#ave quasar
funky-dealer · 10 months
Ave, true to quasar
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mandragorademar · 9 months
Mi cabeza es un ave sin sueño
Revolotea incansable y desconoce la mortandad
Sueña con alcanzar quasares
Todos la creen loca
Analfabeta y desprolija
Solo a veces,
Duerme en sí y sigue soñando
Esta vez con soles con rostros
Y los silencios de Hermès Trismegisto
Ojalá supiera leer estrellas
Ojalá pudiera despojar el trastorno que me construye
Y constituye la complejidad de mi Ser.
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passione-vera · 2 years
Gli AveQuasar presentano il loro album d'esordio "AQ"
Gli AveQuasar presentano il loro album d’esordio “AQ”
Ecco il primo album degli Ave Quasàr dal titolo “AQ”. Un disco che nasce in duo, da Luca Grossi e Fausto Franchini, abili miscelatori di generi e che in questo disco racchiudono influenze che vanno dall’elettronica all’alternative degli anni Novanta, un disco che il duo descrive come : “la nostra libertà creativa dopo varie esperienze con formazioni problematiche. Abbiamo cercato di piegare…
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koufax73 · 3 years
mixtraks #322: la playlist che piace anche a Renatino
Ci sono i Ministri in copertina della mixtraks 322, che comprende anche l'esordio da solista di Manuel Agnelli, e le nuove uscite di Giorgio Poi feat. Elisa, Coez, Mara Sattei, Tananai, Murubutu e Claver Gold con Rancore, Succi, Caso, Darma
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3n9xqpsUny9ppiA8iWCWue?si=84c633fe6cf54144 Ci sono i Ministri in copertina della mixtraks 322, grazie al nuovo singolo uscito oggi, Numeri. Che comprende anche l’esordio da solista di Manuel Agnelli, e le nuove uscite di Giorgio Poi feat. Elisa, Coez, Mara Sattei, Tananai, Murubutu e Claver Gold con Rancore, Giovanni Succi con Ave Quasar, Caso, Darma.
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Ghost Nip
Were anyone ever to ask Danny Phantom if he’d done drugs, he would ask if being prescribed ADHD meds counted as doing drugs.   When they said no, he’d tell them no.  If asked what he knew about ghostly herbs he’d tell them he only knew about one ghost-related nonsapient plant and it wasn’t a fun one.   He now had to change those answers to ‘not willingly’ and ‘something between weed and catnip’.
At the moment, Danny was soaring through Amity’s skies faster than he’d ever gone in his life, slowing down at random intervals and giggling at just how funny everything had become.   He chatted with birds and chased after squirrels to pet them, informing any passerby who stopped to say hi that they looked a lovely shade of blellow or grik or touroon.  Humans did not understand these colors or their auras and Danny couldn’t explain them quite well but they were there and so pretty.
And then he saw Technus, Nicolai Technus, self-proclaimed master of technology and Danny zoomed into his personal space.  “Child!  What are you-“
“Did you know, Nicolai, that the stars and planets and oceans and galaxies are as alive as you or I?”  Danny spoke both with his mouth and with flares and flickers of power and light and heat and cold, a language built on energy frequencies that he did not know but that he knew more than any mortal tongue.  “That they speak and sing with different languages?  I find that interesting.  I can hear them now but they’re so Much I can’t fully understand them.”
“Phantom what are you talking about?”  Technus floated back, waving a hand in the air, frowning.  That wasn’t good, he should be smiling!  Today was a fun day!  “Are you high?  Is that Ghost Nip, ghost child?”
“DID YOU KNOW NICOLAI TECHNUS POINDEXTER that the stars sing?”  Technus flinched and Danny wondered at that, felt and saw as the older ghost charged up a ball of plasma, sparking and arcing and dancing with electricity, to strike him with.  Danny, in turn, tossed the crushed petals that he had put into his pocket at some point in the future or present in Nicolai’s face.  He coughed and spluttered, aura flickering through shades of emotion that he rarely acknowledged, feelings that Nicolai had forsaken at some point if Danny remembered correctly.  “You are a soul filled with the power of the Infinite Realms, Nicolai, why would you deny your feelings?  Without your emotions, you cannot feel the joy of helping people, the satisfaction of making something useful, the pride that others enjoy your work and incorporate it into their lives.  And regardless of whether you resent your emotions, surely you realize that this too is a feeling?”
“I-you-you have a point, child.”  He spoke in radio signals and electrical pulses now, and Danny returned them in kind with elation at the sign that his enemy was now far more cheerful than when he spoke knowledge that hadn’t yet been shared with him, but it had been shared with someone and they would tell him and so he knew for time was a funny thing that slipped and slid around in space with the tug and pulls of gravity.  “And what would you suggest I do?  The humans do not respond to Ghost Nip the way we do.”
“No, but they respond well to progress and positive change and they need so much power yet so few of them use the power that the day star offers, constant and steady and ringing with their song.  Do you think you can help me?  I can’t speak the language of the stars just yet, but technology can translate many  things into a sense that we can follow, can’t it?”
They chatted amicably until the Red Huntress came upon them and Technus waved at her before pixelating into so many electrical signals dancing through the sky and flew off to bring waves of upgrades to technology all over the town.  And Danny waved at Valerie himself, flickers and flares of gravity and light like a star might give off deflecting the plasma she launched at him in her own hostile greeting.  “Hi Valerie,” he said but didn’t say, his voice reaching the speakers in her suit meant to relay calls from Vlad but instead responding to him because all the energy came from the stars, didn’t it?  And the suit had taken her to space, oh, that would be fun to do again, wouldn’t it?
Danny waved Valerie goodbye and flew off, bending the starlight around his fingers and weaving images and paintings of himself all around her so that she could at least see him.  Valerie didn’t like Danny, his presence angered her, made her red aura darken to something bloody and Danny didn’t like that.  So, he flew off to where he felt the tug of misfortune and negative chaos and luck turned upside down.  He found Johnny and Kitty having a picnic in the park and lingered over some buzzing beetles in the grass, his core buzzing in response though the beetles didn’t seem to hear him.  Or maybe they only understood him as much as he did the quasars in the sky?  “JOhnny!  Kitty!  Hi hi hi, how are you?  You look like you’re having fun, are you having fun?”
The two gave Danny a bemused look, Johnny’s shadow rising up like ink rippling with waves of cold, icy, burning flames that stole heat instead of giving it away.  He smiled at them, wider than a human face could accommodate, and they snickered and laughed. “Uh, yeah little man.  Just out for some fun on a date.  Are you baked, little guy?”
“Clay was once baked in the sun to make the older bricks, I basked in the sun’s light and felt it dancing over my skin before it sank into me and-”
“Oh my god,” Kitty said with a high laugh that had Danny floating a bit further from the ground as he orbited them.  “He’s definitely high.  Lemme guess, someone showed you some Ghost Nip?”
Danny dug another petal from his pocket and crushed it in his hand, tossing a shower of the dust onto his two friends, because they were happy to see him so clearly they were friends now, weren’t they?  “The prettiest flower, it smells so nice.  Is that what it’s called?”  He stared at Johnny and hummed, and reached out beyond his body and he saw and tugged on the strings and laughed.  “Johnny, come with me, I’m sure she wants to see you again!”  Before Kitty can ask who ‘she’ is, Danny pulls Johnny with him into the sky, and Kitty follows, and Johnny snorts and laughs and whispers to him in a way that echoes in the wind where empty space lies hidden and bubbles with probability.  They are at the Manson Mansion faster than Danny expected but he’s so energized at this point that he hardly knows that when he and Johnny dive into the house and Danny watches as the tug on the strings around Johnny’s soul pull him along and guide him faster than Danny or Kitty.  And they arrive and they see Ida, bowling in her alley, and Danny cheers for her and his voice bounces off the walls, comes through the many speakers and flickers across screens.  “Hi, miss Manson!  I brought Johnny!”
“... Johnny?”  Ida turned and her aura flickered wildly, it was a rainbow, a kaleidoscope, but Danny saw the gamule in it and bounced in the air.  Happy tears shined in her eyes and Johnny slowly, carefully descended to the ground and wrapped his arms around her.
Danny left with a proud nod, satisfied that he had helped, and flew off to find others to help, there was always someone to help, wasn’t there?
 Dash Baxter was afraid of very few things, but the hostile nerd ghost levitating a bunch of pencils pointed at him and his fellow jocks like arrows was certainly a contender.  He and the boys were at practice and one of the AV club geeks had passed by while they were wrapping up so Dash decided to have a little fun with the freak. He didn’t expect Poindexter to fuckin pop out of the ground and summon all the pencils and pens from inside the school to him and start ranting about bullies.  The guy screamed nerd from every facet of his appearance except for the glowing red eyes and Dash wanted to say something witty but all that really came out was, “fuck off you bucktoothed weirdo!  We’re just havin some fun.”
Dash’s late grandfather always did call him an idiot and Dale smacking him upside the head with a hiss of the same confirmed this.  After all, Phantom was nowhere in sight and saying that just made the ghost go red and flickery with rage.  This is how I die.  A fuckin nerd is gonna kill me.
Pencils flew at the team and Dash braced for the impact that never came as green, silver, gold and blue light wrapped around them in a dome and stopped the pencils like they were nerf darts.  Danny Phantom floated down between them and the ghost and Dash relaxed. Though, Phantom looked… off.  His hair was more like mist now, and his suit looked less like the goofy hazmat that the Fenton Freaks wore and more like an astronaut’s spacesuit.  He looked sorta like he was on fire, and sorta like he was surrounded by icy mist or both.  “Sidney!  Did you know that Nicolai is here?”  Who the fuck is Nicholai?
Poindexter clearly knew, though, and was shocked out of his supernatural rampage.  He stared at Phantom with wide eyes.  “I- no I didn’t.  Nicolai is alive?  Wait, Phantom, what the heck is up with your… everything?”
Phantom pulled out what looked like a flower petal with fifty different colors swirling around it, which didn’t make sense since there were only so many colors, but ghosts never made any sense.  He crushed it into powder between his hands while talking. “I found this neat pretty flower somewhere in the Infinite Realms, though I don’t remember where I found it, but I do know that it smells so so happy!  HEre, smell it!”  and then Phantom tossed dust at the guy, and dropped his shield around the team.
“Dude… Phantom’s fuckin high,” Chris whispered, and Dash’s eyes widened.
“Holy shit, ghosts can get high?”
“And no, sadly Nicolai isn’t the same alive as those guys behind me, but he’s the kind of alive that you and I are!  We’re technically alive, though Dad doesn’t agree, but he hasn’t met his uncles yet and I’m sure if he knew how much family was still alive on our side of the Ṕ̡̡o͢r̨t͞a̴̛l̨͡,” Dash had no idea what the fuck Phantom just said but apparently he was related to some ghost?  Kwan had his phone out now and was recording the conversation.  “Sidney Poindexter, Nicolai Poindexter, you’re both really smart, but Nicolai calls himself Technus now but he’s helping people today!”
Poindexter opened his mouth, and Dash’s head hurt.  He wasn’t making a sound that Dash could figure out but there was a pressure in his skull until that silver light that Phantom’s shield had earlier wrapped around him and the rest of them.  Some of the guys ran off, not wanting to be in the line of fire when the fight started, but if Phantom just tossed ghost weed onto the nerd then maybe he’d be too chill to try and kill them.
“Exactly!  You told me years from now about your little sister that you miss and grandma’s still the alive you were hoping for, with Nicolai, promise!  You’re technically my great uncle then, aren’t you?”
“Holy shit, Phantom’s related to Poindexter?”  Both ghosts’ attention snapped toward him in a tangible way and Dash wished he’d kept his big mouth shut.  Phantom’s eyes were torches that obscured the rest of his face, and that fire that flickered around him whipped out all over the place now.  People weren’t usually violent when they were high, were they?
“Dashiel Baxter,” he said in the iciest tone Dash had ever heard from anyone.  “You’re a bad fan.  You’re clearly not paying attention to me when I told and help people and save people.” The accusation stung, one of those firey whips across his face, and how did he know that an invisible one made of emotion hadn’t hit him?  Ghosts were made of feelings and shit, weren’t they? “Why do you hurt people?  You know that’s not nice or cool or heroic of you, don’t you?  No one really likes a bully.  I sure don’t. I was bullied a lot as a kid.  It’s not fun for the kid being bullied.  I can’t understand why it’s fun for the bully.”
“I-” Dash was going to defend himself.  He wasn’t really hurting anyone, he was just messing around!  The nerds were fine.  They were alive, weren’t they?  But cold and heat and anger rooted into his veins and held his tongue and he shivered under the angry glare of his hero.
“You should stop bullying people.  It’s illegal, the things you do.  Someone will do something bout it eventually.  If not Sidney then someone still living the way you do.  They might do something about it legally.”  Phantom turned back to Poindexter and then to Dash, and he felt heavy as a mountain under that stare.  “For your sake, I hope it’s done legally.”
And then his eyes snapped off of Dash onto Dale’s hand, where a  green lantern ring sat and his eyes were still green flashlights that made it impossible to see the rest of face even inn the daylight, but those tendrils of ghost fire retreated into him and the air wasn’t frozen over anymore.  Dash could move, technically. Phantom turned back to Poindexter, who was speaking without speaking again, and Dash decided to book it himself before things got worse.
 Danny pulled Sydney along their strings to find Nicolai sweeping over a hospital and protective ire bubbled in his core, but a quick count told Danny that no one was becoming a ghost in there quite yet so he calmed himself.  “Ghost child!  The generators to the hospital now have a backup that draws on sunlight!  I… Sydney?”  Nicolai pulled his glasses up and stared, and Sydney stared and Danny grinned and bounced in the air and with inspiration from the Green Lantern, who was one of his favorite heroes but how could he not be he went to space and talked with aliens, and made a bright green lasso that he pulled Nicolai in closer to Sydney with.  They hugged.  There were tears and lots of babbling and cheer in the air that lit up the sky.
Then a net was on him and pain.  Danny convulsed in the air, screaming, and unlike his usual Wail his power carried through the sound in every direction and shook the ground.  A hand yanked the net off of him and Danny wrapped Nicolai in a hug, before turning his head around to spot Skulker glaring at them all. “Technus what the hell are you doing?  The boy is intoxicated and vulnerable!  I had him!”
“You’ll have no one and nothing if you don’t back the hell off of my great-nephew you diminutive little frog!”  Technus was angry, and sparks danced at his fingertips, ready to snap out and strike.  But Skulker also hummed with electricity and his suit exposed missiles that Dany couldn’t let him fire so close to the hospital. No no no.
“Oh great,” Skulker grumbled.  “He’s gotten you high as well, has he?  What’s this talk of nephews, Technus, you told me you didn’t have any family.”
Technus held his hand out but Danny made swords and scythes and chains from the dancing sunlight and cut off Skulker’s rocket launchers, and his arm before binding him.  “He lied.  You’re a danger to the people here.  You’re cruel and a really shitty hunter and I wanted today to be a nice happy day, Skulker, so how bout you get the fuck out of my town?”  Paint was light, the brush was ectoplasm, and Danny drew for them a fox with three tails and six paws and flames licking its jaws that lunged at Skulker.  “Did you know that a group of foxes is called a Skulk?  Sam told me that.  Sam and Tucker are good friends.  Tucker is the best friend.  I’m gonna go find him now.  By uncle Sydney, uncle Nicolai!”
Danny couldn’t leave Skulker out like that though so he cast away his fox and pulled out his thermos and sucked in Skulker and his suit and then he was flying, and riding the fox and stroking its soft pretty fur.
 “I didn’t know he could purr,” Sam said, as though that were the important thing here.  She took a picture with her old camera and Tucker glared.  “Think any other ghosts purr when they’re high?”
“Can we discuss that after we get me untangled?”  Tucker tried to pry Danny’s arms and tail off of him, but to no avail.  Any amount of force he applied Danny could match, and if he pulled too hard, Danny just phased through his fingers and clung tighter.  “Why are yougods Stop that!”  Danny was now rubbing their cheeks together and looking at him wide eyes that were green where they should’ve been white and every color that did and didn’t exist on the visible spectrum filling the place of pupils and irises.  Looking at these particular puppy eyes was like gazing into a black hole and the Milky Way at once.  Sam was laughing at him.  “This isn’t funny.”
“It’s hilarious.  And kinda cute.  After all, it’s not every day you see two love birds cuddling in bed like a snake-cat hybrid.”
“We’re not lovebirds Sam, we’d kinda need to be infatuated with each other at minimum.”  Tucker sighed, resigned to his fate, and patted Danny’s cloudy hair.  He purred three times louder and warmth seeped into him from every point of contact.  “What’s the flower?”
“According to the latest Viewtube video Kwan posted of Danny roasting Dash?  Some variant of weed.” Sam looked Danny up and down and snorted.  “He’s covered in dust so he’ll probably be like that for a while.”
Sam needn’t know how ok with that Tucker was feeling.  He could see in her smirk that she knew anyway but he could deny it!  Though, with all this cuddling, he wasn’t sure he wanted to.  Sam petted the fox curled around her and Tucker rolled his eyes at her cooing.  “I see the Naruto phase never wore off.”
“Shut it furry.”
“Why should I, weeb?”
“It’d be awful if that oh so precious bow of yours lost its string, now wouldn’t it?”  Tucker huffed and sank into Danny’s embrace with a grumble.  “That’s what I thought.”
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hirokit · 4 years
||| Upcoming Projects
Please find sound link by clicking on the icon at the top left corner.
equipo de sonido 3 for solo snare drum with electronics by Ryan Scott, snare drum * “This work was commissioned by Ryan Scott as part of the 21stC Canadian Snare Drum project, made possible with the generous support of the Canada Council of the Arts.”
Premiere | 2023 | Toronto, ON
equipo de sonido 4 for solo percussionist with electronics by Katie Rife, marimba * Commissioned with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
Premiere | 2025 | Vancouver, BC
new work for soprano, bass flute, bass clarinet, contrabass, and harp by Ensamble AntiquaNova * Commissioned by Distat Terra Festival
Premirere | February 2025 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
||| Recent Projects
equipo de sonido 2 for flute and clarinet with electronics by Duo Inquietum (Mark McGregor, flute & Liam Hockley, clarinet) * Commissioned with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts * The travel was supported by the “Arts Across Canada” program of Canada Council for the Arts
Premiere | August 13, 2022 | Little Chamber Music | Vancouver, BC
equipo de sonido 5 for string quartet (15 mins) by Interro Quartet
Premiere | 2024 | Toronto, ON 1) The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre 2) Redeemer Lutheran Church 3) St. George on Yonge Anglican Church
Cursor 9.2 for 4 or more players by Nuntempe Ensemble (Guitar Quartet - 4 electric guitars for this version) as part of TEMPU FUGIT - AMBIENS ET REPETITO - Online Concert Series
December 19, 2020, 7pm | Buenos Aires, Argentina
voice box v for bass flute and guitar with electronics by McGregor-Verdejo Duo * Commissioned with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
August 1, 2020 | Powell Street Festival | Vancouver, BC February 18, 2022 | Queer Arts Festival | Vancouver, BC
voice box iv for more than six performers with electronics by Thin Edge New Music Collective * Commissioned with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
September 20, 2019 | Toronto, ON, Canada
equipo de sonido i  for three or more performers with electronics dedicated to parler bien’s first album “histoires du comté d'essex” Performance by parler bien (Nick Hyatt & Jane Chen) * Commissioned with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
July 14-29, 2019 | Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA / Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada
Cursor 9 for bass flute, bass clarinet and contrabassby Ensamble AntiquaNova * Commissioned with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts by Fundación Música AntiquaNova for Distat Terra Festival in North Patagonia 2018
December 21, 2018 | Choele Choel, Patagonia, Argentina
voice box iii for more than three performers with electronics (Premiere) by ∆TENT + Nick Hyatt & Isaiah Ceccarelli Pieces by Nick Hyatt, Isaiah Ceccarelli, and Hiroki Tsurumoto
June 1, 2018 | Montreal, QC
voice box ii for saxophone quartet (SATB) with electronics (Premiere) by Quatuor de Saxophones Quasar * Commissioned through “New Chapter” program of the Canada Council for the Arts.
May 30 & 31, 2018 | Montréal, QC, Canada
voice box i for 3 or more instruments with electronics (Premiere) Cursor 9.1 for 3 or more instruments (Canadian Premiere) by ∆TENT + Chelsea Shanoff & Kathryn Ladano as part of Waterloo Region Contemporary Music Sessions (WRCMS)
Premiere: August 22, 2017 | Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
New Chapter | Canada Council for the Arts A creative development residency with Quatuor de Saxophones Quasar as part of “New Chapter” program of the Canada Council for the Arts * voice box i.2 for 4 or more instruments with electronics will be performed by Quatuor de Saxophones Quasar as part of this residency.
December 11-15, 2017: Le Vivier at the Gesù | Montréal, QC, Canada
Cursor 9 for bass flute, bass clarinet and contrabass (Premiere) by Ensamble AntiquaNova * Commissioned with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts by Fundación Música AntiquaNova for Distat Terra Festival in North Patagonia & Fundación Música AntiquaNova 2017 Concert Series in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
Premiere: December 15, 2016 | Choele Choel, Patagonia, Argentina Summer & Fall 2017 | Buenos Aires & Rio Negro, Argentina
Code Thumbnails 10 for soprano, tenor sax, percussion, piano, and violin by gamUT: Contemporary Music Ensemble featuring soprano Xin Wang Directed by Wallace Halladay
April 4, 2017  Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park Ave. | Toronto, ON
Cursor 7 for soprano and piano by Teiya Kasahara (Soprano) and Rachel Iwaasa (Piano) as part of Race-ing Queer Music Scholarship * Commissioned with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts 
Performance: November 2, 2016 | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
by Xin Wang (Soprano) and Leanne Regehr (Piano) * Commissioned by Xin Wang with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
Performance: November 17, 2016 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada
by Xin Wang (Soprano) and Steven Philcox (Piano) * Canadian Music Centre Presents Canadian Art Song Showcase * Commissioned by Xin Wang with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
Premiere: 5:30pm, March 18, 2016 | Canadian Music Centre, Toronto, Canada
Cursor 6 for harp, percussion, guitar, violin, and piano (Premiere) by Continuum Contemporary Music As part of 21C Music Festival * Co-commissioned by Continuum Contemporary Music with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and The Royal Conservatory/Koerner Hall
Premiere: 8PM, May 26, 2016 Mazzoleni Concert Hall | 273 Bloor Street West, Toronto
Cursor 8 for 3 or more performers (Premiere) by ∆TENT
Premiere: 7pm, May 29th, 2016 | Canadian Music Centre, Toronto, Canada
Cursor 5 for clarinet, violin and piano + pieces by John Lely (UK), Richard Glover (UK), and Amber Priestley (UK) by ∆TENT: Fiona Jane Wood (piano), Leslie Ting (violin), Hiroki Tsurumoto (clarinet)
Premiere: 6pm | September 19th, 2015 | Canadian Music Centre, Toronto
Code Thumbnails 10 for sax, percussion, voice, piano, and violin by Chelsea Shanoff (Sax), Michelle Hwu (Percussion), and musicians of Thin Edge New Music Collective
Premiere: June 13, 2014 in Toronto
Cursor 3 for soprano, violin, and 3 cellos (as part of nu:nord) by Silje Aker Johnsen, soprano/dancer (Norway); Mira Benjamin, violin (Canada); Tre Voci Cello Ensemble: Gregor Riddell (UK), Torun Saeter Stavseng (Norway), Colin Alexander (UK), cellists
World Premiere: August 14, 2014 in Oslo, Norway UK Premiere: August 16, 2014 | LimeWharf in Hackney, East London * I wish to acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Code Thumbnails 13 for soprano, mezzo, flute, viola, bass, 2 percussion by Continuum Contemporary Music
Premiere: 8PM | October 19, 2014 | Betty Oliphant Theatre, Toronto
Cursor 4 for eight flutes by Tempest Flute Ensemble directed by Mark Takeshi McGregor
Premiere: October 22, 2014 | Orpheum Annex, Vancouver, Canada * As part of the 125th anniversary celebrations of the Japan Consulate
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moochilatv · 7 years
TFQ5: Proyecto Quasar
Ignacio Ponzo, tecladista de  Proyecto Quasar respondió a  nuestro Top Five Question5. Lanzaron su última material discográfico  “Donde los pájaros sienten temor. Pt. 2: Conspiranoia”, a través de Chancho Discos.
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"...No tenemos mas que nuestra música para que sepan quienes somos..." Su frase de cabecera en las redes sociales. ¿Cuál es ese tinte personal que le ponen a la música que hacen, para que con ello sepamos quienes son?
Creemos que nuestra música es bien expresiva y clara en la lírica, y en los climas que surgen también. Pero en realidad, con esa frase queremos remarcar que lo único que nos importa es la música que surge de esta combustión, ni siquiera importan los nombres, lo único que importa es la música, siempre. Presentan su ultimo trabajo "CONSPIRANOIA", que es la segunda parte de ¨Donde los Pájaros Sienten Temor¨. ¿Por qué eligen llamar este album/proyecto así? 
Es una metáfora que refiere a animarse a tocar y llegar a lugares oscuros, lejanos. En la tapa del disco se observa cómo las aves llegan al punto más alto y caen muertas. 
¿Por qué el nombre que le dieron a la segunda parte?
La primera parte se denomina "Paranoia" y la segunda "Conspiranoia", ambas son el titulo de dos canciones bastante personales pero bien directas. El próximo 6 de Octubre se presentan en la ultima fecha del "Ciclo No Nómade", espacio que generaron ustedes para otro conjuntos independientes, amigos y emergentes. ¿Cómo surgió crear este ciclo? 
El Ciclo surgió básicamente siendo nuestras fechas. Allá por 2008 le comenzamos a poner un nombre a nuestras fechas/eventos y de ahí no paramos. En 2013 los amigos de Detroit Club de Morón nos propusieron hacerlo una vez por mes durante todo el año y así lo hicimos hasta el día de hoy. En todos estos años hemos convocado a más de 70 bandas en fechas que hemos compartido el escenario y en muchísimas que solamente producimos y no tocamos. También convocamos artistas plásticos, fotógrafos, amigos que tienen líneas de indumentarias independientes autogestionadas. El ciclo no es ni más ni menos que un espacio de igualdad cultural. En diciembre estamos haciendo la última fecha para descansar un tiempo y tomar envión para volver seguramente en algún momento del año que viene. Si tuvieran que definirse con un adjetivo... ¿Cuál seria?
Apasionados por nuestras canciones y por lo que hacemos.
Por Ailen Ruiz, es locutora nacional, colaboradora activa de Moochila y participa del programa Red Al Toque en Wu Radio.   
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Global Aerospace Advanced Polymer Composites Market Is Expected Show Significant Growth Over The Forecast Period to 2024
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Telic, RF Solutions, Quasar, HopeRF, Digi International, Easy Radio, Adeunis RF, EnOcean, Low Power Radio Solutions, DLP Design Inc, Radiocrafts
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Type 4
Type 5
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- Which will be the challenges to advertise development?
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Hence the global Aerospace Advanced Polymer Composites market report offers a comprehensive analysis covering every one of the significant regions, competitions, and vital facets of the essential industry.
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10 espetáculos GRATUITOS para curtir no Festival Abril Para Dança
O Festival Abril Para Dança chega à sua terceira edição e apresenta dez espetáculos com o tema “Dança em Diálogo” a fim de promover o encontro dessa arte com outras linguagens artísticas.
A programação inclui as estreias de “aTEMPOral” e “Afeto, Capítulo 1, Lorca”; os inéditos no Brasil: “Sinestesia”, da Espanha, e “Vistas I e II”, da Argentina; e a primeira apresentação em São Paulo de “Estou sem Silêncio”, da Quasar Cia. de Dança, de Goiás.
A cantora Tulipa Ruiz é convidada da Clarin Cia. de Dança para interpretar, ao vivo, as canções de “Cebola, Cascas de um Todo”. O Balé da Cidade leva ao Auditório Ibirapuera o espetáculo que marcou, em 2018, seus 50 anos: “A Sagração da Primavera”.
Estreias em terras tupiniquins
Direto da Espanha, o Centro Cultural Olido recebe a estreia nacional de “Sinestesia”, da Iron Skulls Co. O espetáculo mistura hip hop e artes marciais em um cenário pós-apocalíptico. Dentre as referências estéticas do espetáculo, estão a fotografia expressionista, a música eletrônica de Berlim (Alemanha) e os videogames.
No Centro Cultural da Penha, ocorre a estreia nacional do espetáculo argentino “Vistas I e II”, que traz o diálogo entre música, tango e dança contemporânea. Apresentada com o apoio do Consulado da Argentina, a coreografia busca criar um caleidoscópio com múltiplos pontos de vista, apesar de ter apenas dois dançarinos no palco. Em cena, um músico toca bandoneón, complementando a carga dramática do espetáculo.
Danças deste solo
Pela primeira vez, a Quasar Cia. de Dança, de Goiás, apresenta em São Paulo o espetáculo “Estou sem Silêncio”. No palco do Teatro João Caetano, quatro bailarinas partem da coreografia “Céu na Boca”, do repertório da companhia, para dialogar com a própria história do grupo.
Flamenco e literatura
Também no Centro Cultural Olido, a Cia. Ale Kalaf estreia o espetáculo “Afeto, Capítulo 1, Lorca”, coreografia que entrelaça o flamenco à obra do poeta espanhol Federico García Lorca, autor que foi um grande entusiasta desse estilo de dança. Segundo a diretora, o ponto de contato entre o flamenco e o trabalho de Lorca é a intensidade, uma vez que sua obra, sobretudo seus poemas, assim como a dança flamenca, não se explicam, se sentem – e em sentir está toda a experiência.
Outros diálogos
No Teatro Alfredo Mesquita, a Raça Cia. de Dança apresenta “aTEMPOral”. O espetáculo traz duas coreografias, uma de repertório e outra inédita, ambas dialogando com a história do grupo. No Teatro Cacilda Becker, a Clarin Cia. de Dança se une à MPB e convida a cantora Tulipa Ruiz para a apresentação de “Cebola, Cascas de um Todo”.
A Trupe Benkady leva ao Teatro Zanoni Ferrite “Sons D’Oeste”, espetáculo que promove o diálogo das danças africanas e brasileiras. Misturando hip hop e candomblé, a Cia. Treme Terra estreia “Anonimato” no Teatro Flávio Império.
O festival Abril Para Dança fica em cartaz de 22 e 28 de abril, em vários espaços culturais da cidade. Toda a programação é gratuita e pode ser conferida abaixo:
Balé da Cidade de São Paulo. O diretor artístico da companhia, Ismael Ivo, assim descreve a apresentação: “No espetáculo, a beleza proporcionada pela música de Stravinsky se introduz com uma suave chuva de pétalas de rosas. Em seguida, ocorre uma verdadeira tempestade de pétalas, num delírio incessante e incontrolável. Trata-se de uma metáfora e um alarme do desequilíbrio das condições ambientais. A coreografia se encaminha para um ritual coletivo, no qual cada membro se torna um veículo que expressa conflitos contemporâneos, desejos, aspirações, sensualidade e gênero. É o corpo tentando despertar seus instintos primários. Um ritual misterioso que busca a beleza, desejos, sensualidade e aspirações humanas.”
Auditório Ibirapuera. Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/nº, Parque Ibirapuera (portões 1 e 3), Ibirapuera. Zona Sul. | tel. 3629-1075. De 26 e 27, 21h. Dia 28, 19h. 14 anos.
Cia. de Flamenco Ale Kalaf. O corpo flamenco é barroco, sombrio, mutável, paradoxal, sensível ao jogo entre contenção e excesso, assertividade e mistério, luz e sombra. Corpo pelo qual circulam paixões e afetos, sintetizando contradições próprias da condição humana. O espetáculo aponta para uma relação entre o flamenco com o mundo dos afetos, para “uma experiência consigo e com o outro”.
Centro Cultural Olido. Av. São João, 473. Próximo das estações República, Anhangabaú e São Bento do metrô. Centro. | tel. 3331-8399 e 3397-0171. Dias 26 e 27, 20h. Dia 28, 19h.
Iron Skulls Co. *estreia nacional (espetáculo da Espanha)
O espetáculo representa um mundo pós-apocalíptico onde, por meio da dança experimental, se forma um grupo de sobreviventes que inicia uma viagem a uma zona segura. Hip hop, acrobacia e dança contemporânea se fundem para criar uma linguagem em que o humano e o animal se unem, convidando o espectador a um jogo de interferências sensoriais.
Centro Cultural Olido. Av. São João, 473. Próximo das estações República, Anhangabaú e São Bento do metrô. Centro. | tel. 3331-8399 e 3397-0171. Dia 27, 21h. Dia 28, 20h.
VISTAS I E II *estreia nacional (espetáculo da Argentina)
A obra busca se liberar da reprodução de motivos naturalistas, erradicar todo o ornamental e construir uma forma externa para um mundo interno. Desintegra o espaço concreto e rompe a perspectiva central em uma multiplicidade de pontos de vista. Um quadrado delimita o espaço de ação. Todas as proporções e medidas se remetem a ele por meio da utilização geométrica de seus lados, diagonais, perímetro, subdivisões; sempre em relação aos corpos e suas partes. O corpo e o espaço estabelecem e experimentam uma relação dialética, de tal maneira que o corpo é atravessado pelo espaço e o espaço é construído pelo corpo.
Teatro Martins Penna – Centro Cultural da Penha. Largo do Rosário, 20, Penha. Próximo do Shopping Penha. Zona Leste. | tel. 2295-0401. Dias 26 e 27, 20h. Dia 28, 19h.
Trupe Benkady.
O espetáculo experimenta timbres da natureza e une diferentes instrumentos de percussão. Proporciona uma conversa entre os ritmos e movimentos tradicionais da cultura africana mandingue, com ênfase nas etnias malinké, baga e sussu, da região da Guiné Conakry, reconhecida mundialmente por seus balés. Na cultura dessa região, a música e a dança fazem parte do cotidiano, com movimentos, cantos e ritmos específicos para cada ocasião social, como batismos, iniciações, casamentos e trabalho no campo.
Teatro Zanoni Ferrite – Centro Cultural da Vila Formosa. Av. Renata, 163, Vila Formosa. Zona Leste. | tel. 2216-1520. Dias 26 e 27, 20h. Dia 28, 19h.
Quasar Cia. de Dança. *estreia em São Paulo (espetáculo de Goiás)
Diferente de todos os trabalhos apresentados até hoje, a recente obra da companhia reúne um elenco totalmente feminino, com quatro bailarinas em cena. A inspiração surgiu a partir da coreografia “Céu na Boca” (2009), na qual existia um momento bem marcante, lembrado por quem assistiu, em que também quatro bailarinas se apresentavam com uma “personalidade” bem específica. Esta cena tinha um desfecho “natural” dentro da sua própria dramaturgia. A partir desta parte da coreografia, o novo espetáculo procura dar continuidade a essa cena marcante, criando uma obra inédita.
Teatro João Caetano. Rua Borges Lagoa, 650, Vila Clementino. Próximo da estação Santa Cruz do metrô. Zona Sul. | tel. 5573-3774 e 5549-1744. Dias 26 e 27, 21h. Dia 28, 19h.
Raça Cia. de Dança de SP. *estreia nacional
“aTEMPOral”, novo espetáculo da companhia assinado por Jhean Allex, brinca com o tempo e homenageia o que é eterno, permanente e contínuo, como o amor e a força feminina. A trilha sonora é composta por canções imortalizadas nas vozes de Elis Regina, Elza Soares, Maria Rita, Marisa Monte, Ana Carolina e Maria Bethânia. Completa o espetáculo a remontagem de “Cartas Brasileiras” (2009), de Roseli Rodrigues, em que cartas de diferentes gerações são transformadas em poesia e dança, provando que o tempo não as afeta.
Teatro Alfredo Mesquita. Av. Santos Dumont, 1.770, Santana. Zona Norte. | tel. 2221-3657. Dias 26 e 27, 21h. Dia 28, 19h.
Clarin Cia. de Dança convida Tulipa Ruiz.
O espetáculo faz uma reflexão sobre os tipos de relacionamentos, utilizando a metáfora da cebola que faz alusão às varias camadas do amor. Acompanhado de canções da bossa nova e MPB, interpretadas por Tulipa Ruiz, trilha-se um caminho que busca no íntimo de cada pessoa lembranças de relacionamentos.
Teatro Cacilda Becker. Rua Tito, 295, Lapa. Zona Oeste. | tel. 3864-4513. Dias 26 e 27, 21h. Dia 28, 19h.
ANONIMATO Cia. Treme Terra. *estreia nacional
Espetáculo de dança negra que revela situações do cotidiano brasileiro, bem como aspectos ligados ao soterramento e aniquilamento das memórias negras no seio de uma sociedade eurocentrada, marcada por um histórico secular racista e colonialista. De maneira poética, política e libertária, a obra aborda o genocídio étnico-cultural e suas consequências na vida social urbana e a não visibilidade de mestras e mestres da cultura popular.
Teatro Flávio Império. R. Prof. Alves Pedroso, 600, Cangaíba. Zona Leste. | tel. 2621-2719. Dias 26 e 27, 20h. Dia 28, 19h.
Rosas Danst Rosas
Dentre Nós Cia. de Dança.
Em 1983, a coreógrafa belga Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker apresentou “Rosas e Rosas”, uma performance que desde então se tornou referência na história da dança pós-moderna. “Rosas Danst Rosas” se baseia no minimalismo iniciado em “Fase” (1982): os movimentos abstratos constituem a base de uma estrutura coreográfica em camadas, na qual a repetição desempenha o papel principal. A ferocidade desses movimentos é combatida por pequenos gestos cotidianos. “Rosas danst Rosas” é inequivocamente feminino. O esgotamento e perseverança que vêm com ele criam uma tensão emocional que contrasta fortemente com a estrutura rigorosa da coreografia. A música repetitiva e “maximalista” de Thierry De Mey e Peter Vermeersch foi criada concomitantemente à coreografia. Nesta remontagem, a companhia tem como ponto de partida a cidade de São Paulo e busca dialogar com o corpo, o tempo e o espaço, levando para áreas urbanas movimentos e dinâmicas para a cena, interpretados por 15 mulheres.
Viaduto do Chá. Dias 22 e 23, 12h30. Praça da Sé. Dia 24, 12h30. Avenida Paulista. Dias 25 e 26, 12h30.
Veja também: Drag queens retomam teatro de revista em apresentações gratuitas
10 espetáculos GRATUITOS para curtir no Festival Abril Para Dançapublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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itsworn · 6 years
The Super Unknown: 1959 Chevy 3100
Frank Ferraro was a 17-year-old on a mission. The avid Hot Rod and MotorTrend magazine subscriber was ready to get his first New Jersey driver’s license, and with that life-changing privilege, the young gun wanted a hot ride to go with it. “I really wanted a GMC Typhoon … but who the hell in their right mind would buy a 17-year-old one of those,” Frank admits.
So the hot rodder in training would have to conjure up a more realistic version of his first ride. “I was also reading Mini Truckin’ magazine and it hit me; I wanted a cool ’80s S-10 Blazer.” His dad, though, had other ideas. A big Pontiac fan, he tried to persuade Frank to be a Poncho lover like himself, but unfortunately for Dad, it was an exercise in futility. On the flip side, with a little persuasion, Frank finally convinced his dad to share his car-nal vision, and make this particular 17-year-old’s dreams come true.
So now the twosome were on a hunt for a good starting point for their new project. They located a good builder, a 1985 Blazer, in Englishtown, grabbed it up, and went to town at Dad’s body shop; fabricating, shaving, and even dropping the 4×4. The final touch here: basting the entire ride in Axalta Hot Hues Plum Crazy.
So after all that work, Frank finally got to enjoy his new ride. But it didn’t last long. “I totaled it and had to buy a Honda Accord,” he says. In our book that’s punishment enough for sure. “That was the last time I really felt the need for a custom for some time,” he continues.
Stroke of Truck Over the years Frank became a fulltime employee in the family body shop business, and soon was running the new location, V&F Auto Body, in Keyport, New Jersey. So now he was out of the spray booth and keeping track of the day-to-day issues that arose while heading a full-scale paint and collision shop. But something interesting happened in the meantime; running around in the shop pickup every day made Frank feel the need once again to have a truck in his life. After some thought, and conversing with his better half, it was decided that this could possibly happen. So once again Frank enlisted the help of his dad and they started scouting potential projects.
It was slow going at first, as Frank just wasn’t sure what he wanted. He soon narrowed it down to Chevy trucks between 1948 and 1959, which made scouting possible projects much easier. He looked at a few that were extremely rough, even for New Jersey standards. For those who don’t know the “Garden State” is a place where the salt and humidity can dissolve a car in a few short years. With his dad preaching patience, Frank took his time. “When something consumes me like this I just jump in,” Frank says.
After looking at several poor vehicles, a 1959 popped up on Craigslist not too far away in Long Island. It was no looker, but had what Frank needed. “It was a rat rod and it did run … and it had a bamboo surf rack, some kind of tiki bench, and it said ‘El Torito’ on the doors with a bull painted on it,” Frank says. Good enough he thought, and went on a hunch and bought the builder truck for $6,000.
Before digging into it, Frank thought to himself, “Maybe I can drive it the way it is?” He gave it a spin around the block. The six-banger was weak, and the leaf spring front suspension was even worse. “I was religiously watching re-runs of Overhaulin’ and American Hot Rod at the time, and reading every copy of Custom Classic Trucks I could get my hands on; I quickly realized this truck just wasn’t going to cut it the way it was,” Frank says.
On a Mission Never doing much more than body and paint, Frank had no idea how to build a custom truck. “But I was obsessed. I tore the tarp off of it and had it down to its bones in a week,” Frank states. He felt he really didn’t need to know how to put it all back together because all he was going to use from it were the framerails and the body.
Next step was to get it all blasted. That turned out to be a nightmare for the owner. He soon found out that the body was way worse than expected. Now he was starting to have second thoughts about the build. “It was turning into my horror story, and this was my Christine,” he laughs. But luckily he moved forward, ordering parts like a wild man, because deep down he knew he had to see this ride to fruition.
Frank was now ready to go full blast on his project. First order of business was to build up the chassis. However, he hit a hurdle right away when it was discovered that the frame needed some serious straightening. That set them back a short time, but it was nothing that couldn’t be resolved. Removing all the old brackets was next, which took days of grinding GM rivets.
Soon Frank and one of his techs were mocking up the suspension, measuring several times and then welding TCI Engineering’s front custom independent suspension kit in place. It didn’t go as planned right away, but Frank had the wherewithal to keep checking measurements. He soon discovered his tech had cut and welded pieces in the wrong location. This was definitely a letdown and caused some unneeded tension between the twosome. But they forged on and made it all work, with Frank’s tech laying down some nice beads along the subframe.
Next step was to install an AccuAir setup, complete with ShockWave air shocks, managed by their own e-Level system. With the TCI four-link rear suspension now in place, it was time to mock up the body to the chassis. That actually went without a hitch. Frank needed a few things that were necessary for peace of mind while driving the truck. One important thing was an eyehook for the steering shaft and U-joints. “The way I drive I wanted the security of knowing my steering will always work properly,” Frank says.
Having his tech on the project took a toll on both the business and Frank’s pockets, as well as things were not done as he had instructed. So he had to switch gears and get some outside help on the body. Frank took over, and along with painter Frank May, they put in hours and hours getting the body up to snuff; blocking it over and over to perfection. “I actually like blocking if the metal and bodywork are both done right,” Frank says.
Once the body was prepped, Frank set out to find a color that would satisfy his taste. After seeing a Lexus LS 400 pull up sporting a dark green hue, his mind was made up. So Frank finally got to do what he’s never had the opportunity to do over all the years in the body shop: spray his own personal project! It was years since he had painted a complete car or truck.” I spent the whole day laying out that color and clear and it was just so peaceful; I missed the sound of the air pushing the Axalta material out of the Sata spray gun,” Frank admits.
By the time the body was painted, the frame was ready for assembly. Frank, having little experience reassembling a car from scratch, watched every possible video he could get his hands on to prepare himself for the next step in bringing this 1959 to completion. He dug in and installed the suspension first, and readied the truck for its motor-vation infusion. “I chose a 383 stroker small-block pushing out 450 hp as the truck’s powerplant because it made sense to me,” Frank says. It’s topped with an Edelbrock Dual Quad Air Gap Performer intake and two Edelbrock Thunder Series AVS 500-cfm carbs.
Next, in went the rest of the powertrain, including a TKO600 five-speed, custom driveshaft, and a stout Currie 9-inch rear. Brakes are Wilwood four-piston calipers with 12-inch rotors, front and back. For a little bling, Bonspeed wheels are at the corners, 20×9.5 up front and 20×10 out back. They are wrapped in General G-Max tires, 245/45ZR20 and 275/40ZR20, respectively.
However, when it came time to do the bulk of the reassembly, Frank knew who to ask. “Enter my semi-retired dad. He needed a project and volunteered,” Frank says. He worked his magic and along with his son they finished reassembly and got the truck running. “It was amazing to see it run on its own,” Frank says.
One very important thing they were lacking at this point was an interior. After searching all over the area, Frank was at a standstill. Nothing in his general location would work for him. He even went on the social media outlets, seeing amazing work, but nothing nearby. Finally he found a place that did high-end European cars and decided to take a look. Satisfied with the work he saw, he dropped off his truck. Months went by and the shop wasn’t close to finished. After showing up numerous times to check on them, the crew got the work done. It was well done for sure, but the lengthy time took the air out of the excitement of seeing the final product.
The truck was finished a week before the deadline to have the photos done for the Axalta’s calendar contest where the 1959 beat out the competition. Besides the great feeling that Frank experienced building his own award-winning truck from scratch, he also learned a few lessons. “Never buy a truck on the East Coast, never let anyone tell you what your vision should be, and I might want to learn how to do upholstery,” Frank laughs. “I also learned that my dad would go to great lengths to help me out.” A special shout-out goes to Frank’s wife, Nichole, who amazingly gave birth to not one, but two of their three children during the build, and still helped him remain vigilant, to see the prize at the end of the tunnel.
As far as Frank’s final thought about his beautiful 1959 Chevy: “I love her every time I open up the garage door!” Who could ask for anything more? CT
1959 Chevrolet 3100 Frank Ferraro Jr.
Chassis Rear: Currie 9-inch Gears: 2.25 Axles: 31 spline Chassis: Stock with boxed rails Brakes: Four-piston 12-inch from Wilwood Front Suspension: TCI custom IFS with RideTech ShockWaves Rear Suspension: TCI four-link with RideTech ShockWaves Sway bars: TCI front and rear Steering: TCI power steering Wheels: Bonspeed Quasars, front 20×9.5, rear 20×10 Tires: Cooper Tire, front General G-Max 245/45ZR20, rear 275/40ZR20 Wheel Tubs: Mini-tubs
Drivetrain Engine: Chevy small-block stroker Displacement: 383 ci Block: Cast-iron Chevy Bore: 4.0000 bored 0.040-inch over Stroke: 3.750 Heads: Edelbrock Aluminum heads Pistons: Hypereutectic aluminum Connecting Rods: 5.700 inches with 150,000-psi bolts Cam: Hydraulic Roller Valvetrain: 2.000 intake, 1.5550 exhaust valves Compression: 10.0:1 Crankshaft: GM Cast steel stroker Intake: Edelbrock Dual Quad Air Gap Performer Carbs: Edelbrock Thunder Series AVS 500-cfm carbs Headers: TCI Radiator: Stock Air Intake: Stock Exhaust: Custom with Flowmaster Transmission: TKO600 TREMEC five-speed
Body Fabricator: Frank Ferraro Jr. and Frank Ferraro Sr. and V&F Autobody of Keyport Paint: Axalta Cromax Pro Waterbase and 72500 clearcoat Glass: Stock Harness: American Autowire Lights: Oracle lighting 5.75 LED halos with H4 LED bulbs
Interior Steering Wheel: Stock Seat: EZ Glide custom bench Gauges: Classic Instruments Air Conditioning: Vintage Air Shifter: Lokar Extra Interior: Custom door grabs, handles, and pedal dress-up Upholstery: By Lux Motorwerks Sound: Three JL Audio 8-inch subwoofers, Morel components in custom enclosures and Phoenix gold amplifier
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inovaniteroi · 6 years
Procon descarta quase meia tonelada de produtos impróprios ao consumo em Maricá
O Procon Estadual realizou mais uma ação de fiscalização nesta quarta-feira (03). Os fiscais estiveram em Maricá, no Distrito de Itaipuaçu. 23 estabelecimentos comerciais foram vistoriados e todos autuados. Somente em um supermercado estava quase a totalidade  dos 477kg e 468g de produtos impróprios ao consumo descartados hoje pelos fiscais.
Foram 468kg e 628g de produtos impróprios ao consumo encontrados somente em uma filial dos Supermercados Grand Marché  (Av. Carlos Marighella, 69). Dentre os produtos descartados, havia azeitonas, linguiça, mortadela e 339kg de presunto vencidos. Além disso, havia massa de pizza, picles, cebolinha cristal, conservas, azeitonas portuguesas, tomate seco, figo e laranja em calda sem especificação de data de validade. Os fiscais também descartaram pão e carnes que estavam mal armazenados, e constataram que o mercado havia aumentado o prazo de validade de produtos dado pelo fabricante. No entanto, como estes ainda estava dentro da validade original, os fiscais solicitaram a imediata alteração da data.
Fotos: divulgação Procon
O mercado também possuía problemas estruturais, como: fiação exposta, ferrugem no teto e paredes, mofo, porta quebrada e portal ainda no cimento, sem acabamento. Ainda havia chão rugoso, ralo aberto, buracos com acúmulo de sangue no chão e tendais enferrujados no açougue. Não havia barreira entre a padaria e a área de vendas e as janelas estavam sem tela, entre outras irregularidades.
No mesmo estabelecimento não havia os cartazes de combate a violência contra a mulher e sobre a proibição da venda de bebida alcoólica a menores de 18 anos. Alguns produtos expostos não tinham o preço e não havia uma balança de precisão para uso do consumidor, nem um exemplar do Código de Defesa do Consumidor para consulta.
Dos 23 locais autuados, 19 deles não possuíam o certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Na filial das Padarias Lady Day (Rua dos Lírios, 1245) também foram descartados dois litros e 800ml de achocolatado pronto e 480g de iogurte vencidos, além de 8kg e 360g de frios diversos sem especificação de prazo de vencimento. Além disso, a cozinha possuía azulejos, piso rugoso e com rachaduras, pontos de ferrugem nas prateleiras das câmaras frias e lixeira sem pedal.
Balanço da Operação em Maricá
1 – Via Uno Papelaria (Rua Zumbi dos Palmares, 12): Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações. Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon-RJ.
2 – Araken Rações (Av. Vitória Régia, S/N): Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos.
3 – Bazar Multilimpeza (Rua dos Lírios, 1219): Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações. Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon-RJ.
4 – Bia Calçados (Rua dos Lírios, S/N): Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros.
5 – Class House (Av. Vitória Régia, S/N): Ausência do Alvará de funcionamento. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações. Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon. Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos.
6 – NJ Artigos para Festa (Av. Vitória Régia, S/N): Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações.
7 – Costa Verde Colchões (Av. Carlos Marighella, 254): Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos.
8 – Drogaria Max (Rua dos Lírios, 1245): Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos. Ausência de Revista de Preços Médio ao Consumidor atualizada. Ausência do cartaz do Livro de Reclamações.
9 – Estilo Carioca (Av. Carlos Marighella, 737): Ausência do Alvará de funcionamento. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações. Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon. Ausência de cartão do CNPJ.
10 – Fruit Sabor (Av. Carlos Marighella, 222): Ausência do Alvará de funcionamento. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência do cartaz do Livro de Reclamações. Ausência do certificado de potabilidade da água. Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos.
11 – Hospital dos Óculos (Av. Carlos Marighella, 737): Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações. Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon-RJ. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros.
12 – Lar e Cia (Av. Carlos Marighella, 8322): Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência do cartaz do Livro de Reclamações.
13 – Lojas Americanas (Av. Carlos Marighella, 222): Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos. Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon-RJ. Ausência do cartaz do Livro de Reclamações. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros.
14 – Mundo em Patas (Av. Carlos Marighella, S/N): Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações. Ausência do certificado do curso de qualificação do profissional de banho e tosa. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros.
15 – O Boticário (Av. Carlos Marighella, 32): Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon-RJ. Ausência do alvará de funcionamento. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações.
16 – Ocean Farma (Av. Vitória Régia, S/N): Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos. Ausência de Revista de Preços Médio ao Consumidor atualizada. Ausência do cartaz do Livro de Reclamações. Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros.
17 – Óticas Lima Costa (Av. Carlos Marighella, 32): Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos. Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon-RJ. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros.
18 – Padaria Lady Day (Rua dos Lírios, 1245): Vencidos: Dois litros e 800ml de achocolatado pronto e 480g de iogurte. Sem especificação de validade: 8kg e 360g de frios diversos. Cozinha com azulejos e piso com rachaduras, piso rugoso e pontos de ferrugem nas prateleiras das câmaras frias, lixeira sem pedal.
19 – Papelaria Equipo´s (Rua Zumbi dos Palmares, S/N): Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon-RJ. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações.
20 – Portal Itaipuaçu (Av. Vitória Régia, S/N): Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos.
21 – Quasar Sorveteria (Av. Carlos Marighella, quadra 15, lote 1): Ausência do cartaz com o telefone e endereço do Procon-RJ. Ausência do Alvará de funcionamento. Ausência do certificado de Aprovação do Corpo de Bombeiros. Ausência do Livro de Reclamações.
22 – Royal Rações (Av. Carlos Marighella, 8322 – Maricá): Rações mal armazenadas. Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos.
23 – Grand Marché (Av. Carlos Marighella, 69 – Maricá): Ausência do cartaz do combate a violência contra a mulher. Ausência do cartaz sobre a proibição da venda de bebida alcoólica a menores de 18 anos. Ausência de preços nos produtos expostos. Ausência de uma balança de precisão para uso do consumidor. Ausência do Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Vencidos: 11kg de linguiça,  339kg de presunto, 5 kg de mortadela, 1kg e 800g de azeitonas. Sem especificação de validade: 29kg de massa de pizza, 928g de picles, 1kg e 200g de cebolinha cristal, 9kg e 500g de azeitonas verdes, 1kg e 600g de alcaparras em conserva, 1kg e 200g de pepinos em conserva, 6kg e 400g de champignon, 1kg e 200g de tremoços, 2kg e 900g de ovos de codorna em conserva, 3kg de azeitonas portuguesas, 2kg e 700g de azeitonas azapa, 740g de tomate seco, 3kg e 200g de figo em calda, 5kg e 200g de laranja em calda. Produtos mal armazenados: 18kg e 200g de pão brioche, 10kg e 200g de costela, 21kg e 300g de patinho. Foi constatada a alteração do prazo de validade dado pelo fabricante para prazo superior, porem como ainda estava dentro da validade, os fiscais solicitaram a imediata alteração. Problemas estruturais: fiação exposta, ferrugem no teto e paredes, mofo no portal, porta quebrada e portal em cimento na câmara de frios; mofo no teto, chão rugoso, fiação exposta, portal com mofo e em madeira na câmara de resfriados; piso quebrado, parede descascando, ferrugem no teto, fiação exposta, portal quebrado e com mofo, ralo aberto e piso rugoso na câmara da padaria; buracos com acumulo de sangue no chão, paredes com ferrugem e descascadas, tendais enferrujados no açougue;  padaria aberta para área de vendas sem barreira, ausência de tela milimétrica na janela, máquina divisora com ferrugem, piso quebrado e com rachaduras, janela interna sem tela de proteção na confeitaria.
O post Procon descarta quase meia tonelada de produtos impróprios ao consumo em Maricá apareceu primeiro em Plantão Enfoco.
from Plantão Enfoco https://ift.tt/2RrFw3h
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2yh9KwU
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quixoticstxrs · 6 years
All galaxies and other stuff for V2
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  Jinyoung
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? I consider myself to be an extroverted introvert.
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? When I was 13
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? You tell me ;)
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? No
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? Hell yes (it was you)
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? Do you count? then yes.
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? No!
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? No way. 
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? Its very possible. 
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup?  Yes.
Other stuff: Wishes
Comet: What’s your big dream? To work in film somehow, with music
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? Being successful, my parents taken care of, someone who loves me by my side. 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? I h ave a really big secret, but if people found out, it would ruin everything.
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? Knowing that secret omg
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? COLOR CHANGE CUPS FROM TACO BELL. Or all the money I’ve paid in interest charges over the years.
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? Make a movie
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? Make a movie LOL
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? I don’t think I could choose just one person. There are so many people who are important to me.
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? Having a child.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? Someone I love, hurting.
0 notes
gordonhyland · 8 years
CYRIAK STACKS feat. Quasar Sax Quartet @ Cluster: New Music and Integrated Arts Festival in Winnipeg, March 18th.
Winnipeg friends! Tomorrow, March 18, my multimedia miniature CYRIAK STACKS inspired by video artist and musician Cyriak Harris will be premiered at Cluster: New Music and Integrated Arts Festival in #winnipeg by Montreal's Quasar Saxophone Quartet. Definitely one of the coolest projects I've been part of; many thanks to Eliot Britton for the opportunity. What is Cluster? http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-cluster-festival-music-art-1.4016340
Who is Cyriak Harris: https://www.youtube.com/user/cyriak
Hello! (The Name of the Show) Doors/Show: 7:30/8:00pm Rachel Browne Theatre, 211 Bannatyne Ave. co-presented by GroundSwell You can get tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cluster-2017-hello-tickets-3205… More details here: www.clusterfestival.com
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