#awe Rainboo you sweetie!
conflictingxcolors · 6 years
There is a flash of white fire that soon disappeared, leaving behind a slice of cake and a mug of coco. Someone had a baking day and was sharing the results.
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Lewis thought he saw a flash of white in the corner of his eye socket and turned to look seeing the cake and the hot cocoa. There was no note or anything to give him an idea who had dropped these things off for him but he had an idea.
If it was him… he still doesn’t feel like he can approach me then. I still to this day wonder why.
He couldn’t eat the treats himself so he decided to let the deadbeats enjoy them for him. He was quite entertained watching them nom on the cake quite messily and one of them sipping at the cocoa only to do a twirl in the air in happiness at the sweetness.
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