#awwwwwww milk and honey <3
iamthepulta · 9 months
🥛 Milk: What is a food you find comforting when you are sad? 
Mmm, tea doesn't count as food, does it? xD I think homemade chicken soup though, or homemade stew. My dad makes stew a few times a year and it's always incredible.
🍯 Honey: What is one thing you like about yourself?
I'm really curious. I don't feel like that's a trait, really, but it makes my life happier, more exciting, and more interesting~ So I think it's a trait? xD <3 I like my curiosity.
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chloeworships · 2 years
Hi babes. I have a few prophetic messages to share:
1. Someone is going to travel to a dangerous country. The LORD said to travel on a private jet 🛩 and hire security. There’s a mention about hiring security from a private security firm. Also try to pack as little as possible both to and from your destination. A few weeks ago I had seen the word “spy” and the country Morocco 🇲🇦 might mean something to someone.
2. I also had a prophetic dream of 4 ladies fighting on stage on live television 😳 They were performing at some kind of SNL show. One of the ladies looked like Megan The Stallion. She was dressed in baby blue (ugh I love that colour on women 🥰) the other women were dressed in black. They almost looked like back up dancers/performers. Then somehow the fighting had stopped and all the women were seated on chairs lined up on stage. Some chairs were below others in rows. The woman who looked like Megan was sitting on the top row and she stood out amongst the rest.
What was so weird about all of this was that each women’s hair was being conditioned with Honey 🍯 while they were on stage 😅 They all had beautiful natural long hair. All the women were black and of all the beautiful shades of brown from our race 💁🏾‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️💁🏿‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️The honey was being poured from God from Heaven. It was really beautiful to see 🤩 and there was a glow coming from each women’s head.
The LORD is saying that the fighting needs to stop 🛑✋🏾This drama and bickering is beneath ALL these women. God is going to bless them all. The lady who resembled Megan stood out because it’s her time to shine ✨ but that doesn’t mean the other women won’t get their time in the spotlight. They will. Honey is a sign of wealth and abundance. God spoke of the land of milk and honey to Abraham as his promise. So the promise still stands for these other women. You will have your turn but blocking others blessings by starting unnecessary beef is delaying YOUR BLESSINGS. And if you are the woman in blue, you are a leader and God is saying that you cannot act like the others. You set an example for those who come after you, you’re paving the way, so act accordingly. Anywho, pray over this message because this totally caught me by surprise 😯😅 Perhaps some long-standing conflict is going to end in peace FOR EVERYONE who identifies with this message. I thought I saw some of these women actually becoming really good friends, I thought I heard “best friend” but that part was a bit hazy. Pray about this and the LORD will confirm if the message is for you.
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3. I had a vision of The Blue Jays winning the series AGAIN. It was extremely vivid. At first I saw the blue jays logo then I saw confetti 🎊 all over the stadium. It was like I was there 🤩🤩🤩 and the boys celebrating. I woke up to write the details of the dream down and accidentally opened IG and guess what I saw…
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HAHAHHAHA!!! I know this is confirmation because I’ve been talking to God about peace too.
I also saw another triangle and idk what that means in relation the the Jays🔻It must mean something to someone. I heard the LORD say “IT WILL HAPPEN”. He is being adamant about that over and over again so I know he’s trying to reassure someone 😭🥰😘 He has already shown you this so don’t doubt 🏆 For whoever this message is for, God says he loves you. Awwwwwww my heart 💜🥹
4. Charitable organizations: will do well this year or going into 2023. Some of these charities are like the Hand of God. These charities give and give and give and the LORD is so pleased. One word of advice is to streamline your processes. There are going to be ever increasing environmental catastrophes and the LORD wants you to be prepared for what’s to come such as the earthquake I saw occurring. But the LORD also said to take the time to ensure you get these processes completed correctly. Do not rush or mistakes will be made. You want to ensure you can respond on a timely manner. Governments will be leaning on your help.
The charities that were mentioned (and this is not an exhaustive list) were: The Salvation Army, The Red Cross, Catholic Family Services and Sick Kids (who should open another location but we know this is a provincial decision 🙄). I was told there were other charities worldwide but wasn’t given any other names. Keep up the awesome work. I just had a vision of God SMILING 😊 WOW 🤩 BRAVO 👏🏾 May God continue to bless your hands for aiding the most afflicted of our world. This message is also for smaller not well known charities. Keep doing the LORD’s work and he will surely bless your organization.
I almost forgot, in the future some of you will have more very important people/companies looking to partner with your organizations to contribute MILLIONS to your initiatives. These will be businesses/celebrities who are use to operating at a high level and who may be slightly demanding but it’s all in good faith. Know when to compromise and when to stand firm. The nonprofit world moves a tad bit slower than the for profit companies naturally because a. Corps have more revenue and b. Corps have the resources to move at a faster pace and c. Their goals are different so manage expectations with clear communication and transparency at all times.
This is also a calling to give to charities both local and well known this year and 2023. These organizations go to ravaged places where we cannot and have the know how that we do not possess. Help if you can. You will be blessed for it… a double portion of what you give will be given back to you. To see the LORD smile is MAJOR ☀️
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I have 2 other messages that I will record.
God bless you all 💞
PS. I asked the LORD to please grant a special blessing for those who not only believe his word and his promises (wink @ NASA 😉) but to those who are willing to act on them. God said obedience is better than sacrifice so congratulations in advance 💜
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