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mytherbalegwladys · 1 year ago
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Thank you, Akira Toriyama...
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maekyart · 2 years ago
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OC lore! He's my blorbo and I love him dearly. Little spy in his maid outfit on a mission! I started this drawing a month and a half ago, gave up, and finaly finished it today. I'm not satisfied with the colors, it's a bit too darkish, but I won't do any better because I need to work on other stuff. But I still like the result enough to share it!
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maekyart · 2 years ago
Ooooooooh great idea, love it!
And ok, I'm cheating because my musical taste is mostly defined by "can I project my ocs in this?" and if the answer is yes then the song becomes my favorite for a few months or so. It was still hard to chose only one because I had sooo many ideas.
So finally : Promiseland - Mika
Azerian : I was born in that summer when the sun didn't shine Make it hurt, I'll eat the dirt. I just don't care anymore. Don't occupy my throne, give the crown I own If I've never seen the good, how can I come to amend? Ruzo : Prayed every night to a religion that was chosen from me Sold my soul, broke my bones. Tell me, what did I get?
Dryskel : I was given a name that doesn't feel like it's mine Already played my part, I kept my promise man, show me the Promiseland.
I spent too much time thinking about this, especially considering that my ocs are only known by three people on earth. But if you want to join the club feel free to ask about them! (beware : I will never shut up) And I tag @caillouuusketches, @jackskellinglove and @missmuffins if they feel like joining on the fun ! >:D
OCs as Lyrics
Hey all I decided to event this tag to get folks talking about their ocs and their favourite songs
Rules: Pick one of your favourite songs and assign a lyric that you think suits them, you can do as many ocs as you like!
Tagging: Since I invented this tag I get to tag everyone hehe @sheirukitriesfandom @akaviri-dovah @dirty-bosmer @thequeenofthewinter @nerevar-quote-and-star @your-talos-is-problematic @kartaylirsden @lucien-lachance @crysdrawsthings and if I missed you and you want to do this, consider yourself tagged <3
Song: Francesca by Hozier
Theodora: In any life // If I could hold you for a minute
Valeria: How could you think, darling, I'd scare so easily?
Rochelle: My life was a storm, since I was born // How could I fear any hurricane?
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leflaneurbrutalistedefees · 2 years ago
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Time seemed to ebb and flow more slowly, more viscously as a nomad living off the road - in the absence of any certainty for todays, much less tomorrows or day afters, you're forced to think more, to pay more attention; else you won't have a place to park, or it'll be too cold for a fire, or you'll find out you've inadvertently driven into a nature reserve and you're being stalked by bison. When that happened, they'd drive the camper off the road and pray it could actually perform the feats of automotive dexterity that the rock bands would sing about, wantonly crossing between Thjorensian, Hebbritean and Azerian borders; and sometimes cutting barbed wires to get past Bascarian ones.Ragnar soon got a reputation for getting into fights as a show of his strength - the others tried at first to stop him, but quickly agreed to play along once they realised placing bets on him made them a very stable source of income indeed [...]
A lil' expression of 60s/70s nostalgia from me this week - I am vehemently pro train/bike/commuter and anti car mostly but volkswagen campers are the one car I make an exception for. They're angels that can do no wrong and one day I want one to live that ideal #cottagcore life.
Cars are surprisingly less painful to draw than they first look once you figure out how the perspective works
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zucca101 · 2 years ago
If there’s one thing I like about your character Aries, it’s the fact that she’s a badass mercenary and hero while also having traditionally feminine interests like wanting to eventually settle down with someone and start a family. It’s pretty refreshing in a modern media landscape where every female character has to ape masculine traits in order to be considered “cool”.
It's funny...
I originally created her as a counter to the 'impossibly perfect femme fatale' stereotype of the 00's.
Had no idea how ahead of her time she was, really XuX;;
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But yeah, tough as she is, she's never lost touch with her feminine nature.
She years for the normal life she was denied, in her heart of hearts, and she's willing to fight to make it so.
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And because, at least in the Azerian Timeline, she managed to get married and have two kids, Oriana and Lex, she found that peace at last. (Pictured here with their childhood friends-turned-SOs, Eshoq and Na'eema, Zucca and Raven's kids)
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And even better, in that timeline, she redeemed her soul too...
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And with that redemption, she truly well and mellowed out, becoming the steel magnolia she aspired to be when she was little. Walk softly yet carry a big stick.
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And she *really* rocks the Mom Bod...
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petra-creat0r · 2 years ago
what sariel relationship like with her family?
Sariel has a very positive relationship with all of her family! Including her parents and numerous siblings. The sibling she's closest too likely being CK, as they have the smallest age gap. After that it'd probably be Frisk since they (along with Kris) were still living with Sans ans Toriel since Sari was at least 8, as well as Frisk visited often. That's not to say her relationship with Asriel, Exriel, Chara or Kris is strained at all though. She just didn't see them as much since they were all either much older and moved out while she was still pretty young, or just didn't interact with her that much.
For more extended family, Sariel also has a pretty good relationship with all her cousins and extended family too. Her Uncle Azerian has always doted on her, her Uncle Papyrus is exciting and fun to be around, her Aunt Arial has always encouraged Sariel's fanfic writing, her Uncle Mettaton might be a little extra for Sariel's taste, but she still loves him all the same. I'd say the cousin Sariel is closest too is Broadway simply because of the small age gap. Even smaller than the gap between Sari and CK! (Broadway was born in 2020, while CK didn't come around until 2021 or 2022. Sariel was born 2017 making the age gap between Sari and Broadway only 3 years while between Sariel and CK, it's more like 4 or 5. I know when it comes to little kids, that still seems like quite the big gap, which is why Sari isn't as close to any of her cousins as she is to kids her own age, but I still thought I'd add it.)
I think the only family member Sariel isn't all that close to is her grandfather. That man is surrounded by darkness and mystery... I'd imagine that Sariel both wants to unravel said mystery, but at the same time, still finds herself too frightened to approach. Though, who knows? Perhaps one day she'll piece together this mystery surrounding her relative. Only time will tell...
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new-aleria · 4 months ago
Did you know?
Did you know that most Azerians harbor a deep fear of the ocean? This fear is not unfounded. The only functional ports in Azeria are Saltwind Rest and the Dead Woods, both infamous for their dangers. Saltwind Rest, though strategically positioned, is overshadowed by the perilous Pearl Islands just offshore. These islands are said to be the hunting grounds of monstrous sea creatures, some reportedly three times the size of the largest ships. Countless fishing vessels and daring explorers have vanished in the waters surrounding the islands, leading many to believe the beasts are guardians of some ancient secret hidden beneath the waves.
The alternative, the port near the Dead Woods, is no less treacherous. The dense, shadowy forest is whispered to be cursed, teeming with natural and supernatural predators. Yet, from this very location, the late Count Finn launched his daring expedition to the unknown lands. His choice was deliberate; he believed the creatures of the Pearl Islands were a far greater threat than any horrors lurking in the Dead Woods.
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signed, Annette Vallee<3
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askthedreemurr-fontfamily · 2 years ago
Interesting question (and one that honestly might get an answer with some sort of crossover in the future) but what would the family think of there AFAC counterparts: their differences and what some of them are doing
The most interesting I think could be
Azerian and maverick
Ariel and hermen (I can’t spell to save my life)
And exriels General reaction 
Oh this will be something interesting. I know we'll be having a crossover with ACAF at some point, not sure about @askfriskandcompany, so if you want the AFAC character's reactions, go to TQ.
But for Azerian and Maverick, I still can't help but imagine the Drew and David meme. Or also
Azerian: Traumatizing face scar? Maverick: Traumatizing face scar. Both: *Finger guns* Eeeeey.
I feel the Sans's would be chill. Though I can totally see AFAC Sans just being like Sans.exe has stopped responding when he finds out about Sariel (which, TQ, btw I know you've been discussing the stuff with a hypothetical Soriel baby with your askers. If you come up with an idea for said hypothetical kid, I'd love to draw them with Sariel.)
Arial and Hermann would get along. I once drew a picture of them singing Starships.
Exriel would just watch the likely ensuing chaos and be like. "Yep. Figures that I don't have a counterpart. Just like every other AU."
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anxiousdisasterlesbian · 3 years ago
Alright, so. Kinda new to posting my own stuff and really, really nervous about doing so, but... This was my gift to my absolutely wonderful girlfriend, @atdffpetra, and I thought, "She's been encouraging me to post my own work. This might be a good opportunity."
So here it is. A drawing of the Angsty Boi himself, Petra's perpetual punching bag, and some other stuff I can't say without spoiling her comic, Azerian.
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Go look at Petra's stuff. She's awesome. And a goof.
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askthedreemurr-fontfamily · 2 years ago
I definitely think Exriel and Asriel fit into the older cousin role, though Azerian is definitely more of an uncle.
Though yeah, lol. They are a bit of a mess, huh?
How do you think asriel will react to the azzy mess that exists in ATDFF
asriels, one flowey/azzy emotional mess that has been made into exriel
And a post-apocalyptic asriel who has vine arms and the ability to heal like wolverine
He'd probably treat them like older cousins tbh. He might think they were pretty cool.
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sagasofazeria · 4 years ago
My Attempts At Making Unique Nonhumans Part 6: Orcs!
This one took a while, but hopefully that means it’s high quality lol! I’m posting it a week late because it took a while to get around to it and I finished it closer to the next wbw than the one I missed. Enjoy!
Taglist: @talesfromaurea @hellishhin @thelaughingstag
Orcs are a worldbuilding minefield, to be perfectly honest. Like lots of the “evil” species in D&D, the lore behind them is questionable at best and “what the flying fuck?” at worst, so naturally I have taken a shovel and thrown that shit right on outta here. Dark gods? Nope. Born evil? Nope. Orcs in my world simply evolved alongside humans, from the natural world, and they’re just another humanoid species in this wacky fantasy world. But that’s not important, we’re here for the fun stuff.
Orcs, like humans, are good at living pretty much anywhere besides directly in lava. Their bodies, while not as fluid in their adaptations as elves, can withstand almost any environment. Orcs generally are very well equipped to live virtually anywhere. You think humans have range? You haven’t met orcs.
Additionally, like humans, they have multiples of organs that make them both more powerful but also able to live with like half their insides. Their bodies have an accelerated rate of healing, and are constantly ready to go. All of this culminates in their legendary ability to stand back up after what would’ve been a fatal blow for even the strongest of other species. Orcs tend to live roughly the same on average as humans (if not slightly more just because they die less). All of this means that many orcs choose the outlander lifestyle, but this is obviously not universal. (Nothing is.)
While orcs have no innate magical talent, they often have a fierce connection to the natural world, as well as heightened perception and raw strength. Orcs also tend to have many different physical appearances. They can have skin that can be the whole range of earth tones and human skin tones, as well as multiple hues of gray, blue and purple. Their hair also varies widely, but occasionally includes coarse quill-like hairs as well. Their tusks (the pride of many orcs), can vary in size from glorified lower canine to long enough to touch their cheeks. Their blood is also based on a different mineral (multiple, actually) than iron, making their blood a darker blackish color. Often this color is compared to that of nutrient-rich soil and this comparison used often as imagery in orcish religions. In fact, “earth” and “blood” in orcish are actually the same word (in the most widespread dialect).
This was tons of fun (once I finally got around to it, haha). I love orcs and I have always felt like they got done dirty. Behold, my solutions.
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crossovanon · 2 years ago
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This looks like off brand knockoff version of azerian doesn’t it
@atdffpetra be honest, how bad does it look
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aegis-17 · 3 years ago
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When the old civilization collapsed, many azerian survivors were taken in by ancient cacean troopships, these would form the foundations of the cacean tribeships and territories of the modern age. lineart for days, and days. #sketch #digitalsketch #linework #digitalsketch #linework #art #cyborg #synth #mech #biomechanics #inprogress #characterart #characterartwork #lore #characterdevelopment #illustration #scifi #illustrationart #doodle #doodles #greebles #detailing #creaturedesign #creatureconcept #studyaesthetic #technoorganic (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb05DhorbYC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-world-of-lodae · 5 years ago
The Gods of Lodae
The gods of Lodae are as varied as they are uncaring. Most if not all have abandoned this world to its own whims and wishes. The reason for this is unknown, but from what the Royal archives can gather, it is directly correlated with the Drako Wars (C. 0 PA). After this conflict, it seems that divine magic wained from what little reports we have from this time. These events, however, would be the catalysts for The Great Migration.
The Sanctified Six:
These are the recorded and actively worshiped gods that are permitted within the borders of the Kingdom of Azeria. Worship of faiths outside of these nine are not forbidden, but are heavily discouraged.
1. The Metallic One (LG)
The Metallic One is the god of Justice and Protection, but also of Travel. Although a powerful deity his children, the Metallic Dragonborn, have been doomed to wander the plane after the destruction of their home at the hands of the chromatic Empire of Drakonis.
2. The Solar Father (NG)
The deity of the Stars, of the Harvest, and of Good. The Solar Father is the deity for both the common Azerian farmer, to those who would take up the mace in defense of all that is Good and Holy. His word commands crusades, his breath blows wind across the land, and his sight brings warmth to a cold world.
3. The Goddess of Luck (CG)
The deity of Drink, of Freedom, and of course Luck. The Goddess bestows her boons as it is said to the poor, and the downtrodden in the form of Liquor and good fortune. She's a very fickle goddess however and at one moment her boon might be upon you the next stolen away. It is said she takes as she gives.
4. The Ticking Lord (LN)
The deity of History, of Civilisation, and of Wealth. As the patron deity of the Kingdom of Azeria, most governer's and other government officials worship him. He seems to spread structure and society throughout Lodae, and is believed to be the only god who has yet to ascend. As his disciples have put it "Our Lord's mission has not yet been completed, the day of Eterna must come first."
5. The All-Watcher (N)
The deity of Prophecy, Magic, and Knowledge. Her worship is seen throughout Azeria as scholars request her boons to gather more knowledge. She is seen as giving deity sometimes to much, sometimes to little. It is through her words that prophecies are made, and through her weave that we have magic. Magic in some semblance or another is in all of us. This allows her to watch our actions and decided for us the correct path.
6. The Life-Giver (CN)
The deity of Nature, of Life, and of Seasons. They are considered less of a god and more of a force. It is through their actions we all exist, but it is through their actions that storms can kill us. They're quick to anger, but their worship protects us. Most druids and naturalists worship them.
Authors Note:
Hi, y'all! This is the first big post I've really made! So I apologize for bad format and how long this post is! I hope y'all enjoy more to come! Feel free to ask me questions if you want!
Next up: The Restricted 3 and The Forsaken One.
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merlinsquest · 5 years ago
Ursula’s Castle
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Joanna:  Ursula’s castle is more intimidating than any of the books have described.  Just looking over the icy tundra I’m reminded of the battle that took place here.  How many Azerian soldiers died storming this castle?  Hopefully we won’t be next.
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zucca101 · 3 years ago
Okay, then…To Aries: What are your views on religion, both Spira’s and Earth’s?
"Huh... well, Earth's beliefs tend to widely vary. Some are monotheistic, others are polytheistic. Frankly, I tend to respect the worshippers of Earth a little more because their faith and prostrations, unlike my world, where the majority of gods and goddesses, spirits, saints, patrons and demons offer blessings, boons and gifts in return for worship. There's exceptions, such as the Everlord, who is the subject of my worship. It's argued that he gives no boon, but those of the faith feel like the world is the boon. In the Azerian timeline, where I have children, faiths crossed the Dimenseporter back and forth and Spira's gods found new worshippers on Earth while Spira found an influx of curious new faiths. Hinduism caught on the quickest, but Lutheran Christianity had the most staying power."
"If you're asking what I think of faith... I'm not the best person to ask. I lost mine for a time, namely when I left Hell, having struck that deal. But I regained it over time. A long time, mind you..."
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