#avoiding my mothers family and writing the most ridiculous shit imaginable on my phone IS a healthy coping mechanism actually
shitouttabuck · 8 months
darling, if you only knew
buck/eddie | 3.8k | rated t
“Right,” Ravi says. “Then you have the newlywed. Pretty much impossible to even flirt with, because they’ve got this—glow around them,” he gestures to Chim, “all happy and in love with that pink hearts tunnel-vision for only their wife.” Chim twists the golden band on his finger slowly. “Huh,” he says. “It’s the ring.” “Wait a minute,” Buck says, frowning. “Hang on. She served me because I—because I’m—listen. I know it’s been a minute but I’m not some hideous beast just because I sang badly. She would totally flirt with me even if I had a ring on.” “Sure, bud,” Chim pats his back benevolently. “Sure.”
or, buck’s bad at karaoke, chimney should know better than to indulge in ring-related shenanigans, and eddie’s coping response to raging homosexual feelings is fair, given circumstances
read on ao3
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prettyboy-parker · 5 years
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come with me and escape
words: 4k
warnings: cheating, underage drinking, fem!peter, daddy kink (always), semi degradation, unprotected sex
author’s note: happy summer! I’m feeling really summer-y right now, so this was the perfect way to get those vibes out! as with most dark/taboo themes that I write about, I do not condone cheating in real life. It is used as a plot device/conflict in the story. Happy reading!
listen to while reading:
Escape (The Piña Colada Song)- Rupert Holmes
Does Your Mother Know- ABBA
Santeria- Sublime
Doin’ Time (Cover)- Lana Del Rey
Tony has a hard time relaxing.
Pepper tells him this constantly. They’ll be sitting outside, sipping on some cucumber water, watching Morgan put on her own one-woman play, and Pepper will point out how hard he’s holding his glass. His dentist tells him that he grinds and clenches his teeth in his sleep, he’s getting sick more easily, and he’s lashing out at Pepper.
He assumes the stress is from work, since the launch of the new Stark Phone X is coming up. Or, it could be how his marriage is falling apart. He’s definitely fallen out of love with Pepper. She’s still his best friend, of course, but they don’t romantically love each other anymore. Tony would file for divorce, but his company would take a huge hit.
And he doesn’t want to do that to Morgan.
So, when Pepper announces that they’re taking a family trip to an all-inclusive resort somewhere in Bali, Tony knows he’s not going to be able to relax. He’ll most likely be worrying about his own work while worrying about Pepper’s work the entire time. Also, a 5 year old and a day long plane ride sound like a recipe for disaster.
Tony fully expects his stress levels to multiply by 10.
Tony was wrong.
When he stepped off that god-damned plane, it was like all his worries were brushed off of his shoulders. Pepper definitely looked happy, the salty Bali air raising her mood. Morgan was just ecstatic to be off the plane.
Pepper is in such a good mood that she actually is letting him drink.
“I’ll get a strawberry daiquiri,” Tony tells the bartender, a young woman with dark skin who looks a little too enthusiastic for her job. She hustles off to make the drink, when,
“Everything sucks. I can’t tan. I only burn.”
There’s a gorgeous young man leaning over the bar, plump, pink lips formed in a pout. His damp, chestnut brown hair is pushed back by the Ray Bans perched on his head. His long eyelashes flutter as he looks at Tony, big, brown, doe eyes peering at him as he cocks his head to the side. His pert ass is sticking out, contained in the shortest red bathing suit bottoms Tony has ever seen. A sheer red coverup is draped over his long, milky arms, leaving little to the imagination.
“Why don’t you just get a spray tan?” Tony manages to stutter out, pushing his own sunglasses on top of his head. He wishes he lived in a world where his biggest problem was that he couldn’t tan.
The boy bites his lip and lets out a little giggle.
Tony wishes hecould bite those lips.
“As if!” He exclaims, “I don’t want to look like an orange.” The boy hoists himself up onto one of the bar stools.
The bartender puts Tony’s drink down in front of him and he gives her his resort card.
“That’s fair. Don’t lay in the sun all day, though, if you know you burn.” Tony tell him, taking a sip of his drink.
“That’s very thoughtful,” The boy says, then turns to the bartender.
“Could I get a Shirley Temple, please?” He asks, tapping his fucking French manicurednails on the countertop.
“Not old enough to drink?” Tony asks teasingly.
He rolls his eyes.
“Not legally,” He winks, “Will be in a year.”
Tony smirks at the boy.
“You’re 20?”
“On the nose. It kind of sucks, because I’m not really into guys my age.”
Tony only gets a moment to process what the boy said because Morgan comes bounding up to the two.
“Daddy! Mommy said you’d come watch me on the slide.” She squeals, pulling on the bottom of his swim shorts.
His chances with the boy are totally gone.
On the slim chance the boy didn’t know who Tony was, he definitely doesn’t want to get with someone who’s married and has a kid.
“Did she? She’s crazy.” Tony jokes, leaning down to put Morgan on his lap. He brushes a wet strand of hair out of her face, trying to avoid poking her eye.
“Hi!” Morgan exclaims, waving her pudgy hand wildly at the boy. Tony should be a good dad and tell her not to talk to strangers, but he wants any excuse to keep talking to the boy.
“Hi!” The boy says, waving back at her.
“What’s your name?” Morgan giggles, swinging her little legs donned with pink crocs.
“Peter.” Peter responds, taking a sip of his drink.
Being the child she is, Morgan doesn’t respond.
“Daddy, can you come watch me on the slide now?” She asks, reaching up to tug on Tony’s ear.
“Ouch! And yes, I’ll come watch you.” Tony tells her, putting her on the ground gently. Tony stands up and takes her tiny hand in his, which is already outstretched.
“Bye Peter!”
Peter waves goodbye and winks at Tony.
Yeah, he has to see the kid again.
The next time he, or should he say they, see Peter again is at dinner.
Pepper is exhausted because Morgan is complaining about the smell of the seafood and how yucky shrimp is. Tony just wants to go to the bar alone.
While Tony and Pepper try to eat their food, Morgan’s head snaps up from where she’s sulking.
“Peter!” She shrieks, Pepper promptly shushing her. Tony turns around and there’s his boy, swiftly approaching. He’s dressed in tiny, high waisted black shorts and a red Hawaiian shirt that has the top 4 buttons undone. Peter’s face is practically glowing and as he gets closer Tony can see that his shirt has dogs riding fucking surfboards on it.
“Hey Morgan!” He says as he stops at the edge of their table, curls bouncing from his stride over.
Pepper gives Tony a look that says who the fuck is this kid and why does he know my daughter?
“Pepper, this is Peter. We talked for a bit at the bar earlier. Morgan introduced herself.” Tony tells her with a forced smile, wanting to look at the boy instead.
“Oh, you made a friend, Morgan?” Pepper turns to their daughter, who nods furiously, whipping her unruly brown hair around.
“You have a very polite daughter, Mrs. Stark.” Peter says, practically beaming.
What a charmer.
Pepper takes a breath, surprised.
“Why thank you. We try to raise her well.”
Peter giggles and bites his lip.
“You’re definitely doing something right! I have to go eat now, I’ll see you all later!” Peter waves goodbye and trots off to the other side of the restaurant, hips swaying.
“Sweet boy.” Pepper mutters through a mouthful of food.
“Yeah. Sweet boy.”
If there is a god out there, he must like Tony.
Because Pepper ends up with food poisoning.
She starts throwing up around 2 in the morning. Google tells Tony that she’s going to be bedridden for a couple of days.
After breakfast, Tony promises Morgan that they’ll spend all day at the pool. She’s ecstatic, jumping up and down. Tony shushes her and helps her get ready for the day.
Peter finds him relaxing on one of the pool chairs, watching Morgan play with her mermaid Barbie doll.
“Tony,” Peter purrs, the older man almost dropping his drink in surprise.
“Peter, hey,” Tony responds, adjusting himself in his chair.
Peter perches himself at the edge of the lounge chair, extending his long legs and crossing his ankles. He’s chosen black swim shorts today, paired with a sheer black coverup embroidered with roses.
“You’ve got your sunscreen on?” Peter asks, hand resting very close to Tony’s leg.
Tony chuckles at the thoughtfulness.
“No, I’ve got this umbrella.” He says, gesturing to the big tan umbrella over them.
Peter gasps, reaching for the spray can of sunscreen next to the chair.
“You still need sunscreen, silly goose.” Peter scolds, spraying Tony’s legs. He can only swallow thickly as Peter takes his dainty hands and rubs the sunscreen in. Tony tries to tear his eyes away as the boy’s hands rub up his thighs. Peter sprays more on his chest and arms, hands massaging the liquid into his skin. He quickly pushes Tony’s sunglasses onto the top of his head, spraying the sunscreen directly into his hands. Tony almost loses it when he starts putting sunscreen on his face, ridiculously soft hands cupping his rough cheek.
“There.” Peter says, wiping his hands on his on thighs.
“Thanks.” Tony manages to choke out, adjusting his swim trunks.
“Anytime,” Peter giggles, standing up.
“Hey, why don’t you sit down? Hang out for a little bit?” Tony offers, gesturing to the empty lounge chair next to him.
Peter rolls his eyes and smiles, climbing onto the chair. He sighs as he leans back,  closing his eyes.
“This is my favorite spot.” He tells Tony, keeping his eyes closed.
“What, you come here often?” Tony laughs, shaking his head.
Peter opens his eyes and turns his head, grinning.
“My dad owns the place.”
“Shit, really?” Tony says, surprised.
Peter lets out a breathy laugh.
“Yeah. I’m down here quite a bit in the summer.” He says nonchalantly, picking at the bed of his nail.
“Where are you usually?” Tony asks, taking a sip of his water.
“Massachusetts. I go to MIT.”
Tony smiles.
“No way! That’s where I went.”
Peter cocks his head to the side.
“I know.” He says. He bites his lip and brushes stray curl out of his face. His cheeks are dusted with red, most likely due to the sun, and his sunglasses block his honey brown eyes.
“Do you want to have a drink with me tonight?” Tony blurts out without thinking, too caught up in the boy’s beauty.
His heart sinks when Peter stays silent, eyebrows rising.
“The misses has food poisoning, so,” Tony trails off, face heating up in embarrassment.
“I’d love to.” Peter says softly, pink lips stretched in a genuine smile.
“Really?” Tony asks in disbelief, like a teenager.
“Of course. But I’m going to need your number.”
Tony can’t remember being this nervous about a date in a very long time.
He doesn’t even know if it is a date, but he like to think it is. He feels like he has butterflies in his stomach as he waits at one of the bars near the end of the resort. There’s not too many people around, which is nice.
“Hey, Tony.”
The older man turns around, coming face to face with a literal angel.
Peter stands before him, smiling softly. He’s wearing a very skimpy outfit (not that Tony’s complaining) for drinks at 8 at night. He’s wearing tiny white shorts over what looks like a very light pink chiffon teddy. Dusty rose colored silk drapes over his shoulders, wound tightly around his forearms. The cutest pink ballet flats encase his feet, silk ribbon tied into a bow around his ankles. There’s blush dusting his cheeks and clear lip gloss slathered on those plump lips.
“Oh, Pete, Hey,” Tony manages to say, clearing his throat. Peter giggles and bounds up to Tony, stands on his tippy toes, and presses a kiss to the man’s cheek. Tony’s at a lost for words as Peter sits down, leaving lipgloss on his stubble ridden cheek. He’s glad Pepper made sure to find a very private resort, because if there were crowds of people he’d be screwed.
“You look nice.” Peter compliments, thin fingers grazing over the rolled-up sleeve of his gray dress shirt. Tony swallows as he tries to get his shit together.
“Thanks, you do too. Gorgeous, actually.” He blubbers, losing years worth of smooth talking experience
Peter giggles and looks at one of the purple coasters on the countertop.
“Thanks,” He says softly. He brushes a stray curl out of his face, tucking it behind his ear.
“You want a drink?” Tony asks, fiddling with his Rolex.
Peter blinks a couple of times.
“I’m not old enough to drink. You know that,” He teases, swatting at Tony’s arm.
Tony leans in close, lips brushing against the top of Peter’s ear. He hears the boy’s breath hitch. His fluffy brown locks tickle the older man’s nose.
“We can indulge for one night. Isn’t that right sweetheart?” He mumbles, nipping on his ear before pulling away.
Peter’s blush has darkened and his mouth is parted slightly.
He nods wordlessly.
Life Lesson #254: Never give kids alcohol.
Peter’s not really a kid, but he is really fucking light weight.
He’s tipsy after his first drink and Tony would like to avoid a complete blackout, so he denies either of them more drinks around 10.
“Let’s do something fun,” Peter insists as the leave the bar.
“Yeah? Like what?” Tony asks as they enter the near empty hallway, the smell of disinfectant in the air.
“Mini golf,” Peter whispers, bouncing on his feet slightly in excitement.
Tony can’t help but laugh at the boy, wrapping his arm around Peter’s dainty waist.
“Show me the way, princess.” Tony says, not registering the pet name that slipped out. Luckily, Peter just grins wider.
The make their way through the resort, through hallways that all look the same. They eventually reach the outside, the humid air hitting their bodies.
“Here we are!” Peter exclaims, dragging him to a nice looking shed.
“Shit baby, it’s closed.” Tony says, noting the “We Open at 8 A.M” sign perched on the front counter.
“I told you, I know my way around.” Peter giggles as he punches in a code on the keypad that’s connected to the door. It opens and Peter slips inside.
“Hello, sir. Mini Golf is 7 dollars per game, but I think I’ll give you the handsome customer discount,” Peter jokes, wiggling his perfectly groomed eyebrows.
“Oh hush, you.” Tony scolds jokingly, leaning on the top of the counter.
Peter just winks and disappears under the counter.
“What color do you want?” He asks, voice muffled. “You can have anything but pink. I always get pink.”
Tony rolls his eyes and smiles.
“You have red down there?”
Peter pops back up, a red club and a pink club in hand.
“Sure do.” He says, waving the clubs around. He places the clubs on the counter, disappears again, then reappears with two golf balls in his hands, each their respective colors.
“You ready?” He asks, swinging over the counter.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Tony responds, taking both his golf club and ball in one hand.
Peter takes his free hand and they walk to hole number one.
“I’m absolutely atrocious at mini-golf, by the way. I miss every single time.” Peter huffs, bending over to place his ball on the ground.
Tony tries to tear his eyes away from that ass, but he’s unsuccessful.
“I guess I’ll have to give you a private lesson, then.” Tony smirks, poking Peter in the stomach.
“You’re funny. But I wouldn’t mind,” The boy purrs, looking up at Tony and fluttering his mascara coated lashes.
“Let’s get started, then.” Tony grins and places his hands on Peter’s tiny waist, his own club forgotten on the ground.
“Spread your legs a little more. You need a proper stance.” He says huskily, turning Peter so he’s standing to the side. The boy obeys, then sticks his ass out a little more.
“Like that?”
“Yeah, like that.” Tony growls, his arousal almost clouding his brain.
“Now you need a good grip on your club. Right hand under the left.” He instructs, placing his own hands over Peter’s.
“There you go. Good boy.” He praises.
Peter shudders against Tony, heavy breaths falling from those perfect lips.
“Then you just swing back,” Tony swings the boy’s arms back, “And hit it.” The club hits the ball, narrowly missing the hole.
“Damn. Nearly got it in the hole.” He mutters in the boy’s ear. He slowly moves his lips right down under Peter’s ear, right under his jaw. He sucks the skin into his mouth, biting hard enough to leave a mark. A high pitched whine leaves Peter’s throat as he drops the club onto the ground.
“Kiss me already, god dammit.”
At that, Tony grabs the boy by his shoulders and pulls him in, pressing his chapped lips to the glossy ones. Peter moans immediately, hands flying up to grip Tony’s salt and pepper hair. Tony cups his lower back, dipping Peter down slightly. His tongue eventually slips into Peter’s mouth, the younger much less experienced than Tony.
“Fuck, Tony, we need to get to my room now.” Peter whines once they pull apart, gripping at Tony’s broad shoulders.
“Roger that.” Tony quips, guiding Peter off the mini golf course, clubs and balls long forgotten. Peter leads them to one of the lesser known elevators, kneading Tony’s growing bulge the ride up to his room.
“Damn, baby. So spoiled, a suite all for yourself?” Tony teases as Peter tries to swipe his room key. The boy moans at the older man’s words, pushing open the door weakly.
“Daddy-“ Peter moans, but immediately cuts himself off in embarrassment. Tony can only let out a deep moan, throwing his head back.
“Fuck, such a needy princess.”
Peter falls to his knees, massaging Tony’s cock through his slacks.
“Only for you, daddy.” Peter responds, mouthing over the fabric of the pants.
Tony groans and starts to unbutton his slacks, but his thick fingers are pushed out of the way by Peter’s dainty ones. The younger pushes down the black slacks, then gives Tony’s very visible bulge a squeeze through the fabric. Tony’s hand flies up to grasp Peter’s pretty brown locks tightly. Peter’s long nails scrape against his thighs as he pulls Tony’s boxers down. He moans when Tony’s thick cock springs free, slapping against his stomach. Peter wastes no time, one hand cupping Tony’s heavy balls as the other starts stroking his cock slowly. Tony groans and tightens his grip on Peter’s hair when he sees that the kid is drooling. Peter leans down to wrap his lips around the head of his cock.
“Fucking hell, baby,” Tony moans, Peter lips slipping further down his length. He hollows out his cheeks and sucks.
“Peter, honey, we need to move this to the bed now if you want daddy to last.” He managed to grunt out. Peter pulls off his dick with a satisfying pop, saliva covered lips formed in a pout.
“Poor baby. Daddy will give you what you need.” Tony coos, thumb running over Peter’s bottom lip.
“Take everything off except for your underwear.” Tony orders, kicking off his pants and moving to unbutton his shirt.
Peter nods vicariously and drops his shawl on the ground. He bends over to untie the bows on his shoes, placing them neatly next to the bed. Dexterous fingers unbutton his shorts. His shorts slide down his milky legs and he’s left standing in the chiffon teddy, small cock hard and leaking, covered by the fabric.
“Fuck, you naughty boy.” Tony growls, giving his dick a few strokes.
Peter giggles and hops up onto the king bed, immediately going on his hands and knees.
“Good boy,” Tony praises, making his way to the edge of the bed. He gives Peter’s ass a little slap, pushing the fabric covering his skin away. He climbs onto the bed, kneeling behind Peter.
“Lube?” Tony asks, gently running his hand over Peter’s red cheek.
“Drawer,” He croaks out, pressing his ass against Tony’s cock. The older man leans to the side, sifting through the drawer until his hands hit a familiar bottle. Tony uncaps the lube, squirting some on his fingers.
“Relax, sweetheart,” He coos, brushing his slick fingers over Peter’s tight whole. The boy shudders, back arching at the contact.
“Be good.” Tony orders as he slips his index finger into him. Peter moans, hips desperately rutting into the bedsheets.
“Daddy,” Peter whines as Tony pushes in a second finger, than a third. The older man chuckles as he purposely avoids his prostate.
“Just fuck me already!” Peter cries, trying to fuck himself on Tony’s fingers.
“Needy slut.” Tony grunts, pulling out his fingers and slapping Peter’s ass again. He snatches up the lube, squirting more into his hands and stroking his cock.
“Ready Baby?” Tony asks Peter, gently pushing him over so he’s on his back.
“Yes, daddy.” Peter responds, eyes glistening with tears.
Tony groans and grips the base of his cock, positioning it on Peter’s hole. The boys hips jerk upwards, pretty pink cock slapping against the silk of his lingerie. Tony can’t take it, so he pushes in. Both of them moan, Peter’s high and breathy, Tony’s deep and full.
“So fucking tight,” Tony grunts through gritted teeth once he’s all the way in.
Peter doesn’t respond, just breaths harder.
“So full,” He mumbles, manicured nails scraping at Tony’s biceps. Peter is a vision, brown curls all tousled and cheeks flushed a pretty pink.
“M’ gonna move, that okay, princess?” Tony asks, tightening his grip on the boy’s unblemished hips.
Peter nods and Tony gets to work. He starts his thrust slowly, burying himself in Peter’s tight, wet heat. But when Peter cries out for him to move, how could he deny it?
“Fuck, daddy, harder!” Peter wails, body moving back and forth from the force of Tony’s thrusts.
“Yeah baby,” Tony grunts, hips snapping at a ridiculously delicious pace.
“Gonna come,” Peter moans, squeezing his eyes shut, a tear rolling down his cheek. His lips shine with his own saliva, parted enough to let out another moan.
“Do it baby, come on daddy’s cock,” Tony coaxes. Peter’s body tenses and he’s coming, eyes screwed shut as he paints his chest white. His walls tighten around Tony’s member and with a shout he spills his release inside of Peter.
The older man collapses on top of the younger. Peter lets out a giggle as Tony slips out of him.
“You did such a good job. You were gorgeous. Perfect. Beautiful.”
Tony peppers kisses down Peter’s torso, the boy’s eyes screwed shut, smiling softly at the praise. Tony adjusts the two so their heads are on the pillows and wrapping his arms around Peter’s thin body. He nuzzles into the crook of Peter’s neck, inhaling his scent of sweat, sex, and perfume.
“Stay?” Peter squeaks, pulling Tony’s arms closer to him.
“Of course.”
“I wish you didn’t have to leave.”
Tony sighs heavily, running a hand through his messy sex hair.
“You know I don’t want to.” He tells the boy, looking at where he’s seated.
All he’s wearing is Tony’s dress shirt from last night. He’s sitting criss-cross on a wicker chair, staring off over the balcony railing. There’s hickeys down his neck and chest, proof of their slower morning session.
“I always get caught up in this.” Peter says, not looking at Tony. “Fall head over heels for some rich guy that vacations here with his wife, then become forgotten after his trip.”
Tony swallows thickly.
“You know I won’t forget you.” He says, staring at the glass in his hands.
“I don’t think you can promise me that.” Peter says sadly, picking at his ring finger nail.
“I sure can. You’re an angel, Peter.” Tony says truthfully.
Peter smiles sadly.
“I’ll come visit you. At MIT.”
Peter laughs bitterly and shakes his head.
“I will. I don’t particularly want to have dorm sex again, but I can make an exception.”
Peter lets out a genuine laugh this time. He rubs his face with one hand.
“How are you going to explain that to your wife?”
Ah, there’s the dreaded question.
“We don’t talk much anymore. I don’t think she’ll even ask.” Tony says sadly, eyes drifting to the crisp blue ocean in the distance. Long arms wrap around his bare torso. Peter rests his head on Tony’s shoulder, breathing in deeply.
“You know, in an alternate universe, we’re probably together.” He mumbles, squeezing Tony tighter.
“Alternate universes. Funny.” Tony says dryly.
“There’s a reason why we found each other.”
Tony smiles.
“Yeah. There’s a reason.”
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aleapoffaithfiction · 5 years
It's like I've been awakened Every rule I had you break it It's the risk that I'm taking I ain't never gonna shut you out
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You ever felt like you’ve been hit by a car, survived it, and as soon as you go to stand on your feet, you end up getting hit by an eighteen-wheeler truck?
Well, that’s how I’ve been feeling since I woke up this morning. I’ve suddenly morphed into a milk chocolate toned dragon who breathes fire from the depths of my chest and straight out of my throat. Every word spoken comes with an excruciating aching that Tylenol refuses to ease. The tea and honey are barely doing anything to subdue the rough cough that began just yesterday. Oh, and the body aches? I might as well just lay down in the middle of the floor and pray the Lord has mercy on me at some point.
“I don’t know how the hell you made it through the entire show like that. You really are crazy sometimes.” Anna pulled my box braids into a high ponytail as I slouched my frame even further down into the styling chair. I’m conning myself into believing that the slump position will give me a few seconds of relief from the aches I’m having.
The chills trickling everywhere have left me shivering under a throw blanket I took from home. If anyone on set didn’t know any better, you’d think I’ve been standing outside in the blistering soon to be winter air. Thank God I sat through the lengthy amount of time to allow her to put the braids in on Saturday night. With the way I’m covered in perspiration, any straightened or curled hairstyle would have left me looking like an extra left out of a Soul Glow commercial.
“It irritates me to have to call out at the last minute. That typically leaves production scrambling to try and fill in gaps. If I were in their shoes, I know it would be a headache for me, so I don’t like to do it to them. On Saturday, I e-mailed both Amy and Chip to let them know that I feel pretty shitty and to clear my schedule for the next two days pending further notice. I’m hoping it passes by then.”
The last time I had a cold, it was right at the very end of winter and it felt like nothing more than a bad headache and the sniffles. A couple of home remedies and a few over the counter products had me feeling much better within two or three days, but what I’m feeling now? I don’t know what the hell is going on. Rite Aid literally showed up to the medical office at the studio and offered the flu shot to everyone, through our insurances, as a curtesy, so it better not be that. I can’t stand getting injections, so it would be one hell of a disservice if I allowed them to inject that medication into me only for it to not work out in my favor.
“Are you going to go to the doctor?”
“Probably tomorrow. It’s too late to do any of that today. Once I drop Taylor off at the airport, I’ll head straight there.” Though I’m so accustomed to living on my own, I can admit to being sadden about Taylor heading out to Los Angeles tomorrow. It’s not that I’ve gotten used to her being around; it’s more so that I’ve enjoyed the company that she’s been to me for the past week. We always have incredible conversations over the phone about the most trivial of topics, but it’s been far more fulfilling and hilarious to be able to say all of those things to one another face to face. We’ve indulged in our love for classic cult black films, shared recipes between one another in my kitchen, and have taken New York City by a storm.
Even with Jesse being in town, it didn’t feel like the presence of her man overshadowed anything that we did together. Ice skating was better than I thought it would be because I was and still am quite rusty in that area. We did see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular and humorously took photographs sitting on Santa’s lap complimentary of the showrunners. Although I’ve seen it more times than I can count, we saw The Lion King on Broadway and then had far too many pitchers of Matusalem rum infused mojitos over at Havana Central on West 46th Street.
I nearly came face to face with the filthy pavement as I moved at the best speed I could offer to avoid the invasive TMZ camera crew awaiting our exit. In Hollywood, I suppose it’s controversial for a woman to be involved with a soon to be divorced television actor while he’s in a discomforting public battle with his soon to be ex-wife over alimony and joint custody of their children. Anywhere she goes, that narrative follows Taylor like a sinister stalker in the night and though her feelings run deep for the blue-eyed Chicago native, I know that she’s quietly growing tired of being the scapegoat for what is beyond her.
“You better go too. I know you. Sipping tea and taking spoons of Robitussin isn’t going to get the job done this time it seems.”
“I’m going. I’m going with a shit ton of questions about why the flu shot is a hoax. I’m not one of those conspiracy theory people, but I don’t know. I might have to start.”
“Take your illuminati ass home and get in the bed.”
“I’m not rich enough to be in the illuminati. They’ll probably be calling me when I make my first hundred million. I’m not there just yet, but I’m working on it.” I wanted to laugh, but I couldn’t. Even a chuckle would have pulled more energy than I can exert at the moment. I’m currently questioning if I’ll even be capable of moving at a snail’s pace to make it out of the building with the next couple of minutes. I could have been gone already and yet I’m lingering around in this chair with hopes that my imagination will take me home. Where’s Glenda the Good Witch to instruct me to click the heels of my Jimmy Choo pumps so that I’ll be able to suddenly wake up in my bed in Edgewater?
“Get you a man that’s there already.” I knew she was going to say that. I just knew it. Anna will never not find it fascinating how I encounter countless men who earn hundreds of millions of dollars by running a ball around a field, court, or course.
In her words, I, more than the majority of the women in the world, have the perfect opportunity to live life lavishly and worry free by the way of someone else’s finances if I’d only open myself up to the opportunity of dating just one out of the many who flirtatiously attempt to garner some interest out of me. While my financial obligations are the last thing that I’m interested in a man handling for me, if only Anna knew what is going on in my life now.
“Yeah? So that he can think he’s entitled to stress me and all of his other women out because he’s providing materialistic shit? Girl, I refuse to allow a man to turn my head grey and cause bags to be up under my eyes sooner than it should be happening. No thanks. I’d rather be smiling in a Benz that I purchased than to be crying in one that he did.”
I’m naturally a giver. I give credit to my dad for instilling that quality into me. I’ve always struggling with taking or rather being gifted things. The majority of the time, all I wanted for birthdays and Christmas’ were new accessories needed for whatever sport I was playing at the time.
I never pestered either one of my parents to lace me in the latest Jordans, although my dad made sure to surprise me with them at least once a month. If he was due to leave town, he would leave enough money for my mother to handle it. Honor roll report cards always came with great gifts and while Celeste would often ask for the most expressive girly trinket she could think of, I never wanted anything. I was fine with a stack of pancakes from iHop and a day at the park.
What I did ask for was experiences. It never needed to be anything financially burdening or something that specifically catered to my taste alone. I was fine with exploring new exhibits at the Met or taking a random road trip to Philadelphia just for the hell of it. I loved walking around neighborhoods that I didn’t reside in to people watch and observe the different ways in which they express themselves and the culture that we all share.
I’ll never forget when we road on an Amtrak train to Washington, DC and stayed in the district for the weekend. I still consider that to be one of the best times of my life despite my sister’s ridiculous and pompous complaints about her boredom. Though she’s yet to admit it out loud, I know that she now undoubtedly regrets all that she said during that weekend because it was the last family trip, we ever had with him.
“All of his other women? Damn. Why did you have to put it like that?”
“Because men are vile creatures. If women are walking around talking about how much average men aren’t worth shit due to their antics, then use your imagination to think about what men with money and power are doing. I’m not saying all of them are dreadful, but I’ve heard far too much while working within this industry to write it all off as coincidences.” The last portion of my sentence barely made it out as my chest heaved up a rough cough. The furnace that only calmed for a mere couple of seconds ignited with a wild fire and sent a rush of warmth flushing through my chest while the rest of my weakening limps shivered.
“Okay, you need to go, because I’m not trying to get sick. You may not have any dick in your life at the moment, but I do, and I’m trying to get back to it with my health intact.”
Like a boxer in a ring attempting to peel himself off of the floor after a knockout, I pulled myself up and out of the comfort of the chair. With every step, my muscles stiffened and the aches throbbing from the sides of my body intensified unexpectedly. My Alexander Wang bag felt like a dozen bricks rested at it’s very bottom once I positioned it over my shoulder and it only slowed down my stride as I made my way to the awaiting SUV.
I could only silently thank God for Fred as he secured me inside the vehicle and warned me that he better not see me in the morning. Thankfully, I followed my gut and decided not to drive. If I were sitting in this parking lot in my own car at this very moment, I probably would have taken off this midnight black Moncler coat and used it as a blanket while I lay in the backseat awaiting a rescue that I never called for.
“Can you please turn up the heat just a bit more?” I’m sure I’m suffocating him but I can’t help that it feels like the temperature precipitously plummeted to ten degrees below zero. The sound of my teeth chattering against one another has surpassed the faint tunes coming from the radio.
“Sure, Ms. Nazaire.”
As the heat increased and swarmed me in the manner that I needed it to, I glanced down at my phone vibrating in my lap. The lone heart emoji was a clear signifier of who was attempting to contact me. He’s the only person in my phone not identified by his name and at this point, it is the most idiotic tactic to keep because I have more than enough photographs of him and the both of us together to implicate me in whatever may happen if we’re caught.
As soon as I slid my thumb across the bottom of the screen to answer, the splendor that is his face filled the frame of my screen. And just like that, I’d been reduced to speechlessness.
“I thought I told you not go to work this morning.” I certainly read the text message as soon as I opened my eyes this morning, but it did absolutely nothing to deter me from doing what I had to do. It was great advice but it had to be brushed off until I handled a number of things at the production studio this morning. Besides, it wasn’t as rough of a day as I thought it would be, effort wise. Aside from speaking throughout segments, we had no guests or anything major to cover.
“I’m staying home tomorrow. Also, look at how early I’m leaving today. It’s still the afternoon. I’m not doing the Podcast.”
The slight shaking of his head was brief and though he quickly stopped, I noticed it. I’m not sure if it’s in reference to this morning’s chosen defiance or the current state of frustration we’re both in for two totally different reasons. Despite my explanation about my occasional absentmindedness being a part of the reason why I needed to hurry home and write out a check for the nine-a.m. maintenance job my mother called to have done on her stove, I omitted the part that truly mattered most to the both of us.
I fear him.
My mind is with him whenever I’m not within his presence. My body yearns for the warmth that soothingly radiates from him whenever we’re within an inch of one another. I can eerily sense and feel him; emotionally and now physically. He evokes a sentiment within me that is at call unceasingly and has intertwined our lives in a manner that I never faced before or expected to come into my life at this point.
My body is now at his mercy. Just the tips of his fingers faintly grazing off the smooth surface of my skin awakens every aspect of me; sending my frame into an uncontrollable frenzy that only he knows how to tame. I don’t know what he did to me that night in New Orleans. I expected to be fucked; most men prefer to turn a woman over on her stomach to consciously strip away any intimacy that may be felt and emotionally clung to during and after those moments when their bodies are adjoined. Despite his unpredictable nature, I did cling to that repeated experience as something that I’d always endure. I should have known that what we shared would be everything but that.
He savored me; deliberately drawing out every single second of it in an effort to achieve a never-ending wordless oath that we’ll never be able to share with anyone else. His eyes bore into mine and spoke to me whenever his lips weren’t whispering into my ear in the midst of the groans spilling from them. My body clung to his, gratifying his silent plea to take possession of me in every way possible.
Our heartbeats created an identical medley as they thrashed against our chests in unison with the increase heat within our cores. I was no longer in control of myself. His flesh played as the remote; pushing buttons to leave me weeping and leaking. I believe I only slept for minutes. Though the clock read that it had been four hours later, it only felt like minutes because the feeling of him hadn’t subsided. If anything, he served as the gasoline to the flames as his tongue awakened me for what turned into another two rounds of him.
I am wordlessly at war with my evolving devotion to him; to us. What if I’m not enough? With the life that he lives, something better always comes along. What am I supposed to do when we’ve arrived to that point?
“You’re so hardheaded. You going out into the cold and being at work all day has most likely made your cold worse. You should have stayed in the bed today. Did you just leave?”
“A few minutes ago.”
“How do you feel?” He tugged on the neck of his hooded Givenchy sweater to loosen it’s pulled tightness around his neck and almond shaped eyes narrowed, intensifying his glare. He’d pull my card if I lied.
“Like shit, honesty. Everything hurts. It even hurts to breathe. I thought I’d be able to tough it out until I can see a doctor tomorrow, but I don’t know. I might have Taylor drive me over to Hackensack University Medical Center when I get home.” And just like that, he sat up from his lazy and laxed position on the couch. As his large palm brushed over the golden curls falling all over his forehead, he stood to his feet. He paces when he’s nervous but it was never my intention to provoke him to do so.
“You feel that bad? You want me to go with you?”
“Odell.” As great as that sounds, I shouldn’t have to explain why that can’t be. He already knows the answer to that.
“You’re going to the hospital.”
“Yes, so that I can speed up the process of getting some medication. I’ll be able to get prescriptions tonight rather than waiting until tomorrow. That’s all. It’s going to be an in and out thing. Also, you have an event tonight. Did you forget?” He’s heading into Manhattan to promote the launch of his Air Force I collaboration by speaking with fans and a couple of groups of kids who won a contest to be able to meet him and have their shoes autographed. I know he doesn’t want to miss that because being a great role model for the youth is one of the primary reasons why he does what he does. He loves kids, so disappointing them for no legit reason doesn’t make much sense.
“I didn’t forget. If I don’t go, the least I can do is come and stay at your house so that I can make sure you’re taken care of until you’re better.”
“And spread my germs to you?”
“What is it with you and your love for being difficult? You hate to cooperate.” I’ve heard that before. Actually, I’ve heard it far too many times. It’s been said that I have an answer for everything before even hearing the complete scenario or question being asked of me. I can be somewhat of an overthinker. Well, not somewhat.
I am an overthinker, but I’m not admitting that out loud because it’ll give people the ammunition to call me out on it whenever they feel like it and I’m not with the shits. It is never my intention to do it to be difficult or uncooperative as he just called it. I tend to try and side with logic first before I jump into anything. Unnecessarily spreading my germs isn’t logical. Besides, I tend to go and lay up at my mom’s place whenever I’m not feeling my greatest. She doesn’t always welcome me with open arms, but ultimately, who else do I have to lean on despite her resistance about that?
“That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is. It’s annoying as hell too.” He rolled his eyes to put even more emphasis on what he had to say.
“If you come, don’t complain when you start sniffling and feeling like every part of your body is aching.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ll take the risk.”
“What time does your event start?” I nearly dropped the phone down onto the carpeted flooring as another rough cough poured out of me. I’m convinced my lungs are going to suddenly fly out of my mouth and land in my lap.
“You sound really bad.”
“I know. What time does the event start?”
“Oh, you have time. I can’t believe I caught this stupid cold. I was supposed to start my Christmas shopping this weekend. Speaking of, what do you want?” I’ve been trying to think of gifts for him. There’s one in particular that I already have hiding in my closet. I consider that one to be the big gift.
Patek Philippe is a family-owned Genevan luxury watch manufacturer. Their watches are considered to be among the best in the world: full stop. Of all of the other impeccable Swiss watch manufactures with distinguished statuses and sophisticated watches, Patek Philippe has driven itself to the forefront of them all. While it would have been much easier to purchase him a Rolex, he deserves something that is as inimitable as he is. The “Ribbon Joaillerie” watch and its distinctive diamond embellishments that orbit its surface in a glimmering never-ending loop stole my heart as soon as I laid my eyes on it. The spiraling circles of diamonds beautifying the dial was what immediately made me hand over my Citigroup Chairman Card to secure it. It’s the first time I’ve ever spent six figures on a man.
“Supreme stuff. It doesn’t have to be any specific item. Oh, and maybe some art or something.”
“Art or something? Like a painting or a sculpture?”
“Anything. Actually, I want it to be a picture of you. A painting or something of that sort.”
“A painting of me? Are you kidding me?” That’s arguably the most narcissistic gift I could ever give anyone. I can only imagine how much internal cringing I’d be doing while boldly requesting for a painting of myself to gift to be my man. Actually, a canvas painting of Heather, Jazzy, and himself together would be breathtaking. I love that idea so much more.
“No. I’d love that.”
“And where exactly are you going to hang it up? You currently have a camera crew in your house once a week.” He is presently in the midst of filming a docu-series with Lebron James and Maverick Carter’s sports-media company Uninterrupted. Though the majority of it will focus on his comeback throughout the next season, they are filming coverage of his recovery from the ankle injury and his life off of the gridiron.
“In my bedroom. They don’t go in there.”
“We’ll see.”
“Ain’t no we’ll see. That’s what I want. Oh, and you in one of those sexy ass Mrs. Claus outfits.”
“Okay, I’m hanging up now.” I’m not sure if the driver is focusing on our conversation, but if he is, I’m certainly embarrassed now. His laughter might have made it even worse.
“I’ll call and check on you in a bit.”
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I attempted to take a nap but the physical discomfort served as a disruption to my mental state and kept me awake the remainder of the ride to my home. Traffic wasn’t as disorderly as it usually is during this time of the day, which allowed me to arrive just fifteen minutes over the nearly two-hour timeframe that it’s supposed to take me to get into Edgewater.
“You’re finally home!”
The way Taylor’s voice vibrated off of the walls almost made it seem like my house is completely empty. It was so piercing.
I’m not sure what she decided to cook but it smelled appetizing from the moment I stepped into the door. Maybe it’s Italian.
“I watched a bit of the show before making a Whole Foods run. Oh, and I found this bottle of wine upstairs in your room. I hope you don’t mind, because I couldn’t resist.” It was one of the remaining bottles of wine Odell bought me during our weekend getaway. I decided to pack it and take it home.
“You’re drunk?” That’s the last thing that I need her to be.
“I wouldn’t say drunk. I’m feeling pretty good though. Incredible, actually.”
She’s drunk.
“I want you to come with me to the ER, so that I can get checked out for this cold and get prescriptions for it. I wanted you to drive but since you had drinks, I’ll do it.”
“You feel that bad? Oh my God.”
“I’d just rather go now instead of waiting to go to the doctors tomorrow.”
“Let’s go. I just have to grab my coat. I told you to stay home this morning.” If I had the energy, I would have gone upstairs to change into whatever sweatsuit within close reach but I’m not walking up there. I’ve barely stepped away from the door.
“Taylor.” Part of her hazelnut toned wool trench coat hung off of her body as she rushed in my direction. As I nodded my head in the direction of the wine glass in her hand, she took a glance at it.
“Oh.” Before she put it down, the remaining contents inside of it went down her throat. If we both weren’t notorious for finishing entire bottles of wine on our own, I would have thought that something stressful or a man were driving her to drink so heavily today.
You good?
I read the message as I stood at the very top of my porch.
Yeah. Headed there now. Taylor’s drunk, so I’m going to drive.
Of all the days for her to get drunk, it just had to be this one.
Drunk? The sun hasn’t even gone down yet. I’m just going to meet you there.
As I slid into the passenger seat, apprehension immediately caused my eyes to bulge out of my face. His stubbornness will probably be the one thing that’ll always make me want to reprimand him.
You better not.
I-80 West was the fasted route. It took me to Exit 64B within seven minutes. As we walked through the parking lot, I slipped Taylor one of the cough drops I had in my pocket so they wouldn’t frown upon the whiff of the alcohol oozing from her breath any time she opened her mouth up to speak and I sprayed her coat with the mini bottle of perfume I keep in my purse to further mask it.
It’s very seldom that I use my status as a trump card for perks. Often times, it just happens and I go along with the flow. In this case, I used it. One autograph for the registration clerk served as a fast pass through the paperwork to process me through the emergency room and straight into triage. The hundred and two fever and slightly raised blood pressure rose the severity of my flu like symptoms to somewhat of an urgent case though I’d beg to differ. Luckily for me, the examination room was built to only fit two patients and thus far, I’m the only one in it.
“Did you see that bald guy nurse?”
“What bald nurse?”
“The one who walked past us out in the hallway. I’m not even into bald guys but he’s hot.” Like a child in a store, her curiosity kept her out of the seat next to the bed, and urged her to walk around examining everything in sight. Though she didn’t touch much, she looked on and read off whatever she thought I’d be just as interested in knowing about. Now I think she’s starting to see shit, because there was no bald nurse in that hall way. If she’s talking about who I assume she’s saw, that was a woman.
“Right in here?”
That voice couldn’t be mistaken no matter how much I desired to be hallucinating in a reaction to whatever drug they intend to give me for the pain I’m feeling. It’s that soft depth filled tone that plays like the sweetest medley in my dreams when I’m resting and fills my thoughts at random moments throughout the day when I am diligently executing every task on my schedule. It evokes chills and a throbbing within my center that nears me to the point of erupting.
I could choke him right now.
Behind a visibly annoyed Ben, he appeared in the doorway barely discreet in his black and vivid yellow attire. The Supreme beanie on his head barely covered his signature platinum blonde curls and casual dreads as they loosely hung out of the very front of it. His light caramel skin was without a single blemish as it always is.
God, he’s beautiful.
“Hey, big sister Sarai. I heard my favorite sister was in the hospital and I rushed here right away. I was hanging out with my boy, so I figured I’d bring him with me.” Both of my eyebrows rose as my head dropped back. Ben slowly panned his eyes to Odell and instantly rolled them in response to the nonchalant shrugging of his broad shoulders. What the hell is he talking about?
“Ben told them he was your brother so we could get in. I mean, it was either that or I was gon’ say that I’m your husband.”
“I’m going to fuck you up. You do know that, right?” If I had the energy, I would do it right now. His rebelliousness is absolutely pointless within this moment. It’s a trait that I’ve always admired about him from afar and now that admiration is coming back like a thief in the night to haunt me.
“I’m so confused. Maybe I’m a little drunker than I thought. What are you two doing here?” Taylor wagged her finger like a scolding mother as she twisted her head back and forth to take in the additional presence within the room. I had no set date or specific timeframe for when I intended to explain what’s been going on to her, but I planned to do it at some point. We share just about everything but I’m still trying to navigate all of this and figure it out on my own, which is why I’m purposefully avoiding any additional opinions.
“I’m going to sit in the car. Ya’ll two motherfuckers are annoying with this sneaking shit.” The hint of playfulness in his tone did not match the expression on his face. While my lover found it to be all so hilarious, a confused Taylor glared at me with a questioning expression that I did not want to have to answer to. I never thought I’d ever say it, but I was sad to see Ben walk out. If anything, I needed him to remain in place to be the comedic relief or better yet the distraction from the verbal questionnaire that is sure to come from my friend.
“The doctor came in here yet? What did he say?” As his large palm meshed into my forehead to serve as his own personal thermometer, I smacked it out of my way.
“Why don’t you listen?”
“I told you that I was coming. Don’t act surprised.”
“And I told you not to come.”
“And I didn’t listen. What’s next?” My frustration rose with every word that slipped past his supple lips.
“Since when are ya’ll such close friends? Like three months ago, you were ready to argue with me about why you two couldn’t be cool and now you’re the best of friends? What?” She finally flopped down in the chair that was in place for her to relax in and she looked on between the two of us as if we were two guilty souls. I may be the only guilty one.
“Sarai Nazaire?” A middle-aged white woman donning blue scrubs and a white lab coat cheerily entered the room with a chart in her hand and a stethoscope loosely hanging around her neck. I faintly raised my hand to single myself out so she wouldn’t confuse me with Taylor.
“I’m Dr. Shepard.”
“Oh snap. Like Grey’s Anatomy?” Why did I bring Taylor?
“Yes, just like that. I get that all the time. I’m not Meredith though. I’m Dr. Jane Shepard.”
“Nice to meet you Dr. Shepard.” I didn’t extend my hand to her because hers aren’t gloved and I’ve been using mine to cover my mouth during the coughing spells.
“So, it says here that you’ve been having flu like symptoms. I see the hundred and two fever. You’re visibly sweating. Tell me anything else you’re been feeling and for how long.”
“I start feeling sick a few days ago and it just got progressively worse. I feel chills, aching muscles, fatigue, a horrible headache, my nose is stuff up.”
“Don’t forget the sore throat, baby.” I was getting to it before he interrupted.
“Baby?” Oh my God. I should have let her finish off the rest of that bottle without any interruptions.
“Have you been taking anything?”
“Tylenol and cold medication. Robitussin DM.”
“Anything else?”
“I’m going to take a listen to your lungs. You mind unbuttoning your blouse for me?”
“No.” Odell reached his hands in for the small buttons on the Zara dress shirt covering the upper portion of me and I rapidly smacked his hands down.
She only needed me to unravel the first few buttons so she’d be able to easily reach her hand down into my top to access my chest and back.
“You’re definitely congested. Are you allergic to any medications?”
“Based upon the date of your last period, I have to ask, do you think that you could be pregnant right now?”
“Oh, dear God no. Absolutely not.” Taylor’s abrupt answer and laughter was nearly condescending. We’ve had far too many conversations about kids being something we’ll worry about later on down the line because we have so many aspirations that we’re working towards accomplishing now.
If a sewing needle suddenly dropped onto the floor, it would have sounded off like a vibrant bass within a stadium due to the stillness within the room. All eyes panned down on me while I had every urge to unexpectedly combust into a gust of nothingness so that I wouldn’t have to expose the anxiety I’ve been dealing with since we boarded the private jet to leave New Orleans.
My periods have always been slightly irregular and may sometimes skip a month, but God only knows how much I did not need one of those skips to happen this month. I haven’t been on birth control in three years. I decided to stop taking the pill because I had no use for it anymore and wanted to regulate my hormones and cycles. It’s been smooth sailing ever since because I haven’t had any men in my bed and I haven’t been in any of theirs until now. I’ve always been careful. Always. Even with the few years I spent in a relationship, I’ve never had unprotected sex until I shared my body with the man sitting at the foot of this bed.
What was once one set of questioning eyes, turned into three, but all I could focus on was his. I awaited the grimace, but it never showed itself within his facial expression. Much like everyone else, he was awaiting the answer that would involve his fate just as much as it would mine.
“I don’t know. I don’t think so. I’m just not one hundred percent sure.”
And there it is. My reality. I truly don’t know. I’ve driven past a few Walgreens, Rite Aid, and CVS stores since it all happened and my lack of courage kept me from going inside to purchase what would give me a verdict to either ease or intensify the stress. Back in Louisiana, what should have been a trip to a pharmacy for a Morning After pill when the sun began peaking beyond the curtains and cascading down on us turned into yet another escapade of him filling me again.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on?”
“That’s not a problem. We’ll collect a urine sample to measure your HCG level. It’ll be quick. A nurse should be in the room within the next two minutes or so with a cup. It’s just protocol so that we’re on the safe side when administering medication to you. She’s also going to do a rapid influenza test so that we can verify those flu symptoms you’re having. Your symptoms align with it, but we still have to run the test. She’s going to swab the back of your nose.” 
“In the meantime, just relax. Once we get the results back, we’ll proceed from there. Sounds good?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.”
The nurse couldn’t come with the plastic cup fast enough. I nearly fell onto the floor as I leapt out of the bed once she did. Locking myself in the bathroom is what eased the spell of anxiety being triggered by all eyes focusing in on me. What should have been a two to three-minute process turned into fifteen as I sat there wallowing in my thoughts. I never wanted my apprehension to be on display in front of him. I didn’t need any of what I’ve been dealing with being a conversation until it was absolutely necessary.
“You okay baby?” His knock was light but I could undoubtedly sense his urgency.
“I’m fine.” It’s far too late to hide now.
“The nurse is back. You want me to give the cup to her?” This man wants me to hand over a sample of my urine to him? Seriously?”
“No. I’m coming out.” 
Once I handled the hygienic aspect of things, I finally stepped out of the bathroom with the cup wrapped into two pieces of paper towel and I timidly handed it over to the nurse. Once I was seated again, she swabbed my nose just as the doctor informed me, she would.
“Thank you. I’ll be quick.”
I wished she would have offered to take me with her. I wouldn’t have minded walking to whatever laboratory that she’s going to drop that off to.
“How long has this been going on?”
Her lean leg crossed over the other and Taylor sat back with a knowing smirk on her face. Her haughtiness in figuring out the obvious would have been hilarious at some other time.
“Months.” His answer came with a shrug. His tone was so blasé that it nearly made it seem like the entire world knows about this and she’s the only one who’s late to the party.
“Months? You hid this for months?”
“T, can we have the room for just a minute or two?”
“So, you can talk about your baby?” The lingering headache seemed to strengthen at what she thought was some sardonic joke. Her irritation about being left in the dark is justified but now is not the time to admonish everything that I am. I’d rather she stand before me and release her frustrations in a private setting and away from him.
“Taylor, please?”
“I’ll go. I’m going to the waiting room. While there, should I think about baby shower themes? Maybe Tinkerbell if it’s a girl and Finding Nemo if it’s a boy? Oh no. I know. A New York Giants theme sounds so much better; a little cliché but better.”
“I’m going.”
She tenaciously cut her eyes at Odell sparking laughter from him in response.
“Cute though. Really cute.”
Those were her last words as she disappeared down the hall, finally leaving us in the privacy that I needed. The lack of commotion in the hallway kept my attention focused on his striking face. I thought I would have seen a rush of nurses running a gurney down the long hall and into emergency surgery. If not that, then maybe a crying baby and a fretted mother who can’t seem to figure out why her child has been crying all night long. I need a distraction
“I don’t want you to be upset with me. I should have been more careful. I…”
“Sarai. Upset with you about what? The unknown? I’m not upset with you. I’m not upset at all. I’m here. I’m right here with you. It’s not just you.”
“I know but…”
“What’s the but for? Whatever happens, happens. We’ll be fine.” Will we be? I don’t believe I’m with child but hypothetically speaking, what happens if I am? How do I explain a sudden pregnancy to a man that no one knows about? I am not Mary and this is not the Immaculate Conception. How do we navigate still being in the stages of exploring and learning all there is to know about one another while preparing to be parents to a child that we did not plan?
Both of his hands reached for my thighs. This time, I had no energy to smack them away as they began a pacifying caress. I just want to go to sleep. Is that too much to ask for? In the midst of what should be a temporary illness, the weight of erratic decisions rests on my shoulders and is further deteriorating my mood. He’s in the prime of his life. If people aren’t talking about Tom Brady, they’re talking about him. He’s not ready for any of this. He doesn’t need this.
“You keep tensing up. I can feel it. Relax.”
“You make it sound so simple.”
If it were, I would have already been home sleeping.
“It’s as simple as we want it to be. I don’t mind being your Big Daddy and someone else’s daddy. It’s cool with me. A kid that looks like us? We can both retire now and use the kid for money. Plus, we’re both athletic, so our kid is bound to be a pro athlete. Yeah, our retirement plan is set.” Every muscle within my upper core clenched to an unbearable tightness and yet I laughed anyway. With my mouth being open, I know I’m sharing every bit of this virus with him. However, his words tickled me in a manner that I needed. I haven’t laughed all day long. If anyone is more than capable of making me do so, it’s him.
“My what?”
“Your Big Daddy.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“You sound like Stephen A. Smith. Ridiculous. Conspicuous. Prosperous. Expeditiously. He’s forever using some unnecessarily big word to describe his frustrations.” The joke about my fellow ESPN brethren amused me even more. He is absolutely right and it’s what we all love about Stephen A. He’s animated, exaggerated, and his outbursts about the eternally cursed New York Knicks will stand the test of time for sports fans. I constantly have a good laugh when I stop by his dressing room for conversations. He’s been a mentor to me from the moment we’ve met and my admiration for him is boundless.
“Don’t talk about Stephen A. He’s great.”
“He stays on my ass though. He tends to be hot and cold with me. One minute, he’s praising my talent and in the next breath, he’s tired of me.”
“He appreciates you. I promise you that. Steven A. is tough, but he believes you’re the heart of the team. It’s why he can be so critical.”
“I watched the discussion ya’ll had about my pending contract situation. You really think I should be the highest paid receiver?” He’s the most explosive one.
“We can make arguments about Antonio Brown and Julio Jones, but when people think of wide receivers, your name is the first name to come out of most people’s mouths. You have the highest selling jersey of any receiver in the league and you’re the one who fills those seats at the Giants stadium. You have been the heart of the team’s offense for the past three years. Prior to your injury, they averaged twenty-three points in three games when you were on the field for the most snaps. They averaged thirteen point six points when you weren’t out there. You’re worth almost ten points per game with your ability to take a short gain and turn it into a long touchdown. Teams literally run their defenses strictly off stopping you. Get paid. You deserve it.”
All I could see is pearly white porcelain as his eyes further narrowed the more his smile spread across his face. As soon as he leaned in for a kiss, I drew my head back.
“The way you know your shit is sexy as fuck. You want my last name?”
“Shut up, you…”
Dr. Shepard stepping back into the room ceased my reply. And just like that, my nerves were rattled all over again.
“Well, the pregnancy test is negative. Flu test is positive. I’m not sure which way you wanted those results to go, but that’s the verdict.” I know it was supposed to be witty but it didn’t register as such as I signed in a relief that wasn’t as fulfilling as I thought it would be. No, I’m not ready to be a mother. I’m not in that space just yet. More than anything, what I’m now focused on is the person who would have been alongside me in the journey if the results were the opposite. I would not have been alone. I commend him for that.
“I got a flu shot.”
“When did you get it?”
“A little less than two weeks ago.”
“It takes the body about two weeks after the vaccination to develop immune protection. You probably were exposed to influenza viruses sometime since then. Also, there are different strains of the flu. The vaccination only protects you against certain ones. You may have been exposed to one that is very different from whatever ones the vaccination is designed to protect you against.”
“Well screw whoever was around me and had been sick.” She and my man shared laughter at my words.
I’m serious.
“We’re going to give you Tamiflu. The directions on how to take it will be in your discharge instructions and the pharmacy will give you some too. You can take Tylenol for the fever. Rest. You need a lot of that. No work for a couple of days because you have a ton of germs right now. Hot foods and drinks. Steamy showers will help with congestion and the stuffy nose. Vitamin C is great, so orange juice and they have the cough drop like ones. I emphasize rest. Getting rid of the flu is really a waiting game.”
“You hear that Sarai? Rest. Lots of rest.” If I had no class, my middle finger would have been up and towards him.
“If you feel like your symptoms are persisting, come back.”
“Thank you, Dr. Shepard.”
“The pleasure is all mine. The nurse will be back with the forms and prescriptions.”
As soon as we were left alone again, I immediately slipped back into my coat for much needed warmth.
“I’m about to head out so I can make it into the city on time. Are you going to be okay?”
“I’m sending Renee over so that she can make you some soup or something. So, be expecting her. You need something from the store?”
“I can make the soup myself.”
“Anything you need from the store?” See? This is what I mean.
“No. I don’t think so.”
“Alright, so I’ll see you when I get back. Be in the bed.”
“Uhm.” He knew I’d swerve his lips, so he softly planted his kisses on my warm forehead.
“See you in a bit.”
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The nightfall car ride to Walgreens and finally to my home entailed of more conversing than I wanted to have. I was nearly ordered to confirm and deny many of her assumptions, feed into her baseless jokes about a baby that she now knows is non-existent, and defend myself against my supposed lying by omission as we spoke on the phone while I was away. She then proceeded to take credit for our relationship; citing the Bleacher Report party run in as all being a part of her master plan. I beg to differ. I still think it’s a coincidence that he saw me there, but I’ll let her run with that fairytale if it makes her feel better and keeps her off of my case.
“I’m going to lay down.”
“As you should. It’s not like you have to do anything anyway. Your man’s chef is currently making you tea and soup.”
“And he arranged for a driver to take me to the airport tomorrow so that you don’t have to get out of bed.”
“And he shoots up your club.”
“You know what, goodnight Taylor.”
Lavender; I doused everything in it. I lathered my body up with Dove’s Purely Pampering Relaxing Body Wash while in the shower and spent an extended time inhaling the steam to loosen my nasal passages. Once I was dried off, I moisturized my skin with whipped shea butter fused with lavender essential oil. I lit a match to my Joe Malone London Lavender & Lovage candle, and finally sprayed my pillow cases with Bath & Body Works lavender pillow spray. If I don’t get the best sleep of my life after all of that, I’ll know that I’m suffering from insomnia.
Renee’s coconut ginger carrot chicken soup and the cup of ginger tea certainly made me think of my mother because it’s her key remedy for illnesses. The rich flavoring and natural spice of the ginger eased the congestion discomfort in my chest.
I opted out of the television because it would only deserve as a distraction to the rest, I not only needed but wanted. Unfortunately, what I thought was going to be a long night of slumber ended up being nothing more than on and off naps.
Bergamot, cedar musk, and hints of sage superseded the rest inducing scent that once filled my room. With only a hint of moonlight peaking beyond the white curtain, the man of my affection quietly dropped what appeared to be a duffle bag onto the floor and began to shuffle around the open space within my bedroom to sort himself out.
“I’m not sleeping.” His pace was slower than his usual because he didn’t want to ruin whatever sleep he assumed I was getting.
“You should be.”
“I keep taking naps.”
“You hungry or something?”
“No. Not really. You?”
“I’m good. There’s more than just soup downstairs. I had something before I came up.”
“How was the event?”
“It was nice. The kids were great. They enjoyed themselves.” With every piece of jewelry that he removed; I could hear it clinking against the dresser as he placed them down one by one. “You smell great.”
“Thank you.” I love when he chuckles. It’s so lighthearted and innocent, especially following a compliment. I always want to hug him right after. It’s no different now.
“You look good too.” Yellow against his skin is defining. The whole time he sat with me in that examination room, I couldn’t look away. Even in this darkness, I still cannot do so. My body is riddled with a confusion that I cannot define. I can feel every single flu symptom there is and yet, my nipples are impulsively stiffening against this t-shirt of his that I’m wearing. The prickling in my thighs is increasing with every article of clothing that he removes. I should make him go into the guest room.
“Thank you. Go to sleep.”
“I’m trying.”
His presence kept my eyes open and trailing behind his every move until his almost bare frame slid under the covers and alongside me. I’ve warned him more times than I can count about my germs and yet here he is, basking in them.
“Thank you.”
As he always does when he’s in my bed, he took two of the pillows on his side and tossed them towards my side to lower himself to his liking. I’ve always been someone who loves to lay on way too many of them. It’s probably why I wake up with neck pain every once and a while.
“For what?”
“Taking care of me today.”
“You’re stubborn as hell but it’s what I want to do. It’s my pleasure.”
“Thank you for dealing with my stubbornness too.”
“Of course, baby.”
“And thank you for that yellow coat because I’m keeping it.” That amused him.
“You can have it.”
“Can I have a kiss too?”
“Nah. Germs.”
I used one of the pillows he tossed to whack him in the head. How is he so adorable and maddening all at once?
“Hey, Sarai.”
His arm extended and slowly snaked around my waist to draw me closer. The skin of his legs melted into mine as they intertwined.
“No Beckham babies today, but later on down the line, for sure, right?”
Beckham babies. Plural. Maybe two boys? Possible two girls? How about the best of both worlds? More than two is out of the question. Twins would ideal. It’s a one shot and done, deal. Actually, no. Two at one time sounds like madness. The genes are strong within his family. I don’t think they stand a chance of genetically inheriting any of my traits. I’ll literally be birthing clones of him in either male or female form. It’s hilarious and yet warming to ponder about.
His lips then met mine.
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alphacrone · 8 years
i found this post in my drafts and have ZERO memory of writing it (thank u alcohol) so im gonna put it in my queue lol
ok but imagine 
Bitty comes out to his parents but he doesn't tell them about Jack, thinks it's for the best, maybe to ease his parents into things or maybe to keep the pool of People Who Know as small as possible 
and like yeah Ransom and Holster are super oblivious but Suzanne Bittle is not, not when it comes to her son, because she is a certified Nosy Southern Mother and she can see he's been acting differently, happier but quieter, always on his phone and blushing when she asks about boys
and he talks about the team a LOT 
Jack's one of his best friends and he's just started his NHL career, so of course Bitty’s never gonna shut up about Jack
(Same goes for Shitty and law school. And eventually Ransom and med school. Dicky is proud of his friends and wants everyone to know. He gets that trait from Suzanne, she understands)
but he keeps talking about this one Boy, how sweet he is and how his smile is like a sack of puppies and how bitty's always making this boy do things with him like baking and getting froyo and going shopping and Suzanne is like. Yes. This must be Dicky's secret boyfriend. 
 the next family weekend or whatever, Suzanne demands to meet this Chowder boy who's stolen Bitty's heart
Bitty is both confused and mortified
“No, Mother,” he says. “Chowder is my friend, I mean look at him, that sweet precious baby fawn of a goalie-”
Suzanne is Not Convinced
“Mhmm,” she replies. “Sure, baby. Sure.” 
but bitty can’t disobey his mother, so he drags the Frogs into the kitchen and introduces them all at once
so dex is like “um ok nice to meet you ma’am” and nursey’s all “sup mrs. b” and then Chowder - sweet Chowder - goes over and hugs her and starts rambling on a mile a minute about how much the team loves bitty and gosh it’s so nice to meet you, mrs. bitty’s mom, thank you for the care packages and oh do you watch hockey what team do you root for my team’s the sharks they’re ‘swawesome hey are you coming to our game tonight i think the coaches are gonna start bitty which is So Great because bitty is So Great of course the entire team is So Great but you know we all just love bitty So Much-!
Suzanne is Very Much Convinced
bitty’s gone bright red and none of the Frogs can figure out why
so i think by this point Ransom & Holster have a running joke about Bitty’s Secret Boyfriend bc, even tho they know, they’re Major Shitheads
(”Who’re you texting, Bits?” “Oh, uh, Jack.” “Pshyeah right, look at that blush. Who are you really texting?” “Oh, my God, I swear I’m just texting Jack.” “Bro, it’s gotta be your secret boyfriend.” “Adam Birkholtz, I swear to Jesus-”)
so R&H are messing around in the kitchen as bitty and his mom make a pre-game pie or something and bitty’s texting with jack about how mortifying his day has been when, of course, it gets worse
“Dude, stop texting your Secret Boyfriend,” Ransom says, giving Bitty a shit-eating grin.
bitty goes super pale. 
normally the joke is just kind of annoying but His Mother is Right Here And
Suzanne perks up.
“What was that?” She asks in that slow, sweet, unassuming way that all middle aged southern ladies use when they smell blood in the water
Bitty knows he’s Fucked
“Oh, hahahaha, just an inside joke, Mama, I’m just texting Jack, these boys and their silly little jokes, tell her it’s a joke, Justin”
so now Suzanne is almost certain Bitty’s hiding a boyfriend from her. she gets it, her mama never knew about half the guys she dated and she never had to Come Out to her mama. but Suzanne is not a saint and privacy doesn’t really exist when it’s your flesh and blood
“So, Adam. Justin. Tell me more about that sweet, little Christopher,” she says. “He’s real cute. Don’t you think so, Dicky?” 
to bitty’s delight, though, R&H go straight into Captains mode
“Oh, yeah, Chow’s a great asset to the team.” “One of the best goalies I’ve ever known.” “Real go-getter attitude.” “Hard worker. Weird fear of pucks, though.” “Still. What a guy.” 
Bullet dodged, crisis averted. Bitty breathes easy for a moment. 
so in this time he’s managed to text Chowder and has asked him to AVOID MAMA BITTLE AT ALL COSTS WHICH
chowder is clearly unable to do
“why????!?? did she not like me?!??? did i say something???!!”
so bitty is trying to calm chowder down and suzanne’s all Sugar Bear Sweetpea Fruit of my Loins WHO ARE YOU TEXTING
and chowder barges into the haus, apologizes a mile a minute for literally Anything he can think of
“I’m sorry for not asking you if you wanted a drink! And I’m sorry for not offering you a tour of the Haus- though I guess Bitty’s already done that- oh! Did I not say it’s nice to meet you?! It’s so nice to meet you!!!” 
and r&h have No Idea what’s happening but they love to Stir the Pot so they’re kinda egging chowder on and Mama B is very, very confused but so happy to see Dicky’s boyfriend is so thoughtful, if not a little...excitable...
So of course this is when the Frogs and Lardo wander in, drawn to sounds of a panicked Chowder
now bitty is on the edge of hysterics, trying to calm chowder down, trying to tell his mother that he’s Not dating chowder without saying those exact words, trying to text jack because who Else would be text while losing his shit??
and then she says it
suzanne just fucking says it
“oh, gosh, honey, i don’t know what you’re apologizin for, but it’s nice to know how polite my dicky’s boyfriend is.”
the silence in the kitchen is heavy with pent-up shock and laughter.
now. chowder can be naive, but he’s a smart cookie. it takes him those few, awkward moments, but he manages to put a couple things together - why bitty wanted him away from Mrs. B, why bitty was acting so weird, why suzanne was being so friendly
so chowder, bless his tender lil heart, plays along
“oh! uh!! well, i just want! to impress my...boyfriend?! my boyfriend’s mom!!”
dex and nursey are beyond confused; lardo has to leave the room so she can laugh
this is Not What Bitty Wanted, however
and then
enter Jack Zimmermann
bitty is just about ready to curl up in a corner and die of Shame
so Suzanne does her whole heart-eyes Jack Zimmermann routine, asking after his father and yadda yadda
but jack definitely heard everything with chowder. and as jealous as he is, it was also hilarious. 
and we all know jack l zimmermann is kind of a little shit
“so I see you’ve met bitty’s boyfriend” he says in his best monotone
(now ransom has to leave because he’s about to wet himself holding back laughter)
“oh, yes, jack, i’ve finally gotten dicky to introduce me, you’d think he didn’t want me to meet sweet christopher”
bitty’s done. he’s leaving samwell immediately. already has a new name picked out for himself, is gonna hitchhike west and dye his hair brown and never speak to anyone east of albuquerque again
“oh, i can’t believe he’s being shy about chowder,” jack says, knowing that he’s probably getting himself into Trouble but plowing forward regardless. “they’ve been together almost a year now”
“WHAT.” is the reaction that comes from three different people in three very different inflections 
(now dex and nursey are taking bets; holster is recording the whole thing to send to shitty; ransom and lardo are watching from the hallway)
“oh, yeah,” jack continues on, with what is probably his Funniest and Most Terrible joke ever. “after they both got dumped by their dates at Winter Screw. right, Bittle?” 
bitty has his face buried in his hands. chowder is Beyond Confused as to why jack’s taking it this far. 
suzanne is THRILLED
so Jack is weaving this long, ridiculous story of the Epic BittyChowder romance that never was and chowder’s starting to feel uncomfortable about the way suzanne is staring at him and bitty is going to Murder his boyfriend if the mortification doesn’t kill him first
“...which is why I’m here today. to fight for bitty’s hand.”
yup. jack 110% zimmermann Goes There. 
“you’re in love with my dicky too??” “do i....do i really have to fight jack??!”
and bitty sees the look in jack’s eyes, the imperceptible nod, and the dam finally bursts: “mother, i’m not dating chowder. and i never wanted you to think i was, but chris was just trying to help me out.” 
and suzanne’s face falls and chowder sort of awkwardly...runs away...to stand in the hall with lardo and ransom
“but then why is jack here?” suzanne asks,
and jack wraps his arm around bitty’s shoulder, smiling down at bitty, and bitty finally gets to say to his mama, “because he’s my boyfriend, mother.” 
suzanne Freaks Out and cries a little and calls bob. in that order. 
but before all of that she hugs them both tight and refuses to let go. 
(years down the road, they play holster’s camera-phone video of the whole Ordeal at the zimmermann-bittle wedding. chowder literally never lives down the chirps, but hey -- that’s what best men are for.)
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shhhs3cret · 8 years
I'll Help You Stitch Up Your Wounds
So this is my first fic to post on here and I’m honestly super excited about it. The first half of this story is based on the last two years of my life so it’s really personal for me but I’m finding it to be incredibly therapeutic to write it down and share it with the world. My situation is not nearly as bad as some have been but I’m hoping that by writing and sharing this it might help others to handle things better than I did. I’d love to hear any constructive criticism to make this great. I’m hoping to turn this into a series and if so mentions of alcoholism and self hatred will be mentioned so please take this into account before reading. I want people to enjoy this story but I know from personal experience that reading about those situations can sometimes trap you in your own head. Again, my main goals in writing this are to help myself and help others. Hope you enjoy. :)
Pairing: None (Platonic for now) Characters: Sam, Dean, Reader (Platonic for now) Warnings: Mention of date rape, mention of verbally abusive relationship Word Count: 3k (whoops?)
I’m honestly not quite sure how I got here. Logistically speaking, I woke up one morning hoping that I could reinvent myself somewhere completely new so I booked a flight to the other side of the world and left. Left my family, left my friends, and most painfully, I left him.
This story really isn’t about him, but to understand why I am where I am, it’s necessary to explain. I’m still working it all out myself, because like I said, I’m still not sure how I ended up here exactly.
He was the one I wanted to be my forever. We’d discussed locations for our future home, venues for a wedding, and names for future children. None of that seemed to be enough, though. It didn’t matter how many times we’d discussed the future, vowed our love or made love; nothing could stop our evolving personalities from clashing. We were so young when we met. So passionate and forth coming, but way too naive to make the type of commitment that we were attempting. He wanted to see the world on his terms, and I wanted it on mine. He wanted a house wife and I’d reply, “have you met me?” We tried, we really did. We both wanted it to work. We broke up once and only days later went running back into each other’s arms because it just didn’t feel right being apart. I had thought that Nick was it for me.
Things drastically changed when I was betrayed by a friend more than I could have ever imagined. He was a close friend; someone who had a fiancé and the two would often double date with Nick and me. We took classes together in college and I thought that we’d developed the perfect brother/sister relationship. We frequently went to the bar that I worked at on my nights off to relax and decompress after a days worth of classes, so it was never surprising for my co workers and friends to see us arrive and leave together. One night, though, Jay apparently had alternative plans. I remember arriving just as usual, my best friend behind the bar pouring us each one beer and one shot as per the norm. We walked to the patio, lit a cigarette and immediately began our banter regarding the terrible judge who taught our legal research and writing class. Things were normal. Fine. Regular. I stood to use the ladies room and left him with my beer. No reason to not trust your pseudo brother, right? We ended up leaving almost immediately after and the night from then on is a terrible mess of a memory. It’s like a DVD that’s been scratched over a million times and hops from one scene to another. It starts on the patio of the bar then jumps to Jay’s car. Then we’re in front of my parents house where I lived and he’s a sweaty heap on top of me. Then I’m falling up the driveway, scraping the hell out of my knee, trying to get into the house. My dad sees me at the door and helps me to the toilet where I purge every liquid and solid I’ve ever consumed in my twenty-five years of living. Then the sun is up and I’m in my bed feeling worse than I ever have before. And let’s be honest, I made my living working at a bar - I know what a hangover is. This was not a hangover. I had been drugged.
Instead of doing the appropriate thing and reporting Jay to the authorities, I buried it. I told my dad that I had just drank way too much the night before and I crossed my fingers and toes and prayed to whatever being there was above, around or below me that it would just go away. I wanted the dirty, disgusting, guilty feeling to just disappear. I avoided Jay in class, blocked his phone number and email and locked him out of my head as best as I could. I avoided Nick for days just so that he wouldn’t see the terrible hickies that the bastard had left - and because I didn’t feel like I could face him yet.
Nick was always particularly protective over me, never trusting my judgment and thinking that I trusted others way too easily. Though he may have been right in his assumptions, I was still terrified to say anything to him in fear that he’d blame me and we’d end up in another fight. The fights continued regardless, though. I found any and every reason to avoid him touching me intimately and he found all of the reasons to pick me apart. We were both angry over things that we couldn’t control, and I think that the lack of control just made it worse. Our relationship ended only a few months after the Jay incident and it was decided (by Nick) that we’d cut ties all together. He made that irrevocably clear when he texted me saying he’d rather me burn his belongings that I still had rather than having to see me when I planned to return them.
Two weeks later I was on a flight to Australia.
Australia was everything and nothing that I expected. I know that makes almost no sense at all but the experience is really hard to describe. I wanted to get away from my world. I wanted to not know anyone and have no one know me. I wanted to learn how to stand on my own and be okay with being alone. I definitely achieved that. On the flip side, I expected to meet an astounding amount of people. At home it was so easy because I worked in such a public place (always had) and had lived there my entire life. Australia was different. It was like going from being a frog in a pond, not necessarily extraordinary or different, but noticed enough to be counted, to being the freaking fly that gets gobbled up by a frog and forgotten before the frog could croak. That part was scary. And lonely. I remember sitting in front of my phone, staring at the world clock and waiting for an appropriate time to call home. Just sitting around waiting for the world to wake up.
Ten months after my arrival in Australia I was ready to go home. I booked a flight that was due to land at LAX in Los Angeles and planned on taking a road trip from there to Maryland where I grew up. I needed time to think on my own and prepare myself on how to reintroduce the new me into my old life. The flight was gruelling and long, the man next to me snoring for a large portion of the sixteen hours and with him sleeping it made it next to impossible for me to use the toilet when I needed to.
It’s funny when you realise that some of the little ridiculous things that your parents tell you to do actually pay off in the long run. When I left for Australia my dad was adamant that I shouldn’t keep all of my money in one place just to be safe. I promised him I wouldn’t so I kept a $100 American note tucked inside my bra on the way to and from Australia. Looking back, I could have kissed my dad on the cheek and tackled him in a hug for that advice. As I stood outside of the car rental area at LAX I smoked probably the most delicious cigarette I’d ever experienced. Twenty long hours of airport security, customs, and being in a dry airplane will make a girl crazy. As I reached into my back pocket to grab my phone I slid my eyes away from my purse for two seconds too long and someone swung by and grabbed the bag and ran. By the time I realised what had happened I could barely see the young man running and despite my screaming and airport security’s efforts, my purse (which held my passport, license, credit cards and cash) was gone. So again, I could kiss my father for drilling the stashed money into my brain. That first cigarette was followed by another as I decided to walk now that renting a car was out of the question. I made my way to a diner after about thirty minutes of walking and sat down to have a cup of coffee. Grabbing my phone I knew I needed to call my mother to tell her what was going on. So long, independence. It’s time to go crawling back to be saved again. Ring after ring, call after call, and she wasn’t answering. I tried my father next and no luck. I settled to call my mom back and leave her a message explaining my situation.
“Uh, hey mom. I’ve uh ran into a bit of an issue and don’t really know what to do at this point. My purse was stolen so I can’t hire a car to get home. Can you please give me a call back when you get a chance? I love you.”
Sitting there with my arms crossed on the table top and my head resting on top of them, I tried my best to control my breathing to stop myself from having a full blown panic attack. Even if my parents could wire me money I had no ID to get a car or board a plane. And for that matter, even if they wired me money I probably wouldn’t be able to collect it without any ID. I was truly shit out of luck.
I can’t tell you how long I sat there for, just completely wrapped up in my own self pity. Eventually I lifted my head to take a sip of my coffee that had gone cold and looked around only to realise that the once busy diner had emptied aside from the two waitresses working and a pair of men sitting two booths down from me.
I guzzled the remainder of my stale coffee and accepted the refill from the waitress who looked down at me with sympathetic eyes. After forcing an awkward smile at her I redirected my focus to my phone and realised that it was now down to ten percent. I had just barely begun looking into my suitcase when I realised that my charger had been in my purse.
“Well, fuck.” I muttered and followed that up with a dramatic sigh. Only seconds later the bench across from my in my booth was filled by one of the two men who had been occupying the booth two away from me.
He stared at me for a moment with a cheeky grin before announcing himself. “Hi sweetheart, my name is Dean.”
“Uh, hello.” I semi-politely replied. He looked vaguely familiar but with being this far from home, I highly doubted that I actually knew him.
“I’m actually over here for my baby brother. He’s pretty certain that he knows you but he’s too shy to come over and say hello to you himself,” he spoke with a shit eating grin.
I chanced a glance at the other man still seated at the table but could only see the back of his head and that he seemed to have his face resting in his palms as if he was utterly humiliated by his brother’s actions. I honestly couldn’t blame him. This guy seemed like he thought he was too hot to trot.
“Um, well, I’m actually not from this area so I don’t think that’s the case.” I reasoned and then stupidly mentioned “I’m from Baltimore so…” I mentally berated myself for letting these strange men know so much about myself.
“Huh, well, funnily enough, he seems to remember you from when he went to school just outside of Baltimore.” The look on his face made it seem like he’d just won the lotto.
The poor younger brother seemed to finally concede to the fact that his brother wasn’t going to let up so he stood from his booth and began to walk in our direction. I peered in his direction trying to place where it was that we apparently knew each other from. The younger (but absolutely larger) brother sat down on the bench next to Dean and sent me a bashful smile. He definitely looked familiar but I still couldn’t place how.
“Hey, uh, I’m sorry if my brother is bothering you” he glanced at Dean with a slight glare, “but is your name Y/N?”
“Um, yes?” I responded, slightly shocked that he did actually know me and still peculiar as to why.
“Okay, so, I don’t know if you remember me but we went to school together and-”
“Sam!” I exclaimed cutting him off, finally pinpointing where I knew him from. “Holy shit dude is that really you?”
He chuckled, looking much more confident than he was in his undoubtably awkward position. “Yeah, hah, long time, huh?”
“Yes! It’s been what, nine years?” I was stunned to run into him at this crappy diner of all places. Sam had briefly attended my high school but we had made fast friends. He had been in my AP English class and I had been asked by the teacher to help bring the new student up to speed. Sam never needed much help but I think he was really grateful for the friendship we found in our tutoring sessions. During the three months that we went to school together he’d managed to worm his way into my group of friends and when he found out that I didn’t have a date for the homecoming dance he was quick to ask if we could go together platonically.
“Yeah I suppose it has,” he responded after thinking for a moment. I chanced a glance at Dean who seemed to be enjoying this reunion as much as Sam and I were.
“How have you been, though? The last time I heard from you, you were off to Stanford, right?” I questioned.
“Yeah, I was there for a bit but a lot of things happened and I had to change plans.” He answered mysteriously. “What about you? Are you living in California now?”
“Oh no, I actually went abroad for a while and just got back today. It’s been a rough day so I figured I’d partake in the elixir of life while I figure out my next move.” I picked up my coffee mug, giggling a bit, and took a sip.
“Well, small world. Any ideas for that next move?” Dean chimed in with his ever present smirk. This guy seemed to be quite the charmer.
“Um, not quite sure to be honest,” I muttered starting to feel incredibly self conscious. Situations like these would have been the start of a huge lashing from Nick. He had the best way of making me feel like the largest idiot imaginable when I’d fuck up. I really did not want to rehash my stupidity to my newly reacquainted friend and his pretty boy brother.
“You okay?” Sam questioned. That boy always had such a keen eye for my emotions. It was a bit annoying at times.
“Yeah, just ran into a road block or ten after I landed.” I sighed.
He was quick to respond. “Want to vent?”
Bless this boy and his huge heart. “Nah, it’s okay. I don’t want to burden you guys. Um, do either of you happen to have a phone charger, though?” I ducked my head in embarrassment for my lack of possessions at the moment.
“Yeah I have one in my car if you want me to go grab it?” Dean offered to which I nodded gratefully. He nodded his head and Sam push himself out of the booth to let his brother out and then immediately was back in his seat. He stared at me for a moment quizzically.
“So, what happened?” Same questioned knowingly. I stared at him for what felt like a century before groaning and pulling my hands down my face.
“Dude you don’t need to hear my sob story.” I muttered. Sam just kept staring in the way that I remembered from high school. Finally I rolled my eyes in exasperation and relayed the mortifying story to him. Same never once interrupted or made any judgemental expressions which I truly appreciated.
“So what are you going to do now?” He asked once I was finished.
“No clue. I guess just keep trying to reach my parents and then go from there?” I shrugged.
Dean was suddenly back with a charger in hand which I graciously accepted and plugged into the socket under the table. Over the next hour Sam and I caught up with each other, all the while Dean seemed perfectly content to just listen, occasionally interjecting on a story or two. I noticed that my phone was finally charged up to a decent amount and excused myself to step outside and call my parents.
The cool breeze felt nice and calmed my still existent nerves a bit as I lit a cigarette and dialled my moms cell phone number. No answer. Then it was my dads phone. No answer. House phone. No answer. They knew that I was coming home that day so my nerves only increased in wondering where the hell they were. I finished the cigarette and before heading back into the diner where the Winchester brothers still sat, only this time in deep conversation with each other. I slid back into my side of the booth and that seemed to snap them out of their conversation.
“Any luck?” Sam asked with a hopeful expression.
“No, unfortunately not. It’s a bit worrisome honestly.” I replied trying not to show how anxious I actually was about it all.
“Well,” Sam started earning a glare from Dean, “were staying in a motel not far from here so if you need a place to crash you’re more than welcome.”
I glanced back and forth between the two. Sam had a pleasant smile across his face which I could tell was genuine but Dean looked like he’d sucked on an exceptionally sour lemon but was trying to grin and bare it. I didn’t want to intrude at all, but really, what were my options at this point?
“Yeah, okay, that’s really sweet of you guys. Thanks.” I mustered up the best smile that I could and we all stood to exit the diner.
As we walked up to the shiny black Impala that I remember Sam being dropped off to school in I shivered a bit in nerves.
This journey seemed to be taking an even bigger turn that I initially expected.
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