princessdevy03 · 7 years
Long Time Coming, Still Got A Ways To Go....
I deleted my KevEdd side blogs tonight. 
Considering that The KevEdd Meta Tumblr Project is now cancelled because my relationship with the other person involved has been cancelled, it was time for them go.
I only held onto them in the hopes that the other person involved would come back and things would get right again, but here we are a good ten months later and nothing.
Plus, I was tired of reblogging shit to them on accident bc my thumb slipped (I tend to do nearly everything except post my stories on this hell site on the app bc it’s honestly faster than my computer. But that may change soon bc the app is more like the desktop site now, YAY!) when they’re supposed to be on “hiatus.”
So they’re gone.
And some such....
Maybe someday I’ll get back into a tumblr life for them. I honestly want to include the entire cul-de-sac, the Kankers, Nat, Rave, and Max and Justin but that’s gonna take a team of ppl (preferably local so we can meet in person and push out content on a regular basis and be on the same page projectwise) and life just isn’t set up like that for me right now.
But yeah, now you know.
Sure it’s permanent, but think of it like a so long, instead of a hard GOODBYE.
Growing up requires some maturing and this gives me space to do that for them and we’ll all be better for it. 
And even if I don’t, ya’ll still got me and my shit posting ass. I’ll stay in the tag and bring you the best that your fellow shipmates have to offer and give you all of my junk, too.
So yeah. 
That’s all.
Bai! (for now! [dun, dun, dun])
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