#axl bill bailey rose
aristobun · 2 years
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❛ You’re so much more than the mistakes you’ve made, Axl, ❜ she says, arms folding over her chest in defiance.
The redhead was going through the motions of his regular and rather irritable episodes of feeling frustrated with his life. In all the years she had known him, he went through this so often, it seemed as though it would never end. She found it ridiculous, but not in the sense that she made him feel worse, rather, she could not fathom how he even conjured up the idea he was so terrible as a person. Helene believed the complete opposite as she had confided in him many times, but it was quite obvious that he was never going to believe her against a population of many who only reaffirmed his own beliefs.
❛ Maybe, but I’ve made too many of them according to most of the people who keep up with me and the guys, ❜ he says, a look of sadness filtering into his expression.
Helene slowly steps closer to him when she notices the look on his face and the tone of his voice, stepping directly in front of him and raising a hand to rest on his cheek as she smiles in such a bright manner, he would find it impossible to not smile right back at her. The warmth of her hand against his skin was pulling him into a much more positive state of mind.
❛ Darling, you can’t please everyone.. and why would you want to? So many people in this world, there would be nothing else left of you to appease them all, ❜ she reminds him.
❛ Yea, I guess you’re right, ❜ he smiles, laying his own hand on top of her own before pulling it to his lips and placing a kiss on the back of it, then pulling her into his arms. ❛ It’s impossible to make everyone happy all of the time. ❜
Helene allows herself to fall into his embrace automatically, a sense of comfort provided that only he was capable of giving her and she sighed happily. She dropped her head down onto his shoulder and breathed in the scent of his cologne, a myrrh and tonka blend that was heavenly in this moment. She took it all in as Champagne Supernova played softly through a radio in another room, whilst they stood in the living room in each others arms, enjoying the silence in conversation and simply being with each other for those few moments of peace.
Axl drops one of his hands to lay it about her hip, while finding her own hand in his other one to initiate a small circle between the pair as they move to the steady beat of the music. A smile had been all she offered before, but now she was laughing, as soon as he started to spin her around, picking up the pace and matching the song, while lending his own, far deeper vocals in this moment, to the classic Oasis hit. Helene felt herself lift to the clouds as she remained here with him, this situation giving her a release of so many stressful emotions that she rarely got to experience; only with him, did her worries ease.
❛ Happy Birthday, Axl, ❜ she finally says, pulling back her cheek from his own enough to offer those brown doe eyes of hers up to him, her gaze resting on his own, vibrant green like emerald hues staring down at her. ❛ I’m the one who should be singing to you today, really, ❜ she chuckles.
As the previous track shifts on the radio, the familiar bars of a widely popular hit filter through into the living room, Helene’s eyes sparkling as her love for the record builds. She steps just a foot or two away from Axl but maintains her hold on one of his hands as she gains some space to dance properly. That’s The Way Love Goes had been a gem of a track since it came out just a year ago and she dropped everything whenever the song began to play, no matter where she was.
❛ You’re beautiful, baby, ❜ he tells her, watching in pure delight as she twists her body delicately to the rhythm of the music, a very captivating ability she seems to master so effortlessly.
As soon as the song is over, her movements cease, but she is the pulled urgently back into his embrace, where a kiss is then pressed flush against her lips. The shock expresses itself with an open mouthed brunette grasping at his upper arms, while it gives him the opportunity to swirl his tongue in to roll over her own and encourage a squeak of a sound from her throat. It is swiftly followed by a delighted moan as she kisses him back.
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rocketqueen1989x · 4 days
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valupuyhol · 1 year
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This man represents all that is right in this fucking woooorld. 🫶🏻
So freaking perfect.
YEAR: 1991 💫🖤🤟🏻
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mycollectionmylife · 8 months
"I'm reckless and feelin' no pain You know I've got no need to control Livin' with the danger I'm always on the edge now With million dollar visions that I hold Livin' like this never ever tore my life apart I know how to maintain and you know I know my part"🎤🌹🎸🔫🌹🎩🎸🤘
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teddypickerry · 19 days
men piss me off so much. they could be cool SO EASILY. but most of them aren’t fucking cool. like just grow out your hair and dress like axl rose and bitches will be lining up at your door. but nooooo.
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80squeen · 1 year
Axl as a person, to me: Deep, quick thinker, devoted, generous at times, sentimental at times. Yet if he cuts you out of his life, I’m not sure there is room to get back in. He believes in God, loves kids, more of a loner even if he is surrounded by so-called “friends.” He has adjusted in life and says he is happy. He makes it a point to enjoy life. I like the deep conversations with him. He gets it, and it’s great to have a friend who just gets it (whatever you’re talking about) when we connect. The downside to Axl is the big ego but that goes with rock stardom and that power. It’s crazy; when I am around him, he lifts one finger and people listen – pretty scary to me! He can pretty much do what he wants in his world. Except for the other people in the music business who try to control him. He finds ways to escape that too, not totally escape, but that is another story. To me, Axl needs to learn to trust again. I know this is a hard one when trust gets destroyed. Axl has a hard time with his past; there is a lot that gets in his way, and he doesn’t want to go back there! I totally understand that! Friends get hurt, people who want to be in his life, but he had to make choices he might not like for his own good. But if he made the other choices it would be worse; it’s kinda like that song “Should I Stay Or Should I Go” by The Clash. If you get in his way he warns you before he does anything, yet the people who don’t listen… well, they will get the Axl wrath! I pray for him and hope I been a good influence in his life. It’s nice to still have the friendship and I am thankful for that.
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jessepinkmancrystals · 8 months
Axl Roses first ever band!!This was his project before starting Hollywood Rose with Chris Weber & Izzy Stradlin!!! :33 The band was called Rapidfire, started sometime in 83 before June! The line up consisted of (Left to right) Chuck Gordon on drums, Axl Rose (who at the time in the band was going by his real name 'Bill Bailey') on lead vocals, Kevin Lawrence on guitar, and finally Mike Hamerik on bass! The band had only ever released two EPs , said two EPs being named 'Ready to Rumble' and 'Afterburner'. Ready to Rumble was their first ever EP released. The EP was released on May 15th 1983, 3 days before May 28th when the band broke up. The thing was that it wasn't commerically released until November 15th of 2014 due to complications with Axl's legal team. The Ready to Rumble EP had five tracks being:
#1. Ready to Rumble
#2. All Night Long
#3. The Prowler
#4. On The Run
#5. Closure
Ready to Rumble spans about 14 minutes and 32 seconds. This EP also served as the bands last EP with Axl before he went onto start Hollywood Rose with the aforementioned Weber and Stradlin. When it comes to their second EP 'Afterburner', since Axl left Kevin Lawrence had gone onto take the role of lead vocals. When it comes to listening to this EP i think it might be impossible to find considering that it was never released publicly but only sent via email to fans who wanted to listen to the EP. Afterburner had one less track then Ready to Rumble only containing four tracks:
#1.Ready to Rumble(new version)
#2.Nothing Left to Say
#3. Don't Walk Away
#4.When the Lights Goes Out
This was all the information I could find on Rapifire before i stopped myself from nerding out and deep diving into it!! :3
If there's anything that's wrong or misspelled pls correct me! English isn't my first language so yk!! Thx 4 listening 2 my yap!! :D
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suicideshift · 1 year
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1978 Bill Bailey (Axl Rose)
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gonzalo-obes · 1 year
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Guns N' Roses Banda de rock estadounidense formada en 1985 en Los Ángeles alrededor del cantante norteamericano Axl Rose (William Bill Bailey, 1962) y del guitarrista británico Slash (Saul Hudson, 1965). Su imagen provocadora, su filosofía fiel al lema “sexo, drogas y rock and roll” y sus letras agresivas fueron siempre motivo de escándalo en Estados Unidos, donde llegaron a alzarse voces pidiendo su censura. Su combinación de rock duro y punk tuvo un éxito arrasador: de Appetite for Destruction (1987) se vendieron ocho millones de copias solamente en Estados Unidos. Sus álbumes Use Your Illusion I y II (1991) y The Spaghetti Incident? (1993) tuvieron un éxito similar. Axl Rose, natural de una zona agrícola de Indiana, su carácter irascible y sus ataques de cólera han marcado toda su carrera musical. Su infancia le persigue. Su padre adoptivo era un fanático religioso que le pegaba a él y a su madre por cualquier motivo, lo que le llevó a centrarse en la música, en especial el piano, para evadirse. Pero si los malos tratos que sufrió no eran suficientes, el cantante reconoce que sufrió un golpe aún más duro cuando supo quién era su verdadero padre. Se trataba de un delincuente considerado el «peor» en la historia de la localidad de Lafayete, de donde procede Axl. Su madre no quería siquiera oir hablar de él. El progenitor del cantante de GnR fue muerto a tiros en otra localidad cercana. Puedes comprarla aquí: http://tienda.obesia.com/index.php/musica/161-guns-n-roses
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rocknbabys · 3 years
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aristobun · 2 years
The familiar, uplifting bars of a Meatloaf hit filtered around the room as she entered, taking a seat on the sofa right beside the redhead, the words of the song filling her heart and offering all the courage she needed in that moment.
The radio playing did more for her confidence than her own beliefs, but she rose her hands to rest her chin atop them and found a spot on the floor to stare at before opening her mouth to tell him the news.
‘ Axl— ‘ she begins, clearing her throat immediately as crackle follows the sound of his name and he glances toward her, the bottle in his hand lowered and he placed it on the coffee table, spotting the struggle she seemed to be having. ‘ I’m pregnant, Axl, ‘ she continued, raising her gaze to meet his as she turns.
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For a moment or two there is nothing but silence between the pair, the only sound being the end of the track that had played when she entered the room, now making way for another very well known hit from the late seventies.
Axl was glad he placed the beer down before she said those words, else they would’ve found a new location on the carpet as his hands trembled and he rose one to cover his mouth in pure shock.
‘ You.. really? we’re gonna have a baby? ‘ he exclaims, only joy and pure excitement appearing in his response, along with the vibrant, toothy smile that takes over his face. His hands shake still as he reaches both across the sofa to grab her own.
‘ Yes, Axl—you’re gonna be a daddy, ‘ she nods just to confirm her words all the more, quite taken by his reaction despite her being aware for a while that he has always wanted a family. ‘ I just took a test.. so we found out together, ‘ she laughs, bright and cheerful eyes staring up into his own as he leans closer to steal a kiss, which she is more than happy to return.
‘ I’ve always wanted.. to be a Dad.. a better Dad than, y’know, ‘ he shares, brushing away the tears that were spilling from his eyes in that moment, then enveloping her in his arms. It is an embrace so tight she feels almost as though she will crumble from the pressure of it, but she clings just as tightly.
‘ I know, darling— I know exactly what you mean, ‘ she is well aware of his past and the not so wonderful upbringing he had, while also being reminded of her own childhood with a much less than satisfactory parent. Her father was wonderful, but it was her absent mother who made Helene strive to be a better one for her own child, whenever she was graced with one.
‘ Thank you, Hel, ‘ he states, pulling her to stand with him and tugging her into his arms once more, only this time he wants to dance while holding her at close proximity. ‘ You’ve no idea how happy that makes me.. to finally get a chance to be a Dad and.. to do that with you. It’s a blessing, ‘ his words are hushed as they move slowly in place, swaying and turning.
‘ Oh, it was in the stars—you’ve craved for so long, to be given a chance at fatherhood.. and I, motherhood.. it’s almost like a miracle baby, ‘ she chuckles, enticing a laugh from him, too. A tender kiss is pressed to her forehead then, as he hugs her so close, tighter than he has ever squeezed her before, but also in a manned that lets her know how safe and protected she and their child would be.
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‘ I’m the luckiest man alive right now, ‘ he shares his thoughts very openly with her, not even embarrassed this time by these tears he is crying or the exposed emotions on display that he’s so used to hiding from the rest of the world. ‘ You’ve given me so much over the last few years and now you’ve given me a child, too. I can’t thank you enough. You’re an angel, Helene, ‘ he tells her, brushing her brown locks away from either side of her face so he can kiss her again, this time more heated.
‘ I know it’s too soon to know if it’s a boy or a girl, but it would be fun to come up with some names beforehand, so we have one for a boy and one for a girl, when the time comes, ‘ these are the next words out of her mouth after she’s had a moment to catch her breath again.
‘ Shiloh Blue is a favourite of mine, for a boy, ‘ the redhead is a quick bullet with that one, seemingly have prepared the name all his life for the time in his life when he would become a Dad and Helene couldn’t lessen the smile on her face is she tried.
‘ Shiloh.. that’s beautiful, ‘ she says, testing the name he gave and seeing the delight on his face warmed her heart so much she almost burst into tears herself. ‘ I’ll try think one up for a little girl, then we have both covered, but I’m praying for a boy just so you know, ‘ she adds.
Axl beams at her when she says that, having wanted a boy all his adult life so he could be the perfect father to him. There’s no chance at all that either of them would be disappointed if they were gifted a daughter, but with a name choice already a very certain Shiloh, they felt that it would all come down to the stars once again and only time would tell.
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rocketqueen1989x · 3 days
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my beautiful boy
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valupuyhol · 1 year
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Baby IZZY AND Baby AXL 🫶🏻
They’re soooo cute 🖤
YEAR: 1986💫
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mycollectionmylife · 7 months
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Axl Rose🌹
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kondensaduhhh · 3 years
guns n roses artists
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who drew this??
i cant find the artist anywhere, i found it on pinterest, and i wanna know the artist
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ohlinmetaal · 4 years
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Fun fact: during this photo shoot Izzy had told the band he was leaving, axl was crying all through the shoot and Stephanie was comforting him the whole time, they edited out the tears and put more makeup on him
Axl revealed this in an interview, I for got which one but I’ll post it when I find it
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