ataleofswapaxes · 15 days
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“Nice Axe, pal. Dunno how I got here but it sure as hell’s different. Anyways is this place the same as my home just… swapped, I guess?”
“Thanks bud. Nyeh heh.” Papyrus gesture down at the single axe in his tight grip.” Guess so, different but the same hellhole.”
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knockknockfan · 2 years
Axeswap chapter 0 : Mistakes and hopes
Once upon a time, a child fell into the underground
That child's name is Frisk
she is a quiet and intelligent child adopted by the king and queen live happily in new family
But she made a mistake(Everyone knows Frisk's plan to eat buttercup flowers in Underswap so I won't repeat it) her monster kid brother is dead And she was stuck in the unknown space Surrounded by only darkness, no sound, no light, she called out her parents' names in vain
but nobody came
in her despair, her surroundings suddenly glowed with colors.she met a monster child he introduced himself as Sans the skeleton .He is sweet, innocent and a bit arrogant ? whatever , he said a lot of things he said he had never seen a human other than the dead princess .Sans always answers Frisk's questions about the world out there and always insists that he will become a royal guard and make friends with everyone
The arrival of Sans saved Frisk's mind. But Sans doesn't always show up, she always waits to see him ,she speculated that maybe she appeared in his dream and maybe he was her soulmate ,After many years she fell in love with Sans, this love ignited determination in her dead soul.
She doesn't want Sans to leave her, wants him to stay with her forever. Loneliness destroyed her soul and mind, and she tried to keep Sans from waking up in real life. Attempts to tamper with Sans files and cores ( yandere Frisk ~)
It almost succeeded , but she made the mistake of having someone fix the Sans core line . It made it impossible for her to intervene and see Sans again .once again fell into despair, in her heart only regret and madness remained. She hates the person who took Sans from her, she hates herself for messing things up again
And then hope comes again. It was the appearance of the 8th child, the 7th soul, Chara .somehow Frisk and Chara's souls are in sync
She was taken out of that dark space and into the real world .Since then, she has taken the ghost to follow Chara, become a companion and an observer of the journey
Frisk meets Sans again and miraculously he sees her but can't touch her . Since then, Frisk longs to live, to be with the people she loves
Good luck to her when Undyne and Chara built a magic identification mechanism , she is very happy to be alive again , although her body is unstable and very weak but that is all she needs.She was married to Sans and made one of the royal scientists along with Undyne (Frisk still doesn't like Papyrus for sure) .
(Sweet story huh? but this is not my style =)) )
(you can read in detail every story from when Frisk got pregnant to when Chara ran away with her baby)
Get everything and lose everything in one day , She blamed herself for everything, but she couldn't give up her hope out there, her unnamed child and her hero.
She will try and survive to protect her husband .Even though Frisk has a bad relationship with Papyrus, they work well together everything is fine except Frisk's artificial body is quite weak, it can be compensated by her fighting skills and intelligence The truth is much weaker after giving birth, even though Frisk's will and determination are strong
When the Hunger attacked Snowdin, it had a very bad effect on Sans .Frisk and Papyrus often had to chain him up so he wouldn't hurt himself or hurt others
After 2 years Frisk's health is getting worse .She couldn't even walk and could only stay in bed. Right now only Sans was with her when he was awake and Papyrus who informed her about the situation and discussed the plan with her.Hope is still there Frisk is still one day Chara and her daughter, they will be freed either way
Suddenly one day while discussing plans with Papyrus. Suddenly he stood up in shock, she felt the dent in his skull quiver.
''she's back, i can fe-''without finishing his sentence he used teleport away
she knew exactly what Paps said, she tried to stay calm and collected to feel Chara's soul.Yes she is, she's nearby but it's weak Chara's determination is strong but it's unstable .But unfortunately Hunger came to disturb her mind , she tried to handcuff her legs on the bed . Sans saw that he burst in from outside the room door to restrain his wife
This time is very different , she should wish unusual . She pushed Sans away shouting ''Run'' but soon broke the chain to chase him.They have a tense chase, while Frisk is trying to control his mind, Sans is trying not to hurt his wife.
It's all over when Papyrus returns .Frisk was shocked she couldn't believe what was happening in front of her eyes , in Paps' hands is the disfigured corpse of Chara and a child
She really lost her mind all her hopes were dashed. Those bloodshot eyes lit up with a monstrous smile towards Papyrus takes a knife in hand to commit suicide
She was stopped by Sans and pinned to the ground by Papyrus now she could clearly see the tear-stained face and the anger in Papyrus' eyes
'' FRISK WHAT ARE YOU DOING'' Sans screaming
''sounds familiar, doesn't it Paps she used to say the same thing when we did something crazy''she glared at Papyrus
''come on, don't be sad, we won't have to hope in vain anymore right~''
''no we can do something , Human can eat my taco and she will be fine''Sans tries to calm the atmosphere
''HAHHAHAHAHHA'' Frisk laughs madly
'' '' be fire huh ?'' ARE YOU BLIND SHE'S DEATH, PLEASE DON'T LIVE LIKE A IDIOT AND LOOK''she shouted at her husband what she had never done before
''...'' Sans is dumbfounded
''How dare you say that, you have lost your mind''Papyrus pinned Frisk's soul to the ground in Sans' concern
''That's right, I'm sane enough, I want to lose my mind for once''she looked at Papyrus nonchalantly and continued
''You know my life is a mess, and I'm a fool who makes one mistake after another. I'm tired of thinking, I want to really rest. Please end me, take that soul and get out of here''her eyes filled with tears, her eyes earnestly begged Papyrus
Papyrus hesitated for a moment then knocked Sans unconscious so he wouldn't have to bear the brunt of this horrible scene . In his trance, Sans saw Papyrus with teary eyes saying something before stabbing his wife's heart with a bone.
It's been a long time, it's 4:30 am in my country. Can't believe I finished chapter 0 in one day .Anyway, I'm glad you read it. The next chapter will continue with Aliza's journey
Axetale and axswap by @bananafrappe-@azulandrojo
Undertale by Toby fox
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eyeren · 2 years
i have question . In Axeswap Aliza is the child of SansxFrisk or SansxChara or CharaxPap. She looks impulsive, is her personality different from the original Aliza?
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askaxetale · 2 months
Hello Mr. Axe-man what would the characters in Ts Underswap demo look like in the land of Axes
They would remain similar to their Axeswap counterparts although some appearances would be different, like Sans’s alter ego could be an entirely separate personality from his current one, unaffected by the hunger.
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letsmichaelasbury · 4 years
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Commission for axeswap.
Art by Smieska:https://smieska-draws.tumblr.com/ they get my full endorsement.
Axetale belongs to thebannanafrappe and azulondojo.
Axeswap belongs to mercy-monster
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skeletalheadcanons · 6 years
AUs I do
-Undertale -Underswap -Underfell -Swapfell (Purple) -Fellswap (Red) -Horrortale -Horrorswap -Axetale -Axefell -Axeswap -Swapaxefell -Errortale -Inktale -XTale -Dreamtale
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anaami-the-witch · 7 years
~11~ Moving Forward
G tapped AT Frisk's knee with a tiny mallet, watching her leg flinch and kick gently. "Good," he said, doing the same to her other leg. When the same happened, he exhaled and said, "You're fine, my dear. But please tell me if something goes wrong; I really don't need your husband after me."
She giggled, hopping off his counter and walking to Sans, who'd been watching them the entire time. He wasn't possesive, but knowing Gaster was inside that crooked mind somewhere concerned him.
He immediately held her close to him, his blue eye meeting hers. "how do you feel?" He asked her.
She smiled, kissing his forehead. "Incredible," she whispered, happy to be in his arms again.
Fell Frisk was next, much to Fell's distaste. Despite making her body and bringing her back to him, he still didn't trust that handsy scientist. When G lifted her by the waist onto the table, Fell growled warningly.
G scoffed, checking her to make sure nothing was wrong. "I have my own wife to toy with. Why would I play with yours?" Fell looked ready to brawl, standing up suddenly. His little girl looked up at him and frowned. "Daddy, it's fine! He's just making sure she's okay. She was pretty tired getting into her new body."
He grunted and plopped down, waiting for G to finish with his wife. AT Aliza watched them but for a moment, before turning her attention to her parents. She smiled, unable to help but find them adorable.
Sans would probably never let Frisk go.
"And done," G said, helping her off the table. "I cannot believe I have to repeat myself, they just had to hold off," he grumbled, rubbing his jaw. 'Couples,' G thought. He then said, "Please remember that her body is fragile. Thankfully, there won't be any 'roughhousing'," only the parents caught that meaning, "But still. If her skin starts acting weird, come to me. Be careful bathing their bodies, even if I went through the long process of waterproofing them. If her soul acts up, if anything strange happens, come to me right away."
"you got it doc," Sans said, locking bony fingers with his daughter and mother. Fell simply nodded, holding his daughter while Frisk clung to his free arm.
G stared at them before waving them off. "Get out of my sight already, I've wasted enough time on you!"
"gee, someone lost their funny bone," Sans joked. Both Frisks laughed while Fell found it difficult not to. G looked about ready to explode, only relaxing once they got out of his house, good riddance.
He needed days worth of rest after this ridiculousness.
Papyrus was relaxed, finally, laying in bed as he thought of the events that took place in the past few days.
Seeing Chara at his doorstep almost broke him. He couldn't believe his niece managed to bring her back.
Oh he knew from the beginning was G was planning, he wasn't that slick. But it was still shocking. He didn't let her go all day.
He worried for his Sans, however. Once seeing Frisk, he seemed to have broke a little more just as he was sewed back together with hope and love. Frisk cried and didn't let the fragile skeleton go all day.
Papyrus worried that he would dust from the shock. But he didn't, and Paps couldn't be more grateful for the strange scientist. He'd noticed that Rus and Aliza seemed satisfied somehow, he wondered if they had taken part in his project.
Nonetheless, he was simply content to see things calm down a little.
He heard news of his counterpart opening up just a little from his balled up state. Poor guy, he thought. But maybe things will get a little better.
He wasn't expecting a happy ending for any of them, nor was he expecting this paradise to last forever. But for now, Papyrus just wanted to enjoy his lover in his arms while he had her.
Chara looked up at him sleepily and asked, "Are you alright?" He grinned. "now that i have you, i think i will be." She grinned, wrapping her arms around the skeleton.
Neither knew how much time they had together. Hell, everyone but Grim didn't know if the souls would cling and stick to their bodies.
But for now, all they could have was hope and determination that for now, the daughters will have their mothers.
And the skeletons will have their wives.
Next one is the last one 0^0
Characters and AUs belong to @axetale and Toby Fox
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echodelta36 · 6 years
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Axeswap Papyrus x Chara
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devogamer · 6 years
Alright! Let draw to next let 2 characters. 1.UnderSwap + AxeTale ( AxeSwap ) 2.StoryShift Chara + AxeTale ( AxeShift ) Maybe get 3 characters now here is bad time trio! Good luck pal.^^
hereand also here
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ataleofswapaxes · 19 days
Welcome to Ravenous Domain
The underground isn’t the same as it was, many fell into the clutches of the Hunger even if the illness is mild the fumes furthered their starvation into blind madness of hunger.
This is in fact a Papara and Frans Au, if you find this stuff to be uncomfortable then please do not interact with this Au.
The relationship is between full grown adults, if you do not want to see any relationship between these ships then please leave. Any hate will be blocked I’m not gonna fight about fictional relationships.
This Au contains explicit horror content including dark elements that may be triggering to some.
This au is inspired by @ataleofaxes
Created by @banana-frappe & @azulandrojo-birdie I’m not either of these people I’m just a fan who’s been working on this for six years no, and made a new and improved blog.
My tumblr @splotchysworld
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knockknockfan · 2 years
Chapter 1 : Skele Family
Dreary morning, woke up in a cold bed with a musty smell Aliza was awakened by a man's sobbing cry, which came from the kitchen. She knew exactly where it was coming from, sighing she didn't think her morning was off to such a bad start.
She got out of bed, opened the door and jumped out onto the stair railing, shouting ''Dad, are the tacco done yet? I need breakfast now!''
the crying stopped, a few seconds later there was silence the skeleton said: ''I MAGNIFISENT SANS, WILL GIVE YOU THE PERFECT BREAKFAST IN FIVE MINUTES''
She returned to her cramped, cluttered room, and grabbed her tattered green coat that was draped over the nightstand. Stroking her messy brown hair, she headed to the bathroom and tried to wake herself up with cold water. looked up at the clock on the wall, it's only 5 a.m. it's too early to do the first thing on Sans's list. Her uncle Papyrus is probably hunting right now, which means she'll have to watch over her father until he returns.
'' Sweetie, the perfect breakfast is ready. Aliza, where are you?" . The voice of the skeleton echoed all the way to her room, the cry was a little worried and scared
As if interrupting her train of thought, she ran out of the room and into the kitchen ''I-I'm here,why you're slow, I'm starving to death'' she tried to speak loudly in a rude tone .
The skeleton turned towards the cafeteria door, seeing his daughter he was calmer and more elated .He brought it up and showed his sweetie a plate of tacco that looked delicious (but everyone knows how bad it tastes XD) The young girl forced a smile at her father. Suddenly a blue winged moth flew over and landed on Sans' face, distracted by his shaking hands, he dropped the tacco plate on the ground.The moth flew away to the surprise of the young girl and to Sans s shock.
'' Heh Heh...'' His hands let go of the silence that enveloped the room, the sound of broken plates still echoing. Sans' body trembled, his mouth made strange sounds.
'' I messed everything up again''
''I'm useless''
'' loser...''
His spirit has dropped dramatically, the fragments of memories are as broken as torture to his skull.
HEY! WHERE BREAKFAST ?. WHY ARE YOU STILL STILLING THERE? The girl rudely touched her father's face with her hands so that he could look at her.
''You can't do it right , fine . i'll make the perfect super breakfast to battle your breakfast, i'll take the crown of breakfast king HAHAHAHA'' she said with a defiant face and determined eyes
''Mweh heh heh heh , After 2544 fights, you still haven't given up, you have a remarkable determination. But unfortunately The Magnificent Sans will makeyou lose again'' Sans pleasure again. He quickly went back to the kitchen to make his perfect breakfast, the young girl gently clearing the porcelain shards on the floor. The flying moth landed on her shoulder again, she smiled and whispered ''thank you Lapis, but you almost created trouble. Be more careful next time, he's very sensitive."
After a while, she went to the kitchen and made breakfast with her father.After 2 hours they finished 3 breakfasts , they saved 1 portion for Paps to review . After breakfast, Sans' list begins. Sans does the puzzles in the house while Aliza checks the traps around their houseSnowdin snow is getting thicker and thicker, it's getting colder and colder the windbreaker can't protect her from the cold .A gust of wind blew, bringing with it the cold. Aliza shivered, the moth perched on the bridge of her nose. Her eyes softened and comforted her friend '' Im fire Lapis , It's just a little bit cold, I can't stand it''
The moth flashes twice.
'' you're right I should find another coat this is too old''
After checking the traps, she went to the barn to collect firewood ''Hey Lapis, where do you think we'll go next time? Ruins or Waterfall ?''
''Oh or we-''
''Or you two stay at home instead of messing around''a hoarse voice resounded
Aliza turned her head in surprise, her eyes turned red and lit up the moth flew behind her.
'' AH! OMG you startle me, please stop suddenly standing behind other people's back.''
'' Heh , Sup Kiddo''
'' Huh hi uncle Papyrus''
to be continued
axetale : @thebananafrappe and @azulandrojo
My English is very bad if I can say anything weird or grammatically wrong, please ignore the spelling.
Thanks for reading it all
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canadian-buckbeaver · 7 years
Fell’s Disambiguation - Ch. 4
Error has lost control over the Doodlesphere.  There are so many creations, so many glitches.  He has a lot of work to do ahead of him, especially if he wishes to continue the hunt... however, what happens when the hunter becomes the hunted?
(Murder!Sans used with permission from his creator!)
  Error muttered darkly to himself as he stalked along an unknown snowy forest, hardly paying attention to where he was walking.  This forests were all the same anyways, regardless of the AU or the creator.  Error was sure that he could walk through them blindfolded by now.  He was furious with himself that he had lost track of the damn glitches, the other versions of him and their brothers.  As soon as they had gone through the portal they had somehow been able to scramble their signature, preventing him from following.  He had been so close in eliminating the Fell!Papyrus too.  Just a little longer and his soul would have cracked and shattered, and his so-called allies would have found nothing but dust.
It would have been one last glitch to take care of.
He growled as he continued to curse himself, the glitches, and the existence of the Doodlesphere as he continued to walk, not caring where he was walking to.  The ‘Sphere was larger than ever before, crowded and that much more chaotic.  Harder to keep track of the glitches and new projects.  They were like rabbits.  Every time you turned around there was about fifty more of them.  Just today he found out that HorrorTale, one of the few AUs that he had been driven out of, mutated and multiplied.  There was now a new AU that was rapidly mutating amongst itself.  Axetale, AxeFell, AxeSwap… the list went on.  These AUs were dangerous, not just because of the monsters high LOVE, but because they had the potential to contaminate and infect other AUs if they managed to escape.  They could affect the Toby’s original creation!  That would spell disaster, not just for the original UnderTale, but for all of the Doodlesphere.  Error could see it now.  If the original was affected, the code in all AUs would be rewritten, and all would turn into those hungry, strong and angry monsters.  They would see how much Ink liked his precious creations then.
Speaking of Ink… He owed the colourful skeleton an ass-whooping the next time he saw him.  The stupid guardian of AUs, guardian of the alternate creations… how dare he do this to Error?  He was all about protecting the dreams and artistic variations of their codes.  Did he not know the consequences that could happen if this was not stopped?  They could…
Error stepped in something soft and disgustingly slimy, almost like coagulated gel.  Looking down he saw that it was a small pile of grey fluff, a mound that had settled on top of the snow undisturbed until he had walked right through it…
Dust… more accurately, monster dust.
Error snapped free of his thoughts and began to look around the forest, his magical eye glowing and scanning frantically.  Dust was always a bad sign, no matter the AU.  A sign of death or danger.  It could mean the sign of a Genocide or Neutral route, or a violent, LOVE hungry AU.  One that would try to kill him, or, Toby forbid, succeed.  The snow around the area was crisp and untouched, almost as if there was no monsters had traveled through this part of the Underground.  Yet, in other AUs the forest was a main travelling route.
It was damn near impossible that the forest would be as untouched as it was.
Not a bird was singing, not a flower was blooming… yet the AU, the more he listened, was dead.  Silent like a tomb.  
Perhaps someone had beat him to eliminating this AU…?
Or perhaps, there was something else afoot here.
Yet the more he listened, the more aware he was.  And the shivers that ran down his spine became more violent, more intense.  He closed his sockets, turning more into the use of his ears for guidance.  His instincts were screaming at him.  There was someone… something close…
Someone who did bare him well greetings.
“I-i-I-I know yo-your-your’re-e-e th-TH-there.” Error finally said, turning to the trees, staring at a magnificent pine tree.  The branches were soft and full, leaving very few gaps between the branches, a perfect hiding spot for anyone who didn’t want to be seen but wished to follow.  “C-co-come out… un-UN-unless you-U’RE a cow-CO-ward…”
There was a dark chuckle, one that caused Error’s jaw to clench and his ribs to shiver slightly.  It was a dark sound.  Pure evil resounded deep within its echo.  A small skeleton stepped around the tree, finally showing himself to Error.  He was dressed much like a Tale Sans – a dusty blue jacket with a grey hood drawn over his skull, and black shorts.  His once pink slippers almost grey… he was absolutely coated with monster dust.  His magical eye was different too than the normal Sans, or any other Sans that he had seen.  Instead of blue or even red, the magical eye was a bright, vivid purple.  Error’s mind started racing.  Was the magic poisoned with Determination?  The mixture of red and blue magic would give him the different colour that Error was seeing…
And would explain the blood red colouring that lined the iris of the eye.
So this was the one responsible for the murders, as impossible as it seemed.  A lazy Sans wiping out his own universe…. what was the code coming to?
“A coward huh?  I think you have it wrong… it should be you that is afraid, very afraid.  Isn’t that right, Papyrus?”  Sans looked up to his left, looking above his shoulder at the empty air.
Ok.  So what the fuck did that mean?
Murder snapped both of his fingers, summoning two smaller Gaster Blasters with purple and red eyes, and an arc of purple and blue bones that sprayed behind him.  “I admit that I’ve never killed another version of me before.” He said, his voice neutral, as if they were talking about the weather or the barrier.  “But I need the EXP.  I must be stronger… the kid must be stopped.  At all costs.  No matter the sacrifice…” he grinned and chuckled darkly again.  “I already lost my brother… I have nothing more to lose.  Are you ready, Error?  Give me your best shot.”
Error growled, his yellow eye glitching and flashing before flaring in a burst of magic.  His own Blasters formed behind him, black with red teeth and yellow eyes, magic gathering in their jaws with a low whine.  If it was a fight that this glitch wanted, it was a fight that he was going to get.
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anaami-the-witch · 7 years
~12~ Epilogue
"i didn' cry like a baby!" Fell growled, refusing to look at Grim who'd called him out for it. unable to hold back, Grim let loose a roar of laughter. Grim's Aliza hit his arm gently and said, "Daddy, that isn't funny! You would cry too!"
Grim said proudly, "would not! i'm stronger than him, i wouldn' cry!" In her wheelchair, Frisk chuckled, rubbing her husband's arm. Men and their pride. She then looked to her counterpart and asked, "Are you feeling okay?"
She smiled and said, "I'm feeling much better than yesterday. Sometimes my husband hugs too hard."
"Can you blame him?" GH Frisk asked, laughing with her.
Both Axefell skeletons paused to watch their wives talk to each other, Fell's daughter clinging to his arm as she giggled. She could get used to having four parents and a sister.
The big red skeletons glanced at each other. There was still distaste, still slight envy, but Fell couldn't complain. And neither could tell the other to get.
It seemed like their daughters and wives got along really well.
Papyrus yawned, standing outside as he waited for Frisk to introduce his brother to his lost counterpart. He wasn't sure how well it would end, but with both skeletons healing some, it wouldn't hurt if she tried.
He'd actually talked to a nervous Rus earlier, the skeleton seemed like he was getting used to everyone just a little more, which was good.
A noise behind him caused him to turn his head. It was Frisk, and she had a finger placed on her lips as she signaled him to get closer. Papyrus complied, following Frisk into AT Sans' home. They got to a room before she had Papyrus stop moving.
They both peeked into the room and Papyrus could barely hold back a huge grin. AT Papyrus was doing puzzles with AS Sans. They were quiet and awkward, but smiling naturally. When he finished the puzzle, Papyrus smiled and laughed. Sans followed suit before doing another puzzle with him.
AS Frisk and Papyrus backed off, Frisk looking like she was about to cry. "They're healing," she whispered, tears building up in her eyes.
He nodded and grinned. "they are." Sans was going to love to hear about his brother's actions when he got back.
The skeleton locked hands with his lover, the two watching his child run around in the snow with AS Aliza.
Sans grinned, only his blue eye being shown. Frisk smiled at him and asked, "Are you happy?"
"yes, but i'm worried too."
Confused, she asked, "Why?"
Sans sighed, clutching the locket around his neck, reminding himself that his wife was right beside him, that he didn't have to hurt alone anymore. "how long will this last? i don't know how or why we were brought here, but it won't last forever."
Frisk smiled, stopping and halting Sans from continuing. "I think we'll be okay."
"and if we aren't? what if some forces decide to play with us again? what if you don't come with us when we're put back in that hellhole?"
Frisk cupped his cheeks and said, "We will deal with that when the time comes. But for now, you have me, okay? Let's focus on now. That's all we have right now."
Sans grinned wide, tearing up again. He didn't want to lose her, didn't want to think about it. She was right. They couldn't control anything. All they had was now, the future be damned. As he held his mate close, he closed his eye and exhaled.
If this was a dream, then he never wanted to wake up.
----- end. -----
This wraps up the Living Dead AU! I hope you guys enjoyed it, it'll probably be the only other happy ending these skelebros and human gals will have.
I will likely not make another one of these for a while. I'm not too creative and this of course wasn't my original idea. It was Mercy, A and B's bases that I used to get me this far. Either way, if I do, Mercy will be the first to know. ^ ^
Characters and AUs belong to Toby Fox and @axetale.
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knockknockfan · 2 years
Chapter 1 : Skele family p2
In front of Aliza was a tall skeleton, wearing a bright orange hoodie with traces of mud, blood and dust on his shirt. Your uncle must have just returned from hunting
''Are you going to do something stupid again?''He lifted the pile of firewood off the ground. Turning his face away as if he didn't want to look at her, her uncle almost never took the initiative to see her before. Unless it had something to do with Sans or the food issue.
Aliza showed an annoyed expression, in contrast to her father, who didn't like her uncle at all ''None of you business'' She stood up and followed her uncle out of the barn
''I don't have time to stop you, but you better not die in a corner or bring a serious injury home to ask for help.'' he was 2 meters ahead of Aliza , talking loud enough for her to hear with a bossy voice
A tall skeleton covered his head with a hoodie, he turned his head to look her in the eye and smirked.indentation on skull right eye blue eye glows . He seemed to want to warn her not to do anything stupidhe doesn't really care about her. But Sans can get nervous and lose control if Aliza gets injured or dies
Aliza was sweating profusely, glaring at her uncle with green eyes that were about to turn red. Her little friend flew in front of her to show hostility towards the skeleton ,she calmly raised her voice '' I will , don't treat me like a kid''
The skeleton sneered, turned and walked back to his house. Aliza watched that thin back, she knew that even if she didn't care, her uncle would keep her safe for Sans.
Approaching the door he said '' If you want to go out and get some clothes you'd better go to the ruins, there's little danger there. The best way to find food is to go to Waterfall, there will be fish and some useful items there. Don't think about going to hotland, you're not ready for it''
She sneaks out of the house many times, but when she goes out Snowdin only goes out 4-5 times. But this is the first time her uncle talked about this ,she was a little surprised.
'' uncle Paps i-'' interrupted by the sound of the door opening .
'' Sup bro''Papyrus enters the house and moves Sans
''Here you are , don't hang around outside for so long , lazzy bone . Aliza is having a perfect breakfast rematch we need judges before breakfast gets cold .Why is a star like me waiting for you''Sans headed for the door, complaining to his brother that there were still pieces of paper, wood, and tools for his puzzles.
'' Oh Alie you here too, Mwen heh heh .Right on time , you come here and take the defeat before the perfect breakfast of Magnificent Sans''He raised his hand in front of his chest and proudly raised his face
''not again'' he smiled wryly, trying to look eager in front of Sans.The last time I was a judge on this damn contest I had a really bad time
'' S-Sans Your breakfast is perfect Sans, Aliza stubbornly thinks she can beat you. Nice tacos I can't eat''while Papyrus was trying to convince Sans, Aliza was laughing sarcastically in the back
Aliza tried to hold back her laughter and gave a sinister smile: ''We worked so hard to get this perfect breakfast. I believe I can win this time.”
*Damn kid, you're as obnoxious as your mother*
''she's right, even though the results are clear, you can't waste food''Sans firmly grabbed his brother's hand and dragged him into the kitchen
''Hey Sans, please… I'm sleepy, I'll eat it later. I- hey she's annoying, help me out''Paps cries for help in Aliza's giggles
By evening Sans continued to complete his list. Aliza goes to Paps .'s room ,the room had not been closed for many years, standing in front of the door the young girl saw her uncle lying on the mattress looking extremely tired. In his hand is an old camera .In the very dark room, the only thing that shines is her uncle's scary eyes
'she crossed her arms and leaned towards the door'' pretty bad time huh'' she smirked and showed sarcasm
''Go away before I make you the ingredients for tomorrow's breakfast''
''Oh scary~ but i'm going out tonight''
''I don't care, go away'' he turned his back to Aliza
''After dad sleeps I'll go, I'll go to the ruins and try to drive home the next morning''
Skeleton remained silent, she continued with a sigh
'' In morning . Dad woke up this morning while he was hunting. Around 5 am''When he heard about Sans, Papyrus jumped up and glared at Aliza
''Again!?'' Noticing her uncle's scary gaze Aliza averted her eyes and looked away
''Don't worry I've solved it, dad is fine''. she convinced her uncle that everything was fine
''so don't go hunting tomorrow, maybe dad will wake up before I come back''Papyrus' scary eyes were shining, the blue eye in the broken eye socket seemed to be staring at her.
''alright try to get back before dawn, i didn't catch anything today so the food is about to run out''
''I'll try to find something in there''she tries to speak loudly
Papyrus' eyes soften, the light from his eyes seems to have gone outa bit of silence before the skeleton spoke
''Always be alert to everything around-
''Stay away from the heat, be careful with the traps. All the monsters want to eat you. in this world only ''eat or be eaten'' and most importantly be a hunter and make your enemies prey , i got it'' She has heard this many times over the past 9 years. Every time she goes out she will hear her uncle say that
'' you little trouble''Paps sighed dejectedly looking at his granddaughter in contrast to Aliza's fierceness and eagerness
12 o'clock at night, Sans has fallen asleep, Papyrus is watching old movies and reminiscing about the past time with his wife.
about Aliza She was carrying a backpack with a weapon bag fastened to her belt. Take your little friend and get out of the house through the window
''You know what Lapis, maybe Uncle Paps isn't as bad as I thought''the moth blinks 2 times in response to her
she jumps out of the window and prepares for her new adventure
Axetale-axeswap by @thebananafrappe and @azulandrojo
undertale by toby fox
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canadian-buckbeaver · 7 years
Fell’s Disambiguation - Ch. 4
Error has lost control over the Doodlesphere.  There are so many creations, so many glitches.  He has a lot of work to do ahead of him, especially if he wishes to continue the hunt... however, what happens when the hunter becomes the hunted? (Murder!Sans used with permission from his creator!)
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  Error muttered darkly to himself as he stalked along an unknown snowy forest, hardly paying attention to where he was walking.  This forests were all the same anyways, regardless of the AU or the creator.  Error was sure that he could walk through them blindfolded by now.  He was furious with himself that he had lost track of the damn glitches, the other versions of him and their brothers.  As soon as they had gone through the portal they had somehow been able to scramble their signature, preventing him from following.  He had been so close in eliminating the Fell!Papyrus too.  Just a little longer and his soul would have cracked and shattered, and his so-called allies would have found nothing but dust.
It would have been one last glitch to take care of.
He growled as he continued to curse himself, the glitches, and the existence of the Doodlesphere as he continued to walk, not caring where he was walking to.  The ‘Sphere was larger than ever before, crowded and that much more chaotic.  Harder to keep track of the glitches and new projects.  They were like rabbits.  Every time you turned around there was about fifty more of them.  Just today he found out that HorrorTale, one of the few AUs that he had been driven out of, mutated and multiplied.  There was now a new AU that was rapidly mutating amongst itself.  Axetale, AxeFell, AxeSwap… the list went on.  These AUs were dangerous, not just because of the monsters high LOVE, but because they had the potential to contaminate and infect other AUs if they managed to escape.  They could affect the Toby’s original creation!  That would spell disaster, not just for the original UnderTale, but for all of the Doodlesphere.  Error could see it now.  If the original was affected, the code in all AUs would be rewritten, and all would turn into those hungry, strong and angry monsters.  They would see how much Ink liked his precious creations then.
Speaking of Ink… He owed the colourful skeleton an ass-whooping the next time he saw him.  The stupid guardian of AUs, guardian of the alternate creations… how dare he do this to Error?  He was all about protecting the dreams and artistic variations of their codes.  Did he not know the consequences that could happen if this was not stopped?  They could…
Error stepped in something soft and disgustingly slimy, almost like coagulated gel.  Looking down he saw that it was a small pile of grey fluff, a mound that had settled on top of the snow undisturbed until he had walked right through it…
Dust… more accurately, monster dust.
Error snapped free of his thoughts and began to look around the forest, his magical eye glowing and scanning frantically.  Dust was always a bad sign, no matter the AU.  A sign of death or danger.  It could mean the sign of a Genocide or Neutral route, or a violent, LOVE hungry AU.  One that would try to kill him, or, Toby forbid, succeed.  The snow around the area was crisp and untouched, almost as if there was no monsters had traveled through this part of the Underground.  Yet, in other AUs the forest was a main travelling route.
It was damn near impossible that the forest would be as untouched as it was.
Not a bird was singing, not a flower was blooming… yet the AU, the more he listened, was dead.  Silent like a tomb.  
Perhaps someone had beat him to eliminating this AU…?
Or perhaps, there was something else afoot here.
Yet the more he listened, the more aware he was.  And the shivers that ran down his spine became more violent, more intense.  He closed his sockets, turning more into the use of his ears for guidance.  His instincts were screaming at him.  There was someone… something close…
Someone who did bare him well greetings.
“I-i-I-I know yo-your-your’re-e-e th-TH-there.” Error finally said, turning to the trees, staring at a magnificent pine tree.  The branches were soft and full, leaving very few gaps between the branches, a perfect hiding spot for anyone who didn’t want to be seen but wished to follow.  “C-co-come out… un-UN-unless you-U’RE a cow-CO-ward…”
There was a dark chuckle, one that caused Error’s jaw to clench and his ribs to shiver slightly.  It was a dark sound.  Pure evil resounded deep within its echo.  A small skeleton stepped around the tree, finally showing himself to Error.  He was dressed much like a Tale Sans – a dusty blue jacket with a grey hood drawn over his skull, and black shorts.  His once pink slippers almost grey… he was absolutely coated with monster dust.  His magical eye was different too than the normal Sans, or any other Sans that he had seen.  Instead of blue or even red, the magical eye was a bright, vivid purple.  Error’s mind started racing.  Was the magic poisoned with Determination?  The mixture of red and blue magic would give him the different colour that Error was seeing…
And would explain the blood red colouring that lined the iris of the eye.
So this was the one responsible for the murders, as impossible as it seemed.  A lazy Sans wiping out his own universe…. what was the code coming to?
“A coward huh?  I think you have it wrong… it should be you that is afraid, very afraid.  Isn’t that right, Papyrus?”  Sans looked up to his left, looking above his shoulder at the empty air.
Ok.  So what the fuck did that mean?
Murder snapped both of his fingers, summoning two smaller Gaster Blasters with purple and red eyes, and an arc of purple and blue bones that sprayed behind him.  “I admit that I’ve never killed another version of me before.” He said, his voice neutral, as if they were talking about the weather or the barrier.  “But I need the EXP.  I must be stronger… the kid must be stopped.  At all costs.  No matter the sacrifice…” he grinned and chuckled darkly again.  “I already lost my brother… I have nothing more to lose.  Are you ready, Error?  Give me your best shot.”
Error growled, his yellow eye glitching and flashing before flaring in a burst of magic.  His own Blasters formed behind him, black with red teeth and yellow eyes, magic gathering in their jaws with a low whine.  If it was a fight that this glitch wanted, it was a fight that he was going to get.
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