#aveline and her embarrassment
jacklyn-flynn · 2 years
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Isabela decides to leave an illustrated erotic book around each of her companions just to see what their reactions are. 
Merrill helpfully returns it to Aveline by leaving it on her desk. Because she’s married so it has to be hers, right? She swears she didn’t look at it. That would be rude. 
Aveline shoves it into a desk drawer, muttering about Donnic, and then pretends she didn’t see anything. 
Varric: “Oh, research!”
Fenris burns it. 
Sebastian spontaneously bursts into flames in the middle of the Chantry. 
Hawke very casually picks it up and puts it on their bookshelf. 
Anders pretends to be disgusted but looks at a few pages when he thinks no one is looking.
Bethany leaves it in the Tower library on one of the tables for the same reason Isabela left it. Later, they share the results. 
Carver rips out a few pages and then leaves it exactly where he found it.  
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new-austin · 1 year
Would the dragon age characters cry after sex?:
Alistair: Yes. Absolutely. Shocked this isn't canon.
Morrigan: No but she probably should. Just cry in general. Girl.
Zevran: No.
Leliana: No?
Wynne: No. Circle thotty. Sorry I said that
Oghren: Sure.
Sten: No.
Nathaniel: Perhaps. I could see it. Depends.
Sigrun: No
Velanna: She would be really embarrassed and angry about it but probably.
Justice: For sure. Extremely new sensation.
Anders: Yes. Circle thotty in the opposite direction of wynne. Especially with Hawke. + Justice adds to this
Fenris: Isn't this basically canon? Yes.
Isabela: No
Merrill: No
Aveline: Any sex she's having us boring. So no.
Varric: Duh. Sobbing.
Cassandra: Yes
Iron bull: No. Well maybe after a really intense scene. Actually yes I change my mind.
Dorian: Yes while quietly facing away on the other pillow
Blackwall: If the pussy is good enough to make him confess to war crimes he was definitely crying during and after.
Cullen: Yes. For sure.
Solas: Obviously.
Vivienne: No I wouldn't think so.
Sera: No...
Josephine: Yeahh
Scout harding?: No. Idk. Maybe. I don't know her very well.
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anywayhereskirkwall · 11 months
I assume the idea of astarion vs fenris was “elf boyfriend showdown” but bro why are you putting a melee rogue and a warrior together. Fenris has more muscle in one ass cheek than astarion does in his whole body. Like I spent an embarrassing amount of time thinking about this after that anders vs gale poll and have come to the conclusion that I would bet on the kirkwall crew member in every fight because they’re all insane and vicious in their own special ways, BUT if you want matchups between the two parties then fenris vs karlach would easily be the closest fight. Shart vs merrill would also be pretty good. Isabela vs astarion could go either way depending on what kind of day they’re having. Aveline is gonna be a battle of attrition no matter who you pair her with. Lae’zel vs aveline could be a good fight, but honestly aveline vs jaheira would probably work better because jaheira has the patience and bottled up rage to wear aveline down. Wyll against sebastian. Varric vs minsc would be literal brain vs brawn and could either be very good or very bad.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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evita-shelby · 5 months
They didn't know we were seeds
Chapter 9
A/N: Aveline Young belongs to @justrainandcoffee
Cw: injury, mentions of nightmares and mentjons of sex
Taglist: @justrainandcoffee @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings @call-sign-shark
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“Ever left the district, Nelson?” Lyme keeps a steady pace south, past the ruins of the city that once connected them to 10 and into the woods behind the fence. This fence is high, near a thicket of trees that hardly cover it but, unlike the one up north, is not charged.
He’s come close to the fence up north, ventured past it enough times to keep his mouth shut about it. He knows he can trust Lyme, but Jack doesn’t tell he’s made use of the broken part that doesn’t charge up near a pine tree.
Besides she hasn’t been clear about this camping trip, all she said is that they’ll meet up with a friend of theirs at their destination. Now that they’re here, he knows she means Eva.
“Why are we going there?” he needs to know what the fuck is this for.
“After the two of you came out of the attic covered in dust, I thought I would show you this place. I needed to know Eva would appreciate such a visit and she demanded I bring you next time.” Lyme’s never lied to him before, but he knows she’s not telling him everything.
There was something else, something Eva was privy to. Eva would likely tell him; she hardly keeps any secrets from him in their strange whatever this is.
He really likes her, their stolen moments together were great, but they’ll only see each other half a month every year.
But he didn’t know about the trail before and that now changes things.
Jack wouldn’t mind seeing her often, preferably without Lyme. Maybe they could see where it goes instead of staking everything on how long the games last and that one of their tributes wins.
It would also be nice to pretend the world doesn’t exist for a moment, his times at his cabin are longer working. For fuck’s sake he printed out a photo of her at a lingerie shoot last July and kept it for lonely nights instead of seeking out the bartender that sort of looks like her if you’ve been drinking.
He’s still debating whether this was a good idea when he eats shit trying to walk over what used to be a road. It’s not enough to injure him, just leave his knee and shin hurting like a bitch as they walk to the farm he sees in the distance.
The fields are empty, the animals pay no attention to them, and the house sits on a small hill looking like something out of a dream.
It was plain white wood with a stone chimney and a porch wrapped around it, all surrounded by carefully marked gardens and flowerbeds marked by a simple dirt path outlined with pale stones.
Jack can’t help but smile when he sees her waiting for him. He doesn’t even mind the fact that he’s been limping for the past mile or so.
“Gonna have to stay the weekend, I wager.” He says even though he knows the aloe vera she’s wrapped around his lower leg to reduce the pain by morning.
Jack can’t help but think of ways to stay here longer without Lyme stuck here with them. Having Eva so near him was already making him wish they were alone.
“I wasn’t planning on staying here with you two lovebirds. Have some friends I’ll be staying with back home to give you an alibi.” The blonde admits as she helped herself to the lunch Eva had prepared just for them.
She’d dressed up, tried to make it look like she hadn’t, but the thought that she’d put an effort for him was rather sweet. She’d even remembered foods he had liked.
If he’d known he was coming here, he would’ve brought her something or at least packed some condoms. Jack supposed he could fix that next time he comes here, without Lyme preferably.
“My workers don’t work on weekends, and they come late on Monday since I wanted to be sure no one knows about this.” Eva supplies with a bit of embarrassment at Lyme’s words. “As far as everyone knows, I like coming here to get away from my auntie.”
The young man never gets around to asking Evie what she and Lyme are hiding from. Not that it matters, even without sex, he’s never had a Friday night he’s enjoyed like this these past six years.
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“If I’d known I’d be seeing you this weekend, I would’ve brought you something. My mama raised me never to arrive empty-handed, especially with a hostess as lovely as you.” He is so different from the young man he is at the Capitol, she supposed she too was different from who she was over there.
He's hairy, his strange red beard coming in nicely and making a sharp contrast with his darker body hair. She’s never seen him like that, the Capitol hates body hair so much they suggested laser hair removal for his chest. He wears earrings, small ones because he thinks they were cool and little Gina refused to wear any unless he did.
Jack’s free with his words and doesn’t hide who he is, likes watching her as she goes about her day. He’s not as hurt as they’d thought he’d be, he’ll be back on his feet by tomorrow morning even if the bruising will take its time leaving.
“Maybe next time.” It’s evening, and after the aloe vera has dried up and become uncomfortable to wear, Eva helps him up to her bathroom upstairs.
He teases her, asks her to join him in the shower saying he wants to properly thank her for her hospitality.
The last person she’s been with has been him and while her line of work has made her immune to nudity and find no real pleasure in sex, the mere sight of watching him undress has her jumping his bones in her shower.
They have so much fun in just these couple of hours together, both forget this was all illegal.
“Wish I didn’t have to leave on Monday.” He admits when they wake up together in her simple bed on Sunday and the morning sun bringing out the contrast of the brown ring at the center of his eyes. Heterochromia, he'd called it, another thing the Capitol doesn’t like.
Laurie had been the one genetically engineered to be perfect, Jack was the one who came as nature wanted. And the Capitol hated what they couldn’t bend to their will.
But Eva doesn’t give a shit about what the Capitol like, she really likes Jack how he is with all these so-called imperfections that make him wonderful to her.
If Eva didn’t know any better, she’d think she’d fallen in love with him. Feels strange, to have fallen for him in the span of a handful of days scattered about maybe five months.
“You could always come visit; Lyme usually passes here once a month to see Aveline at 11. Shelby is a fan of impossible romances it seems.” Eva doesn’t mean to call them a romance, but the word slips either way.
“Beats having to wait a year come to think of it. Your birthday is in two weeks isn’t it?” he smiles softly as he pushed away her fringe from her face.
“Yeah, why do you ask?” the dark-haired girl wonders what he could be thinking.
“I owe you a gift for the hospitality.”
And she waits for him on the night of her 24th birthday in her best dress and thanks her lucky stars that Clemens never fails to send her birth control pills and that the weather was better than last year.
Jack brings a small radio older than they are that lets them hear the music from his district as they dance in her house as his gift, Eva bakes her favorite cake and buys a tiny bottle of white tequila for two.
He sings terribly, he likes this song. A romantic ballad his mom sang to him as a lullaby as a kid that he hummed to himself when he was in his games when the others weren’t paying attention.
The words come unbidden as she buries her face into his chest laughing from all the fun she has with him here, “I love you.”
Jack stumbles over the chorus he knows so well before growing still and then pretending it nothing changed. He doesn’t say it back, his body language telling her it was too soon, but he doesn’t leave, and both act as if she never said it.
That night Eva dreams she’s back in the arena only this time its not Laurie she kills, its Jack.
“I get them too.” Jack comforts her as if he’d seen what she saw. He holds her tightly as he soothes her unaware that she’s doomed them by joining the rebels.
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Its spring when people begin to notice the change in him. Its summer when his mother finally asks him about it.
“You’re in love, aren’t you?” his mother asks when she notices how happy he is with his next gift for Eva.
He hadn’t meant to, but when he saw the puppy left last time he was in town Jack couldn’t help himself.
He likes dogs, she does too but keeps no pets because her cousin Ignacio is allergic and he lives with them in the Victor’s Village.
They could keep her at the farm, he’ll come visit them and they can continue to play house there as they’ve done since Lyme brought him there.
Eva had said the words first, when they were dancing in her kitchen to some old song he liked om her birthday. He hadn’t said it back, truth was, Jack wasn’t sure what he felt for her then.
Now that he’s thinking of ways to take the pup to her, he realizes that maybe he does love her too.
Who would’ve thought he’d fall in love with her?
“Yeah, I think so.”
“She lives in the south, this girl of yours. No wonder you never miss your hikes with Lyme.” his mom goes on with her assumption if this mystery girl and he doesn’t correct her.
As far as people know in Eva’s district, she is having an affair with a married man because he forgot his flannel there and her aunt was told they’d seen a man leave through the backdoor. He is Jacob the Carpenter who lives some farms away.
This was pretty tame in comparison.
Jack keeps it vague and hopes his mother forgives him one day.
Atia Nelson believes he is dating an apothecary’s apprentice named Evie in the outlying village down south who lives in a farm with her aunt and is painfully shy.
“I hope you’ll let me meet her one day.” She continues and he tries to hide his grimace remembering that Eva killed Laurie and lives in a different district.
His mother is open minded and progressive, but would she accept as a daughter-in-law the girl who killed her son?
Maybe one day, he thinks.
When he and Lyme meet up in their trail, he broaches the subject.
Lyme’s dad was still alive, knew she liked women and gave her the hunting knife she could be killed for if their district peacekeepers knew. He was once an officer, gotten discharged due to an injury in District 11 and hated the Capitol enough to teach his adopted daughter how to get in and out of the district undetected.
A great man, in short.
“Do you think we can trust my mom?” he asks as he leads the overeager pup walk in front of them for a short while.
“I don’t know yet. Even my dad doesn’t know where Aveline lives.” Not because he would betray them, but because these secrets get you killed or worse, turned into an Avox.
He couldn’t do that to his family, especially six-year-old Gina and his grandparents. Besides his mother worked inside the mountain, and one false move could have them all killed to protect Panem.
But when June rolls around and he comes back right before the Capitol decides to shoot some special about previous victors before the Games begin, his mother recognizes the puppy –now a half-grown dog— sitting at Eva’s feet in her home at the Victors’ Village.
“So this is your girlfriend, this wonderful Evie you love so much, the bitch who killed your brother?”
Jack has never seen his mother so angry and disappointed in him.
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morganaseren · 5 months
15 Lines Tag
Tagged by @illusivesoul Thank you kindly as always, friend! :)
Tagging: @blackjackkent, @writer86, @this-is-something-idk-what, @jellydishes (I'm tagging you specifically because I think you might like this very small crumb I have to offer regarding Bethany and Niamh. 👉👈) As always, no pressure if you don't want to participate!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Pairing: Bethany Hawke/Niamh Cousland
Rating: Teen
AU: The Ruin of Your Broken Home
((So let me just preface this by saying this little snippet is from an AU I haven't posted yet; thus, you won't see it on my WIP Masterlist. I have a couple more scenes to write before I feel comfortable sharing it. Essentially, one of my followers asked me ages ago about what a DA2 AU would look like if Niamh had been a part of Hawke's little crew of misfits and who she'd likely romance if she thought she'd never return to Ferelden again.))
“So you aren’t a dangerous apostate then.”
Bethany winced at the bluntness of the statement, but she also didn’t miss how those wintry-grey eyes seemed to chill themselves for a brief moment as Niamh regarded Aveline over the rim of her mug.
“Oh? Did I say that?”
“You’re not denying it.”
“You do realize I provided aid earlier against the Coterie when I stood nothing to gain from it, yes? I invited you into my home, and I was hospitable enough to offer you tea even before hearing why you wished to seek me out to begin with. As the situation stands, I can only see that I’m surrounded within enclosed quarters with a group that far outnumbers me and are now the only obstacle between me and the exit. Tell me: who is the more dangerous party here?”
“Oh, for Maker’s sake, no wonder you and your Guard never get any results if this is the way you’re constantly going about things!” Bethany snapped out, and the sharpness of her rebuke was enough to draw both her siblings’ eyes upon her with surprise. Even Niamh’s brows had raised somewhat with her tone, but Bethany was far too tired to feel even the slightest bit embarrassed over her outburst.
“My point is that baseless accusations are dangerous,” Niamh continued on, voice flat as she regarded Aveline. “Given your position—” Keen eyes flickered to the insignia on the other woman’s breastplate. “—one would think you of all people would know the merit of gathering proper evidence before casting judgment. I was willing to hear what you all wanted of me based on your initial friendship with Merrill, but if you’ve already decided who I am based on the very bare minimum of interaction with me, then we’ve nothing to discuss as far as I’m concerned.”
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deusexlachina · 2 months
STEMquisition Part 6: Aveline continues to not be a Grey Warden
In which I meet a blast from the past!
Seeing that our enemy is a darkspawn, the Grey Wardens would be the obvious choice to help out...but they're missing. Something has happened to every single Grey Warden. And we don't know what, because the Grey Wardens are a secretive order. We'd need someone affiliated with the Grey Wardens who is absolutely not a Grey Warden. But where could we possibly find someone like that? Suddenly, Varric has an idea.
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He introduces me to his old friend "Hawke," insisting on using the surname. It's...it's awkward. Having failed to slay Corypheus before despite mangling him with an axe, Hawke knows we'll need help. She sets me up with another guy, Stroud, who's like her sister's Grey Warden dad. It's awkward. Wait, didn't we establish that all Grey Wardens were MIA? Well...not this guy. He's special or something.
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To help with my search for Stroud, I finally recruit Blackwall, having minimized quest completion in order to reach Skyhold at level 5. He knows the Grey Wardens had nothing to do with Corypheus (who is a darkspawn who was kept in a Grey Warden prison and who successfully mind-controlled Grey Wardens), but MAYBE THEY SHOULD.
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Hawke reveals that Stroud is all the way in Crestwood, which was previously inaccessible because nobody would ever travel to Crestwood unless the fate of the world depended on it. The other Grey Wardens are looking for Stroud, but they can't find him because he's...in a cave? Okay. I guess they didn't look very hard. He tells me about dark research into a ritual to stop Blights forever.
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He explains that the Wardens are desperate enough to turn to demon science because they all hear the Calling at once, i.e. they think they're all going to die very soon. He hears it too, but resists it I guess. Thankfully, this thing that affects all Grey Wardens doesn't affect Blackwall at all. He does not fear the Calling. Skill issue.
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We hurry to the Western Approach to stop this ritual, but arrive too late, because the Western Approach is on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING CONTINENT. The Wardens' eyelashes are already possessed by demons.
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The villain behind this, Magister Erimond of Tevinter (because it's always Tevinter, the fuckers), has a special magical attack to deal with me. I don't really know what it was meant to be because I immediately zap him with my hand, ragdolling him. "Cries out in surprise." Even the closed captioning is embarrassing.
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Erimond decides He Will Not Fall Here, so I have to chase him all the way down to Adamant Fortress.
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sweetmage · 4 months
Isabela/Aveline Modern AU WIP!!!
In which Aveline, who doesn't know how to use her newish phone, is convinced that Isabela keeps sending her skimpy photos. However, Isabela is just posting on her own public social media and Aveline is getting notifications for it, but, she uses technology with all the grace of an 80-year-old, she's confused and thinks they're direct texts to her 😅
Aveline had never quite gotten used to the feeling of a phone in her hand. Call her old-fashioned or simply resistant to change, but never quite enjoyed the new age of technology. But Isabela had insisted she get one. Good for keeping up the guard and keeping tabs on the Hawke's, she said, and Aveline couldn't argue with that.
But the more time that passed, the more she wondered what ulterior motives Isabela might have. Every day the blasted thing pinged and when she checked it, there was always some new photo of Isabela, barely dressed, sometimes not at all.
She couldn't understand why she kept doing this. Was it to make her work life harder? To put her job in jeopardy? Or was it some sort of sick joke? The more she thought about it, the more irritated she grew. She was just trying not to think too much about it when the phone buzzed in her pocket.
With a heavy sigh, Aveline pulled it out and looked. Sure enough, there she was, all tits and ass, winking at the camera.
Just like every time, she clicked the little box beneath the photo to let her know just how she felt about it.
'Some of us have jobs to do. I do not need to see your tits at 11 in the morning. Do you not have better things to do?'
After a quick re-read, Aveline clicked the send button. It wasn't anything she hadn't said before, though in recent months the frustration in her messages had grown. She was, of course, frustrated by Isabela's utter lack of shame and dignity, but she was far more frustrated by what those photos were doing to her.
Every time Aveline saw her, her body responded—heat in her cheeks, a flutter in her stomach. The first few times, she'd had been able to pass it off as embarrassment, but she wasn't so naive as to think there wasn't more to her feelings than that.
Her phone pinged again, this time with words from Isabela.
'Don't be so stuffy, Big Girl. We can't all be in a meeting at 11 am.'
Aveline huffed. She wasn't in a meeting and was bloody glad for it. She couldn't imagine how embarrassing it would be to be caught opening a text like that while surrounded by her men. She'd never talk her way out of it!
'Neither am I, but you don't see me flashing my bits to everyone. You know this is inappropriate.'
Isabela's reply was almost immediate.
'That's because you have no sense of fun. Come on, live a little. ;)'
She wasn't even going to entertain that. She simply turned off the screen… for a moment. Then impulse won over and she opened the message again, stealing another quick glance at the photo.
Maybe she didn't have a sense of fun, though she couldn't see what the fun was in flashing her breasts for everyone to see. At least not for the one posting…
Her throat had gone dry, her cheeks hot. The more she stared, the worse she felt. What was wrong with her? It was just a picture. It was just—
"Guard captain, a word."
Aveline jumped, dropping the phone to the desk as if it were suddenly red-hot then scooping it up again because of course the thing landed screen up.
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happywitch416 · 1 year
For Rose and Varric: “I think you and I make an amazingly stupid pair.” “I know! Our two brain cells combined together make for quality entertainment and a unique kind of stupidity.” 
Rose dropped from the building above him with a yell, landing on the thug's shoulders. "That’s my dwarf you are threatening." She yanked their head back and slit their throat barely landing in the clear before they toppled like a tower.
Varric attempted to fire past her as another emerged from the shadows, the bolt grazing her cheek as she dodged a thrown dagger. "Where’s Aveline?!"
Rose settled her back against his wiping the blood on her pants as ring formed around them. The leader was grinning, his sword raised as he advanced. Varric felt the hum of Rose's magic, the smell of sulfur filling the air and he dropped to the ground right before she exploded into a firestorm.
When the smoke cleared, she was grinning down at him before yanking him to his feet. "I think we may be stupid for agreeing to be bait for the damned guard."
"The most amazingly stupid pair in Thedas."
She nodded sagely before a snort of laughter escaped her. "This one going in the books?"
"Of course, we are quality entertainment." He cracked his neck with a low groan. "The ending will be better."
"Not very heroic laying in the street." There was a clatter of armor, an embarrassed trio of guards stumbling out of the shadows. "So you do exist!"
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littlelostmabari · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
A little bit of a time jump while I figure out how Anders reacts to an injured woman --- with magic --- who doesn't know where she is or who the Templars are.
At this point, Saorise has integrated herself with Hawke's misfits, mostly due to Varric spinning a tale of a lost witch of the wilds. She keeps her wildshaping secret, and has discovered (for good and ill) that lyrium has no effect on her. We are solidly in Act 3, after On the Loose but before Best Served Cold.
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One of the Good Ones (in progress)
The Gallows (Part I)
“She’s coming with, and that’s final,” Carver ordered over her objections. “You know as well as I do that apostates are not meant to be out and about in the streets of Kirkwall. Meredith lets you get away with the one, Maker help him.” He shook his head with a snarl and a pointed stare at Anders.  “I’m not about to let you cavort with two behind the Knight-Commander’s back.”
There should have been three. She thanked Mielikki that Merril decided she had to be in the alienage today. 
Saoirse stared holes into the back of Carver’s head as he continued on about his sister’s choices of companions. It was Bitch-taken luck that he had seen her healing Hawke after cornering the abomination in the Darktown sewers. Varric had started in this time, not helping calm Junior’s ardor. It was only when Anders started fidgeting that she knew she had to intervene, before the blue emerged. 
“It’s fine,” she finally called out. No one heard her. “Hawke, it’s fine!”
The voices settled down as Hawke stared at her, eyes wide. “It’s fine, Hawke, I’ll go. I’m not here to cause more trouble for you. We knew this day would come.” Saoirse held up her hands, wrists together with clear intent to mock. “The mighty Templar has to show that not even family comes between him and his Maker.” 
“Heathen too,” he retorted. “I’d forgotten.”
The shackles were around her wrists in an instant. She felt the flare of magic meant to dispel and silence, and cracked a wry smile. She stared up at Anders and winked. “Lyrium,” she said in his mind. It took him a moment to understand, but he calmed and placed a hand on Hawke’s shoulder to turn her back toward the estate interior. Varric stepped up to take the quarterstaff, scimitar, and dagger that Carver had stripped from her in the meantime, although Carver refused to give up the staff (“Apostate weaponry” she thought he muttered under his breath). Varric reached for the bag, too, but Saoirse dodged his hands with a shake of her head. 
“No need to worry, Hawke. I’ll be home before supper.” Saoirse turned to Carver. “You know how she is, always worried about me missing meals.” He grabbed her roughly by the arm and she allowed him to drag her out of the estate with a smile on her lips. The smile didn't last.
The walk to the docks was more embarrassing than she had anticipated, especially when Carver steered her around a patrol led by Aveline without stopping to answer the guardswoman’s call for answers. He didn’t argue when she pulled her hood up with a few minutes walk still to spare; perhaps he reveled in the shift to embarrassment and compliance. There was a boat ready, as there always was, to escort Templars to the Gallows. The sailor didn’t even bother making eye contact with her — he clearly knew this was a one way trip. Carver was nearly stoic the entire ride, but she could feel his rising anxiety… or was it excitement? 
He jolted out of the boat a moment before it rubbed against the Gallows docks, extending an arm to her elbow to lift her bodily from the craft. She couldn’t miss his smile; it was excitement, definitely. He proudly pushed her in front of him as they entered the main courtyard — giddy as a schoolboy returning to his parents with perfect marks — intent on taking her inside. They only made it to the upper landing.
“Ser Hawke, what in the void do you think you’re doing?” 
The voice boomed its authority from the other side of the courtyard, and Carver stopped in his tracks with a sour look on his face. It took him too long to make the decision to ignore the call and continue leading Saoirse into the Gallows, for someone else’s hand had already reached around her free elbow to grasp firmly. She looked up into the face of another Templar, this one a far contrast from Carver’s dark complexion.
“Ser Hawke, I asked you a question.” 
“Knight-Captain,” Oh shit. “I was attempting to complete my duties taking an apostate into custody.” 
“The Witch of the Wilds, Hawke, are you mad?” 
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merrigelblogs · 7 months
For Aveline: 2 (BACK ATCHA!), 15, 32, 58 (very volatile question I know) and 87
2. Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life?
OOHH THIS IS A CRUNCHY ONE.... I'm not counting the captain since he's not TECHNICALLY a party member so.... Okay I swear I'm not just saying this to pander, but I think it really would be Tiller!! Av trusts all of the party well enough at this point, but she has more faith in Tiller as a person than Pat, and I think Av sees Frath as like... More someone who needs to be protected?? Which is very silly to realize lmao BUT YEAH!! She knows Tiller has her back AND that Tiller can fuck a person UP if she needs to!!
15. What battle in the campaign has been most memorable to your character?
That's such a good question omg..... I'm torn between two!! First is the gladiator battle in the mermaid kingdom (A solo battle where she got to show off and be really cool!! Even tho she also got bit by a big shark. Owie), and the snermaid battle just recently (Baby's first magic!!!!)
32. What is your character the most insecure about?
This is such a good question, especially bc one of Av's Main Things is that! She is confident!! I'd say.... Surface level, she's a lil insecure about her like, ability to connect to people?? If that makes sense?? Like, she knows she's intimidating and also kinda prone to fumble a conversation if it doesn't go Exactly To Plan, which is a recipe for a lil embarrassment hehe
Beyond that tho, she's been losing a lot of her confidence in like. Her ability to determine what's Right to do. Which is very concerning and uncomfortable for her jkdfslfsd and her growing insecurity about that, I think, is making her go Even Harder on the calls she feels more sure about
58. If somebody (an NPC, someone from their backstory, etc.) your character trusts/loves asked your character to do something against the party’s best interest, who would they side with?
Now Megan what are you talking about, why would this be volatile?? Don't you twust hew??? 🥺🥺🥺
LMAO NAH BUT LEGIT, this would be. Very Difficult™️ for Av, especially at this point in the campaign!!! Earlier on she woulda done it with very little hesitation, but now... I think it would really, Really heavily depend on if she could convince herself that what she was being asked to do would Actually be GOOD for the party, you know, in the long term?? Even if they don't see it right now?? It'd be a toughie!!
87. What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
Oh you KNOW I've thought about this before >:3c Either Strength or Justice!! (Tho also I could see a case for the Chariot too)
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jazzafterhours · 11 months
aveline doesn't do casual. aveline is duty-focused, and it's rare that someone gains both her deep respect and amourous interest. she guards her affection well, doesn't make a move until she's completely certain, and once she's chosen someone, she is dedicated through thick and thin.
a few years into living in kirkwall, aveline hasn't been with someone since wesley died. donnic has caught her eye, but it's far too soon for her to do something about it, and even when she's ready, she doesn't know what she'll do. she hasn't had anything but her own hand in years, and her skin is crawling for it. it's frustrating and distracting and it doesn't take much fantasizing for her to be gushing.
hawke has taken aveline, merrill, and varric out for some routine bandit clearing, sort of informal contract work for the city guard. aveline and merrill are sharing a tent. aveline retires early, saying she's worn out from the fight, but actually her body is still thrumming and uncomfortably hot and she's going mad.
she thinks she's got a good amount of time before merrill slips into the tent for the night. she's wrong. merrill ducks inside to find aveline with one hand over her mouth to stay quiet and the other between her legs.
merrill just says, "oh! im sorry. i'll go, unless you want some help."
aveline is embarrassed, scandalized, frustrated, and desperately needy. just a whole host of conflicting responses. she is not in the mindframe to overthink it. aveline doesn't do casual, but merrill is an ally and they've fought beside each other for some time now. there has been nothing between them to suggest this is coming with expectations. merrill is making it sound easy, and right now, aveline just wants. so she says, "stay."
aveline comes within a minute the first time, and they don't stop there. merrill gives her all the relief she's been craving for ages, then aveline returns the favour. there's no way hawke and varric don't know what they're up to, because it has been so long, aveline could not keep a lid on it, especially because merrill is incredible with her fingers. she figures out how to make aveline go wild like its nothing. aveline wouldnt have guessed it. she's happy she went for it instead of turning merrill away. she finds she understands merrill better now, and their combat synergy is improved, too.
they have sex a few more times, but stop once things are getting serious with donnic. aveline isn't used to casual, but she appreciates how simple it was to start, and how simple it is to stop; no mess, no broken hearts. merrill's so happy for aveline when things with donnic work out. it doesn't need to be more complicated than that.
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eye-of-yelough · 2 years
3, 22 and 32 for Leo and Anders!
3: Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?
- Hot and steamy, I think. Leo’s not great at soft and tender, as you can imagine. She’s worse at courtship than Aveline, but without even a healthy dose of shame. Her love language with Anders is essentially just. Objectifying him. He’s into it. Very much “this would be unhealthy if it was anyone else” energy
Also after those 3 years they really gotta get it outta their system, yknow? That first 2 weeks of the relationship is HELL for anyone who has the misfortune of sharing a room with them. A street, even. Poor Hightown nobles.
22: Who gets more easily embarrassed?
- Anders. Leo is one of the most shameless people you’ll ever meet. Loves making Anders blush.
32: How do they resolve their arguments?
- Leo is in the weird grey area of knowing that communication is important, and sucking ass at it. Like a 15 year old boy with anger issues. Bad at accepting fault, bad at de-escalating, lashes out when he feels small, that kinda stuff. Anders is better, and more, he understands that mentality. He had it himself not too many years ago. He almost always apologises first. Leo usually needs time and space to “rehearse” apologies or they won’t come out right. Anders is patient and lovely because of course he is.
Thanks SO MUCH for letting me ramble about them, kissing you with tongue.
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fanfics-by-kieran · 1 year
"Storms, Blood, and Arcana" - Chapter 1
Word count: 995
Aveline hated to let her trusted halberd grow dusty and unused, hidden beneath her bed, but she was worried — worried that she would somehow be recognized if anyone saw it, worried that word would reach home, worried that she’d be found.
          She shook her head, banishing the anxiety as best she could, before pulling her dark hair into a tight braid and getting ready for another busy day as the small village’s only apothecary. She wasn’t bothered by it; she enjoyed the work, and it helped keep her mind off how much she missed home, and her family, and—
          Aveline shook her head again and pinched the bridge of her nose. She couldn't allow her thoughts to spiral like that. “Focus, girl,” she told herself firmly. She glanced in the mirror and grimaced slightly at the sight of her neck. She adjusted the collar of her tunic so that it hid her most unusual feature and made her way to the kitchen to whip up a quick breakfast for herself and open shop.
          Aveline’s life as an apothecary had begun when she helped a small boy who had fallen and scraped is hands and knees. Aveline had used the skills she’d learned during her time in Katolis to disinfect, treat, and patch up the boy’s injuries. The town she lived in was small, so word spread quickly, and before she knew it, she was the town’s healer.
          Aveline turned as the front door opened, one of her fellow townspeople using the false name she’d taken on. He seemed to have a rash on his arms, and Aveline sighed. “You fell in poison ivy again, didn't you?” she asked calmly.
          The young man nodded shamefully, and Aveline silently plucked a ceramic jar from her shelf of ointments and salves. She donned a pair of protective gloves and carefully applying the ointment to her patient’s arms. “There you go,” she said, thoroughly washing the gloves. “That should calm it down by morning, so long as you don’t fall in again.”
          “Er, right,” the young man said in embarrassment, picking up on Aveline’s mildly chastising tone. “Thanks, Evie.”
          The clumsy man left, and Aveline barely got a moment to catch her breath before she heard a rapid series of knocks on her door. “One second,” she called, though she felt a chill down her spine. Her patients normally just came in; that was the arrangement. Her quarters were separated from the shopfront by a locked door, so she didn't mind people letting themselves in. So, to hear somebody knock, and that furiously, made her uneasy.
“Come in. Oh, hello, Aveline,” King Harrow greeted when Aveline stepped into the throne room.
          “Opeli said you wished to see me, Your Highness?” she said, as composed as always.
          “Yes. Several people, including Soren and your Aunt Amaya, have come forward with concerns about your behavior,” the King said, standing up from his place on the throne and walking over to stand before Aveline.
          Aveline’s brow furrowed slightly, and the look in her deep brown eyes seemed almost troubled, though it was nearly impossible to tell with her. “My behavior? Have I done something wrong?”
          “No, and that’s the problem.”
          “I don’t understand.”
          “Aveline… ever since your mother and I got married, you always…how do I put this…” Harrow paused. “...stayed within the lines.”
          “I’m afraid I still don’t know what you mean.”
          The King sighed. “That’s what I mean, right there. You say you’re confused, but you don’t show it. Nothing in your voice or expression or body language ever give anything away. Ever since your mother died, you’ve been so…closed off. You’re allowed to feel, you know. You’re allowed to have fun, or be angry or upset or sad, or to be in pain. But you don’t let yourself. Why are you so against expressing yourself?”
          Aveline thought about the King’s words. “I appreciate your concern, Your Highness, but this is just how I am.”
          Harrow sighed and gripped Aveline’s shoulders. “Aveline, blood or not, you’re my daughter. I love you as if you were my own child. I saw you have fun with Callum and Ezran when you were a child. I know you aren’t incapable of feeling. I just want to know why you so rarely…show yourself. Your true self.”
          “Your Highness, I promise you, I couldn’t act differently if I tried.”
          The king sighed, and it was clear that he didn’t fully believe her. “Very well. You can go. I’m sure I interrupted your studies.”
          Aveline curtsied and backed out of the throne room.
          She looked to the side and saw the figure of the King’s closest advisor—and her least favorite member of the castle staff—leaning against the wall, as if waiting for her. “Princess,” he greeted.
          “Lord Viren,” Aveline said, her tone a little icier than it usually was. “Can I help you with something?”
          “My son mentioned that you got injured during training last week,” Viren said, “and that you didn’t go to see any healers.”
          “It was just a scratch,” Aveline dismissed. “It didn’t need any special attention.”
          Viren sighed. “With all due respect, Princess, you are very stubborn.”
          “That’s interesting,” Aveline said, “coming from you.”
          “You don’t seem to trust me.”
          “You haven’t given me any reason to,” Aveline said. “Quite the opposite. Are we done here? I was in the middle of some studying when I was summoned by the King.”
          “Yes, of course. My apologies for keeping you, Princess.”
          Aveline nodded and made her way back to the library.
“Y—yes, yes,” Aveline called as the knocking continued. “Yes, I’m—I’m coming.”
          She finished setting her gloves aside to dry and opened the door to the shopfront. She had been ready to assess what needed done, but the only word she could say, staring down at the two human boys—one of whom was holding something that looked unnervingly like a dragon egg—and a moonshadow elf awaiting her, was: “Oh.”
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unreadpoppy · 9 days
Festis bei umo canavarum (part 2)
Fenris x F!Hawke
Read on AO3
A/N: Okay this was going to be a two parter but now it's multi chapter, sorry. Also, at this point this is just a canon rewrite. Good portion of it is taken from the game tho with some tweaks.
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Although neither Hawke nor Fenris had spoken of their conversation to their friends, the others could quickly tell something was going on with the two. The stolen glances, the blushes, the half smiles. 
Isabela had been the first to speak on it. 
As always, she was on the Hanged Man, shoving off some drunk man aside when Hawke walked in, smiling. 
“I’ve been waiting all morning for you.” Isabela said as Hawke approached her. “Where you’ve been?”
The mage sat down and asked for a drink. “I was just at Fenris’s house.” 
Isabela smirked. “You two have been hanging out a lot together.” 
Hawke hid her face in her cup as she drank. “Can’t friends hang out?” 
“Of course they can. But if they’re kissing and fucking I wouldn’t exactly call them just friends.” 
Hawke almost choked on her drink. “Isabela!” 
“Oh, come on, when did you become a prude?” She said, chuckling. “But you and Fenris, huh? That taunt, controlled body, the brooding demeanor and intense gaze…I hear he still wears the shackles from his life of bondage… under his clothes.”
Hawke raised a brow. “What are you getting at?”
“You know what they say about men like that, don’t you?” Isabela asked, a mischievous smirk on her face. 
The mage sighed. “I’m going to regret asking you to continue, aren’t I?” She asked rhetorically. 
“He can’t find a saw.” Isabela said and then laughed as Hawke put a hand in her face and shook her head. “I had you there! You thought I was going to say something dirty!” 
The two laughed for a bit until there was a silence between them.
“But seriously now, are you and Fenris together?” 
“Yes? Sorta? I mean, I think it depends on your definition of being together.” Isabela raised a brow and Hawke continued. “We’ve been spending more time with each other, yes, and we both like each other…”
“So? What’s the issue?” 
“I guess it’s just. We haven’t done anything explicitly romantic to the other or anything like that.” 
Isabela shrugged. “Sometimes things take time.” She took a swing from her cup. “But you two have…you know…” She gestured an act with her hands that left Hawke embarrassed. 
“Well what?” She squinted her eyes and then realized. “Oh my- you two haven’t fucked?” 
“Isabela! If you say it any louder, the rest of Thedas will hear.” 
“Hawke. So if you haven’t- then what do you do in his house?” 
“We talk.” 
It was Isabela’s turn to put her hand on her face. “This whole time I thought you two…but why?”
Hawke shrugged. “We’re just…waiting for the right moment, I guess.” 
Isabela shook her head and ordered another drink. 
“So…you and Hawke.” Aveline said, while she and Fenris walked around the Wounded Coast. 
Earlier that week, Fenris got a tip that a few slaves needed help escaping their captors and so, he employed Aveline to accompany him. After killing several of the slavers, she thought it was a good moment to bring up what had been on her mind for some time. 
Fenris, who was wiping the blood from his weapon, turned to her. “What about me and Hawke?” 
“Donnic tells me you two have been hanging out quite a lot.”  
“What makes him think that?”
“Everytime he leaves your game of diamondback he catches Hawke going to your house. He also says you mention her quite often.” 
“I do not.” He said sharply. 
“Of course. It’s just what Donnic thinks.” 
A moment of silence passed between the two and then Aveline spoke. 
“What do you want with Hawke?” 
“Pardon me?” 
“Look, we’ve all seen the way you two look at each other. Donnic’s not the only one who noticed all the time you spend together. Something is going on.” 
Fenris crossed his arms. “And what do you think it is?” 
She gave him a serious look. “You’re both adults, Fenris. And knowing Hawke, I have my doubts that all you do is just talk.” 
“So you think we’re having sex?” 
“You don’t have to put it that bluntly but yes.” 
“We’re not.” 
Aveline frowned and blinked. “Really?” 
“Yes. We just talk.” She raised a brow and he sighed. “Is it truly that difficult to believe that we just enjoy each other’s company?” 
A small smile formed on Aveline’s lips as her expression softened. “So you enjoy her company?” 
“I…” he considered lying about it, saying something to deflect, but Fenris had never been good at that. “Yes. I do.” 
“And are there other things you enjoy about Hawke?” 
“Aveline.” He said as a warning. 
“Sorry.” Another moment of silence passed. “Just so you know Fenris, if you and Hawke pursue anything with each other… I don’t disapprove.” 
“But if you hurt Hawke,” she interrupted him “you’ll be just like them.” She pointed towards the corpses behind him. 
He half smirked and chuckled. “You don’t have to worry. I don’t plan on hurting her.” 
“Good.” She nodded and began making the way back to Kirkwall, Fenris catching up to her, the two unaware that they were being watched. 
For a few weeks, everything had been fine. Nights spent together playing Wicked Grace and Diamondback, drinking and sharing stories. Sometimes, they would just sit together in silence, watching the fire burn. 
A soft touch on an arm, ghost fingers causing goosebumps, but they never went farther than that. The want was there but it never seemed like the right time. They kissed on a couple of occasions - delicately, unsure of what they were doing. 
Though, despite that, Hawke was satisfied and she believed Fenris was too. Everything was fine. 
And then Hadriana happened. 
They had been out on the Wounded Coast, doing Maker knows what - the details of it all having been lost to Hawke, when they were attacked by a group of slavers. The men had been sent by Hadriana, Danarius’ apprentice back in Tevinter, with the intent of taking Fenris back. 
Once they were dealt with, the party made its way to old slave caverns, as Fenris believed Hadriana would be there. The quicker they got rid of her, the better for everyone. 
After giving Orana some sovereigns and sending her off, they found the magister. The fight was longer and harder than intended but soon, she lay on the ground. 
As Fenris was about to deal the killing blow she said “Stop. You do not want me dead.” 
“There’s only one person I want dead more.” 
“I have information, elf. And I will trade it in return for my life.” 
Fenris scoffed. “The location of Danarius? What good will that do me. I’d rather he lose his pet pupil.” 
Instead, Hadriana said “You have a sister. She is alive.” 
At that, Fenris lowered his weapon. Hawke, who stood behind him, watching the magister with caution.
“Let me go and I will tell you where she is.” 
“How do we even know you’re telling the truth?” Hawke asked.
“You don’t. But I know Fenris. And I know what he’s searching for.” Hadriana said, not even looking at him. “If he wants me to betray Danarius, he’ll have to pay for it.” 
Hawke looked at Fenris. “This is your call.” 
He walked towards the magister, crouching down as she said “So do i have your word? I tell you and you let me go?” 
“Yes. You have my word.” 
Hawke frowned, as she doubted Fenris would actually let the woman live. Hadriana was either too stupid or too innocent to believe what he said, but alas, she told him everything. 
“Her name is Verania. She’s in Qarinus serving a magister by the name of Ahriman.” 
“A servant, not a slave.”  He said slowly. 
“She’s not a slave.” As Hadriana said that, Fenris markings began to glow blue and Hawke knew what would happen next. 
“I believe you.” His hand phased through her chest, as he grabbed her heart and killed her.
Standing up, he began to walk away. “We are done here.” 
“Fenris, wait. Do you want to talk-”
He turned around, interrupting her. “No, I do not want to talk.” He said, in a mix of anger and annoyance. “This could be a trap. Danarius could have sent Hadriana here to tell me about this…sister. Even if he didn’t, trying to find her would be suicide.” He took a deep breath. “Danarius has to know about her and has to know Hadriana knows. But all that matters is I finally got to crush this bitch’s heart.” Fenris turned away from Hawke. “May she rot, and all the other mages with her.” 
Hawke took a deep breath and closed her eyes, before snapping her head towards Anders, with a look of ‘don’t say anything.’ She didn’t need to hear another argument between the two of them right now. 
She sighed, walking towards Fenris, placing a hand on his shoulder blades and saying in a soft tone “Maybe we should leave.” 
He shrugged her off. “Don’t comfort me.” He turned to face her, a scowl on his face. “You saw what was done here. There’s always going to be some reason, some excuse for mages to do this.” He was to the slaves sacrificed by Hadriana, including Orana’s father. Hawke’s face hardened as he continued. “Even if I found my sister, who knows what the magisters have done to her? What has magic touched that it hasn’t spoiled?” 
Hawke’s jaw clenched and she frowned heavily, as she looked at him with a mix of anger and sadness. After so many years, so much time spent together, Hawke believed that maybe Fenris’ attitude towards mages could change. Once again, she was proven wrong. 
He must have realized what he said as Fenris, after meeting Hawke’s gaze, lowered his head, putting a hand on his forehead and saying “I…I need to go.” before promptly leaving. 
Hawke stood there a moment, Anders and Varric looking at each other without saying a word. She passed a hand on her hair and turned to them. “I need a drink after this.” 
It was only after the sky had darkened that Hawke made her way back home, after a few  rounds of Diamondback and drinking in the Hanged Man with Varric. 
On the way back, she kept thinking about what Fenris had said. 
What has magic touched that it hasn’t spoiled?
She wanted to believe it was a spurn of the moment sentiment, but she knew it wasn’t true. Fenris made his despise for mages very clear since the moment they met, and there was nothing that would change that.
No matter how much Hawke wished it would. 
She wondered if that was why nothing had actually happened between the two. If magic spoiled everything it touched, that included her. Was that how he saw her? 
Before reaching her house, she went to his mansion but found it empty. There were corpses on the floor of slave hunters they had killed. Wine stains painted the walls, and shattered glass could be found not too far away from where Fenris had thrown them. 
Although she had been there before, it was as if this was the first time she was truly seeing all this. How could Fenris live like this, forever shackled to his past? 
He wasn’t home, and for a moment, Hawke worried he had been caught but she knew him: if something had happened, Fenris could handle himself. 
‘He is full of spite at the moment.’ she thought to herself, as she walked out of his home. ‘If anyone tries to grab him, they’ll be heartless soon enough.’ 
The walk to her estate wasn’t long, but as she arrived, Hawke shook her head. The alcohol was making her see things because what was Fenris doing sitting on the bench in front of her door?
What has magic touched that it hasn’t spoiled?
He was angry. Everything in his life had been ruined by magic. Magic took away his family, his life, his memories and he despised all mages for it. 
And when Hawke tried to coddle him, he wanted her to hurt as much as he did. She was a mage, she would never understand the power she had, the people she could hurt with a flick of her wrist and he wanted her to know how much he despised her for that. 
What has magic touched that it hasn’t spoiled?
For a moment, it felt good. It felt good to see the way Hawke’s face fell, that his words landed as intended. 
But then he felt…regret. It was as if the anger that clouded his mind dissipated in an instant when he saw that he had actually hurt Hawke. 
And what had Hawke ever done to him to deserve such anger? Wasn’t she the one who had listened to him, time and time again, even after he insulted mages?  
Fenris shook his head. He needed to get out of there. 
First, he went home, where he paced endlessly trying to think on what to do next. 
Could he trust Hadriana? Would it be worth going after this supposed sister? Would said sister even want to see him? 
Did he even want the past back? Could he want what he didn’t remember?
Fenris shook his head. This wasn’t helping. He needed to clear his head, somehow. But something else weighed on his conscience. 
Hawke’s pained expression returned to his mind’s eye and he sighed, rubbing his forehead. He wouldn’t be able to rest if he didn’t apologize first. 
He swallowed his pride as he made his way to the Hawke estate, silently begging the Maker for no one to be home. He sat on the bench located in front of the door, and waited.
He waited, and waited and Hawke wouldn’t arrive. He began to worry something might have happened but he remembered it was Hawke: if something did happen, she could handle it. 
Eventually, when the sky had already darkened, she did arrive home and Fenris could faintly smell the scent of alcohol as he stood up and walked up to her. 
“I was thinking about what happened with Hadriana.” Was the first thing Fenris said.
Hawke sucked in a breath, suddenly sobering it up. “I’ve been thinking about it too.” 
He nodded “You and I don’t always see eye to eye, but that doesn’t mean you deserved my anger. I owe you an apology.” 
Hawke blinked. Maybe she truly was that drunk. Fenris apologizing? To her? She would need Anders to check her mind later. 
But at that moment, for the first time, Hawke didn’t feel it was appropriate to joke. So, instead, she nodded and said “You had me worried for a moment. I went to your house and you weren’t there.” 
“I needed to be alone. Clear my head.” Fenris sighed, and looked to the side, as he talked about his history with Hadriana - of how she tormented his every waking moment. “Because of her status, I felt powerless to respond and she knew it.” 
 He scowled. “The thought of her slipping out of my grasp now…I couldn’t let her go. I wanted to but couldn’t.” 
‘Of course he couldn't.’ Hawke thought bitterly. 
She shook her head. “Your need for revenge is consuming you.” There was more she wanted to say, but as soon as the words left her mouth, Fenris got his angry attitude again. 
“And what would you have me do? Hadriana came after me! I have never had the option to simply walk away.” His brows furrowed. “Am I supposed to forgive, no matter how many times they hunt me down? Am I supposed to forget all the things they’ve done to me?”
“That is not what I said.” She crossed her arms, frustrated and frowning. “Long ago, you told me you didn’t know how to move on and this is why, Fenris. You don’t have to forgive nor forget, but you can’t be shackled to your past.” 
“Yes, this is it.” He said, dryly. “Why can I not grasp something so simple.” He looked down, at his palms, where the lyrium markings were. “It’s a sickness, this hate. This dark growth inside me that I can’t ever get rid of, and they put it there!” 
She looked at him and her gaze softened. 
He looked up at her. “This…isn’t why I came here.” Fenris shook his head, taking a step back. “I came here to apologize and I have. I’ll see myself out.” He turned and began to walk away. 
“Wait, don’t-” but before she could finish, he was already too far away to hear her say ‘go’.
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Joke OC I made that's literally written to be unlikable
Heyya, it seems I have posted a lot today! Her name is Rosaline Reaper, and she's made as a parody of those "fandom haters" on Tiktok. Keep in mind that this is an old drawing of her.
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If you don't know what I'm talking about, there are users on tiktok (probably minors) that post videos of their OCs "killing" fictional characters from different media in "brutal", varying degrees in quality ways. They post these videos under tags like "fandom ❌ me ✅ you❔ ".
I find these videos absolutely hilarious due to how embarrassing the people doing them look when posting these, how bad the videos are and how inaccurate they are in the source material most of the time. The OCs the fandom haters have are mostly traced from other artists without permission or just recolored lol. Those who make these that look good are wasting their talent :'(
So yeah, Rosaline here is a brash, annoying, arrogant little brat that thinks she's better than anyone else and invalidates anyone who doesn't agree to her. She has an arsenal of weapons she doesn't know how to use correctly so she helps out other fandom haters by showing them characters to kill and incredibly shallow info about them because she thinks she's smart. The only weapon she wields decently are wolverine claws hidden in the sleeves of her sweater. Of course, she is also an abyssal. She is meant to be a knock-off of Aveline (my sona).
Despite everything she does, she is in fact, an idiot. She tried killing the Reichtangle from the Polandball webcomics and ended up getting mutilated beyond recognition.
Actually she doesn't exist and she's just Aveline in disguise spying on her. Reichtangle killing her only happens in an AU where Rosaline does exist.
They can be found on Tiktok, they can be found on YouTube and they can also be found in Twitter. Let's just hope that they don't stumble upon this site...
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triestella · 2 years
Sweet Ambrosia (Mabinogi AU Oneshot, Continuation of Devotion)
Contains: Brushing off Non-Con, Yandere Talvish, pregnancy
Elysia sighs as she trod down the path towards the Gates from the Inner Sanctum, and she takes note of the changes since her return. Avalon itself has been restored to it's former glory, purified from the corruption and now the life there is as beautiful from some of the memories she saw long ago.
Certainly, its been years since she left and oddly with her disappearance, Eirawen as taken charge in making sure Erinn was never without the upmost security especially without the need of falling back on Milletians, had searched far and wide for talented individuals to help protect the innocent and the home they grown up to care and love.
She certainly got an earful from the queen when she came to her castle to notify of her return but alas it was quite a tearful reunion. Especially when Eirawen took note of an obvious change from her equipment to a light ornate dress that clearly shows her every growing belly, a clear sign of pregnancy and proceeded to tell her that she expects to be declared the Godmother of the child or children that Elysia soon to give birth too.
Elysia did not correct her why she had left, since it would be better if everyone besides her closest friends to know the reason why she left. If they assumed she left to safely carry her unborn, then it would be best too.
Elysia pauses and flushes as she resumes going back to the gates, where she's sure the Alban Knight have already spotted her and is preparing to welcome her back, or at least some kind of confrontation.
She moves past the threshold between Avalon and the Headquarters and she smiles softly, her son Altam already with the others clearly vibrating to move from his position, especially with Avelin and Llywelyn holding him back. She takes note that everyone clear noticed her bump and whispered into each others ears.
"I suppose I should properly explain myself. Well, to the table you lot."
"So Talvish stolen you from your domain as you were in a deep sleep, woke you up and you both promptly made love to each other and Talvish got you to bear his children?" Elysia still seemed flush when Caswyn worded like that, it wasn't exactly the full truth. She nods and waves it off, "To be honest, never really understood why that Talvish decided to go into the Abyss, clearly putting himself and Erinn at risk. The Abyss clearly- well you all know I'm not normal even for a normal Milletian, yes?"
They all nodded, and Elysia continues, "Well in terms of position in the hierarchy of divine beings of all categories, Talvish and I are more or less the same position, but we have our own domains or concept that we are in control of."
Elysia explains that the specific term she knows from her world to explain what Talvish and herself are considered Primodials, entities that rule over the concept, each concept is stronger then the other depending on the relevance. Just that Elysia herself controls the concept of Finality and Tavish being in control of Paths. What exactly was that Elysia herself didn't know but it was something laid out by his forefather, Aton Cimeni.
"Ah well, I didn't really tell Talvish why I left then and now... so if you do find Talvish suddenly appearing here looking for me, please tell him that I told you that I will be taking a break from his fussy-ness and that I need to rest to..." Elysia seemed even more embarrassed and stammered out, "f-from his active intentions."
The Table is silent and then they all became flustered, especially realizing just what she meant.
Altam was worried, from what he knows and figured about his own mother. She left quite alot unsaid when she explained the reason why she left. He follows her dutifully as she waddles up towards Yggdrasil, taking a bit of a break here and there.
"Mother... I-"
"Altam. Come sit with me at the tree."
The silence was to be painful to say the least, but he takes note that his own mother kept caressing the bump she had. He opens his mouth but closes it as she rests her head on his shoulders, taking note he had really grown taller then his own mother, which said quite alot, as Elysia had at first sight of him after crossing the threshold, smiled and mentioned that he's as tall as his grandfather now.
"You knew I wasn't telling the whole truth."
"I-I... I did. He forced himself upon you, didn't he? And you forgave him."
"Yes. It's better to do so then to wallow in hatred, considering he's-" Elysia pauses, trying to think of how to explain the atrocity that happened to her, "He's not well, up in that head of his. But he really does love me, despite the ways he thinks is the proper way to show such."
"And now your here to stay and-"
"Carrying your half-siblings? Indeed. I suppose, congratulations. Your now a big brother."
His mom laughed and he turns bright red.
"I-I'm a big brother now... wait. I still need to kick his ass."
"Altam, no."
"Altam, yes."
Elysia wonders if Talvish rubbed off on everyone in the Alban Knights a little too much, considering on how territorial they became, making sure she's always in constant comfort, even trying to prevent her from doing 'strenuous' activities, or them just lurking around to see they're okay.
Talvish did come around to find her later, and even now doesn't hide himself in the Inner Sanctum. Elysia for once imagines him as some kind of persistent dog following their master, but shakes that image off as he found her after she hid herself in one of the guest rooms in Tara Castle, and promptly made love to her by railing her into the bed bellow as she cries out in ecstasy after hearing her trying to ban him from his very persistent activities, citing that she really needs to rest.
Avelin herself came a long way from being closed off and prickly in general and actually did become a guard dog in a sense as she constantly followed her around and even nagged her to eat more often, using the offering tactics everyone developed over the time.
Phine and Caswyn was more tame but even they followed with the flow, which resulted in her being forced to name every captain honorary Godparents, Llyweyln excluded because she found out that him and Altam were now each other Significant and planned to have a small wedding when she came back, which made her happy for that, as they soon plan to have it by the end of next solstice.
Altam and Llyweyln were not helpful to say the least either. Altam being more zealous then before and Llyweyln enabling his significant other, even so far Altam had started talking to her baby bump about all the stuff he's gonna do as their big brother.
Talvish on one hand was amused by her frustrations, and as one does with his pregnant wife, listened dutifully while making sure his needs are met. Elysia later banished him to the 'couch' with only lasted a week before she took pity and allowed him to cuddle her as much as he liked.
By the time she gave birth, Elysia just accept that indeed Talvish had influenced the lot of them, as they spoiled her newly born children.
Elysia did get her way of how she raised them, especially when she implemented how her people took to child rearing their own. She especially cowed them because 'yes, I am mixing dragon blood with my milk because that's how I was raised and how I feed Altam too when he was just a babe, look at my son, he's so strong and healthy! Tall as my father!' which everyone had a moment of collective fear because of that because he was tall. Even Talvish was just flabbergasted by such remarks that he had to try to curb her intentions.
"Honey no, we spoke about this-"
"Please tell them to let me be with raising them how I want-"
"I know love, but- wait don't give me that look, wait-"
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