organicsomethings · 2 years
i’ve been on insta and TikTok
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check it out.
also, someone hacked and deleted my instagram handle @anexcerptofhim - so join me & my new depth of field journey painting. @ larry darnell on insta and iumpa on tiktok
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larrydrosalez · 2 years
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larry-darnell · 2 months
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12x16in canvas and acrylic paint from a set called “4 black & white studies (elegants)”
elegant 1, shadows
intended for people to purchase prints and posters and other items from the store for their own use. message me if you’re interested in purchasing prints or artwork from the store
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organicsomethings · 2 years
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watching paint dry 🥱🙄
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organicsomethings · 2 years
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im readying a table of contents for dodecahydron from this sketch pad. 120 sheets, and i think 7 sections numbered in sets of 13 and 24 A-G as though setting cords.
section C1-C12 are favorites and there’s an askewed version of F6- snake.
to do: add hyperlinks.
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organicsomethings · 2 years
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blazy susan wraps. thanks bro
chocolate mint spliff
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organicsomethings · 2 years
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ISAIAH devotee
acrylic paint on deconstructed cardboard box
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organicsomethings · 4 months
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14x18 acrylic on canvass
$30 canvas prints available to ship in the US
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organicsomethings · 4 months
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creature of habit in derivative form
are these worthy of a mention or comment ?
i noticed the differences available light affects the color and contrast of the painted images (like dark blue or amber tint, glares, reduced contrast) in photographing a product, it’s not like graphic design. I like there to be some aesthetic of decided composition, an easy hand at using available light, and of course repeat the process with varying degrees of precision.
drawing this series out did make me think “flaw,” “error,” “mistake,” “could be better,” “gimmicky.”
i did give second thought to what was an intolerable form of “off the mark” or what would be included as record of variation and honest capture of the main effort:
lying between savasana and corpse, cropped center, canvass laid over the torso perpendicular to the body, no flash, no retouching, no particular pain or discomfort to move in and out of the frame within the 10 second timer.
mostly i shot quickly and efficiently as assuming forgiveness of shortcomings being in front and behind the lenses.
should or would i reshoot these with the same lighting? With a model and actual merch ? With a different grounding? Should i find a better way to digitally copy the original images, or would there be value in history of greeting the original art and the artist as a package deal, accepting the art as a gift for the eyes, despite the lack of any robust contribution to society and culture?
what should i estimate is the value of the original set? $60 per canvas is my early estimate attached to an hourly-wage type of contract setting a couple hours of skilled labor and costs for materials as affordable for a buyer but not necessarily industrious in calculating the cost of a single mind, and the efforts to keep the collection whole.
$720 would be the price of the whole collection, I’d part with the paintings but wouldn’t be able to show them later in life if i became a full time artist and managed a successful name.
and it would be a nice surprise to find a buyer interested in the collection as well as the prospect of being able to fill orders of about that size at about that price monthly.
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larrydrosalez · 7 months
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Recent tidbits from the past few months. Drawing on my own experience of working with people in mind before really creating decisions that make sense for me to enjoy and organize myself and the material if possible to address them as simple enough to pass time and most revealing spaces to give attention to details that would define the effort to achieve a more engaging and meaningful conversation with people im not afraid to share with.
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organicsomethings · 8 months
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organicsomethings · 1 year
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I’ve got this collection up for view on fine art America with prints, canvasses, and lifestyle accessories for sale. HTTPS://fineartamerica.com/profiles/larry-Rosalez-lewis
I called the collection NC17 after the film rating because I have a nephew and I smoke. The work is led by color rather than figure content to follow so in try to focus on the adult content that I chose not to draw or paint upfront as being worth conversations for those who are adult, or approaching adulthood.
While documenting the events of my injury I didn’t want to leave anything remorseful or full of pain. I lacked a scanner, and I was able to get my mom to photograph them for me while I didn’t have a phone, so labeled correctly these are photo print reproductions credited to collaboration with my mother, of canvass originals from my home collection.
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I’ve amassed a next two books of work that I want to skewer down to 25 paintings and drawings for a chap/memory book.
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organicsomethings · 1 year
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organicsomethings · 1 year
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organicsomethings · 2 years
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