#awh stanley is in awe
kazza-desu · 2 years
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Inspired by @bucketbrainrot :D
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sutterbabe · 8 years
#6 Auston Matthews
okay so that hurt auston matthews one was so good, could you write something more like that? maybe not him being injured but just frustrated bc the leafs are losing lots of games or something like that
I LOVE ANGST but im v bad bc i just write everyone happy smh
Tbh i just realised i got two similar requests in a row
Warnings: language idk?? 
Song suggestion of the day: Scorpio by Emily Bea (its so sweet and I.. AWH)
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You narrowed your eyes a little as you tried to concentrate on the garbled instructions on the other end of the phone over the noise of the television blaring in the next room. You found yourself apologising quickly as you ducked your head out of the kitchen, covering the bottom of the phone as you did so. “Auston can you turn that down a bit.” You called, but you didn’t bother to linger long enough to see if your boyfriend, who was sat rigidly on the couch glaring at the TV, would actually comply with your request.
“Sorry,” you murmured into the phone, pressing a hand to your other ear as you attempted to catch what they were asking you as you tried to update your health insurance for the third time this week. “Okay, yep.” you replied, hastily scrawling something down on the notepad you had ready. You suppressed a groan of annoyance as the TV continued to play at exactly the same volume. “I’m so sorry.” you told the woman on the other end of the line before you walked into the living room, covering the phone again and resorting to standing in front of the TV to get your boyfriend’s attention. “Auston, can you please turn that down, I’m on the phone.”
Usually this wasn’t a problem but the way Auston had been acting lately was anything but usual. Your sweet and charming boyfriend had been moody and overly sarcastic for the past couple of weeks. No matter how open to talking you’d made yourself to him he was having none of it. So you’d given him space and hoped he’d sort himself out but now you were of the opinion that it had gotten a little out of hand. Auston had been watching his old games at full volume and you’d tried to be accomodating. He hardly spoke to you and you’d tried to be patient with him. He was hardly home and you tried to be understanding. But seeing as you were trying to keep this house functional, your patience was wearing thin.
Auston huffed exasperatedly and switched the TV off, stalking off to the bedroom and shutting the door rather louder than required. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as you raised the phone to your ear again. “I’m so sorry. I’ll have to call you back.” you explained, sighing wearily. ‘my boyfriend is being difficult’ you muttered as you set the phone on the coffee table after hanging up.
Steeling yourself for the horrific glare you were about to receive for even mentioning the leafs losing streak, you crossed the living room and made for the bedroom, where Auston had just retreated. Knocking gently, you received no reply and opened the door to the bedroom to find Auston, arms crossed and glaring at his phone screen.
“I hope you’re not subtweeting me.” you joked, hoping to lighten the mood a little. If possible he glared at his phone even harder. You sighed, “Well, I didn’t want to have this conversation, but here we are: I’m getting out my intervention shirt.”
“Your intervention shirt looks like shit.”
“You’re one to talk, Mr Harambe-sweater.” you replied coolly as you walked over to your cupboard and pulled out the awful eyesore that was your home tie-dye job and the words ’THIS IS AN INTERVENTION’ scrawled in thick black lettering. Auston shot you a glare as you plonked yourself down on the bed, beside him.
“I don’t need an intervention” he stated defiantly.
You hummed. “That is literally the motto of people who need interventions.”
He rolled his eyes. “I need an intervention because I didn’t turn the TV down?” he retorted incredulously. “Fine. I’m sorry. There, happy?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I get that you’re pissy but don’t lash out at me.”
“I’m not..” you watched him clench his jaw, the muscle there twitching slightly.
“I know you’re going to glare at me for saying this, but I’m going to do it anyway. No one cares that the leafs are having a slump.” you stated a matter-of-factly.
“Bullshit.” he snapped, giving you such a ferocious glare that you actually winced away from him. He glanced away at the sight.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed on. “it’s true. You see it all the time. Sometimes a team has a shitty season but their fans aren’t going to give up on you. You play for the leafs! These guys haven’t seen a Stanley since the 1967!”
"That makes it worse!” he retorted irritably, rounding on you. “Their hopes are riding on me. It’s because of me that they think we actually have a chance at the playoffs and I can’t even score a fucking goal! You think you’re so goddamn smart, you think you know everything, huh? Then why can’t we win a fucking game?!”
You had moved away to the other side of the bed at the onslaught of his words, which were unnecessarily harsh. Auston wilted visibly and quickly glanced away, running a hand through his hair frustratedly. He opened his mouth a couple of times but didn’t speak, taking his time to decide what to say next. “I...I didn’t mean to yell.” 
“I’ll give you some space.” you stated softly, standing to leave the room.
You knew Auston was just frustrated and he really didn’t mean anything he’d said but you also knew that you were very nearly crying, which you didn’t want to do. This was about Auston and crying was not the way you wanted to solve this. After pulling yourself together, you called the health insurance back, finished making dinner and cleaned up the living room all before Auston finally chose to emerge from the bedroom. 
“I’m going out.” He told you, powering down the hallway to the front door as quickly as his legs could take him, which made you think he was avoiding you now.
You stepped out of the kitchen to see him shrugging on his coat. “I made dinner. Did you want to take some with you, or are you eating out too?” The last few words came out harsher than you expected. Auston didn’t grant you a reply, just grunted out an ‘i love you’ as he slammed the door behind him.
So that went well. Auston was AWOL, you had way more food than you could possibly hope to eat on your own and just to add to that, your boyfriend was simultaneously furious with you and losing his mind over his slump. You sighed, walking back into the kitchen and scraping the pasta off Auston’s plate and back into the saucepan, popping the lid back on top to try and keep it warm. 
Half an hour later, you heard the front door close, causing you to wander out into the hallway to see why he was back so early. You were greeted by a bouquet of five (half-dead, i might add) assorted flowers and a block of home-brand chocolate.
“Everything was closed.” Auston grumbled, pushing them into your hands as you blinked up at him in surprise. Sensing your confusion, he shifted uncomfortably. “I felt bad for yelling at you. I thought they’d look nicer than they do though.” he added, gesturing to the flowers.
You smiled gently, and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Well it’s the thought that counts right.” you chuckled. He smiled weakly as he followed you back into the kitchen where you set up the flowers in a vase (that was actually an empty cookie jar since you had no vases). “I know this is frustrating for you right now.” you began. “I get how hard it must be. You’re under a lot of pressure.”
“Y/N..” Auston mumbled, clearly still not willing to talk about it.
“You’re frustrated and upset and I get that.” you continued. “but this,” you gestured wildly towards the TV. “Its not healthy, its not helping, and most of all,” you paused. “it’s not you.” you fell silent for a moment to gage his reaction but when he didn’t say anything, you pushed on. “I know it’s hard to believe. But it’s not your fault.” The american sighed slightly and you fixed him with a stern look. “You,” you prodded his chest gently. “are way too hard on yourself, mister.”
He chuckled a little at that, tugging you into a hug. You grinned up at him and kissed his nose gently, which caused him to scrunch up his face. Sobering up a little, he stared down at you.
“It’s not as easy as you make it seem.” he told you sincerely.
“I know,” you nodded. “but you’re already under so much pressure, don’t add anymore, hey?”
He ducked his head gently in a nod and you smiled softly, running your thumb over his bottom lip.
“Well I’ve got a block of chocolate and friends reruns ready on the TV.” you smirked. “Care to join me, Matthews?”
You could feel his laugh before it escaped his lips. “I suppose i can’t say no, can I?”
You shrugged shamelessly. “Guilt trip.”
“Lucky I love you so much, then.” He murmured with a laugh as he bent down to kiss you gently.
“Mhm.” you hummed in agreement as he straightened up. “unfortunately that means you aren’t getting away with that.” you added, tugging him gently back down by his collar, grinning at the sensation of his laughter against your mouth.
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