#avery you just dont understand im in too deep
Grayson Hawthorne
So a lot of people ask me a similar question when i tell them that my favourite The Inheritance Games character is Grayson: They ask me "why?".
Hes relatable. And not in the way that some girl just comes up and takes all my inheritance, no. Despite Nash being the oldest, Grayson is perceived as the brother who acts like an eldest brother or a guardian. You cant tell me hes not constantly worried about Jameson or Xander getting hurt. He cares, but he doesnt know how to show it. Everyone holds too many expectations of him, and he feels like the world is on his shoulders.
As much as i hate Eve, i dont blame him for wanting her to be Avery. It was what he thought was the best way to get away from all his problems. He just doesnt know how to cope. In the end, he cared about Avery, despite all the mistakes he has made. Like i said, he doesnt know how to deal with his own problems, so as a way to apologise to Avery, he went and traded his own life for Alisa's in the whole Vincent Blake thing.
A lot of people misunderstand his character. I mean, just put yourself in his shoes. Imagine, you were raised to inherit billions, and that thought manifested itself so deeply into your head that you think that without this, youre nothing. And then some random girl just comes outta nowhere, and not only does take away what you thought made you you. But also plays a part in resurfacing all your trauma. The trauma part isnt just for Grayson, but for Jameson too. Because just imagine watching someone die in front of your eyes, and then blaming yourself for it.
He wanted Eve to be Avery. Because he just wanted to be loved properly, and didnt know how to ask for it. Emily manipulated both of the boys, and Grayson didnt want Eve to be like that. He mightve suspected her of having ulterior motives, but he was probably in denial.
And i am 100% goddamn sure Gray and Jamie were best friends, despite how much either of them would deny it. Now imagine, the same girl who shattered your entire world (without knowing that) also takes away your best friend (unintentionally but still) and theres nothing you can do about it. Because im sure Jamie didnt spend any time with Gray while playing the "game" with Avery.
Listen, i want you to re-read the books. But re read them while considering what you just read on this post. You dont have to if you dont want to. You dont have to if you think this post is bs. But if you do, consider Gray too. I love Jameson and Xander. And Nash too. But some of yall dont understand Gray at all.
And why i like him so much is because i know what all that feels like (except the murder and inheritance part lol) and Gray's character hit hella deep.
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kamerobogal · 3 years
Aka my personal explanation for watching the 8hr Victorious review and trying to explain to my friend why I did it.
Look, I've been following this guy since 2018, he makes a lot of cool stuff. And I got really excited when he said he was going to review iCarly. Loved the show growing up, its nostalgic for me. It was almost 5 hours. Uh, okay I guess I'll watch it. Then part 2 came out. Then Victorious part 1 came out, its 5 and a half hours. Ah, okay it's continuing the saga, alright. *clicks.
I had been following him on Twitter and for months he had been positing his progress on part 2. So the hype was building. Then finally Victorious part 2 came out. It's 8 hours and 5 minutes long. I am now a dedicated fan of his work, and I watch it (in parts)
I am in too deep already with these Nickelodeon sitcom reviews, there is no going back
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raisinchallah · 2 years
2, 6, 9 and 11!
2. favorite captain 
sisko!! i love how wonderful of a father he is with jake i feel like their relationship is literally the emotional core of the series you know i think like all the other captains kinda try to stay unconnected and sometimes that leaves them not really feeling like real people but like idk ds9 really grounds their characters and like in the episodes i just watched like the three part season 2 opener seeing sisko and o'brien have to say goodbye to their families have them loaded on a transport and leave for safety and they had to stay and fight it just gives everything a weight a connection like u know theyre worrying about each other as all this other crazy shits going on you know and also i just love avery brooks acting i love the gravitas he gives everything and the way he has to make more and more complicated morally grey choices like god in the pale moonlight episode of ALL TIME but he also has such a strong sense of justice and understanding of his own history and how he fights for what matters idk it all combines into a really wonderful complicated character and also like hes literally a religious figure literally a man who can do everything!
6. favorite villain 
kai winn i really feel like shes the most interesting villain and tho her arc goes a bit off the rails at the end i love how u can both fully understand the pain she went thru and like how desperate she is to connect with the prophets and feels left behind by that a very tragic figure but it never takes away from her also being extremely shrewd and terrible and just an interesting take on religious extremism and political machinations i feel like everyone says dukats ds9s best villain but we are forgetting the icon kai winn shes soooo nasty and i think the really perfectly balanced humanizing her but it really doesnt take away from her villainy
9. favorite background character
i realize i dont actually fully know what this means cuz i feel like morn is the only true recurring background character i can think of and i am neutral on morn idk shoutout to mustache scotty from the animated series or something klka;sdf oh wait i guess also shoutout to kevin riley for getting poisoned and nearly destroying the enterprise while singing
11. favorite dynamic 
ok this is too wide open a;jklfdsj how can i simply pick one thats cruel cuz im like thinking about the relationship between sisko and kira cuz im already thinking about sisko and i just love how they push each other and are always willing to conflict with each other but also deeply respect each other and trust each other literally one of the most interesting dynamics in all of star trek but im also still feeling emotional about sisko and jake and their family but also u know not to be boring but i do also find kirk and spocks relationship super interesting like i guess almost polar opposite in some ways to sisko and kira they almost never come into conflict over things that would normally drive them apart like just deep implicit trust and its like lifelong and the way they grow old and change together u know
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traincat · 5 years
im like 99% sure you've probably answered this kind of question before but if you dont mind, i want to get into star trek but cant seem to find a consistent watch list consensus, what order would you recommend watching the various series in?
I’m probably the wrong person to ask about this because I got into Star Trek in a way I feel is very different from how most people my age got into Star Trek, which is through either having parents who watched The Original Series and The Next Generation, or just by watching The Next Generation themselves. This is not how it worked for me. I was so sure I didn’t like Star Trek until I was like 23. I’d tried to watch the 2009 movie a couple of times, because the fic was good, but I could never get through it. Then I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness on a whim with a friend, totally fell in love with it (look don’t @ me I know but it still got me into the series), then followed a friend’s recommendation on what Original Series episode to start with. Then I watched all of The Original Series as a marathon and loved it entirely.
The first episode I started with is The Trouble With Troubles, season 2 episode 15. Most episode of The Original Series are standalone, so you can always pick a summary that sounds interesting to you and give it a try – the only episode I would recommend not starting with is the first episode listed on Netflix, The Cage, which is an unaired pilot featuring a different captain and, aside from Spock, an entirely different crew – its footage is cut into future season one episodes, so you won’t miss anything by skipping because you’ll end up seeing it later anyway. But Trouble With Tribbles is my favorite: it’s hilarious, a classic, has cute pom pom fake animals (a tribble keychain lives on my purse), has great character interactions between the crew, and is a great introduction, in my opinion, to Captain Kirk. 
(A little while ago, I wrote up a TOS episodes reclist for a friend that served two purposes: episodes I thought she should see before she watched Star Trek: Discovery, and episodes I just particularly like. It is very serious. So serious. If you want, you can view it here.)
So I would personally suggest starting with The Original Series, with the caveat that I know television from the 1960s can be difficult for some people to get into due to a number of things like differences in pacing and acting norms compared to modern television, or the stark reality of how much social norms have changed. I find Star Trek TOS remarkably progressive for its time, and it definitely did try to be just that, but it is a television show from the 1960s and so the way it addresses certain topics, particularly sexism, may seem dated to modern viewers. I’d give it a try and see how it clicks for you.
After that, I would hit the original movies, 1-6. If you’ve looked up watching guides, you’ve probably come across that inane rule that “only the even movies are good”, which is bullshit, because if you skip the third movie you skip the most romantic film ever made. I am not kidding, it’s literally unbelievably romantic. A lot of people will also tell you not to watch 5, but fuck that because 5 is pretty fun actually, and if you skip it you’ll be left wondering where Spock’s brother Sybok comes from when you inevitably encounter him in fic. 
I think the common and chronological thing to do after TOS is to get into The Next Generation, which is the show that follows TOS. That being said, I had a really hard time getting into TNG after TOS. It’s a much drier show in terms of tone and it took me a while to grow attached to a lot of the characters because of that. I did grow to like TNG! But I did that by essentially leaving on all day TNG marathons on BBC America while I did other things. I would say I’ve seen about roughly 80% of the series, but I don’t feel like I’m the best person to recommend how to watch it. Similarly with Voyager – I watched about half of the show, and while I like the characters, the show itself didn’t hold my attention. (I do want to finish it one of these days, though.) Enterprise is a prequel series – I’d hit it up if you’re in a completionist mood or want more Trek, but I wouldn’t start with it.
This is the point where I’m not sure what to recommend you. Last time I answered a post like this, I said – and I’m going to stick to my guns on this one – that you could start Star Trek: Discovery with or without serious Star Trek TOS knowledge. Star Trek: Discovery is a prequel series that takes place around ten years before Star Trek TOS and stars Michael Burnham, Spock’s human foster sister, with established TOS characters like Spock and Pike joining in the second season. (Ethan Peck kills it as Spock, by the way.) Discovery has a very different format than TOS – for one, it has an overarching plot instead of an episodic one, and it’s first season is much darker and more cynical in nature than a lot of Trek, although there is a reason for that. It’s a beautifully cinematic show, though, and I have a friend with no Trek experience whatsoever who watched it on its own and loved it. There are certain things about it that are enhanced by Trek knowledge – knowledge of Spock, knowledge of Klingons – but I wouldn’t say they’re strictly necessary to your enjoyment, just like a good modern comic run should be enhanced by but not totally dependent on stuff that came 50 years before it. (My above TOS reclist does include notes on which episodes are helpful for Discovery.) 
My other big Star Trek recommendation is Deep Space 9, which, like Discovery, has an overarching plot rather than strictly being episodic. DS9 features the series’ first black captain, Benjamin Sisko, played by Avery Brooks. A unique thing about it is that, unlike most Trek, DS9 takes place on a space station instead of a space ship, which allows for a lot of plots involving mysterious travelers and visitors to the station. Like Discovery, DS9 can have a darker tone – it is a war story, and it questions the apparently Utopian future that Trek has presented. It is an extremely good show, though, and up there with TOS and Discovery for my top 3 favorite Treks. (I also just posted about how gay it is in a separate ask, if that sways you either way.) Like Discovery, DS9 benefits from some knowledge of both TOS and TNG, although personally speaking I don’t think it’s anything that would prevent you from understanding the series on its own merits, and there’s also always google for plot summaries.
Those are my recommendations! I think they’re kind of unorthodox but they’re what worked for me personally when I was getting into Star Trek, so maybe they’ll help you too.
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selflovebesson · 7 years
be careful who you fall for — j.a
requested?: yepity yep yep.
a/n: hey this is short and bad like all my writing but enjoy regardless:)
warning(s): bitch its sad.
since the day y/n was born, her older brother was massively overprotective, and he was only a year older than her. so, now, at 17, he wasn’t taking well to the idea of his sister liking one of his bandmates.
y/n sat on daniel’s perfectly made bed, her legs crossed and her hands on her knees. and he stood in front of his mirror, fixing his damp hair for the interview his band was about to leave for.
“y/n,” he said sternly. “you can’t like jack. that’s impossible.”
y/n raised a brow at her brother and sighed. “but thats the thing, dani, i do. so so much.” her voice was strained and upset, and daniel could feel his face getting hotter by the second.
“no!” he turned around and locked eyes with her. he sighed, sitting down beside her and reaching out for her hand. “i love you, y/n. i can’t let you be with jack.”
“he’s your best friend—“
“that’s exactly my point!” he begged. “he’s my best friend. i live with him. i work with him. you dating him would be a disaster. y/n what happens when you break up? do you understand how awkward that would be?”
y/n rolled her eyes and jumped out of his grip. “well, too bad. because im telling him how i feel tonight.” before daniel could disapprove further, she slammed the door and walked down the stairs into the living room where she found jack, smiling at his phone.
“jack?” she mumbled. he looked up and flashed a smile at her. it was like her entire body was weakening at once.
“hey, whats up?” he clicked his phone off and patted the spot beside him on the couch. she slowly sat down and took in a deep breath.
“do you mind if we uh— go out to dinner later? i have some things we need to talk about.” the curly haired boy nodded excitedly and smiled deeply at his friend.
“hell yeah!” he chuckled. “i’ll be home by 8, so how’s 8:30?” she nodded in response as she watched him walk towards the door to catch up with his friends who were already at the door.
daniel looked back at his sister and shook his head. “be careful who you fall for, y/n.”
y/n spent the next six hours trying to pick something to wear. it was like she had nothing in her closet. she’d even taken to texting corbyn (although he was blatantly busy) for advice, whom surprisingly had more taste than expected.
with the clock nearing 7:45, y/n was finishing up her hair in soft curls. 7:56 and she was putting on her heels, to top off the outfit corbyn had chosen earlier. she had to admit the fitted black dress served her properly, and she already knew jack liked the dress. he’d complimented her on it months back when she wore it to the boys’ one year party.
8:14 and she heard the key turn and the door open. laughter erupted the why dont we house as the five boys bursted inside after a long day of interviews. she waited patiently in her room, tapping her foot against the tile to keep busy, to distract herself from what she was actually about to do.
“y/n?” she snapped her head up to see jack peeking in by the doorway. “you ready?” she nodded, standing up and patting down her dress. jack let the door open wide as he looked at her fully. “woah, you look gorgeous.”
y/n smiled and averted his glance to hide the rose blush creeping onto her cheeks. “thank you, avery.”
jack extended his arm to y/n, as he held the door to the restaurant they were planning to eat at, open. she gladly took it and as they entered, the soft sound of the 60s music made y/n sway back and forth.
a short girl dressed in a black and white waitress uniform showed them to their table and handed them two menus. “i already like this restaurant.” y/n whispered over to jack as he looked through the drinks.
he smiled without looking up. “same here.”
after the waitress had brought them drinks, y/n felt it was time to say what she wanted to for over a year now. she could feel her chest tightening as she watched him move a hand through his curls.
“jack,” she cleared her throat. “i asked you to dinner so we could talk.” he nodded. “um, its more like i have something to tell you.”
he looked up at her now, a concerned look falling over his features. “what’s wrong?”
she shook her head. “nothings wrong. its just something i’ve been meaning to tell you. okay look im just gonna spill it now. since the day we met, there was something different about you. and im not the only one who saw it because all of my friends and family and hell even jonah, keep telling me that we would be perfect together and im not sure how my lips are saying this so easily right now and truly im shaking but jack, im in love with you.”
y/n shut her eyes tightly in that instant and only opened them when she heard jack choke on his drink. “excuse me?” his voice was shaking.
y/n coughed loudly. “um. oh. i. y/n.” he sounded defeated. and y/n immediately new what was coming next. “you’re amazing. so so amazing. and so damn stunning. but, first of all, what has daniel said about this? im sure he wouldn’t be happy to hear it. and second, y/n, i have a girlfriend.” in that moment, her entire heart cane burning down to ashes in the span of a few sentences. every word was agonizing and she felt as though he had punched her in the stomach.
by now, the tears were swelling at the corners of her eyes. she pushed her chair back and stood up, wiping her eyes with her hand. “i know i should’ve told you and the boys before but i wasn’t ready.” he stepped forward and leaned a hand on her waist. “y/n, i would never want to hurt you, i hope you know—“
“too late, avery.” she pushed him away, and practically ran out the door. she ran as fast as she could in her heels, running and running until there was nowhere left to run. then, she finally dialed her brother’s number into her phone and sniffed until he picked up.
“y/n? what happened?” his voice was hushed and worried, as he listened to her crying on the other end.
“you were right.”
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radiationgroove · 7 years
Fic Writers Week 2017
Day 1: Words of Validation
I did an entire post about this once (tried to make it a tag, failed miserably) but here are more of my favorite comments:
4 Word Prompt -I Don’t Want This:
#The way it all unravels in her head #The way she talks herself out of it #by imaginging the worst-case scenario #This was fantastic #Great work
Damages Done:   
#This is awesome and a beautiful suckerpunch to the feels
#This #is #devastating # And while short #holy fuck does it pack a punch
#oh jesus #that hit me right in the SOUL
#oh corey… this was heart wrenching and beautiful #you really nailed this #this just hurt so good
Still Waters Run Deep (sort of nsfw):
#oh heavens this was cute
#just a touch nsfw but not explicit #either way: absolutely lovely #pls let them stay in bed all day…. avery will be there tomorrow too…..
#they are so soft and sweet #pls let them stay in bed all day #cant it wait avery #let them be cute gfs!!!!!!
Too (nsfw, on AO3):
“Im sorry but this is too good ????? I dont really understand how people can be so amazing at writing, honestly. Ugh when Mac called her Lucy i actually screeched, i mean ouch. A+++ all around, you are just too good”
“The Lucy moment like made my belly drop, it was so unexpected and sad.”
“UGGHH this was beautiful. It read like poetry. Also my heart STOPPED when he called her Lucy and I adored how your SS handled it. Thank you for sharing, this was amazing.”
Also, shout out to the way @bugsieplusone loves on everything Steph and Duncan.
“I am a sucker for Duncan coming into a sole survivors life and *swallows hard* being something healing for them after the fall of the institute. I think my favourite line in this is - like all of it.”
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