#aw c'mon i was just clearing up how i'm way prettier than you
oomisluvr · 2 years
synopsis: kiyoomi's had a crush on you for the longest. leave it to atsumu to play matchmaker.
warnings: truth or dare gone wrong (gone right ???), akaashi and bokuto are a couple bc i say so, swearing, drinking, idk how they all know each other but they do, what timeline is this in, had so much fun writing this, heated kiss (spoilers hehehe), this was so self indulgent but who cares!!!
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IT'S loud.
music passes through sakusa's body, the heaviness of the bass bouncing through his chest. there's so much going on, so many distractions. there's couples grinding on each other, sweaty bodies moving to the rhythm of the music. there's a small crowd of people doing body shots in the kitchen; a group of friends sparking up in the living room.
despite the chaos of atsumu's house party, all he sees is you.
with one leg thrown over the other, you're seated on the old couch talking to a friend, looking absolutely divine. sakusa takes a sharp breath when you let out a laugh, giggling at something your friend told you, flashing your pretty smile and lighting up the room.
"will you just talk to her? if you like her, you should say somethin' now."
taking a sip from his red solo cup, kiyoomi entertains the thought for a second, before dismissing it entirely. shaking his head, he pleads innocence, "i have no idea what you're talking about."
because you're completely out of his league, he thinks to add.
"aw, c'mon! anyone can see you're head over heels for her!" atsumu throws his hands up, "do it for me, please? 'm sick of seein' ya like this."
kiyoomi sighs, leaning against the wall of the corner he's currently occupying, "just drop it, would you? i'm not going over there."
"but it's my birthday! what kind of wingman would i be if i get you go home a virgin?"
"i said drop it," kiyoom's face burns at atsumu's accusation, "i'm here for osamu anyways." atsumu scoffs.
"fine. if you don't so something i will," atsumu threatens.
before kiyoomi can grasp what was just said to him, atsumu downs the remainder of his cup, tossing it on the floor and strutting over to where you and your friend sit.
mortified, sakusa stands helplessly as atsumu kisses you on the cheek in greeting, before extending his finger to kiyoomi, whispering something in your ear. sakusa can't make out what your response is, but he sure as hell doesn't miss the way you stand with atsumu, linking your arm with his. atsumu gives a thumbs up and a wink, the both of you heading his way.
sakusa feels his eyes widen with every step you take, until you stand in front of him. he hopes you can't tell that he's nervous.
up close, you're even prettier.
"c'mon, oomi, let's go someplace quieter," atsumu waves him an invitation, leading him across the crowded house and through the sliding doors, joining the small crew of people on porch. everyone's sitting in plastic lawn chairs arranged in a circle, a small bonfire in the middle.
he recognizes the few familiar faces from volleyball, feeling relieved at the sight of akaashi. as long as he's here, things shoudn't get too crazy, then.
watching you rush to the circle, jealousy burns in sakusa's stomach at the sight of you greeting everyone, envious that everyone seemingly knows you better than he does. how the hell does everyone know you?
"oomi!" bokuto calls, snapping him out of his feelings, "it's good to see you, man! take a seat!"
"we're talking shit about kageyama!" hinata giggles, a deep red hue spread across his cheeks and nose.
"you're talking shit about kageyama. the rest of us are trying to have an actual conversation," suna corrects, amusement clear on his face.
"ya don' have to look so scared, oomi-oomi. sit your ass down, you're makin' me nervous." atsumu winks at him, a knowing grin on his face. kiyoomi wants to punch him.
sakusa hadn't realized he looked out of place, still standing by the door as if he were afraid of the people out here. shoving a hand in his pocket, he stalks over to where everyone sits, sending a particularly harsh glare towards atsumu.
kiyoomi can't decide if he's the luckiest man alive or a hated by the universe, because the only open seat is next to you. he lowers himself in the plastic chair, his resolve crumbling as seconds go by.
"hey," a voice calls to him. sakusa thinks he's about to explode, turning his head to the origin of the voice, he's met with your gentle features, "you're sakusa, right?" you aren't even trying to seduce him, but the way you bat your mink lashes sends him spiraling, "you're the only one here i don't know. i'm y/n." you finish.
sakusa feels himself blinking owlishly at the sudden conversation. forcing himself to clear his throat after a few nervous seconds of staring, he nods his head, "yeah, you can call me kiyoomi, though," taking a sip from his drink, he hopes the blush on his face will be accredited to the contents of his cup.
"okay, kiyoomi," manicured nails tap the sides of your cup, "it's nice to meet you, then."
"likewise," he states, upset that he didn't have more material to keep the conversation going, deflating at the thought of you finding him boring.
you're the complete opposite of him; you're bold and friendly, striking up dialogue with everyone as if it were the easiest thing in the world.
getting pulled into another conversation, he watches your bright eyes engage with everyone in the circle, your charisma shining through. not having much to add to the conversation, he listens to everyone's banter, sliding in a sly remark when he could.
it's a nice atmosphere; the music isn't as loud out here and the air isn't stuffy. it's just good friends celebrating a birthday. sakusa feels himself relax more in his chair.
"guys! we should play truth or dare!" hinata beams, his sudden burst of energy startling everyone. suna scoffs, chucking at his antics.
"i think it'll be fun!" bokuto agrees, akaashi solemnly nodding his head as well.
"if there's nothing better to do," shrugs osamu.
"god, you guys are like highschoolers," you jab, but there's no venom behind your words, "let's do it."
"well? are you in, oomi-oomi?" atsumu nudges him, but his eyes hold a level of mischievous that makes sakusa nervous. all eyes on him, how could he say no?
"yeah," kiyoomi nods, "let's play. who's going first?"
"i wanna go first," suna quips, a deviant look in his eye, "this one's for akaashi. truth or dare?"
akaashi looks confused, but responds nonetheless, "truth."
suna gives a knowing smile, "my second year," he starts, "there was a fancy training camp that a buncha' schools went to. it was boujee as hell and they even let us pick who we would room with. anyways, i was the lucky bastard who got the room next to you and bokuto."
bokuto gets uncharacteristically quiet as akaashi flushes red, "okay? you're yet to ask a question, suna."
chuckling, suna takes a swig from his heineken, shaking his head, "there is no question. your reaction told me all i needed to know."
the circle erupts in hooting and hollering, atsumu doubled over in laugher. even kiyoomi stifles a chuckle.
"that's not fair! that was a targeted question!" bokuto whines.
"oh boo-hoo, there's no rules against it," suna jokes, "akaashi it's your turn."
if looks could kill, suna would be dead.
"fine," akaashi glares at suna, before taking a deep breath and selecting his target, "atsumu. truth or dare?"
"i ain't no pussy," still laughing at the implications of suna's averted question, he bares his teeth in a wide smile, "i chose dare. give me your best shot."
"i dare you—" akaashi smirks like a predator who's just cornered it's prey, "—to share with the rest of us why you and your girlfriend broke up."
hinata's mouth drops open. sakusa freezes mid-sip. everyone's hand flies to cover their mouths.
"oh shit," osamu chimes, biting his lip to seal away any giggles.
"oh, will you—will you guys cut it out!" atsumu flails his arms around, exasperated, "—i'm not made of glass or anythin'. we broke up because we broke up. simple."
"you used so many words to say so little," osamu prods.
"it's obvious you're not over her," bokuto states, as if he were the only person to come to this conclusion.
"oh, shut it. i answered the damn question, so we're moving on!"
"he's definitely not over her," bokuto whispers. atsumu pretends he didn't hear that.
"—oomi-oomi. truth or dare?" sakusa's brows perk up at the sudden attention.
"truth," he states flatly, "i don't trust any dares coming from you."
"boooooo!" atsumu calls loudly, "don't be such a party pooper! chose dare!"
"no, you're going to embarrass me."
"quit bein' a coward," atsumu challenges, knowing he doesn't want to look like a wimp in front of you, "what's the worst that could happen?"
"fine," sakusa grits his teeth, "dare."
atsumu smirks.
"i dare you to kiss y/n."
that. that was the worst that could happen. sly bastard.
"what the fuck? i'm not doing that, atsumu."
"why not? scared of a little bit of action, oomi-oomi?"
"no," his face burns, "y/n didn't consent to a kiss, you sick fuck. this is textbook sexual harassment."
"oh?" atsumu pipes up at this flawed admission, "so if y/n gave you permission, you'd kiss her?"
sakusa doesn't speak, but his silence expresses enough. atsumu leans his head back in laughter.
"what am i going to do with you two, hmm?" he questions to no-one in particular, tilting his head in your direction, "y/n," he calls.
"truth or dare?"
"it's not her turn!" hinata quips.
"shhhh!" akaashi shushes him, mumbling something about wanting to see how this would turn out.
you sigh, "i know what you're doing, miya."
"you're avoidin' the question."
"it's not going to work, you know."
"then just pick." he persists.
"truth or dare, y/n?"
you hold your breath, "truth."
"do you want sakusa to kiss you?"
biting their cheeks in anticipation, everyone waits for your crushing reply. sakusa wishes the earth would just swallow him whole.
sakusa almost spits out his drink.
"then what are you waiting for? kiss dammit!" atsumu commands.
the earth seems to stand still, the bass of the music drowning out completely. you want to kiss him. it takes everything in sakusa to hold back a smile and he briefly thinks he owes atsumu his life.
turning to look at you, he speaks softly, "you don't have to do this, you know. literally nothing would happen if we didn't complete the dare."
"you don't have to freak out, it's just a kiss." you shrug, hoping he can't tell how badly you want this, "if you don't want to kiss me, you can just say that."
"i didn't say that."
"then stop panicking." you insist, offering a shy smile, "if it makes you feel any better, i'll—"
"quit stallin'!" atsumu shouts, clearly pleased with himself.
sakusa's eyes flicker to your lips, "sorry in advance."
leaning over his arm rest, a callused hand caresses the side of your neck, pulling you into him. the sensation of your lips against his sends his nerves into a frenzy. it's a brief kiss that doesn't last for very long, and sakusa slowly pulls away to get a look at you.
there's something about this damned angle that makes you look so enchanting. the brightness of the fire and the illumination from the moonlight seem to be working against him, only tempting him more. despite them both, your eyes seem to be shining the brightest, captivating him in an inviting gaze that asks for more. his fingers twitch with the urge to touch you.
his eyes flicker down to your lips once again. he finds you doing the same. no words are exchanged, but you move in sync nonetheless.
"fuck it."
throwing caution to the wind, he pulls you back to him, your lips meeting once again. tilting his head to kiss you deeper, he nearly let's out a groan when he feels your palm rest on the nape of his neck, light fingers toying with the fine hairs found there. sakusa thinks he hears cheering, but he can't seem to focus on anything else besides your soft lips moving against his.
his tongue reaches out to swipe against your lips to test the waters, and you take the liberty of pulling him closer, using the back of his head to shield you both from wandering eyes.
more comfortable in the new-found privacy, he kisses you with more passion, biting your lip and experimenting with tongue, confidence burning in his veins when you let out a squeak. your lips move in a rhythm that makes him wish you two were alone out here, but sakusa knows this is as far as this should go.
satisfied with himself, he pulls away, basking in the intoxicated look in your eye, the string of saliva previously connecting the two of you breaks when you both move back into your seats.
nobody says a word.
"stop staring, perverts. you should've taken a picture so it would last longer."
"yeah, if you wanna keep watching, it's five bucks from each of you," you joke.
atsumu reaches for his wallet instantly. osamu reaches to stop him.
"i thought sakusa was gonna whip out his dick." suna snorts.
kiyoomi's face burns at his accusation because the thought did cross his mind, actually.
"pretty sure i heard y/n moan," akaashi prods.
"girl—" bokuto gives you a pointed look, "—you better take him home with you. tonight."
hinata nods, "did you see the way he kissed her? he went back for seconds!"
laughing at their energy, you turn to gage sakusa's reaction, "i'm with shoyo on this one. if you're gonna kiss me like that, at least take me on a date first."
sakusa blushes further, not trusting himself to speak. atsumu takes the liberty to speak for him.
"holy fuck, i'm the matchmaking god. come to me for all your relationship needs."
"i'm not asking a single guy for realtionship advice." osamu picks at his nails mindlessly.
"this again? i told you, it was a mutual breakup—"
"sho!" you beam, cutting them both off, "truth or dare?"
"dare!" hinata calls.
you grin, "try your best to suduce bokuto. lap dances, a strip tease, whatever—give it your best shot."
hinata lets out a bright stream of giggles, already standing to remove his shirt, "you're on!"
akaashi visibly pales.
the game continues on and one by one, the small crowd gets even smaller as people bid their goodbyes and happy birthdays to the hosts.
at one point, you dance with hinata and bokuto, yelling something about a hot girl summer. suna shows you tiktoks on his phone and akaashi teaches you how to play minsweeper. osamu shares his chips with you as atsumu plays with your hair. you fit in so well, everyone just clicks to you.
the patio crew are the only stragglers left, finally standing from their seats and heading inside to help clean up the aftermath of the party.
nobody speaks of the sexual tension between you and sakusa for the rest of the night, but it's painfully obvious to anyone within six feet of you two. something warm blooms in his chest when he watches you stumble around the house, more drunk on sleep than anything else, and he finds the courage to speak to you.
"did you have a good time?"
"hmm?" you attempt to blink the sleep from your eyes, leaning over to pick up solo cups from the floor, "oh, yeah. tonight was fun."
"it almost ended before it started. atsumu wanted to put 'pink + white' on his birthday playlist."
laughing at how awful that would've been, you snort, "i guarantee he would have burst into tears at the chorus." sakusa chuckles, enjoying this moment he gets to share with you.
briefly, kiyoomi sends up a quick prayer who whoever is listening.
"hey, uh," sakusa scratches the back of his neck, his heart hammering in his ears, "earlier you mentioned something about a date. is that offer still on the table?"
"yeah," standing straight, you try your best to seem relaxed, "what did you have in mind?"
"next saturday. are you free?"
"the freest."
"great," he feels a weight lift off his shoulders, "i'll pick you up at seven?"
"seven works fine," you offer a shy smile, "see you then."
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