#aves answers
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avian-aves · 5 months ago
you are too underrated
oh gosh, thank you!! 🐥💕
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avesmx · 2 months ago
Hi! Can you draw Meditite? Please.
I'm not currently taking requests for Pokemon, but if you'd like to commission me you can send me a DM! A simpler Pokemon like Meditite would only be $15, and you could pick the color and style of the background :)
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venustrvck · 2 months ago
please tell us how u think karasu eats pussy please PLEASE
Taken from that one scene in pre selection where Karasu is defined as being very persistent, like a dog with a bone that won't let go when he fixates on ur weaknesses until he destroys you...
I think he's a very focused pussy eater; caveat that I still think it has an air of casualty to it because he's a casual sort of person, especially towards the beginning — he's mostly testing things out and idly categorizing your reactions. Once he gets the full scope though? The intensity picks up. He's only doing the things that have you moaning the loudest, thighs shaking, gut clenching, on the verge of too much, too much, too much — and he keeps going. He does not let up. Like a dog with a bone, he's got you right where he wants you, and he's going to continue until the pleasure overtakes you and breaks you down. Right now you're gripping the sheets, clenching your thighs, back arched. By the time he's done with you though? You won't have the muscle strength to do any of that, he'll continue his relentless pursuit until you're pliant and boneless under him, unable to do anything but take it.
I also think he's very much into overstimulation and multiple orgasms, so he is also NOT stopping after you come. He'll wring one orgasm after the other out of you until you're shuddering dry around his tongue.
Then, finally, when he's got everything there is to get out of you, he'll let up and lift his head.
Edit: Oh also, he won't hold you still. Instead he'll chase every twitch of your hips and every attempted getaway. There's no escape.
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joeyisourranger · 17 days ago
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enough to make a grown man cry
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pumpkinrootbeer · 4 months ago
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and when they all get lice together, that's brotherhood too 🫶🫶
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helloarchivist · 27 days ago
Okay I gotta ask this silly question bc I see this headcanon around a lot and I want to hear your take on it: do you think Shanks bathes? Like I don't think he has a five-step skincare routine or anything but I also don't think he's severely lacking in personal hygiene either, y'know? Any thoughts? 😅
I have a little backlog of Shanks asks in my inbox but THIS one I absolutely have the energy for.
I have no idea beyond like. A desire to apply this universe's pirate era hygiene to the OPverse's residents, and/or a need to kind of downplay a fictional man's standards by applying IRL men's aversion to soap to them, why or how people have come to the conclusion that Shanks stinks and never bathes and all his clothes are greasy and so on and so on ad nauseam. Weird work weird behavior, even from the folks who like want him real bad.
Like to a degree I can see where a group just starting off might end up a lil stinky if they're like. On a skiff like Luffy Zoro and Nami started out on in the baking sun or whatever but like?? Shanks went from Roger's crew on Roger's big nice ship where prime Rayleigh was and where they also had facilities, money, and a doctor on board, to his own crew and the shortest stint ever as Regular Pirates before becoming a Yonko himself and acquiring the Red Force which is also a big nice ship with facilities and a doctor on board.
Not only would hygiene be easy to keep up with, but any doctor worth their salt (which Crocus and Hongo both certainly are) wouldn't let them get the battery of preventable illnesses that come from not keeping themselves clean.
Additionally?? And I covered this briefly in another ask, but like?? Shanks has nice clothes! Are the prints on his pants silly? Sure. But everything he wears is nice good quality fabric, his hair is thick and soft, he keeps his facial hair, brows, and nails trimmed nicely? Aside from just like. Being a guy, I would love to know what part of his appearance suggests he doesn't take care of himself. Because I truly don't see it.
Also ALSO additionally it's canon that Shanks is very attractive and well-enjoyed by loads of folks but esp women, and I can't imagine if he was gross and filthy and stank that that would be the case. To each their own, ofc, but like. Statistically speaking.
tl:dr I think that while he probably isn't doing a 12 step K beauty routine or whatever, Shanks is clean and well kept and smells nice and takes care of his teeth and the like. Definitely not a man who would be shy about washing his ass, you know what I mean?
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lehkonen62 · 4 months ago
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Gearing up for the stat boosts
MDZS Disco Elysium AU Part 3 (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4)
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avian-aves · 7 months ago
Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .Help us evacuate my children from the war 🇵🇸 Help me by spreading the link 👈https://gofund.me/5e9dfe45
Hello! I would be happy to share.
(It looks like this has been verified by several sources and will truly help this family in need)
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5bi5 · 7 months ago
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Gabe "winning" the cotton ball challenge
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venustrvck · 1 month ago
your tags........... I'm so unwell...... and I know it's my own fault lmfaoooo
18+, oliver aiku x afab!reader, oral fixation, dry humping
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Spit glistens with the lustre of stardust down your fingers. Oliver's mouth is warm around your index and middle finger, lips glossed and flushed with pressure. His tongue laps at you, nestling itself in between your two knuckles, lathering you with his dutiful affections.
The thick corded muscle of his thighs cushion you. You feel the heat of them most ardently down the flesh of your legs, where you're pressed against him as you lean forward, fingers just shy of his throat. Oliver's cock strains against his sweatpants, hard against your front.
You slide your fingers further down, splaying them out, pads bearing down against his molars. You run your fingers across his teeth and roll your hips, grinding your clit down the hardness of his cock.
His throat bobs, his lips slacken, saliva floods his mouth and escapes out the corner down to his chin.
His moan reverberates through your flesh before it reaches your ears. You roll your hips again. Oliver's lashes clump together when he shuts his eyes, wet with unshed tears, pleasure caught at his waterline. Your free hand trails up.
"You're so wet for me," you laugh, soft breath hitting his cheeks, thumb swiping under his left eye.
His eyes flutter open, indigo and olive gleaming with the low light. There's a quiet intensity to his gaze, a simmering heat, promising to devour you whole. Oliver's tongue nudges your fingers further down, until you brush against his fauces, and then he swallows around you.
It's your turn to moan.
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carriessotos · 1 month ago
headcanon + matt
give me a character and i’ll give you 10+ headcannons: matthew sheridan.
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matt não sabe quase nada sobre o pai além de um comentário ou outro que uma tia deixou escapar, mas, desde que viu uma foto antiga dele e de sua mãe, não conseguiu desver o fato de que são praticamente idênticos - a única coisa que acredita ter puxado dos sheridan é o tom de azul de seus olhos. sempre se sentiu incomodado por parecer com o pai, embora jocelyn nunca tenha feito - e nunca faria - um único comentário sobre isso; com isso, em vários momentos se sentiu um pouco deslocado em sua família, mesmo não sabendo haver razão para isso, e nunca quis comentar com a mãe por saber que a magoaria.
pelo mesmo motivo, nunca contou que foi atrás do pai no perídoo em que estava estava na faculdade. ele morava na califórnia e não era uma viagem tão longa do arizona; a parte mais difícil era encontrá-lo, e matt o fizera ao procurar nas redes sociais até encontrar o facebook do pai. doeu vê-lo com uma nova família - uma esposa e duas filhas - enquanto simplesmente fingia que matt não existia, e em mais de uma ocasião se perguntou o inevitável: será que elas sabiam que matt existia? acabou tomando coragem de ir atrás do pai no spring break do primeiro ano da universidade, mas o homem parecia extremamente incomodado em vê-lo - embora nem sequer o tenha reconhecido, a semelhança era inegável o suficiente para que o homem duvidasse. toda a conversa durou menos de vinte minutos, já que ele tinha medo de que a esposa chegasse em casa e matt ainda estivesse ali. nunca mais se falaram, e matt não tentou contato outra vez. era claro que fora um erro ir lá.
mark, seu padrasto, pode não ser seu pai biológico, entretanto, é o único que matt considera. ele o criou desde quando era criança, assumindo a responsabilidade de estar sempre apoiando matt e sendo um porto seguro para ele. se dão muito bem, e matt não o chama ou se refere a ele como padrasto, apenas pai. diz várias vezes que é o melhor homem que já conheceu, e tem certeza disso - não somente por o ter criado, mas por tudo o que fez pela mãe de matt desde que se conheceram.
gostar de esportes sempre foi algo natural para matt, que ia nas aulas de natação de uma piscina próxima à sua casa quando criança e jogava bastante futebol com outros meninos de sua turma ou da vizinhança. tentou entrar no time de futebol americano da escola logo no primeiro ano do ensino médio e conseguiu ua vaga, sendo o único do primeiro ano aceito. inclusive, já praticou boxe várias vezes ao longo dos anos - e teve um saco de pancada areia/treino em seu apartamento antigo, antes de ir morar com a ex-namorada e acabar se livrnaod dele. também sempre gostou muito de esportes da neve, sendo o snowboard seu favorito. no verão, adora fazer trilha, escalada, rafting e até asa-delta quando está viajando para algum lugar diferente; matt não tem muita frescura.
seguindo acima, matt no geral ama atividades ao ar livre. sai bastante pra correr e caminhar com o cachorro, maverick, e sempre planeja suas viagens de forma que consiga aproveitar bastante os lugares externos de onde esteja - não é do tipo de priorizar museus ou lugares de visitação interna, embora vá caso esteja viajando com alguém e a pessoa faça questão. falando nisso, viajar é uma de suas coisas favoritas e um ponto em que começou a focar quando começou a ganhar o seu salário. sua primeira viagem ao exterior foi durante a universidade, para uma praia no méxico em que foi de carro urante o spring break com alguns amigos. visitou nos últimos anos o havaí, vários países da américa latina, o canadá, a espanha e portugal.
sabe falar espanhol razoavelmente bem, inicialmente por ter feito aulas na escola e faculdade e por ter treinado mais durante algumas de suas viagens. também já teve uma namorada que toda a família vinha do méxico, então, o que não sabia acabou aprendendo por convivência e para tentar impressionar - embora a sua relação não tenha durado mais que um ano.
teve vários relacionamentos durante a vida - e atualmente reconhece que deve ter sido um péssimo namorado para boa parte ds garotas com quem se relacionou na escola, considerando que era apaixonado pela melhor amiga -, mas o mais longo e sério foi com grace chen, com quem ficou junto por dois anos e chegou a morar junto, até terminarem no final do ano passado. eram compatíveis em seus gostos, mas, para bem da verdade, matt sempre sentia que talvez pudessem se dar melhor se pudessem se desafiar em alguma coisa. ainda assim, ficou bastante magoado quando acabaram brigando e ela sugeriu darem um tempo, afirmando estar se sentindo sufocada e precisando de espaço para descobrir o que queria da vida e deles. como nunca acreditou que um tempo era algo além de um test drive de um término oficial - e considerando seus problemas de abandono -, matt não quis e decidiu terminar a relação.
embora aparentemente ser uma pessoa bastante confiante - e em vários pontos realmente seja -, tem várias inseguranças relacionadas a si mesmo. se importa o suficiente com a opinião alheia sobre si para não ter tomado coragem de ir atrás do que realmente queria - juntamente com o medo de levar um fora - na escola, com libby, e se preocupava muito naquela época sobre como não poderia ser o que ela queria em alguém por ser burro demais para ela - mesmo uma parte sua mais racional sabendo que libby nunca pensaria isso. também tem uma questão com abandono, que cresceu ainda mais de seu encontro com o pai biológico. as suas inseguranças nesse ponto o fazem ter o tipo de pensamento de que é mais fácil ir embora que ser largado, como aconteceu com o fim da amizade dele e de libby - quando achava que era só questão de tempo para ela cansar dele.
gosta especialmente de filmes de ação e suspense e, para todos os fins possíveis de esteriótipo, realmente viu todos os velozes e furiosos e seus spin-offs. o nome de seu cachorro, maverick, saiu justamente do personagem de top gun, um filme que matt gosta muito. já fez a libby assistir vários junto com ele - de arrasto, com certeza - e, na escola, mesmo sabendo que faria muito sentido chamar algum de seus outros amigos, sempre fazia questão de levá-la consigo no cinema - embora não tenha nunca ido adiante com os seus planos de beijá-la no meio de um filme, para a sua infelicidade.
só disse eu te amo romanticamente para uma pessoa na vida, sua ex-namorada, grace, mas é um fato que libby foi o seu primeiro amor e o sentimento mais forte que sentiu por qualquer pessoa em sua vida. nunca superou completamente o e se deles e, em vários momentos ao longo dos anos, se correou de vontade de ir atrás de descobrir mais sobre ela, sabendo que seria só uma pesquisa nas redes sociais ou uma pergunta para qualquer um dos irmãos dela que mataria todas as suas curiosidades. porém, não queria comprovar o seu medo de vê-la com o tipo de cara que sempre acreditou que seria perfeito para ela, então sempre acabou desistindo.
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helloarchivist · 3 months ago
Do you have some spicy headcanons about shanks? I know that man is WILD
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Sorry I've been sitting on this one for a couple of days til I was in better spirits o u o I think you're right, he's QUITE wild, or at least he was in his 20s - early 30s to the point where he's amassed a nigh-encyclopedic repertoire of sexual prowess and knowledge!!
My NSFW Shanks headcanons under the cut (or some of them at least):
As stated I think that man has explored and indulged to his heart's content over the course of his time as an active pirate.
I don't think that's ever been impacted by the other person's (or other people's, depend on the night) gender, although if you asked him about his preferences I think he'd just give you a big ol' laugh and a wink.
THE munch of all time imo, the only thing he enjoys more is making out, he'd have you for breakfast lunch dinner AND dessert if you let him, and as it is he generally will just lay there lapping orgasms out of you until you're so mushy-brained and boneless you can barely manage to tug on him to get him to stop it lmfao.
I think he's perfectly happy to give you anything you want, whatever position you prefer he'll enjoy and blow your back out in, he's happy for things to be slow and sensual, light and silly, or a little more rough and intense, bc at the end of the day I feel like your pleasure is what's far more rewarding for him.
That being SAID, he does have a preference for positions where he can see your face; nothing gets Shanks hotter, makes him feel safer, or makes him cum like being able to press his forehead against yours and see every little expression you make while you're falling apart with him. He's loving and romantic above p much all else in my eyes.
His commitment is with and for you, though he's perfectly open to bringing in a third if you're interested. (He's also perfectly fine with it only ever being the two of you, if that's how you're most secure. Again, he's with you, everything else is just confetti.)
Don't let his kinda lazy silly mirthful ways or the fact that he's pushing 40 fool you. While not every single session is gonna be multiple rounds, he absolutely can and WILL wring you out like a wet washcloth should the need or desire arise.
VERY talkative. Tells you how much you mean to him, how much he adores you, how good you're making him feel, coos at you about how good you're feeling, moans and gasps and murmurs just the most insanely, unfairly delicious things to you, as if he's not already turning you into jelly. And when you factor in the scritch of his beard or how incredible his voice is...
Generally speaking again he's perfectly happy to finish wherever and however you'd prefer, but his preference is pretty much always to cum inside you. It feels more intimate, draws things out for you both, and lets him stay pressed up flush and connected for a bit of cuddles afterwards.
Aftercare is really gentle and loving and good too, he's gonna get you cleaned up, he's got water and little snacks on deck, he'll happily draw up a bath in his big ol' basin tub and soak with you while you both come down from it. Again, VERY vocal about checking in with you, letting you know he's good, and making sure you feel loved and secure. He's very spicy for sure but he's also such a sweetie at the end of the day.
Sorry that went on forever and I still probably left a bunch out, but I hope this will suffice for now!!! <3
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joeyisourranger · 2 months ago
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the giggle twins
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lehkonen62 · 3 months ago
so if they continue to struggle with 2 new goalies who will they blame then
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vulgrados-best · 5 months ago
its not cute & quirky to talk about unrelated things on your blog. its annoying
Of Yuki Kajiura's works I am also quite fond of her work on SAO Ordinal Scale:
While this song features the works of Sayaka Kanda as well, I believe that the haunting melody of this song (which is of course Yuki Kajiura's work) is quite effective.
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