#azure ekoms
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rosietrace · 1 year ago
❅ I lied I will send you another cause I miss AzureCarol a little
Snowed in
(Central) Characters Featured: Azure Ekoms, Carol Ann
↳ { Carol belongs to @/fumikoyasaki }
Others mentioned/featured: Sumeragi Yuuta
Pairing: Azure Ekoms & Carol Ann
Event: Valentine's Day 2024 💌
↳ Type: Requested Oneshot! 「 ❅ — Muse cuddling up to my muse on the couch 」
Synopsis: With RSA being completely snowed in, Carol had little choice but to stay a little while longer.
Warning(s): Potentially ooc, Yuuta mentions, YuuRen is implied but Miren isn't properly mentioned by name, this plotline probably doesn't make much sense but shhh enjoy the fluff, written before Azure's profile revamp
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
[ Reblogs > Likes ]
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Carol huffed in silent frustration, sitting down on the couch situated in Azure’s dorm room.
“You’re in a rather sour mood,” Azure sat beside her, not looking up from his book. “Then again, I can't exactly blame you.”
“Being snowed in isn't an ideal situation.”
Carol sighed. “Yes… I can only hope Yuuta doesn't cause too much of a ruckus back at Ramshackle.”
Azure hummed, his arm wrapping around her shoulder to bring her closer to his side.
“I'm sure Yuuta won't make too much of a fuss.”
“You're too kind when it comes to saying things like that.”
“I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt,” Azure cracked a small smile, the edges of his lips quirking upwards. “He's nice.”
“When he wants to be,” Carol clarified. “Yuuta's nice when he wants to be.”
Azure couldn't deny that fact. Plus, Carol knew Yuuta for longer than he had. It wasn't like he knew the Machiavellian man that well, though.
Carol looked over to the contents of the page Azure was currently reading, tilting her head in intrigue. “New book?”
“Mhm,” Azure nodded, pushing his glasses up. “It's an Author paperback copy, since… Well, I wrote it. I'm just reading it to spot any mistakes.”
Carol smiled slightly. “Could I read with you?”
He could only chuckle, pressing a kiss to the center of her forehead. “Of course,” Azure agreed, going back to the very beginning of the book to reread it.
Carol's eyebrows raised in both surprise and slight guilt. “Oh-” she cleared her throat. “You… Didn't need to do that.”
“Well, too bad, Miss Ann,” Azure was filled with amusement, using the top of his pointer finger to push up Carol's glasses, this time around.
Soon after, he looked down at her with a soft, reassuring look. “Besides, I don't quite mind.”
“You don't?”
“Of course not. Why would I?”
“Well,” Carol paused, drawing in a breath. “You were quite far into the book before I asked to read with you. At most, you were ⅓ of it.”
“And?” Azure arched a brow at her, not really seeing what point she was trying to make.
Not wanting to argue over something so petty, Carol drew out her breath, leaning against him.
She smiled to herself as Azure pulled her somewhat closer, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Forget what I said.”
“You're quite the observant one, My Dear.”
Carol stifled a laugh, feeling teasingly skeptical whilst looking up at him. It wasn't like she did much, only pointing out several writing errors and plot holes in the book one after the other.
Well- It wasn't much to her, but to him? It meant a lot.
Frankly, Azure felt himself falling in love with her all over again. Knowing her, she'd ask why, but Azure was always much softer, much gentler than Carol; Someone who was both things, but knew when to be stern when need be.
“I don't think I've accomplished much,” Carol mumbled in reply. “As much as I hate to admit it, I believe Yuuta's more observant than me.”
“Oh?” Azure felt a story coming along. One he'd happily listen to from the lips of his girlfriend.
Settling herself in for a moment, Carol began. “Well… He's quite attentive. He notices when I'm feeling particularly stressed, has my favorite food memorized so that he could make it for me while I was sick, and…”
Azure waited patiently, but couldn't resist chiming in with: “And?”
Carol chuckled. “And, he somehow always knows when someone's in the botanical garden. Quite odd, that man is.”
“Perhaps. Is he still seeing that other guy?”
“Oh, very much so. Yuuta likes teasing him, but they're quick to forgive once they're given some concoction involving a lot of spices.”
“Huh,” Azure tried to imagine Yuuta in a scenario like that, but couldn't find himself to properly grasp that idea. “How… Interesting.”
“He gets more interesting the more I learn about him.”
A light scoff fell from Carol's lips. “If by interesting, it's likely you mean discomforting…”
“... But yes,” she allowed some semblance of herself to properly admit it. “I suppose he is, in your words, ‘interesting’.”
“He did bring us together, after all, My Dear.”
“In his own way, at least,” Azure placed his bookmark on the page they were currently on, setting the book down on his lap.
Carol wondered what he was up to, her gaze flickering between his eyes and the book he just put down. What was he up to, she must've thought.
Fortunately, Carol got her answer rather quickly; As Azure cradled her face in his hand, pressing a quick, yet gentle kiss against her forehead again.
Then her nose.
Then, inevitably, her lips. Carol was almost impressed that Azure had enough confidence built into his system to do such a thing.
But she didn't fight it. Hell, she embraced it, letting herself be brought into his arms and smiling softly once her head was on the crook of his neck.
Azure’s soft smile widened a little. He picked up his book and continued where he left off.
Only this time, not long before he reached the book's climax — Carol had rested her eyes, snuggling against the crook of his neck.
Azure looked down at her, carefully taking off her glasses. “You deserve a nap, my dear,” he whispered to her. She wasn't going to hear him, naturally, but some part of him hoped she somehow did.
He gave her one last kiss on the forehead right as he was about to continue — and eventually conclude — reading.
Written for
@starry-night-rose || @jasdiary || @authoruio || @nem0-nee || @sakuramidnight15
「 Etteilla ♢」
@geminiiviolets || @hallowed-delights / @terrovaniadorm || @twsted-princess || @absolutelyobsessedkiya / @twistedsongstressofstarz || @mystery-skulls-ghost || @abyss-wonderer
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rosietrace · 3 years ago
Yuuta: *International super spy vibes*
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Carol short stories
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Featuring James by @twsted-princess Yuuta and Azure by @rosietrace​  (Yeah I still can’t stop writing for Carol and I am sorry…)
Meeting the Parents: (A continuation from this)
Impatient her mother tapped her foot on the ground while her father has a near death stare at James… the guards who are there to protect him waited outside the door as Carol sat next to him on the couch… how would they explain their sudden relationship given it only happened in the wonderland and no time passed in this world. As Carol tried to come up with a plan the 5 minutes they had before coming in at least they had lightly a plan. Because telling the truth would make them look like lunatics.
“Mother, Father… I am sorry for now telling about this sooner but I was bit worried how you take it… um… On one of my school trips I accidentally got lost in the wrong building and met the Queen of Genovia… which James worked under… he helped me find the way back to my class and we got along well. And given the Queen seemed to get along well with me too I kept contact with them… it sounds unreal I know… And well given I lived with Eve before You guys wouldn’t have known about the time where I often met up with him and got to know him… it just so happened that we fell in love with each other and… well…”
She got a bit nervous but at least that first part seemed believable enough. As James next to her lightly bowed his head.
“I was here to ask your daughter if she would like to move to the kingdom with me…”
“You can’t be serious…she is just 18 and even moving in with her best friend was a hard decision for us… Carol,  what about your inviation to Hopes peak?” Her father seemed lightly upset.
“I… think I don’t need to be an Ultimate to do well… I am sure with my current way I can be a teacher no problem by simple studying… and also… I feel happy being with James… Eve also said she would be fine without me…”
“But when you move away that far we will barely see you…”
“I know… I will do my best to stop by and invite you when I can but… I made this decision… I love him and… I wanna be with him as often as I can… “
As she tried to explain herself James put a hand on her shoulder.
“Mr. and Ms. Ann… I beg of you… I will provide your daughter with everything that makes her happy… I will be there for her in the best and worst times… and our Kingdom will happily welcome her… how about we let you visit our Kingdom and give us one year of living together and if you still feel uneasy about this… then She can live back with you two.”
Her father glanced at him. “You are really set on this, Boy?”
“Yes… I love her with all my heart.”
“Would you protect her if a gun is pointed at you?”
“Of course, no doubt about it.”
Seeing how determined he looked at you it lightly caught her father off guard. Meanwhile Carol was surprised and concerned how he said this.
Both of the parents looked at each other.
“Fine… you have one year to prove yourself… but Carol.. please tell us right away if there is anything.” Her mother gave her a hug. 
“Oh I need to pack my bags and everything.”
“Not to hasty young lady… first we want to get to know your boyfriend a little… if it of course if there is time.”
Carol smiled lightly. “We could go to my favourite restaurant to celebrate this, is that alright?”
“I have time, Melanie likely can wait as well…” She pressed a kiss on his cheek and stayed all smiles however her parents still watched him with lightly wary eyes.
Special Delivery
Yuuta was smirking as he held an envolope in his hand… in his hand another scheme he planned for today… and so he approached his dorm mate with it.
“Hey Carol… would you mind bringing this letter to Azure… I need something from him.”
“And why don’t you just text him or bring it there yourself?”
“Sadly I am busy, you know time costs money and also… you are on your way to RSA to tutor Fabio, right? It shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Fine… but in exchange you owe me some rest the next days.”
“Promised… well then I trust you with it.”
What she didn’t know is that he crafted a false letter that was with and invitation to a museum seeming as if it was her inviting him… As she left he chuckled to himself.
She arrived at the tree where she usually found him reading and luckily to yuuta her choice of work didn’t disrupt his plan.
“Here this is for you, Azure?”
“A letter for me?”
He opened it a bit curious and as he read it a blush came across his cheek….
“Y-you really want to go there with me?”
“Huh?! Wait can I see that letter?”
She looked at it and sighed. “Yuuta… that damn brat…” Luckily she whispered that and he didn’t hear that… it wasn’t often that swear words escaped her… however then she thought about it… looking at his face and how hesitant he looked she just couldn’t refuse this… looking at the two tickets she took a breath.
“I may not have written this letter cause it was another scheme of Yuuta but… I would still want to go there with you… if its fine with you.”
Hearing her say this he met her with a smile that lightly caused her to blush.
“Then lets go there… I didn’t have much to do anyways and I need some writing inspiration.”
And so they both left together to the museum Yuuta chose… mainly it was artwork and architecture as well as old literature… Carols eyes had a light glimmer seeing such different history from her world it was endearing to look at while Azure just enjoyed watching how excited she was at times… from all the walking Azure took a rest on one of the seats of the art gallery..
“I had tons of fun today with you Azure… I hope I didn’t talk off your ear too much.”
“Not at all… I enjoyed your presense too.”
As Carol wanted to sit down next to him… she accidently layed her hand on his and as he looked at her a bit red she noticed.
“Eh.. sorry.” She wanted to pull away but he actually lightly placed his on hers to stop her.
“I don’t mind it… can we stay like this for a while?”
Hearing him say that her face went into a deep blush.
“Y-yes.” What they didn’t know was that Yuuta followed them undercover and felt sucessfull seeing them like this. Seems his plan was a great sucess in his scheme.
I don’t have motivation for a third one… soo only two this time.
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
⌛ Hit me up with Zen or Azure, cause why not
I'm gonna fuel Azure x Carol with this
What's your question?
OCs featured: Azure Ekoms, Cressida Kelebek
Platonic pairing; Azure/Cressida
Summary; Cress once asked Azure a question when they were children.
Warning(s); Potential ooc moments, Cress being a nosy kid, they're both 8 in this
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
[ Reblogs are recommended/encouraged ]
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▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱♚⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤† Azure Ekoms
The boy in question didn't have time to react, as Cressida had already tackled him to the ground, book in hand.
Groaning, Azure adjusted his glasses and scowled at his friend."Cress..... What was that for."
Smiling sheepishly, Cressida took her time to help herself up before she could help Azure up."Haha.... Sorry." Was what she muttered.
Sitting himself back down, Azure's sight focused on the book he was currently reading. Which, in turn, forced Cressida to lean against his shoulder, whining.
"Ugh~!! 'Zure, you're always so focused on your books..."
"Is that a problem, Cress?"
"I mean- No! But still! You really have to focus on something else other than books!"
His eyes locked with hers, but his head never turned."Like what?" He questioned, making Cressida feel all the more frustrated at him.
Pouting, she crossed her arms before replying."Y'know.... Like, uh- Love!"
Azure wrinkled his nose."You've got to be kidding me, Cress." His eyes squinted before he pushed up his glasses to hide his bewilderment.
Cressida rolled her eyes."C'mon, 'Zure! It isn't as bad as you think!" She exclaimed.
Azure sighed softly, "I doubt that, Cress." He replied.
After a moment or two of silence, Cressida began continuously poking Azure's shoulder.
"What now..." He groaned, covering his face with the pages of his book. Which made Cressida giggle.
"I just wanna ask a question, ‘Zure!" She sat somewhat closer, leaning closer as she did. Azure pursed his lips, before he huffed in response.
"Fine, Cress..... What's your questio-"
"Don't you wanna know what love feels like?"
Azure flinched, eyes wider than saucers, before he let out a ‘Hmph!’. Cressida snorted, "What?"
"Yes, Cress, no. As in, ‘No I find no desire in being in a romantic relationship’!"
Cressida flicked his forehead, before looking away - eyes shut - to pout."Y'know, someday, you're gonna be so head over heels with someone, and I'm gonna make fun of you for it!"
"To quote myself earlier, I doubt it."
Cressida stuck her tongue out before she began mimicking what he said in a mocking tone.
"I don't believe you, ‘Zure. Just you wait; You'll fall so deeply in love, that you'd rather be six feet under than confess your love to.... Whoever you'll end up with in the future!"
Sighing, Azure just continued to read, ignoring what Cressida had just said. But he didn't stop her from leaning her head against his shoulder, listening to him reading.
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱♚⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
Alright for the Valentines event I request the good ol
AzureCarol and YasuVic as oneshots
At your service! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Note: Yasuno's oneshot will be a separate post [ Click here ]
Record waltz
Event: Rosie's 2023 valentine's special 💌❣️
Ocs featured: Azure Ekoms, Carol Ann(@fumikomiyasaki), Sumeragi Yuuta(Mentioned)
Ship: Azure x Carol
Summary: As the rain outside created ambience for the two of them as they read their books, Azure suddenly remembered he owned a record player.
Warning(s): Potential ooc moments, Yuuta /j, potentially tooth-rotting fluff
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
[ Reblogs are recommended/encouraged ]
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It was a comforting feeling Carol had.
The feeling of safety, security, and acknowledgment as he had her laying against his shoulder while he narrated the book they were reading together during a rainy day.
Carol was rather embarrassed. She arrived at RSA looking like a wet dog because she didn't bring an umbrella to fend off the rain.
Thankfully, Azure, bless his heart, had an extra pair of clothes for Carol prepared just in case.
Speaking of Azure, Carol noticed the small smile he had on his face as he was reading.
She looked up at him."I…. Admittedly like this." She admitted, feeling a faint blush on her cheeks.
Azure smiled back at her, kissing the top of her head and raising her chin."I'm glad you do, mon tout."
Mon tout. Such an affectionate nickname.
"My everything". The meaning of such a nickname made Carol's heart throb.
They both smiled at one another before Azure continued to read the book, the heavy rain outside acting as a calming ambiance to compliment his voice.
I definitely prefer being here than having to deal with Yuuta. At least he keeps the dorm clean…. Carol thought, relishing in hearing Azure's voice.
What made it even better was that he was reading a mystery novel that relied on romantic poetry to solve the mystery that drove the main plot.
He sounded so analytical, so calming. Yet so comforting all at the same time.
And Carol loved it. She loved him. More than anything else in the world.
So she snuggled against him, an even bigger smile on her face. One that bordered on being a grin.
Azure let out a quiet chuckle, amused by her action before continuing.
It was silent. Unnaturally silent. But not in a bad way.
It was comforting for both of them. To know that despite the silence that filled the room, they didn't need to speak to know that they loved one another.
"A life lived in love will never be dull…. Not in the slightest, Marianne muttered." Azure read aloud, subtly wrapping his arm around Carol to bring her closer to him. Which she happily obliged to.
Azure shook his head, a smile gracing his face."You say that as though you've fallen for someone, Stephenson replied. And Marianne noticed a hint of disdain in his voice."
Carol giggled, noticing that the remaining pages of the book were getting fewer and fewer.
When Azure finally finished the book, he let it rest on his lap while he rested his neck after leaving it in the same position for a certain time.
"Well….. We've finished the book." Azure silently rejoiced, allowing himself to relax next to his girlfriend.
Carol snickered."You had a neck cramp… Or two." She joked.
Azure rolled his eyes in a playful manner."Yes yes, you don't need to remind me, Miss Ann."
Carol smiled."So….. What now?" She asked curiously, gently tilting her head to emphasize her curiosity.
Azure hummed, pondering over what they should do together since they'd finished reading the novel.
Suddenly, a smile dawned on his face."I have an idea."
Azure stood up from the couch and left to get something. And that something was a record player.
Carol arched her brow, even more, curious and confused."Um….. What's that for?" She asked.
Azure smiled, picking up a record and placing it over the record player. After adjusting it a little, it began to play music that was likely popular around the 50s to 60s.
He extended his hand.
"I'm not a dancer, but may I have this dance, Mon tout?"
Carol gasped audibly, feeling a dark blush creep onto her cheeks.
Eventually, she shook off most of it and took Azure's hands with a gentle smile. One that was as gentle as his own.
"You may."
Their hands intertwined. Carol's other hand was on his shoulder while Azure's was resting on her waist.
And they began slow dancing to the tune. One that made them feel even more at ease with one another.
It made them feel more comfortable. Feeling safe, and secure.
Although the 50s and 60s weren't perfect, they both couldn't deny how comforting some of the era's music was.
Carol allowed her head to lean against Azure's chest, hearing a faint heartbeat.
Her smile transitioned into a lovestruck grin.
She could get used to this.
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Taglist: [ I would like to hear your thoughts if possible! ]
@starry-night-rose @windbornearchon @nem0-nee @authoruio @geminiiviolets @sakuramidnight15 @twsted-princess @oseathepebble
Request by: @fumikomiyasaki
I'm so sorry if it took too long to answer, Fumi! I'm currently suffering from writer's block and it was difficult to find time to write because of my current schedule ^^|| but I hope you enjoy this oneshot!
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rosietrace · 3 years ago
Azure Ekoms
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" I'm not sure where you're going with this, but hopefully you know what you're doing... "
Full Name: Azure Lutwidge Ekoms
Japanese Version: アズル ラットウィヂ エコムズ
Romaji: Azuru Rattowiji Ekomuzu
Twisted From: The blue caterpillar
V/A: Ishida Akira(石田 彰)
Age: 19
Birthday: January 2
Horoscope: Aquarius ♒
Species: Elf
Height: 183 cm
Hair Color: Azure
Eye Color: Amber Gold
Homeland: Queendom of roses
Dormitory: TBA
School Year: 3rd Year
Class: 3-A(Seat no. 27)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Dominant Hand: Left
{ Family:
Unnamed Father
Unnamed Mother
Unnamed younger brother }
Best Class(es): Literature, creative writing, horticulture
Worst Class(es): Physical Education
Club: Literature club
Like(s): Reading, isolation, nature ambience, creative writing, his manuscripts, occasional napping, hard book covers, classical music, bonfires, the look of the sunset, sitting beneath a tree, the winter season
Dislike(s): Loud noises, distractions, falling asleep for too long, smoke, badly written drafts, book spines in bad condition, his emo poetry phase, incorrect spelling, sweating, the heat in general
Hobbies: Writing, reading, napping, listening to classical music, cleaning, having one-sided conversations with animals and plants
Talent(s): Horticulture, creative writing, poetry, spelling, fast typing, research
Flaw(s): Quiet, isolated, ignorant, materialistic, perfectionistic, easily distracted, stubborn
Most known for his skill in the literary arts, Azure's sought-after by many aspiring writers in RSA.
He preferably goes outside to write his books, as he somewhat enjoys the atmosphere. He will go back inside if it gets too chaotic though. Most notably, Azure is most found sitting under a tree with his laptop or a few books.
As nice as he may be, Azure chooses not to interact with others all that much. He doesn't really have a reason to, but he only really talks when he's tutoring someone. He's like the quiet kid in class-
Since his childhood, Azure found the idea of writing his own book to be so enchanting.
The idea that he could write such expertly written characters and build his own world that goes by rules he implemented… It felt downright euphoric.
It's why he attended RSA for creative literature after all.
Another thing of note is that Azure has a bit of a problem with being easily distracted. He'd never admit it at all, but he'll occasionally get distracted by his food or his book and may or may not run into a wall.
Now, given how nice and relatively patient Azure is with his tutoring, one would not expect him to be so… Strict.
A misspell in his manuscript would frustrate him for weeks on end, and he'll be tempted to throw a fit if someone spills water on his laptop. Not to forget how much he'd want to suffocate the person(including himself) to death if it meant his writing was preserved.
Name Meaning:
Azure: Meaning "Sky blue"
Lutwidge: The placename is composed of the initial Olde English element "lot", identical with the Dutch "loete" and the Low German "lote", meaning a shovel used to remove mud from ditches and canals, and the second Olde English element "wic", an outlying village(taken from surnamedb)
Ekoms: Quite literally is just 'Smoke' in reverse
His middle name "Lutwidge" is actually the name of the author for Alice in wonderland: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Not all that salty about not possessing a unique magic... That he knows of
Due to the fact that all his family really cares about is that he's happy, they don't really mind his lack of a friend group
Is greatly annoyed by the fact that he is easily distracted
Typically ties his hair up because his bangs get in the way when he's writing, reading, etc.
Has been recommended to wear a man bun by some people but quietly rejected the offer because he doesn't know what that is
Frequently hangs out with Chenya because he has some convoluted but really interesting ideas for his stories
Has been joked about being "Single and ready to mingle" by Dimitri several times
His throat easily gets dry after running 3 laps
Do not recommend a workout routine, this man is too stubborn to do that
Roya and Saika tried to convince him to take swordsmanship as a hobby, but he politely declined
Give him an essay with so many spelling errors and badly written/executed exposition and he will make it better in a few minutes while ranting about your writing issues
Is childhood friends with Cressida Kelebek
Diana notes that Azure only really excels in describing swordsmanship and not.... Participating in swordsmanship
Has bought too many books for his own good that his room is a library in of itself
Despite his critiques towards it, Azure finds YA romance novels to be a slight guilty pleasure of his
Will eagerly wait for his favorite novel series to get an adaptation. Preferably where no changes have been made
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
Zen: *Suggests something that's so fucking stupid that you don't know if he's actually smart*
Cressida: You son of a bitch... I'M IN
Azure & Vic: nO-
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
Cressida: What do you think Zen's gonna do as a distraction?
Azure: He'll probably just make a sound or throw a rock.
*Insert huge ass explosion*
Vic, incredibly amused: Or he could do that
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
Can I kiss you for VicYasu, AzuCarol, NanoGrey, EmilFrisk and Eikichi Azrail
You can do less if its too much. ^^
Oho.... You underestimate my ambition/procrastination skills
OC's: Azrail, Grey, Frisk, Victoria, Azure
Ships: Azure x Carol, Grey x Nanoya, Frisk x Emil, Azrail x Eikichi, Victoria x Yasuno
Warning: Favoritism in terms of writing in Victoria's part cause it's longer than the others- TvT
{ Possibly NSFW? Idk tbh }
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
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{ Azrail x Eikichi }
Busy with his notepad looking at his newest herbology invention, Azrail scribbled down ideas on how to improve the invention with Eikichi next to him.
Hm.... Should I add a router that absorbs sunlight to let it work?... Azrail asked himself, looking at the many ideas he had for his invention. He sighed, crossing out two of the ideas.
Eikichi hummed."Guessing those two didn't make enough sense?" He asked. Azrail turned to him and sent a discreet nod in response.
"Pretty much. They didn't add much logic to help contribute to the inventions improvement, so I simply crossed them out. However I will look into them just in case..." Azrail explained, giving his notepad to Eikichi.
Eikichi raised his eyebrows a bit when he looked into the notepad."Damn, you put all of your ideas in here..." He muttered. Azrail scoffed quietly, silently offended that Eikichi assumed that he didn't have more ideas.
"I'll have you know that my brain has more than a few ideas to help with my inventions." He let out a 'hmph' right after pushing up his glasses.
Eikichi snickered, and nodded."Right...." He trailed off of his sentence as an idea appeared in his mind.
He looked at Azrail, wearing a slightly cheeky smile."Az..." Hearing his nickname being called, Azrail turned his attention back to Eikichi.
"What is it?" He questioned, raising a brow in suspicion. Eikichi smiled somewhat brighter before he looked at Azrail and asked...
"Can I kiss you?"
For a moment.... Azrail blinked, and eventually dropped the screwdriver he was holding.
Eikichi began to chuckle as Azrail's cheeks began to burn a bright red. Almost as red as his pomegranate colored eyes.
"I beg your pardon-"
"I'm pretty sure I don't need to repeat myself in your presence, Az."
For a couple moments, Azrail remained silent... Eikichi assumed that he felt uncomfortable by the question and hummed awkwardly.
"Ah... We don't have to, I was just-"
Suddenly, Eikichi felt his lips against his own as Azrail tugged on his shirt to pull his close to him.
They eventually pulled away to catch a breath or two.
Azrail panted slightly as he looked at Eikichi's relatively shocked expression.
He scoffed, smirking as he stared at him. Lovingly, but teasingly.
"You could've asked a bit quicker... I would've given you more than a kiss."
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{ Grey x Nanoya }
She grunted, throwing another punch at him as he narrowly dodged that attempt as well.
Grey decided to take Nanoya to her personal training grounds in Goldstein and suggested that they'd have a spar or two while they're in there.
Sure, Nanoya was surprised... But he couldn't exactly back away from it after Grey continuously teased him about not wanting to lose.
So now, he's finding himself narrowly dodging her punches and kicks.
Is it just me or she getting more aggressive- Nanoya flinched as Grey was about to kick him in the crotch again, before narrowly dodging it yet again.
But then Grey somehow tripped on her tail and was about to faceplant onto the ground until Nanoya caught her.
"... Thanks." She says after all Nanoya heard from her were frustrated grunting. He hummed awkwardly as he helped her up.
"You shouldn't be overexerting yourself too much. Your movements were more aggressive but that was at the cost of a lot of energy.." Nanoya stated as he picked up a towel and threw it at Grey, who managed to catch it before it landed on the ground.
She groaned."Yeah yeah, I'll be more careful from now on..." She rolled her eyes, hiding her amused smile behind the towel.
Grey put the towel over her shoulders."Hopefully I didn't further increase your fear of women." She joked, silently hoping it didn't make him uncomfortable.
Nanoya chuckled awkwardly."Well... You technically did." A drop of sweat fell down her forehead as she sent him a semi-awkward smile.
"Ah... Sorry."
"No need to, its in your nature to be like that."
"Is- Is that supposed to be an insult or a joke."
"Take it as you will..."
As he awkwardly tugged on his towel, Nanoya inhaled sharply before turning to Grey."Grey..." He called her name. She looked at him, tilting her head slightly as she walked towards him.
He blushed a bit, smiling rather awkwardly.
"Can... I kiss you?"
After a moment of silence... Grey sent him a playful smirk."Alright..." Nanoya gulped a bit as she walked closer towards him.
"But... We may go a bit further than that."
Nanoya sighed, pulling her a bit closer.
"I'm... Prepared for what you'll do to me."
And... Well I'm not going to go into the details cause I'm pretty sure he got more than a kiss-
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{ Frisk x Emil }
Calmly painting the rose bushes in heartslabyul, Emil watched as Frisk delicately painted the white roses red with a heartwarming smile.
"You seem to like the roses..."
Frisk chuckled a bit as she looked at Emil."I suppose so. They're quite pretty, so I tend to take the time to admire them every once in a while..." She said, a slight dust of blush on her porcelain skin.
Emil hummed."I see..." He muttered, continuing to paint the roses Frisk assigned to him.
I'll admit, she's right... They are beautiful. Emil thought as he painted over another rose petal. He looked at Frisk for a moment, and his eyes widen.
Sure, he knew Frisk was beautiful. She's called the beauty of heartslabyul for a reason, after all. But still...
The way the wind flew against her hair, the soft smile on her face... And how the sun illuminated her so gorgeously that... Emil wouldn't have believed she was actually a person.
He blushed, looking away as he assumed Frisk caught him in the act. Fortunately for him she didn't. Instead, she hummed a few tunes as she continued to peacefully paint the roses.
Feeling somewhat bold, Emil inched a bit closer to Frisk. To the point her bare shoulders (she was wearing a tank top to prevent paint on her sleeves) touched his own.
She yelped a bit, attempting to hide her embarrassment by covering her dusted red cheeks with her equally red hair. Once again, Emil admitted that such habits were cute.
"S-Sorry..." She whispered, her cheeks getting even redder from pure embarrassment. Emil hummed softly as he too attempted to hide his embarrassment.
"Its nothing to worry about..." He murmured, deciding to distract himself by continuing the process of painting the roses. As did Frisk.
Both were completely unaware of how close in proximity they actually were after 30 minutes.
Suddenly, Emil had an idea. Seeing as he's been wanting to be more affectionate with Frisk...
Frisk hummed in confusion."Y-Yes...?" She responded shyly.
Emil put down his paintbrush.
"Can I ki-"
.... And that was the moment where they both realized how close in proximity they actually were.
Let's just say Frisk was too embarrassed and almost passed out
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{ Azure x Carol }
Azure and Carol were together in his room, as Carol was helping Azure take down his notes for algebra.
"For someone so well versed in literature, you aren't exactly the best in algebra." She joked, as Azure rolled his eyes playfully.
"It's not exactly simple for everyone. Quite frankly I'd say I'm good enough at algebra to give me a passing grade." He said, pushing up his glasses.
Carol giggled."Right... But in return, you'll teach me french." She suggested, easily managing to pique his interest.
"Oh?" He chuckled, "I'll be sure to help you with whatever you have trouble with in french, Carol."
She smiled."Thanks, Azure." The latter hummed, before he kissed the back of her hand affectionately.
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"It is no problem, Mon tout..." He smiled at her, as she smiled at him in return.
Carol smiled affectionately as she and Azure continued to take down notes. As Azure was reading the formula, she felt relaxed... Even when he wasn't reading a novel, his voice managed to soothe her relatively easily.
But then... Carol had a totally brilliant idea.
"Hey.... Azure."
Azure put down his textbook to look at his girlfriend. He rose a brow, waiting for her to ask whatever question she may have.
"... Can I kiss you?"
Azure dropped his pen in shock, as he was now in a completely flustered state. Carol had to admit herself, it's always adorable to see him like this.
"Eh- Well, it's just a suggestion. We don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable with it right now." She laughed awkwardly, trying to defuse the tension.
Azure sighed, his silence wavering before he took Carol's hand and smiled.
"Yes. You can."
Carol's eyes widen in surprise as her cheeks became a bit red, before she eventually smiled.
Soon, they found themselves in each other's arms, with their lips against one another.
Once they pulled away, Azure grinned."I love you, Carol.." he said, kissing the top of her head.
In response, Carol smiled back.
"I love you too."
{ Victoria x Yasuno }
As she wrote down her alchemy notes Victoria pondered on her date with Yasuno last week.
It wasn't exactly unenjoyable, I was quite fond... Not that I'd ever admit it to that obnoxious pillock... She thought as she wrote down the ingredients for the poison she created.
Then again... It wasn't like she was smiling by thinking back at the date. Not at all.
Victoria sighed, narrowing her eyes to the side as she recognized a disgustingly familiar presence.
"... I know you're there, Yasuno." She scowled as Yasuno walked towards her in amusement.
"Aw... Don't be like that, villainess. I'm sure you quite enjoy my presence deep down." He teased as he was about to caress her cheek before she inevitably smacked his hand away.
"I'd rather not let your hand get on my cheeks. I might catch an infection."
"Well that's rather harsh of you to say..."
"You call me a villainess, I'll act like a villainess." She sent him a glare as he smirked at her.
So beautiful... He thought, looking into her menacing sapphire eyes. In general, she was intimidating. So naturally, Yasuno can see why nobles are slightly scared of her. If not more than he expected.
He hummed as he sat next to her, further increasing her annoyance. But she wasn't pushing him away, so there's that.
She scoffed, continuing to write down her alchemy notes.
"So... What exactly are you writing down that notepad of yours, angel?" Victoria felt the urge to snap her quill in half by the sound of one of many of Yasuno's nicknames for her.
"Alchemy notes. However it should be obvious that I don't intend on having you help me, no matter how much you excel in the subject." She stated blankly, fighting the urge to snap her quill in half.
Yasuno gasped dramatically."How cruel of you, my angel... My villainess... The most beautiful woman in all of-"
"If you continue to say those obnoxious nicknames, I will judo flip you unconscious." Victoria threatened, her patience thinning with every second.
Yasuno chuckled."Don't be shy, angel... Tell me you like the nicknames. If not the nicknames... My voice~" he continued to tease her.
Thankfully, Victoria has mastered the art of the poker face. Which helps her hide her flustered expression
Victoria sighed."Your voice annoys me. If I heard you moan, I'd very much likely choke you to death." She remarked.
"Oh... So you want to hear me moan so you can showcase your choking kink... How lewd of you..." He responded.
Her eye twitched as her quill was on the verge of being snapped in half.
"Tell me...."
She sighed heavily, her eyes narrowing in annoyance."What." She responded, sounding almost demanding to hear what Yasuno had to say.
He chuckled.
"My villainess... If I'd kiss you.. How would you feel?"
Victoria blinked.
"... I BEG your pardon?"
He scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully.
"What I'm trying to say, sweetheart... Can I kiss you?"
Silence. Absolute silence.
But surprisingly... When Yasuno anticipated a judo flip, it didn't happen.
Victoria put down her quill and notebook, before standing up and pulling Yasuno towards her.
"If we're going to... We may as well do it in a place where no one can see us."
Yet again, Yasuno gasped dramatically."Oh my! Have I finally won over the cold-hearted villainess with my charms? Have I... Seduced her to the point of no return?" He joked.
"Tsk..." She dragged him behind a nearby tree. He snickered.
"Is this truly the only place you thought of?"
"Weren't you the one who pinned me to a tree last week? Think of it as a way to reward you for not making me want to kill you."
He laughed a bit, wrapping his arms around her waist."I'll take what I can get out of you, angel..." She rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Soon, they both found themselves making out behind a tree. And it even escalated a bit.
Victoria breathed heavily as she pulled away, blushing slightly.
Yasuno smiled, leaning close to her ear."It seems you enjoyed it a little too much, angel..." He whispered.
Victoria's blush increased before she walked away for a moment to get her quill and notebook. Yasuno rose a brow.
"What exactly-"
Victoria hummed."I'll admit, I enjoyed it... But it seems we'll need to continue this... In a more private setting."
She extended her hand.
"So... To my bedroom?"
Yasuno huffed in disbelief, taking her hand and kissing it gently.
"As you wish... My villainess."
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
🌪 for Victoria
🌹 cause of my Carol Azure bias sorry
Part of me would also be interested in 🍑 but only if you are comfortable....
You got it! (I'm comfortable with 🍑, I just don't know how to properly write stuff like that cause I usually scrap the idea out of shame)
Ocs: Victoria Shard, Azure Ekoms
Ship: Azure x Carol
Warning(s): Spoilers for a vital part of Victoria's backstory, mentions of burning flesh, Victoria's grandmother, sexual implications with one of Azure's lines
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
Reason for choosing the banner: Nostalgia
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{ Victoria Shard } { 🌪️: A scary memory }
"What.... What's happening?"
Victoria looked around frantically, trying to figure out why her entire clan of family members looked at her with absolute horror.
"Can someone... Explain to me what's happening??" She pleaded, completing her magic demonstration in the process.
Not only was she frustrated, but she also felt anxious.
Numerous murmuring filled the large banquet hall.
"Has she been cursed?"
"The poor thing..."
"I feel no sympathy, she deserves it..."
"B-By the seven's sacred power..."
Victoria only got even more anxious. What were they talking about? Why were they so shocked?
She turned to her mother, eyes filled with fear and desperation.
"M-Mother... What are they talking about??" She asked frantically, her ball gown flattening as she essentially kneeled to the ground with pleading eyes.
For a couple of moments her mother, Vivian, remained silent. Just as shocked as everyone else.
But eventually, she anxiously pursed her lips as she crouched to Victoria's level of height to hold her hands gently.
"Darling.... Your hands." She finally responded. In Victoria's eyes, it was obvious her mother was on the verge of tears.
"Mother... What are you talking about?"
"My darling... Please glance at your hands."
Victoria bit her lip anxiously, slowly looking down to look at the state of her hands.
And to her horror, she realized that the reason they were so shocked....
.... Was because her hands, the tips of them, were now glass.
Her hands began to shake, her body trembling. And tears began to form.
"M-Mother... What's happening to me..?" She asked, her question sounded like nothing but a helpless whisper.
Vivian's tears now became apparent.
She held her daughter close to her, sniffling."I don't know, my love... I'm sorry.." she whispered back, crying with her daughter.
Victoria's father, Florian, stared at his wife and daughter on the ground.
He pondered, his eyes filling with anger and determination on figuring out who had inflicted such a curse on his beloved daughter.
Suddenly, he heard a chuckle. Everyone did.
Directing their attention to the source of such an inappropriate response to a situation, all eyes were now on Grimhilde. Victoria's grandmother, and Florian's mother.
Realizing that all eyes were on her, Grimhilde quietly concealed her face with a fan and excused herself from the banquet.
Seeing such a reaction, the father and daughter reacted differently.
The daughter, Victoria, sobbed much more. How could her grandmother do this to her? Why would she do that?
But the father....
He was angry. Infuriated, even.
Because now...
... They both realized who inflicted the curse she continues to wear to this day.
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{ Azure x Carol } { 🌹: A happy memory }
Azure and Carol were both in the library at RSA.
Thankfully for both of them, Yuuta was sick and was unable to spy on them and "matchmake" them.
Even better was that they were already together at this time.
Inside the library, Azure was tutoring Carol as a way to repay her for tutoring him.
"And... That's how you write an essay with exactly 15,000 words with correct grammar." Azure said as he was putting down his pen and resting his head on his hand, side glancing towards his girlfriend.
As for Carol, she was carefully analyzing the essay for literature class that was due next week.
Fortunately for her, Azure was very willing to help her complete the essay.
She hummed, raising her eyebrows ever so slightly."Huh... Its pretty good." She commented, looking over to Azure.
He chuckled."See? Hopefully it'll be enough to satisfy your professor." He retorted.
Carol rolled her eyes playfully."Honestly despite how good this essay is to me, it probably won't be good to them." She responded, sounding slightly annoyed because what she said is technically true.
Azure held back a giggle."They simply don't know that good literature isn't only from historically renowned poets or philosophers, mon tout." He commented, casually dropping a new nickname.
Carol paused for a moment at the realization."... Mon tout?" Azure's blank expression changed to a sly little smile.
Sighing, Carol lightly poked him."Eh?" He looked at her, pretending to appear confused.
She gave him a playful smile."You know what you said, Azure. But unfortunately for you, I don't. So tell me..." She inched closer in an attempt to tease him.
"What exactly does 'mon tout' mean?"
Azure blinked for a couple moments, trying to comprehend his current situation.
Eventually he stopped and awkwardly coughed into his fist in an attempt to hide his currently flustered state.
"Are.... Are you sure you want to know?"
"I'm pretty sure I know what I want and what I don't want, Azure."
He sighed softly, giving her a nod.
After a couple minutes from an internal argument with himself, Azure looked at Carol sincerely.
"... My everything." He stated blankly.
Carol rose a brow."Your everything? What exactly is it-" she was cut off. And caught off guard by the feeling of Azure's lips against her own.
Not that she was complaining
Pulling away, Azure locked eyes with Carol. A smile on his face.
"You are. In french "Mon tout" roughly translates to "my everything"... So by technicality, Carol Ann..." He trailed off as he leaned close to her ear.
"You are my everything. And I can't wait to explore more of you... Then just your lips."
By now, Carol was completely red. Sure, she and Azure have already been dating for a few months...
... But she never would've expected him to say something so... Lewd?
Turning away, Azure looked behind him with a sly grin.
Adorable... , He thought as he looked at Carol in her currently flustered state.
"... I'm going to get more books related to your essay. Possibly for a couple backups in case your professor doesn't like the first one you submitted."
And so, Azure went to another section of the library for a couple moments. Leaving Carol, continuing to process what he said.
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rosietrace · 3 years ago
Let me call it curiousity but... I did have a concept for Overblot Carol and would be interested if Yuuta or Azure could deal with it or what their reaction would be. Basically given she has no magic powers she deciphered a book she found that she didn't know was cursed in the hopes of gaining magic abilities and she managed to do it however in return it gained its concious back and became a soul that tried to take her over leading to her Overblot given it was too much power she couldn't control. The setting for it was a library and everything was covered in thorns while the soul used her body as a meat shield... so I was just curious how they both would deal with it.
Yuuta would have no shame in taunting OB!Carol relentlessly. In fact he'd be the type to always taunt overblot victims in order to rile them up and force them to use their full power to tire them out.
As for Azure, we all know he'd be worried out of his mind when he heard the news. Under certain circumstances however; he probably wouldn't be able to deal with it firsthand given the fact that he attends RSA and not NRC.
However, Azure frequently visits Carol. So it's also very likely for him to have visited during the time she eventually overblot. Despite his lack of combat experience, Azure's still relatively skilled with a spell book. He'd likely attack from a distance and cast spells that could enhance the combat abilities of everyone else.
All in all, they'd handle it relatively well. Though you should expect Azure to cry a bit once he and Carol are alone post overblot
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
CarolAzure, YasuVic and GreyNano
You got it! Idk if this is gonna be considered angsty but still- I'll do my best!
OCS: Azure Ekoms, Victoria Shard, Grey Nephrite
Ships: Azure x Carol, Victoria x Yasuno, Grey x Nanoya
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
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(Using Carol's idol au! Twitter banner because this post is related to her :3)
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Azure Ekoms x Carol Ann
[ ❤️: Azure's positive thoughts on Carol ]
He adores her, almost unconditionally.
He finds it relieving that she also finds interest in books and literature in general. It's usually why their dates often involve reading together.
Azure thinks she's easy to talk to, and would often confide in her when he needs a shoulder to lean on.
He finds her cute when she's flustered, especially when he compliments her in french. Once she's learned the language fluently, he hopes they'll be able to occasionally form conversations in the language.
Azure loves Carol, he finds her adorable, funny, beautiful, and loves her almost unconditionally.
[ 🖤: Azure's negative thoughts on Carol ]
He doesn't hate Carol to a certain extent, of course not. But at the same time, he means it when he says he'll love her almost unconditionally.
Azure finds it difficult to talk with Carol sometimes, especially when the topic involves their personal issues.
Arguments don't happen a lot, but when they do, he sometimes gets annoyed when Carol tries to prove her point a little farther than necessary.
When arguments happen, he's scared she'll leave him for someone else. Azure's aware that Carol has a boatload of other options besides him, so he's afraid that if he says one wrong thing, it's over.
Azure loves Carol, he really does, but sometimes he believes that they need to work on their communication with one another so they'll have a balanced relationship.
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Victoria Shard x Yasuno Innochi
[ ❤️: Victoria's positive thoughts on Yasuno ]
As annoying as Yasuno may be for Victoria, she can't deny that he has his own positive traits that she absolutely adores.
She finds it comforting that he's able to help her with her alchemy projects. Especially on topics she isn't as familiar with.
Whenever they walk around together, she thinks it's cute that he'll sometimes squeeze her hand a little tighter in case they'll walk into a large crowd of people.
She secretly thinks the nickname he gave her is cute, and that's why she calls him "Devil" as more of an affectionate nickname than an insult.
Victoria loves Yasuno even though he can come off as a hindrance to her.
[ 🖤: Victoria's negative thoughts on Yasuno ]
Despite the love she has for him, Victoria can't stand Yasuno at certain moments.
A problem their relationship has is with communication. It's good enough for relationship standards, but with the type of shit the two of them went through in the past? It clearly isn't enough.
Whenever they have their arguments, Victoria's mind wanders. It wanders off to the fact that if she leaves him, he'll likely brush it off and move on to pine over someone else.
That fact alone is what makes their relationship uneasy.
And she can't help but wonder.... Would her life be better if she just left Yasuno altogether?
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Grey Nephrite x Nanoya Naegi
[ ❤️: Grey's positive thoughts on Nanoya ]
With their relationship, Grey understands that communication is an important thing to consider. So naturally, they base most of their relationship off of spending time with one another.
When they spar, Grey loves the level of adrenaline they both have. The tension with an opponent who could drag her down with him? Sign her up!
Whenever he teaches her a new combat technique, Grey's almost always amused at the amount of focus Nanoya has with explaining.
She likes that he's okay with losing. It's one thing to be beaten by a strong opponent, but it's another thing if the one who lost isn't exactly happy about it.
For Grey, communication is key. And she makes sure to remind Nanoya that if he needs a shoulder to lean on at any given moment, she's there for him.
[ 🖤: Grey's negative thoughts on Nanoya ]
Even though communication is key for both Grey AND Nanoya, they still have difficulty trying to understand each other. Especially in Nanoya's case.
Grey often locks up her emotions, because that's what she was told to do due to her life as a princess. And because of locking up her emotions, she can't even tell if what she's feeling is genuine.
Their arguments are brief since they both try to sort things out before it escalates. But there are times where the arguments take longer to calm down because of Grey's refusal to express her feelings to Nanoya.
He doesn't know what to do, especially since he's afraid he might upset Grey even more by trying to help and messing it up in the process.
Compared to Yasuno and Victoria? Their relationship is leagues better because of their communication. But still, at the end of the day, Grey still needs to sort out her own feelings before she can confront Nanoya about his.
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
🥀 - YasuVic
🌻 - Carol Azure
🌺 - Emil Frisk
Roger that!
Ocs: Victoria Shard, Azure Ekoms, Frisk De La Rose
Ship(s): Yasuno x Victoria, Carol x Azure, Emil x Frisk
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
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{ Victoria Shard x Yasuno Innochi }
🥀 : My Muse's reaction yours throwing away the flowers mine gave them.
"Greetings, you devil."
Her voice echoed throughout the halls, as did Yasuno's whistles. He chuckled amusingly, leaning in for a kiss and being denied of it from his angel.
"You wound me for not allowing me of brushing my lips against yours, Angel."
"I feel my patience fleeting with every passing moment I have with you." Victoria scowls, and Yasuno laughed.
"Of course you do. But you can't deny that I fluster you, no?" Yasuno teased, but only got a hum as a reply.
"Not with that height of yours." Victoria murmured, chuckling to herself. Yasuno looked at her in offense, but quickly brushed it off.
"Whatever you say, Angel. But may I ask?"
"You may."
"What brings you here? You aren't usually the one who visits me, it's usually the other way around... Tell me, sweetness, why are you here?" His eyes stare into her own, filled with curiosity and intent.
Yet Victoria didn't flinch. Nor did she feel intimidated. And that's what made Yasuno's smile grow.
"If you don't mind, I have prepared a gift for you."
Yasuno raised his eyebrows as a smirk donned his face."Oh? And what is it?" He inched closer to Victoria's face.
With a light shove and a snap of her fingers, Victoria summoned a bouquet of yellow carnations. She glanced at the bouquet for a moment, before gifting it to Yasuno.
"For you..." This time it was her turn to smirk, for Yasuno had fallen silent as he was processing the meaning behind the flowers.
Before he threw the to the side and pulled Victoria close, brushing his lips against hers. She fully expected this, and smirked in between the kiss, before returning it.
"I know you did that to mess with me on purpose, Angel."
"And why do you think I was messing with you? What if I'm being serious?"
Yasuno sighed. Victoria hummed, she's never usually seen him with a serious expression. She found it to be a good look for him.
"Yellow carnations symbolize rejection and disdain."
Victoria nodded."That is correct." She replied bluntly.
"In more ways than one, that would mean that you reject my confession of wanting to be your devoted love. But... I know you better than most, Angel."
Victoria's blank and emotionless expression didn't falter. She only crossed her arms and awaited the next few words that would escape Yasuno's mouth.
"You sent that to mess with me. You wouldn't be able to reject my proposal since... That happened several months ago. And you're an incredibly thorough person or- Fae, for that matter."
She sent him a slow clapped response."Well done. You've seen through it quite quickly. I'm impressed actually." Her heels clicked as she approached him.
Yasuno held her face with his hand."You're manipulative... But you can't manipulate someone who's already willing to do so much for you, Angel." He teased.
Victoria smiled, pulling him closer to her chest.
"You can't say for certain, you devil... People do many things for love."
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{ Frisk De La Rose x Emil Pupnella }
🌺 : Your muse puts a flower in my Muse's hair
"Here are the roses I painted so you can put them in your dolls."
Emil turned to Frisk and saw the basket of purposefully half painted white roses. Humming, he sent Frisk a nod.
"Thank you, Frisk." He said, taking the basket and putting it next to the unfinished dolls. Not knowing what else to do, Frisk sat on the chair he had prepared for her.
I'll admit, she did an excellent job at painting these... Emil looked at the roses and couldn't help but wonder how much time it took for Frisk to perfect that kind of painting method.
Frisk smiled, gazing at the roses with so much glee.
Emil could tell how proud she is of herself for painting them.
"... Frisk."
She yelped a bit before facing Emil with bewilderment."Yes, Emil?" Frisk began to get somewhat nervous. Did something upset him?
Emil paused for a second."... Stay still for a bit." He requested.
A drop of sweat fell down her face."Pardon? Well.... Okay." It was Emil, and Frisk felt like she didn't really have a choice.
Until she suddenly had a white and red rose on her hair.
Emil gave her a pleasing smile.
"It looks good on you.... Don't you think?"
Frisk felt her face heat up, and she tried to comprehend the display of affection Emil just did before smiling at him, her face still warm.
"Yes.... Thank you."
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{ Azure Ekoms x Carol Ann }
🌻: For our muses to lie down in a flower field together.
"I hope this isn't too unusual of a 'date spot', love."
Carol chuckled, shaking her head at her answer."Don't worry Azure, I trust your judgment on this." She said, making Azure don a soft smile on his face yet again.
He nodded, his hand still intertwined with hers, as he began leading her to the field of flowers.
What Carol saw next amazed her. The field... Covered in grass and daisies with the sunlight complimenting it all a little too well. She couldn't help but stop in her tracks to watch the daises move from the breeze of the wind.
Azure noticed her amazement and chuckled beneath his breath."Is it to your liking?" He asked, a hint of playfulness in the tone of his voice.
Carol tucked a bit of her hair behind her hair, a smile still on her face."It is." She replied, continuing to follow Azure.
They now sat on a hill, covered in daisies. Carol admitted to feeling bad that she had to sit on the daisies, even when Azure assured her that it was fine.
And now, they began reading their novel together. It was a favorite of Azure's, and it quickly became a favorite for Carol as well, which helped the two of them grow closer.
Alas, the book was a trilogy. And a long one at that.
Carol hummed."You think we can finish all of this in one day?" She turned her head to look at Azure, awaiting his response.
He pushed up his glasses and gave her a look of cunning."We mustn't underestimate our reading abilities, love. Who knows, we might as well have finished this series in one day before the novella comes out." Was how he replied. Carol only sighed and leaned against his shoulder, continuing to read the rest of the first book.
By the time they reached the climax of the second book, Carol felt her neck ache a bit."Ow..." She rubbed the back of her neck, feeling it ache.
Azure looked at her worriedly."Do you need to be taken to the infirmary?" Carol couldn't help but snort over his concern over an aching neck.
"I'm fine, Azure. Trust me..."
Azure looked away, and to Carol it would seem that he was pondering. It must've been a compelling train of thought, since it looked as though he had a eureka moment soon after.
"Why don't we just... Lay on the field together."
"Eh? Are you sure?"
Azure shrugged casually."It depends. I'm not sure what I should do in these situations but I figured that laying down on the field might make the pain disappear? I'm not quite sure..." He stated awkwardly.
After thinking over it herself, Carol nodded and laid down on the field, already feeling a bit more comfortable.
Soon after, Azure laid down next to her. He glances at her, and asked,"Do you feel better?"
Carol only took his hand and held it close, before kissing his knuckles with a smile full of fondness.
"I feel better now."
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
16 YasuVic 09CarolAzure for the non verbal prompts
Gotcha! Hopefully I didn't take too long to answer this ^^||
Ocs: Victoria Shard, Azure Ekoms
Ship(s): Yasuno x Victoria, Carol x Azure
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
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{ Victoria Shard x Yasuno Innochi }
No. 16: Sender pushes receiver against the wall to kiss them
"..... You do realize I'm taller than you, correct?"
Victoria held her book close to her chest, confusion filling her senses at the current situation she was in.
Yasuno smirked."I know, but that isn't to say I'm not happy about the current position we're in, Angel." He teased, leaning his face closer to hers.
The tips of Victoria's ears turn red, yet her face remained blank with her typical poker face.
In the eyes of her boyfriend, Yasuno knew full well that she was in fact liking this current situation.
Victoria only rolled her eyes and scowled."And why exactly are you doing this? As far as I'm concerned, I didn't do anything to receive this.... Level of intimacy." She questioned, knowing that Yasuno was aware that she demanded an immediate answer.
Yasuno let out a sigh."My answer is rather simple, Angel..." He replied. Victoria's lips pursed and she narrowed her eyes.
"Then say it already."
"Only if you say you'll be okay with complying to my requests, sweetheart~..."
She grits her teeth, before she reluctantly nodded.
"Fine.... Now can you please-"
Unexpectedly, Victoria felt her lips against Yasuno as her body was pushed further against the wall.
Though she was surprised by this, she didn't exactly hate it. She actually quite liked it.
Because of that, she dropped her book and held Yasuno's face gently, returning the kiss and deepening it in the process.
Thankfully, they were doing this privately, so Victoria didn't need to worry about her reputation being at stake.
As they pulled away, feeling their breaths against the other's, a string of saliva was in both of their mouths. Signifying how intense it became in such a short span of time.
Yasuno panted a bit."So... My Angel.... Did you like that?" He asked almost innocently, acting as if he wasn't begging for his pleasure to be reciprocated by his girlfriend.
Victoria, embarrassed to an extent, merely sighed. Grabbing Yasuno by his arm, she turned the situation against him and pinned him to the wall.
"I did, in fact, like that..." She trailed off to hear Yasuno's whistles of pure amusement.
"With how this situation's escalated... You want more, don't you?"
Victoria smiled almost sadistically as she pressed her lips against Yasuno's for a split second before pulling away just to say,
"Only if we'll both indulge each other in the process, you righteous devil of mine."
✐ ✎_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_✐ ✎
{ Azure Ekoms x Carol Ann }
No. 09: Sender falls asleep against the receiver
Azure smiled fondly, feeling the touch of Carol's gloved hands against his bare ones as they both read under their tree.
I quite like moments like this.... Azure thought, his smile deepening as he looked at Carol affectionately.
She was reading one of the books he recommended to help her improve her french, and even though she was happy he recommended a book like that, Azure noticed that she looked rather.... Tired.
Sighing, Azure puts his book down for a moment and gently pat Carol's head."Love, you don't need to force yourself to continue reading." He finally spoke after about 30 minutes of affectionate silence.
Unfortunately, Carol was rather adamant on making him know that she was okay."'Zure, I'm fine, really. There's nothing wrong with improving your linguistics." She said with a soft, yet tired smile.
Azure's concerned expression softened before he kissed the top of her head.
"Alright... Just tell me if you wanna read something else, okay?"
"Got it..."
Azure hummed before turning his attention back to his book, which led to another 30 minutes of affectionate silence.
After that, Azure felt a sort of weight against his shoulder. Assuming that Carol was trying to see what the contents of the book were, he turned his head and found her sleeping soundly against his shoulder.
Though bewildered, he couldn't help but smile even fonder than he did much earlier. He held her close and kissed her forehead, his head against her own.
"Sleep well.... Mon tout."
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rosietrace · 3 years ago
💏 Carol Azure (she has many ships so there is potential what to pick, what If he failed to tell her you could say)
Ah yes.... ANGST
Ship: Carol Ann x Azure Ekoms
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{ Azure x Carol }
Azure was determined.
He was going to confess to Carol. Though he was a little questionable, Yuuta managed to give Azure the best advice he ever had when it came to his ✨matchmaking plan✨
"Listen.... You probably don't trust me-"
"You are correct."
Yuuta chuckled awkwardly as he looked down, arms crossed."Listen, if you want to confess to Carol, go ahead... I'm not gonna stop you from doing that." He assured.
Azure looked at Yuuta straight in the eye."You're serious? You've basically been terrorizing us with your matchmaking skills(or lack thereof), and NOW you want to back down to let me do my own thing?"
Yuuta nodded."I'm dead serious, Ekoms. I realize that my interference with your courtship towards Carol was the real problem, and... I think it's best that you confess to her without me watching."
Azure smiled, patting Yuuta on the shoulder."Thanks, Sumeragi."
Azure inhaled sharply, holding onto a book tightly as he made his way to the library, where Yuuta said Carol was.
How he got that information? He doesn't know, and doesn't want to know.
He looked at the book and opened it to look at the hidden section. Inside, was a ring and a note, professing his love for Carol.
He'll admit that he isn't the best when it comes to words... Unless it was on paper. Where he had full control of thinking over it without saying it all on the spot.
He smiled at the note, somewhat flustered at the thought of Carol reading it already...
Inhaling once again, Azure entered the library and began looking for Carol.
But she wasn't waiting for him. Nor did she know he saw her... With someone else.
Azure felt like his heart became glass, as it swelled and shattered into millions of broken pieces as he saw Carol... With someone else. Kissing someone else.
And that someone, wasn't him.
Azure inhaled sharply, holding back tears. He's never felt the need to cry as quickly as he did at this moment.
Why? Why was he crying? If it's all because of a girl, who doesn't even love him back?
Azure sighed, leaving the library as abrupt as he could. He found a spot in the campus with no one around and figured... Why not grieve for a bit?
He kept his head hung low, as tears fell down his face.
His ears rang as he kept hearing whispers, mocking him for thinking that Carol could possibly love him when she clearly loved someone else.
He saw how lovingly she kissed that person... He knows they confessed, and she accepted.
His ears rang so hard, he didn't hear Yuuta walk up towards him and sit down next to him.
Though Azure was startled by his sudden presence, he eased up a bit..
"I'm assuming things didn't go as planned?" Yuuta asked, his voice so sincere that Azure knew that he wasn't watching. Sly as he may be, when Yuuta's voice sounds really genuine? He means what he says.
Azure hummed, wiping his tears.
"Yeah.... A different knight saved the princess... Or rather, someone else lead Alice back from wonderland."
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rosietrace · 3 years ago
Random thing that popped into my head Yesterday... Carol tutoring while Azure and Yuuta were chilling nearby getting a glimpse of Carols strict side.
Carol: *sweet smile* So Ace, Deuce... can you show me your essays...
// they both handed it to her and after she read it suddenly she slammed the ruler on the table causing them to flinch//
Carol: You know how many errors are in there... this is not even half correct... redo it fully. *menacing smile*
Azure: *in awe* she is right this is horrible... *whispering* God I love her.
Yuuta: urgh why can't you say that actually at her... would make it easier for me to make her in debt to me.
Carol: *turning around sensing Yuutas intentions still a scary smile on her face* What did you mumble... you need to speak Up.
Yuuta: Nothing at all. *smirk*
Azure: *still in awe smiling at her*
Carol: *softens up after Azures smile* A-anyways you two need to rewrite this.
Yuuta's unfazed cause his mission is to matchmake her and Azure for his own personal gain XD
Very accurate to Azure and Yuuta's personalities. Azure's the type of person to not really admit his feelings and mostly watch his crush from afar with mutual pining becoming his aura-
Yuuta at Carol: If you and Azure don't get together already I'm gonna burn Ramshackle down
Carol: *smells smoke and ash* Did you-
Yuuta: 🙂 Madol will pay for the damages, don't worry.
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
Bloop imma take Victoria, Azure and Yuuta
It's time to dump facts about 2 OC's and their trauma while the other one has a normal life-
OC's: Victoria, Yuuta, Azure
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{ Yuuta }
He has a bad relationship with his parents and it's one of the reasons he intends to stay in twisted wonderland
After a fight he had with his parents, Yuuta decided to run away and remove them from his life
Which in turn resulted in him somehow entering the world of twisted wonderland
Now the thing about Yuuta was that he felt somewhat relieved to be in twisted wonderland
He doesn't exactly know why he feels that way
But he felt a sense of nostalgia when he first arrived, and he felt like he didn't want to leave
And he still doesn't want to leave
He'll let Crowley find a way back
But he'll only go back to his world if something disastrous was to happen... And he can't do anything about it
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{ Victoria }
She and Vil aren't as close as she and Zen are
Sure, Victoria and Vil knew each other for a long period of time to the point that they can somewhat accurately guess how the other is feeling
But not to the same degree as her and Zen
She and Zen are like two peas in a pod
Zen pretty much knows Victoria better than anyone, and can automatically make her feel better despite his slight rowdiness
They knew each other since they were 5, and met during Victoria's 5th birthday
And to the surprise of her parents, she got along with him incredibly well
As a child, Victoria was shy and didn't want to be around anyone who was loud or "chaotic"
And somehow Zen managed to get past those and won her over in a matter of minutes
To this day, they remain incredibly close
And... Zen's the only one who can see something as beautiful as Victoria smiling brightly.
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{ Azure }
Azure is like every other writer in the world.... A procrastinator 😀
Many in RSA often assume that Azure writes his essays, stories, etc. ahead of time before the deadline even hits
Mostly because of how he behaves and how well written his writing is
But the true reason for that is...
✨Perfectionism and procrastination✨
Honestly it's a miracle this man gets enough sleep despite his procrastination
Cressida would often joke about his habits when it comes to writing, but no one really believes her-
Azure as a procrastinator is oddly funny to me
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