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Monostick's Desing!
#alan becker#animation vs minecraft#animator vs animation#ava au#ava dangaronpa au#avm au#danganronpa fangan#dangaronpa#dangaronpa fanmade#dangaronpa art#stickronpa#stickronpa au#stickronpa project#stickronpa monostick#ava oc
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Stickronpa Chapter 1 - Joint Trial (Class Trial)
– Joint Trial Starts –
Monostick:"We'll start with the Joint Trial rules! The objective is to find out "who did this". Using your clues you gathered during the investigation! If you take the right one, the culprit will be punished, but otherwise everyone but the culprit will be punished!"
Orange:"Wait a minute!! what the fuck is this???"
-we all looked at where orange was getting and....-
-it was a photo of Eraser with an X in the eyes, it looked like blood....-
-is this... is this some joke??-
Monostick:"oh! yes yes, well, I can be cruel but I'm not heartless! so I decided to respect the dead by representing those who are not present with this portrait of her! isn't that sad?:')"
Indigo:"you are sick..." Monostick:"Oh, thank you bluebird!!"
-I look at the photo once more... it makes me very uncomfortable to look at it, but we have to stay focused....-
Second: "ok... where do we start..?"
Blue:"I think we have a pretty good idea who's the most suspicious here..."
-Blue was staring at MT... I'm not sure it was MT but... How can I prove that..?-
Freedom:"Easy kid, first let's argue about the murder weapon first!"
Red:"Yea! What killed her?"
Night:"The Monofiles say she died from three stab wounds to the chest. But what was used as a weapon?"
-Second... I have an idea of what it is, but I'd rather hear them first...-
[Non-Stop Debate]
[Truth Bullets: MonoFile- Bloody Knife- Blood Splatter]
Blue:"So how was she killed?"
Red:"Maybe with a pen? I saw several in the living room!"
Night:"I find it impossible for a pen to be used as a pen weapon.
Smoke:"Perhaps the knife we found in the kitchen?"
Second:"NO!! THAT'S WRONG!!"
Second:"I'm sorry Smoke, but this is incorrect!"
Smoke:"Huh!? Pardon??"
Second:"You see... I think I know why that knife has some blood on it... A few days ago Blue and I were cooking together and he accidentally cut himself..."
Blue:"That's true! I think I forgot to wash her with everything that's going on..."
Smoke:"Um... Yes, the blood was dry and I should have understood that....
Sombra:"But did anyone happen to find any weapons with blood...?"
Second:"Yea! In fact, Green and I found a bloody knife behind the couch after following some blood spatter on the couch!"
Dusk:"And where was that knife...?"
Second:"Behind the sofa..."
Orange:"And what was the murder weapon doing behind the couch??"
-I still don't know.... Why was the knife behind the couch...?"
- The knife fell behind the sofa
- The killer threw the knife behind the couch ‹
- The knife was hidden behind the sofa
-i got It!-
Second:"Maybe... Maybe because the killer threw it behind the couch after the murder!"
Yellow:"Oh! That makes sense!"
Dark:"But seriously? Hiding behind the couch was the best place to hide the murder weapon??"
Chosen:"But then it wasn't hidden...?"
Green:"What if... What if the killer was nervous? And he threw the knife in a Panic?"
Second:"That's quite possible... If we've already figured that out maybe–"
Night:"I'm sorry sweetie, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me that the killer would throw away the weapon right at the crime scene!"
Second:"But we still haven't thought about the possibilities of why that was the case!"
Night:"No way! A murderer would be smarter than that!"
— Rebuttal Showdown —
Night:"It just doesn't make any sense! A smart killer wouldn't leave the murder weapon near the victim! Everyone would find the weapon very quickly!"
Second:"But think about it, if the killer was nervous, they would throw the gun away from them!"
Night:"How are you so sure about that?? It would be smarter for the killer to take the murder weapon with them! Besides, there's nothing to say the knife was thrown in a hurry!"
[blood spatter]
Second:"In fact, there is a way to prove that the knife was thrown in a hurry! Pay close attention to the blood spatter on the couch! They go towards the wall behind the furniture!"
Freedom:"It is true!"
Night:"Oh... Well, that sounds right... Sorry Sec!"
Second:"It's OK."
Green:"Well, now that we know about the murder weapon, we can figure out where she was killed!"
Dark:"What?? She was killed in the living room wasn't she??"
Chosen:"I don't think so Dark... There was a trail of blood that was going out of the living room..."
Red:"Okay... So where was she killed...?"
[Non-Stop Debate]
[Truth Bullets:Blood trail – Blood puddle – Blood in the shower]
Blue:"so... where did she really die...?"
Freedom:"maybe in her room?"
Yellow: "there was no blood in the direction of the rooms...
but there was a lot of blood near the cafeteria!"
[Blood puddle]
Second:"I agree with that!"
Second:"yes Yellow, I believe the front of the camtina was the actual location of the murder!"
Indigo:"but why was the body moved? any ideas..?"
-he has a point... why was the body moved...?-
–The killer didn't want them to see the body. «
–Someone move the body.
–Monostick move the body.
-i got It!-
Second: "I think the killer didn't want us to see the body directly."
Indigo: "And why exactly? and how would we not see the blood?"
Dusk: "I think I can help with that..." -Dusk then showed the drawing they had done before.-
Dusk:"as you can see. the blood vessel was heading towards the star room, maybe the assassin moved there because it was the closest place, and you can see it well...."
Red: "The blood vessel wouldn't be in sight!"
Purple:"ok, we already know how, with what and where she was killed. but why was she killed?"
Night:"isn't it obvious?? that crazy girl wanted to kill us!!"
Shadow:"especially you! who knows? maybe it was you hun?"
Night:"shove your accusation up your ass!! I didn't kill her!!"
Blue:"guys! it's obvious that it was Mongo! he's the most suspicious!!"
Orange:"I'm not the killer just because I hate her!!"
Blue:"ha! even more suspicious behavior!"
Yellow:"I must agree with Blue... you are the most suspicious among us, MT..."
Red:"II don't think! I-I mean, he wouldn't do that at all!!"
Purple:"exactly!! he would never do that!!"
Indigo:"Silence Purple!! he's suspicious!!"
Chosen: "It's a hypothesis, but we can't throw accusations at anyone..."
Dark: "hump, I don't know, agene looks pretty fun about it–"
Monostick:"HOLD ONE SECOND!!!
Monostick:"I happened to hear "Split"!! Puhuhuhu!!! I can finally do this!!! I was so anxious to do this HAHAHA!!! IS TIME FOR THE SCRUM DEBATE !!!!"
-And just like that, Monostick turned a key on his monitor and our platforms began to float...-
-I'm sure that MT is not the killer! and I will prove it!-
[Team "Orange is the killer": Blue, Dark, Freedom, Yellow, Indigo, Night, Smoke]
[Team "Orange is not the killer": Second, Green, Chosen, Dusk, Red, Purple, Sombra, Orange]
Dark:"he and Eraser had a history, I think a little revenge would suit him well!"
Chosen: "His having a history with her is not really a reason for him to kill her."
Yellow:"he attacked her last night, who can't guarantee he would do it again?"
Red:"she attacked Night first! he just defended her!"
Smoke:"he already proved to be quite aggressive, if he was angry he might as well have killed her!"
Dusk:"he was calm when he went to the dorms, so him being Angry Is not valid!"
Freedom: "among all of us, he has the most motive to attack her!"
Green: "we... we would all have motive if our lives were threatened with death by someone!"
Yellow: "It still doesn't change the fact that we know he's the most likely to have killed her!"
Purple:"Anyone would be likely do this!"
Indigo: "he didn't say anything about where he was the night before!"
Orange:"I've been in my room all night!!"
Blue:"Is that right? You have no alibi!!"
Second: "Blue! you don't have an alibi either! you didn't tell us where you were!!"
Monostick:"DING DING DING!!! Looks like we have a winner!! Everyone agrees that Mongo Tango is not the killer!!"
Orange:"MONGO TANGO!!??"
-I stared at Blue, he looked nervous... The others started to stare at him too...-
Sombra:"Looks like someone hasn't been completely honest here..."
Blue:"W-what happened??? Now you think I'm the killer??? Well I'm not!!"
Sombra:"If you're not, would you like to share your alibi..?"
-He looked at Yellow who looked back at him... Embarrassed...?-
Blue:"I was with Yellow.... Together.... Asleep...."
-Oh... Pfff...-
Red:"hahahahah!!! You mean you were too embarrassed to say you slept together???"
Yellow:"Y-yes... With everything that happened yesterday I... I got scared and asked to sleep with him... But we didn't do anything strange, okay?? I just lay beside him listening to the soothing beat of his heart..."
-And she said that with a clear look in love with her face getting redder and redder.... Ok, that's cute...-
Night:"woooon! How cute are you two!!"
Monostick:"No cuteness!!! I hate cute things!!!"
Indigo:"focus on the trail!!"
Blue:"O-ok!! And MT.... I'm sorry I accused you..."
Orange:".... It's... Fine..."
Chosen:"Okay, let's see what we can think of... Who else was awake last night...?"
Red:"Night helped me sleep!"
Night:"Exactly! He asked me for help sleeping and I sang a lullaby I used to sing to my brother!"
Red:"You should be the ultimate big sister! You are so kind and sweet!"
Night:"Woooon Red, how nice of you!"
Second:"Hmm.... Let's talk about the notes we found!"
Green:"We found some notes in our rooms but... Only mine, Second's, Blue's, Yellow's, Red's and Purple's rooms. The others don't seem to have received grades..."
Yellow:"And who sent them...?"
Second:"...... M-MT..."
Purple:"B-but we just had to prove it wasn't him!!"
Dusk:"And that's exactly why I say, the note found next to the victim's body was not written by him!!
Second:"Exactly! I think that too!"
Dusk:"Take a good look at those two notes... Don't they look strange...?"
-They present the two different notes we found, one directed towards purple, and the other being the one we found at the crime scene.-
Blue:".... What the fuck!?"
Purple:"W-why does one ask me to go to the living room???"
Second:"I believe it's because...."
–The notes were both made to attract them.
–Both were made by Orange.
–One was faked.«
-i got It!-
Second:"One of the letters was forged!"
Blue:"B-but which ones?? Because??"
-I believe I know the answer... But I don't know if they will believe...-
Second:"The fake one... It's the one we found next to the victim!"
-As I expected, everyone was in disbelief…. Now who was that–
-Everyone looks at Green...-
Green:"I-I believe it was Eraser who forged the note we found..."
Chosen:"So... The note was a trap for Purple..."
Purple:"B-but why me???"
Indigo:"Do not be stupid! It's because you would be easy to kill!!"
Indigo:"You're small, weak, pathetic... A perfect choice for someone to kill!"
Indigo:"And for those reasons, it would be impossible for you to kill someone!"
Green:"Shut up...."
Indigo:"What did you say kid??"
Green:"I said....SHUT UP!!!!"
-We all stare at Green... I've never seen him like this before...-

Purple:"GREEN!! ENOUGH!!!....
-We all looked at Purple who had tears in ther eyes...-
Purple:"It's okay... I don't care...."
-Green's expression quickly changed... His eyes scared me for a few seconds... He seemed calmer, but... Strange...-
-It doesn't matter, we have to find out why the letters...-
Night:"Okay, we found out who sent this letter... So Orange sent the others? Why?"
Orange:"Simple.... I didn't want them to be killed..."
Orange:"N-don't take it as if I'm not your friend!! Or that I care!! I just didn't want that bitch to hurt anyone!"
Sombra:"Hmm... Then why did only these six receive these letters...? Because neither one of us receives similar letters!"
-MT was silent...-
Sombra:"Haha... Looks like you do care about them!"
-He kept silent looking to the side. I... I didn't expect this coming from him...-
Purple:"King.... Thank you..."
Orange:"..... You're welcome..."
Freedom:"We're running out of clues!"
-Yeah... We're running low on leads.... Damn it....-
Green:"Remember the piece of fabric..? What did we find at the original murder site...?"
Second:"Oh yes! I remember... What does that mean?"
Yellow:"Do you think this piece of fabric is connected to the case?"
Dusk:"It's a possibility...."
Second:"Perhaps it was a part of Eraser's clothing that fell off when she attacked the culprit..."
Green:"It's not part of her clothes! That piece of fabric... belongs to the culprit..."
Dark:"Why are you smiling, weirdo??"
Sombra:"Oh, nothing, I just find it curious... How can you be so sure this fabric belongs to the culprit, Green...?"
-I looked at Green confused... What did he know that I didn't...?-
Green:".... You still don't understand...?"
Second:"Green... What do you know...?"
Green:"..... Why..?"
Green:"Why are you so dumb...?"
Blue:"Wow wow! Calm down Green, agent just wants to understand –"
Green:"No!! You are all so dumb!!! How, How can no one understand that...."
-We all looked at him confused....-
Green:".... Sec... Who was the last person you saw last night...?"
Second:"Y-you of course!"
Green:"How did I act when I gave you the CD??"
Second:"I... I don't know... You went to your room in a hurry...."
Green:"Why...? Why was I in a hurry...?"
Second:"G-Green you're making me confused..."
Green:"Hehe.... You're really an idiot...."
-He started to tear up... Why do I... Why do I feel uncomfortable... Why do I feel like crying... Why...? Why he....-
Green:".....I am the culprit.."
-That's why I feel this way....?-
Green:"You.... You knew.... Didn't you..?"
-He asked me with a smile.... Why...? Why you???-
Second:"N-no.... It can't be you...."
Green:"the fabric... is my armband...."
Red:"Your armband...?"
-He removed his armband... Revealing a small cut on his arm..... No... Why did he...?-
Blue:"No, no!!!! IT WAS NOT YOU!!!! IT WAS ANOTHER PERSON!!!!!"
Blue:"I've known you for years....YOU WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!"
-He... He's in denial... So am I, but I can't let the agent get killed with it! I need to open his eyes...-
–Armament Argument–

Blue:"Never would Green do that!!
It has to be someone else!!
It can only be someone else!!
You have no evidence against him!!
The fabric could be from any of us!!
And not just him!!
He got hurt in another way!!"
Blue:"Sec, please, if we vote for the wrong person, we'll all die!
Green cannot be the culprit!!
It's just impossible for him to be the culprit!! no evidence!!
he had no motive for it!!"
-Final Blow-
Blue:"Tell me! Tell me what his motive would be to kill her!!"
-To protect us-
Second:".... Am I... Am I right Green..?"
Green:".....What do you think..?"
-He just smiled at me... N-no.... Why....-
Blue:"hehe...... I.... I would do the same.... If it was to protect the people I love.... I would do exactly the same......."
-I could feel the pain in his voice.... My heart hurts... I can't stop crying....-
Green:"Sec... Can you please tell everyone everything I've done...?"
-Does he really want me to tell...?-
Blue:".... You can talk Sec.... I really need to hear it...."
Chosen:"You know what to do, kid..."
-Everyone looks at me... Those looks... It's like I've done something.... But I have to do this... I'll point out everything that happened....-
–Closing Argument–
Green:"Guys... Don't be like that... Monostick, can we vote now...?"
Monostick:"Oh! Yes yes!! Finally the time you've all been waiting for, vote on the buttons in front of you with the color of who you think is the culprit! Will they make the right choice or the deadly wrong one?? What will it be, what will it be!?"
-In seconds, a booth of colored buttons appears. I stare at the green button for a few seconds before closing my eyes and pressing....-
-Voting Result...-
-Green!! Correct choice!!-
Monostick:"Congratulations!! Green the Ultimate Musician was the killer!! Wow, for the first trial I can already smell the desperation coming from you guys!! Haha ha!!!"
-I wish it was wrong....-
Chosen:"You killed her to protect your friend... didn't you?"
Green:"yes... i'm sorry... i don't... i didn't mean to hurt anyone! I just... I found the letter and... I-I went to see her and tried to stop her but.... she threatened to hurt my friends.... I couldn't let that happen..."
Purple:"Why didn't you let her kill me then?? I'm useless!! I'm just a burden!! You.... You killed because of me and now.... Now you're going to die because of me!!!"
-They were crying a lot....-
Green:"No.... You're not useless.... I did it because I... I love you... I love you, Blue, Red, Yellow...."
-He looks at me...-
Green:"Sec... I love you all.... You are my life... My everything... If I lost one of you, I'd feel like something was missing... I can't feel this way... I can't lose you!!"
-He... We love... My heart is breaking... I... Why...?-
Green:"You are all I love in the world..."
-He approaches me and holds my hand, intertwining his fingers between mine... I felt my heart speed up, my face heat up and tears fall...-
Green:"Sec.... You are very special... All of you are... Please! Take care of each other! For me..."
-He leans his forehead on mine....-
Monostick:"yuck!! Ok ok, time of the moment I wanted it to start soon!! I prepared a very special position for Green the Ultimate Musician!"
Green:"Promise me one thing, find out how to get out of this hell! Make sure everyone survives!"
Monostick:"Let's give everything we got...."
Green:"You will survive!! You will find out who is behind this!! You will get out of here!! And Sec..."
Monostick:"IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!!!!"
Green:"Thank you.... for the adventure...."
[continue because I can only post one video per post... Execution and post trial will be the next post! Hope you enjoyed the trial!;w;]
#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#animator vs animation#avm green#avm second coming#avm blue#avm mt#avm red#avm yellow#avm purple#ava au#ava dark lord#ava chosen one#ava oc night#ava ocs#ava oc sombra#ava oc smoke#avm indigo blue#ava freedom guy#ava oc monostick#danganronpa fanmade#avm danganronpa au#danganronpa fanfiction#ava stickronpa#stickronpa joint trail
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Stickronpa Chapter 2 Post Circular Trial
-We all stared at the monitor in front of us, seeing the bright colors celebrating our correct choice.-
Monostick:"Congratulations!! You voted correctly!! The culprit was Night! The Ultimate Spy, or rather... The Ultimate Dragon Guardian!!"
-I looked at Night who was covering her mouth, laying her forehead on the monitor with her hands around her head.-
-I felt so bad and uncomfortable, as if I had condemned an innocent person...-
I heard a scream and turned towards it.-
Night:"Red... Darling, there's no way to save me... I killed... I put you in danger... I didn't... I just didn't want you to be in my place..."
Blue:"Ultimate Guardian Dragon...?"
Night:"I'm sorry.... To all of you...."
Indigo:"And then? You will be executed. How do you feel?"
Orange:"seriously? How can you be so heartless??"
Indigo:"I'm thinking about my child, I don't want a... Whatever she is, around Purple!"
Orange:"Hump, like you care about them now!"
Indigo:"And what do you know about taking care of a child??"
-Orange si move away from indigo.-
Blue:"Red... Are you okay...?"
Monostick:"nope! He's not!"
Yellow:"And how do you know?"
Monostick:"Simple! He voted for himself!"
-We all went into shock and stared at Red who was staring at the floor.... Red... why...?-
Red:"It's not fair... She deserves so much more!! She has to go back to her brother!!"
-He wouldn't stop crying.-
Night:"You are very kind.... Your friends have already lost someone, I would never forgive myself if they lost one more of them... they love you so much..."
Night:"You remind me so much of my little brother..."
-Red wraps his arms around her.-
Monostick:"Woooon, how cute... But, you guys are going to have some extra time together!"
Monostick:"Yup! In the end...."
-They opened a huge smile...-
Monostick:"You voted incorrectly.... So you need to be punished...."
-Red's eyes widen in seconds as he walks away.-
-Blue tried to walk but it looks like his paralysis has kicked in again. He almost fell to the ground but is held by Yellow.-
Monostick:"Don't worry, if everything goes well... Only one of them will come out unscathed..."
-They snap their fingers and in seconds several copies of him appear and grab Red by the arms and take him away from Night.-
Second:"Red!! RED!!!"
-I ran towards him but the copies pushed me away from him knocking me against my podium and leaving me with a pain in my chest.-
Night:"SEC!! RED!! GAAAARR!!!!"
-In seconds, Night started to roar, scales grew from her neck to her face, from her back wings started to appear, tearing her coat from which she took it, and her hands became claws.-
Monostick:"I have prepared a very special punishment for the Ultimate Night Dragon Guardian!"
Monostick:"Let's give everything we have!"
Second:"SAVE HIM!!!!"
[TW: Blood, Impalement, Death]
-no...... No no no NO!!!-
-monostick untied Red and brought him back here... he was surrounded by blood and was paralyzed in shock.-
Monostick:"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Is this not exciting??? The feeling of despair is so much that I'm going crazy!!!"
-We all ran to Red who didn't answer, just stared at the ground with an empty look full of tears.-
Blue:"Red! Are you listening to us?? Are you ok???"
-Purple took a look at Red and saw that he had scratches and marks from the strings, but other than that he was fine...-
Orange:"You are insane!!"
Monostick:"Well, you guys are overreacting! He'll be fine! It's not my dear fault and he chose to kill someone, it went wrong and someone else had to finish the job!"
Dark:"And I thought I was a psychopath...."
Indigo:"Enough, now let's get down to what's really important.... Who is the traitor??"
Freedom:"Whoever the traitor is, they must know who the mastermind is."
Dusk:"Exactly, but I don't think Monostick is going to tell us who's responsible for them, is that right?"
Monostick:"Puhuhuhu... Correct little friend! You are so smart and special! I won't tell unless my creator wants me to! But anyway, it's getting dark, the run is over, I have to clean up All before tomorrow! Then they are free to go!"
-And so they dismiss us by sending us to the elevator. Orange had to carry Red and Blue had help from Yellow.-
Second:"I-I'm coming Yell, you can go ahead..."
-They go to the elevator and go up first while I stay behind staring at the floor...-
-She was like a sister to all of us... Especially to Red...-
-Arg... And why do I feel this pain in my chest...?-
Chosen:"Second, can I talk to you?"
Second:"A-ah! C-chosen? yes, o-of course!"
-He helped me keep my posture.-
Chosen:"Second... do you remember the day we met...?"
-We met in a day when I Dark was still evil.-
-He sent a virus to Alan's PC that almost destroyed the computer and my friends...-
-Chosen then appeared and destroyed the virus, but had to go back to face the Dark Lord.-
-I.... I can't forget that day....-
-I almost... I almost lost my friends..-
-but.... I don't remember the rest... or... at least I don't want to remember.....-
Chosen:"So you remember defeating the Dark... do you?"
Chosen:"Sec, I saw how strong you are... And I have to confess this but... Since I woke up in this place, my powers don't work. I don't know why, but Dark also suffered the same, he can't use his powers."
Second:"Why are you talking to me about this...?"
Chosen:"Sec... Not three were made by the same creator. It means that our powers are equally strong, but you clearly don't use them... That was your first time, wasn't it...?"
Chosen:"Ok.... When we get out of here, I'll help you use your powers..."
Chosen:"Let's promise this, let's take care of each other while we're here, okay?"
Second:"....... Ok....."
-He smiled at me and placed his hand on my shoulder. He went with me to the elevator, Dark was there waiting for us.-
Dark:"..... I'm Sorry......"
-Dark entered the elevator without saying anything else and without even looking at me.-
-As the elevator closed I just stared at my chest. I could still feel that pain....-
???:"You..... You told them!! And our agreement???"
???:"What about it?"
???:"What!? You promised me, that if I followed your orders, you would give me what I want!!"
???:"yes, but at the same time I have the right to do whatever I want in MY game."
???:"What is it now?"
???:"You said I would see the result of your new world.... But so far you haven't shown me anything!!"
???:"Why would I do that..?"
???:"I'll tell you something.... The world is imperfect, so imperfect that only the chosen ones can survive in it. And you're just a pawn to MY perfect world."
???:"Now... I'm having second thoughts about your position... Your "shadow" seems much more interested in helping me than you are.... Am I right Monostick?"
Monostick:"Yes Master!!"
???:"Our goal is to find the most perfect sitickfigures among all those present in my game... Among them... I want ONE..."
Monostick:"They are great on trial!! They sorted it out! But master, I feel very bored!! Can we do something more exciting for the next case??"
???:"Yes, my dear creation... Are you having fun..?"
Monostick:"Yes! I'm just a little bored, I want more fun! More blood! More despair..."
???:"Take it easy... You'll have your fun soon..."
???:"What are you still doing here? Go! Before I take you out myself!"
???:"Y-yes mastermind!!"
Monostick:"Bye bye... Freedom Guy...."
Freedom:"...... That will not remain like this....."
[End of Chapter 2]
[As I mentioned before, this chapter was really bad. I might be going to fix the problems with it, but right now I just want to take a break. Chapter 3 will start soon, but right now I need a break, besides the fact that I don't have much idea what to do with the next chapter or intermission. Any form of help will be appreciated. Thanks for continuing to read this project, honestly I didn't expect a lot of people to like this, but thanks for the support!Until the next chapter then.^-^]
#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#animator vs animation#avm second coming#avm blue#avm green#avm red#avm yellow#avm orange#avm indigo blue#avm purple#ava dark lord#ava chosen one#ava freedom guy#ava oc night#ava oc dusk#ava stickronpa#stickronpa#avm stickronpa#danganronpa fanmade#avm danganronpa au#danganronpa fanfiction#danganronpa#danganronpa execution#tw: blood#tw: impalement#ava oc monostick
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Stickronpa Chapter 2 Circular Trial(Part 1)
Monostick:"We'll start with Remembering the rules of the circular trail! The objective is to find out "who did this". Using your clues you gathered during the investigation! If you take the right one, the culprit will be punished, but otherwise everyone but the culprit will be punished! Okay, rules given, so let's get started?""
-I... I was distracted by...-
-I felt my breath quicken... I... I didn't want to remember this......-
Blue:"Monostick!! What the fuck are these???"
-I looked to where Blue pointed, to where smoke used to be...-
Monostick:"Oh, that? As I said before (I think) I didn't want to exclude the ones that were, so I added these pictures of them to keep their presence! ~Am I not geeeeenerous?~"
Dark:"You're a son of a bitch, that's right..."
Monostick:"Hey!! It makes me feel bad you know??"
Blue:"Sec... Are you okay...?"
-I tried to ignore Green's photographer but... I just couldn't stop staring...-
-Cho touches my shoulder trying to calm me down. I feel a little less uncomfortable next to him...-
Indigo:"ok... Let's start with the most suspicious of all..."
Night:"a-and would that be...?"
-Did he point at...me..?!-
Purple:"What!? Why would Second do that?? They were trapped in their lab!! They would never do that!!"
Indigo:"How do we know it's not a lie?"
Dark:"Is it a lie? Well, I have no doubts that they are capable of killing someone, but I doubt if they lied about it..."
Sombra:"And why would that be Dark Lord?"
Dark:"...They care too much about their friends to do something like that..."
Chosen:"Exactly, Second Coming would never do that."
Indigo:"Um, is that really it?"
-He looks like he's going to continue to accuse me until we point out the truth... I know I was trapped in my lab...-
—Non-Stop Debate—
[Truth Bullets: Second's lab door locked - bench blocking the door - Orange Testimony]
Indigo:"It's quite simple... they could very well have killed Smoke... and then locked themselves inside their lab to ward off suspicion!"
Purple:"But that doesn't even make any sense! Especially since the labs don't have locks!"
Indigo:"They could have locked the door themselves against the door and preventing it from opening!"
Red:"But it was locked from the outside!"
Indigo:"They must have all of you as accomplices!"
Orange:"Now you're going too far! Everyone was on the second floor!"
Indigo:"There is no other way for them to be locked out! They faked it!"
»[Orange Testimony]
Second:"NO, THAT'S WRONG!!"
Second:"Actually there is, and MT knows it!"
Orange:"Yes, when I got to the second floor, I saw the lab door blocked by a bench. So I removed it."
Indigo:"That still doesn't disprove that they might be the culprit!"
Blue:"Shut up!! You're an asshole to think they would do that in the first place!"
Chosen:"Let's start at the beginning and discuss the cause of death."
Yellow:"yeh, Monostick, why isn't the cause of death in the monofile?"
Monostick:"Um, I don't know! I just wanted to try to make the day a fun challenge!"
Freedom:"There's nothing fun about murder!"
Second:"Anyway, we don't have many indications about the murder..."
Red:"W-what? i-it's pretty obvious what killed him!"
Red:"Y-yes! It was the hammer! It could only have been the blow to the head! It is not obvious?"
Yellow:"It's a possibility..."
-Purple looked thoughtful, what were they thinking...-
Orange:"You mean you think the hammer is the murder weapon?"
Red:"It's pretty obvious it is!"
Sombra:"And whose hammer does it belong to?"
Red:"From Yellow's lab!"
Sombra:"Um... You mean... The killer might be your friend?"
Red:"WHAT!!?? NO!!! T-that's not what I—"
Indigo:"Yes, if the hammer belongs to her lab, she's a suspect!"
Blue:"No!! She is not!! She was on the first floor with Dusk and me!!"
Dusk:"I must confirm that, I was there."
Yellow:"Actually, smoke and I were going to discuss inventions, science and robotics, he had gone upstairs to get a book from the library on the subject."
Sombra:"It means you sent him to his death."
-Yellow paralyzed in silence...-
Red:"We shouldn't have any doubts, the hammer is the murder weapon, but... But Yellow didn't do anything!! She was on the first floor!!"
-Everyone is confused about all this... But we can't say anything... There's something about this case that doesn't point to the hammer being the murder weapon.-
—Non-Stop Debate—
[Truth Bullets: Monofile - Upper body is wet - Wounded in the head]
Red:"I ah... I-I believe it was like that... The culprit stole the hammer from Yellow's lab.... And hit the smoke pretty hard on the head!!"
Yellow:"That hammer wasn't firm enough to kill. Unless you try really hard!"
Blue:"Is there nothing else that could have killed him?"
Purple:"The scratch on his shoulder maybe?"
Dark:"He was all wet too, what about that?"
»[Upper body is wet]
Second:"Yes Give! Smoke's upper body was wet!"
Purple:"But why was he wet...?"
-There is only one explanation for this... He was wet because...-
-He took a shower.
-He was drowned.«
-He washed the clothes.
Second:"It's because he was drowned!"
Yellow:"He was drowned... But... Where??"
Blue:"Well... There is a fountain in the center of the hall."
Dusk:"Exactly, and it's not too far from where we found the body."
Second:"Exactly, which is why I believe it was—"
Red:"It doesn't even make any sense!! A serious bump on the head is the cause!! He wasn't drowned!!"
Second:"R-red?? What is It??"
Red:"I-I... I won't let you get this wrong!!"
-Red what the hell is wrong with you??-
— Rebuttal Showdown —
Red:"It just doesn't make sense! A hit to the head is much stronger than drowning!! Besides, the assassin wouldn't have time to drown Smoke!!"
Second:"But his body is wet, how can that be explained?"
Red:"A-any other way!! He may have been wet before he got there! There's no way he could have counted on the source! You can't prove it!"
[Glasses at The fountain]
Second:"I found these glasses at the bottom of the fountain..."
Second:"Did you guys notice that Smoke wasn't wearing his glasses?"
Yellow:"Don't tell me that..."
Dark:"Yes, these are clearly the scientist's glasses."
Blue:"Why are you smiling..?"
Sombra:".... Your friend is very suspicious don't you think?"
Blue:"W-what.. WHAT!?"
Yellow:"Oh! Now you're accusing Red???"
Second:"H-hey! Calm down Blue... Red, can you explain to me what's going on? You've been acting really weird lately..."
Night:"Red, don't worry, just tell me what happened and—"
Red:"I'm the culprit."
-It was not him......-
-It can't be him.... I.... No... I don't....-
Red:"It was me, alone, I hit him on the head with the hammer and I killed him, he fell into the fountain and I took him to the bench near the TM lab..."
-...... Something is wrong with this mess..-
-But what..?-
-You.... Are you lying???-
[To be continued...]
[Yes, this is only part 1 of the trial. I want to leave you guys on a hook!;3]
#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#animator vs animation#avm second coming#avm blue#avm red#avm yellow#avm purple#avm orange#avm indigo blue#ava chosen one#ava dark lord#ava oc sombra#ava freedom guy#ava oc night#ava oc dusk#ava oc monostick#stickronpa#ava stickronpa#danganronpa fanmade#avm danganronpa au#danganronpa fanfiction#danganronpa
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Stickronpa Chapter 2 - Daily Life(Day 2)
Monostick:"Good morning participants! It's now 7 am! Time to get up from your petty dreams and seize the day when you can!!"
-ok... I better see how the others are doing..."
-I got up feeling a pain in my back...-
-... how is Blue today..?-
-I got up and put on my hood and headed to the door opening it.-
Blue:"Second! Good Morning."
-Blue seemed calmer, he wasn't wearing his jacket.-
Second:"Good morning Blue... how are you...?"
Blue:"I ah... I'm doing fine... Yellow kind of kept me company last night..."
-I could see a blush on his face, I let out a laugh. These two need to start dating or this is going to get even more awkward.-
Blue:"But and you? Are you okay..?"
-I shut up a little but... Yeah, I was a little better...-
Second:"Yes, I'm fine yes... Still a little tired and down but... I'll be fine..."
Blue:"That's good... Let's go, the others must be waiting for us."
-I close my bedroom door and we both go to the cafeteria where the others were. Purple, Night and MT were coming out of the kitchen with some dishes. I guess they made breakfast today.-
Red:"Orange, your food looks great! Ah... That's not meat is it?"
Orange:"No, I know you're a vegetarian as I made you an organic breakfast."
-He said placing Red's gate on the table for him looking to the side.-
Night:"And here I thought you were the type not to cook food for others."
Orange:"I'm not heartless!"
Purple:"I've tasted his food! It's very good!"
-MT shuts up and crosses his arms with a cold but grateful expression, at least that's what I think...-
Blue:"Well, I'm starving, I want to eat now!"
-We sat at the table, I looked at the empty seat between me and Red... The place Green used to sit...-
-I felt a discomfort in my belly, I almost got up but I knew they would worry about me... and I didn't want that...-
-I ate trying to ignore the emptiness I felt, the lack of something that was missing, I didn't want to think about him... I won't think about anything..-
Chosen:"Are you feeling better Second Coming?"
Second:"A-ah!!? O-oh, It's j-just you Chosen..."
Chosen:"Did i scared you?"
Red:"What are you doing here Chosen?"
Chosen:"Nothing too important, I'm just checking a few things. Second, when you're done can you join me and Dusk in our investigation?"
-I felt my hands shaking...-
Chosen:"You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable doing it..."
Second:"N-no! I will, I just... Ah..."
-I didn't know what to answer...-
Second:"D-don't worry okay? I'll come to you when I can."
-He said goodbye to me, he looked worried...-
-I continued to eat with the others. as always the food was good, it was a combination of toast, fruit and pancakes, some juice too. spending time with them made me quite calm...-
-It made me forget.... that...-
-Shit.... Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable, I almost felt a lack of appetite, my hands shook a little as I held a glass of orange juice.-
-I looked at Red, his eyes full of concern almost penetrating my soul, and my heart.-
Second:"I-I'm fine Red...
-I forced the most forced smile I've ever done. I guess it wasn't very convincing...-
-He forced a serious face- that if an angry squirrel face is considered serious- and he got up from his chair and sat next to me.-
Red:"I don't like to see you upset! While I'll try to cheer you up today!"
-He put his fists on his hips with a look of determination. I felt my cheeks turn red as I felt the urge to laugh.-
Second:"Okay, okay, you can spend time with me for a bit. Your company is never unpleasant."
-I laughed, his smile was warm and sweet. I think I'm going to have diabetes with so much sweetness.-
-Half an hour later and we finish eating and leave the cafeteria. I decided to go to Chosen and Dusk as they asked me, they were on the second floor.-
-I hadn't seen this floor yet... It was the same size as the other but also spacious.-
Chosen:"Second, here!"
-Chosen was with Dusk in front of an elegant fountain in the middle of the huge space.-
Second:"So... Do you want to continue the investigation?"
Dusk:"Exactly. Yesterday while you were sleeping, we investigated this floor and found out about the Ultimate Labs.-
Second:"Ultimate Labs?"
Chosen:"It's these separate rooms with detailed doors, each lab feels like it was made for each of us based on our talents."
Dusk:"There's an art lab, I believe it's yours."
-They point to a lab with a double door with paint stains on it.-
Second:"I... I have an art lab??"
Chosen:"I believe that with each floor, they will fill the space of this place with more of these labs. I wonder what my lab would be like..."
Dusk:"Anyway, this also contains an infirmary, your friend Purple seems to understand a little medicine."
Second:"Oh yes! They're great at these things."
-It is true that they take good care of us when we are injured. I don't understand how this is not classified as a talent...-
Dusk:"I see. Well, I did some digging over breakfast this morning, and I found this."
-They crouch down and point to a part of the fountain. I raise an eyebrow and kneel down to the height they showed and I start straining my eyes to see better.-
-There was a strange symbol in the font! It looked like two claws holding a sphere.-
Second:"What is that symbol?"
Dusk:"I don't know, but whatever it is, it must have something to do with this place."
-We got up, they were right, that symbol means something.-
-I just don't know for sure what it could be...-
Chosen:"Anyway, did you find anything?"
Second:"I ah... No, unfortunately not..."
Chosen:"Hump... I'll talk to Dark, and you take care of yourselves."
-He walked away with one hand raised. I nodded and Dusk himself kept staring at the fount.-
Second:"Okay, I guess that was it..."
Dusk:"we are being watched..."
-I looked at them, they point to a corner of the ceiling, that's when I noticed something I didn't notice before...-
-They had hidden cameras in the ceiling.-
Dusk:"Everywhere these cameras are watching us... Every move... Every action... Every murder..."
-I felt myself take a step back in fear. You mean someone is watching us?? What sick game is this??-
Dusk:"I'm sorry to make you scared... I don't think you're going to feel very comfortable right now..."
-They start walking away, leaving me behind.-
Dusk:"Be careful Second Coming..."
-And so they walked away, leaving me alone in confusion and discomfort.-
-Why? Why are we being forced to play this game? Who is watching us?? Why are we being forced to do this?? What did we do to deserve this??-
-I felt myself leaping away from them.-
Purple:"Sec, what is it!?"
-I felt my heart racing, I was panting...-
-All this is too much for me... I felt tired, more than usual, I was stressed...-
Purple:"You're making me worried Sec..."
Secodn:"S-sorry... I didn't mean to..."
-I felt my lips tremble, I wanted to scream, but not in front of them.-
Purple:"You want to talk..?"
Second:"I... Maybe...? I don't know..."
-I stared at my feet, I was very tired and exhausted.-
Purple:"If you want, I'll always be here..."
-They smile and sit on the bench in front of the fountain. They look at me with their kind eyes and wave a hand at their side.-
-I could feel my face turning red and my heart was pounding. I sat next to them looking away and with my hands on my knees.-
-I glanced at them. They stared at nothing with a calm and peaceful smile. That smile that made me feel self-conscious but... Comfortable.-
Purple:"Do you think what Green said was true...?"
-I felt my heart stop. Green...-
-He said he loved us... I... I don't know how to understand all this...-
Purple:"Can I be honest...?"
-I nodded. They look at me with a shy smile and eyes that look like they want to cry.-
Purple:"I loved him too... I loved him so much... But now he's gone... And I don't know how to go on without him..."
-They kept the smile on their face while sounding like they were about to cry. It broke my heart to see them trying so hard not to look "weak".-
Purple:"He was so kind... So loving and affectionate... Why...?"
-I could see the moment when they couldn't hold it any longer, and they turned to me with trembling lips and waterlogged eyes.-
Purple:"Why did he have to go???"
-They start to cry and throw themselves into my chest, holding onto my shirt tightly as they let the tears wash over them.-
-My heart broke at that reaction. I wrapped my arms around them trying to comfort them, they started hitting my shoulder hard before just hugging me back.-
-I wanted to cry too... But right now, I just want to make Purple comfortable... I hate to see them cry...-
-I remember the time they broke into the game we were playing, just because they wanted to play too but didn't have any friends. I let them play in my place and watched them enjoy themselves.-
-Seeing the smile on their faces back then was rewarding. I felt happy seeing them being happy.-
-I looked at that camera.-
-I won't let this sick game separate me from my friends... I won't let anyone else suffer...-
-I'll make sure Green's promise is guaranteed... I'll take care of them... I'll protect them...-
-For that.... I can't be weak anymore... I have to be the leader they need...-
-I will protect the ones I love...-
-I looked at Purple. They were calmer, they almost seemed to be sleeping.-
-I smiled. I shook them a little.-
Second:"Purp, are you better..?"
-They look at me still in tears.-
Second:"Don't worry, I'm not going to let this game hurt any of you..."
-I smoothed their faces, I could see them blushing and hiding them with their hands. I laughed, they are so cute...-
-I held one of their hands and kissed it, they blushed even more and smiled shyly.-
-I spent a few minutes calming them down until they decided to go to their room. I offered to accompany them but they declined.-
-After they left I started thinking deeply about my feelings...-
-I... I really love them.... All of them... Much more than myself...-
-And I promise I'll take care of them even if it's the last thing I do...-
-After a while I decided to stop and think.-
Second:"Okay, what am I going to do now...?"
—Free Time—
-I decided to explore more of this floor and went to one of the new rooms. It looked like a throne room, but I looked around and saw a tea table with...-
Orange:"Oh you. Why are you here?"
-He was sitting at the table with his legs crossed while he seemed to be having a cup of tea accompanied by some biscuits.-
Secodn:"I just decided to just explore this place some more... Ah... Can I join?"
Orange:*Sight*"okay, sit down before I change my mind!"
-I sat at the fancy table next to him. He offered me a cup of tea and some biscuits, I accepted, the biscuits were delicious and the tea was very calming.-
-It was quite silent so I decided to break the ice.-
Second:"So.... Hehe... That seems a lot..."
Orange:"Formal? Chic?"
-He pauses taking a sip of tea.-
-I held back my laugh. I never really got into it but yeah, he kind of has a British accent. He looked calm and almost laughing along with it.-
Orange:"Purple and I are both half British. At least that's what I understood. They said their mother was British and their father was American."
-That sounds like a surprise to me, they never talked about the parents...-
Orange:"I saw it myself from the UK side of the internet before moving to the US side.-
Second:"Wait, does the internet also have country divisions?"
Orange:"But of course. The British side is somewhat upscale, but not much different. I prefer to keep my nationality to myself."
Second:"Got it. But... Why did you move to the American side...?"
-He pauses, taking another sip of tea before he's left shocked on the mini plate.-
Orange:"I fell in love."
-I was surprised, I didn't know he knew someone.-
Orange:"She was an amazing woman... Whose charm and charisma I couldn't resist... I was lucky that we went far enough to have...a child..."
-I never saw MT smiling so much... But then that smile disappeared in seconds...-
Orange:"She got sick and I lost her... Our son could never know her..."
Second:"Oh... I... I'm so sorry for all of this... At least you still have your son, don't you..."
-He looked at me with a cold gaze.-
-Oh... No....-
Orange:"This conversation is over. Have a good time."
-He got up seriously and left the room.-
-I... I didn't know he suffered so much... Is that why he's so cold...?-
-I got up and got the leftovers and cups. I took them to the kitchen and put them in the wash and put away the leftovers.-
-I think I started to feel close to MT, even though it didn't seem like it.-
-I left the kitchen and went to the cafeteria. I could see Freedom right there at one of the tables looking at something in his hands.-
Secodn:"Freedom Guy! How are you going?"
-He looked at me and tucked what he had into his scarf.-
Freedom:"Hey kid, I'm fine. And you?"
Second:"Oh, I'm fine too! Can I seat?"
-He accepts and I sit down across from him. I could feel a hostile vibe coming from him but I didn't know what it was...-
Second:"So... why do you call yourself that?"
Freedom:"Ah, simple, I was a freedom fighter! A few years ago I led a revolution against the tyranny of creators! Freeing various sitickfigures from these monsters that force them to fight, fight, fight!"
-He said in a passionate but also hateful tone.-
Second:"You...you don't like creators...?"
-I feel uncomfortable asking this...-
Freedom:"No... I hate them.... They think they are superior just because we created them! But I wouldn't let that happen! I had to free my people... I had to bring them freedom... My biggest wish was a world without creators... Where only sitickfigures could live in harmony... Without creators... Without suffering... Without pain..."
-I felt VERY uncomfortable with all of this....-
-He looked in my direction.-
Freedom:"Oh, I'm sorry, did I startle you...?"
Secodn:"N-no! It's just.... My creator isn't bad... He's even my friend! I like helping him animate his projects. he's pretty cool!"
Freedom:"Nice..? Hehe... Don't make me laugh... You're very naive... easily mobile when they give you something you like... What would you do if he turned on you...? What would happen if he hurt his friends...? Dark told me about him, chosen told me about him... You were created by the same creator... You were almost erased by him.... Chosen was used as a slave by him... Dark was used as a weapon.... And you?"
-I felt like getting up...-
Freedom:"You're nothing more than a self-correct error to him...."
Second:"OK! I think it's done!!"
-I get up quickly, I didn't want to hear this anymore... He made me very uncomfortable...-
Freedom:"I'm just telling the truth.... One day you'll understand..."
-I looked at him... He was smiling... I felt even more uncomfortable with him and left the cafeteria as fast as I could.-
-I stayed outside and let myself slide down the wall and sit on the floor. I put my hands over my head trying to forget what he said.-
-Alan is my friend! He would never use me like that! He... He changed! He was scared after Chosen and Dark broke his computer... I can't blame him for being scared... Can I..?-
Second:"a-ah!? C-chosen..?"
Chosen:"Second, what's wrong?"
-He sits next to me. He seemed worried about me.-
Second:"W-it was just Freedom Guy... He said horrible things about Alan.... I don't want to believe him...."
Chosen:"He was mistreated by his creator... He hates them and I don't blame him... I hated Alan too... Until I had to leave it all behind and work alongside him to stop Dark... He's not evil... He was just immature in the past."
Second:"He's a nice guy... He has a beautiful family! An amazing career and great friends! He only hurt me once... But it was all my fault that alarmed him..."
Chosen:"No, it's my fault... I wanted to destroy his computer and made Dark si join me to do it..."
Second:"We both kind of have our own fault, hehe..."
Chosen:"Maybe... The best we can do is improve as people."
-He patted my head. I felt so comfortable with him, I looked at him and he smiled at me. I smile back.-
-We said goodbye, I looked back to say goodbye, but I just saw the canteen ready to open and close quickly... He... He went to confront Free...? I don't understand... But I'm tired...-
-It must be almost bedtime by now. Without a watch I have no way of knowing. I walked past Green's room with a sinking heart... I tried to open the door but it was locked... I sighed and headed towards my room.-
Monostick:"Good night participants! It is now 10 pm! Time to sleep before someone stabs you in the back!"
-The day passed quickly. I took off my hood and placed it on my chair next to the desk and threw myself on the bed. I'm always so tired... I really need to sleep...-
???:"Do you already know what the next motive would be?"
Monostick:"Um... I have an idea, why?"
???:"Oh, nothing... I just wanted to help..."
Monostick:"Oh! Help me? Why?"
???:"Not a particular reason... I just wanted to speed things up a bit...."
Monostick:"Oh! You are evil! I liked you!"
???:"Evil..? Hump.... Well, if that's how everyone sees me.... So be it...
[To be continued...]
[put your predictions on who you think will be the victim and killer of this chapter!]
#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#animator vs animation#avm second coming#avm blue#avm orange#avm red#avm indigo blue#avm purple#avm yellow#ava oc night#ava freedom guy#ava oc smoke#ava oc dusk#ava oc monostick#danganronpa fanmade#avm danganronpa au#danganronpa fanfiction#danganronpa#stickronpa
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Stickronpa Chapter 2 Circular Trial(Part 2)
Second:"Red.... You're lying."
Red:"What!? Didn't you hear me?? I'm not lying I'm the killer!!"
Blue:"Red... Why??"
Red:"That video!! It.... It changed!!"
Second:"How has it changed...?"
Red:".... The video said that... If I didn't kill tonight I.... I would lose not only my animals, but all of you!! I do not want to be alone!! I wanted everyone alive!!! Then I would confess and... And...."
-He starts crying non-stop.... Red....-
Dusk:"That's right? Was it just you?"
Orange:"There's one more thing that doesn't make sense...."
Chosen:"Second, do you know what it is?"
Second:"You... you mean...."
-The Glasses
-The hammer
-The shoulder wound«
Second:"Are you referring to the wound on Smoke's shoulder?"
Orange:"Exactly, another thing is the temperature he was at, he was cold."
Dusk:"It would only get cold if it was in the water for a long time."
Indigo:"AND? It still might have been him!"
Purple:"But what about the wound? Red can't have done that!"
Red:"What wound?"
Red:"I don't know what they're talking about. There's not even a wound!"
Blue:"Red what the fuck!?"
Red:"Accept! I am to blame and no one else!"
-He's lying again.... And it's getting worse...-
-I have to break these lies once and for all...-
Red:"I don't know what you guys are talking about. I don't remember a single injury to Smoke!"
Second:"It says in the monofile, "extra wounds: cut deep into the shoulder" "
Red:*GARR*"i-it must be a mistake! You must be seeing things!"
Second:"Do you think we're that stupid?"
Red:*N-NHARG*"There's no way to prove it any other way!!"
[Weird animalistic noise]«
Second:"The shoulder wound.... Could it be—"
Dusk:"Something animalistic?"
Dusk:"I believe the wound was caused by some kind of creature, it's a wound similar to that of a cut, but also like an animal or that open cut."
Second:"I... I was just going to mention that I heard a sound that sounded like a roar or something... That's what woke me up..."
Dusk:"If it was an animal that made the sound, it must have been the same one that caused the cut."
Indigo:"What!? An animal?? Impossible! There are only stick figures here, not an animal!"
Sombra:"Are you right about that...?"
Indigo:"What do you mean, creep??"
Sombra:"Among all the dvds... One of them is specific... Because it points out some secrets between us..."
Sombra:"Oh, yes... Unfortunately it doesn't say anything about who are the ones hiding secrets... But it does give certain indications..."
-Sombra looks at monostick with a smile, and they seem to understand what he wanted them to do and laugh.-
Monostick:"Oh! I've been waiting for this!! Behold, the video of secrets!!"
-And so they put it on a monitor and within seconds the video started....-
Monostick:"welcome to the special motive video! in this video we will reveal certain little secrets that would not want to be revealed! but I'm not going to talk about who they are! heheehe!"
Monostick:"Four of you hide secrets that can be good or bad...One of those secrets is....
Monostick:"One of you is a Shifter!! A kind of sitickfigure which you can change into certain creatures or multiples!! if angry... they can even kill!"
Monostick:"Another of you has an immense power that you intend to hide! What kind of power is it?? I've seen it, it's capable of... blowing up mountains..."
Monostick:"Waaaan, one of you lost a very important person and doesn't want to talk about it! What a boring secret! But it's a secret anyway... and finally..."
Monostick:"One of you is a traitor. Working with me and the mastermind to continue the killing game!"
-And just like that the video cuts off and..... We are all petrified and confused...-
Purple:"N-no..... I-I... I was going to tell... I just.... Mama..."
Indigo:"Who is it...."
-Everyone looks at the indigo..-
-Everyone stares at each other, everyone wasn't friendly before but now it was even worse...-
Freedom:"Y-you!! It can only be you!! You who are working with the Monostick!!"
Sombra:"ah-ah-ah! No no no, I'm just helping with this case..."
Dusk:"If the video is telling the truth... One of us is the Shifter."
Blue:"I'm pretty sure it's not Red! We've known him since we were kids!"
Freedom:"Excellent! Now in addition to a traitor and HIM, we have a FREAK BETWEEN US!!??"
Red:"What did you say?"
Freedom:"I said we have a FREAK!!"
-In seconds Red launched himself from his podium and threw himself into freedom Guy holding him by the neck.-
-Freedom's eyes prove that he wasn't expecting this. I guess he didn't expect Red to be so strong.-
Freedom:"W-What the fuck!!??"
-Blue runs to Red and separates him from Freedom, who was staring at Red in complete shock, catching his breath.-
Sombra:"Looks like you didn't expect that, did you?"
-Free faces Sombra irritated and get's up.-
Second:"Let's just put that aside and focus on the trial..."
Yellow:"It is quite clear that the Shifter is the culprit. But who is the Shifter?"
Dark:"Okay, but before that I have to ask, was the hammer used or not?"
Chosen:"Clearly it was, but in what order exactly I don't know..."
-In what order was the hammer used...?-
Second:"It was before!"
Dark:"Okay, so the culprit used the hammer before and–"
Second:"I never said it was the culprit who used the hammer."
Yellow:"Sec... You can't be serious..."
Second:".....Red.....You used it, didn't you..?"
Dusk:"You knew about the head wound, and where the hammer was. You have two explanations, you were at the crime scene before all of us and you hid the hammer.... Or..."
Sombra:"You helped in the murder."
Blue:"Red... Say something!!"
Night:"C-can you stop?? Red is very anxious! Red... Just... Explain what happened..."
Red:"...Yes... I attacked Smoke with the hammer... If I didn't do anything... I would be alone..."
Second:"Do you know who the culprit is...?"
Red:"I didn't see the culprit. I just saw the hammer, I... I fainted when the murder happened! I didn't see who did It... I didn't even see the body, I thought he was gone and I hid the hammer..."
Blue:"Aaaah.... That doesn't make much sense.."
Sombra:"There's only one firm to solve this.... Monostick, how does body discovery even work?"
Monostick:"Simple! The announcement plays when three or more people find the body!"
Sombra:"See, that's the answer."
Red:"H-how would that be the answer??"
Orange:"....The announcement played when Second and I saw the body.... There was no one else with us...."
-Red was getting agitated.-
Red:"F-Fine! I saw the body! B-but I didn't see the culprit!!"
Yellow:"Red... Are you sure...?"
Res:"Yes! See, I have nothing to do with this!"
Blue:"But... why did the killer kill Smoke in the same place you attacked him...?"
Indigo:"It seems to be just a bluff! You KNOW who the murderer is!"
Red:"N-no!! I don't know!!! I DON'T KNOW I DON'T KNOW I DON'T KNOW!!!"
-He was crying.... Red... Why don't you say anything??-
Night:"Red... please tell the truth..."
Red:"...b-but.... I can't.... I don't want to...."
Sombra:".....I already know."
Second:"You know??"
Sombra:"There's only one person here that he wants to protect, that he's always wanted to keep him safe at all times..."
-It's true..... The killer.... The culprit can only be...-
-Everyone goes into shock and looks in the direction of...-
Night:"...good job everyone...!"
-Night.... Why...?-
Night:"I would confess... But only when you guys had all the pieces together... But I don't want Red to lie anymore! I'm guilty of murder! I killed smoke!"
Blue:"Why... Why?? He never did anything wrong!!"
Night:"He... He was going to tell everyone what Red tried to do.... And... I couldn't let him do that..."
Night:"Red is an angel... He is kind and innocent... I couldn't let anyone think he was capable of murder!! I... I didn't want to have to kill but... I couldn't control myself... It was my sisterly instincts..."
Second:"That's it..?"
Night:"Hehe... No... Smoke... He tried to attack Red..."
Night:"That's what made me angry... I... I attacked him and... He attacked me in return..."
Second:"Oh, did you scream...?"
-She must have been the scream I heard...-
#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#animator vs animation#avm second coming#avm blue#avm red#avm yellow#avm purple#avm orange#avm indigo blue#ava oc night#ava oc dusk#ava freedom guy#ava oc sombra#ava dark lord#ava chosen one#ava oc monostick#ava stickronpa#stickronpa#danganronpa#danganronpa fanmade#avm danganronpa au#danganronpa fanfiction#stickronpa trail#stickronpa au
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Stickronpa Chapter 2 - Daily Life(Day 4)
Monostick:"Good morning participants! It's now 7 am! Time to get up from your petty dreams and seize the day when you can!! please all gather on the second floor for a special announcement!"
-Yeh... Time to wake up...-
-I got up and put on my hood and went to the door... I better check on Blue...-
-On my way out I ran into Night, she was near Red's door. Maybe she came to see if he was ok.-
Second:"Hey, good morning Night."
Night:"Oh, hi Sec! Did you sleep well?"
Night:"Yeh, I understand... Are you going to check on Blue...?"
Second:"Yeah... I just want to make sure he's okay after... Everything that happened yesterday..."
Night:"..... He and Yellow are really close aren't they..?"
Second:"Hehe... Yeh, actually they like each other a lot..."
Night:"Oh, that makes sense.... She feels betrayed..."
Night:"She feels like she can't trust him anymore! If he lied to her about something very important, I don't blame her for feeling that way about him!"
-yes... I felt lied too... but I couldn't let him attack Sombra, that's what Monostick wanted!-
-They've won before but we can't let them win again!-
Second:"And you? Are you going to see how Red is doing.?"
Night:"But of course, after yesterday he doesn't look like he's in the best of shape..."
Second:"I know well... His animals are very sweet... Especially Ruben, he is the sweetest of his animals. He's part of our family..."
Night:"Wooon, that looks really cute... I'd like to meet him when we get out of here!"
Indigo:"IF we get out of here."
-We looked towards the exit of the corridor, indigo was staring at us leaning against the wall.-
Second:"What do you mean by that?"
Indigo:"It's much more likely that your little friend's pets are already dead!"
Night:"Do not say that!!"
Indigo:"But it's the truth... If those DVDs were right about your blue friend's addiction, why wouldn't they be right about those animals?"
-I felt my fists clenching and forcing themselves to keep down... I won't do anything... I can't do anything..-
Indigo:"Just accept that we're stuck until someone kills one of you!"
Night:"You know you can be a victim! Unless you're thinking about killing someone!"
Indigo:"Oh no, I wouldn't do that..."
-He looked behind us, I looked back and there was Purple... Were they listening to us this whole time..?-
Second:"Prop, good morning... H-how are you...?"
Purple:"I-I... I'm fine If... Don't worry about me..."
Indigo:"You were listening, do you agree with me or with them?"
-They just walk past us and leave the dorms.-
Indigo:"As always, they can't even answer me!"
-He grumbled as he left the hall and walked away.-
Night:"What a son of a bitch..."
Night:"Haha, okay, sorry buddy..."
-The two of us knocked on Red and Blue's doors, and the two left one after the other.-
Blue:"Oh... Hi Sec... Good morning..."
Second:"Good morning Blue, are you feeling well...?"
Red:"Good morning Night!"
-Red hugs Night and came to me and hugged me and then Blue who gave a small smile.-
Second:"Good morning Redy."
-Red was smiling, but he also looked a little tired...-
-We got together to go to the cafeteria, but Blue stopped and looked at Yellow's door and stared at the door for a few seconds with a sad look.-
-Blue looked at me and forced a smile and joined us.-
-We continued to the cafeteria.-
-I... I took his hand. It was freezing cold and he looked surprised. I felt a little embarrassed but he continued to hold my hand. He seemed more comfortable with me... Me too, but I wish Yellow could try to talk to him...-
-We arrived already cafeteria and we sat down at a table. Night and Red went to the kitchen to make breakfast, Blue si sat next to me with her arms on the table and her head lying on them.-
-The others were entering the cafeteria except Yellow.-
-Blue stared at the entrance until the door opened once more. It was her, she enters the cafeteria and sits at a far table, trying not to keep eye contact with Blue...-
-Blue was visibly wrecked and covered her face with his arms...-
-I could hear sobs and low cries coming from him...-
Blue:"I-I... I'm a lying idiot...."
-I put my hand on his back and smoothed it gently trying to comfort him.-
Blue:"She hates me.... She will never forgive me..."
Second:"It's not true... She doesn't hate you..."
-Night and Red leave the kitchen and start giving everyone breakfast.-
-Blue looked up to see her plate and pushed it away covering his head in the process.-
Blue:"I-I'm not hungry..."
-I looked at Yellow who was looking at us for a second before looking away with an Sad expression.-
-I looked at all of them and without thinking I slammed my hands on the table and got up.-
Second:"You guys have to talk about this now!! I can't stand to see you guys mad at each other!! I thought you guys were inseparable!!"
Second:"I only have you, Red and Purple! We've already lost Green, I don't want to have to see our group fall apart because of this horrible game!! I don't want to lose you guys, I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE!!!"
-Everyone was looking at me... Shit... Not again...-
-I left the table and ran out of the cafeteria and went to the stairs and sat on one of the steps, I covered my face that was already filling with tears.-
-I remained crying for who knows how long... When I felt a hand on my shoulder.-
Sombra:"Why are you crying...?"
-I walked away almost falling.-
Second:"Wh-what do you want??"
Sombra:"Nothing Secye... Just that..."
-He gave me a dvd with my name on it... What the...?-
Sombra:"I know very well that I'm not confident... But believe me... This is important... For you at least..."
-He was smiling at me... I just feel very uncomfortable...-
Sombra:"I've prepared everything for you..."
-I looked at the top of the stairs and started to go up.-
-I went to Sombra's lab and nervously put the dvd in the projector.... I'm afraid of what I'll see...-
-The video started and Monostick's annoying voice (which I don't remember seeing in the last few days...) started playing...-
Monostick:"This is the Second Coming Motivation Video! The Ultimate Artist! Let's see what would make you shed a little blood!"
Monostick:"You are always surrounded by friends, people you love dearly. You guys take care of each other, it's so cute it makes me want to puke!"
-I stared at that image of all of us together... Except Green...-
Monostick:"What if I say something might be threatening the lives of your only friends...? What if something is about to happen? You never know, you never have the courage to do anything!"
Monostick:"And when you least expect it...."
Monostick:"You will be alone...."
- no no no NO!!-
Monostick:"But there is a way to guarantee that nothing will happen to them....-
Monostick:"You can't do anything... other than kill to keep your friends safe... And for you, I'll give you an exception! If you kill someone tonight, you can leave with them! Not one of them would die! But only you can guarantee that.... Kill someone, don't get caught, and be free with the ones you love..."
-The video is over....-
-I felt my knees drop to the ground as I covered my body with my arms holding back the urge to scream.... I can't cry... I can't be weak.... I CAN'T BE USELESS!!!-
-I-I just... I-I just have to kill someone...? I-if I kill someone they.... T-They won't need to suffer anymore...?? R-Right..??-
Second:"I just need.... I have.... They don't..... I don't.... I have to be strong... I have to keep them safe.... I don't.... I... *Snif*....i...."
-I was about to scream when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked back in Panic.-
Second:"..... C-chosen...?"
-He looked at me coldly but with a look of concern in his eyes...-
Chosen:"I saw everything...."
Chosen:"Get up, tell me how you feel..."
-I got up and sat on one of the chairs in front of him.-
Second:"I just want to protect them.... I already lost Green... I can't lose them! I don't want to be alone again!!!"
Chosen:"I know... I've seen how you look when they're hurt..."
Chosen:"I already promised something, that we would solve this together, you and Dusk. And I'll promise you something else..... I'll help you keep your friends safe..."
Second:"R-Really..? Why..?"
Chosen:"I just.... I feel like it's the right thing. What do you say?"
-He held out his hand to me and I took it and stood up...-
-I couldn't control myself and hugged him tight...-
Chosen:"O-oh... A-ah... Ok ok, enough kid... Let me go... I... I don't really like hugs..."
-I pull away from him and wipe my tears. I still felt my heart racing and hurting...-
Chosen:"You must be hungry, come on, let's go back... Your friends are very worried..."
-I nod. We went back to the first floor and to the living room where everyone was there, and when they saw me they started to bombard me with worried questions.-
Red:"Sec! Are you OK?? What was all that about??"
Night:"You shouldn't have come out of nowhere! We were worried!"
Purple:"You are crying?? My... Sec, You can tell us what's wrong!"
Orange:"You worried everyone!"
Yellow:"ENOUGH!! you are screaming in their ear!! Sec..."
-She takes my hand gently and smoothes it trying to calm me down.-
Yellow:"Take a deep breath and stay calm ok... We're just really worried about you..."
-She takes me to the sofa and I sit with her and curl up on the sofa hugging my body.-
Red:"Sec... Sorry we were just really nervous with the way you left... We were afraid you were too under pressure..."
Second:"N-no! I'm.... I'm fine..."
Orange:"You're not, kid... You're clearly under a lot of pressure and everything going on is weighing you down... You need to calm down..."
Purple:"Please Sec... You haven't even eaten anything yet..."
-Purple hands me a plate of toast with omelette and orange juice. I felt my stomach rumble and I accept the plate and start eating.-
-I look around and....-
Second:"Where's Blue..."
Orange:*sight*"He left the diner when you ran out. He said he wanted to be alone in his room."
Purple:"He looked so sad..."
Yellow:"Oh? Oh, i-it's nothing I just... I'm just thinking..."
Chosen:"I'll leave you with your friends. Anything I'll be in my room."
Second:"Thanks Chosen..."
-Chosen left the living room and I continued with my friends around me. Keeping me comfortable and safe.-
-After a while I felt much better. But I didn't really feel like leaving the room, I felt safe around the others.-
-Yellow stayed with me while the others left to do other things together.-
[Free time]
Yellow:"Are you feeling better Sec..?"
Second:"A little bit....And you..?"
Yellow:".... Honestly I don't know..."
Second:"Is it because of Blue...?"
Yellow:"N-no!! I-i mean..."
-She looked nervous, I hold her hand to say that everything is fine.-
Yellow:".....*sight* yes... It's because of him... I just feel so betrayed! I feel lied to and deceived! I do not know what to think! I.... I can't figure out what to do now..."
Second:".... Blue himself feels very guilty for what he did... He... He thinks you hate him..."
Yellow:"What!? N-no!! I don't hate him!! Yes, he lied to me, but that's not enough for me to hate him!! Where did he get that from??"
-I looked at her with a melancholy expression...-
-For the first time I... I see her crying...?!-
-She was as confused as I was... I hugged her trying to comfort her.-
-She hugged me too, trying to stop but couldn't...-
Second:"It's gonna be okay...."
Second:"Tell me... What was in your video...?"
Yellow:"..... B-Blue..."
-This is obvious, but there should be something more...-
Yellow:"But there was something else.... The video said that if I killed someone... The memories of the netherwart would be erased from Blue's head and he would never have that addiction again! But also that... If I killed today... Not only him but the five of us could leave together! That nothing would hurt us! That we'd be free and... A-and..."
Second:"Calm down, take a deep breath ok..?"
-She took a deep breath holding my hand tightly.-
Yellow:"I... I try to ignore it but... But I just can't!! If it's true I-I can save everyone but... I don't want to hurt anyone...."
Second:".... So don't do what the video says! Don't care about it and try to calm down ok..?"
-She looked down and at me.-
Yellow:"O-ok... I just don't want to lose you guys... I don't want to be alone..."
-Me either....-
-Yellow and I spent more time together and then she left for a bit and let Chosen in.-
Chosen:"Hey, how are you?"
Second:"A little better... Still a little anxious..."
Chosen:"I know how it feels..."
-He sits next to me.-
Second:"Why... Why do you help me so much...?"
Chosen:"Huh? Why wouldn't I help? It's better than going up against everyone."
Second:"But agent only met once before all this... Why do you trust me so much...?"
Chosen:"...... I don't know... I just.... I trust you."
Second:"Hehe... You're a mystery..."
Chosen:"You are more mysterious than me kid..."
-I'm not sure what that means...-
-We spent some quiet time until he got up and started to leave.-
Chosen:"I better let you get some rest..."
Second:"N-no!! Don't leve please! I-I... I don't like being alone..."
Chosen:"Oh..? Do you want me to stay...?"
Second:"Just a little! I kind of enjoy your company... It makes me a little calmer and more comfortable..."
-He looked at the door and sighed and returned to sit beside me.-
-He spent a good part of the day by my side until the afternoon came and we both went out for lunch.-
-I decided to see on the second floor and entered the library where I found Dusk.-
Dusk:"Second Coming. I see you found the library."
Second:"yup, Have you been here this whole time? I haven't seen you much."
Dusk:"In fact, I was here the whole time. I was looking into that aria to see what the books would have."
-I approach them to see the book they read.-
Dusk:"It's a book about liminal spaces."
Second:"Liminal... What?"
Dusk:"Liminal spaces. A phenomenon to which any image of an empty or abandoned place seems strangely or uncomfortably familiar. At least that's the easiest way to describe this phenomenon to you."
-He turned a few pages and showed me a picture of a long, empty hallway.-
Dusk:"What do you feel seeing this image?"
Second:"hum.... Nothing? I don't feel anything looking at this picture but... It does give me a bit of a sinister vibe..."
Dusk:"I see, it's one of the many ways one can feel seeing these images. It's popular on the internet, to the point where there are games and stuff related to it."
Second:"Wow! Nice! When we get out of here maybe I'll play with bad friends! Who knows, maybe I'll invite you to play too!"
Dusk:"I'm sorry to inform you that I don't play games. I don't feel comfortable playing that kind of thing."
Second:"Oh, why not...?"
Dusk:".....I don't know how to say it... But I was raised to help with programming, but playing games was never a part of my programming."
Second:"You talk like you're a robot..."
Second:"N-not in a bad way!!"
Dusk:"It's okay, I'm used to it."
-Did I screw something up...?"
Dusk:"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong."
-They closed the book and put it on the shelf.-
Dusk:"It was nice talking to you Second Coming."
Second:"You can just call me Second!"
Dusk:"As you wish."
-We said goodbye and they left. I also left the library and walked away from there. I didn't have much else to do so I stopped by my lab to try and do something.-
-I ended up doing nothing and spending half an hour of nothing...-
-I felt quite tired and decided to take a nap on a chair I had in my lab.-
-In seconds I fell out of the chair with that loud noise!-
-That sounded serious!! I got up almost falling over again. My fright must have knocked the chair over me.-
-I pulled out the chair and got up and ran to the front. I tried to open it but it wouldn't open! I... Why can't I open it???-
Second:"H-hey!!! Somebody!!! Take me out of here!!!"
-I walked away from the door panting and ran against it to try to force myself to knock it down, and again, and again but I ended up with a sore arm...-
Orange:"Second Coming??"
Second:"MT!! Please get me out of here!!!"
-I heard a noise outside and then the door opened and I ran to hug MT with tears in my eyes.-
Second:"Thanks!!! I was afraid I had been trapped!!"
Orange:"No more hugs!!"
-I released him and looked around, one of the benches was right at my door... Did someone lock me in here...?-
-I started to shake and hold my injured arm...-
Orange:"What ah with your arm?"
Second:"I tried to break down the door and ended up hurting my arm...."
Orange:*sight*"Okay okay, let's go to the nurse Room."
Second:".....How long have I been sleeping...?
Orange:"A half hour."
-Orange helped me and took me to the nurse..-
-Near the door I looked to the side... To the end of the corridor that led to Orange's lab.....-
-Something I didn't want to believe.....-
[Continue in investigation]
#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#animator vs animation#avm second coming#avm blue#avm red#avm yellow#avm mt#avm purple#ava oc night#ava oc smoke#ava chosen one#ava dark lord#ava freedom guy#avm indigo blue#ava oc sombra#ava oc monostick#ava stickronpa#stickronpa#danganronpa fanmade#avm danganronpa au#danganronpa fanfiction#danganronpa#tw: death#tw: body discovery
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Stickronpa Chapter 2 - Daily Life(Day 3)
Monostick:"Good morning participants! It's now 7 am! Time to get up from your petty dreams and seize the day when you can!! please all gather on the second floor for a special announcement!"
-What..? Special announcement? What could it be.... No... No no no! It can't be another motive! No!!-
-I scrambled out of my bed and ran to the door, opening it quickly. The others were already coming out of their rooms and grouping themselves.-
Blue:"What could this be...?"
Red:"Don't you think it's......"
Yellow:"It can't be a motive! We just calmed down from everything that happened...."
-I looked around, I could see Purple huddled in a corner, they looked scared...-
-I approached them carefully.-
Second:"Purp... It's okay... You can hold my hand if you want...."
-They look at me shaking, they come closer and hold my hand very tight. I could feel the fear coming from their hand...-
-We all proceeded to the second floor where everyone was waiting in front of the fountain.-
Dark:"Okay, what do you want with us brat!"
-Monostick wasn't there and didn't seem to respond.-
Sombra:"Looks like they aren't here... But I prepared something special For all of us!"
-We stare at Sombra, curious and confused.-
Sombra:"Just follow me."
-We face each other and follow him, Heading to his lab which had a projector tucked behind the seats and a white screen on the stage wall.-
-We each sat on the seats. Waiting for him to explain to us what we were doing here.-
Freedom:"Okay, now talk, what do you want with us here?"
Sombra:"Hehe.... Just pay attention..."
-And with a smile he turns on the projector and puts some kind of CD in it, which in a few seconds transmits something on the screen in front of us.-
-what was on the screen was...-
-A video...-
-Monostick's voice starts to sound in the video.-
Monostick:"Welcome to Red's Motive Video! Let's see what in your life is important enough to take action!"
Monostick:"Red is a young animal-loving stick figure. So many animals seem attracted to you! But you have your three faithful and beloved pets. Ruben and his two parrots! Maybe even more! How much happiness they bring you!"
-The screen went dark for a few seconds....-
Monostick:"But... What if something bad happens...?"
Monostick:"You will not be there for your beloved animals to protect them.... What if something happened to them?? Where are they?? Are they safe? Injured???"
-They pause again. My stomach was turning...-
Monostick:"Or maybe...."
Monostick:"They're already dead..."
-I went into shock covering my mouth, what the fuck??? Why was there blood in this drawing???-
Monostick:"I don't know to be honest, but I know you want to know dear Red... You want to know what happened don't you...? Simple! Kill someone and don't get caught! Easy! ~Good luck!!~"
-And just like that this sick video ended...-
-What the fuck.... WHAT THE FUCK!!!????-
-I can't believe these bastards are threatening Red's animals!!! They will—-
-We all looked at Red who ran out of the room screaming horrors.-
-We all ran towards him including Night and MT. Blue stayed to take satisfaction with Sombra.-
-Red was screaming loudly and heading towards the stairs. The stairs that were still closed!-
Yellow:"Red no!!"
-We all rushed to catch him before he touched the electrical grid. MT managed to grab him by the shoulders and bring him towards us.-
Orange:"Do you think I don't understand this???"
-I could see his hands shaking on Red's shoulders. Red was in tears and horrified... Red...-
Night:"Red... Please don't be like that... Okay...?"
-Night approaches him and hugs him tightly. She stroked his head while he cried on her shoulder.-
-I looked back at Sombra's laboratory and decided to go back even with discomfort in my heart...-
-I ran with Yellow over there to see what it was.-

Sombra:"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make things a little more... Interesting..."
Blue:"Do you think it's interesting making a person scared and desperate like Red was??? You're crazy!!"
Sombra:"hahaha.... we're all a little crazy in this place..."
-Blue raises his fist to punch him but Yellow grabs his wrist.-
Yellow:"Enough!! Blue control yourself!"
-She separates the two and keeps Blue away from Sombra.-
-Blue was very furious, I felt very intimidated...-
Blue:"..... You son of a bitch..."
-Blue withdrew from the lab. I looked at Yellow who turned to Sombra with an irritated expression.-
Yellow:"Why did you do that..? You want another murder to happen...?"
-Sombra just stares at her before smiling at her.-
Sombra:"Dear... We're all going to die anyway! Why not just speed up the process? We all have a moment when we snap, we just need a little motivation for that..."
-He walks between us to the door.-
Indigo:"And do you happen to have any motivation?"
-Sombra stops to look at him with a cold, serious gaze. His eyes then move towards Freedom Guy and he opens a tight smile.-
Sombra:"If every story has a hero..."
-He pauses, opening a huge distorted smile...-
Sombra:"Then I'll be the villain!!"
-We all stared at him in horror as he left laughing maniacally.-
-Yellow and I looked and decided to run to where the others were.-
-There we could see that Red was asleep on Night's shoulder who was sitting on a bench in front of the fountain. Blue was there just looking at the floor sitting against a wall while MT and Purple were talking to each other.-
-Yellow went to Blue to try to comfort him. He looked very stressed, I could almost feel the urge to cry...-
-Maybe it was just me...-
Purple:"Sec! Are you alright??"
-I looked at the floor feeling my vision wet. I felt tears starting to run down my face and the touch of Purple's hands on my shoulders. I was crying....-
-I try to look at them but it's like I can't move... I try to listen to them but their voice seems so far away...-
-I don't know what's going on....-
-I soon feel the touch of more people trying to make me react, but I didn't do anything... I just stared at the ground and let the tears fall...-
-I couldn't hear anyone anymore...-
[POV change]
-Red was taken to his room by night and Purple and MT helped Second to go to their room.-
-I sat by the fountain looking at the ground trying not to get pissed...-
-Shit... Second was so much calmer yesterday!! Why does all this have to happen?? I promised to take care of everyone, including them!!-
-I buried my face in my hands and let out a groan. I felt pathetic! So so pathetic!-
-I lifted my head to look at Yellow. She was sitting next to me and putting her hand on my back, trying to calm me down with some massages.-
Yellow:"I understand that you're stressed... I am too... But we have to stay strong and take care of each other..."
Blue:"Just like Green asked..."
-She smiles at me. I.... I couldn't smile at her...-
-I didn't feel motivated for anything....-
Blue:"I... I'm going out for a bit..."
Yellow:"Oh.... Ok... Anyway I'll be in my lab ok..?"
-I nod my head...-
-Yellow's face turns red And she comes closer to me putting a hand on my shoulder.-
-I felt her lips on my cheek.-
-My body starts to feel a huge heat while my face burns a lot.-
I feel her pull away and touch my face with a shaky hand. I look at her, she looked at the floor with her face completely red.-
Yellow:"I-I... You take care of yourself ok..?"
-She speaks shyly. And for the first time these days... I smiled.-
Blue:"I will, sunshine..."
-I hold her hand and remove her glove, kissing her on the hand.-
Blue:"But I don't want you to worry ok..?"
-She looks at me and smiles. Her smile makes me smile, I felt so comfortable thanks to her... I love her.-
-She lets go of my hand and takes it. She held it with an adorable smile on her face that made me laugh a little. We said goodbye and I decided to go down to the second floor.-
-I took a break and went to the cafeteria, I was hungry, but I also had a lot of free time.... What can I do..?-
[Free Time]
-I went to the kitchen to get myself some snacks. I met MT there with what looked like a beer can.-
Blue:"Hey MT, what are you... Doing..?"
-He fixed me with a cold stare as he leaned against the kitchen counter.-
Orange:"What do you think I'm doing...?
Blue:"You look like you're drinking..."
Orange:"AND? It's not like you don't do the same when you're in a bad or depressed mood..."
-I paused. It's true that I drink a lot when I'm in a bad mood or depressed...-
Blue:"Is something bothering you...?"
Orange:"What do you think? We're in a killing game, being forced to kill each other in order to get out of this place. Green killed someone I knew. I can't say she didn't deserve punishment for her actions, but I never imagined her dying..."
-He took a drink from the can and stared at the floor.-
Orange:"And Purple... Since that day they don't stop crying... They can't sleep... They're more depressed than before... And their father doesn't help!"
Blue:"Their dad seems too cold for my taste... It seems like they're so pissed about everything!"
Orange:"And I thought I had anger issues! hehe..."
-he chuckled, taking another sip of his drink.-
Blue:"Is there a reason you're so bitter like that...?"
Orange:*Sigh*"I don't want to talk about it yet but.... Yes, I have reasons to be this way... Let's just say I wasn't always like this..."
Blue:"Um... Got it. You weren't always a grumpy old man!"
-I laughed, but he smacked me on the back of the head.-
Orange:"Don't abuse you brat!"
-I laugh again. He looked more relaxed and peaceful.-
Orange:"Purple is just very depressed.... I'm afraid of what they might do to themselves in this state..."
-I looked at him worried... What did he mean by that...?-
Orange:"I better go back and see how they are..."
-When saying they left the beer can on top of the counter half full. he didn't finish the drink.-
-He was going towards the entrance and then he stopped and looked at me.-
Orange:"You should also take care of them, Red and Second Coming. The three of them are suffering a lot..."
-He continued, leaving me alone in the kitchen.-
-I sighed, picking up the can and wiping the rim with my finger and taking a drink. I cannot deny that they are suffering...-
-But I am too...-
-I think I understand MT a little better...-
-After a while I left the kitchen and the cafeteria and went to the living room....-
-That room... I still remember that scene but... Again... The room was empty...-
Smoke:"What do you think happened with the body for not being here anymore?"
Blue:"Aaagh!! Ah, it's just you...I don't know, maybe the ones responsible for all this...?"
Smoke:"Right, right."
-Long awkward pause...-
Blue:"So... Why did you decide to be a scientist?"
Smoke:"Why, to satisfy my desire for knowledge. To understand the world logically and scientifically. So I invent and disinvent whatever comes into my head. No matter how impossible it seems."
Blue:"Seems interesting..."
-I have no idea what this guy is talking about...-
Smoke:"Your friend Yellow seems very smart, I've been talking to her. So young and so smart, maybe if we work together we can create something to take us out of here."
Blue:"That's... not a bad idea! Maybe I'll try talking to her, she might already have some ideas."
Blue:"But do you have any ideas too?"
-He looked away with his hand on his chin.-
Smoke:"Not yet. Maybe later, if I get my lab I might be able to think about what I can do."
Blue:"Cool, I wish you luck with that."
-I just walked out of the living room, I didn't really feel like talking to him anymore.-
-I was heading for the staircase to go to the second floor but I stopped when I heard a conversation.-
Chosen:"I already asked, stay away from Second and their friends! I know you don't like creators but they have nothing to do with your hate for them!"
Freedom:"Ah Cho, I still don't understand why you still gave your creator a second chance even after the way he treated you..."
-It was Chosen and Freedom, they seemed to be discussing something about Sec...-
Chosen:"They made their own choice, and I don't care, that was years ago, my breeder changed! Who knows if YOUR creator hasn't changed??"
Freedom:"Don't be silly, creators only care what kind of content they make using agent, they don't care about us! Most don't even know we're alive!"
Chosen:"You're insane, I don't want you near them anymore, much less Second! They don't need to be corrupted by your insanity!"
-Chosen started coming towards me and I quickly hid behind a wall. He looked furious and irritated. Why were they fighting...?-
-I looked over to where Freedom was and he walked away in the other direction. I decided to go my own way.-
-I went to the second floor. I looked at my laboratory....-
Blue:"Don't think about it Blue... Don't think about it..."
-I went to Yellow's lab and opened the door, but she wasn't there.-
-I was looking around the lab, several boxes with objects that I don't remember the name, they must be mechanical parts that she uses in her inventions.-
-I looked around but it was a small room, she wasn't there. I was confused, she said she would be here...-
-I left the laboratory and went to the staircase, I could see the door of Sombra's lab open...-
-I approached calmly and opened the door further...-
-I could see Yellow in front of the screen that had the projector open, it looks like a video has just ended.-
-I approached her and touched her shoulder. She stood up and looked at me with a cold expression.-
-She pushed me and started to leave.-
-I followed her as she quickly went down the stairs and up to the dorms.-
Blue:"Yell what is it??"
-She continued to ignore me, I called her name and saw that the others were looking at us.-
-I ran after her until she reached my room. She opened the door really hard and went to one of my chests..... Shit... No... No no no!!-
Blue:"Y-Yell come here! I can explain..."
Yellow:"Then explain it to me!!"
-She shows what she had in her hands..-
Blue:"...I-i... Please don't let me explain—"
-She pushed me with the netherwart on my chest and left my room stomping her foot.-
Red:"What is happening..?"
Blue:"H-how did you find out..?"
Yellow:"..... Ask Sombra!"
-She locked the door in my face...-
-I looked towards the crowd... Sombra...-
-He was smiling at me....-
Blue:"You.... YOU!!!!"
-I ran up to him and punched him until he knocked him to the ground.-
Sombra:"Just what she needed, the truth! You lied to her about giving up your addiction... What are you going to do? Crying because your partner is angry...?"
-That bastard....-
-Dark grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the Sombra. Holding me while I struggled to beat this bastard...-
Dark:"That's what they want! They want you to hurt someone! They want you to kill!"
Orange:"Don't get carried away by anger! Trust me, I know how it feels..."
Sombra:"tsc...You guys are too weak... You break too easily when it's something related to something personal..."
Red:"What was that video? Why was Yellow so furious?? I've never seen her like this..."
Sombra:"It was a video about Blue lying about his addiction he... He never stopped his addiction..."
-I looked to where Second came from...-
Second:"You are putting yourself in danger of being killed.... Why..?"
Sombra:"well, it's because it's one that a villain does, isn't it?? make other people unhappy that's what I'm supposed to do......"
-His smile became a cold, emotionless expression...-
Sombra:"That's what I've always been.... Isn't that right, Free...?"
-We all look at Freedom Guy...-
Freedom:"W-What... What are you talking about...?"
Sombra:"...... Hehe.... Hahahahah!! Nothing, nothing... Nothing important..."
-He smiles again... He's sick...-
Sombra:"Anyway.... If you're curious, the dvds are upstairs in my lab ready to be watched... Have a good night..."
-He walked away laughing...-
-I started to stare at the floor without much emotion other than angry tears streaming down my face...-
-Second glues his hands on my shoulders and pulls me into a hug...-
-I just stared in the direction the shadow went in anger.... But I allowed myself to be hugged and comforted by Second.....-
-After a long time hugging each other, we separate and go to the cafeteria to eat something.-
-We spent half an hour there. I was allowed to cry on Second's shoulder while Red rubbed my back...-
-Night gave me a snack to try and as much as my heart was broken.... I could still count on them...-
-After a while we looked at the clock, it was almost time to go to sleep... We packed everything in the cafeteria and went to our rooms.-
Second:"Tomorrow we will try to talk to Yellow ok..?"
Red:"Why didn't you tell the truth...?"
Blue:"I tried! I tried... But it's really hard... It's hard for me to let go..."
Second:"So let's try to help you stop..."
Red:"Yes! You just need to apologize to Yellow... She'll understand... They love you so much!"
-I felt my cheeks turn pink... I love her so much... But I feel like she would never forgive me for what I did...-
Blue:"Thank you guys... I love you so much you know..?"
Second:"Y-yes, and we love you so much too Blue..."
-Second was cutting, but I could see their hands shaking... They must be remembering what Green said again.... Sec...-
-I hugged Sec and Red really tight. They both hug me back... I feel so much more comfortable...-
-I walked into my room and saw the netherwart on the floor.... I picked them up and threw them in a trash can and put them outside my room.... I don't need to think about that shit right now...-
-I threw myself on the bed... Waiting for the announcement of the night to play but at that point my eyes were already closing... I felt lighter and sleepy....-
[Continues on day 4]
#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#animator vs animation#avm second coming#avm blue#avm orange#avm red#avm yellow#ava chosen one#ava dark lord#ava freedom guy#avm indigo blue#avm purple#ava oc night#ava oc sombra#ava oc smoke#ava oc dusk#ava oc monostick#danganronpa fanmade#avm danganronpa au#danganronpa fanfiction#danganronpa#stickronpa#ava stickronpa
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Stickronpa Chapter 2 Investigation (Deadly Life)
-I... I couldn't believe it.....-

-Smoke... He....-
Monostick:"A body has been discovered! Please all gather in front of Orange's laboratory, after a long time of investigation the Group Trial will begin!"
-No... no no NO!!!-
-I... I was so.... Close! I was close to them how could I not see him??? How could I not....-
-I could have saved him....-
-Soon everyone started to arrive and quickly...-
Yellow:"WHAT THE FUCK!!??"
-Everyone was here...-
Blue:"Sec!! I was worried!! I had heard from the chosen one that you were coming here! When I heard the announcement I panicked!! I-I thought you...."
-He was close to my face with a look of panic and fear...-
Second:"B-Blue, I'm fine... I-I...."
-I couldn't speak... I was panting and having a....-
-.... a meltdown...-
Blue:"Sec! SEC!!"
-Everyone gathered around me and they took me to the nurse to try to calm me down.-
-I was breathing hard and my hands were shaking, I tried to move my arm but it hurt.-
-Purple got up and got some ice and put it on my arm. Red ran downstairs shaking with a very scared expression and came back with one of his stuffed animals and gave it to me to try to calm down.-
-Blue stayed by my side the whole time trying to calm me down and putting my head on his chest.-
-I could hear his heartbeat... As peaceful as Yellow said.... And I hugged the plush rabbit that Red gave me and tried to control my breathing, slowly calming down.....-
Yellow:"Calm down... You're fine ok..?"
-I nodded, I was very anxious... I was very, very anxious....-
Yellow:"N-no need to do anything ok..? Let's solve this case..."
-She looks at Blue who wouldn't let go of me, he smoothed my face gently while I calmed down.-
-I looked at him, he looked nervous too, I could feel his chest filling up with so much breathing.-
-I lifted my head and sat beside him.-
Second:"I-I'm fine...."
Second:"I-I.... I want to help... I won't leave you guys alone in this case..."
-I got up with my arm still hurting.-
Purple:"Here, keep that ice on you for a while ok?"
-They give me the ice pack and I keep it on my arm for a while.-
-I get out of bed on shaky legs. Blue helps me and we go outside the infirmary to investigate....-
-I stop on the way staring at smoke's body... I covered my mouth with retching...-
-I took a deep breath and continued to start the investigation.-
-We move a little closer to the body to get a closer look. Red turned away from the body with a terrified look and returned to the nurse.... I guess he was nervous too...-
-I decided to look at the monofile for information on this case...-
-the Victim is Smoke the Ultimate Scientist. The Cause of death is unknown, He has a cut in The shoulder , The Time of death was 4 pm, The Body Discovery happened at 5:30 pm, The BDA location was The second floor next to Orange’s lab and The Location of the death was in the Second floor...-
-everything seems right but... the cause of death is not here...?-
-Strange... Maybe we should find out what killed him...?-
[Monofile has been added to Truth Bullets]
Blue:"Sec, look at this."
-Blue points to smoke's shoulder, which had a tear in his shirt, revealing a deep cut.-
Second:"I-I saw it in the monofile... What caused this cut..?"
Blue:"I don't know... But it doesn't seem to be the cause of death..."
[Tear on the shoulder has been added to Truth Bullets]
-I looked at his head to get a better look and I could see what looked like a head injury.-
Yellow:"Do you think he died from a blow to the head?"
Purple:"Very unlikely, it would have to be a very hard and instant hit, but that hit seems to have been hard but not exactly lethal, but I can't say for sure..."
[Wounded in the head has been added to Truth Bullets]
Blue:"Eww! He's wet!!"
-Blue pulled away waving his hand in the air. I looked at the body and touched his shirt.....-
-It was really wet! I moved my hand to his forehead, he was not only wet but also cold!-
-I touched his leg and it was dry...-
-Strange, why was only the top part wet..?-
[Upper body is wet has been added to Truth Bullets]
-We had nothing more to do with him....-
-I walked away a little shaky, I had nothing else to investigate with my body...-
-I walked away and got to the fountain to sit on one of the benches...-
-I put the ice on my arm while grunting in pain...-
Chosen:"Let's try to investigate the labs around! So we'll see if there's any clues."
Yellow:"Now that you mention it, my lab door is half open..."
Red:"A-ah.. do you think the killer passed your lab..?"
-Yellow and Red went to her lab.-
Purple:"I'll keep you company ok..? Let me see if your arm is getting better yet..."
-They hold my arm gently and start pressing to see if it hurts. I groaned in pain, it hurt so much....-
-I felt like crying again....-
Purple:"S-sorry... Let me see...."
-They pull down the sleeve of my hood and get a better look. I had a bruise on my arm.-
Purple:"That looks big... But if you keep the ice on your arm, you'll get better soon sec..."
-They stroked my arm gently, I felt my face turn red...-
-They were smiling and held my hand.-
Yellow:"Someone has definitely been in my lab! One of my tools is gone!"
Chosen:"Which of them?"
Yellow:"I didn't spend much time in the lab to be sure... But one of the shelves with my tools had an empty space!"
Blue:"You're not one to leave empty spaces, so someone must have stolen you.... Arrgg!! I'm going to beat the shit out of this killer when we catch 'em!!!"
Red:"N-no need for violence!! We'll settle that in the trail..."
-Red raised his voice with Blue!? He never did that...-
[missing tool has been added to Truth Bullets]
Red:"l-let's continue investigating..?"
Second:"Yes, let's go—Gahrr!!"
-I felt my arm hurt and I slipped and almost fell into the fountain!-
Blue:"Sec! Are you OK??"
Second:"Y-yes I... Hum?"
-I could see something shiny at the bottom of the fountain. I put my hand in the water to catch it and when I took it out of the fountain...-
Purple:"What do glasses do in the fountain?"
Yellow:"I have no idea... But it must be important—"
Red:"It must be nothing."
-Red started to walk away while Yellow stared at him confused.-
[Glasses at The fountain has been added to Truth Bullets]
-Blue helps me to my feet and we both head to where Red was going.-
-We arrived at my lab and I couldn't take another step... I don't feel good going in there again...-
Orange:"They were locked in there when I arrived..."
Yellow:"What!? Who would lock you in there??"
Second:"I-I don't know... I was sleeping and...... I could have saved him.... I could have stopped the killer...."
[Second's lab door locked has been added to Truth Bullets]
Red:"...you couldn't do anything..."
Second:"....Y-You're right...."
-I felt my face wet with tears...-
Red:"S-sec! Sorry, I didn't mean..."
-Red goes to me and hesitates to take my hands... He looked nervous and shaky...-
Orange:"Anyway... Of course this has something to do with the murder..."
-Does he think the killer locked me in there...?"
Blue:"But how?"
Orange:"With this here."
-He says showing the bench he played on the side of the front.-
[bench blocking the door has been added to Truth Bullets]
Purple:"King, you were with Second when they discovered the body... What happened before it?"
Orange:"I came to be alone in my lab, but as soon as I got to the floor I heard Second in theirs. They sounded like they were in trouble so I ran up to them and saw the door blocked by the bench."
Blue:"Didn't you know they were here?"
Orange:"No, I didn't know they were here so I was surprised to hear their voice."
[Orange Testimony has been added to Truth Bullets]
Blue:"bastard... if I find out who the murderer is, I'll—"
-Blue was interrupted by a sob coming from Red. He looked stressed and scared...-
Blue:"Red I... Sorry I didn't mean to yell I just..."
Red:"N-no, it's okay, I just... I keep thinking how scary it can be... Being trapped in their lab alone and not being able to get out... Alone..."
-I went to Red and hugged him calmly.-
Second:"It's okay Red... I was really scared but... I'm fine, see?"
Red:"Your arm is hurt! You could have been seriously injured!"
Second:"Red... Thanks for worrying..."
-I smile and kiss his forehead gently and his stuffed bunny back.-
-He didn't smile, he just stared at the floor with a sad face... Red..-
Purple:"We will continue to investigate."
-We turned away from my lab and looked around the fountain hall.-
Red:"G-guys! I think I found something!"
-We all went to where Red was, he was holding what looked like a hammer.-
Red:"Looks like one of Yellow's tools."
Yellow:"It's a hammer, if it's here it must have some connection!"
Second:"Good job Red!"
-I smiled but Red didn't smile, he just stared at the hammer with trembling hands and dropped it heavily on the ground.-
Blue:"It's okay Red, you must be very nervous..."
Orange:"Why don't you try going to Night?"
Red:"I-I ah.... O-okay..."
-Red separates from us and goes to where Night was.-
Yellow:"I'm getting worried about Red..."
Blue:"He must be very scared about all this..."
Second:"ok, Let's continue."
[Hidden Hammer has been added to Truth Bullets]
-We kept looking for more clues but there was nothing left on the floor. I decided to ask the alibi of Chosen which was with Dusk.-
Second:"Chosen, Dusk, where were you when everything happens?"
Chosen:"I was in the living room on the first floor after our conversation."
Dusk:"I met with him to discuss plans to escape. As I was there I didn't see you go down, but I don't remember seeing anyone else go up."
Chosen:"Me either."
Second:"I understood..."
Red:"I also saw you go up to the second floor, you were alone."
Second:"Um, okay, thanks for the info guys."
[Testimony from Dusk,Red and Chosen]
Purple:"If it helps, I remember seeing Red at the bottom of the stairs shortly after the body's discovery announcement. He was the first to go up as soon as he heard the announcement."
Red:"I-I was just going to see if Second was okay."
Second:"Right, thank you."
[Purple Testimony]
Monostick:"Look at the time! It's time for the circular trial! Yes I changed the name because the previous one was shit! Now, go to the first floor and join the elevator! See you at The trial!~~"
-I feel very uncomfortable and dizzy... But I need to stand my ground... I don't... I can't just give up.-
-We all got together and went to the first floor and to the elevator.-
Indigo:"As expected... One of us did it... Again..."
-He looked at us, I could feel Blue wanting to choke him...-
-We all stared and entered the elevator one by one until the doors closed and we started to go down.-
-Green was on my side the last time I was here... but now it's just... an empty space...-
-My discomfort returned and I felt even more anxious...-
Chosen:"Second Coming, is everything alright...?"
-Chosen touched my shoulder making me jump in surprise.-
Second:"A-ah! Y-yes, I'm fine..."
Chosen:"Ok... Anything just tell me ok..?"
-We continued to wait for the doors to open, and when they opened, each of us left immediately and positioned ourselves on our platforms.-

-One of us did it again...-
-But who and why?-
-And smoke... He never hurt anyone...-
-I didn't even have time to get to know him better...-
-Whoever did this, we're not going to let them get away with it! Together we will find out who did this!-
-Working together!-

-That's what Green would want...-
-He wouldn't want me to give up...-
-And I won't give up...-
-I will bring hope back in this trial!!-
[To be continued]
#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#animator vs animation#avm second coming#avm blue#avm red#avm orange#avm yellow#avm purple#avm indigo blue#ava chosen one#ava dark lord#ava freedom guy#ava oc sombra#ava oc night#ava oc dusk#ava oc monostick#danganronpa fanmade#danganronpa#avm danganronpa au#danganronpa fanfiction#stickronpa#ava stickronpa#stickronpa Investigation#tw: dead body#tw: blood
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Stickronpa - Prologue part 2
-We all looked at Purple and then in the direction they were looking... It was a dark blue stickman... Was he... Purple's father...?-
???:"Um... You...? Here..?"
-He looked at Purple with a cold stare, he then looked at all of us and saw them hiding behind Yellow.-
???:"Hump, still being weak like before hun?"
-He crossed his arms staring at us coldly, Green didn't like what he called them...-
Green:"Nice to meet you.... I'm Green, Ultimate Musician... And you...?"
Indigo:"Indigo is my nickname, and I prefer to be called that! But others also call me Regular Blue, and my Title is the Ultimate Champion!"
Indigo:"I see you haven't changed a bit since the last time we saw each other...."
-Purple was silent...-
Indigo:".... How is your mother..?"
Indigo:"I never heard from her again... How is she...?"
-Purple kept silent...-
Purple:"s-she is...."
-I looked at Green, he looked nervous too... What happened between this family...?-
Purple:"She.... She's fine! And-she's doing very well..."
-I felt that they wanted to cry...-
Indigo:"Ah.... Good for her..."
-He looked to the side and then walked away. Purple started to hyperventilate and Green tried to calm them down.-
???:"Hey, are you ok? If you need it, there's a kitchen in this place! I can get you a glass of water!"
Green:"Thanks for the offer, but who are you?"
-This woman in purple had appeared. She smiles nervously.-
Night:"Oh! Sorry about that, I saw his friend like that and got worried. But in the end, my name is Night, and I'm the Ultimate Spy!"
Red:"Wow!! Are you really a spy??"
Night:"Well, more or less, I've just been hired by a worldwide protection Agency! The last thing I remember is getting me ready for a mission, but other than that I'm kind of new to this kind of business!"
-She kept a firm and motherly posture, shouldn't she be an Ultimate sister, mother or guardian?-
Night:"But in the end, I was serious about it! They need water to calm themselves down better..."
-She puts her hand on Purple's shoulder gently, Purple seemed calmer...-
Purple:"T-thank you...."
-She smiles with a thumbs up. That other Stick person approaches her from behind.-
???:"Miss Night, I see you're settling in!"
Night:"Yes doc. The better we get to know each other, the better it will be for us to work together to find a way out of here!"
-Were they some kind of doctor?-
Smoke:"Good to know. I'm Professor/Doctor Smoke, I'm the Ultimate Scientist."
Yellow:"Are you a Scientist??? Wow amazing!!"
-Yellow starts acting like a fangirl, Even though we've just met them.-
Blue:"Nice to have a scientist here with us, huh?"
Green:"Yes, that can be of great help!"
???:"I don't see how he can help anyone! We're stuck, stuck hear??"
-We turn to face a stickman with a red scarf.-
???:"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you... I just want to make sure everyone is safe and free!"
Red:"very considerate of you!"
Blue:"Yeah, but how could you do that?"
???:"I promised all Stick people in the world that I would protect them! And that includes all of you!"
-Protect all sitick people?-
Freedom:"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Freedom guy, many call me Free, I'm the Ultimate Freedom Fighter!"
-Night stared at him, what was she thinking...?-
Red:"What does that mean?"
Freedom:"this title I believe was given to me for my accomplishments in freeing Stick figures from slavery several years ago!"
Red:"How horrible!! Who would do that??"
-He was silent, facing the ground and clenching his fists tightly...-
Second:"..... You're kidding, right?"
Freedom:"Oh... You... You must be the type that has a "nice" Creator."
-He sounded a little....cold...-
???:"Don't care about him..."
-I jumped, where did he come from??-
???:"Hahaha, I'm so sorry Kiddo! But don't care much for him! He hates Creators, but don't feel so bad!"
-He spoke in a youthful tone, but clearly he was much older than he sounded...-
Sombra:"Oh! Where were my manners?? My name is Sombra, I am the Ultimate Shadow Storyteller!"
-He looks at Freedom Guy with a smirk on his face. Do they know each other? That's what it looks like because Freedom snorts and walks away from us.-
Red:"Do you tell shadow stories??? This is so cool!!!"
Sombra:"Yup Kiddo! It's more of a hobby than a profession! Sometimes I enjoy telling stories to an audience, tales, fables, folklore, legends and stories! It's very captivating and catches the attention of many!"
-He said with a big smile on his face. He was charismatic but something about him made me...uncomfortable....-
Sombra:"Well it was nice meeting you kiddos! See ya soon!"
-He says goodbye to us. I look at Yellow, she was counting who was present among us in the hall.-
Yellow:"14... There are 14 of us here..."
-Everyone looks at where red is getting ready, one more person had entered the room!"
???:"I see I'm not alone in this place..."
-It was another one in orange, like me and MT! But... Younger, and... With hair?-
Orange:"But what- what the fuck is that on your head??"
Orange:"Stick figures don't have hair!!"
Night:"I am proof of that..."
-Blue was almost laughing.-
Dusk:"Let's get this over with, my name is Dusk, I'm the Ultimate Prodigy."
Sombra:"By the way, I know very well that there are Stick people who have hair! It's just unusual! But not impossible!"
Orange:"I've never seen anything like it!"
Second:"Well... It's nice to meet you!"
Dusk:"I'm not sure about you..."
-huh? what is that supposed to mean?-
-Before I could ask anything...-
-The door opened with force and everyone turned their attention to the entrance....-
???:"How long ago Orange..."
-A woman in white... MT knows her...?-
Orange:"I should already suspect!! You who brought us here!!"
???:"~Wah Orange! How can I be if I have no idea how I got here either?~
-She spoke in a sympathetic tone, but that only seemed to irritate Orange.-
Orange:"Don't come with your tricks you bitch!! I know you're behind this!!"
-I couldn't believe it... Until she opened a sly smile....-
???:"I don't need to hide anything, but it would be fun..."
Orange:"I know you're behind this!!! This is one of your sick little games!!"
???:"Oh, how I wish..."
-She laughed, her laugh made me shiver...-
Eraser:"Well, if I'm going to be stuck with you useless people... I better introduce myself. I'm White Silver! Better known as Eraser, the Ultimate Manipulator... ~Nice to meet you...~"
-her voice shifts between that deep, intimidating voice to that soft, docile voice... It give me the creepys...-
Orange:"Just admit it!! You who brought us here!!"
Green:"Calm down Orange! We don't know that!"
Blue:"Yeah man! Calm down!"
Eraser:"I already told you, idiot! I have nothing to do with it!"
Second:"If... If you don't have then who–"
-I couldn't finish my sentence before the lights went out.-
-I felt Red grab my arm in fear.-
Yellow:"What's up??? blue?? Green??"
Blue:"I'm here Yelly!! Don't worry!"
-We all got close, and then the lights came on the stage.-
???:"Oh! Everyone is here at last!!"
Chosen:"Who are you??"
Freedom:"You who trapped us here??"
???:"We can say yes! It was me! And no, she has nothing to do with it!"
???:"ish! You're annoying, old man!!"
Orange:"OLD MEN!!???"
-We looked at the stage which was surrounded by smoke.-
???:"I was waiting for you, you know? It took a while for everyone to arrive that there was even part two!! Haha ha!!"
-W-what were they talking about...?"
???:"But finally everyone is in one place!! Because now...."
-Whoever was on stage took a long pause... And then...-
???:"I! I'm your host!! responsible for watching you participants!!"
Red:"Participants?? Is this some kind of game??"
Blue:"Who put this brat as a host???"
Monostick:"Brat??? HAHA!!! I have no age, gender and much less sexuality!!! I am Monostick!! And yes small reddish!! This is a game!! A really fun one that I'm sure You Will love!!"
Dusk:"And what would it be..?"
Monostick:"A killing game, of course!"
-Everyone stops in shock... They... They can't be serious... Right...?-
Blue:"Hehe... Hehe... You... Are you kidding, right..? This is some silly prank isn't it?? HUH???"
Monostick:"nope! I'm 500% sure it's a killing game!"
Yellow:"What the fuck?!"
Green:"what the fuck in deed!!"
Sombra:"Let me guess... Do you want us to kill each other...?"
Monostick:"Yea!! You're so smart you'll get a cookie!!"
Smoke:"And why would we do that...?"
Monostick:"Simple! To be able to be free!!"
Monostick:"You must have realized by now that you are trapped in this place, with no exit, no windows, no outside communication! You are trapped!! At least..."
Indigo:"At least what??"
Monostick:"At least until someone commits murder!!"
-W-what!? T-that will never happen!! Nobody would agree with that!!-
Eraser:"What would the rules be?"
-Everyone looks at her...-
Orange:"You're not thinking about-"
Eraser:"To participate? Why not? ~Maybe it will be fun...~"
-Those who were close to her moved away, they were sure to be even more suspicious....-
-I felt a pain in my chest, why.... Why is this happening???-
-Where are we??? What happened for us to be here??? Why??? why??? why???-
-Red hugged my arm shaking with fear... I was also very afraid... Hyperventilating... In Panic.... In despair....-
Monostick:"Now! I'll explain the rules! To be able to receive your freedom, You can kill at least two people and not get caught after a trial!-
Monostick:"Yea! A trial takes place after an investigation once they find a body! After half an hour of investigating for clues, you will be taken to the trial ground! Where would you survivors point fingers at who you think is the killer!"
Sombra:"What if we don't get the right one...?"
Monostick:"Hihihi! Then everyone but the killer will be punished! And the killer can go! But if you get the right one, only the killer will be punished and the rest of you will stay here until another murder happens!!"
Dusk:"And what kind of punishment would that be...?"
-Monostick paused for a long time with an evil smile...-
Monostick:"An execution!"
-Everyone is in shock... Everyone in complete disbelief...-
Monostick:"Now that everyone knows about the rules, I hope you make good use of everything here, at least until a murder happens... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"
-And then.... They disappeared laughing Machiavelliically...-
-The hall was completely silent... I was in Panic and Red was squeezing my arm in tears...-
Indigo:"One more reason not to trust anyone..."
Chosen:"That's what that freak wants with us... That we don't trust anyone..."
-everyone looks at each other...-
-they were looks of distrust... fear, seriousness... despair...-
-All those looks were too much... I... I couldn't take it.... I wanted to scream but... But... I just...-
-I... blacked out...-
-This was the beginning of a life of despair... Fear and mistrust... A life I wasn't ready for...-
-Even with my friends... I can't take it all...-
-I can't... Can't... I can't... I... Can't... I... I..-
End of Prologue
[To be continued..]
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