#awoooooo werewolves of larp
we-are-trickster · 6 years
Oh noes....
Trickster went to LARP for the first time this weekend.
Trickster enjoyed LARP waaaaaaay too much and can’t wait for next month’s game. OwO
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we-are-trickster · 6 years
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A moment of silence for my poor Werewolf book... the binding fell apart on the front cover. Gonna need monies to get it repaired.
Anyone want a Tarot reading?
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we-are-trickster · 6 years
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Silent Strider Squad On-Point.
The Stunt Husband and I as Rasmeh and Vanitas. We’re a pair of Ragabash dangerously close to breaking the first rule of the Litany.... and we’re here to wreck shit and take names.
You Garou who’ve had a nice cushy life in the Caern don’t understand the pain of losing your connection to your Ancestors nor the hardships of a life where you’re denied the comfort of belonging somewhere better watch out, we’re coming for you!
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we-are-trickster · 6 years
Stories from the Caern
Since @lokiago asked (and I’ll take any excuse to tell a story) I will happily tell you all about my experiences at my first LARP.
So the Stunt Husband has been playing in this LARP for a bit before me. He and some friends have been going for some months, but this month’s game was my first time joining. I’ve always been interested in the idea of LARP, since High School many many moons ago, but I’d never found a group.
So the local group plays Werewolf, the Mind’s Eye Theater version. Werewolves are actually my absolute favorite supernatural creature, so naturally this game is right up my alley. I do a bit of reading and decide I want to play a Silent Strider Ragabash. This works out well since the Stunt Husband is also a Silent Strider, so we very easily create a backstory that allows me to keep close to him for my first session. The Ragabash works well with my typical playstyle - sneaky and cunning - and I decide that my concept will be a “Master Manipulator.”
When I hand in my character sheet to the main storyteller for approval he absolutely cackles with glee. I have a feeling there’s a lack of people who’re willing to play antagonistic characters. But the Stunt Husband and I are more than happy to play a pair of Garou who’re scheming to cause trouble in the Caern. I’ve decided that due to the curse on the Silent Strider Clan, my character has a chip on her shoulder about “how good others have it” and wants to inflict some of the same unrest that the Silent Striders suffer onto others. It definitely didn’t help that there are those in the Caern who mistrust us based purely upon the fact we’re Silent Striders.
So the night’s session begins. Luckily, it’s a Moot so it’s almost entirely roleplay. I can take time to work around the room, getting to know people and just observing, collecting information. There had been a mass battle in the previous session, leading to the deaths of some very high-profile characters, and certain positions of power had opened up so there was a lot going on. In addition, it was the Liar’s Dance - a moot where everyone started with three colored “stones” and went around telling stories. If someone thought you had a good story, you got a white rock, if you had an honorable story you got a blue rock, and if you were full of shit you got a red rock. So it was a good way to learn about other people’s characters and find out what made them tick.
Of course, while most of the group was involved in the Liar’s Dance and other activities, I eventually found myself sneaking into the Elder’s Meeting where they were discussing the prospect of selecting one of them from an “Alpha-Like” position. No one else was being allowed in the room, but through a few tricks and a moment of understanding with the Get of Fenris who was guarding the door, I managed to sneak in and listened to the bulk of the meeting. It went so far that the Get of Fenris helped conceal my position from the Wendigo Elder who probably would’ve had my hide if he found me. I learned about the “War Leader”/ Alpha position before anyone else, but also got to see some of the dynamics of the Elder Council, which I’m sure will serve me well in the future.
Of course, the highlight of the night was when the Liar’s Dance concluded. One of my fellow Ragabash had been using an ability of his to steal Red Stones from others. Of course, he hid the stones in the room instead of keeping them on his person. Being the inquisitive sort, I found the stash and decided to turn them in as if I had earned them. Since I had so many, the Ragabash Elder laughed and asked “whose corpse had (I) fucked?” causing a laugh to go around the room and a debate on what my “title” should be for being the biggest bullshitter in the Caern. “Corpse Fucker” and “The Worst” were the top contenders before the Ragabash Elder looked at me and said “wait, you’re a Silent Strider Ragabash... you’re an edgelord that’s enjoying this. I declare you a “Basic Bitch!”
So that is how I played my first session of Werewolf. I think I’ve got them convinced that I’m just your average Ragabash Edgelord whose in it just for the Lolz and NOT a manipulative bastard. And that’s just how I want it.... 😈
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we-are-trickster · 6 years
You play Werewolf? What's your favorite tribe?
Hmmm, difficult to say! I just started playing Werewolf recently, which does make it more heartbreaking that the binding on my book was damaged.
Right now I’m playing a Silent Strider, I do like the lore behind them and their abilities but it’s also easy to see the inspiration behind them and the pitfalls they can easily fall into. The Stunt Husband and I are playing a pair of Silent Striders who are very platonically close, to the point where it’s easy to mistake our characters as romantic partners (we let the observer make their own judgements), and we’re leaning more towards a very Gothic interpretation of the lore, dressing mostly in black and gold with lots of gauzy fabrics and Ancient Egyptian iconography (Ahnks, Eyes of Ra, etc). We’re planning to snag some masks at the upcoming Medieval Faire, there’s a seller that always has awesome Egyptian God masks (Anubis, Horus, Bastet, etc).
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we-are-trickster · 6 years
How've Larps been?
Unfortunately that game only plays once a month, but this Saturday will be my 2nd game! I’m sure I’ll have stories to tell after that though!
I did order and get a printed copy of the Werewolf book and it is the most massive RPG book in my collection. I could probably legally kill someone with it. O.o
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