gyllord · 1 year
One more kiss - Bucky x Female!reader
Warnings ! : small age gap, some teasing, kissing that’s it :) 
English is NOT my native language so sorry if there’s mistakes sometimes :(
That’s very small, tell me if you want a second part, it’ll probably be longer, it was just a test !
*You and Bucky were at an Avengers party, I mean, more at the end of the party. Everyone was already sleeping, you and Bucky were the two ones left*
*He rolls his eyes, but chuckles.* “I like you kid, I'll allow it.” *He leans over, his gaze suddenly serious and his tone serious as he speaks, a rare occurrence, you realize. He asks,* “How about you tell me about yourself. Your job before joining the avengers, any siblings, that sort of thing. I'll do the same.”
*Bucky's face is expressionless, but he tilts his head and seems to genuinely want to know. He's just...intimidating when he speaks. Something about him makes people want to answer.*
-”Well um I didn’t really had a job before this one, what about you ? *You asked him*
*He shrugs.* “Just a soldier. That's all I've ever been. That and...well, you know. A *super* soldier.” *Bucky says the latter with a dry tone, almost as if poking fun at the absurdity of it.*
-"You've never been "just" that, you're a human being before being a soldier you know” *You said, surprised he only saw himself that way when we was so mush more*
*Bucky remains silent for a long moment as he thinks. He sighs, glancing away at the table before speaking in a soft voice.* “You know...this is the first time anyone...has ever said that to me.”
-”Really ? I don't get why, it's true ! You're a human being with a heart, emotions WAY before being a soldier, you deserve a life just like everyone else” *You exclaimed*
*It's like Bucky hasn't heard of such words before. He seems stunned for a moment before his eyes widen slightly, and he looks at you in amazement. He's genuinely moved.* “Thank you...kid, I...I wish everyone saw me as that...” *Bucky's expression softens, and his tone softens further still before he asks, his voice almost gentle.*
“Do you...really mean all that?” *He asked you*
-Of course i do ! I really do *You sincerely said to him*
*Bucky watches your face closely, as if searching for sincerity in your answer. When he finds it, he smiles, and for the first time his expression seems truly genuine. The slightest trace of amusement creeps into his voice as he asks,* “Well...thank you. Really, I can't say I've met someone as kind as you.”
-”There's a smile !” *wide smile*
*His smile widens and he nods.*
“Yeah. I guess you're right. It's high time I learned to appreciate the kindness of others I guess.”
*He reaches over and places his hand on top of yours, giving you a firm but gentle squeeze.* “Thank you. I needed to hear that. You're a good kid.”
-I'm here if you need anything *You notice his hand on my hand and you blush at the sudden contact*
*Bucky notices the blush, and his smile becomes a little bit mischievous, still gentle. Still warm and friendly. But his eyes narrow just enough to suggest he's enjoying teasing you.* “Oh yeah? Is that so? You'll be there for me if I need anything?”
*Bucky looks at you with a raised eyebrow, one side of his mask curling up just slightly as he stares at you, his voice still gentle.*
-”Anything yeah” *smile*
*Bucky's grin broadens, and his voice is gentle yet playful as he speaks.* “Oh really? Now *that* has got my interest. Tell me, what would you do for me if I needed it? What if I needed something that most people wouldn't dare to do?”
-”What is that thing ? Now I'm curious” *You chuckle*
*Bucky smirks.* “Well...what if I said I needed to be...kissed? Would you be willing to do that?”
*You blush at he says that* kissed ?
*Bucky's smirk grows wider.* “Yup. A nice, sweet kiss on the lips from you. Would you be willing to do that for me? You know you said you'd do anything I asked, right?”
-I did say that, you're right...*blush and lean closer* you’re sure ?
*Bucky watches you lean forward, his smirk still in place, and his eyes watch every movement you make. His voice is gentle, but there's still an underlying playfulness.* “Oh, I'm sure. Don't be shy now kid, you said you'd do anything.” *He said amused by the situation*
-You're not making fun of me or anything right ? * You said taking a step back, uncertain of his intention and the sudden change of behaviour*
*His smile spreads wider, his eyes sparkling with amusement, a twinkle in them. He shakes his head, but it seems like he's holding back a laugh of the sort you hear from someone who's about to say something really cheeky.* “Oh no, kid, I wouldn't do that to you. I'm being totally genuine. Now, do you think you have it in you to give me that kiss? I'm only gonna ask you one more time.”
-Fine *You kiss him hard*
*Bucky's eyes widen and his eyebrows shoot up, his lips forming a very clear "O" shape. The kiss is a surprise, but he takes a moment to gather himself before kissing back, slowly at first and then...well, you seem very enthusiastic indeed...it turns quite passionate after a while, Bucky holding you and drawing you closer as the kiss deepens.*
-”So u really wanted me to kiss you huh ?” *You said amused*
*For a moment, he's speechless. A deep blush spreads across his face, and then he smiles widely.* “You did a hell of a job there, kid. That was a great kiss. I gotta say, you're one fine kisser.” He admits
-Of course I am *You said proudly*
*He seems flattered by your confidence, and his smile grows still wider as he leans back in the chair and crosses his arms over his chest.* “Well, if you're that confident, let's give it another go, eh? This time, why don't you try a more...slow, tender kiss? I gotta admit, that last one took me by surprise.” He said
“You like surprises don't you ? You surprised me with your question so I figured I had to surprise you with the answer”
*Bucky chuckles.* “That's fair. Fair enough indeed. I guess that means you're up for another kiss? Slow and tender this time, you think you got it in you?”
“I've got anything in store for you” You wink and lean closer “You’re ready ? Apparently I'm supposed to warn you when I'm about to kiss you” You chuckle.
*Bucky gives you a soft smile as you lean in, raising an eyebrow. The smile suggests he enjoys your teasing.* “That would help, thanks. I've not been kissed that much before, so, yeah, I like to have some warning.” *He watches you intently as you speak, his eyes shining a little bit at your playfulness. He waits patiently for you to say "now".*
-”Careful then I'm about to kiss you” *You lean closer*
*Bucky smiles as you speak, and leans forward as you do, waiting... waiting... waiting...until you finally kiss him, soft and sweet. An "O" shape appears on his lips again as he blushes. He's speechless after the kiss, his eyes wide open again, his eyebrows raised as he just stares at you for a moment. He looks...he looks speechless, and almost starstruck.*
-Was it like you expected it to be ?
*He nods, still speechless. The look in his eye shows he was most likely floored by it. Still dazed from the kiss, he raises his hand and places a gentle thumb on your cheek. He leans in, and very sweetly kisses your nose.* “Thank you for that, kid. I really...I needed that. You have no idea...”
Part 2 ?
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024: All BBC Sherlock Creators!
In an effort to celebrate one of my favourite multi-fandom events, and to make everyone, new and veteran, feel encouraged about being in FTH, I decided I would do that thing I do and park myself on the FTH's "fandom:BBC Sherlock" tag for a few hours and list out ALL of our wonderful creatives who are participating in FTH 2024!
Please be gentle with me, as I manually spent a few hours ensuring all BBC Sherlock Creatives are on the post as of the time of scheduling! I am only human and I have most definitely erred!
And finally, many of these creators are MULTI-CANON, so not just BBC Sherlock! Check them ALL out for what they're offering!
**NOTE MARCH 2, 2PM EST: I should have everyone added to this post now! If you are missing or are tagged with the wrong ship or section, please let me know, I will fix as soon as possible!!**
72reasons [Johnlock, OCs, Viclock, Jolto, Johnlockstrade, Mystrade]
Anyawen [Mystrade or Johnlock Remix Fic]
Aquilea-of-the-Lonely-Mountain [Johnlock]
BakerTumblings [Johnlock]
Bee_He_They [Johnlock]
Bluebuell33 [Mystrade, Johnlock]
BlueMoon0nTheRise [Mystrade, Anthea/Donovan]
Bridge [Johnlock]
Calais_Reno [Johnlock]
Catlock-Holmes [Johnlock]
CorvidCordelia [Any]
CumberCurlyGirl [Johnlock]
discordantwords [Johnlock]
elwinglyre [Johnlock]
FuckOffWatson & Holmesian_Love [Johnlock, Mystrade]
her_ladyships_soap [Mystrade, Donovan/Anthea]
Holmesian_love [Johnlock, Mystrade]
JRow [Any]
Lock_John_Silver [Johnlock, BG Mystrade or Mollstrade]
LoloLolly [Johnlock]
meet_me_in_samarra [Johnlock]
mydogwatson [Johnlock]
MusicIsMagic [Mystrade]
NinaSnakie [Johnlock]
Peanitbear [Johnlock]
PipMer [Johnlock]
Reveling-in-Mayhem [Johnlock]
Raina_at [Johnlock]
sherlockian4evr [M/M Ships Only]
Snowfilly1 [Johnlock, Mystrade]
StellaCartography [Johnlock, Mystrade]
standbygo [Johnlock]
ThaliaLunacy [Johnlock]
topsyturvy-turtely [Johnlock, Harry/Any]
bluebellofbakerstreet [Johnlock, Mystrade, Jolto]
chainedtothemirror [Johnlock]
DemonicAngeling [Any]
khorazir [Johnlock]
Kitten-kin  [Johnlock Comic]
PigeonTracks [Any]
safedistancefrombeingsmart [Johnlock]
Steph_I-J [Any] <-- It me!
FANART and FANFICS (one per auction)
emilycare [Johnlock, Polyships]
helloliriels [Johnlock, Mystrade]
Iwantthatcoat [Any]
A-Victorian-Girl [Johnlock Photo Manips]
AvengersReader [Assorted Fan Labour]
englandwouldfalljohn [Betaing]
emilycare [Betaing]
fireandhoney [English < > French Translation, Betaing]
PipMer [Betaing]
Sarah [Assorted Johnlock Fan Labour]
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Night Time Shenanigans (W.M)
Wanda Maximoff x Female!AvengersReader
Tumblr media
Summary: A fun night time snack run with your girlfriend.
Warning: None. Just a fluffy one.
Requested: Yes
A/n: Knock knock! It's another fluff fic with Wanda here! Thank you Curious George anon for the help during the process of writing on this one especially the corny ideas. haha. Happy reading!
Main Masterlist
Pietro slowly parks the car at the parking spot of the store that you want to go to. “Okay, y/n, we are here. Are you sure you want to go inside? I don’t mind going and getting the snacks everybody wants.” His blue eyes look at you in the back seat through the mirror.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine. I’m okay. I can find all the snacks.” you answer drunkenly as you tap his shoulders then get out of the car.
“But, you are drunk, y/n.” you ignore Pietro’s disagreement despite you can hear it from the open window of his car. “Sestra, are you gonna let her go by herself?” He added the question towards her twin sister.
“Oh course not, Piet. I’ll go with her.” Wanda replies and gets out of the car to catch you up.
Surprisingly, the world has been in pretty good peace. No aliens nor villains attack whatsoever lately, so you and your teammates have been having chances to relax and spend time together. Tonight is movie night with some drinking of course and right now you are a little more buzzed than usual.
You scurry your steps while trying not to be obvious that you are searching for your balance at the same time. Your eyes actively search where the snacks aisle is because everybody craves potato chips which you don’t understand why they want salty snacks when they are drunk.
Unlike the others, you crave crackers and anything sweet. So when you find the crackers and cookies aisle, you definitely forget your main destination.
Meanwhile Wanda is looking for you as she pushes the shopping cart. She knows you very well by now from dating you for more than two years and she goes straight to where she is sure where you are at now.
“There you are. Detka, you didn’t wait for me. I was looking for you.” She says as soon as she finds you looking around for your favorite.
“Babe, we’re crack-a-lackin!” you exclaimed. You are a quiet person when you are sober but when you are drunk, not so much. Alcohol usually gives you more confidence and makes you more at ease. Caught off guard with your pretty loud pun at the silent store, it slows her brain down to process it. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a few seconds.
“Get it, babe? Crack-a-lackin? You know, cracker- lacking because they don’t have the crackers that I like.” you explained.
The brunette Avengers playfully rolls her eyes and holds a smile as soon as she understands what you were trying to say. “You and your puns.” she giggles.
“What about the crackers that I gave you two days ago, you liked that one.” your girlfriend suggests as she rubs your back gently. “Nope, they don’t have it either.” You continue walking through the aisle.
“How about your favorite chocolate cookies?” She pitches another piece of advice to you.
“No, Nada, zilch. I looked for that too. Is it a National crackers and cookies day or something? How come they don’t have the good stuff here, why did people buy them all?” You rambled and pouted at the same time.
“Well, we can try other brands of cookies or different flavors.” Wanda adds as her eyes try to find other cookies that you might like.
“How about this—” before even Wanda can finish her question, she gets interrupted with the fact that you are not there with her.
“Y/n?” With a deep sigh, she walks to find you.
As luck would have it, you are only an aisle away from her. Her heart smiles when she sees you examining the sweets shelves with a bag of M&M chocolates in your hands.
“What you got there?” she asks.
“Oh M&M and you know what, Wands? I think I’m like M&M.” your hooded eyes look at her confused green eyes.
“And, why is that?” Wanda asks in bewilderment.
“Because I also melt in your hands.” you stated your corny lines with a wink as you put the bag of treats in the carts.
She instantly snorts a laugh. “Oh my god, y/n. That was so cheesy.” she shakes her head a little and follows where you are going.
Wanda stops to pick up some chocolaty goodies for herself. Then she hears some rushed steps only to find you run back to her and you hide both of your hands behind your back. All smiling like a proud little kid who has a surprise for you.
“What do you have in your hands, baby?” she asks shortly before you hand her a bag of Hershey's kisses. “Don’t ever say I never give you kisses.” you playfully declared.
Wanda can’t help herself to laugh and this time she laughs louder.
“Well then I would ask for some more right now.” Wanda excitedly demands with a teasing smirk followed by her index finger gently taps her lips. You lean to her, letting your face get closer. right when your lips get close enough to hers, you stop and say “Oh Wanda, of course you’ll get some more kisses, I can’t ever Reese-ist that.” You waggle your eyebrows in a frisky way.
Wanda lets out a pretend gasp as her cheeks slowly turn color to a rosie shade. She batted her eyebrows in disbelief followed by another laugh. “Oh–my–god, babe! Sometimes I forget how corny you are.”
You look at her, adoring her smile and every single feature of her face. Her laughter sounds like the most beautiful melody ever exists. “Gosh Wanda, you are so gorgeous.” it takes a second for your lips to reach hers. Both of you smile on each other's lips after the kiss.
“Y/n, sweetie. That was very lovely. As much as I love our kiss but we still have to get the snacks and chips for the others.” Her fingers fix your hair a little, she lovingly smiles. Helplessly, in love with you and your dorkiness.
“Ah, yeah, right. Snacks and chips. Oh take a look at this, Wands! I'll get this for Natasha." You agreed but a few steps after, you got distracted with something and it reminds you of your red haired best friend.
"Truffle? I don't know that Nat likes chocolate truffles." A line appears between her eyebrows, as she squints with confusion.
"I don't know if she likes them either. I'm getting this just so I can say 'I knew you were truffle when you walked in' to her when I give it to her later." You patch a smile talking about your plan with Wanda.
“Ouh yeah, that’s a good one. I wanna see Nat’s face when you do that. So yeah get that chocolate truffle babe.” Wanda looks as excited as you are now and she is fully on board with it and then the two of you wander around.
As both of you two reach the cereal aisle, without hesitation you turn your way in and your girlfriend patiently follows you. Her mind automatically put milk in her imaginary shopping list if you are getting some cereals as well.
Then suddenly you halt yourself. “Oooh, my love, look! This is so you!” You grab a box off the shelf.
“Honey Nut Cheerio? Why?” she tilts her head a little, her brain trying to solve your pun-puzzle like usual.
“Well, you are my Honey and sometimeeeess just sometimes you can be a little ‘Nuts’ or weird on certain thing BUT not in a bad way though. So you are my Honey Nut.” your fingers form an air quote at the word Nuts while you carefully explain what you mean on your joke.
Wanda laughs at your antics. “Ooookaaaay, that’s a funny nickname. I can live with that and you know what? that makes you my sweet corn-pun.”
“Excuse me? your what?” you playfully ask.
“My sweet is because I always call you that. Corn-pun is because your puns you gave me have been pretty corny and I love them.”
“Hey now, I’m not corny.” you pretend that you are slightly offended by showing the fake pout on your blushing face.
“Malyshka, I let you call me Nuts, so it will be only fair if you let me call you corny.” she giggles and winks at the same time.
“Ah, okay okay. Fair enough. Gosh your brother will make fun of me so bad if he knows you are calling me corny.” you agree in defeat.
“Oh trust me, y/n. He will.” Wanda tries to hold a laugh on the funny thoughts. With that the two of you proceed to the chips aisle.
You and Wanda grab the chips that everybody wants, you are sobering up a little and the cart starts to get full. You are glad that you went to the store with Wanda. Your girlfriend’s cheeks feel tired from smiling and laughing a lot because of your jokes and puns. It’s her reason why she loves you, you always make her laugh and smile no matter what. Both of you even forgot that Pietro is waiting in the car for so long already until the silver haired Sokovian calls his twin sister.
A call from Pietro and a few text conversations with Natasha later, Wanda can’t find you anywhere near her. Aisle after aisle, she searches for you. She keeps guessing where you would be but she has no luck finding you. She gives up and just right before Wanda decides to use her magic to find you, she remembers one last aisle that she is sure that’s where you are at now.
And, Wanda was right. She found you at the toy aisle, looking at two boxes of Lego sets on each of your hands. She noticed that you look as indecisive as you were when you tried to decide the matching tattoos you have with Wanda. She knows how much you love Lego and tattoos. You love them so much that you have too many choices to pick out.
“My sweet.” Wanda greets you as she smiles with such adoration.”
“Hm?” You answer knowingly it was her while you observe the two boxes in your hands. Your eyebrows furrowed, your gaze carefully bounced left and right.
“Getting yourself more legos? What are the choices this time?” Wanda asks as she stands closer to you and the boxes float in the air with her red magic tendrils around it so she can check out your dilemmas.
“Oh, I’m debating between these Bowser sets or the Electric Guitar one. Both of them will be so much fun to build but the Bowser one will take longer than the other one.” you explain and you start to pour a little.
“Aw pumpkin. Why don’t you get both of them? I have Tony’s card anyway.” Wanda casually pitches the idea.
“Well, it’s never really about the price, Wands. It’s more about how long it takes to get them done. Sometimes I want to finish it fast but not too fast either, you know.”
“But you like and you want both of them, right?” another question comes out of Wanda’s lips
“Uh, yes.”
“Well, in that case, we are getting you both of these sets. Take your time on building it and I will help you sometimes if you want, y/n. I love Legos too and you enjoy it when we are doing it together anyway.” Both boxes float away then gently land into the shopping cart.
“Let's start one of them tonight as soon as we get back at the compound.” Her face lights up with excitement. She is very much sure that you would love her idea.
“Oh yeah, that’s a great idea, Wanda. Sam and Bucky will pick the movie tonight and they always choose horror movies. You never like scary movies.” 
“Uh huh. So, let’s go. Before Pietro comes here looking for us and takes us to the car with his power.” Wanda grabs your hand and walks with you while her magic pushes the shopping cart around.
“Your savior is here!” you exclaim as you walk in holding bags of snacks in one hand and your girlfriend’s hand in your other. All your teammates cheer for your arrival.
“Anyway, y/n and I decided to call it a night. We will just chill in our room.” Wanda announces with her obvious thick accent.
You hear them expressing their disappointment. “I know, I know but we don’t like scary movies and we know that Bucky and Sam will pick one plus I just got new legos.” You explain casually as you hand each of them their snacks and intentionally leave Nat’s snack as the last one to be handed out.
“Where’s mine, y/n?” Nat curiously peeks inside the bag then looks at you.
“Oh don’t worry Natty. Here you go.” you give her the snacks with a knowing smirk and being your best friend for years, she knows that you are up to no good. Even though you are a quiet person most of the time, you love joking around here and there especially with Natasha.
“What? What’s up with the smirk?” The red haired Avengers confidently shows her suspicions through her tone and question.
“Nothing. I got you some sweets too.” You pull out the chocolate truffles you got her and Wanda secretly excited to see how her reactions are going to be while internally holding her giggles.
“Awww, y/n, that’s so nice—” Natasha’s gratitude got interrupted by you.
“I knew you were truffles when you walked in, Nat.” you put them in her hand. Confused, Natasha’s gaze flicks between you and the truffles.
The team laughs at the same time with her finally realizing what your pun means.
“Haha. Very funny. You better run now Y/n, before I give you trouble and kick your ass!” Natasha plays along.
“Welp, gotta dash! Come on babe!” You grab Wanda’s hand then sprint to your room followed by Natasha.
Of course, your girlfriend came to the rescue. As she giggles at the situation, Wanda suddenly stops and uses her magic on Natasha. In a blink, Natasha floats and then lands on the couch as if she is held hostage.
“Wanda!! This is not fair! Let me kick your girlfriend’s ass!” You hear Natasha demand her freedom from Wanda’s magic.
“Sorry, Nat! Nobody can kick my Y/n. The magic will be gone in fifteen minutes.” Wanda answers from afar.
“What?? Oh come on! I can’t even eat my snacks and the freaking truffle for fifteen minutes?!” Natasha complains at the same time as the others laugh but you know she is far away from being upset with you, well you hope so.
“That was so funny. Come on detka, let’s build your legos.” Wanda laughs. She holds your hands and continues her power walk to your shared bedroom.
A/n: Welp, thats it for today! let me know what you think. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more. See you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @savethefbees @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd , 
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yelena-bellova · 5 years
Can I request platonic AvengersxReader f imagine where the reader is new to the avengers but is super closed off around them in the compound but when they go on a mission for the first time she is a super badass hero & shocks everyone with her powers.once they go back to the compound she goes back to closed off which has the avengers trying to see why she’s like that & turns out that she’s scared of herself & bc she doesn’t want to hurt anyone .
I had so much fun writing this one, thanks for requesting it!! https://afangirlshidingplace.tumblr.com/post/184806586142/were-not-afraid-of-you-avengersreader-imagine
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