thaliasthunder · 5 years
Matthew helping anne with her horse after she said she had to tell gilbert she loved him
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sonetodeprimavera · 5 years
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"They never believed we'd really fall in love"
Mary Song - Taylor Swift
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A lot of thoughts on AWAE 3x08 (spoilers ahead)...
Ka'kwet’s back! Yay! So is that shitty nun, ugghhh. She and the minister who burnt the schoolhouse are going straight to hell. 
While I applaud the ingenuity of her idea, I hope she doesn’t drown.
Holy shit, she’s going to escape by holding on to the underside of the wagon. This moment remains relevant because there’re refugees and migrants that travel using that method.
I love how Anne is so enthusiastic about the paper, she’s going to be heartbroken over the burnt schoolhouse and the confiscated printing press.
“We did do something and this was the result.”-Come on Tillie, don’t blame Anne for the school’s board of directors’ feebleness.
Glad to see Josie’s back at school.
Oh no, Anne is going after Mrs. Lynde. As much as I have flip-flopped on liking her, she did try to be the moderate voice on the panel.
I love how Mrs. Lynde has come around to Anne and her cause because she realized, in spite of Anne’s methods and her “behavior”, she was fighting for her to have a voice as well. Solidarity is beautiful
Bash’s mom is here! They have an uneasy dynamic about them.
Anne and Gilbert are so comfortable with one another and sitting awfully close to one another.
And we’re brought back to reality with the mention of Winifred.  
“Not with you, Anne, with Winifred!” Ooff, that’s got to hurt.
Dining with parents, they’re going awfully fast.
Diana: How not to break up with someone 101.
Describing their relationship as apples and oranges isn’t an accessible way to break up with one another.
Don’t lie Diana, you did think that Jerry wasn’t good enough for you.
The fact she threw his gifts to her on the floor was unnecessarily cruel.
Why couldn’t she just say that the relationship was going a bit too fast and she wasn’t ready to give up her newly found autonomy? It’s not like it’s not true. Those in rural settings tended to marry earlier than those in the city and despite Diana living in the country, she might as well live in the city.
Also, keeping the relationship from Anne was never going to last anyway.
My mom and Diana’s parents have the same look when my relatives come to visit.
Thank god Aunt Jo is here to talk some sense into her.
Oh god, this dynamic between Bash and his mom is getting increasingly awkward.
Bash’s insult was a bit below the belt but he had a point. Gilbert sees Bash his equal in every way. Plus, logistically, they’re going on two different avenues in life.
Mathew is just the best, enough said.
Diana’s taking the exam, yay!
The scene outside the testing place is giving me severe flashbacks to when I took my SAT.
I laughed when Mrs. Lynde apologized for saying damn. Lord knows I would be using much stronger words.
“Why would I stay, with people frozen in time?” I hope the writers aren’t hinting at Miss Stacy and Bash getting together. I like them as friends.
Diana thoroughly surprised me by volunteering to take the first shot of moonshine. Hard alcohol and an empty stomach (I’m sure most of them were too nervous to eat anything for breakfast) is a bad combo.
Now would be a good time for Diana and Anne to make up.
I can’t hate Winifred but all I keep thinking is that they’re not the one for one another.
Damn, they have an apartment in Paris, financing, connections and he gave him his blessing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more appealing offer.
Ruby and Moody are cute.
I love this scene so much. It may be a tad too unrealistic but there’s something so effortless, young and beautiful about it.
The cinematographer deserves a raise. Seriously, Anne looked so beautiful against the fire.
Gilbert’s oversized baker cap make shim appear younger than he is.
Was it a rejection? No, right?? She just vomited out a series of words and restated his options. In addition, HE NEVER OUTRIGHT STATES THAT HE LOVES HER. Besides, you’re too young to get married.
Asking someone to confess their deepest feelings to you whilst they’re tipsy is such a bad idea. It’s as if he didn’t realize the magnitude of asking someone to marry you.
The obvious difference in appearance between Winifred and Anne annoys me immensely. I know they’re only about two years apart but the fact that Anne is still dressed as if she was 14 irks me. I’m not blaming Anne for keeping the same clothes especially since she lives in a rural setting, where fashions are a tad behind, but the lack of change in her appearance, I’m sure factors in her inability to see herself as marriage or courting material. Moreover, it only reinforces the idea that both Anne and Gilbert are only ready for courtship.
The maritime book is back.
Whilst I’m glad that Elijah didn’t steal the ring, I’m still mad about the upcoming proposal.
I’m saying this once again: Thank god for Aunt Jo.
“I feel like I was a child yesterday and I feel like I’m being asked to explain my life on a ticking clock.”-Exactly my sentiments.
Aunt Jo is right, she just needs some time and some clear headspace to sort out her feelings.
“I have clarity.” NO, YOU DON’T. Boy, I swear to god, he’s so thick-skulled.
If you’re only proposing to someone because they’re the second choice, that’s not a good enough reason.
If he does propose, I hope Winifred rejects him because she feels that she’s too young/he’s too inexperienced/it’s too soon. I’m assuming, she’s not yet done with college.
I love this scheming Rachel.
“No, no, there’s no need to be hysterical.”-You’ve got to love her.
“Spreading news around town, is my forte”
Not going to lie, I was hoping for something more than a gender balance. I don’t think that was a fair trade-off. At the very least, a gender balance and the restoration of the school and the printing press should have been agreed upon.
Hopefully, the two other female members are Anne/Marilla and Miss Stacy.
KA’KWET IS HOME!! Hopefully for sure.
The reunification scene had me in tears.
“You don’t even like being you”.” -Ain’t that the truth.
Yay Diana and Anne made up!
Hopefully, Anne can convince Diana to clarify her breakup with Jerry. It’s the least she could do.
“I’m in love with Gilbert Blythe!”-YOU CAN’T END WITH THAT!
Final Thoughts:
I hope Winifred and Gilbert break off things before he proposes. A proposal would actually complicate things. Was I the only one surprised that her parents were so willing to let Gilbert propose after knowing her for such a short amount of time?
If does propose and they somehow break up, he better not propose to Anne with that same ring. The light blue stone of that ring, won’t do. I feel like Anne would be someone who likes pearls or emeralds.
What happened to Diana’s empathy during the breakup? Couldn’t she say she doesn’t know what to do and doesn’t want to hurt one another any further?
I really wanted to see Anne comfort Jerry about his first breakup.
Bash and Miss Stacy needs to not be a couple.
I’m so confused about Gilbert’s marriage storyline. On one hand, he’s 18 and of acceptable marriage age. On the other hand, his options are literally: propose to Winifred or confess his feelings to Anne so that he can court her. They’re not of equal weight.
Why does Gilbert see Sorbonne as his only option? He can’t speak French well or at all and most certainly, not at university level. What happened to the University of Toronto, McGill, Dalhousie or Queen's School of Medicine? Fredrick Banting and Charles Best of the Uni. of Toronto were the first to synthesize insulin in 1921. 
While I’m glad this episode brought back Ka'kwet, how is her story going to tie back to Anne’s? I don���t want a white savior plot but it seems odd to introduce a storyline that has little to do with the main plot.
Bash and his mom need to have a conversation on race and class ASAP or else it’s going to harm Delphine greatly.
I find it unrealistic that Diana could pass the entrance exam without any studying. They should have started this storyline an episode or two earlier. It would have worked well alongside Diana’s attempt at exploring autonomy storyline. Dating someone of a different socioeconomic class isn’t exactly all that freedom should be.
Finally, I want to petition the writers to put Anne is something besides braids and too-short dresses that come with aprons. The 1985 adaption, they put Anne in a full-on young lady of the 1880’s ensemble by the time she is taking her entrance exam.
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