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limas-art · 2 years ago
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Visiting Alpha Centauri.
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goodomensgifs · 7 months ago
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Good Omens | 1.01 'In the Beginning'
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anotherwellkeptsecret · 1 year ago
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One Night in Bangor (And the World’s Your Oyster): 65
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One Night in Bangor (And the World’s Your Oyster) written by Atalan. Read the fic here. I will be posting all SFW pages on Tumblr and Twitter. NSFW pages (the ending of the fic/comic) will be posted only to Patreon. Patrons will also be a page ahead. This comic will update Mondays and Wednesdays. Please enjoy!
Read more comics on my website! Support my work on Patreon, where you can read ahead!
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azultecnicolor · 1 year ago
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Guillermo is too busy being batshit crazy to join a book club :(
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nastasya--filippovna · 10 months ago
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And who's gonna hold you like me? And who's gonna know you, if not me? I laughed in your face and said "You're not Dylan Thomas I'm not Patti Smith This ain't the Chelsea Hotel We're modern idiots" And who's gonna hold you like me? Nobody No-fucking-body Nobody
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inne-edoftherapy · 4 months ago
don’t worry guys ✋ i am writing an angry email to amazon i have it handled
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sharlinefreire · 2 years ago
we have confirmation of jealous! crowley 😭😩🙏
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demonioenelespacio · 1 year ago
Lately I've been thinking a lot about Crowley, Aziraphale, their feelings and the way season 2 has recontextualised some very popular headcanons from the previous one.
Starting with the first scene of both seasons: Eden and Before.
I think everyone agreed that Crowley fell in love with Aziraphale in Eden. We all know the exact moment, don't we? And I read countless fanfics around the idea that it was love at first sight for Crowley, while it took Aziraphale millennia to fall in love with him.
But then S2...
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His little smile all the time, when he tries to introduce himself… His reaction to "Look at you, you're gorgeous". My man, did you have a crush before they invented them? And my only question is, is this instant interest in the Angel who will be Crowley? Or is he acting like this because he knows who they are, has admired them from afar and finally has an excuse to talk to them?
Regardless of that, the headcanon falls apart. If there's a winner in the oldest crush competition, it's Aziraphale.
And the truth is that all this changes the way I see the Eden scene. We don't know how much Crowley remembers of Before, but, inside, he knows Aziraphale isn't going to attack him right away, the angel is somewhat familiar. Aziraphale gets nervous, but otherwise doesn't react. A demon wants to speak, and, oh, no, it's him. That Angel doesn't exist anymore, what's your name now? This creature is evil, a demon. But he repays him with the same kindness he offered him before.
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Even if I still read Crowley's expression as an absolute fascination with Aziraphale, at this point I don't think we're talking about a love story for either of them. By the time of A Companion to Owls, the two are at a loss as to what to expect from each other and they spend the episode poking at each other's edges.
As far as we know, the last time they met was with Noah. Crowley knows that Aziraphale is not a typical angel, but (in theory) he does nothing against God's order to drown all those humans. Is he really going to do something for Job's children? Why? What is his limit? Aziraphale is aware that Crowley is a demon, but is he really going to do this? Can he trust him not to harm the kids? Crowley was an angel Before; even if the Angel doesn't exist anymore, Crowley's core is the same. He is the same kind being.
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And then you have the Oh moments.
The moment in the church… I know for many people this was the moment when Aziraphale fell in love. For me it was always more complex than that, but with season 2… Now we know Aziraphale was interested Before, and we have two new scenes to give more context: a story before the fight and what happens after the church.
While I'm at it, I'll take this opportunity to say: the fight is because they are idiots. It's not even about holy water! Well, partly yes, but the argument starts with the fraternizing thing.
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Aziraphale has been denying for millennia that they know each other, not because they don't, but to cover their backs. "I'm no nice, don't say I'm nice" insists Crowley every chance he gets to cover his kind acts, unable to overlook "fraternizing."
In case Aziraphale was really covering their friendship with that word, saying "I've got lots of other people to fraternize with" is telling him that they are not so special, that Crowley has more friends.
They fight. But the fight is not that big of a deal. Honestly, to me it has the same energy as the fight when they're saying what to do about Jim. One of them leaves upset, thinks about it, apologizes, and they work together to resolve it in the end. It's a discussion like the one they had about working together to stop the apocalypse. In the book they have conversations that continue after years of not seeing each other; they could have kept talking about this, Crowley making his case, Aziraphale better explaining his objections.
But they don't. The discussion that starts with whether they are friends or not (as if Aziraphale refusing to give him a way to destroy himself if necessary isn't born from not wanting anything to happen to Crowley) is serious enough for both of them to refuse to talk.
In the end Aziraphale gets into trouble and Crowley comes to save him. That's no different from all the other times, it's what they have agreed upon. The Arrangement. But Crowley rescues the books too. And the last time they saw each other before the fight, Crowley was dragged to Hell to be interrogated and, possibly, tortured. His sin? Being slightly kind to a human. At the church, Crowley spends a demonic miracle to save some books. What excuse is he going to give for that? Aziraphale realizes that, whatever happens between them, Crowley is willing to risk punishment for a kind act towards him. Maybe Crowley does feel something for him, cares a little bit about him.
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Because I don't think Aziraphale knows how Crowley feels until then. This Oh moment is not Aziraphale realizing his feelings. He's an angel, he feels love, and now we know he was infatuated from the beginning. Almost every time we see him meet Crowley, he's always amazed.
Is he really not going to be aware of his own feelings? No, I've always bet it's the other way around. Crowley is a mystery to him; I suspect that, just as angels and demons cannot detect each other (except Crowley, as I proposed here), Aziraphale doesn't know if Crowley feels love, of whatever kind, for him.
But he cares. And Aziraphale spends the night trying to say they are friends whenever he can, tentatively, seeing their reaction to the word. And they return to that state of blind trust in each other.
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On the other hand, Crowley's Oh moment…. I don't think it's when he realises he's in love either, sorry. And it's because, to me, they know. They know by then their feelings and each other's. But they've been thinking for so long that it's all too complicated that even when they're on their own side they don't know how to make it simpler.
In the "You go too fast for me, Crowley" scene I always get caught up in what he says before. "Perhaps one day we could go for a picnic. Dine at the Ritz." Options that sound suspiciously like dates, even though he's turning him down again, covering their backs. They eat at the Ritz in the first episode; in the last episode (S1) they go to the park for ice cream as if it's an usual thing for them, just another monday. Even if they're not together-together, they already go on dates do these things.
To be honest, after S1 I always imagined that they weren't going to do anything different. Well, maybe hold hands in public, but everything else? They already act like a married couple (that's why it's possible for them to divorce hahahelp). So seeing them as they were in S2, I don't think they thought they had to change anything. But between Nina talking to Crowley and Aziraphale's enthusiasm in experiencing his own love story with the Ball, they both thought about changing their relationship at the same point.
But as Crowley once wisely said: it's too late. They are idiots, and in the end both Heaven and Hell stopped them.
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mymultifandomhell · 2 years ago
like i know heaven and hell technically know they’re chillin together but seeing the two of them so close right in front of someone from heaven
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gently-decaying-flowers · 1 year ago
my good omens pinterest board goes from full on medieval oil painting fanarts to millions of memes made out of those pictures of david and michael.
you know the ones.
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limas-art · 2 years ago
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Undecided whether to add wings or not.
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hellothere-war · 1 year ago
Did any one notice that in season one episode 2 after Crowley hits Anathema aziraphle says let there be light.
The in the second season episode 1 angle Crowley says let there be light.
Or it could be a silly thing that happened or
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aziraphaledefensesquad · 1 year ago
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Biblically accurate Aziraphale, is that you?!?!
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welpitty · 2 years ago
give me 60s aziraphale and Crowley wives or give me death
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laufxsons · 2 years ago
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Didn't think I was capable of making such a good David Tennant face but yeah. not sure if I'll finish this one.
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the-artist-from-hell · 1 year ago
Fun stuff and cosplay photos: from Salem!
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October 28th 2023
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