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ianmccloud · 4 months ago
A Calm Autumn Day at the Lake in Germany
I live very close to a lake. To give you an idea of what a sunny autumn day by a lake in Germany looks like, I filmed this short video.
Music: Inspirational Calm Piano by leberchmus (from Pixabay)
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xfeatured · 1 year ago
A clear autumn day in Island Nami Korea
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Embrace the stunning beauty of a clear autumn day on Island Nami in Korea - a picturesque escape that will leave you in awe.
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siyobreak · 2 years ago
Boots Up To The Ankle For Autumn And Winter
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As the weather cools down, it's time to step up your fashion game with ankle boots. These versatile footwear gems are the perfect companions for autumn and winter, seamlessly transitioning from casual to chic outfits. From classic leather to textured suede and everything in between, ankle boots offer a world of style possibilities. Ankle boots are the ultimate fashion hack for the changing seasons. Not only do they keep your feet cozy, but they also add a touch of elegance to any ensemble. Their magic lies in their adaptability – whether you're rocking jeans, dresses, or skirts, ankle boots effortlessly blend in, making them a go-to choice for any occasion. Read more....
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natureaestheticdreams · 4 months ago
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@natureaestheticdreams for more 🍂
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cozy-vibess · 2 years ago
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Forever dreaming of cozy, autumn days🤎
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willmarthofiaddison · 1 year ago
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Sliver of light
Snake Mountain, Vermont
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wormsinprocess · 1 year ago
My favorite time of year. Northern Wisconsin during Autumn. - c Scott Denny
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Indulge in the breathtaking beauty of Northern Wisconsin during the magical season of autumn. - c Scott Denny
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adaywithme · 1 year ago
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autumn-mood-23 · 1 year ago
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dysfunctionalunit · 1 year ago
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8 Arizona Pumpkin Patches to Visit This Fall Ready to carve out some fun? Discover the best pumpkin patches in Arizona this fall and gather your squad for some unforgettable autumn adventures.
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mikaecodes · 1 year ago
8 Arizona Pumpkin Patches to Visit This Fall
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Orange you glad it's pumpkin patch season? Check out these 8 charming Arizona spots to get your fall fix.
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bosses-stay-flawless · 1 year ago
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When someone asks me why I love October,
I always say “Come on let’s go for a walk…
The beauty in your head can never exceed the beauty all around you. #autumndays
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halforc-mercenary · 1 year ago
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Repost and BOLD all that apply to your Muse — Health Edition ! Feel free to add more!  gets colds easily - has a chronic condition - has had major surgery - has had minor surgery -suffers from spring allergies - has broken a bone - has a sensitive stomach - gets headaches easily - has anxiety - has depression - is prone to panic attacks - bruises easily - has had a major health scare - has lost a loved one to health issues - pushes themselves when sick - is a poor patient - is a good patient - ignores signs of poor health in themselves - is a hypochondriac - has undiagnosed health issues - isn’t bothered by medical settings - hates medical settings
gets colds easily - Orcs do not like coldness. Its a simple fact of life and while Mar is a Halforc, she still got hose genes that make her very very very prone to beeing cold. Shes definitive not a Frostwolf. As soon as the Temperatures drop below the weather of a warm autumnday Mar will boundle up with a second pair of socks, a scarf, a cap, gloves, a rectangle coat and if she is especially in a bad mood she will get her sheep-pelt and wrap it also around her shoulders. She would, of course, still be cold despite the layers and especially ill tempered.
has had major surgery | has had minor surgery - Mar was prone to migraines due to her jaws beeing too small for her orcish teeth. During her time in Northrend one of the orcish mercenarys that had picked her up figured out what was going on in her head and Mar was promptly put under surgery consisting of painkillers, arms to hold her down and smiths tongs. It helped, But Mar most certainly would never let that happen to her again.
suffers from spring allergies - Mar is horribly allergic against early blooming Plants; especially trees. So as soon as she comes near a area in spring or caught in eternal spring as Quel’Thalas is she will start to cought; sniff and cry like a baby. Dryly she refers to it as beeing cursed.
has broken a bone - Physically Mar had spend from a very young age fighting, first in training and later on the battlefield.So there is not a single bone in her body that had not been broken already. Mar does have her pysical burdens, there is her right leg that is shorter than her left and which gives her a slight limp she tries to hide and gives her backache every day, and there are her disformed jaws that nolonger ache as much as in her childhood but that still sometimes hurt at cold days from having too big orcish teeth in a too small human jaw. She is a warrior and pragmatic so she is not only very well hiding her limping but has made the sole of her shoe for her right foot thicker, yet it is something that bothers her permanently. However, Mar is still a trained warrior who had been teached herbal healing since childhood so the physical burdens she has she will at bad days drown with certaine herbs and potions, which is not exactly a good treatment but it also still helps her in continueing doing her work. In the same manner she had been given “therapeutic Tattoos”- small lines and circles that almost vanish under her stark freckles, that are placed on especially aching parts onher body and are suppose to ease the pain. The fact that she wears a hauberk and a helmet is in this manner not always helping as especially the hauberk can turn against her when she is stabbed or hit with an arrow and the hauberks rings cut into her own flesh.
has a sensitive stomach - As someone who had grown up very isolated from big cities, Mar is not used to certaine foods.Food with too much sugar and fat will make her have stomach ache, so she usually sticks with the vegeterian diet she had been grown up with and some fish. In the same manner Mar has a intollerance to gluten so the “younger” grains like corn will also make her sick.Mar once again would love to say she is cursed, but she simply is a very unlucky fellow. However, since Mar is very used to always make her own food and mostly stick to a strict diet to keep herself in the best shape properly (so very much raw grain with plant oil and fish like a gladiator in ancient rome), she usually only is confronted with a upset stomach when she is with other people.
gets headaches easily - Due to the deformation of her jaws  as as a Halforc Mar has small human jaws with much too big and many orcish teeth, Mar had suffered from Migraine since she was a young child. As a older teenager Mar eventually was taken care of by a orcish shaman who pulled a few of her too many teeth and with that adjusted the lack of room in her jaws which eased her migraine-effects until they eventually almost vanished. From time to time she still has attacks when she stands under enorme stress in combinationwith bright light, too much noises and extreme exhaustion, but Mar who had after all grown up with the Migraine, usually avoids those triggers carefully. If she ends up having headaches, Mar will usually pick out the dried cloves that belong in her stash of dried herbs and chews than as while the taste is extremly uncomfortable the dried plant is a antural painkiller and numbs her jaws and the pain in her skull. As Mar still remembers how horrible Headaches attacks are, she will suprisingly for once listen to her body, redraw herself from her work and lay down for a while, drink water, avoid bright light and go to bed while chewing stubbornly cloves despite the horrible taste. 
has anxiety - Probably obvious for everyone who had ever interacted with Mar, but she suffers very much from social anxiety. Her insistent on following social rules, customs and terms of politeness is her way to keep herself calm and in a comfortable area to interact with people. She knows what she can expect when she interacts with a person on a professional level while both cling to the rules of politeness. As soon as Mar nolonger knows those social rules and is thrown in a situation where she does not know what to do or where she does not know the social customs, she will do her very best to press her back against a wall and not be seen, or redraw herself from the situation as fast as possible. Mars very obvious flight instinct in any only mildly personal interaction stems from this anxiety and crushes through the roof everytime she has to interact with someone on a friendship level, let alone romantically.
pushes themselves when sick |  ignores signs of poor health in themselves  | is a poor patient - For Mar there are no “Sick Days”. The Halforc does not allows herself to have “Sick Days”, so when she would not be able to sit upright in her horses saddle, she would force herself to walk instead of ride. If she would not be able to walk, she would crawl on her knees in her camp around, doing all the things she usually only does on her monthly free week when she is menstruating: Doing the Laundry, polishing her armor, oiling her Hauberk, oiling her horses saddle and reins, sewing her clothes, drying fish, meat, herbs and fruits for the travels and so on and so on and so on….Mar would go on with her work until she simply collapses and even at this moment she would teethgnashing wake up after a few hours and continue her work. After all she lives on her own and can not trust another person to do the task she has to accomplish on a normal day to make her life go smooth.
isn’t bothered by medical settings - Suprisingly for someone with so many medical issues as Mar, she is not very much bothered by medical settings. Most of the time she has to treat her own injuries and even had over the years turned into a very decent barber surgeon and herbal healer. Accordingly a medical setting is in some way avery normal workplace for her.
Tagged By: The Void Tagging: @deepseawarlock @sparklymanacakes @wildname @thaneirstaer @blue-eyed-banshee @lighthouseborn
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irrfahrer · 2 years ago
assumption: you shed a lot
Make a assumption about my muse and see how they react! Anything goes!
"And a humanoid loses one-kriffing-hundred hairs a day, so whats the deal with it when I am loosing proportional to my number of hairs to that daily? My hairs are at least soft, waterproof and the perfect adornment in someones bunk after hours of rolling around in that, unlike that wirey stuff humanoids have on their body. You should be kriffing thankful for that smooth as Kriff hairs on your bedsheets! " Much too dramatically to be serious the young woman threw her arms in the air to stress her point. She lasted exactly fourthy seconds before Ziv started to chuckle over her own joke and automatically the Tynnan ran a webbed paw through the soft fur on her cheek, floofing it up as if it was an expensive piece of cloth: "Okay yeh, bad joke, I know, okay listen--it actually depends how much I am shedding on the enviorment. Cold enviorments? Nah, barely happening. Just the daily loss of a hundred hairs, nothing special. The only reason you notice I am loosing hair is because they are white instead of krififng brown. Hot summers? I am a kriffing cloud, poofing up like crazy and you will choke on fistfull of poofy pelt covering your floor, furnitor, clothes and yourself. Go off and die in that bliss. My pelt is made to keep me isolated from temperatures down to -50°celsius in icy water, so if I would loose too much hairs of my pelt I would very fast get into problems. However, as said, my pelt is made for Temperatures down to -50°celcius in cold water and you can imagine the kriffing utter panic my body goes through when I go into enviorments that are hotter than 'mild sunlight on a cool autumnmorning' because I can not change my adjusted-to-millions-of-years-of-evolution kriffing metabolism firing like the system of a lothcat on kriffing spice, so my biology reacts by shedding harder and cool me down properly without having to re-adjust my metabolism or the fact that I am kind of unable to sweat to cool down. Does not work much since my summerpelt is just a kriffing tad less isolating than my winterpelt and I also leave kriffing hairs on furniture and have to brush myself like crazy during the few days I am frantically shedding to not die of a kriffing heatstroke on a mildly sunny, fresh autumnday, you know."
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taralblove · 4 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: TALLY-HO Vintage Cottagecore Wool Button Down Cardigan Floral Size MP.
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saramackenzie1982 · 4 months ago
Autumn is a cozy time for books. Running with the dog is another. 🐕 "Wrapped in the Rays of the Sun" books 1-4 out on #Amazon now!
#AutumnDays #Cozy #RainyDays #CoffeeCurrentlyReading #BookCommunity #Fantasy #Renassaince #KingsAndQueens
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