#awwwh i'm so happy damn
tubbypeddle · 3 months
Hiii! I'm wanting a matchup for parts 5,6 and 7! One character from each! My name is Chamomile- I'm 21 from the U.S. Southern Appalachia actually, and you can hear it in my accent which I very much get picked on for when I go anywhere else. I come from the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the woods in rural farmland, kind of a local cryptid because I collect bones! :) I live on a farm with sheep and horses. But I love to travel, I love adventuring in cities and going urbexing, and cool techy or goth clothes that most here in the country don't seem to like or understand. I am mostly made fun of in my area for liking the things I do or acting a certain way, but in all honesty, I don't take it very seriously. The way I dress would be dependent on the day, but a mix between dark academia, cottagecore on some days, and alternative or gothy looking things. I love either earthy tones or pastel pinks depending on how I feel that day. Visually I am smol. But stout and strong. Built for wrestling bear.
Another thing people here don't take seriously is education. I have a passion for academia! I study astrophysics in my free time and graduated high school 4 years early. I look up to scientists like Eddington. Currently, I'm in University studying Religion and Theology! I'm hoping to apply directly for PhD in Biblical/Religious sciences and Archelogy. I'm a big nerd and like to study rocks and cool bones, ancient humans, and finding the next cool dinosaur, figuring out how they died exactly and how everything fits in history books. It drives me bonkers when I see inaccurate interpretations of extinct animals (erm... actually! jurassic park is WRONg!) and It makes me sound like a pretentious nerd but I SWEAR. I just think they're neat Obviously, I'm religious, borderline Catholic but not officially. I once applied to be a nun! I was turned away for chronic illness, otherwise I would not be on tumblr right now My favorite things are: Frogs, reptiles and amphibians, moss, the rain. God I love the rain. It's the one thing that calms me down and makes me so happy. When I'm upset I play rain sounds and classical music, and make tea. I love sushi and any protein imaginable. I would much rather be outside in the woods than anywhere else in the world. I love nature so much, and I'm also adept at recognizing plants that are edible and are useful to make medicine from. In the same way I'm super good at identifying snakes and bugs. I love the water and creeks and fishes! !! Music wise I love nuwave, goth, metal and French Impressionist classical music. Personality wise? I am an enigma. Schroedingers cat. STRANGE AF. I seem very bubbly and extroverted and loud!!!! and stupid!!! and talk to much!!! Truth is I enjoy being alone most the time, just outside with the world. I have hiked miles into the woods just so I could truly be alone and not hear anything but the birds and the wind. Where I can breathe. I have SEEN some SHIT and have. SO much trauma that I just joke about mostly!! I am very optimistic. I can be very childish, and I love things that make me feel like I'm a kid again, but I LOVE intelligent conversation about history or physics or whatever I feel like discussing. Most people do not have the patience or interest to hear me talk, so I write 14 page research essays on whatever, mostly about science, the genetic makeup of the world or religious studies. Answers to the universe type shit. Have fun!!!!
AWWWH hello Mx. chamomile 🫂
You are so nice, WHATTTT???? and so damn cool wtf. like who the hell just casually studies astrophysics bc they want to??? you're so cool and i'm so excited to do this for you!!!
(author's notes: creds to gif owners bc of course, I didn't make them <3)
So, you find yourself traveling again, and you find yourself visiting Italy!
And would you look at that! There's a multitude of men who find themselves tripping over themselves trying to get you to themselves!
And who is our lucky candidate.....
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As beautiful and charming as he finds you, that's not what attracts him to you.
He's attracted to your intelligence, your brain. You are so incredibly smart, it's beautiful. He loves that in a partner. He can hold mature conversations with you, and you'll engage in those kinds of conversations with him on your own.
It's refreshing.
He loves his team, but it's no secret that they're not the most mature. Maybe Prosciutto is, but he has a habit of insulting everything. So maybe he's not the most fun to talk to.
Your conversation topics are never boring. He could listen to you talk for hours about anything. Religion and theology? Yes, please. Frogs and other animals? He's so down. He loves learning from you.
Perhaps your jokes about your trauma catch him off guard at first, he can't deny that they're funny. Honestly, he's pretty much the same. Deadpan humor about why he ended up as a hitman in the first place are his favorite go to jokes that he makes. Anything is worth it to see you smile.
He's not used to people wanting to do things for him, so when you run around doing little tasks for him to help him feel better. Let's just say, he feels weird about it. He's flattered, don't get him wrong, but he still feels awkward accepting it. He feels like he doesn't deserve it. Like he doesn't deserve you sometimes.
A simple hug from you clears that from his mind though.
His love language to you is words of affirmation, though. He's not one for words very often, so he makes sure to tell the people he loves that he appreciates them. He didn't tell his cousin often enough when she was alive, so he makes it a point to tell you so that you know how much he loves you.
He finds your accent so cute, too. He can only speak some English, but he knows enough to hold an entire conversation. When your accent becomes prominent, he finds it hard to understand you sometimes, but at that point he doesn't mind because it's just so silly to him.
When it starts to rain, as it rarely does in such a sunny country like Italy, he knows that's when he needs to steal you away so he can have a cozy little home date with you. A movie, some snacks, and the rain sounding outside? That sounds like perfection to him. Maybe, if he's feeling up for it, he'll let you take him outside so you two can catch frogs.
And your style! Any of your styles are beautiful to him, but he's particularly drawn to your more gothic choices. It matches his own rather punk metal style, and he likes matching with you, even if he'd never admit it out loud.
Also, maybeeee he has a bit of a...size kink. Anyway! He likes that you're quite a bit smaller than he is, though that's not a difficult feat. He enjoys feeling like a protector, since it comes with his role as Capo of his team. But even so, even if he feels like a protector for you, he appreciates that you're also strong enough to take care of yourself for the rare moments that he doesn't find himself at your side. It eases his mind a bit.
Honorary mentions! Melone He's another one who's attracted to the brain, even if he's also attracted to your looks. But he won't steal you from his capo, he's too scared of Risotto to try that. Leone Abbacchio He's never been one for cute things, but after he'd met you by chance, it had changed his entire perspective. You were cute and smart. It was just some things he thought were exclusive.
How lucky Risotto is, to find himself with you. He's really got himself a catch.
And then there's a jump in time! And a jump in space! And now you're in Green Dolphin, Florida!
It's so humid here, isn't it? It's a good thing that
Foo Fighters
is here to cool you down!
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F.F. is absolutely floored by your knowledge of everything! They think you know everything, and so they absolutely go to you for any questions they might have about humanity.
When you tell them about history's depiction of humans, F.F. is blown away. Like what!? Humans used to do that?! And they just left so many things behind for more humans to find! It was so fascinating.
And also, F.F. just loves hearing you talk. Your accent is fun! And you have so many things to say! It's a constant conversation between the two of you. F.F. loves learning, and you love talking about your interests. It's a perfect arrangement.
They're also one for a lot of physical touch, too! But it's probably not what you're thinking of. Sure, they love grabbing your arm and hugging you, but they also have no sense of personal space. F.F. just has no idea what it is.
So they also lean really close to your face just to say something at normal volume. It's endearing, at least. Well, at least they give the best hugs. (Other than Hermes, but that's Hermes for you)
The favorite love language to you is gift giving! They love giving you anything that reminded them of you throughout the day. Stuff like rocks shaped like a heart, or a beer can tab that was the color of your eyes maybe. Unconventional little things that F.F. gives to you so you know that they think of you at every moment.
There's just something about F.F. that brings out that childish side of you more often. They're just such a comforting presence, even with all of their questions and curiosity.
They definitely go frog-watching with you. And hiking with you. F.F. loves being active with you. Instead of relaxing activities, F.F. prefers things like hiking, or going swimming, or going out and doing something. They just can't sit still for the life of them.
They think your taste in music is so interesting. They didn't listen to a lot of music, so their own music taste was developed solely by you. So now the two you can go just jam to music together.
F.F. doesn't really notice style all that much, but they definitely compliment you a lot more when you're wearing your cottagecore outfits. They don't even realize it themselves, but they think you're so much cuter in them, not that they don't like your other styles either.
Honorary mentions! Hermes Costello she thinks you're so hot. Like so damn hot. If F.F. hadn't gotten to you first, she would have wined and dined you like she believes you deserve (which you do, let's be honest) Weather Report He's very quiet, so it's not likely you ever would've noticed his attraction to you if you don't know him very well. Alas, his hesitance to confess to you got you stolen by another lucky soul.
You two have such a beautiful relationship. You really match each other's freak for real.
But now you're back in America. Home sweet home. And there's a bunch of racers who want you.
Sucks for them, though, because
Hot Pants
is the one who got you
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(I couldn't find a better one so shh)
Immediately, your interest in religious studies is what draws Hot pants to you. Admittedly, when she first meets you, she hopes to redeem herself in the eyes of God with you.
It's when she begins spending more time with you that she starts to understand that her feelings are changing. You have become something more to her.
She admires how dedicated you are to learning more about everything you can. How easily you just exist.
You are everything human. You are everything that is beautiful within the world, and it took so long for her to find you.
She lets you ride Gets Up to help you feel better if you're not feeling too good. You've shared with her your love for horses before, and she doesn't mind letting you ride her beloved horse if it'll make you feel better.
She loves holding your hands. There's something so grounding about it, it keeps her tethered to the present when she's feeling maybe not too present normally.
Hot Pants is usually pretty quiet, so she loves listening to you ramble about anything and everything you want to. It's a bit different from F.F. though, because she won't offer anything else to say, only acknowledgements that she's learning. She'd prefer hearing you talk over a real conversation. If she doesn't have anything to add, she won't say anything, usually.
When you joke about your trauma, she feels a bit uncomfortable. Not because she finds your joke unfunny or anything like that, she really just hates that someone as sweet as you ever had to go through something like that. She is happy that you at least feel comfortable with yourself enough to joke about it now, though.
Honorable mentions! Diego Brando He thinks the same of you that Hot Pants does, you're the beauty in the world that he never got to see when his mother was still alive. He knows you would've helped her in a heart beat. Unfortunately, he's a little too short-tempered. Gyro Zeppeli He thinks you're so fun! You would've had so much fun with him! It's just a shame he's a little too...much, sometimes. He's a lot. He really is. (love him tho)
I hope you liked it! I had so much fun with this one! Many characters I got the pleasure of studying into a little bit more!
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bonefideqt · 2 years
Hope - Birthday drabble for Nicky
So I felt like writing something cute and saw that it was @vrnicky birthday today I though it would be cute to write a little something for them.
I do hope you like this little drabble of mine. I choose to use Classic Papyrus for this one.
I'm word blind so sorry if there is some weird wording or grammar mistakes. I really don't see a lot of them even if I where to read it a 100 times. So, sorry for that in that case.
Word count: 753
Story under cut:
Today was your birthday and so far, your day had absolutely sucked. First you had managed to oversleep and had to skip breakfast. Second, on the short walk from your car to your work, a passing car had managed to hit a puddle, soaking your pants and shoes.  
You had tried to dry up as much as possible in the bathroom under the automatic hand driers but there was only so much time before you had to get started on work.  
Work was stressful and you barely had time for your allotted breaks, you considered skipping lunch but you knew your datemate would be very unhappy if you skipped lunch as well. So, you grabbed some of the overpriced lunch food that were available.  
Bad work day, none of your colleagues wished you a happy birthday and your phone was dead. Seemed like it didn’t charge last night even though you plugged it in. You just wanted to go home, put on comfy clothes and lie in bed. You would deal with all the messaged left on your phone from your friends and family tomorrow.  
You could really feel the fatigue pull on your body as you walked to your apartment door. Soon you could relax. Opening your door, you were hit with the warm smell of food. As you closed and locking the door you felt so confused. Why did the place smell like delicious food? 
Before you could contemplate further a tall skeleton walked out of the kitchen and approached you with his bright smile. Your wonderful datemate Papyrus, walked straight to you and lifted you up in one of his famous hugs, you hugged back the best you could. 
“Happy Birthday My Dear!” He whispered softly into your ear, his voice that was always so loud and bright, was now a soft whisper, only used for the people closest to him and for special times. You loved him normal tone of voice, but damn did this soft voice send pleasant tingles down your spine.  
“Hey Paps, thank you. What are you doing here?” you couldn’t remember if you had made any plans together or not. As you were about to apologize, he moved you so you were sort of sitting on his arm so he could look at you. You became speechless for a moment when you looked back at him. His face full of love and adoration, all for you. Just being here in his arms made the fatigue and stress from work just melt away, you couldn't believe how lucky you were to have him.  
“I’ve Got Some Food Cooking Dear, it Will Be Done Soon But First Go Take A Relaxing Shower. I Have Already Prepared Some Comfortable Clothes For You. I Figured You Were Busy At Work Since You Didn’t Reply So I Hope It’s Alright That I Let Myself In So I Could Make The Best Of Birthday Dinners For You. Nyehehe.”  
You thanked him and kissed his cheek. After having taken a nice warm shower and gotten into clean comfy clothes you walked into your living room and saw your little dining table all decked out for a romantic dinner. Awwwh that romantic dork.   
Together you sat and had a lovely dinner, chatting about everything and noting, him telling you about his day and you ranting about you work. Once dinner was done he brough out some cake slices he had bought with him, proclaiming that having one slice of cake with ungodly amount of sugar in it was okay on birthdays. You knew his meals for the next week would be extra healthy just to compensate.  
Your gift from him was a thing you had mentioned in passing that you wanted but had trouble finding. You loved how he paid attention to what you said and had remembered. Did you mention how lucky you were that you were dating this guy? Because hot damn.  
Once leftover where done and dishes cleaned. You two snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie together. Cuddled up you couldn’t believe how shitty the day had started and how your wonderful datemate turned your day around just like that.  
“I love you Papyrus.” you whispered as you both locked eyes. 
“I Love You Too Dearest.” he said as he leaned down to meet your lips in a kiss. 
For the rest of the nigh you two stayed cuddled up and by the end of it, all you could think was that he truly was your Hope.
Happy Birthday Nicky. I hope you like this and enjoyed reading this little drabble of mine. I read in your master list that you see classic Papyrus as your Hope, so I used that as inspiration :3
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bookishbunnies · 2 years
Episode 7
Awwwh, David and Genya are so fucking adorable 😍 I wanna wrap them in blankets and protect them forever
I am loving the teamwork! Yes Tamar, you kill Mal, and yes David, you recreate one of the more traumatic times of Alinas life and fuse another amplifier to Alina. Perfect 😂
Heck yes, Nadia and Tamar. The guys are winning!
Also, is anyone else kinda confused that we haven't seen Fedyor yet? Like sure Ivan might be dead, but Fedyor was very alive and fine when we saw him last
I think this is the longest we've gone in an episode without seeing the crows yet. I don't like it 😂
Okay I really don't like the darklings grisha, but those green keftas, yeah those I want 😍
Ohbmy gosh David, why are you such a sweetheart, it's killing me
Episode 8 better have as much crows content as this episode has s&b content
Damn Alina, you need to kill him before something else manages it before you
Omg yes!!! Imej!! What a fucking brilliant return! Of course it was Inej saving Alinas was.
Omg, they don't have David... but they do still have a durast. One who isnt afraid to be known as one anymore. I really hope I'm right about this theory 😅
Dude knows Nikolai so well 😂 no heroics 😂
Damn Tamar, if I was into women I'd marry you.
Now this is where we need Jesper and his sharpshooting skills. If he remembers to aim for the head this time anyway 😅
I really wanna know more about the twins necklaces. How do they work??
Gods Tolya is fucking gorgeous. Just casually taking out several of the Grisha the others had to run from
Oh David, no David. You could've gone with her. Judt go with her.
Omg yes! Wylan! You and your beautiful bombs 😍
Oh gosh 😍 yes, expert, you're their expert Wylan.
Omg Tamar meeting Jesper and Wylan, I love it. Jesper just immediately rolling with the info that Stormhond is Nikolai
Jesper, you did not need that much flair 😅 God I love it tho.
Omg yes Jesper! You are blessed! I am so happy we got to see Jesper being proud with his powers. Gods the crows working together to take them out 😍 the buttons, the cane, and of course you managed to get a hold of that poison Wylan, of course you did.
Tamar and Tolya are so fucking sweet, I love them
Alina, I don't think the location particularly matters, you're in the fold, just bring it the fuck down
Yes thankyou! He doesn't need to die. Coz more so than the other amplifiers, Mal chooses you Alina.
Who knew destroying the fold required kissing? 😅
Wtf Alina, you lit up, but spent your time kissing instead of destroying the fold? Really?
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taegularities · 2 years
i feel like when i read a fuckboy who then turns to being nice and cute it never quite feels right but your jk was so good it transitioned perfectly, you had me fooled at the beginning with the dream, i was like damn is it already over i read that fast 😭😅 my professional rating of not my fault: 100/10, warm & fuzzies but also hawt, someone asking if they can kiss you??? my favourite thing ever. tldr; rid has once again birthed a masterpiece
awwwh gosh, yes that's cos nmf!jk was always nice !! a kind guy behind the cocky smirk 😭 and haha ha ha.... the twist in the middle of the fic LMAO imagine if it'd ended there :'D i'm so happy u liked it tho !! 100/10 is crazy AND a masterpiece? thank u so much 🥺
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sir-sunny · 3 years
(Green again) I have a few more headcanons in mind! Not character specific this time unfortunately
-Nagito gets tired/sleepy when he's overly bored, which can result in him being cranky (see: movie scene)
-You know what Fuyuhiko says at the end of the second trial? Where he's like 'I never wanted a tool. I just wanted you. Only you.'? Going back to the idea that he has old fashioned values, what if this is what he wanted to say to Peko when he finally proposed? (Tbh I think I'm just obsessed with Kuzupeko angst atm lol)
-Mikan gets her hair cut post game so it can have a chance to grow back normally. Mahiru offers to cut it and even though it's a little scruffy, Mikan immediately bursts into happy tears when she sees it
-Kyoko really likes soft, pastel clothing but doesn't wear it much because she feels like she needs to keep SOME professionalism with her at all times (Unless she's at the beach)
-Hifumi has God awful eyesight. Like, sometimes if you need to wear glasses, you can still see a little bit when you take them off, but Hifumi is totally hopeless without his. He's walked into more than one wall in his lifetime because he wasn't wearing his glasses
-Nagito r e a l l y likes it when people hold/rub his cheeks. Bonus points if the hands doing it are warm because Nagito has the circulation of a lizard
-Similarly to the one above, Fuyuhiko likes when people play with his hair (what little there is of it, anyway). If you play with it just right, it makes him bounce his leg a little like a dog, but he'll kill you before you get the chance to tell anyone (/j)
hmmhm yo if u got kuzupeko angst of any kind send em my way i love pain >:)) jjshdgdg
awwwh that's a sweet mikan hc,, it makes me wanna draw her with short hairrr
oohohhh makoto gets kyoko a nice soft pastel purple sweater for her birthday and shes like "!!!" she doesnt wear it in public but she'll be damned if she doesn't excitedly wear it on rainy days at home
🥺🥺🥺 nagito being caught off guard by how warm hajime's hands are and just melting into his touch
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
hi cherry a little vent if that's OK w u
so on this app I had 2 people who I had notifs on for, you and my fav sfw writer right? over time though I realized I didn't actually like that person as an author I just got really attached because they were the first blog I was anon on and they responded well. but like 👁👄👁 recently they've been downplaying skz alot tbh and I don't mean in a critique way, in a way where they were saying certain things were just plain bad with little to no valid explanation and just being overall nasty? I think that might be what made me realize that I didn't actually like them a ton tbh, I unfollowed them today cause I got a notif from them and it was a post saying the song that is currently my favorite was bad and didn't deserve a mv :// obv that post wasn't directed at anyone I just think I got tired of only seeing negative things about the boys when I open their blog. I also would find myself going directly to ur blog after reading shitty stuff on their blog because this place is just a place full of general excitement and support, I really enjoy it. but anyways uh, I wanna thank u for being such a cool author and for supporting the boys the way u do :) the author I'm referring to was never directly slamming on the boys themselves, but they just never seemed to have anything good to say yk? I really enjoy being here way more
also congrats on now being the only blog I have notifs on for luv <3
ok end rant//
my sleep schedule is still utterly fucked in every way, I got distracted trying (and succeeding!!) at making a Kandi cuff but by the time I was done it was 4:30 am so now im just chilling watching anime for now till I feel like getting up for school. since it's so early maybe ill stop at mickydees otw 😌😌
also, I've been streaming literally all day and the new album is SO GOOD BRO SJDJJXDHE
I was expecting something really sad from silent cry and star lost but BRO?? 10/10 think star lost will be the Blueprint of this era
and CHRISTOPHER? mans said nah fuck the shirt yall get bandages take it or leave it
also I don't think words can express how down fucking bad I am for seo changbin like 😫😫 please Mr seo just one chance
and like skz making us think the beginning of the unveil for domino was the beginning of the song feels like they're laughing at us rn like zjjxjd ALSO DOMINO IS SO GOTDAMN FUCKING GOOD HOLY FUCKING DUCK the like high pitched thingy he does for like two syllables (idk how to describe it I'm sorry??) is SO HOT I CANNOT
awwwh >:((( DAMN I FEEL SO HONORED BRO THANK YOUUUU <33 ah but i kinda feel bad for your phone HASHSAH WHEN I START SPAMMING SHIT- nah but seriously thank you <33
i mean i can understand that its not everyones favorite album, i really liked it but we cant all have the same opinion can we but theres a difference between constructive criticism and just being mean SO im happy that you noticed the difference and just kinda,,, dont try to associate with people that dont have anything positive to say.
my god your poor sleep schedule,,, DONT U HAVE SCHOOL?? HOW THE FUCK DO U EVEN SCHOOL BRO
also yes can we just say that both silent cry and star lost are amazing songs?? i really like songs with those kinda,,, vibes so i was pleasantly surprised and i just think that everyones vocals fit those songs as well <333 but if we talking favorite song here mine is probably cheese?? idk something about that songs is very unique,,, its fresh, it doesnt sound like anything ive heard before and the concept is very cool and fitting for skz so i just love it, love love love!!! <33
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adonis-koo · 4 years
Ma'am you had me terrified despite knowing it wouldn't be too intense. Part of me was scared you were lying. LOL. So I spent that entire chapter in fear + then it wasn't that bad. ALSO I LOVED IT! I kinda hoped she'd get the chance to slap her, but I'm happy enough w/ her cussing her out. She needed to know she was trash and a hypocrite. And I feel like Eva is somewhat right about YN's reaction to what she'll find out, but I'd hope w/ the relationship they've built she won't react too harshly.
Awwwh hahaha! I’m surprised how much everyone really loved this chapter! Like I liked it when I first finished it but by last read through I wasn’t quite impressed with it. So I’m happy everyone seems to be enjoying it and genuinely thought it was good at the scare factor and climax! Then again I also know that I’ve shrowded a lot of my narrative in dishonesty so y’all can never tell when I’m lying or not HAHAHA
While we didn’t get to see MC slap Eva we did get to witness- not a roast, but an entire damn grill 😫 My fav part ngl. However!! You are right, Eva’s words did have some merit. Whatever this is that Jungkook has as baggage, it’s definitely not lightweight. But given how much shit they’ve been through together, let’s hope they’ve build a solid foundation on their relationship to endure whatever it is.
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