dnangelic · 2 months
she hands daisuke a paper with a drawing on it. it's a large flower shaped like a daisy or some relative of it, each petal some shade of red or pink. even the stem and leaves, and the sun with the smiling face are those hues. only after he takes it does her hand lift to her cheek, finger absently scratching against her skin as she tries to figure how to explain this.
"a friend if mine... she's kinda like my little sister actually... saw us together one time." that was one way of putting it. no need to mention anna had seen the other by reading takehiko's mind (albeit unintentionally). "she wanted me to give that to you next time I saw you... she drew it."
she pauses.
"thing about anna is that she can only see the color red - and things with a lot of red in it by extension. so when she saw you, she really liked your hair and eyes."
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he's not sure what to make of the art at first , wondering if it was takehiko's own personal creation --- a somewhat awkward thought fast dispelled . ( what would he have even been able to say if she had come to him for something like critique or criticism ? ) it's red , everything's red , the color of love and blood , fury and passion , as well as the soft flush of the niwa's cheeks , the color seemingly spreading from his eyes and his hair outright to the rest of him as well .
' o-oh ? ' like a little sister ... he's never seen anyone like that before , and it generates a faint sense of alarm and confusion in equal amounts --- how clueless had he been this whole time to things ? wouldn't he have noticed if there had been someone else , especially someone younger around takehiko ? ' did she --- not want to say hi or anything ... ? '
had it been besides takehiko herself , he wouldn't have minded an impromptu meeting , but daisuke wanted to believe that he could also understand --- it wasn't polite to interrupt , and it could feel even more daunting to get in between two people when you were shy . the artwork is nevertheless accepted , and for a brief moment , the niwa smiles .
' could you tell her that i like it ? ' it wasn't every day a phantom thief became the recipient of a gift of art , after all . and then comes the name and unique condition , as well as the piece of flattery that leaves daisuke covering his face , past his nose until there was nothing to be seen but his eyes and his hair regardless .
' e-er , uh ... ! and ... t-thank you ... please thank her --- a-anna-san for ... um , the compliment too . it's a compliment , right ? i mean , i was just kind of ... born like this , ' so he wasn't sure how special his strong red inheritance was supposed to be or make him feel , and yet --- ' nobody's ever said anything like that before , so it's just a little ... embarrassing . if anything , i think it would be tougher to live like that --- '
only seeing red ... would dark practically vanish in front of her then ? it's a question he tries to push out of his mind . ' but i , um ... maybe i could try to give her something back . i've never painted with only reds before , but if i match the shades ... er , w-well , sorry , i'm getting distracted ! a-anyways , i'll figure it out , takehiko-san ! thank you ... again ! '
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