last leg of the journey and found the hotel entrance rising before them. As they stepped through, Fuyuhiko looked over to where the girls' cottages were. He studied them for a few breaths, bowed his head, and looked away. "Uh, right. Do you normally wake up at the announcement? I'm always up before that, so I could wake you before I head over. So you could get there in time, too, y'know."
"Get there in time?" Hajime echoed in confusion. Even with a quick detour up the restaurant stairs to grab a commute-friendly breakfast, and even with Fuyuhiko's injuries, they'd both make it back in time for the morning call.
"I'm assuming it'll take you a while to get out of your room?"
They were on the walkway between the boys' cottages, now. As illogical as this was, he hadn't expected the hotel to feel quite this isolated with only the two of them on the property. Befuddled at Fuyuhiko's words, Hajime tilted his head. "Why couldn't I just walk out of my room in the morning, like always?"
Fuyuhiko looked even more confused than him. "Ibuki broke your lock, right?"
"So, you'll barricade your door. Right?"
"I… huh?" Laughing as his confusion resolved, Hajime asked, "Why would I do that?" Fuyuhiko remained silent in his own confusion, and Hajime clarified, "Hey, like you said, it's probably not like anyone's going to come out here and risk breaking quarantine."
"Yeah," Fuyuhiko slowly confirmed, but avoided saying the obvious: he was there.
Very deliberately, Hajime finished, "And so there's no one to worry about."
Fuyuhiko looked at him in surprise, then turned away so that only his eyepatch was visible. Eventually, he looked back and said, "Thanks."
"No problem. I'll see you around here tomorrow morning, or at the hospital. Right?"
"Right." With a small nod, Fuyuhiko turned for his cottage, moving with visible pain after the long walk. Hajime watched the door close and turned for his own cottage, only for uncertainty to prickle at him. He needed a few seconds to identify what he'd heard; or rather, what he hadn't heard.
Fuyuhiko hadn't turned his deadbolt.
Smiling, Hajime reached for his doorknob and stepped inside. He ignored the broken lock, stripped off his shirt, and collapsed gratefully into bed. Sleep came easily, even with his back to the door.
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akaarouu · 25 days
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Today I will be talking about @fuyufangurI and the weird things they’ve done.
sadist and masochist behavior in drawings, fake blood, and a form of somnophilia
If you don’t know who they are, futufangurl is mostly a Danganronpa oc creator. Their oc is named Suyu, and I will now be referring their oc as Suyu and im gonna refer the creator as Suyuhiko to make things easier for me and you guys and I don’t know their actual name.
Suyuhiko posted her first tiktok in January of last year, being on instagram for longer. Her oc Suyu is shipped with the canon character Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu.
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Now there was nothing wrong with this at all. People do oc x canon all the time. I DO OC X CANON ALL THE TIME. But her oc x canon art is the thing that lead up to her controversy.
What started raising some eyebrows is when she had posted this really weird art of Suyuhiko and Fuyu;
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If you don’t really understand whats going on in this drawing, basically Fuyuhiko is choking Suyu. But Suyu is showing that she likes it. And at the end Fuyuhiko punches her. Obviously showing that he wasn’t doing this in a joking manner or anything. Just full aggression and intentions to cause harm.
And I guess some people in the comments were saying things about it. She added her own comment saying; If u guys think this is bad i'm going to advise you from staying off my instagram
I also advise you from staying off her instagram as well. I followed Suyu back in 2023 and I was highly traumatized by the art.
Heres the weird drawings;
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These are drawings of disgusting sadistic behavior. And it’s absolutely ridiculous that she thought it was okay. I saw the passed out one back in 2023 and I was so uncomfortable.
It is shown in a lot of her stuff she has a big AND I MEAN HUGE obsession with Fuyuhiko;
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one of her instagram captions: Fuyuhiko, I cannot believe I get to spend anther birthday with you! You've helped me so much, and I couldn't be more grateful for you. You've taught me so many things but most importantly you have taught me how to love, even if it is a bit sick and twisted. You've been there besides me through thick and thin. Protecting me, keeping me in line, loving me. I am not sure of a lot of things, but I'm more than sure I love you. More than anything, truly. Happy birthday Mister.. Please stay with me forever. I love you.
( and i think theres even more than what i provided )
Even though we don’t exactly know, but this can easily bleed into her artwork; turning into an obsession and drawing out the things she wants him to do to her. But that is a big assumption but I wanted to make sure to include because it is a huge possibility. Suyuhiko hasn’t talked about nor taken any form of accountability. To all of her fans, maybe put some consideration on thinking about her behavior. And to Suyuhiko, do better. Because this is absolutely disgusting.
In conclusion, Suyuhiko has made disgusting art of her oc and a canon character and she doesn’t care nor has she addressed it. And she probably needs some form of help.
If you are reading this I just wanted to say thank you for reading the whole things I was very motivated to do this because Suyuhiko has been getting hate and I see a lot of “They can never make me hate you” comments under her post and on her insta post from fans. So I hope this educates the unknown about her wrong doings.
If you finished reading this put 🍡 emojis :33
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Hey hey hat Stan! Soo I am requesting for the prompt! Can you please write fluff for number 18 with Hatter, Aguni, Arisu,Chi, Kuina, Usagi, and Kuzu? Thanks :D!
@a-simp-20 you sent me this a LONG long time ago, and I JUST got around to finishing it! I'm so sorry for the long wait 😱 I hope you like it!
The Prompt: “Oh my god you never told me you could cook”
Midnight Snack
Rating: PG13
Genre: Fluff/Comedy
The kitchen is bustling.
All the lights are on, making the chromes and silvers of the industrial appliances gleam against the white tile walls. Music plays—the kind of thing one would hear in the bathroom of a chain Italian restaurant, jazzy and upbeat instrumentals that echo throughout the cavernous room. It makes it seem like there are more than a mere three individuals inhabiting the space.
Kuzuryuu stands at the stove with a glass of red wine in one hand and a large metal ladle in the other. He leans over a large metal pot and frowns when his glasses get fogged up by the steam.
At the center prep table is Aguni. The apron around his waist has done nothing to protect his shirt from smears of white flour, a fine dusting of the stuff covering him from the tips of his fingers up to his elbows. A collection of eight perfectly symmetrical dough balls rests to his left and he deftly sprinkles his work surface with even more flour.
Hatter has taken one of the other prep tables off to the side. His usual silk robe hangs on a hook by the door, an unbuttoned chef's jacket serving as a shirt. He hums along to the music as he happily runs a large block of some kind of cheese along the side of a box grater.
"Uh," Aguni says, "this isn't what it looks like."
"You mean you're not making pizza in the middle of the night?"
"Nope," Hatter replies, "we're having our post-meeting meeting. The pizza is irrelevant."
Kuzuryuu glares.
"I've been simmering this sauce for over an hour. There is not a single 'irrelevant' thing about it."
"Of course not, Keiichi—I misspoke. Your sauce is a triumph. What I meant to say is that we'd be having the meeting regardless of whether or not we were making pizza."
Kuzuryuu's displeased expression doesn't abate, but he takes another sip of wine and turns his attention back to his sauce.
"Oh my God. I'm sorry, I just," Kuina's expression is one of pleased disbelief, "I didn't think you guys could cook!"
"Au contraire, Chisiya's mysterious tall friend," Hatter says smugly, "I'll have you know that I am famous in a few social circles for making the best quiche in Tokyo."
"I've had it," Aguni adds, grabbing a ball of dough and slapping it down on the table, "For once, he's not exaggerating."
"Hey, I do not exaggerate," Hatter snips, "That is the worst lie anyone has ever told in the history of forever—"
Aguni smacks the dough again, this time in anger.
"Is it? Is it really the worst lie?" He starts aggressively kneading so the dough begins to stretch out into a small, lopsided circle. "Has nobody told a lie that is more deadly, more destructive, more dangerous—"
Kuzuryuu whacks the metal countertop with a stainless steel pan, creating a loud crash that echoes throughout the room. The squabbling stops immediately.
"Sauce is done," Kuzuryuu announces, taking the pot off the heat and transferring the pot to a wire rack to cool. He crosses his arms across his chest and addresses the quadrant of intruders. "You guys wanna stay? We've got enough to go around."
The young friends look to one another, silently discussing the offer. Finally, Arisu speaks.
"Yeah, okay. Thanks."
With more than double it's previous occupants, the kitchen becomes even more lively—the music can barely be heard over the various conversations being held between the blended group of unlikely pizza-makers. Wine is poured, plates are distributed, and for the first time in a very long time, everyone feels almost normal. Normal enough, anyways, to set aside their differences and pretend to be friendly.
"Hey, uh," Aguni says sheepishly as he pushes a plate of unbaked crust towards Usagi. He looks viscerally uncomfortable, his usual proud stance slightly hunched into a timid slump, "Sorry about the thing at the pool the other night. I should've...I mean, Niragi. I shouldn't have let him imply...what he was implying. It was wrong of me to let that go."
"And stupid," Hatter calls out. He stuffs a pinch of shredded cheese into his mouth like he's eating popcorn at a movie theater. "Arisu says she can do a backflip! She could kill you!"
"Not sure what backflips have to do with murder," Chisiya says, "but I'd love to find out."
"I think she should get to punch you," Kuina suggests. She has her head stuck in the refrigerator, inspecting the various random goods stocked inside. With a delighted little 'ah!' she pulls out a bag of vegan shredded cheese. "And then Arisu should get to punch you, too, because you were mean about his friends. And then I should get to punch you—"
"There will be no punching," Usagi decrees. She takes the unbaked crust and looks Aguni straight in the eye. "Aguni already knows how much of a pathetic disappointment he is. Why do I need to waste my time and energy reminding him?"
Everything falls silent. Aguni is a vicious shade of red-purple in the face, but he nods in acceptance. Usagi takes pity and pats him on the arm before leaving, mumbling something that sounds like "do better" as she walks away.
"Arisu," Kuzuryuu calls out, "I need someone to taste the sauce. Would you be up for the challenge?"
Arisu's whole expression lights up, head nodding at an almost incomprehensibly fast pace as he excitedly takes his plate over.
Kuzuryuu dips a metal teaspoon into the sauce and hands it to Arisu, who looks very pleased to have been given the important task of tasting the final product.
"This is good," Arisu praises. "What's in it?"
Kuzuryuu looks to the rest of group and sips his wine. No one appears to be paying attention to them, so he leans in a little closer to Arisu as if he's sharing a secret.
"I'm going to be completely honest with you, kid," Kuzruyuu says. "This sauce is from the Pizza Hut down the street. All I did was throw in some extra garlic and heat it up."
Arisu furrows his brow.
"But didn't they notice—?"
Kuzuryuu shakes his head.
"Too busy flirting or fighting to pay attention. Honestly, I don't mind it," he says, "Not like we get TV here, so a man's gotta make do."
He ladles a generous helping of sauce onto Arisu's dough. Arisu watches as he spreads it to the edges, the circular motions of the ladle hypnotic in his eyes.
"I won't tell the others," Arisu promises. "Everyone has their secrets. I'm just glad I know yours."
Kuzuryuu stops for a second. Arisu's gaze snaps up, confused as to why his new friend has stopped saucing. Kuzuryuu clears his throat awkwardly.
"...Yeah," he says, ladling an extra amount onto Arisu's pizza. "Yeah, you got me all figured out, kid."
"Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?!"
Over at the toppings station, crisis has apparently struck. Hatter looks horrified as he watches Chisiya spread a heaping spoonful of green onto the base of his dough.
"I'm making pizza Genovese," Chisiya replies, his Italian accent suspiciously perfect. "It was a favorite of mine when I was in Portofino."
"Pesto goes on top," Hatter argues. Like he is with everything else, he seems very passionate about pizza-making protocol. "You use it to make a little swirly pattern to make it pretty. Everybody knows that."
"You seem like you have it all figured out," Chisiya says snarkily. With practiced precision, he begins selecting slices of tomato and arranging them carefully on top of the Pesto. "Why don't you enlighten us?"
"You wouldn't get it," Hatter sniffs. He wraps an olive in a slice of pepperoni and puts it in his mouth. "I invoke the name of Papa John and let his spirit guide me."
"He closes his eyes and throws whatever we've got left onto the dough," Aguni explains dispassionately, "then cheese, then sauce. We always make him go last because it's such a mess."
"Hm. I should've known," Chisiya hums. "Only a man like you would be able to make pizza that incorrectly."
"You're just jealous," Hatter gloats. He snatches the tomato slice Chisiya had been intending to take and eats it, making sure to chew extra loudly as the younger man watches. "My method is genius. I don't know what's going to be on my pizza until I eat it. Every bite is an adventure. Your tiny, sad brain can't even begin to comprehend the symphonic flavors and textures I'm able to get—"
"Hey, uh," Arisu interjects. He stands between the feuding men awkwardly. "Sorry, I just wanna get some cheese. You guys are kinda...holding up the line."
Chisiya looks over his shoulder. Sure enough, Usagi and Kuina are waiting patiently for their turn to add toppings to their pizzas, Aguni queuing up a safe distance behind. Chisiya sighs and sprinkles his creation with a handful of finely-grated parmesan.
"My apologies," Chisiya says. He then turns his attention back to Hatter. "To everyone but you, of course."
And before Hatter can give a response, Chisiya saunters off towards the oven, not paying anyone any bit of mind.
The rest of the group assembles their pizzas. Arisu makes plain cheese, stating with confidence that the simplest things are sometimes the best. Usagi agrees, although her pie is topped with every kind of meat available. Kuina chooses olives and onions to top her heaping mound of vegan cheese, while Aguni makes himself one with pepperoni and mushrooms. Kuzuryuu's pizza is topped with arugula and prosciutto, and Hatter...well, he does exactly as Aguni described earlier, making a mess not only of the table but of himself.
During the time it takes for their pizzas to bake, the group settles into comfortable conversation. Wine helps ease the tensions between them and makes the conversation flow—and only a handful of squabbles break out, which are quickly squashed in favor of just having a good time.
And while they may all go their separate ways after the pizzas are eaten and the wine is gone, this unlikely group of amateur chefs will have at least one happy memory from their time in the Borderlands.
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sparkymalone · 6 months
Time for day 3 for yume session
Archery club...
I was at archery club with my good friend snow yoisaki she was a definition of a perfect student straight A's best at poems, art,math, history everyone loved her she was amazing of course and I'm so lucky she's my friend! She even helps me study for our test and stuff but I'm glad I'm not the type to take advantage of her kindness hehehe during the end archery class me and snow were talking "great job yume! You improved!" She said happily "the others even improved and today was solid evidence!" I love doing archery I was very good at it and I kept improving and this month I finally did every score perfect! However when I was talking to snow right before going home she told me that during her 3rd year she'll become a archery teacher soon enough snow was an year older then me and I can't wait to see her become a teacher "alright then see you tomorrow yume-chan'" her voice was pretty different for what I could tell she went away something about that smile was different for what I usually see on a daily basis...
Knock knock knock
Huh? "Hey yume!" I heard my name it was my older brother Yuki and his lady friend sanka togami "hey oni-chan ddo you need something?" He nod
"Yep sanka and me are taking fashion design over our school and we're not sure what designs we're going to create" my big brother was apart of the senior course meaning I could barely see him only on his break "so do you think you should help us? The one we made was...errr low quality and I'm not wearing those" I suggested them a knight theme since their old customers resembles one when I told them about one that should resembles a knight and their king looking a bit snowy like it reminded me of snow something about that smile she had was off and I didn't felt uneasy when I said that "hm? What's wrong lil sis?" "Oh! I well...my friend she felt a bit off today" my brother stayed quiet but he spoke "don't worry maybe she's just tired from the clubbing" maybe he was right maybe I'm jumping conclusion..."well thanks for helping us make these outfits yume-san" sanka said as she went outside yume's bedroom yuki hesitated but patted yume head "I'll be back after class okay?" He dashed out
2 years ago yume is starting 8th grade she was excited she was apart of the main course with her big bro but he's more older her old childhood friend(and rival) aimee shirogane "aimee! I didn't expect for you to be here!" She laughed at her "of course my mom was a ultimate so it's clear I'll get in" "alrighty let's do our best shall we aimee-chan!"
After class there was a clubbing Program for them to choose a club aimme took the writing club and then there was yume who decided to look at the archery club on her way she saw her brother who was at the foreign language club with 3 friends "hey lil sis where you heading off to?" He asked yume "oh I'm going to the Archery club" she replied "well it's over at the courtyard over there" when yume walked passed the sports club running there she was introduced to the captain of the club and she introduced herself some people there called her 'pretty' her brunette and blonde mixed hair was the most prettiest features about her according to teachers,her family,friends and others "hehe well thank you" the captain asked why she visited "my brother recommend it to me he said I should learn how to aim stuff properly he said I'm terrible at darts and also need to work on my postures As well" the Captain raiseed her eye but nod "okay good" that's not until a girl taller and looking a bit older then yume approach her "you're yume kuzuryuu right? The daughter of fuyuhiko and hajime Hinata kuzuryuu?" She said some of the students muttered a bit "oh yes how did you know?" "You look exactly like the two" she said
"Alright what about you miss.."
"It's snow yoisaki my mom used to be an archery club member but then when I say you handing out flyers for the club I decided to join"
"Eh?! You really did that?!" Snow simply nod "well this is quite embarrassing" snow laughed and just told her it's okay snow and yume become training partners courtesy of the captain it's been 3 weeks since yume joined "you're improving yume" snow said right after yume shoot on the target "thanks but I can't focus properly with the hot air" snow got a tie "maybe this can help?" Snow tied yume's hair into a bun hm maybe" yume aimmed the target and it was better then last time "it was better then the last one! Thanks snow!"
Yume was conflicted for the past few weeks with Aimee who changed agencies for some reason she didn't wanted to talk about it she just left without explaining anything at all and her brother was no help like at all with these type of stuff at archery she sat down her palms were sweaty "hey yume you need to stop worrying just hit-" yume just sighed the retired captain of the club was visiting to make sure the present one was good enough and yume was absolutely anxious with so many things on her mind she couldn't properly think "hey yume?" Snow appeared "you don't look okay" yume sighed "I can't focus properly how do you focus on archery while your mind has more things to focus on?" Snow got her bow and arrow and stretch it "when you do Archery or any thing at all you need to focus the target you should think about those stuff later your target is there your other target is wayyy over there" she said while targeting the bullseye she gave the arrow and gave it to yume,yume got up and stretch the arrow "alright" when she did the arrow reached the bullseye yume eyes widen and hugged snow "thanks snow!" After
When the old captain came along he looked at snow "hey aren't you kanade yoisaki's daughter?" Snow nod "I still remember your mom she still writes song yes?"
"Yes sir she is a good composer" the captain turned to yume "and you're yume kuzuryuu?* Same as snow she nod "your dad hajime always watched your other dad whenever he was at his club at the end you're father kissed him on the cheek after he was done with clubbing y'know?"
"Damn that's kinda homosexual"
"Because that is"
"Oh yea"
Bonus: after clubbing yume was planning to leave early but it was cut short due to the heavy rain, instead she went inside the dojo but she saw snow still doing archery muttering something "I must.." yume couldn't make out on what she was saying but she realized snow was aiming 5 times without missing which surprises her "what is she saying...?"
....(Yume pov)(Present)
I'm still wondering if I'm jumping into conclusion whether or not I'm still wondering what's going on about snow
Bonus 2 (aimee meet) Back when I was ababy my parents and my brother used to play together in the park or even get to play with my old childhood friends I'm pretty mischievous as a kid my father's clan members always hated how mischievous I was my dad needed to take me outside the manor and I ran.one day my dad's let me run a bit I tried pranking people on the streets until....OW! What was that?! I looked seeing a girl my age she was the one I hit "hey!" She saw me and tossed a branch at me, I ran but she was faster and tackle me we both started laughing"I'm Aimee by the way* she put her hand towards me "yume kuzuryuu" I replied
Also I don't know that much about Archery so maybe the things included are inaccurate I tried to research but anyway yea yuki was a brother named yuki
Other kids
Snow yoisaki
Yuki kuzuryuu Hinata
Sanka togami
Aimee shirogane
Maybe next will be a kazusumi (kazuichi x natsumi)backstory and one where yume's brother is the focus instead
Sorry it always takes me a while to get around to posting these. Anyway, you're doing great!
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
To the Izuru Kamukura from post/710799369697411072 who used the 🌐🌸 emojis: I've wanted to reply to you since your kinfession was posted, but couldn't figure out what to say, I've figured it out now though.
Hi, it's Hajime. Not your Hajime, because I didn't inherit very many of your talents after waking up. But other than that I think our canons might've been similar. It didn't occur to me that you might have chosen to disappear, I always thought that, when I asserted my determination to wake up, I kind of killed you. And I didn't want that. I didn't want to BE you, or to lose myself, but I don't have anything against you as a person, either. People sometimes act like Kamukura is some kind of Evil Dark Mode Hinata, but just because you're not me doesn't mean you're any worse of a person than any of the rest of the remnants, and they're all my best friends in the world who I love so dearly and am so proud of. You deserved to be given the chance to learn and grow and recover just like everyone else, and I wish it had been possible for you without it jeopardizing my own life. Sometimes I see fics etc where we take turns fronting like alters in a system, and it makes me happy. But at the same time, even though I wish you could have gotten a chance, the idea still scares me, I'm not going to lie. Because if you were still around, how could I ever compare? There was so much shit to take care of, after we woke up, so much research we needed to do and upkeep and medical care. If we were sharing one body, I couldn't practically justify being around most of the time, because you would have been so much more helpful and useful to our ongoing survival and the goals of helping the rest wake up, and I'm scared I would've just been useless by comparison. But that doesn't mean I wanted you dead, ever. Ideally I would have been able to just like, clone myself and one of us could move to that body, or something, so we could both do our own thing :)
I think you could have lived and learned and made friends, I think it could've happened. Even after the researchers 'ruined' you, I think you could have recovered, I don't think a person can ever be really ruined, even if it takes years or decades for things to change, there's still hope for all of us. Obviously it's not something that really happened, but have you seen some of your interactions with people in DRS summer camp? There's some really sweet ones with Kuzuryuu, I think he (and Peko, when she eventually woke up) would especially want to be part of your life and understand and not judge you for your (our) past. And Sonia too, she understands what it's like to be defined by the expectation of perfection and not allowed to be a person, even if it was totally different from how you were tortured. She's really nice and has such a big heart, I think even if she didn't have that understanding she would want to be your friend still.
This is kinda disjointed but what I keep coming back to is this: I never considered that you might have actively chosen to disappear and let me live. I thought it was my own determination, and the hard work of the NWP developers, and the love of my friends (especially Chiaki), but it never occurred to me that you might have given me that second chance. I sincerely apologize for that. You were denied agency by so many people for so long, and here I was erasing it too. Obviously I don't know whether that happened with "my" Kamukura, but it could have, and I still want to thank you for it now, okay? Thank you for caring, and thank you for the well-wishes, but most of all thank you, thank you for letting me live. I wouldn't trade my memories of post-canon Jabberwock for anything, so thank you so, so much. I hope you're doing better now, in this life, and you can be happy.
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leoryff · 1 year
Phoenix Wright:  Ace Attorney- Hope, Truth and Despair 
Episode 1:  Turnabout Twilight Syndrome 
Hope's Peak Academy, Reserve Course building.
The glare of the setting sun was the only thing illuminating the school's hallways.  But even in the quickly dimming twilight it was easy to see the blood pooling on the ground, seeping from the girl's head wound.
"Dammit, what a mess!  Now we have to cover this up too!"  The man standing above her dropped the metal bat to the ground.  "Hmm? Wait, this girl is..."
He tore off his gloves before adjusting his glasses and broke into a maniacal grin.  "Ah, perfect! We can just pin the blame on him.  Kill two birds with one stone!"
District Courthouse
Defendant Lobby 
11:34 AM
Phoenix Wright shuffled through the paperwork that had been dropped almost literally on his lap.  This case was a mess, he could tell that at a glance.  Matters weren't helped much given the status of his client.  He took another look at the boy in question.  
In truth "boy" was the word that described him best.  He was short for his age, rather babyfaced too, including the light freckles around his nose and golden eyes.  His blonde hair was in a crew cut, with a set of curved lines styled into each side.
And yet in contrast to that youthful form was the young man's demeanor.  "What the hell are you staring at?"  He asked with a growing scowl.  "Ain't you ever seen a teenager in a suit before?"  He adjusted the cuffs of his obviously expensive, probably tailored suit.
Phoenix blinked in surprise.  "Oh, no, I'm sorry."  He adjusted his papers again. "I'm just processing this.  Wouldn't a- um, a family like yours have their own lawyer?"
The boy scoffed.  "Yeah, but the bastard isn't answering my calls.  And the estate claims they can't reach my old man either."  He drummed his fingers on his other arm in frustration.  "Those idiots.  They better hope they lock me up here or heads are going to roll when I get back!"
Flinching again and restraining a sigh, Phoenix wiped some sweat from his forehead.  "Um, Mr. Kuzuryuu, might I ask you to refrain from talk like that in the courthouse?"
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu made a "tch" sound but nodded.  Not the best reassurance, but he'd done more with less.  The day was barely half over and Phoenix already felt exhausted.  
A pair of young women approaching drew his attention. (No, not that kind of attention.)  "We in time, boss?"  Athena Cykes, clad in her usual yellow outfit, walked up carrying a bulky paper bag.  The highschooler next to her had a similar bag.  
"Athena?  What's with the bags?"
The woman reached into the bag and pulled out a manju.  "Gift from Fuyuhiko's classmates."  She handed it to the boy.  "They're all cheering for you!"  Athena handed one to Phoenix too.  "Try one boss!  They're delish!"
He took the food rather gratefully.  He hadn't had time for breakfast this morning before someone almost broke the office door down.  He eyed that someone, the teenage girl with red eyes and braided silver hair. She had been desperate, practically begging him to represent Fuyuhiko because everyone else was refusing.
(This was slightly inaccurate, Fuyuhiko would have been given an attorney by the state if he hadn't been refusing "the government sponsored stool pigeons".)
Peko seemed to have calmed down significantly since then.  She put the bag of food she was carrying down. "It's true, you have the class's support."
Fuyuhiko toyed with the manju in his hand for a second.  "The WHOLE class, huh?"  He asked, shooting a knowing look at Peko.  The girl just frowned. Or frowned deeper.
"Hey now, it's not nice to tease your girlfriend like that!"  Athena said teasingly.
"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!"  Fuyuhiko snapped loud enough that Athena flinched in response.  "We're just classmates!"  He hissed. "Nothing more than that!"
Peko nodded.  "It is as he says.  We are classmates, nothing more."
"Okay, okay!  Whatever you say, sheesh."  Athena said, though her face looked more confused than intimidated.
'Awfully close classmates for her to act so desperate before.'  Phoenix shook his head, they were getting off track. "Athena, were you able to get a look at the crime scene?"
It was Athena's turn to shake her head.  "Non, boss. They weren't letting anyone else in."
"Our homeroom teacher said that only a few police officers had even been allowed on school grounds in the first place."  Peko added.
'Was the prosecution really able to make a thorough investigation like that?'  Phoenix wondered to himself. Then he remembered something. "That reminds me, where's our new intern?"
"Stayed behind."  Athena explained. "Said he was going to look around some more."
Phoenix was about to ask more when a bailiff walked up.  "Trial will begin shortly, I'll need the defendant to come with me."
"I just need one more moment with my client."  The bailiff nodded and stepped away to give them some privacy.  "Mister Kuzuryuu, I'm afraid that, in all this last minute rushing, I never asked for your side of the story."  Phoenix leaned forward in his seat. "So as your attorney, please be honest with me."
"Did you kill Miss Eteru Sato?"
Fuyuhiko looked confused before putting on a sarcastic smirk.  "What, are you going to turn on me if I say yes?"  Phoenix's waiting expression did not change.  "Fine, if you really want to hear me say it. "I had nothing to do with Sato's death." There, happy?"
"Mister Kuzuryuu, I promise to do everything in my power to prove your innocence."  Phoenix said, bowing his head as he did so.  Fuyuhiko and Peko both blinked in shock at the sudden declaration.  Had that sarcastic confession really been all he needed to hear?
The bailiff returned to escort Fuyuhiko away while Peko excused herself.  Athena stepped up. "So he was telling the truth?"  
Phoenix nodded.  His magatama, the gift from his friend Maya that let him see when people were lying, hadn't reacted at all.  "Did you notice anything?  
"Something a little strange."  Athena mused. "When they were talking about being classmates I could sense a lot of discord in both their voices."
"So there's more to them than they let on?"  Phoenix noticed something. There were no Psychelocks when Fuyuhiko said that, so them being "just classmates" was at least somewhat true.  "Things can never be simple, can they?"  He stood up. "Athena, I'll be counting on your support in there."
Athena flexed her gloved arm and flashed a smirk.  "No problemo boss!"
To be continued….
Part of a crossover I am working on. The rest of the first chapter is up on my dA page if this piques someone's interests.
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thenewfuture · 1 year
Oh g-d that's horrific. The good thing is that now she's safe and out of there where Fuyuhiko can be the one to take care of her sometimes. No more tool stuff.
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Yes, I am trying to get out of that mentality, little by little. It is honestly a struggle, and I find myself falling back into some past quirks, but I am getting better I believe...
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And that's good. We're really proud of you.
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Ha ha ha, thank you....
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But still, it is rather difficult at times. This has been with me since I was young, it's all I've ever known...
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Yes, that too was something I wanted to figure out.
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What exactly were the circumstances that the Kuzuryuu's took you in? If it's too difficult, you don't have to share...
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No, it's not that is is difficult. Rather...I am unsure myself. Whenever I asked they said it wasn't worth the explanation and that I should focus on honing my skills and devotion to Fuyuhiko.
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I think I can help with that, if you'll let me.
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*Peko nods and gives him the talking stick...*
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I can't exactly remember all the details, but... It was something about a rival clan of ours having some dirty shit. And this guy was going to rat on them to the police.
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But they found out and killed him, and were going to attempt to kill his wife and child. She ran into our territory and things got....heated...
*Flashback...Many years ago....*
*On a dark night, in a shady alley....many bodies lay there covered in blood....*
Grunt: All right boss, that should be the last of them.
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Hmph, good work. Rotten bastards.
???: Waaah! Waaah!
*Crying can be heard nearby, getting everyone's attention...*
*A silver haired woman is laying, barely clinging to life, holding her child wrapped in a blanket. The child trying its best to reach for her mother's face. The woman looks up, and sees the clan leader...*
Woman: Please......*gasp*.....my Peko....*gasp, gasp*...save....m...y....Peko.....Pe....ko...............
*........the woman's body stops moving....*
Baby Peko: Waaaahhh! Waaaah! Waaaaahh!
Grunt: Boss.... What should we do?
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*He picks up the child...*
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Today's your lucky day kid. Don't think this is going to be some charity.
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And that's all he told me..... I'm sorry...
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chishiyasbiscuits · 10 days
valentine! || tatta x reader xo
[2.7k words.] [Warning: Smut of course. Light praise. This was for Valentine's day. I'm basically Tatta's #1 fangirl at this point🤭 Niragi's mentioned, and that's a warning on it's own. He's a dick.]
Time was difficult to track. The months, days, weeks and years were simple movements of the sun and moon. We had no mind, no care for the actual date. No one knew, and actually, it seemed the whole concept had slipped from our crowded minds. Hatter, however, managed to pull up a slightly controversial fact, just moments into the day. That fact being he knew of the time. Hatter, along with Mira, Kuzuryuu and a few others were granted with being one of the first to grace this land. They had kept up to date with the calendar, and today of all days they had managed to spill their knowledge.
"Several months ago, on this very day, I appeared in the midst of this world." Hatter began. His usual tone ridden with a wisdom no human in this room had a care for. I crossed over my arms, and exchanged a knowing glance with Chishiya. He smirked, letting a laugh out through his nostrils.
"According to my knowledge.." The man grinned, raising his arms up and spreading them - Much alike an eagle. He peered over the edge of his sunglasses. Taking in the reactions of his people. "Today is the day of affection!"
Hatter's voice rose in tone and excitement. Perhaps signifying that we should have shown equal interest. Instead, the room fell into a silence. "Is that it." Aguni blinked. His face was deadly serious. "That was your important notice?"
Hatter appeared offended. His jaw dropped and he placed a flat palm against his bare chest. "It is important."
Silence yet again. I couldn't help it - Scoffing out a small chuckle. Hatter raised his head, lifting his brows. Chishiya turned to me, sending me a quick nod before walking toward the exit. His movements a clear indication of his uninterest. Ann followed, arms crossed and chin high. She clicked her tongue as she handled the door.
"Heartless." Hatter shook his head. His hair moved frantically across his shoulders.
I smiled at his expression, copying his action subtly. I then made my own way toward the door. Valentine's day was in no way a top priority for me. The Borderlands made that clear. I had no intention of celebrating the holiday, though with it in mind, my thoughts drifted unknowingly to my boyfriend. Would he know today was the day? Surely not.
"Hey doll." I froze. Groaning lightly beneath my breath. "What do you want, Niragi?" I questioned. A palm landed on my shoulder. Gripping the exposed skin. With force, I was thrown. Spun round, and pushed against a nearby wall. Niragi drew closer. Leaning into me like an animal, sniffing out it's prey. "You know what day it is." He flashed me a nauseating grin. His eyes, narrowed, stripped me with every glance they took at my body.
"No way in hell are you going to be my Valentine." My mouth parted to let a laugh slip. My lips rose into a smirk. Niragi scowled, his grip tightening. I could feel his fingertips almost breaking my skin. "I never gave you a choice." He spat. His face contorting into an off-putting, sadistic leer. "You're mine for today."
The words were enough to bring my stomach acid to my throat. I barely gagged. Glaring at his antics, as his opposite hand stroked my waist. "Tatta doesn't deserve such a beauty like you.." Niragi whispered, staring at my lips in content. "Shut up." I scowled, thrashing in his grip.
"I should be the one kissing you." His breaths became ragged. More distorted, and his sentences spiralled from his lips. Almost in distress. "Fucking you every night." A deep growl arose from his chest and I whimpered out a faint "Please.." before his lips came crashing down against mine.
It was a moment. A moment too long, and then he pulled back. Leaning into my neck, so he could lick a stripe up my pulsing throat. In this moment, over his dark, slicked back hair, I noticed a figure. Him. I witnessed the betrayal in his eyes and my heart cracked. It clenched desperately as he shook his head and slunk off behind a corridor wall.
"Get the fuck away from me!" I screeched. The anger bubbled beneath my skin, and I slammed my knee up into his groin. Niragi cried out, glaring at me as I ran toward my love.
I sprinted down the desolate halls until people began crowding them. I stopped, walking slowly, and tossing my head to each side. Scanning the groups in hope I'd find his face. I'd fucked up, though it was in no way my fault. Frustration reached my features and I raised an arm, using the back of my hand to wipe the ghost of a kiss from my lips.
It was no use. I spun on my heel and headed to my room. Stepping lethargically until I reached my bed. I sighed and brought my hands up, slipping my bikini straps down. Letting them trail down my skin, and land against my inner bicep.
All thoughts were washed without a trace, as his voice met the back of my mind. Lighting my eyes and bringing a new sense of comfort, as well as regret to my expression.
"Tatta?" I turned, eyes growing as he stood above me. He tilted his chin. That same look of betrayal flinching across the grimace on his lips. I furrowed my brows. "I'm sorry, it's not what it looked like.."
I was desperate.
"Do you like him?" Tatta spoke calmly. His voice slightly cracking under the pressure of his emotions. His eyes wandered across my face, searching for truth. "Did you want the kiss?"
"No, no." I shook my head frantically, blinking back the disbelief. I lifted a hand and placed it on his jaw. Gently running my thumb across his damp skin. He had been crying..
"I only like you, I only want you." I breathed out, chest heaving. My head tilted upwards and I brushed my lips against his. "There's no need to ever be jealous. You're all I want." I whispered against them.
He tensed, and I felt a soft shiver run up his spine as he shook against my grip. "I..I wasn't jealous. It's just.." He hesitated, eyes wide. That hint of sorrow still swirling beneath his iris. He swallowed dryly, averting his gaze by dropping it to his feet. "You're mine."
I paused. The anger, the frustration, the sorrow. They melted away, and an overpowering desire replaced them. Not even lust, but something else. An ache for his feeling. A longing for his touch - For his love. I softly lifted my fingers, folding them behind his neck and pushing his head toward mine. I could feel the anticipation rising around us. Through the way my breath sped up, and through the way he gazed at me longingly, waiting patiently for my body to be once again tangled with his. "I am yours." I made clear, gasping out and harshly pushing myself forward. I was trapped by his chest, and I adored it. Positioning his head as I parted his soft lips with my tongue.
He kissed back. Sparking up my insides with the way he flicked his tongue against mine, and how his palms rested easily against the flesh of my hips. As if he were meant to be holding me there.
It wasn't often Tatta appeared less like a submissive lover. It was a rare case, only ignited by perhaps jealousy or a feeling alike the latter. The boy felt my body with such care. Brushing my lower lip with his as he guided me to the bed. He pulled back, and he flashed me a smile. Short yet reassuring. He was still shy. As shown by the way he cautiously tugged at my bikini. Raising his gaze, and making sure he had the Okay with every touch he gave. His eyes glazed over mine as his fingers hooked beneath the fabric of my lower half. He questioned with his expression and I lowered my head in a nod. Suppressing a giggle with my palm.
He smiled in satisfaction, eyes already sparkling as he slowly removed the material. I was naked now, and he had seen the sight a fair few times. However, he acted as if he had never seen my bare features before. Widening his eyes in awe and parting his lips, as if he wished to say something, but the words were caught in his throat. "You're so hot.." He muttered, eyes frantically inspecting each part of me. "I got lucky." He then spoke, lifting his head so I could be met with his dorky grin.
"I'm the lucky one.." I whispered, sitting my upper half up and pressing my hands against his waist. My fingers gripped the waistband of his shorts. "Any girl would die for a dick like yours."
Tatta's skin erupted into an array of pink colours. Fuchsia decorated his cheeks as he stuttered out incoherent words. Turning his head in an attempt to cover his flusterment. I smirked at his reaction. I had always loved how well he reacted to praise. His embarrassment was adorable in a way I couldn't comprehend, yet I knew I loved to see his face red, and his mouth agape.
"Fuck Y/n.." He whispered, almost in disbelief, as his eyes began to brace my form. He stood before me, watching through his lashes as I pulled away his confines. Revealing his cock - hard and already dripping with arousal. He swallowed, moving his lip between his teeth. "You're so pretty.." I murmured. In this moment I felt fortunate to have him. I admired him. Every aspect of the boy brought me joy and wonderment. He really was the most attractive being out there. No other person, not even Niragi could deter that belief.
As my thoughts drifted to his beauty I lifted a finger from the base and up his shaft. It grazed his tip and he whimpered. Watching with half-lidded eyes as I brushed away his pre-cum, and placed the digit between my lips, sucking the skin clean. He grew harder at the sight. "Tatta, I want you inside of me." I stated firmly, blinking up at him as he twitched within my grasp. I handled his cock, dipping my hand up, and down. Running my fingers over his veins, easing out soft moans from his delicate lips.
"Please Y/n.." Tatta cried lightly. His head fell back as I moved my arm. His chest staggered and I watched as his dick twitched against my fingers. His breathy moans grew louder and just as he was about to cum I removed my palm. He whined. "No fair." He said before he lingered his gaze on my lips. "Please let me fuck you."
My eyes widened. The pink that would usually be present on Tatta now reached my cheeks. Lighting up my face with a clear sense of shock. "Uh." I paused, genuinely surprised at his straightforward approach. "Yes, yes. Please.." I found myself begging and he presented me a delighted smile.
"I want everyone to know that you're mine." He whispered, leaning forward and taking my thighs in his hands. His fingers gripped the flesh, and he gave them a gentle squeeze before dragging me closer to his body. I was lay flat on my back, and he was on the bed, now hungrily taking in my position with his gaze. He flicked his eyes to my face, then dropped them down to my neck. He positioned an arm above my head and he lowered himself. Pressing his lips against the skin of my throat. He continued this, leaving small kisses hurriedly across every surface of my body. "I want them to know you're taken." He said between sharp breaths, seconds before dropping down again to capture my chest in a passionate kiss.
"They'll know who did this." He let his hot breath fan out across my stomach. "I don't want to ever lose you." He brushed himself against my inner thigh. He paused. "I want to love you.."
"I want to be the best for you. I want to give you everything." Tatta planted his lips on my lower stomach. Gently letting himself drift to between my legs. My breath hitched as his warm lips came in contact with my clit. "Tatta.." I sighed in arousal.
"I'm such a lucky guy." He smiled, lifting his head. "Please Tatta." I pleaded.
He took in my features. The way my eyes longed for him, and my mouth parted. How my face was already red and sweat had began forming at the corners of my forehead. His dick pulsed and he took it into his hand, watching as I spread my legs eagerly. Just for him. He positioned his cock, entering it slowly. His face melted into a pleasured one as he stretched out my walls. As he was greeted with my tight warmth. I moaned against the back of my hand, back already arching.
He hesitated, waiting for me to adjust before his hips began thrusting into mine. His palms returned to the flesh of my thighs and he handled them as he rutted into me. Gasping out my name as if it were a spell. Chanting it, over, and over.
His dick filled me so well, I refused to believe anyone could have fucked me better. Every movement, every buck of his hips was perfect. Each time his balls slapped against my ass. Every erotic moan that slipped from his wet, shining lips. I would never get bored of this. Seeing his dark hair, messed through his rough action. The strands falling over his glossy, lustful eyes. The muscle in his neck tensing every time I clenched around his dick. Every time I pushed myself forward and allowed his cock to slide further into me.
He was gorgeous. I loved him.
Tatta grunted, teeth now gritting together as his hands tightened around the fat on my thighs. "Could he make you feel as good as I do?" He asked as I moaned, letting my eyes roll back. He thrust harder, sliding his dick in and out of me at a near inhuman speed. I was becoming impressed. Very almost surprised at how rough he was being. "No.." I stumbled over my words. My hands took a bunch of my bedsheet and I gripped it through my fingers. This was pure emotion spurring him on. I just knew the picture of Niragi against me, lips meeting mine, had successfully triggered this side of him.
Sweat dripped down his collarbone, over his shoulders, and down from his temples - Where his dark hair stuck to his skin in a sensually attractive way. He parted his lips, fingers shaking against my body. "I-I won't let him touch you again.." He stuttered, squeezing his eyes shut in a moment of ecstasy. "You're mine!" He cried gently, picking up the pace as he lifted my ass and slammed into me. Catching my g-spot with his tip each and every time.
I moaned his name. Repeatedly letting it drip from my tongue. "I'm yours!" I returned, barely able to speak clear words. "I'm yours Tatta, please!" I screamed his name, watching through my fallen eyelids as he threw his head back. Letting out a sweet cry as his high approached. I tilted my chin and pushed myself back against the duvet. Moaning loudly as I reached my climax. Tatta's hips continued to rut into me, and my walls tightened around his cock. I could feel him inside of me, filling me. Pushing up into my lower stomach. He came inside of me with a final stutter of his hips, chasing after my orgasm, as I spilled onto his dick.
"You're mine.." He breathed out, fingers slipping from my thighs. He fell forwards and caught my lips in his. Kissing me passionately, as our limbs slid against each other in this sensual dance.
"Always." I replied, pulling away from him. Gasping for breath. "Always." He repeated with that signature dorky smile. 
0 notes
causeitsagame · 1 year
Fic: Aquila (2/?)
Pairing: Hajime Hinata/Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Author: @miggylol
Notes: I have mentally mapped out functional operations for the entire (real) Jabberwock archipelago. Is this needed? Of course not! Did I do it, anyway? Of course!
Excerpt: A face intruded into Hajime's field of vision. "What the fuck are you doing?" Fuyuhiko sighed down at him. "Water splashes up through the boards, sometimes."
Hajime smiled up in reply, glad that his now-instinctive mental wanderings had been interrupted. "Getting you to talk to me, obviously."
"Congrats." Fuyuhiko folded his arms across his chest. He didn't move away, but the gesture was defensive, off-putting. "Seriously, why did you come out here? I obviously wanted to be alone."
"What did you do?" Kazuichi demanded the next day.
"I don't know!" Hajime protested. From the expression on Kazuichi's face, there was only one possible topic under discussion.
"Me, Akane, and Sonia were all in our rooms," Kazuichi needlessly continued, and ticked off three fingers. "We heard a door slam." He ticked off the fourth finger. "And when we looked into the hall to see what was up, we saw you running in." Tick: fifth finger.
Hajime's gaze flattened. "I already said that I don't know."
Kazuichi's fingers reset for a new round of counting. "You're trying to tell me that the Ultimate Therapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Intelligence Analyst—"
"I don't fucking know, all right!" Hajime sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Where is he?"
"I think he's counting up the food supplies if we—" Kazuichi's righteous offense faded and drooped down into regret. "Cull all the animals. Like you suggested." There the righteous offense was, again.
Kazuichi Souda was a great friend 97% of the time. The other three percent, he decided that a crisis needed some identified source to cast blame upon. Hajime had forgotten how irritating it could be when he was labeled as that source. "Fine, I'll go track him down. Don't worry, I'll—"
His watch beeped.
"Shit!" Hajime yelped, and took off running at top speed.
"I'll get the boat!" Kazuichi yelled behind him.
"No time!" Hajime yelled back, and ran for a particular outcropping of rocks along the island's interior shore. That outcropping offered the shortest distance between this island and the central one, and he made his way at inhuman speeds, dodging trees, leaping boulders, and startling feral chickens along the way. Once there, his feet hit every uneven stone with the combined confidence of Akane's gymnastics and a tightrope walker from Class 54. At the end of the long outcropping, Hajime dove fearlessly into the churning water. (Lifeguard, Special Operative, Triathlete, Diver.)
He crossed the channel between islands faster than Kazuichi's repaired boat ever could, and began running again the moment his feet touched sand. Hajime pushed his way into the central administration building, feeling as if the screeching alarm on the wall was sending electrical jolts straight to his heart. His pulse thudded irregularly as he pushed open a door hard enough to embed its knob in the wall.
There were no obvious signs of distress in the pod chamber with their sleeping friends. The power supply was sufficiently strong. There were no sparks, nor water leaks, nor any other visible structural issue. Still frantic to stop any problem before they lost someone for good, Hajime brought up everyone's neurological readings and looked for anyone falling off the edge into permanent oblivion.
He still couldn't see an immediate crisis, but that alarm had started for a reason. For the sake of everyone still asleep, he wouldn't leave until he knew what that reason was.
"Are they okay?" Kazuichi and Sonia demanded a good eighteen minutes later, when they'd managed to make their way to the dock, steer the boat to the central island, and run to the administration building to join Hajime.
Annoyed, Hajime stared at the readouts. His clothes were still uncomfortably sodden from saltwater. Now that he was no longer lost in panic, he was aware of how they clung to him with a clammy grip. "It's fine."
"Really?" Sonia nervously asked, and ran over to look at the nearest pod. (Mikan.) She then hurried to the next pod (Gundham) for an inspection that took significantly longer.
Hajime glowered at the controls. "Yep. The program designers put together something that treats violence as a massive warning signal. Which made total sense, with their original settings."
Kazuichi hesitantly prompted, "And?"
"In what is actually great news, my tweak to the system allowed for dreaming activity to begin in some of the more stable subjects. Including Hiyoko."
After a moment to process that, Sonia and Kazuichi's expressions became nearly as flat as Hajime's. Adrenaline ebbed, leaving them all looking hollow. Yes, an alarm had sounded like their friends were about to all perish in their pods, but Hiyoko Saionji had simply been dreaming of squishing some vermin.
With another sigh, Hajime located a floor drain and began squeezing out seawater from his shirt into it. "Let me adjust the thresholds, so the alarm doesn't go off from dreams again," he eventually groaned, and sank down into the console's chair. "And we really need to get a bridge in place, at least between these two islands. If that alarm sounds again, I want to be able to run all the way here."
Well. He probably wasn't tracking down Fuyuhiko for a good while, now.
By the time he finished making adjustments, it did feel too late to find Fuyuhiko's chosen work spot and confront him about what had gone wrong on the beach. Hajime let himself be dragged along to Sonia's chosen goal of the third island, which had once held the majority of the archipelago's permanent population. For the rest of the afternoon, they assessed any ability to receive signals from the outside world, while Kazuichi cheerfully ransacked electronics left inside the houses of hotel workers, entertainment staffers, and island handymen.
Sun touched the horizon, and they realized that it was well past time to return to their chosen home on the first island. But when Hajime walked into the hotel's restaurant, he only saw Akane munching her way through some reheated leftovers. "Hey," Hajime said uncertainly. "Is Fuyuhiko around?"
"Not any more," Akane said with a shrug, and swallowed. "He grabbed some food about an hour ago and headed off. He's not in his room. What'd you do to piss him off, anyway?"
Hajime felt suddenly and deeply tired again. "I don't know." It came out as a bone-deep groan, not in small part because it was time to go for another run.
At least he didn't need to go at a full-tilt sprint, nor take another dive into the ocean. Kazuichi's boat had been out with him all day, meaning that Fuyuhiko had no way to get off this island. At least, no way short of tackling a marathon swim to equal Hajime's, and that did seem pretty damn unlikely. Even so, Hajime was still left criss-crossing their entire island in the rapidly darkening night, hoping that any talent he had at tracking people would get the job done.
Okay, this wasn't working, Hajime concluded as the Milky Way again stretched above him, speckled by the dark silhouettes of palm fronds. The island was too large, and so the odds of running across a single person's trail were vanishingly small. Hajime needed to be more logical about this. If Fuyuhiko were avoiding their hotel (for whatever reason), then he'd still need somewhere else to go for the night. The hotels on the first island were all along its beaches, and that was a pattern whose scope could actually be checked.
Going clockwise, the first hotel was unsurprisingly a bust. It had looked more like a cheap theme park set than a real dwelling. No killer storms had moved through the area since its abandonment, but even unremarkably strong winds had left the place ripped and ruined, its rattan furniture and straw thatch strewn across the landscape. Hajime moved on.
The second hotel looked tidy enough, but only if one kept their eyes several feet above the ground. The feral animals who'd escaped their cages had turned the place into their new home territory. Goats and chickens had torn up shrubs and shredded the flowers in the landscape beds, leaving filth all over the walkways between them. There was no way, Hajime decided, and moved on.
At the third hotel, Hajime stopped and studied it for a good while. The place was silent around him, and although they'd gotten the island's power supply functioning, every building in view was dark. Still, he found himself walking forward. In this hotel, long, arcing walkways extended over an ocean cove's gentle water. From them, individual cottages sprang like leaves on a fern's curving stem. It felt like the closest thing to Hotel Mirai that could be found here on the real island.
His instincts cautioned Hajime that he shouldn't call out. He walked slowly, letting the gentle thrum of the waves mask what little sound he made. Between one moment and the next, the moon moved out from behind clouds, and he peered thoughtfully at a spot on the wooden walkway. An oddly angular line of sand was there. The walkway had been stepped on by the edge of a damp shoe sole, which had crossed the beach before walking out here.
All right. Fuyuhiko was here. Now that he knew that, Hajime decided that tracking down his specific cottage would result only in the equivalent of a furious, cornered cat. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry," he loudly said. "But could you please come back? We passed up this hotel for a reason, remember?"
Fine. He could be stubborn too. "I'm not going to walk away with you angry at me," Hajime announced, and stretched out on the wooden walkway. Waves hummed two feet below his back, splashing softly against the walkway's pillars. Above him, light years away, the orange giant Alpha Hydrae burned as the most visible star in the expansive Hydra constellation. Hajime idly studied Hydra's long, curving form, wishing that Draco was visible at this latitude. Given who he was trying to wait out into a conversation, the dragon would be more thematically appropriate.
Oh, look. He'd just been able to catch sight of a comet. That one wouldn't be due to return for another seventeen years. Should he make a wish? No, folklore tied wish-making to meteor showers, rather than comets. Comets had originally been seen as harbingers of doom, but once regular record-keeping began and scientists were able to better understand them—
A face intruded into Hajime's field of vision. "What the fuck are you doing?" Fuyuhiko sighed down at him. "Water splashes up through the boards, sometimes."
Hajime smiled up in reply, glad that his now-instinctive mental wanderings had been interrupted. "Getting you to talk to me, obviously."
"Congrats." Fuyuhiko folded his arms across his chest. He didn't move away, but the gesture was defensive, off-putting. "Seriously, why did you come out here? I obviously wanted to be alone."
Hajime pushed himself to a sitting position and looked imploringly at his friend. "But we don't do that, right? We don't do 'alone.' I obviously screwed up, somehow, but I don't want you to be out here in the dark because of it."
"If you're feeling guilty, don't. You didn't do anything."
That just felt like a ploy to get him to leave. Hajime pushed himself to his feet and considered the situation before bluntly saying, "I thought everyone in the pods was dying, earlier."
Fuyuhiko's eye widened and he took a step forward, his defensive stance forgotten. "What?!"
"It turned out to just be some crossed wires. Something harmless was giving off an alarm signal, but it had me running scared until I figured out what had actually happened." A hopeful smile appeared on Hajime's face. "Do I need to explain the comparison any more, or…?"
Fuyuhiko looked at the water on one side of the pathway and muttered something.
It took a while longer to get a real reply. "Whatever we talk about, it stays here. Permanently. Yeah?"
"Yeah, absolutely. What is it?"
"Come on," Fuyuhiko muttered, and gestured down the walkway. "I don't want to be out in the dark, again."
"All right," Hajime said uncertainly, and followed him to nearly the end of the wooden path. They were well out over the cove, by now, and the waxing moon looked enormous where it reflected off mostly-still waters. The cottages were compact but luxurious, and did actually share many similarities with the ones from Hotel Mirai. If not for worn-out roofing potentially turning every rainstorm into a surprise, they surely would have chosen this hotel rather than their more generic current home. Perhaps they'd migrate over here, someday, after they'd worked through the rest of their long lists.
Fuyuhiko flicked on a light as they entered, and Hajime was pleased to see the electricity come right on. "You didn't do anything wrong," Fuyuhiko insisted now that they were inside, and folded his arms across his chest again. "All right?"
"I poked fun at you," Hajime countered. "Then I did it again, and then I pinned you down."
"Seriously? How much of a pussy do you think I am?" Under bright lighting, Fuyuhiko's annoyance was clear. His pupil was a mere pinprick, and it looked at anywhere but Hajime. "You think I give a shit about something like that?"
"I was surprised," Hajime admitted. "I wouldn't have done it if I'd known that you'd react like that. Maybe there are some buried memories that you're not consciously aware of? If so, I'm sorry, but we can work those out. If you want to, of course."
"Fucking hell, cut the therapist act. I ran because…" Fuyuhiko trailed off, grimacing, and tried again with no more success than the first attempt. "Shit."
"Because?" Hajime gently prompted, and stepped forward to cross the space between them. His hand rested on the juncture of Fuyuhiko's shoulder and throat, and he could feel the faint flutter of the other man's pulse under his thumb.
Fuyuhiko stared mutely back at him, swallowing. The pulse under Hajime's hand sped, and the eye staring back at him dilated. Out under the stars, the eye's pupil would have already been huge and dark. As they struggled, Fuyuhiko's pulse would have naturally raced. It was no wonder that Hajime had missed the signs last night, but in this well-lit and calm room, the signs were unmistakable. Fuyuhiko was turned on. By him.
Hajime had access to countless world-class talents, but to put them to any use, he actually had to draw upon them. And when he was this surprised, a rather less polished reaction automatically filled the driver's seat. "Seriously?"
Fuyuhiko instantly took a step backward, his face blazing red. "Now, will you finally fuck off?"
"No, wait, that came out wrong. I didn't mean—"
"Please, just leave," Fuyuhiko muttered.
Nothing's going to come from pushing this right now, a trained instinct lectured Hajime. He relented in reluctant agreement, and took a step back of his own. "I'll go. But can we talk tomorrow?"
Fuyuhiko did not appear to want to talk tomorrow, no.
This time, Hajime did listen to his more sensible instincts, along with everything he knew about the person in front of him. "Remember what we said last night? We're here forever. That means that we're going to talk about it at some point. I'll leave it up to you as to whether we get it out of the way soon, or not."
Hajime, tell everyone I'll be back tonight. Hajime, tell everyone to fuck off until I head back over on my own. Hajime, kill some more of those fucking chickens. None of the likely potential responses he imagined arrived, nor did anything but resigned silence.
In reluctant silence of his own, Hajime pushed open the door and walked back into the still, quiet night.
"Wow," Hajime whispered when he was sure that he was too far away to be heard. Well, this was a shock.
A few slow steps later, he drew to a stop, then shook his head. No. No, now that he thought about it, it wasn't a shock. He was surprised, and dismayed with himself for missing the signs yesterday. His head was still swimming, and he knew he'd made an ass of himself back in that cottage. But it still wasn't a shock.
A shock, after all, implied that this was a bad thing.
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tsukasa-writes · 6 months
was at archery club with my good friend snow yoisaki she was a definition of a perfect student straight A's best at poems, art,math, history everyone loved her she was amazing of course and I'm so lucky she's my friend! She even helps me study for our test and stuff but I'm glad I'm not the type to take advantage of her kindness hehehe during the end archery class me and snow were talking "great job yume! You improved!" She said happily "the others even improved and today was solid evidence!" I love doing archery I was very good at it and I kept improving and this month I finally did every score perfect! However when I was talking to snow right before going home she told me that during her 3rd year she'll become a archery teacher soon enough snow was an year older then me and I can't wait to see her become a teacher "alright then see you tomorrow yume-chan'" her voice was pretty different for what I could tell she went away something about that smile was different for what I usually see on a daily basis...
Knock knock knock
Huh? "Hey yume!" I heard my name it was my older brother Yuki and his lady friend sanka togami "hey oni-chan ddo you need something?" He nod
"Yep sanka and me are taking fashion design over our school and we're not sure what designs we're going to create" my big brother was apart of the senior course meaning I could barely see him only on his break "so do you think you should help us? The one we made was...errr low quality and I'm not wearing those" I suggested them a knight theme since their old customers resembles one when I told them about one that should resembles a knight and their king looking a bit snowy like it reminded me of snow something about that smile she had was off and I didn't felt uneasy when I said that "hm? What's wrong lil sis?" "Oh! I well...my friend she felt a bit off today" my brother stayed quiet but he spoke "don't worry maybe she's just tired from the clubbing" maybe he was right maybe I'm jumping conclusion..."well thanks for helping us make these outfits yume-san" sanka said as she went outside yume's bedroom yuki hesitated but patted yume head "I'll be back after class okay?" He dashed out
2 years ago yume is starting 8th grade she was excited she was apart of the main course with her big bro but he's more older her old childhood friend(and rival) aimee shirogane "aimee! I didn't expect for you to be here!" She laughed at her "of course my mom was a ultimate so it's clear I'll get in" "alrighty let's do our best shall we aimee-chan!"
After class there was a clubbing program for them to choose a club aimme took the writing club and then there was yume who decided to look at the archery club on her way she saw her brother who was at the foreign language club with 3 friends "hey lil sis where you heading off to?" He asked yume "oh I'm going to the Archery club" she replied "well it's over at the courtyard over there" when yume walked passed the sports club running there she was introduced to the captain of the club and she introduced herself some people there called her 'pretty' her brunette and blonde mixed hair was the most prettiest features about her according to teachers,her family,friends and others "hehe well thank you" the captain asked why she visited "my brother recommend it to me he said I should learn how to aim stuff properly he said I'm terrible at darts and also need to work on my postures As well" the Captain raiseed her eye but nod "okay good" that's not until a girl taller and looking a bit older then yume approach her "you're yume kuzuryuu right? The daughter of fuyuhiko and hajime Hinata kuzuryuu?" She said some of the students muttered a bit "oh yes how did you know?" "You look exactly like the two" she said
"Alright what about you miss.."
"It's snow yoisaki my mom used to be an archery club member but then when I say you handing out flyers for the club I decided to join"
"Eh?! You really did that?!" Snow simply nod "well this is quite embarrassing" snow laughed and just told her it's okay snow and yume become training partners courtesy of the captain it's been 3 weeks since yume joined "you're improving yume" snow said right after yume shoot on the target "thanks but I can't focus properly with the hot air" snow got a tie "maybe this can help?" Snow tied yume's hair into a bun hm maybe" yume aimmed the target and it was better then last time "it was better then the last one! Thanks snow!"
Yume was conflicted for the past few weeks with Aimee who changed agencies for some reason she didn't wanted to talk about it she just left without explaining anything at all and her brother was no help like at all with these type of stuff at archery she sat down her palms were sweaty "hey yume you need to stop worrying just hit-" yume just sighed the retired captain of the club was visiting to make sure the present one was good enough and yume was absolutely anxious with so many things on her mind she couldn't properly think "hey yume?" Snow appeared "you don't look okay" yume sighed "I can't focus properly how do you focus on archery while your mind has more things to focus on?" Snow got her bow and arrow and stretch it "when you do Archery or any thing at all you need to focus the target you should think about those stuff later your target is there your other target is wayyy over there" she said while targeting the bullseye she gave the arrow and gave it to yume,yume got up and stretch the arrow "alright" when she did the arrow reached the bullseye yume eyes widen and hugged snow "thanks snow!" After
When the old captain came along he looked at snow "hey aren't you kanade yoisaki's daughter?" Snow nod "I still remember your mom she still writes song yes?"
"Yes sir she is a good composer" the captain turned to yume "and you're yume kuzuryuu?* Same as snow she nod "your dad hajime always watched your other dad whenever he was at his club at the end you're father kissed him on the cheek after he was done with clubbing y'know?"
"Damn that's kinda homosexual"
"Because that is"
"Oh yea"
Bonus: after clubbing yume was planning to leave early but it was cut short due to the heavy rain, instead she went inside the dojo but she saw snow still doing archery muttering something "I must.." yume couldn't make out on what she was saying but she realized snow was aiming 5 times without missing which surprises her "what is she saying...?"
....(Yume pov)(Present)
I'm still wondering if I'm jumping into conclusion whether or not I'm still wondering what's going on about snow
Bonus 2 (aimee meet) Back when I was ababy my parents and my brother used to play together in the park or even get to play with my old childhood friends I'm pretty mischievous as a kid my father's clan members always hated how mischievous I was my dad needed to take me outside the manor and I ran.one day my dad's let me run a bit I tried pranking people on the streets until....OW! What was that?! I looked seeing a girl my age she was the one I hit "hey!" She saw me and tossed a branch at me, I ran but she was faster and tackle me we both started laughing"I'm Aimee by the way* she put her hand towards me "yume kuzuryuu" I replied
#yuki kuzuryuu Hinata. #kuzuhina parent au #
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catboyebooks · 1 year
so we pause for scoring (i fucked up on a couple sections, but my worst score on a section was 69 points... Nice) and then it's time for everyone to press the buttons on their podiums to start the shutdown. the group talks about how this isn't the end, just the beginning, and this is definitely funnier in japanese because we have people here named owari (ending) and hajime (beginning). hinata also says something about how "we are the ones who are going to create" which i wanna highlight because the kanji he writes his first name with (創) is in the verb "to create" (創る/tsukuru).
and then usami shows back up, her moderator powers restored. she pins AI!junko's hands down using her "magic," slams junko's head into the ground to stun her, fully immobilizes her, and then she just shatters into pieces. all that's left is her phone, which is still displaying junko's image, allowing her to deliver a little dying speech. i don't think she has an audience for it, though, the shutdown is already starting and the sdr2 survivors and the dr1 trio are now in the process of getting booted out of VR. sounding very bored, junko is like wow this is soooo much despair, how fun. she says once you've experienced the kind of despair she has, there's no turning back, implying she feels she sort of already peaked and doesn't have anywhere to go from here. unlike the last game, where she went to her death eagerly, this time she knows she's beat. she gets in one last "this is soooo despair-inducing" and then the phone goes dead.
we cut to the dr1 trio (this is a CG, the background is abstract, but i take it from general context that they can't see the trial room or the sdr2 group anymore) talking about what just happened. they didn't count on usami showing back up, they didn't think that was possible. none of them seem quite sure to make of what's just happened, but naegi says at least they avoided the outcome junko wanted and fought for their own. togami brings up how uncertain their future is, but kirigiri says all they can do is leave it to the group. the simulation is shutting down, there's nothing more they can do to help. naegi says they don't need to anymore. the screen goes white as the future foundation members return to the real world.
we cut back to the group, standing inside the ring of debate podiums. the game world is glitching and rapidly falling apart around them, like they're on a little island in a sea of computer code. sonia says, hey, sorry to bother everybody, but even if we wake up not remembering all of this... it'll still have meaning, right? souda says he doesn't know how to explain it, but he agrees with her, he thinks it will. kuzuryuu gently ribs him for being bad at explaining things and they banter a little bit. it's sweet. hinata interrupts to say time is almost up, and souda admits that he's pretty scared. sonia says she is too. owari says it's fine to be scared, it makes sense, right? the little nidai bot agrees with her and yells "that's the future!"
as the screen begins to turn white and the glitching gets heavier, the group all vows that they aren't going to forget each other.
we get a bit of internal narration from hinata — it's been a while since there was any. he thinks again that this isn't the end, just the beginning. yes, he's scared, he can't help feeling scared, but... and then he finally says "thank you, nanami" aloud.
the camera pulls back, away from hinata, and the screen fades to white. while we can't see her and the dialogue box doesn't attribute this dialogue to her, it's nanami's voice that responds. she thanks hinata in return and says she'll never ever forget about them. she'll be cheering them on from now on, from somewhere. they'll always be friends.
we get the end chapter screen at this point, which helpfully tells us "this is the end." i don't remember, but surely there's some manner of epilogue? there's always some manner of epilogue
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spiralhigh · 2 years
HOPE IS A LIE: an analysis of danganronpa 2.5
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alternate title: what most fans get wrong about komaeda nagito
if you're not familiar with danganronpa 2.5, you should be! it's a 25-minute ova and the whole thing is free + subtitled in both english and spanish on youtube. go watch it!
have you watched it? okay, cool. for those of you who haven't seen it in a hot minute, i'll give a brief summary.
analysis under the cut!
(if you like my analysis, please consider reblogging it!)
part one: the summary
danganronpa 2.5 follows komaeda living in an alternate world where hope's peak is a normal high school and komaeda is an ordinary student living an uneventful life. the only thing exceptional about him is that he has a streak of bad luck (more on this later).
we follow komaeda through an average day at school. after some wacky luck hijinks, he goes to class and hangs out with kuzuryuu and souda. slice of life moments interspersed with komaeda monologuing about his outlook on the world ensue.
then, we see a shot of world destroyer (an alter-ego program of hinata/kamukura) standing on a building overlooking the city. he confirms that this world is the "lowest stratum," and then vows to destroy it. we'll explore what this means later!
we cut back to following komaeda, who is now suddenly at souda's funeral. kuzuryuu gets news that souda was murdered. kuzuryuu, pekoyama, and sonia all leave to find the killer and avenge souda. komaeda protests, saying it's too dangerous. the trio doesn't listen to him.
kuzuryuu, pekoyama, and sonia all find world destroyer and attempt to kill him. world destroyer tells them about his mission and then kills kuzuryuu and sonia. pekoyama calls komaeda to tell him that world destroyer is after him before being killed as well.
world destroyer takes the phone. the sound of hinata's voice causes images of the events of sdr2 to flash in komaeda's mind-- specifically images of jabberwock island, meeting hinata for the first time, and his own death in chapter 5. world destroyer then promises to continue until komaeda's whole world has crumbled.
komaeda immediately leaves to go find world destroyer himself. he finds him in an abandoned building where they talk about komaeda's worldview, where he expresses disdain for the concept of talent (and by extension, world destroyer).
komaeda knows he can't kill world destroyer, so he vows to take him down with him instead. komaeda throws a ball at the wall. his luck causes the ball to ricochet and knock all the screws in the building loose. komaeda then pulls out a gun and fires it at the wall, trusting that the bullet will ricochet both to kill himself and cause the building to collapse. it does.
world destroyer comes out unscathed. komaeda stands back up from the rubble, now wearing his outfit from sdr2 instead of his hope's peak uniform. world destroyer confirms that this had all been taking place in the neo world program. he also confirms that this reality was the lowest stratum of komaeda's subconscious, created as a defense mechanism against the traumatic circumstances of his death. komaeda rebukes the worldview he'd expressed in the program and says it was a world worth destroying.
outside the simulation, hinata is waiting for komaeda as he wakes up. komaeda takes his hand and greets the rest of his class. he proclaims that he'll work toward the future in the name of hope... but not before admitting that the dream he woke up from wasn't a bad one.
wow! what a doozy, right? there's a lot to dig into here, so let's get started!
part two: the lowest stratum
it'll be important going forward to keep in mind that this world represents the deepest part of komaeda's mind, unburdened by hope, tragedy, and denial.
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this world is created by komaeda alone. it is a reflection of his most deeply held beliefs and desires. this is stated outright by world destroyer. given the fact that he's an ai built solely for psychodives with no motivation to lie, it's safe to take this as truth.
got it? cool! then let's move on to...
part three: luck
in this world, komaeda's luck works differently. instead of having extreme good + bad luck which hurts those around him, komaeda has only bad luck. this results in the people around him reaping the benefits of the good luck.
this goes to show that komaeda's desire to help other people is a genuine one. he doesn't mind how much misfortune he faces so long as it means the people around him are happier.
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in the real world, komaeda isolates himself to protect others from his luck-- his bad luck targets others before it targets him. this paired with his obsessive demeanor means that he's spent his life in the real world unbearably lonely... so it makes sense that his ideal world would be one where he doesn't have to worry about causing the deaths of others.
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here, he has friends who he feels secure spending time with-- and they care about him even with his eccentricities. komaeda was honest when he said his deepest desire was companionship and love.
part four: happiness
a major theme in dr2.5 is komaeda's view of happiness. rather than chasing an ideal of hope, komaeda's ideal world is one where people are just leading happy, fulfilling lives. however, he's more focused on the happiness of others.
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here we see komaeda's unique outlook-- being the narrative foil of hinata, who sees significance as the key to happiness, komaeda is the exact opposite. komaeda frequently refers to himself as a "nobody" in this ova. of course this is due in no small part to his low self-esteem, but it actually points to a more important piece of komaeda's character: he finds security in remaining unimportant.
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remember that this is the deepest stratum-- this isn't denial or self-deprecation. komaeda's luck in the real world has taught him that it's dangerous to get involved. it's easier to find happiness as a "nobody."
what komaeda says next leads nicely into the part of the analysis we've all been waiting for. let's talk about...
part five: talent
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danganronpa 2.5 tackles komaeda's true feelings on talent more explicitly than any other piece of danganronpa media. if you take komaeda's words in sdr2 at face value, it's easy to assume that he values talent over almost everything else.
that assumption is wrong.
in the real world, komaeda has tricked himself into devotion to talent because he needs something to believe in. it helps him justify his misery ("someone as worthless as me must deserve it!") and gives him something to cling to that he believes his luck can't ruin.
but in truth, komaeda resents talent. he hates it. in this ova, komaeda sums his own feelings up perfectly:
"if only the world were free of talent. i despise talent. were i able, i would erase all talent from the world entirely... without talent, everyone would be able to lead modest lives, find a modest amount of happiness. don't you think that would be wonderful?"
he repeats this monologue, almost verbatim, three times.
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they're REALLY beating you over the head with this one so you won't miss it. in the deepest stratum of his mind, komaeda hates talent. he wishes it didn't exist at all.
and it makes sense, doesn't it? not only has the tragedy proven to him that talent isn't infallible, but it's also a symbol of his pain. he never really admired talent. he admired the image of something that could never waver. after a life full of tumult where happiness was out of reach, he craved the stability that such a black and white worldview could provide him. he needed some reason, any reason, to give his life purpose. he couldn't accept that all of his suffering was meaningless.
the world, the same world that pushed another teenage boy to see himself as so worthless without talent that he would sign his body away to get it, gave komaeda an easy answer. talent is hope. komaeda latched onto it, and he latched on hard...
but komaeda is smart and rational to a fault. deep down, he always knew that talent wasn't synonymous with happiness. he just lied to himself because it was the only reason he could find to keep himself alive. in the lowest stratum, the world he created for himself, he was safe. he didn't have to lie to himself anymore. that's why he was finally able to express his true feelings of disdain for talent.
but of course, in the world of danganronpa, hope and talent are synonymous. so what about..?
part six: hope
all of komaeda's resentment toward talent holds true for the concept of hope, but with a slight caveat: hope is far stronger a force than talent.
in komaeda's lowest stratum, the concept of hope is one that he's barely even familiar with. hope is something that's too muddled for komaeda's subconscious to fully accept.
on the one hand, it's just another aspect of the obsession he used to keep himself afloat through all his pain. another symbol of heartbreak. another lie he tells himself.
on the other hand, the concept of hope itself isn't a bad one. in the world of danganronpa, true hope divorced from talent IS a force for good. it CAN meaningfully combat despair. it DOES lead to happiness and stability-- the things we know komaeda truly values.
this is why we see komaeda willing to give hope a chance inside the lowest stratum. while he doesn't believe in the false hope he had been feeding himself his whole life, he knows that true hope is still worth believing in.
this also serves as a resolution to komaeda's role as a dark mirror of naegi. where naegi represents the good that comes from an unwavering belief in hope, komaeda represents how it can go wrong when pushed to its limit. acceptance of true hope for its own sake, divorced from the twisted meaning given to it by society, is the natural conclusion of this.
part seven: the end
but if all i've said about komaeda hating talent and needing to separate it from the concept of hope is true...then what about the ending?
if komaeda truly resents talent and values happiness and stability above all else, why does he deny this when he escapes the simulation? why does he insist that those ideas were worth destroying? why does he revert right back to his old point of view, where hope and talent are synonymous and valued above all else?
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the answer is simple: this is no longer the uninhibited komaeda of the lower stratum. the change in outfit is significant-- we're no longer seeing a representation of komaeda's deepest beliefs and desires. now, we're seeing all of him as he exists with the burdens of his trauma.
he's leaving the security of the world where he and the people he loves are safe, and returning to the world that forced him to warp his own beliefs in the first place. of course he's not ready to let his old view go. how can he guarantee that he'll survive out there without it?
he can't. he may never be able to fully distance himself from it.
but now he knows that other possibilities exist. there are other things which can give his life meaning. happiness is not impossible for him to achieve.
komaeda's lowest stratum forced him to face the reality of his feelings.
he tried to deny it.
but in the end, komaeda allows himself to acknowledge that...
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
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5 Stages of Grief
inspired by: @/coffeeebeeans
note; kinda short since im still getting into the writing groove yknow. sry if this sucks 😛😛 might write one for the girls because i have a whole other set of this for the girls like maybe maki heheheeh. might edit too tmrw lol
summary; another day, another death. life goes on and on but how do danganronpa characters handle *your* demise?
characters; rantaro amami, fuyuhiko kuzuryuu, hajime hinata, shuichi saihara, makoto naegi
tw: suicide (shuichi)
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Rantaro Amami
rantaro has only had two things that he kept precious; his sisters and his s/o. and now, here he sees, the love of his life with a bloody bruise on their head. he refused to believe it. you were always a prankster, so perhaps this is some elaborate plan by you and kokichi? yes, it has to be, he won’t accept any other answer. there’s no way you’re dead.
even until the elevator ride to the class trial, he won’t believe it. you must’ve gotten monokuma to play along with this gag. and when shuichi finally explains that it was the secret door that lured you? the door he trusted you oh, so much to tell you about? he caused your death? no, absolutely not. the survivor perk is supposed to be something that would help him win this game, not cause him even more grief. he promised you that he’d find the mastermind before anyone dies, there’s no way he caused it, it’s completely unthinkable.
he refused to even watch the execution, it was just another painful reminder of how he had failed you. he finally succumbs to despair. his guilt manifests into hallucinations of you. and all he could do was listen to all the threats, guilt trips and whines that ‘you’ kept saying, he knew it wasn’t you. you were never this cruel.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
he’s angry. not that you killed someone but for the fact that you felt the urge to kill someone. fuck the rules, fuck this killing game. this game already took peko away from him, he’ll be damned if it takes you too.
“ah, you all found out, huh? well, i guess it was going to happen sooner..” you smile, despite knowing the fate that awaits you. “what the hell..? why are you smiling, s/o?!? why did you kill nekomaru, answer me!” he angrily demands. “well, i couldn’t let you all just starve, now could i?” you genuinely smile. you really risked your own life to make sure your friends wouldn’t die? fuyuhiko.. isn’t used to that. you’re too kind for your own good. he understands your motive now but now he’s in a pure fit of rage, the rest of the trial was screaming on fuyuhiko’s part and akane holding him back from attacking monokuma.
“you don’t need to do that, fuyuhiko. it’s alright. i killed nekomaru knowing the consequences. go ahead and vote for me” you softly say, reassuring fuyuhiko. he doesn’t like it though. he refuses to let someone else slip by him.“it’s okay, fuyuhiko, let me go and i promise it’ll be alright.” you walked off to have your punishment and by then the only sound in the trial room was fuyuhiko’s screams of both sorrow and despair. he saw red fury as he lunged himself onto monokuma in a fit of anger. and what happened next.. is something he can’t quite remember.
Hajime Hinata
he tried, he really did. he knew what you did but he couldn’t accept it. he was going to make sure you lived, even if it cost him his own life. “hajime, pardon me but your logic doesn’t make any sense. s/o was taking care of ibuki at the time of her murder, we should be including them as a suspect as well.” “i agree with miss sonia, don’t go around playing favorites, our lives are on the line too!”
“no, it’s impossible because.. i was with them. mikan asked to talk to see ibuki in the reception to check her temperature.” “w-what?! i-i never said anything like that, i promiseee!” “hey, hajime, tell the truth before i slap your front tail!” well, this was stressful. he felt like an outsider again. he wants to believe that you’re innocent but the evidence is in front of him, you killed ibuki and hiyoko. “cmon hajime, just tell the truth, we both know it.” your eyes softened towards him. why? why did you want him to condemn you to your death? he didn’t want to, he couldn’t, he’d rather die himself then watch the love of his life executed. he just wanted to cry, to cry into your loving arms.
his childhood friend and lover, the person who despite not having an ultimate talent, never thought of him any less. he couldn’t bear to see it so please consider this his repayment.
“…i’m the culprit.”
Shuichi Saihara
he couldn’t take it. he was finally at his breaking point. at the sight of your corpse, he knelt to the floor and started wailing. not only had he failed his companions once, but twice. and now you’re gone as well? you were the person who checked in on him in his dorm after kaede’s execution, you were the shoulder he cried on after the 5th trial, you were the only thing keeping him from snapping and now, you’re gone too.
he couldn’t investigate your body, he couldn’t. he was facing the corner of the cafeteria, attempting to regain his breath but the tears kept coming. all he could think is what did he do to deserve this? during the trial, he relied on maki to relay all the clues she found and that’s when it finally clicked. you killed yourself. you ended your existence purely from the guilt. he was shocked to say the least. you knew he loved you so why didn’t you tell him? he promised to be there for you like you are for him so why couldn’t you tell him?
even after the trials end, voting you as the culprit. shuichi was almost zombie-like, this question eating up at his mind. it almost drives him so mad that he hears a small sigh of relief by tsumugi.
Makoto Naegi
he heard your scream. although through his mind runs every what if; “what if i checked on them? what if i walked them to their dorm?” the only thing from completely spiraling into despair was your cold, bloody hand on his cheek. your hand was shaky and the half-dead corpse in his hands was getting colder by the second.
“don’t be sad makoto.. smile instead. smile in the name of despair. i know you can do this because y..you’re…” your hand fell from his cheek and went limp on the cold tiled floors as your eyes closed and your body went cold.
smile in the name of despair? it doesn’t quite make sense now but, it’s your death wish and it’s the least that he could do. he gently put your corpse onto the floor and immediately started his investigation with some new found determination. he made a silent promise to you to stop another killing from happening in this academy again.
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thewildwilds · 3 years
I've been thinking a lot about the CG image of Fuyuhiko and Peko when they were babies, and how Peko is shown holding onto a sword.
I think a lot of people would look at it and automatically say "haha why would they give a baby a sword" but it made me think about the first birthday tradition practiced in a lot of Asian cultures.
It originates from China and is called zhuazhao. In Vietnamese, we call it thôi nôi. In Japanese, it's called erabitori.
From the wikipedia, on a child's first birthday, "they put various objects before the child. They will often put objects that symbolize career choices or personality traits. The child's choice is used to forecast its future." So for example, on my first birthday, I had a selection of money, food, a lipstick, among other objects I don't remember. I ended up choosing the food, which symbolized that I would never go hungry in the future.
Looking back on it now, I find this reading especially meaningful, because it clearly shows what the Kuzuryuus expected from Peko's future, but it also shows that, from the lack of other objects, she was not given a choice, as is traditionally done.
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