#b: n anon
hinamie · 2 days
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someone asked if i had ever drawn gojo with his scars, now i have :>
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princessbrunette · 4 months
omg what if during a little mission, john b and jj can’t find puppy and bunny until they get back to the van and hear the girls making out but whining about sitting on the other girls lap just wanting to be babied and cared for! i love these two subby girls <3 it’s messy but the get through it together
this drabble is making me giggle cos are they all just really comfy with eachother? are they all one big polyamorous mess? idk
⊹ ₊ ˚ 🎀 𓂃 ⸝⸝ ♡
john b stopped in his tracks and stared for a second. he couldn’t help it, it was quite the sight.
“dude they pro’lly just headed back to the chateau okay— they said they didn’t wanna be a part of all this so—oh.” jj isn’t long behind him, walking into the back of john b stood before the twinkie. inside on the floor, the two girls roll about together — puppy winding up on top of bunny, wriggling in her denim shorts as bunny’s skirt gathered around her waist. there’s a smacking sound as they pull off eachothers mouth.
“y’got to be on top last time!” bunny complains in a mewl and puppy groans, devastated.
“but i need it—”
the conversation becomes a mess of irritated whines through kisses before jj clears his throat.
“hey, uh — girlies? hate to interrupt.” the blonde leans against the door as the two girls carelessly turn around. pup shuffles over to the door, looking up happily at john b. she always favoured him, following him around like a — well, lost puppy. he smiles in greeting, scratching behind her ear.
bunny sits up on her elbows, not even bothering to pull her skirt down which was gathered around her belly, white panties with the pink bow on full display.
“wha’ssup?” she pouts, remnants of glittery gloss that wasn’t smeared on puppy’s face still catching the light.
“nothin’. we’re headed back. was lookin’ for you everywhere, dudettes.” jj shakes his head, climbing into the van and john b walks around the vehicle, swinging his keys around his finger and opens the driver seat door.
“yeah, about that — you guys can’t just run off without saying anything okay? preeetty sure it’s my head in your parents guillotines if either of you get hurt. okay?”
⊹ ₊ ˚ 🎀 𓂃 ⸝⸝ ♡
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calmparticles · 9 months
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An a/b/o fic with maybe Bruce Wayne or Arthur curry, where they have been searching for their omega for most of their life, and when they are fighting a villain fem reader comes in and helps them, I was thinking that reader she has telekinesis or something and, she helps them and they are blown away by her, never thinking that their omega could be a hero as well
.⋆。Crashing Waves。⋆.
alpha!Arthur Curry x plus size reader
He has been looking for her for his whole life and she arrived just in time
Warnings: a/b/o, true mates, hero!reader, omega!reader, violence against robots, reader is shorter than Bruce and Arthur (but who isn’t), implied smut WC: 1.4k
6k Follower Celebration Bingo
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Even after serving as Atlantis’s king for five years now, Arthur doubted he would get used to the searing smell of salt that constantly clung to everything around him. It burned his nostrils even when he was lounging around the JL tower and part of him wondered if he would ever be able to properly scent out his mate while the sea constantly invaded his senses. Though even before he claimed the throne, he wasn’t exactly successful on that front.
He felt like he had searched everywhere for his omega, the biological urge deep down in his chest driving him to scour every inch of the earth for them. But they had eluded him and even if his parents (themselves being true mates) assured him that the right omega would appear when the time was right, he remained alone with the smell of the sea. 
Arthur was almost glad, at times, for a good fight. Smoke, sparks from his trident, even blood gave him a break from the usual salt that surrounded him, temporarily cleansing his pallet so to speak. But maybe not today he thought with a wince.
Hundreds of broken robots surrounded him, the never-ending wave of enemies only getting thicker as his exhaustion began to mount. Batman was somewhere deep in the crowd, attempting to override their programming as Arthur tried to keep him safe enough. New enemies were always a pain in the ass but this one was definitely levels above the other newbies they fought. And Arthur was already fantasising about what he’d do to the skinny little white guy as soon as he got his hands on him, that is if Batman didn’t get to either of them first.
“Is there any way to hurry this up!” He shouted above the screaming of gears and failing electronics. 
“This would go faster if you stopped hitting them at me.” The Bat growled as he hit yet another firewall in their programming. Arthur took another swing of his trident, knocking away a flying robot that had gotten way too close to his partner’s head for comfort. It let out a high pitched whine as it was launched into the horizon.
“This would be faster if you didn’t type in the wrong code to begin with!” A batarang screamed past his ear, landing right in the huge glowing eye of the robot hovering just over Arthur’s right shoulder. Oil sprayed from its side, coating Arthur’s hair. 
A deafening roar sounded through the empty field as another shipping container rose from the ground, releasing even more robots. Batman turned back to the computer, his fingers flying over the keyboard all while the swarm closed in around them. “This is gonna hurt.” Arthur cocked back his shoulder and raised his trident, maybe he could knock out a few rows of them before they got too close and he’d have to switch to his fists. 
Just as he readjusted his grip to throw the trident into the thickest grouping of robots, everything went silent.
The now frozen robots hung in the air like someone had just paused time, though they still whirred and whined, their huge red eyes glowing even brighter. Then, with little more than a sharp click from somewhere to his right, they were pulled backwards, the mechanical bodies slamming into each other as they were forced together into one huge sphere hundreds of feet off the ground. 
“What the fuck?” Suddenly, the sphere crumpled like tin foil, the metal warping and collapsing until all that was left was a flat sheet of wires and dying LEDs. It slammed into the earth, disappearing behind the long grass as Batman’s screen turned green.
“Great timing there bats.” But Arthur’s tone held no bite, not when the salty smell of the ocean and ozone slammed into him. 
Immediately, every nerve in his body came to life, buzzing like he was drunk but his mind was clear, clearer than it ever had been before. A figure was walking through the grass, elegantly avoiding the mangled carcasses of their battle. As she approached, her scent became stronger and Arthur could now smell the subtle hint of something flowery like a warm spring breeze. 
The light of the sunset made her practically glow as she moved, her thick curves and perfect dips highlighted by a tight catsuit that looked like it was pulled straight from his teenage fantasies. 
“I hope I didn’t show up too late.” Her voice floated around him and Arthur’s knees buckled. 
“You’re right on time.” Her e/c eyes met his golden ones and he watched as her nose turned up and she took a deep breath of his scent. Her heavy chest hitched and her own scent turned sweeter. His stomach flipped as something deep inside him stretched awake for the first time in what seemed like years.
“Y/N. What took so long?” Batman crossed his arms as he looked down at her, his jaw ticking in anger. Yet her expression never faltered, in fact she glanced at Arthur with a raised eyebrow. Her smile was bright, shining with something ethereal. 
“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that you gave me a coded message with the coordinates instead of being a normal person and sharing your location with me? I may have psychic powers but I suck at math dude.” 
“That was you?” Arthur hadn’t noticed that his body was moving on its own until he finally spoke again and she had to crane her head almost all the way back to make eye contact with him. Warmth unlike anything he had experienced before bloomed through his chest as she leaned towards him, fluttering her lashes up at him.
“I have a lot of tricks better than that.” Her scent was almost overpowering now but all he wanted to do was drown in it. Y/N’s shoulder brushed against his pec and something snapped.
The world tilted on its axis and he suddenly knew what his parents were talking about when they said that the moment they met, nothing else mattered. “Omega.” 
Her body sagged into him as she breathed out an almost inaudible “alpha”. His trident dropped unnoticed to the ground. 
“I’ve finally found you.” She fell easily into his arms, like they had been made to hold her. She pressed her face as close as she could get, her words muffled against the thick armour but he could hear her clearly all the same. 
“You stole my line,” he whispered into her hair, breathing her scent as much as he could, “I’ve been waiting for you for so long. Who knew I’d find you after you saved my life?” Her giggle made his heart swell with affection and pride.
“You’ve obviously been looking in the wrong place.” Y/N looked up at him as he cupped her full cheek with a massive hand, guiding her face upwards. His eyes dropped to her lips.
“I could say the same about you.” He leaned down and just as his lips were about to touch hers-
“Alright that’s enough,” Bruce snarled, “need I remind you both that there’s still a villain we need to deal with.” 
Y/N never looked away from Arthur, in fact she wound an arm around his neck and tugged him even closer. His alpha roared to life, hyper-focusing on the softness of her curves beneath his hands. “You go ahead, I think my alpha and I have done more than enough heavy lifting for the day, we have better things to do.”
“I’m going to regret asking but what exactly is more important than dealing with a potentially global threat?” Arthur smirked, catching on to the game she was playing.
His right hand dropped from where it was resting on her wide hip down to the plump cheeks of her ass. “I’m going to rip her clothes off and fuck her brains out right in this field. So unless you’re into that stuff-“ she slapped his chest at that, “-then I suggest you move on, Bats, cause right now, nothing is going to stop me from claiming my omega.”
“You two are disgusting.” He grumbled and walked off, finally leaving the newly discovered mates alone.
“Now where were we?” Arthur purred before Y/N yanked him down and finally kissed him, making the smell of the ocean explode around them.
Her scent had been haunting him for years, etching itself into his mind and suddenly, Arthur loved the smell of salt again because it meant that he finally had his omega.
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chrliekclly · 3 months
I love your account so fucking much ohhhh my godddddd nobody gets iasip like you do. The charmac content scratches some itch in my brain that makes me go mad literally nobody else gets it like you.AND YOU MAKE DETRESS CONTENT TOO BLESS YOUR SOUL!!!!wishing the best to you
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i dont think n e thng on this earth makes me happier than ppl telling me they think i "get" the characters, im rly glad th way i xperience sunny vibes w so many ppl
tyvm for this v kind ask, makes my day, heres a silly lil charmac doodle as a treat
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puckgoss · 5 months
Okay great! Same anon from before. BTW, love your blog! The others seem to have a clear bias but I love how you keep it real over here. Super interesting as well! Now with the real deal...
Justin Bieber is super nice, he seemed genuinely honored and happy to be there. Him and Mitch Marner are sooo cute, Justin was so supportive of him all the time and cheered backstage so much. He's also cool with Crosby apparently, saw them talking a lot. Met Hailey briefly and not surprised, just classic model behavior, glasses on inside, didn't say hi to anybody just a slight smile. It's fine I guess but compared to Justin who was a ray of sunshine seemed kinda odd. Michael Bublé did not 'accidentally' take a huge dose of weed, he was joking about how high he was and laughing about smoking more afterwards. Will Arnett is like a drunk uncle but not drunk. Both nice. Tate McCrae is soo sweet! I felt her because we were only like 5/6 women backstage and she was the only female captain, also with an ex who is an NHL player so already has that "puck bunny" reputation, so her being there was cool to see. Her BF was also backstage, but I don't think the players knew it was her BF haha, a colleague and I noticed at least 15 of the guys walking up to her and chatting it up. Ones I remember that looked flirty are Sway, the Hughes (they talked throughout the whole weekend and they're all around the same age so may have been friendly but you know how men are), Elias Lindholm, Elias Petterson, & Mat Barzal. She obviously talked to a lot of people but these I remember looking more like them trying to get somewhere with her. Her and her BF are so cute though! He was very touchy with her. Saw her talking to Boone Jenner for a while, but he seemed just friendly. He is also her ex's teammate so wonder what that's about.
Auston Matthews is actually really charismatic. At one point the whole dressing room went quiet and we heard him singing "Baby" by Justin Bieber. We all cracked up haha. The Hughes brothers had a fight the first day, don't really know about what but Jack walked in upset and Quinn wouldn't even look at him. Both with their frowning RBF. McDavid had the same attitude as Hailey Bieber LOL. He softened up a bit when talking to other players but otherwise he is super cold always. Pasta and Travis Konecny also seemed to lowkey hate each other. Colleague told me Travis doesn't like Pasta at all but can't 100% confirm that as I didn't hear it directly, just an interesting rivalry. The Canucks players were like a group of mean girls, they literally stuck together the entire weekend, even if they were drafted to separate teams. Vincent Trocheck flirted his ASS off with several women, myself included. Found out later he was married. Swayman is truly a nice person, I think he and Boone Jenner were the only ones who said hi to the whole crew and also goodbye. Also saw him and Georgiev have a bro-hug after they lost the game and he said something to him that made him really laugh, it was very cute. The Hughes also seem to not like Suzuki, avoided him all weekend. Cale Makar is like a doll haha he is so awkward all the time and everytime he speaks his face looks like he immediately regrets it.
That's all at the top of my head, but if there's anything else you want to know LMK!
ahaha ty ty! i def have my biases when it comes to teams but i try pretty hard to keep it neutral and not give my biases away 😭 as for players i don't have any faves or rly think any are angels so i have no preconceptions there
omg there is so much to unpack here idek where to begin
justin bieber - he did seem so happy to be there the whole time lol he loves hockey and the leafs i think that was all 100% genuine! so sweet
hailey bieber - sounds abt right lol
michael bublé - lmaooooo tell me ur from vancouver without telling me ur from vancouver.... iconic he was so funny that whole weekend
tate mcrae - ya i forget her bf's name but i was aware he was there n they do seem v cute together! love all the wifed up guys chatting her up ahaha except barzy n petey they get a pass. another anon on here was telling me all the CBJ guys & wags liked tate a lot so doesn't surprise me that boone & her were friendly
hughes brothers - jack n quinn having a fight is soooo funny omfg i can't. also being bitchy towards suzuki like 😭 funny bc they're so tight w cole caufield (esp jack) n suzuki n cole are teammates and besties
mcdavid - you comparing mcdavid to hailey bieber is fucking sending me dsiofjdskghdfjklgh he is so awkward...
TK - TK having beef w pasta is soooo funny
canucks - canucks players "like a group of mean girls" i'm dying omfg 💀 lindholm was drafted to a separate team ya but he was only traded to the canucks like a few days before that so that was the first time they were really meeting him
trocheck - flirting his ass off with multiple women dsfknadslfkjgfng his kids were literally on the ice watching the skills comp w him that's soooo bad
swayman & jenner - being sweethearts aw that is nice to hear
cale makar - "like a doll" "awkward all the time" "every time he speaks his face looks like he immediately regrets it" perfect no notes!!!
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cloudysfluffs · 1 year
I love the way you drew Sam and Max in your art style! I hope you do more tk art of them (no pressure though draw what you want)
there is nothing id rather draw for you anon!!!! i LOVE making art of these two <3333333333
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(dont worry, sam's got a sneaky way of escaping)
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(ns//fw and/or fetish blogs please dni🙏🙏)
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m1d-45 · 5 months
-Pari Anon
Pari!Reader gets sad when their leaf mask gets torn. Whether they were playing too rough or Wei (the cat in the inn lobby) tore it, they lost their mask. They have those sad anime eyes (the cutely exaggerated ones). They want to fix it, but no one else knew about that leaf mask.
They stay gloomy for the rest of the day until Xiao comes back.
The next day, they see a little replica of Xiao’s mask made from wood. It was sitting near their nest. When they tried it in, it was light but sturdy. Who could have gotten it for them? How was it so detailed? Who could have known? Oh well. Time to play, little Pari thinks.
Xiao didn’t have the heart to just leave them after he heard them crying when the leaf mask was ripped. He might have put a charm on this one so it wouldn’t break as easily.
[ previous post ]
xiao was better than this. the last yaksha, conqueror of demons, the bane of all evil himself.. searching the plains of liyue well into the night for a suitable piece of wood to carve. it wasn’t for an offering, it wouldn’t be turned into an incense bowl or statue, it was neither for a critical repair or somehow enchanted to be a danger. no, this wood would be used for a far more frivolous purpose: you.
you, who he’d been watching from the roof as you played on the balcony below. you with your mock spear and wei with his paws, uselessly batting at each other in a play fight. he thought it was ridiculous, really—your thin wings would surely bleed beneath any monster’s claws, better you learn to run away from danger—but had watched. it was harmless fun. you ducked behind the potted bonsai for protection, racing around the trunk and likely making the poor cat dizzy, when a harsh rip echoed into the night. you stopped, looking behind you as the two halves of your ‘mask’ fluttered to the floor, torn by one of the branches of the tree. his only thought was that you weren’t hurt, watching as wei tackled you off the pot and onto the floor, but you squirmed free quickly, floating over to the remains… sadly? wei followed, sniffing the leaves, but you didn’t seem interested in playing anymore. you sat by the leaves for far too long, not even moving when wei curled up beside you.
it was nothing. it was a leaf tied around your head with another’s stem, bound to rot and flake away anyway, but you were sulking the next day. he never thought he’d return to his makeshift room and have you not fly up to him with a cloud of chirps, and he quickly decided he didn’t like it. if you were sad you lost your mask, then he’d just have to get you a new one.
he kicked at the remains of a campfire, stomping out the remaining embers. an abandoned adventurer’s camp of some sort, the air free of any malicious warnings. besides the remains of the campfire were a few stray logs, likely spare firewood. he dug through the measly pile, pulling out a log. there was no rot, water damage, no sign of bugs or anything else that would ruin the wood. without another thought, he tucked it under his arm, turning and vanishing into the wind.
he had left when you were already asleep, so he could go straight to his room, but he made a stop first. yanxiao hardly jumped when he turned from the stove, though he did eye the log in his hands strangely.
“what can i get you?”
“i need to borrow a knife.”
“…” he laughed, propping his hands on the table in front of him, and xiao grit his teeth. an adepti, reduced to this… “what, did you lose your spear?”
“of course i didn’t,” he snapped, “but i’m not foolish enough to think i can use a spear to carve wood.”
yanxiao nodded in understanding, reaching into his pocket for a small flip knife. it was barely as long as one of his fingers, the handle a dark wood. “this should do, i think.” he threw the knife underhand, and xiao caught it with ease. the blade flicked out easily, sharp to the touch. “remember to cut away from you, yeah?”
his grip tightened on the knife, leaving without thanks.
safely in the shadow of his room, xiao finally relaxed. one by one, he removed his guards and charms, quietly setting them in their respective places. you were curled up in your bed as always, none the wiser as he stepped out onto the balcony. he sat facing the moon, setting his mask on the floor beside him. again drawing the small knife, he braced the wood in his lap and began to carve.
yanxiao was many things, but a fool he was not. he had heard from verr about your mask tearing yesterday, about how you sat quietly on xiao’s terrace for the rest of the day in a pout. you were a strange guest, certainly, but you were xiao’s. he kept very limited company, and those he lingered around felt his affections quietly.
when flowers had blown off their tables prior to the reception of an important guest, a mysterious bundle of qingxin had found it’s way onto the reception desk to replace them. when the eccentric xianyun had stopped by for a ‘surprise lunch,’ a small note in familiar writing on his table told him her tastes. when your small, flimsy mask tore in two… well, he couldn’t wait to find out.
he worked as usual, trading guesses with verr as he helped ferry plates back and forth. would he fetch you new leaves in perpetuity? fetch new ones from your home nation of sumeru? find a new toy to distract you? neither of them had ever met a pari before, didn’t know what you wanted or needed to thrive, but they entertained themselves with nonsense speculation nontheless.
xiao showing up in his kitchen without warning was nothing out of the ordinary. yanxiao had learned to pick out the shift in air pressure that signaled his arrival, wiping off his hands and putting the washed vegetables aside. the flat expression on his face was also routine, but the log he held most certainly wasn’t. handcarved offerings weren’t all too uncommon in liyue, especially from an adeptus, but he had a feeling it wasn’t for rex lapis or another adepti.
the next question, of course, was what he would carve. verr suggests a wooden mimic of the leaf mask and he can’t hide the way that makes him laugh, his smile wider than usual as he greets customers.
that night, if you stood just quietly enough beneath the upper balcony and the wind blew the right way, you would hear the quiet scrape of wood and metal. and the next morning, if you were anywhere near the inn, you would likely see a bright pari weaving through the levels, eager to show off their brand new mask carved by the hero of dihua marsh himself.
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madlittlecriminal · 9 months
I do not know if you still accept requests, but I would like a fanfic about Peter B with glasses so badly, please, he could be like a nerd or something 🤭
(It would be awesome If It could be NSFW with Fem Reader, and praise kink or just cute, soft sex, please)
Anyways, thanks for reading☺️
Behind Closed Dorms ↬ Nerd!Peter B. Parker × Kind!Popular!Fem!Reader [a.u]
i wanted to do something different because i read a lot of fics that had to do with reader being the mean popular girl. nothing against them since i do indulge in reading them sometimes, but i wanted a different fic, especially since the request asked for soft sex & praise.
Warnings: smut, praise, soft sex/love making, they are both in college, he's a bit possessive so sue me, mention of cockwarming, the glasses stay on, protected p in v.
im just putting a disclaimer here. i do wear glasses, but for the sake of glasses not being universal as either some people don't wear them or they use contacts, so to my fellow glasses wearers, I apologize.
happy new year!
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If Peter was being honest, he hated parties, but he only came to this one because it was your friend's birthday and you asked him to come with you. He didn't mind it, but now he was curious as to why you kept his hand on your waist. "You okay?" He whispered in your ear, earning a nod. Did he believe it? No. You were never this needy if he was being honest, but he let it go. However, when he looked up, he saw your ex and quickly put the pieces together.
Just because he was a nerd, didn't mean he was shy. He adjusted his glasses before pulling you on his lap and wrapping both arm around your waist. You let out a soft gasp before turning your head and he chuckled before placing a kiss on your shoulder.
"Just because he's here, doesn't mean I'll shy away from showing him how happy you are." He whispers against your shoulder, causing you to smile and peck his temple. He smiled back at you.
"I hope I'm not hurting you."
He gave you a playful glare. "You've sat on my face before, and I didn't complain. I'm still not complaining. You. Are not. Heavy. Got it?"
You felt your cheeks grow warm at his words before nodding. "Got it."
The party dragged on with you talking to a few of the cheerleaders, the study group you're in and to a few jocks. Neither you nor Peter cared, but now Peter was regretting putting you on his lap. The skirt you were wearing was flowy and he hated that he was now thinking of you cockwarming him. He shook his head and cleared his throat. You turned around and raised a brow.
"Everything okay?" Peter looks up at you and you saw the brown in his eyes grow darker and his pupils dilate. You quickly got up and took his hand before rushing out of the frat house that your friend's party was held at.
"Wait, angel, where are we going?"
"Your dorm or mine?"
Peter's face flushed red before smirking. "Mine. My roommate is visiting family for the weekend."
You both headed to his dorm before you pulled him into a kiss. He rested his hands on your hips and kissed you back. The kiss wasn't aggressive nor was it filled with hunger, but rather, it was soft and sensual. He led you to his bed, letting you fall back without breaking the kiss and his hands staying on your hips. "I love you, you know that?" He whispered against your lips.
"I love you too," you whisper back, your hands tugging on the hem his graphic t-shirt as his hands trailed under your blouse.
"Wanna take off my shirt, baby?" He asked softly and you nodded. He pecked your lips once more before you took off his shirt, but being careful not to let his glasses fly off his face.
It happened before when you both were desperate. It didn't ruin the moment, but you both took notes to not be too aggressive with clothing removal after that.
He took off your blouse afterward before letting his lips trail down from your neck to your shoulders. "So beautiful. So perfect and I'm so glad you're mine." You felt your cheeks warm up at his words before running your fingers down his back.
"And I'm glad you're mine." Your lips met his once again as he reached behind you and removed your bra with ease. His lips went down to your breasts before kissing each of them softly. His hands go down your sides before his hands reach the waistband of your skirt. He pulls it down with ease before going down and kissing your clothed cunt. You bite your bottom lip as you moan softly, your fingers quickly tangling into his hair.
He chuckles before taking your panties off. He then trails kisses from your belly button up until he reaches your neck. Your hands go down to the button of his jeans before undoing it and pulling them down along with his boxers. He reaches over to his bedside table before pulling out the foil packet you were too familiar with and opening it. He slid it on his cock before planting a kiss on your lips. Peter slowly entered you, making you moan.
His thrusts were slow, but they still made you feel good. If you were being honest, it was most likely because it was Peter and sex with him, no matter the form, was always good, if anything, the best you've ever had. "Pete," you moan softly as you wrap your arms around his neck before your lips met his. The kiss was slow, sensual and filled with love. Peter didn't stop his thrusts, continuing the slow and passionate pace. He broke the kiss briefly, his glasses slightly smudged and fogged up, but he didn't care.
"You're so beautiful, my love." He whispered almost breathlessly against your lips. You ran your fingers through his hair and bit your bottom lip. "You always feel so good. I'll never get tired of you and this pussy of yours." You felt your cheeks warm up at his words before you wrap your legs around his hips with a moan.
Peter groans and takes one of your hands before interlocking his fingers with yours. You squeeze his hand softly and he smiles softly, but his hips never faulter from their slow and sensual pace. "You look so pretty like this, my love."
"Do I?"
"You do. So pretty. All mine."
You nodded with a moan. "All yours, Peter." His lips met yours once again while his free hand trails down to your clit. Another moan you let out was swallowed by his kiss as his finger began circling around your clit with the same pace as his thrusts. Your legs tightened around him, his cock going deeper inside you as his finger never left your clit. You broke the kiss and threw your head back at you felt how deep he was now. "Oh my god, Peter!" You moan out as his lips connected to your neck.
"I'm right here, baby. Don't worry." His words brushed against your neck causing your eyes to roll back and cum. Shortly after, Peter finished into the condom. He rested his forehead against yours as you both caught your breaths. When his eyes met yours, you both couldn't help but let out a breathy chuckle. "You did so well, baby. I love you."
"I love you too."
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It has officially been 0 days since Dukexiety last interacted!!!!!
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hinamie · 4 months
please any atla gojo lore. anything please im begging on my knees hands pressed together like im praying to god
I really wish I could anon :'> we tried to think of non-spoiler-y lore we could share but turns out every aspect of his character is either a. major spoilers or b. a near-direct echo of canon but make it atla flavoured (ie. his relationships w/ geto/shoko/nanami/haibara; him being The Strongest(tm) in-universe, etc). I guess there's technically the satosugu betrothal but that's already Public Knowledge given that there's art, plus the details are (surprise!) more spoilers
so ...yeah.... unfortunately you'll just have to wait to learn more about him in the fic :"> please accept this compensatory art as apology even though i am Not sorry in fact the pleas of the commonfolk make me cackle
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jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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princessbrunette · 11 months
stepbro jj seeing you in a bikini for the first time because you normally only wear baggy clothes and nearly cumming in his pants
i can imagine it being right at the start of knowing eachother, only having seen you around the house wearing pyjamas, a shy little thing. he invites you to hang out with the pogues as a formality to get to know you better, help you make some friends. you get changed at the chateau, and JJ who is stood inside with John B doesn’t see you until you’re out the door, watching you walk past the window, his body doing a full spin mid conversation with his best friend, nearly gaining whiplash in the process.
“je…” he follows your form. “-sus christ.” he bends his back, hoping to catch another look at you.
“your sister, dude.” John B deadpans, blinking at the blonde.
“yeah—no, step-sister, there’s a difference.”
“barely. you’re weird man.”
“you’re weird, shut up. feeling real judged right now.” he brushes his friends shoulder, the two of them trailing outside to join the rest of you.
“oh, that’s because i am judging.” the curly haired boy offers a dry smile to his friend, slapping him on the back.
“well, that’s your problem johnny boy, way too close minded. broaden your horizons. anyway i was simply looking, no harm done.”
“i dunno, jayj. if i had a sister i wouldn’t be lookin’ at her ass.” John B smirks, a teasing lilt to his voice.
“step-sister, god damnit. this is OBX not freaking… alabama…” he trails off as he walks away to catch up with the rest of the group, leaving his best friend shaking his head.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Peter b Parker with a aromantic darling getting him some yellow roses? (Yellow roses symbolize great care for ones friendship :] ) -aro anon
Love to see you excited about Spider-Man again :0!
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Surprisingly enough this man actually knows the color meaning behind roses. From a stunned expression Peters face will light up, he's always been the one giving roses, rarely has he ever received any other than for grieving reasons, yet here you are with all your feelings in this humble bouquet
He keeps laughing and thanking you repeatedly, no clue how to respond in this scenario but damn does he feel so much for you right now
Parker eventually shuts up about the flowers, maybe two or three days later, though if you look around his little hiding spot where he overlooks all of the city you'll find them again, perfectly preserved in resin with the most care given to them. Peter is embarrassed to say so you might never hear it from him but he usually holds the flowers between his hands after a bad fight, letting himself relax on the top of that building with the reminder your there for him
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grecoromanyaoi · 4 months
"IOF criminals" and it's literally just random people taken away from their families for eight months
shes throwing around the term 'war criminal' like its nothing its amazing. everyone i dont like is a war criminal. this 1 year old baby is a war criminal. this hairstyle is a war criminal.
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
Everytime I listen to "smack that" I get lost in this fantasy so like
Imagine an alternate Dabi, where he accepted the whole Shouto thing
But point is, Dabi is very much successful and basically a huge celebrity who still very much has attention issues and hates the flashes of paparazzi but loves the attention and humiliating these paparazzi as well (this is an au because if Dabi was that easy to spot then he would've been caught along time ago you know, but I know hes perfectly capable of doing it as himself anyway)
So imagine him, seeing how far these paparazzi are willing to go, getting curious and little by little becoming a tease
Offering interviews if people did this or that but like, within the bounds of legality
Small at first, grabbing those colored popsicles and out loud saying "whoever can get the furthest gets a close up picture" and such
He knows damn well he's ruining his pops career and that just moves him forward as he, on top of seeing several paparazzi (men and women) humiliating themselves trying to down this popsicles for him, reading up on people questioning his father's actions as to why his son is so sexually inappropriate and such
One by one escalating more and more on this thrill
Eventually Going into fucking sex shops Infront of everyone of these paparazzi
And picking out the loveliest of dildos coming out of this sex shop as he does kicking the door closed and calling out
"whoever steps up to shove this down their throat, gets a personal interview"
And there you are. Hungry for that fucking interview, this opportunity, this would be a banger especially now since people are so desperate for more info, why is he like this, what does he want? An interview on top of pictures as well? And your favorite celebrity of all people?
You had to take this, every choice in life has led to this moment this opportunity to get close to Dabi.
And so you stepped up knowing full well you'll be humiliated but a hefty yummy paycheck would be waiting for you as well as an amazing memory, who cares about morals?
So you go. And with the straightest of faces and a huge lump in your mouth and your belly filled with anticipation
You get closer to him and see his face as it moves in surprise and intrigue as well as superiority in his features looking at you as if you were the most pathetic creature on earth
But what you don't know is that, he's oddly intrigued by your boldness. You're willing to put everything on the lines just for this? An interview? A picture? Were you really that desperate? No that determination in your eyes spoke something much different. So he's really curious and putting his arm over your shoulder he gets close to your ear and asks in a whisper "are you really willing to do this?" with that fucking smirk of his as he holds the box close to your face rotating in front of you
You can feel as a flame lights up in your belly, how hot you feel and even in such a weather you find yourself sweating
And as you go to grab it he moves it away from you "ah ah ah, I need to hear it doll we wouldn't want a controversy of me forcing my power onto a pretty girl like you" he grabs a hold of your face and forces you to face the crowd who are taking pictures of your little ordeal
"gotta let the crowd hear, you'd be willing to fuck your throat Infront of all these people" he gets closer to the cruve of your ear "for a five minute interview"
And you, in the heat of a moment, sweating bullets, do as he said and his face lights up and with a clap and a throw of the brand new fucking box of the dildo (which people squirm for to try and probably auction it)
He laughs as he wraps his arm once again around your neck and tells you "guess you've earned yourself an interview"
Long story short
Our handsome celebrity fucks his cute little paparazzi's ass into the floor not sparing a single minute of your time together.
Oh and you got your interview. And a nice paycheck.
(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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Celebrity Dabi who is such a jerk, humiliating his dad at any chance given, playing around with his fans and paparazzi too is just UGHHAJDBSNDNDJFNSKFJSJDJDJD
Pleaseee he is such an asshole I want to fuck him in this au so bad now, thank you for blessing my night with your delicious ideas once again 🥵
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kurjakani · 1 year
Human gyu + if I had a lame ass boyfriend meme
The most specialest boy ever
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im sorry i couldnnt NOT do it
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