ambercast · 5 months
(continued from here with @backmaskcd)
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“I ain’t here with anyone either,” Avery said with a shrug. “I just came for the food and shit.” She glanced around the venue. “There’s nobody here you’d wanna chat up? It can’t be that hard, right?” Honestly, she had no idea. Spending ten years underground had really fucked up her social skills.
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ambercast · 5 months
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where: marisol and sam’s photography booth who: mo de la luna (@nurseguillermo)
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Avery had been making her way around the festival, swiping small things that caught her eye that she liked. She’d never been able to choose her own belongings with Sir, so having so many things just laid out in front of her, she couldn’t help herself.
When she got to a booth covered in photography, she stopped to admire it, shifting to the side as others came up to do the same. When she thought nobody was looking, she tried to slip a photo off the display to pocket it.
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12 notes · View notes