#awae s03ep09
Anne With an E S03Ep09 “A Dense And Frightful Darkness”
- oh No. Ka’kwet is internalizing all the bullshit from the residential schools. This is what leads to the generational fallout - the internalization of the abuse these children suffered at the schools bleeds out even after they leave the schools, and their previous way of life no longer seems livable, and they felt disconnected to their community. It is heartbreaking and the effects of the school are still being felt in the first nations communities today. 
- Disheveled Anne makes a reappearance and I love this brilliant mess. Marilla and Mathew are so supportive and I Love Them. Ahhh I’m such a sucker for the new generation following the path of the previous one except better, not making the same mistakes. 
- lkasjddlfj Mr. Barry’s Done face is the most relatable thing and WOW This transition with The Dashing White Sargent to the practice dance with Gilbert and Anne ahhh
- this note... this note is the cutest thing in the world and is so perfectly Anne “p.s. may i please have my pen back” i love her. 
- fuck Off you fucking paper clips, leave Ka’kwet alone. Her storyline is fucking heartbreaking and I Hate this
- Bash and Hazel’s storyline is also heartbreaking. A parent can love you and still hurt you. 
- And Bash and Ms. Stacy are cute, I’m glad they can talk to each other about their strife in life. And poor Ms. Stacy, but really never doubt the effect a good teacher can have, because for some kids it’s one of the only positive role models they get
- lmao Gil really be doing a whole Anne of Green Gable’s tour huh
- Eugh. Billy Shut Up Forever challenge. Shout out to Gilbert though for just nope-ing out of there
-  Oqwatnuk reaching Marilla, the hearbreak of a mother transcending language barriers, absolutely beautiful and Ka’kwet’s mother’s devastation is so raw
- No the letter! But do you really expect me to believe that he’s going to marry Winnifred, after Mary explicitly told him to marry for love and after Gil has gone on his Greatest Hits of Anne Shirley-Cuthbert? No
- This music... Gilbert looking dramatically over the sea on a cliff... my period drama loving heart thanks you
- the Letter!
- Matthew... too good too kind for this world. His heart is so kind and soft (please don’t let it give out)
- Anne Shirley-Cuthbert and her fierce fierce heart and absolute determination to do what is right
- “If everyone in Canada finds out, the outrage will change everything” oh honey. You constantly overestimate people’s capacity for goodness and it breaks my heart because I know what will happen
- poor Anne :( but shout out to Diana for being the best friend we all deserve
- Once again, it’s so easy to see where Hazel is coming from and she truly believes she raised her son as best she could, did her best to protect him from a world that had already taken her husband, but in doing so she hurt her son so badly, made him feel less then what he was 
- “you grew up strong because of me” ‘I grew up strong in spite of you’ this. this is what so many kids need to hear. No child deserves to think less of themselves in the interest of hardening them to the world
Final Thoughts:
Really nothing I haven’t said before; I truly don’t think Gilbert is going to through with the engagement, because it’s not Winnifred he’s in love with (and that pen is going to come back one way or another). I am once again just so proud of Diana for how far she’s come and I truly hope she ends up going to Queen’s instead of Paris. Bash and Hazel’s relationship is painful to watch but I have hopes for them, that they grow and learn. And Ka’kwet. I hope her story grows happier, but I don’t know how much hope I have for it knowing what we do about how history played out. I’m extremely late with watching this episode so I get to go straight into the next one, and I’m so excited (and nervous!) to watch the season finale
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