orendast · 11 months
"Belki de yaşadığın her şeye rağmen yaşamaya devam etmekti cesaret.."
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forbidden-galaxy · 3 months
Yeni sezon gelmemesine ve gelmicegine rağmen hala bekliyorum
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rotten-games · 2 years
Is Azden completely unbudgeable on his Anti-Dadjokes stance? Even if BabySlayer really liked them? :(
He would consider it. Once. But he's also just not very good at them. He's more of a dry humour.
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musicmags · 4 months
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blackrayser · 11 days
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My dear boy Azden, from my Spirit Stallion RPG back in 2009. I never actually drew him, so I thought it was time for him to have a proper reference sheet. I missed you sweet boy 🐴
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agumonger · 2 months
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azden, a kong who goes to rave parties and keeps bumping into everyone (on purpose to pick fights)
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ruthycruzy · 6 months
Video Equipment and Resources Review - Speaker Bryan Baker, Reflection
I want to thank the Director of Technology, Operations, and Multimedia Projects at Elon University for visiting our classroom today. He did an excellent job connecting students with resources on campus for their multimedia projects. This was a big help to me as I plan to transition from Print to Broadcast Journalism. As I acquire more skills throughout my time at Elon I appreciate the guidance to mold me into a great journalist.
I learned about the equipment offered to students in the Gear Room such as sound recorders and microphones that work best for your project. He described a variety of recorders that included Zoom H4, H5 audio recorders, Sound Devices, and MixPre Recorder. These were mostly new devices for me since I am not the best tech-savvy person when it comes to video equipment. I didn't realize that an Azden Field mixer contains multiple microphones which I found quite interesting. Then he explained the types of microphones such as Handheld, lavalier (wired and wireless), and shotgun mic. 
Baker presented us with a tutorial for Universal Music Production which allows students collect music for their production. He also introduced the Pro Sounds Effects Library that is accessible to Elon students. When he gave us an overview on how to capture the best sound with gear room equipment I found it quite helpful. He told us about single and double system which was a new concept to me. The double system helps enhance the audio, backup if one fails, and helps organize audio. This format is flexible, reliable, and resourceful. The aspect I found most relatable to me was the DSLR Recording which requires a double system to produce quality work. 
He taught the class about common terms we would encounter within a journalistic field. These terms included Dynamic (durable) need close contact, Condenser (batteries), Condenser (+48v), Cardioid, Omni Directional, and Supercardiod/Lobar. I have never heard of these characteristics within my time at Elon so it was great to learn about these new concepts. 
The most valuable information I received was about the new Adobe Podcast program on Adobe Creative Cloud. This is a new feature that helps improve video and audio quality for Multimedia projects. Baker gave us a tutorial on how this program works and what we can do to enhance our own personal stories. The program includes features of enhanced speech, mic check, and studio. Enhance Speech “Remove noise and echo from voice recordings.” Mic Check “Fix microphone issues before recording.” Studio “Record, edit, and enhance in your browser.” These features use algorithms (AI) to help improve work ethic and decrease tools. I believe this was the best advice that would help me on my personal project. He also offered us templates and examples from our School of Communication which will benefit me in the future.
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audio-luddite · 2 years
Phono Pickups / Cartridges.
I have a few. More than I need.
Getting into the vinyl thing phono cartridges are a basic essential. They can be cheap or so expensive "that if you have to ask....."
I have heard a few. Not that many compared to what is available, but certainly a representative sample of the art.
Here is a clumsy narrative of my journey.
I started out seeking advice and hints from magazines and store salespeople. My first turntable was a Dual with a Shure M91ED cartridge that came in the package. It was OK to actually good. I was pleased with it for some time, as I really did not know better.
My next step was a Shure V15 III in a Grace 707 tonearm. In the mid 70s that was a magic combination promoted by the Gurus at TAS magazine as close to SOTA. (TAS=The Absolute Sound) It was seriously good. Frankly my system was good, but not yet high end.
Several years and a few thousand miles later I got an Audio Technica Signet TK7E which was better than the then old Shure. At that time I had monoblock tube amplifiers and a tube preamp and my first truly ambitious Speaker Tower. It was a deliberate upgrade. I was getting high endish.
That stayed in service for a long time. I was not interested in fiddling and tweaking the front end. I just wanted to listen to my LPs.
Then a problem emerged partly due to the "death of vinyl". Signets was no longer around. The availability and selection of new styli was drying up. If you do not keep the tiny diamonds fresh they will damage the records.
So I embarked on a search for replacements. That was a rabbit hole.
I explored the highly promoted world of Moving Coils. I did not have gobs of money so I did not get very expensive ones. I recall one called an AZDEN GM-1 which was high output as my preamp could not handle low output. I just looked that one up and you can still get them for $350 bucks and up. I did not care for it that much. No others were memorable.
Old names such as Pickering were out of business. Mr Pickering invented phono cartridges, as we know them, because he was dissatisfied with the quality of recording playback. He died a few years ago, even though I see ads for various models none are new as far as I can tell. Also I never saw them on any of the good stuff lists. Replacement parts are spotty, or out of production.
Shure is gone from the phono cartridge biz, though still in business with Microphones and the like. Some are available as New Old Stock. NOS in phono cartridges is not a good thing generally. The cantilevers are mounted in a flexible material that may not age well. Also it may not be truly new, but certainly old. There is a supply of new styli from several places so If you find a Shure body you can probably get it working. But first check out the prices for those styli! When I got my Phase Linear turntable there was a Shure cartridge on it. I sold it with my Sony Turntable.
My friend had an ADC XLM back in School and it was on good stuff lists. In fact it was a TAS favorite before they drank the moving coil kool aid. ADC was sold to a big company in the late 70s and survived a few years as a brand name.
Grado started up in the 50s. They are still around and very respected. Arguably they have the most experienced designer / fabricator on the Planet in Mr Grado who started in the firm as a kid working for his uncle. I had a Grado years ago and have two right now.
I have never had an Ortofon. They are very respected and the largest company in the world for phono Cartridges. They are also over 100 years old. Many people like them a lot.
There is an outlier in the DECCA cartridge. DECCA is a British electronics company, that came up with a unique solution. It is a different approach to moving iron MI aka induced magnetic. It is still manufactured under license as the "London DECCA" Cartridge. They are over $1k and loved by those so smitten. I have never heard one, but am curious.
Then there is AT. Audio Technica is a Japanese power house. They make a HUGE selection of phono cartridges in two major flavors. Moving Coil and Moving Magnet. The MM types have two tiny magnets bonded to the cantilever that vibrate between two sets of coils. I bought a few of those as my much loved Signets was a luxury brand of AT. I have three ATs that are rumored to be descended from the Signets. Of course Internet Rumors are so reliable.
I found that an ATN12s Stylus fits the Signet TK7 so it is usable again.
My current Stable is : (AT)Signets TK7e, AT 440 mla. AT7V, Grado 3 Green, and Grado Opus 3.
The others are gone. I may still have a AT95 something in a box.
All the ATs are moving magnets. All the Grados are moving iron.
I have convinced myself that moving coils are not good if you are after accuracy. That from the firm resolve of people who still cut LPs and have the master tape right there, never use those to check their work. I think it was Doug Sax who said; " I like moving coils but only on other peoples turntables."
Moving Iron may be the best method used. Grado use it as does Sound Smith and their top of the lines are candidates for the best there is. It can be very low mass and boasts stupid high frequency response.
So looping back to the start. The simplest entry to these things is to get current production from either Grado, Audio Technica, or Ortofon. I believe the best value is in Grado as the least expensive is pretty good. If anything gets you into vinyl that is a good thing.
If you have lots on money the Top of the Line Grado and Soundsmith are worth looking for.
Here is a good place to shop: https://www.lpgear.com/
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vaynord · 2 years
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favatrice · 5 years
me saving my ships from bad writers
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azrak4ya · 5 years
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“Bana yalan söylemiş,ihanet etmiş,güven duygumda derin yaralar açmışlardı.onlara artık hayranlık ve saygı duymuyordum fakat yine de onları seviyordum. Hiç şansım yoktu. Vahşi doğada,karın içinde dururken bunu bal gibi biliyordum. Sevgiyi öldüremezsiniz.onu nefretle bile öldüremezsiniz. Belki sevgi halini aşkı öldürebilirsiniz. Onları öldürür veya ağır bir pişmanlık içinde derine gömebilirsiniz ama sevgiyi öldüremezsiniz. Sevgi, sizinki dışında bir gerçekliği tutkuyla aramaktır ve bir kere bunu içtenlikle dolu dolu yaşadınız mı sevgi sonsuza dek sürer. Sevgiye dair her hareket,kalbin her bir yanı evrensel iyiliğin bir parçasıdır.”
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rotten-games · 5 months
OMG I love this update, especially the updated Arke meeting, it gave Wolfe so many Dad of The Year moments. Also are the black veins Azden has while healing Arke something that’s always there or are they only there while casting like Queenslayers skin burning away? And is the way Azden healed him normal? This chapter is gonna make me dust off the ol tin foil hat
Some healers prefer to use only magic, however, many small-town healers like Azden and Herron like to use a mix of magic and other reagents to help speed the process along. It's kind of like a chemical reaction, in that using plants, or a potion poured over the wound, speeds up the healing process and uses up less energy when casting a spell on the subject. In Arke's case, it was a matter of requiring speed and a lot of energy/mana to heal him to any degree that was going to result in him living, so Azden did what he had to.
Usually his methods aren't nearly that... violent.
As for the veins, for Azden it's mostly just a way his magic manifests when he's using a lot of magical energy--similar to QS in that regard. It doesn't always appear, especially if he's casting small spells across the course of the day, but if he's using a lot of energy all at once his body reacts like that in response to the output and strain.
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chooswlove · 5 years
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Bir sevdayı büyütüyoruz seninle.
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wolsaaslow · 5 years
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baddvstx-vsvp · 5 years
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AzDen 🌈
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