(NSFW) So what does Jaune do with Pyrrha when it comes to lovemaking if he does, does he do risky things or keeps it simple for her?
Jaune sat in a seat behind one of the curved, several rows of tiered desks in a Beacon classroom as he answered in a whisper, "For 'lovemaking', I usually k-keep things simple. I don't need much to get going, Pyrrha's beautiful enough for me to always be ready. B-buuuuut as for doing riskier things during sex, Pyrrha does like to try new things now and then. She's s-surprisingly kinky, sort of like Blake, but actually able to keep it a secret. She's usually the one to suggest doing certain... t-things. R-right Pyrrha?"
Jaune leaned back in his seat, a seat that was in the very back upper corner of the classroom, where Professor Port was yammering on and on about another story of his. This was not Jaune's usual seat, but few people seemed to notice or care. The reason for this changed location was revealed when Jaune looked under the desk.
Pyrrha Nikos was under there, on her knees in her student uniform and her red sash wrapped around her eyes as a blindfold and ear plugs in. All while Jaune's hand was gripping the base of her ponytail and pulling her up and down his cock. His whole shaft was getting pushed into her mouth and throat, her lips meeting Jaune's pelvis, only to then be pulled back. Her hands were resting on his thighs and steadying herself. Despite how it looked though, Pyrrha was the eager one. Jaune really wasn't pulling her back down on his cock more so than just guiding her. He was making sure she was going at a steady pace so she didn't make too much noise from gagging.
But when he addressed her, he did pull her far enough that his cock was free for a few seconds, only for the blindfolded and deafened champion to only drawl out a single word of "moooouuure" before she began to search for his dick with her mouth.
Jaune gladly helped her and subtly guided her head back to his cock and they proceeded to continue their fun. Only now Pyrrha was much more fervent in her sucking, gripping Jaune's thighs hard and pulling him closer to her and also closer to the desktop. Jaune was also feeling more confident, having seen no one notice the noise they'd made so far.
So now more confident and feeling Pyrrha's vigorous bobbing on his dick, Jaune tightened his grip on her ponytail and began fucking her mouth on his cock. The slightest thrusts up with his hips met with him pushing her head down on his cock and he didn't pause at all. Jaune began to simply use Pyrrha's mouth and throat.
Which is exactly what Pyrrha had been hoping for when she suggested this. Under her sash blindfold, Pyrrha's eyes rolled up as her mouth was used to please her boyfriend. All she needed to do was suck and keep her lips wrapped around Jaune's hard dick.
And she was exceptional at doing just that~.
Jaune definitely thought so. She only had to do those two things for another minute or so before Jaune came down her throat. The first half hour of class with Pyrrha blowing him had built him up so much that the more vigorous face fucking he had started giving Pyrrha pushed him over the edge. He held her head down as he shot out ropes of cum, and Pyrrha relished in it, though she preferred to usually get a facial, she was fine with just getting a faint taste this time since she knew they needed to be quiet.
Jaune's hand soon slipped free from her ponytail as he came, slumping in his chair just a little bit as he enjoyed his bliss. Pyrrha finished off her hard earned treat and when she stopped feeling Jaune's cock twitch or letting out cum, she pulled her head off his shaft, letting the slowly softening appendage free in complete silence.
She very swiftly began to pull out her earplugs and the sash off of her head. Then, after having her sight and hearing returned to her, she used said sash to gently wipe and mess she felt on her eyes, nose, mouth, and chin.
She even slightly wiped off the much messier parts of jaune's cock with the same sash afterwards. As she did, Pyrrha pulled out her scroll as she did and double checked her appearance. After assuring that she looked as normal and inconspicuous as possible, she put her scroll away, tucked Jaune's penis back into his uniform pants, zipping and redoing his buckle after she did so, and then tucked her used sash down her shirt. After finishing all of that, she fluidly slid up into her seat next to Jaune in the back corner of the classroom, and smiled to herself when she noticed that her fellow classmates were either asleep, dowsing off, or actually paying attention in Weiss's case. The important thing was that none of them were looking back their way, and Pyrrha smiled contently as she rubbed her thighs together, very turned on by the fact that they had gotten away with her most recent debaucherous fantasies.
Pyrrha looked next to her to Jaune, who was recovered and sitting up straight once again, and slowly slid her hand onto his thigh and gently rubbed it affectionately. She was so happy he was willing to indulge her fantasies like this.
Simple and straightforward lovemaking was wonderful with Jaune, but she had to admit that it was definitely a new kind of rush to do slightly naughtier things every now and then to spice things up~.
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askroahmmythril · 2 months
How did awmonopolyman000 send that image through an ask?
I know at least in the usual text editor, before you start putting in text, there's a row of buttons that appear. One is like a red stack of pictures, and that can be used to attach images. I'm not sure if the ask function has that same setup or not though.
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mayeru · 7 years
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I made a list with the ones that meet the requirements (those who reblogged, in the same order they did) and then went to random.org and generate a random number. The winner of Tumblr’s raffle is: @awmonopolyman000, Congratz!. Please send me a message with your character references and the style you want (waist shot or chibi) 
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Might as well set this up for Valentines day soon, Issei and Rias visiting Jaune and Pyrrha as well as Hera for a Valentine’s Day celebration? And all the possible fluffy cuteness therein?
Within a park in Vale, two crimson hair beauties were sat down on top of a large blanket on the grass. These beauties were one Pyrrha Nikos and Rias Gremory, and they were not alone. Sitting right next to them were their respective boyfriends, Jaune Arc and Issei Hyoudou. The two couples had not really planned on being here today, but things had just worked out this way.
Jaune had been planning to take Pyrrha out to a wonderful lunch date at a café today during their lunch break, but unfortunately every single restaurant and café that Jaune had tried to take her to had been packed full. And they also already had a waiting list that was hours long. They both didn’t really feel like waiting that long to eat and with being Beacon students, they really didn’t have that much free time during the week to just wait around. They had classes to get back to. So they just went back to Beacon and had light lunch there.
But then Jaune got the idea to have a picnic in Vale after classes let out. It was still bright out and was only a little chilly. They could easily get by with just some sweatshirts today. And this time it also meant they could take Hera with them! So Jaune and Pyrrha packed up some food from their dorm stash, a blanket, put Hera on a leash, and headed back down to Vale.
Jaune hadn’t expected to run into one of Pyrrha’s cousins though. She had seen Rias with her boyfriend waiting outside a restaurant and had invited them along to the park with them so they didn’t need to keep waiting to eat. Jaune hadn’t really known what to think of Issei at first. He seemed super eccentric and also very perverted, but now after being with him for a bit, they’d started chatting about comics and video games and Jaune was having quite a lot of fun. 
Pyrrha was also having a blast catching up with Rias. They chatted about their lives, how they got with their boyfriends, and how they were progressing with their goals for the future. 
All while the four of them talked, Hera was having fun running around the four of them in the grass. Eventually however, because she either grew tired or bored, Hera stopped running in circles around the blanket and decided to just leap right into it. Or more accurately her Mama’s lap.
Pyrrha quickly raised the bag of chips she was eating out of up over Hera’s head as she landed in her lap. “Whaaaahahah! Hera careful! I’m eating!”
Hera however didn’t seem to care about the bag of food at all and instead chose to focus on circling in her Mama’s lap. She was just about to lay down when her Mama’s friend caught her eye. She was laughing. Kinda like how her Mama laughs. She had seemed nice enough when Mama had introduced her to Hera, but she had still decided to stand very close to either Papa or Mama until they got to the park. But now, Hera had to admit that she was getting a little curious about the pretty lady that Mama seemed really happy to be talking to.
Hera slowly padded out of her Mama’s lap and over to the other pretty lady. Pyrrha and Rias both stopped laughing in surprise at Hera approaching. Jaune and Issei’s conversation about one of the latest video games being released also stopped as they saw Hera moving towards Rias.
Hera got within a foot of Rias and leant forwards, giving her a few sniffs. After she deemed it to be safe, Hera stepped forwards the rest of the way until her paw landed lightly in Rias’s lap. Rias let Hera paw her lap a little curiously, before she climbed fully into her lap. Pyrrha had told her that her dog was very shy, and had seen evidence of such first hand, so she was not expecting to have her crawl into her lap. Hera’s cute little face was pushed up at Rias, and everyone could see that her fluffy tail was slowly starting to wag. Rias slowly reached up to Hera’s head with a soft hand and began petting her. At her headpats, Hera’s tail wagging quickly picked up speed and Hera shoved her face up towards Rias’s as well, giving her a few fast kisses with her tiny tongue.
Rias laughed in pure joy as Hera licked her face, the little tongue tickling her chin and cheeks before the little girl settled down. After her loving assault was finished, Hera laid down and curled up in her lap, taking a small rest. As everyone’s laughter settled down with the puggle wuggle, they all gradually went back to their food and previous conversations. However, Rias kept petting the top of Hera's floofy butt. After a minute of doing that, she looked over to Issei and said bluntly, "Issei, I want a dog now."
Issei's head snapped up from his sandwich he was just about to go back to eating, his eyes wide. "Wait what?"
"I want a dog."
Issei didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but then weakly argued, "B-but we already have Koneko."
Rias smirked. “But I want a dog. And I am absolutely telling her you said that.”
“Hey wait! You don’t need to be that cruel to me!”
“Get me a dog then and I won’t.”
“Blackmail from you!? I expect better from you Rias!”
“I’ll do anything for my dog Issei.”
The two continued their light hearted argument with back and forth sentences. Jaune and Pyrrha just started chatting with each other while they did so, letting them have their moment between each other. They knew they were just being playfully, but they were also unsure whether or not Rias wanted a dog as much as she was fighting for one or not.
And Hera just stayed curled up in Rias’s lap, slowly dozing off. The walk to the park and zoomies when she arrived were catching up to the little puggle. And she also felt pretty comfortable in the lap of her Mama’s friend. 
By the time the sun was setting a few hours later, the whole group had had their fun and were ready to leave. Pyrrha and Jaune said goodbye to Rias and Issei, bidding them farewell as they boarded the bullhead back to Beacon.
Hera was happily being held in her Mama’s arms when the doors to the ship were closed. She was still really happy that she got to spend time with her Papa, Mama, and their new friends today. Hopefully they enjoyed spending time with her too. She always liked meeting new friends.
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I wonder if there’s any ideas for Jaune, Pyrrha & Velvet together being extra cute and cuddly with each other?
Velvet is the sweetest sweetheart out of all three of them, always getting/making treats or snacks for them to eat
Velvet also loves getting hugs from both Jaune and Pyrrha, but she's usually too shy to ask for them so she just really enjoys the ones she gets without her provocation (Both Jaune and Pyrrha know that she really likes their hugs so they hug her quite often)
Pyrrha is the protective one of the three, always standing up for Jaune and Velvet when others try to pick on them
Jaune is always trying to make Pyrrha and Velvet are both happy, so much so that he often stresses out about them not liking plans he makes for them or things he does for them
Velvet is in the middle when they all cuddle together, being hugged on both sides by Pyrrha and Jaune
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Velvet giving Birthday girl Hera some treats
Velvet happily waved a treat back and forth in front of her, letting Hera chase it with her head. She didn't move it too much so Hera didn't have to move much either. After bringing it back in front of her, Velvet tossed the small treat up in the air and watched in delight as Hera hopped up just a little bit. Just enough to snap her jaws around the flying treat. It smelled and tasted like chicken! But she just had a bacon treato! As she chewed away she thought, 'Wot's dis trickewy?!'
"Good girl Hera! You're learning so well!" Velvet smiled with a small head tilt. She dug into a small baggy in her hands and pulled out another treat. She had been a little sad when she missed Hera's birthday due to a test and last minute studying beforehand. However, she was making up for it now by spending time with Hera while Jaune and Pyrrha were taking their own tests. Spending time with her AND with a bunch of treats hehe. She still had quite a bit to give to Hera, and she was following orders so well that Velvet thought it would be hard to stop.
But that was in the future, she'd worry about that when it came to it. For now, she was going to see how well Hera could keep following commands. "Okay Hera, paw."
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Has Jaune and Pyrrha ever made love in a public location and was Hera your watchdog for intruders? (I remember asking something similar a long while ago which I think both of us kinda forgot)
I slightly remember an ask about Hera catching her Mama and Papa in bed before, but I used it to do a funny ask.
However, I would really like to keep anything involving Hera to not have NSFW or smut aspects or connotations. I just want to keep things with her cute and fluffy.
Sorry I won't be doing this ask.
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The curiouser and curiouser in me wonders, Ruby and Penny being cute and fluffy?
Inside RWBY’s temporary dorm at Atlas, one small huntress prodigy was snuggling up to her robot girlfriend in her bed, the two of them facing each other, eyes closed, and Penny having her arms wrapped around her. They’d been like this all night, and even after they woke up early about an hour ago. They didn’t talk, just enjoyed the warmth of the blanket, the cool pillow they shared, and each other’s light breathing.
A small burst of buzzes disturbed the peacefulness however, prompting Ruby to pull out her scroll (she really needed to stop sleeping with it in her bed, she might crack the screen eventually) , open her eyes, and look at the screen. She sighed as she saw the time, realizing that her day did need to start soon.  “Penny.”
“We should get up. We need to be ready for our meeting with the General soon.”
Penny didn’t open her eyes at all, and didn’t let go of Ruby. “The meeting is at 0800. It’s currently only 7:30 am. It only takes up to 10 minutes to get dressed and combat ready, and another 10 minutes to get to the General’s office. Therefore, we still have ten minutes to spare to do with as we please. And I would like to keep cuddling.”
Ruby looked at Penny’s resting face, and had to admit she didn’t want to get up yet either. Ruby reached behind her and set her scroll down, then put her arm around Penny once again. “You know, next time you could just ask for five more minutes.”
“But I’m not asking for five minutes. I am asking for ten.”
Ruby closed her eyes once more, getting comfortable all over. “Touché, ten minutes it is then.”
Penny smiled, happy she got her way, and leaned her head forwards to gently rest her forehead against Ruby’s. “Sensational.”
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Since its National Puppy Day, our favorite Puppers Hera deserves some love and treats.
Happy National Puppy Day everyone! I didn't know such a thing existed so I missed it yesterday (March 23), but yet it's already become one of my favorite holidays!
Hera gently nibbled on a special bone with filling her mama had given her. She gave her mama's hand a bunch of kisses and then gently grabbed the bone with her mouth. She laid down and began working away on it, trying to get to the taste middle part! She was holding it in place with some assistance from her paws, and going to town on one end of it. She was really getting there!
Jaune laid down next to her on the carpet and lovingly ran his hand along her back as she chewed away. Laying down really put into perspective just how big Hera had really gotten, being over half the size of Jaune's body laid out. No just in length, but also in width as she was close to 100 pounds now. "Happy puppy day Hera, you'll always be my adorable pup, no matter how big you get."
Hera stopped chewing on her treat and turned her attention over to her Papa next to her. She blinked a few times, then quickly pushed herself up just a tiny bit and pushed herself towards Jaune, her head and front of her right side pushing into his chest. Jaune let out a small chuckle, which became full laughter as Hera kept pushing against him, her tail starting to wag excitedly.
"Haha hah! Love you too sweetie haha!"
And Pyrrha was having a very pleasant time watching two of her most important people just loving each other.
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Now I personally at some point love to see some Nuts and Dolts fluff because it would be very cute I feel.
Penny stared at the sign on above the entrance to the building in Vale that Ruby had taken her to. "So girlfriend Ruby, this is an arcade?"
Ruby blurred next to Penny's side and hugged her. "Yup! The biggest one in Vale! You said you've never been to one, so let's try this one out!"
Penny's eyes lit up, and turned to hug Ruby herself. She didn't realize that she was accidentally crushing her with her superior strength. "Sensational! Let us go in and start our date!" Penny rushed through the entrance, dragging Ruby behind her.
---Several Hours Later---
As Ruby and Penny left the arcade, it was now dark out, much different than when they'd entered. Something that was also different was the small crowd of kids that watched Penny as she left the building.
The reason for that was because Penny had just single handedly bulldozed her way to the top of all the high scores in the building.
Literally all of them. Every single game in there with any kind of high score leaderboard now had the name PENNY at the top. not only that, all the built up jackpots for tickets were cleared out.
As Penny walked down the street after leaving the arcade, she turned around to look at her girlfriend. The giant stuffed cat in her arms showing exactly what prize she got with all those tickets. "Thank you for taking me to the arcade today Ruby! I had a splendid time there!"
Ruby chuckled slightly, not feeling as energetic as the robotic girl was right now. "S-sure Penny, you're welcome." 'Did she really have to beat my high scores too?' Ruby was also feeling a bit lighter as her wallet was almost cleaned out of the money she'd pulled out for today.
But Penny had a really fun time and she had to admit it was really cool watching her girlfriend dominate all the games in there.
So it was worth it.
Plus Penny said she'd share the really cute kitty plushie with her so that was awesome!
I'm so sorry this took so long @awmonopolyman000!!! I legit just could not think of what to do for the Nuts and Dolts ship for the longest time! But I finished this one and I have the other asks for Ruby x Penny you sent in that I'll be trying to do stuff for as well since you had to wait so insanely long.
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I’m honestly not sure if this was lost in the shuffle or what exactly happened, any good idea of Nuts and Dolts (Ruby and Penny) Fluff?
No, I'm just slower than a snail when it comes to writing. Sorry your asks took so long @awmonopolyman000.
"Are you having an enjoyable time girlfriend Ruby?"
"Y-yeah Penny, I-I am! C-could you please slow down a bit though please?"
"Of course Ruby!"
Penny decreased the power coming out of her rocket boots and slowed down considerably, though still very casually hovering above Mantle with Ruby being held in her arms. As she slowed down, Ruby was able to open her eyes completely, now no longer being bothered by the high winds, and lessened her death grip from around Penny's neck.
Penny looked down at Ruby in her arms. "Is this better Ruby?"
Ruby looked back up at Penny, and saw the fractured moon lighting up the sky right behind her, giving her a bright whit backlighting. Penny's orange curls fluttered and danced with the steady, chilly winds of Solitas. She looked... really REALLY cool. And it only made Penny look even cuter to Ruby.
Ruby smiled, suddenly feeling much more comfortable in the arms or her incredible girlfriend, despite them being quite hard. "Very, thank you Penny."
"You are welcome, Ruby! Do you wish to continue our flight?"
"Sure Penny, just please don't go that fast." 'I want to enjoy this moment.'
"Sure thing! 25% speed engaging"
With that, Penny started flying forwards again, her girlfriend still in her arms and at now a much slower place. Giving the silver eyed girl a better chance to enjoy the ride and her close proximity to her robot girlfriend.
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So, which character would have the fluffy relationship with Penny from RWBY? That I am honestly curious on.
I can't remember if this was for something specific or not, but....
Ruby, easily Ruby Rose. I personally just can't see Weiss, Blake, or Yang in any relationship at all with Penny outside of being friends.
But Nuts and Dolts would definitely be adorably fluffy by DEF AULT. The two are just total dorks and would be one of the cutest couples in the show.
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Testing myself since I tried to send an ask and it didn’t go through it seems
Yeah I have two asks from you that I know of. If you sent them anonymously, I have no idea.
But the two that I do know that are from you are both about Ruby x Penny fluff right? I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get to them, I just haven't been able to think of anything for those asks yet. I don't have a lot of experience with writing for Nuts and Dolts, so it’s new territory for me.
Again, sorry for the wait...
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Does Velvet get embrassed if someone hugged her from behind and then gave her cute head pats?
Velvet’s cheeks turned a little pink and she fiddled with her camera a bit. “I-It’s just so surprising when people do that! I mean when someone I don’t know does it, it’s weird, but my team does it all the time! I’ve gotten use to Coco doing it, and she still does it the most, but I wasn’t expectin’ that Yatsu and Fox would start doing it too!”
It was always extra embarrassing when Yatsuhashi pet her head because he was so much bigger than her. It was like he was rubbing the head of a child!
“I’m gonna stop letting it get to me though! They only do it to embarrass me, so they’ll stop once I do.”
Just as she finished that she felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around her waist and around her chest from the side. A big, yet gentle hand came to rest on her head right between her bunny ears. She didn’t need to look to know who the culprits were. Fox was behind her, Coco was on her side, and Yatsu was on her other side with his right hand on her head.
All the sudden attention from her teammates got her cheeks quite a redder. 
Coco chuckled a bit seeing they were successful. “That may be the case Bun Bun, but don’t think we’re going to make it easy on you.”
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Velvet and Coco’s Valentine’s Day time? (Coco asked her teammates to stay back since she wanted to have some time with her favorite Bun Bun).
Velvet knew Coco just wanted to have some alone time with her when she said they were going to Vale. That was further confirmed when she asked Fox and Yatsu to stay at the dorms while they did. Coco was just too prideful to say that’s what she wanted in front of their teammates. It was no secret to them that their two female teammates had been dating for months now, but Coco never was too great at doing ‘emotional’ stuff sometimes. 
Velvet didn’t mind though. She knew her girlfriend had her sweet side, she just didn’t like showing it too often. So she sat quietly in the clothing store as Coco tried on some outfits and showing them off to her to get her opinion. Velvet was used to Coco doing things like this, so even as Coco came out in more elegant or revealing clothes, Velvet wasn’t phased much.
When they finished with that, Velvet dragged Coco to one of her favorite cafes, not letting her get all the fun on this trip. They sat and just talked for a while, about anything really. Velvet’s photography, Coco’s clothes designs, training, the upcoming mission they were going on in a few weeks. They spent so much time talking they didn’t realize a few hours went by. It was only after a text from Yatsu asking if they were still in Vale that they decided it would be a good idea to head back to Beacon.
As they walked to the bullhead docks, Velvet cast a glance at Coco, admiring how even her walk oozed confidence. She thought it was funny how Coco could be so confident with everything, but then got bashful when it came to their relationship. She never really made gestures of affection in public.
Well, it looks like Velvet will need to be the confident one today. The rabbit faunus slowly reached over and slipped her right hand into Coco’s left. Coco turned to look at her when she felt it. She chuckled, trying to play it cool, and just looked back ahead.
But she didn’t pull her hand away from Velvet’s. In fact, she squeezed it a little tighter.
And Velvet didn’t mention the faintest dusting of pink on her cheeks.
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Congratulations and I hope you get more followers. 🥳😁
I hope I do as well and I also hope that I can keep making the followers I have happy!
Thank you so much!
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