awarisbrewinghq · 7 years
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AWARISBREWINGHQ would like to give a warm welcome to TALENE who has been casted as the role of JASMINE HAROLDS. As you begin to explore the hellish big easy please take a moment to review your map as this is your guide to stepping into the city. After this acceptance is posted you have twenty four hours to send in your account or risk loosing your role. Although if you reach out to us a extension will be given. Finally thank you so much for applying and taking a interest in us. Welcome to the family. Lastly we can’t wait to see your take on JASMINE.
The application clearly communicates the direction you want to take this character and also opens several paths to others, so I look forward to seeing how you play out her plots. When she was written, Jasmine was supposed to come off as a strong, yet emotional and empathetic person, who despite negative criticisms can step up to the plate and rise above expectations. I believe that you’ve communicated that and more. It’ll be cool to see her around New Orleans. Well done. – ADMIN DREW
Name/Alias: Talene
Pronouns: her/she
Age: 22
Timezone: EST
Activity: Hi again guys :D. My activity level will be high. I will be able to post constantly four to five days a week given my work and school schedule. If that changes due to the busy season for work or exams for school, it will be about three days to four days out of the week.
Preferable form of contact: Tumblr we’ll be best for me since I have the app on my phone and can access it quickly.
Triggers: RFP
Have you read the rules?:  RFP
Desired Character: Jasmine Harolds
Pronouns/Sexuality: her/she Heterosexual.
What attracted you to this character?: 
I think it is easy to have bad experiences effect your outlook on life in a negative way.  It can be hard to look past the negative and see the good. In the moment, all you can see is the bad. You hardly ever look ahead to see what life lessons will come from this hard time  in your life. 
  Jasmine’s parents divorced when she was two. She grew up thinking that her mother didn’t want her. Even with that knowledge, she was happy living with her father. She was content, loved and really what more can a child ask for when you’re that young. For some, the knowledge of knowing a parent didn’t want you is a kick in the gut. I myself was raised by both of my parents. I don’t know who I would be if I was told my mother didn’t want me.  
For Jas, it was a bit different wasn’t it. She grew up with the love a her father. A man that work to the bone to give her every allowance in life. Maybe even to the point of spoiling her… just a bit. Even with a bad start, Jas grew up to become the person she wanted to be. She could have been, harder, meaner, with a chip on her shoulder. Instead she’s a determined, graceful and  empathetic woman. 
Even after finding out she is a banshee she didn’t run from that knowledge. Instead, she set out on an adventure to figurer out just what she is and to find the woman ( her mother) that might have more answers that she needs. 
So I guess you can add brave to her list of characteristics as well. This is the person that I find so fascinating, because how many of us in her position, would uproot the life they know to start a new one that is far less certain. I honestly don’t think I would. The fact that Jasmine did drew me into her. What stuff is Jasmine Harolds made of and how can I get some of it?
What are your future plans for this character?: 
I don’t know why but I really want  Jas and her mother to reconcile. Or at the very least attempt to. Maybe it is because I am so close to my mom now, even though growing up we’d butt heads a lot. I think as women, it’s important to have that bond with our mother’s. Though, I have a feeling it wouldn’t be an instant love fest. I would like for them to slowly build that relationship up. Or at least  give it an honest try. Weather that works out or not is really up to Jasmine and Annica.
I would also like to see Jas come into her own as far as being a banshee. Some say it would be a curse being the seer of death. Somehow I think Jas would find a way to use her ability to help those that she can. Her first step is understanding what being a banshee is. They see visions of impending death. They are tied to a different… frequency that allows them to communicate with other banshees that allows them to gather information about what they have seen. Just because they see a death doesn’t mean that it is set in stone. These are things Jas would need and want to know. What will she do when she figures out how to be a banshee? That would be fun to see.
Friends, can a girl get some friends please. I feel like growing up she wasn’t unpopular but given the choice of hanging out with kids  her age at the mall, or messing around with dad as he worked on cars. Jas would have chosen the ladder.  In her eyes she and her father are like a dynamic duo . Why would she rather hang out with dad then with kids her own age? I think part of it was out of protection. Wanting to make sure that her father knew he wouldn’t lose her too.  With that idea in mind, I feel like Jasmine making lasting friendships were few a far between. It would be nice to see her develop some friendships with people in her new life outside of her father.
“Love is like a virus it can happen to anyone at anytime”- Maya Angelou. 
I definitely believe this to be true and would like to see how Jas handles falling in love. Especially, since she is a banshee.  How much must she worry that she will see a vision of her father dying. The man who raised and loved her. It must be a constant fear for her. I think it would be hard for Jas to give her heart so completely to someone for fear of losing them. However, if she could what would that be like for her? 
Please give us some head-canon’s, at least two is preferred: 
So thinking about this, I had this idea. After Jasmine has been in town for a bit. It’s late night. Later then she normally gets out of work. She’s walking home near Bourbon Street and she starts to get the at feeling again. It just moments, before the scream that she knows is about to rip up and out of her lungs. She’s dizzy and sweaty, she’s trying to hold it back. It’s been so long since she had one of her fits, ( thats what she calls them) If she can just make it home, just a few more blocks. She stumbles and ducks into an alley way. Holding on to her chest, she knows she can’t hold it in much longer and so she doesn’t. Out of sight from pedestrians, she lets out her shrill scream. Allowing the blurred scenes play out before she collapses to tired to pull herself off the ground, Jasmine allows the darkness to envelop her.  When she comes too, she’s in a small but very nice looking apartment (Or a big glamorous home not sure.) and meets Rosemarie a woman she had seen so many times before… almost everyday since she arrived. She should be, scared or nervous- i mean she doesn’t know this woman at all. However, she doesn’t have these feelings of apprehension. She’s at peace and calm that comes with meeting a kindred spirit. This was my idea as to how she is introduced to Rosemarie.
Another was for NATHANIEL TSAI. I keep seeing him come into the shop for a trim here, a shape up of his shaggy facial hair there. Each time he comes in, he tells her of this and that . All the mischief he got into the night before, how pretty she looks and how delicious it is that he has the prettiest thing as his barber. Jas being Jas, laughs him off and humors him. As long as he pays, his weird comments mean very little to her. Until one day they do; one dark, dank day he says something to her that sends a chill down her spine. Jas has never seen him so… distressed and unkept. His words ring in her ear as she watched him walk back out into the rain.  She starts to wonder, who Nathaniel is and how he knows what she is when she isn’t even sure hereelf. In my head Nathaniel becomes some what of a confidant, in a weird, aloof sort of way. I see them having these serious conversations one minute and then him being weird the next( well weird to her anyway) but in a moment of crisis Nathaniel is someone she knows she can lean on. 
The last ( for the moment) is that of Jas and her mother finally meeting. I see it happening at a bar, Not one in town but a little bit out of the way. Annica, doesn’t want anyone to know who Jasmine is to her. So the only way that she agreed to meet with her is if they went to this hole in the wall bar. There are no smiles, no heartfelt tears. Annica is totally cold and distant when Jasmine joins her. She demands to know why she moved to New Orleans. Jasmine thought all she wanted was to get information about what she is. However she ends up asking the question that she had never really had the courage to ask her father. Why she left? Annica bluntly tells her why, that she is a monster. That she is ashamed that she could have given birth to a murderer and demands that Jasmine leaves and goes back where she came from. 
Well, Jasmine’s determination sets in. She refused to leave. Even going so far as to threaten the woman if she tries to force her to leave town before she can figure out just what being a Banshee means. She will reveal herself to the public.  I said before that I would like for the two to reconcile at some point. However, I think the road to reconciliation will be a long tumultuous one. That will effect Jasmine more than she thought it might. 
Para sample: 
Anything else? 
So in my head, Jasmine escape  from the ‘voices’ is music. It’s very eclectic. Something with a beat that can drown out the noise so she can just escape for a few minutes. Her playlist illustrates that. However, as she meets people, experience things and learns about being a Banshee it will have an effect on her playlist.  The idea is the music player on her page will be consistently changed on her journey and mood. So this list that she starts off with, basically is to help her cope with the ‘voices’ .
24k Magic- By: Bruno Mars. 2. Brick by Boring Brick (Acoustic) - By: Paramore. 3. Don’t Be Gone Too Long - By: Chris Brown and Ariana Grande. 4. Don’t Recall- By: K.A.R.D. 5. Hard Times- By: Paramore. 6. Love on The Brain- By; Rihanna. 7. Rumor- By; K.A.R.D. 8. That’s What I Like- By; Bruno Mars. 9. Wings- By; Little Mix. 10 Solo- By; Jay Park feat. Hoody.
     “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than be loved for who I am not”. I’d like to make that Jasmine’s motto. She is the person that she is and she happens to like who she is. Even with the question of what she is, the thing that keeps her grounded is knowing that she is a good person. Not perfect by any means but definitely someone worthy of respect. She isn’t upset if someone doesn’t like her because she likes her. Why should she have to change herself to fit someone else’ idea of who she should be. 
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