shima-draws · 3 years
This is a copout but: Found Family for the trope thing? It's the trope I associate the most with you lol
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
Awww 🥺 And yes I LOVE found family I wish I could focus on that more sometimes in my art--
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pendulum-sonata · 4 years
Thoughts on a Yuri redemption and how you would do it/if you think it's even possible? I love this little bitch and wold love to hear your thoughts about him.
So the answers are a bit long so I'm gonna put this under cut.
Mmmm, a redemption on Yuri would first require for his character to be more fleshed out than it was, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think he was badly written, but other than the one episode where we got a bit of a insight on him starting out as wanting the approval of someone and being lonely, since this was done by them time he was already far off the deep end, it didn’t have much impact overall.
So my answer to your first question about being possible? Yes it could have happened, but it didn’t because it wouldn’t have been organic to the series.
For the second question on how I would have gone about it? For me as a personal preference I don't require for a character to "deserve" a redemption, I think focusing on that misses the whole point, Michael in the good place said it better:
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I'm gonna take a "what if?" route to avoid any messy explanation, for me to think of Yuri being redeemed I need to think about how he got to where he is in the series' present.
Basically I would have to expand on his loneliness and how it translated in seeking approval how it didn't really made him feel better because it actually alienated him more from his would-be comrades by scaring the shit out of them with his power (I imagine at first it was accidental...), his duel with Asuka also shows that he did have an envious streak for all he fooled her into believing he wanted to have friends in their duel, I do believe he wanted it at some point in his life, it's just that by the time Asuka offers him an alternative his bitterness (born of his loneliness, envy and possible disappointment) he had already decided he didn't need any of those things and settle for the instant gratification defeating and carding ppl brings him, allowing Zarc to take a hold of him more than the others.
Because it was easier, he tried so hard to gain approval, to be what the Professor wanted of him so people wouldn't fear him anymore and it didn't work so he went like "fuck it all."
So what would make him care again? Honestly, this may sound cliche, corny or just dumb, but someone genuinely caring for him beyond his dueling would have opened the way.
(First, sorry to disappoint ppl but the other Yu's are out of the question in a canon setting because just being near each other awakened Zarc, so, nope.)
Shipping aside (it can be seen as platonic), let's imagine Serena, why? Because realistically as she knows nothing about him, she's the only one who wouldn't fear him, and I can't see Yuri trust anyone being scared or even skittish around him, even Leo feared him. They're both so similar and yet not, I can imagine Serena getting lonely at least every once in a while, I can see her longing for connection with others and now knowing how to do it other than via dueling, I can see her how proving her power and worth were in part because she wanted to be acknowledged as a person instead of a precious possession, just like Yuri wanted to be more than a walking weapon for Academia.
So... what if instead of Barrett it was Yuri who Serena found and who accompanied her to standard the first time? It could work within the timeline if Yuri is meant to leave early and offers to take Serena because he's initially amused for her "tantrum" and also just teeny tiny bit as a rebellious act to the professor, since he knows how much he values Serena, and by this time his disappointment in his approval is already set.
I can see them both having a, yes weird and not so positive connection, but a connection nonetheless. I can see them discovering together that their whole lives are not what the Professor and Academia told them, to find out duels can be fun without hurting others.
So... yeah, that's my answer 😋.
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ygoprideflags · 3 years
(Feel free to ignore this, im just making sure tumblr didn't eat the ask) Nonbinary Yuri/Joeri Arc-V?
oh yea i got that! it’s already in the queue, it’s gonna post on april 15
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versegm · 4 years
This is kinda silly bur Sieg for the servant thing
He’s over here already!
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 years
So all this talk about the AU have got me thinkng... what exactly is Yusuke's family tree in this AU? Who married Azura? Is he descended form Shigure or another of the possible children she can have (if so, who?). Also, I love the idea that at some point something goes wrong when he tryes to enter the metaverse and he goes into the Idolasphere instead and runs into either Azura or Shigure as a mirage and temporarily join the Fortuna crew, if only for a dungeon. The fortuna crew are confused (1)
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Well I mean I’m biased because Azura/Laslow is one of my favorite pairings for both of them BUT I think it also works because then it sorta implies world hopping is a thing that runs in the family. Yusuke would be descended from Shigure over Soleil probably. 
I love the idea of Yusuke running into either Azura or Shigure as a mirage and getting to sit down and talk with them for a bit and learn to fight with a lance
Yusuke being the Fortuna Crew’s resident cryptid is the funniest thing ever and I will always support it. 
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smashy-headcanons · 4 years
Meant to post this before but Tumblr is completely broken.
I reached the Hall of Fame! (and as of posting this, started on the Delta Episode)
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Here’s a final rundown of the team after beating the champion, in the order in which they were hatched!
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Fi: Obtained 7/5/19 from @violet-moonlight555​
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Daisy: Obtained 7/6/19 from @king11k​
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Crescent: Obtained 8/10/19 from @cresentcube​
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Surprise: Obtained 8/10/19 from @megamanapostrophet​
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Beanie: Obtained 8/10/19 from @mitsubachiaria​
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Night Light: Obtained 8/10/19 from @avaaasimar​
I really appreciate everyone’s help with setting this up. I haven’t gotten so attached to a Pokemon team in a long time, and this experiment really helped make the whole experience more memorable. I really enjoyed this experience, and this gave me an opportunity to use new Pokemon I hadn’t used before.
I have already started the Delta Episode (got finished with the Courtney battle, right before Rustboro City), but I’ll be sure to post a bit about that as I play through it.
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meltingangels · 3 years
Your Castlevalia posts have been getting yote onto my dash by tumblr a lot so here's a question: At what point did you realize you were royally Fucked? (but really tho your shit has been giving me a bunch of laughs recently lol)
@avaaasimar Ey I appreciate that my random posts made ya laugh! And in terms of when I realised I was royally fucked, if you mean when I realised I loved the show/fell for it, it was that kinda homoerotic fight between Alucard and Trevor in Season 1  😂 I was like..”oh god damn it-”
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 years
I mean, Zag is trying to leave hell to see his mom. If she's in the underworld there isn't really a need to leave.
Ah ok, there it is. Thank you
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