rej11 · 1 year
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galadrieljones · 5 months
Last night was the first time while playing Death Stranding that I so greatly miscalculated my situation, and underestimated the difficulty of climbing while carrying like 1000lbs of weight, as well as the sheer potential of damage to be done by Timefall, I ended up ruining every cargo order on my back and BB went into autotoxemia and I found myself just sneaking for what felt like hours through endless BT territory with evil creatures breathing on my neck until I finally realized I was so fucked, and I felt so bad for Sam and for his poor little BB, I just reloaded an old save like a total wimp 😭
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vyragosa · 1 year
hot things about higgs-amelie:
- abdomen turning red glowing autotoxemia style making his whole armor red and matching
- the "intestines" moving with sounds, moving during *** or depending on his singing like vibrato
- taking off the garterbelts. erotique to the max.
- ears being the only remaining body part making them insanely sensitive. not saying anything else.
- whole under armor looking like shiny latex. (incomprehensible)
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masctoast · 2 years
Listen they were all 47% destroyed but they were all there and there was a tiny little BT whale and my BB has autotoxemia
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chanarie69 · 9 months
THE KIOSK OF DEMOCRACY PRESENTS "Autotoxemia" A series about Ressentiment By YIANNIS TRIFONOPOULOS - GREECE www.facebook.com/kioskofdemocracy
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communist-ojou-sama · 2 years
a comprehensive list of words I had to look up in ch.1 of confessions of a mask
白地(はくち): (n.) Idiot (sensitive)
説き伏せる(ときふせる):(v.) to argue down, to persuade
産湯 (うぶゆ):(n.) a baby’s first bath
鉢合わせ(はちあわせ):(n.) to bump heads
反駁(はんばく):(n.) retort, refutation
揺曳(ようえい)する: (v.) flutter, linger.
疑獄(ぎごく):(n.) bribery scandal
美辞麗句(びじれいく):(n.) flowery words, rhetorical flourishes
差押(さしおさえ):(n.) forclosure
虚栄(きょえい):(n.) vanity
霞む(かすむ):(v.) to cloud in smoke or haze
箪笥(たんす):(n.) chest-of-drawers
錯雑(さくざつ)する:(stative v.) complex, intricate
居丈高(いたけだか):(adj.) high-handed, overbearing
女中(じょちゅう):(n.) maidservant (sensitive)
起き伏し(おきふし):(n.) daily life
狷介不屈(けんかいふくつ):(adj.) stubbornly unyielding
痼疾(こしつ):(n.) chronic illness
陣痛(じんつう):(n.) labor pains
襦袢(じゅばん):(n.) undershirt, singlet
カンフル:(n.) camphor
葡萄糖(ぶどうとう):(n.) glucose
上膊(じょうはく):(n.) upper arm
自家中毒(じかちゅうどく):(n.) autotoxemia
肥桶(こえおけ):(n.) night-soil bucket
荷う(になう):(v.) to carry on one’s shoulder; to bear
汚穢屋 (おわいや):(n.) night-soil gatherer
啓示(けいじ):(n.) revelaton (esp. divine)
輪郭(りんかく):(n.) outline, border
薄荷(はっか):(n.) mint
巧緻(こうち):(adj.) elaborate, exquisite
涵養(かんよう):(n.) cultivation, development
混濁(こんだく):(adj.) vague, muffled
薬莢(やっきょう):(n.) shell case
奇矯(ききょう):(adj.) eccentric
燦然(さんぜん)たる:(adj.) radiant, brilliant
挙止(きょし):(n.) bearing, deportment
憚る(はばかる):(v.) to hesitate, to have scruples
帷(とばり):(n.) curtain
伸びやか(のびやか):(adj.) comfortable, carefree
手妻(てづま):(n.) sleight-of-hand
鷹揚(おうよう):(adj.) magnanimous, open-handed, large-hearted
愛嬌(あいきょう):(n.) charm, amiability
物腰(ものごし):(n.) manner, demeanor
贋造(がんぞう):(n.) counterfeit, forgery
堆い(うずたかい):(adj.) piled high
瑰麗(かいれい):(adj.) extraordinarily beautiful, gorgeous, magnificent
陰翳(いんえい):(n.) shade, gloom
肌理(きめ):(n.) texture
諧和(かいわ):(n.) gentle mutual affection, harmony
混淆(こんこう):(n.) mixture
悔恨(かいこん):(n.) regret, remorse, contrition
昂進(こうしん)する :(v.) to exacerbate
耽奇(たんき): (n.) intermittent obsession
輦台(れんだい):(n.) palanquin
琥珀(こはく):(n.) amber
憂身(うきみ):(n.) life of misery
頽唐(たいとう):(n.) indulgence, decline
渉猟(しょうりょう)する :(v.) ranging through, searching far and wide, [also reading extensively]
接吻(せっぷん):(n.) kiss
執拗(しつよう):(adj.) persistent, obstinate
沈痛(ちんつう):(adj.) grave, mournful
面持(おももち):(n.) expression, countenance
蠱惑(こわく):(n.) fascination, seduction
惑溺(わくでき):(n.) indulgence, addiction, infatuation
馬鈴薯(ばれいしょ):(n.) potato
裏漉し(うらごし):(n.) strainer
鰤(ぶり):(n.) Japanese amberjack
嘆賞(たんしょう):(n.) admiration
訣別(けつべつ):(n.) parting, farewell
剥製(はくせい):(n.) stuffing, mounting
敬虔(けいけん):(adj.) pious, devout
成就(じょうじゅ):(n.) fulfillment, realization
錫杖(しゃくじょう):(n.) khakkhara
神輿(みこし):(n.) portable shrine [carried in Shinto parades]
犇めく(ひしめく):(v.) to clamor, to jostle
欄干(らんかん):(n.) railing, guard rail
灌木(かんぼく):(n.) bush
陶酔(とうすい):(n.) intoxication, being carried away by/enraptured by sth.
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butbabeitsnotreal · 4 years
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When BB is about to go into autotoxemia but you're in the middle of a mini boss fight
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higgs-the-god · 3 years
Aw oh no :( I was playing ds and Lou went into autotoxemia :((
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officialtokyosan · 4 years
i love when someone points out how much raiden looks like shit in mgs4 like he has autotoxemia. his blood is white. what do you expect
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malicedragoness · 5 years
My husband and I playing Death Stranding.
Me: “so this game is supposed to make you cry. Especially the ending.”
Husband: “Eh, I think we’ll be fine.”
1 hour into playing the game and Sam is on the Beach with BB crying.
Husband: *emotionally crying* “Noooo! The baby is crying.”
Later on, Deadman telling Sam not to get attached to the BB.
Husband: “Too late asshole. I already love this baby. I will protect it forever.”
BB about to get autotoxemia.
All of this has actually happened. 😆
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also why does Higgs have a BB? going by its lack of movement and the color of the pod when it turns on, it’s going through autotoxemia or worse. so i would say maybe he uses it to enhance his DOOMS abilities, like how Sam naturally senses BTs but having a BB allows him to actually see them
but Higgs’ BB shouldn’t work at all going by the game’s logic meaning it would be more of a hindrance to Higgs than any sort of help. unless of course we’ll later learn it’s been modified and that despite being in a state of autotoxemia, it still connects or enhances Higgs in some way. after all Fragile did say he’d grown more powerful. but if that’s not the case, then why have it?
i could understand a terrorist without DOOMS needing one but why Higgs? did he have the BB before when he was working with Fragile and a normal porter?
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garthnightmare · 2 years
The Train on Platform One-4
In the soft, funereal light of the sun, the campus looks unsettlingly picturesque. Not quite real. You can’t call it beautiful as such. But, looking at it, one gets a sense that they’ll never see anything quite like it ever again. The eerie light makes the statue of the founder, just visible at the base of Barnard-Higgs, seem almost alive.
I find I can barely even take it in. I turn instead to look up the railway line, past the fallen pie-wedge of the platform, where a lone signal burns near the railway bridge. The air tastes of static, and that wonderful stench of diesel fuel that is only pleasant in small doses. Traffic snarls past beneath the bridge. A bird issues a harsh, barking squawk of warning. On the roof of the world, a plane is slowly drifting by, an emissary from a world of ignorance. Skeins of vapour trail in its wake, seeming to echo the tracks below me.
‘So this is it, then.’
The words come from my lips, addressed to no-one. A scatter as a flock of seagulls take flight, soaring into the distance.
I replay the broadcast in my head, trying to remember the exact phrasing. They didn’t say, ‘There is no hope.’ They didn’t say, ‘This won’t ever get fixed.’
But what scared me the most- more than I’m willing to admit, even to myself- was the look on the woman’s face. You see, I’ve seen newsreaders look sober before. It’s practically their bread-and-butter, particularly these days. Perfectly regular cadence, too, measured and refined, as one’s come to expect. But that look on her face…it made me genuinely terrified.
Because as they went on about net-zero fecundity and in-vitro autotoxemia, the woman was smiling.
Not a happy smile, of course. Not a TV polished, ‘everything will be just fine’ smile either. No, this was the smile that a person makes when they have no idea what sort of expression to make anymore. I’d seen it before on the face of my mother, toward the end, when she turned towards me and asked how I’d gotten into the house, and what I’d done with her son.
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wazafam · 3 years
The Metal Gear franchise has no shortage of unique characters, both supernatural and science fiction. The series has consistently shown warfare advances from giant mechanical threats, like the Metal Gears to clone soldiers like Solid Snake. Additionally, cyborg technology has advanced in the timeline of Metal Gear and is most prominent with the cyborg ninja concept.
RELATED: Metal Gear Solid: Ranking The 10 Most Iconic Characters In The Entire Franchise
Ever since the original Metal Gear Solid on the PlayStation, cyborg ninja's have become evident in the modern era and have become a staple in the franchise. However, newcomers might miss several aspects of the cyborg ninja, with some details only present in databases or conversations. As such, here are some facts regarding Metal Gear Solid's cyborg ninja that every newcomer should know.
10 Advancements Began During The 70s-80s
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Although the first prominent appearance of the cyborg ninja appeared in 2005, advancements in the technology started during the Cold War. Players can see examples of this during Peace Walker and Metal Gear Solid 5 through prosthetics, from Venom Snake and Zadornov. However, the prototypes for exoskeleton technology could possibly be seen in Huey Emmerich's prosthetics during Metal Gear Solid 5.
RELATED: The 10 Funniest Things To Happen In The Metal Gear Solid Series
Huey has been wearing a mechanical exoskeleton at that point in the timeline, which allowed Huey to walk. However, the character eventually lost his exoskeleton following his exile from Diamond Dogs in Metal Gear Solid 5. This previous technology eventually led to the possible future for what would become the cyborg ninjas.
9 Gray Fox's Body Is A Prototype Exoskeleton
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Following Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Gray Fox's body was taken by the Patriots to be tested and experimented with. Gray Fox's prototype exoskeleton offered him various powerful enhancements from super-strength to durability.
Mechanical prosthetics were used to replace some of his body parts, which increased his destructive capabilities. The armor is also durable enough to survive several blows from Solid Snake and the bi-pedal tank Metal Gear Rex.
8 Gray Fox's Exoskeleton Was Seen To Have Bad Nerve Endings
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Gray Fox's exoskeleton provided him with a variety of enhancements that boosted his already impressive physical capabilities. However, despite the exoskeleton's abilities, it comes at the cost of causing immense pain towards Gray Fox's nerve endings.
Due to the Patriots' experiments, Gray Fox gets a lot of electrical discharges, which is caused by his nerve endings being connected poorly to his cybernetics.
7 The Original Cyborg Ninja Experiment Influenced The Genome Soldiers
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Interestingly, the cyborg ninja project helped establish the genome soldiers, eventually becoming the Metal Gear Solid enemy group. Many of the gene therapy experiments conducted on Gray Fox's body resulted in the eventual creation of the genome soldiers.
Soldiers enhanced with the genes of Big Boss granted them augmented physicality and senses. The suit and role of the cyborg ninja would eventually appear in future games.
6 Raiden's Original Body Required Blood Dialysis
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Nearly ten years after the events of Shadow Moses, Raiden appears as the newest version of the Cyborg Ninja. Complete with his own cybernetic body, Raiden's frame grants him similar capabilities to Gray Fox, from strength to durability.
However, because the patriots almost entirely replaced his body with an exoskeletal body, Raiden required blood with higher oxygen content. As a result, Raiden's cyborg body had to be dialyzed with special equipment otherwise he could experience autotoxemia.
5 Raiden's New Body Contain Carbon Nano Tubes
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During the events of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Raiden was outclassed by the cyborg organization Desperado, causing him to obtain a new cyborg body. Raiden's new body offers various benefits, such as his body comprised of carbon nanotube technology, which vastly improves his durability and strength. Raiden's cyborg body also allows him to self repair his injuries by obtaining nano paste from the corpses of his enemies.
4 Cyborg Bodies Require Fuel Cells And Nutrition Packs
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Cyborgs have to consume glucose-based nutrient packs to keep their brains functioning correctly. Nanomachines inside the cyborg allow them to break down the nutrients consumed inside the body.
Outside of that, cyborgs also require fuel cells and regular maintenance to ensure that they can function correctly. Although it doesn't make them as usual as ordinary people, their benefits due to their enhanced cybernetics offer something positive.
3 Cyborgs Can Turn Off Their Taste And Pain Receptors
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Alongside the physical benefits that a cyborg body provides for the user, it also grants them other valuable elements that are essential on the battlefield. Pain receptors on the body can shut down to give the user increased endurance during a grueling fight.
If cyborg soldiers need food but dislike the taste, they can shut down their taste receptors. Turning off the taste receptors allows cyborg soldiers on the battlefield to consume the necessary nutrients they need without feeling disgusted.
2 Cyborgs Have Artificial Voice Boxes
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Due to the extensive surgery that Raiden has gone through to obtain his cyborg body, the character had to have an artificial voice box installed inside of him. His voice box proved to be helpful in dangerous situations.
RELATED: 10 Best Stealth Action Games If You Like Metal Gear Solid
When he's under critical condition during Metal Gear Solid 4, Raiden can maintain communication through his audio box and can continue talking without losing excessive energy.
1 Not All Cyborg Ninjas Are Cyborgs
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Ironically, in the universe of Metal Gear, not every cyborg ninja in the franchise is a cyborg. Although most cyborg ninjas are, Olga from Metal Gear Solid 2 isn't a cyborg ninja physically but took the name and mantle for the mission.
Olga did this by wearing an exoskeleton that somewhat resembled Gray Fox with similar maneuvers and techniques. Although she isn't a proper cyborg ninja, her role within the story made her a brief exception to the rule.
NEXT: Metal Gear: 10 Raiden Cosplay That Are Too Good
10 Things New Fans Don't Know About Cyborg Ninjas In Metal Gear Solid from https://ift.tt/3bGA2ND
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vyragosa · 1 year
-very emo samhiggs NSFW headcanon ahead-
sam being like.."...will it mess up with your numbers....whatever the fuck....if i come inside..... " and higgs is just 😢 " ain't no way you're caring about THAT....yes it will...no i don't care...it will be fixed regardless..."
basically a BB-like destabilized autotoxemia but higgs is doing it on purpose just to be as close as possible to sam. uh, his abdomen turns red lol.
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weatherman667 · 5 years
Things that legitimately happen in Death Stranding
They tapped into the afterlife for bandwidth.
The ghosts gave the aborted fetus you carry around in a jar autotoxemia.
The closest thing the world has to currency is Likes.
Troy Baker is a villain.
Wholly Positive Multiplayer Experience
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Proper Childhood Feeding
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Proper Childhood Feeding
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Copyright 2005 Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.
Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D, M.H., HMC
A lifelong legacy of good health emanates from the institution of correct feeding practices at birth. Unfortunately, in this era, feeding children in accordance with Nature’s dictates has fallen out of fashion.
Good parents make every effort to provide for their children materially and to orient their moral compasses. But their nutritional guidance responsibility is often neglected. As a result, many parents unwittingly subvert their offspring’s health and human potential. Proper feeding not only benefits the child in the immediate sense, but also serves as a paradigm the child is likely to adopt and pursue throughout his or her adulthood. Proverbs 22:6 teaches: “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
For the most part, disease is not, as is popularly thought, a direct outcome of microbial infection; rather, it’s the result of disregarding one of Nature’s primary laws: Human beings have an inherent relationship with those fundamental elements necessary for life: proper diet; pure water; fresh air; adequate sunlight, exercise, warmth, rest and sleep; emotional harmony; proper posture. Disease is an outgrowth of a deficiency or excess of one or more of them.
Violation of this law leads to the two primary roots of disease: autotoxemia and enervation. Autotoxemia is a polluted state of the internal milieu. This toxic burden impedes all bodily functions, including elimination, and so increases and perpetuates itself. Enervation is a state characterized by depletion of nerve force and reduction of the body’s resistance to infection. These two conjugated factors fuel each other and constitute the primary disease state. Acute ailments such as colds and flu as well as chronic ailments such as recurrent middle ear infections, diarrhea and eczema are secondary effects of this primary state.
When systemic level of toxicity surpasses the body’s threshold point of tolerance, a crisis of toxemia ensues. Medical science classifies these crises as acute “diseases,” according to their unique symptom complexes (e.g., bronchitis, colds, flu, pneumonia, etc.).
In reality, these crises are the body’s urgent efforts toward elimination of toxins. The crisis of toxemia continues until the level of toxicity has been reduced (via sweating, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, nasal drainage) to below the threshold point of tolerance, after which it subsides as naturally as it arose. However, if drugs are used to suppress toxic discharges, the poisonous matter (which the body is seeking to expel) is forced away from eliminating organs and secreting surfaces, and forced deeper into the tissues which further lowers the body’s vitality, setting the wheels of chronic disease in motion.
In this era, traditional naturopathic knowledge regarding childhood feeding has fallen into near-total obscurity. Harry Benjamin, N.D. writes in Everybody’s Guide To Nature Cure (1936): “Parents assume that the children’s ailments of today are something inevitable. So they are –if children are fed as they are today.” The import of this observation has increased exponentially in this ubiquitous junk-foods era.
Aliveness is dependent upon what naturopaths refer to as vital force and Chinese medicine calls chi. Vital force is the fundamental energy sustaining life and is present in every cell’s vibratory, biological process. The Chinese feel that a large proportion of vital force is liberated from food upon digestion and assimilation. Thus, the quantity of vital force—the very force that is the impetus of growth and development—is dependent upon our food’s quality.
Medical science now clearly acknowledges that childhood diet is a critical factor in adult health. A recent study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that weekly servings of French fries to girls between the ages of 3 and 5 significantly increases their risk of developing breast cancer later in life.
By now, the link between improper childhood feeding and lifelong obesity with all its associated health risks (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, cancer) is well-established. Astonishingly, 60% of American children are obese (i.e., over 30% of body weight is fat). Unlike adults, a child’s body, when challenged by an excess quantity of fat, creates new fat cells rather than relying upon the storage capacity of pre-existing cells. At maturity, the number of fat cells is fixed and can never be reduced. Normally, the adult body contains 30 to 40 billion fat cells. Adults who became overweight as children may house as many as 90 to 120 billion fat cells.
In cases of childhood physical illness and behavioral dysfunction, a pivotal and often overlooked factor is improper diet. In the digestive system, intestinal villi represent a type of “root system” charged with absorbing nutrients from the small intestine and transporting them to the blood. Like a plant, the integrity and vitality of the human organism is largely dependent upon its root strength and the quality of accessed nourishment.
Poor nutrition directly contributes to behavioral- as well as physical dysfunction in a variety of ways. Vital nutrient deficiency is an obvious one. For instance, zinc-deficient children are not only immunologically compromised, they are also subject to learning disabilities, moodiness and proneness to violent behavior.
Proper childhood feeding actually begins before birth. William Howard Hay, M.D. writes in Superior Health Through nutrition (1891): “As we eat, so are we. We die, cell by cell, every day of our lives and, cell by cell, we are recreated. We not only have the means of proper re-creation in our hands through our manner of feeding, but also original creation [of cells] depends largely on the state of the mother’s chemistry.” Thus, the importance of optimal prenatal nutrition cannot be overemphasized. For many children, a pattern of food allergies, obesity and chronic unwellness is institutionalized before they are even born
Mother’s Milk
Human milk meets the infant’s special growth requirements. To accommodate evolving nutritive requirements, both composition and volume of breast milk change as the infant matures. Each species’ milk is adapted precisely to the specifications of its own young. Accordingly, vast differences exist between nutrient profiles of human milk and those of other species. For instance, human milk contains 1% – 2% protein as opposed to the 3.4% protein-content in cow’s milk.
Importantly, human milk’s amino acid composition is ideally suited to facilitate the great degree of brain growth that occurs in a child’s first year of life. Cow’s milk, on the other hand, is structurally adapted to rapid development of muscle and bone mass rather than brain tissue (adult cows have relatively small brains).
Whether milk or soy based, commercial baby formulas are a highly problematic substitute for mother’s milk. Commercial formulas evoke diverse allergic reactions which often affect digestive function. Formulas generally provide difficult-to-digest proteins (more than baby can absorb), giving rise to putrefying accumulations in the bowels. Also, undigested protein can enter the bloodstream which causes distal-site inflammation and elicits adverse immunological responses.
Mother’s milk contains only one type of sugar: lactose. Artificial formulas are laden with refined sugars such as sucrose, maltose and dextrose which tend to ferment in the child’s digestive tract, interfere with the digestion of formula protein-content and lay the groundwork for many catarrhal disorders associated with childhood, including chronic ear infection, tonsillitis, croup and colic.
The Nursing Mother’s Proper Diet And Lifestyle
Despite breast milk’s superiority to the milk of other species and to commercial formulas, this does not mean that all breast milk is of good quality. Quality of breast milk will vary in accordance with the quality of mother’s diet and lifestyle. A healthy, thriving child is most likely the product of a nursing mother’s lifestyle that is characterized by: proper diet; adequate fresh air, exercise, sunshine, rest and sleep; emotional balance; avoidance of negative influences.
The nursing mother should eat a high water-content diet consisting of large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables and comparatively smaller quantities of whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, fish, skinless chicken and turkey. She must also avoid all common allergenic foods (e.g., dairy, wheat, peanuts, etc.) and rotate moderately allergenic foods such as corn and eggs on a four-day schedule.
The Three Feeding Periods Of Childhood
Ideally, childhood feeding should consist of three clearly demarcated phases:
1) Breast milk period: breast milk is taken along with supplemental fresh, raw fruit and vegetable juices.
2) Transition period: intermediate-phase when the child takes both breast milk and proper solid foods.
3) Post-weaning period: the child subsists on a diet similar to that of adults.
Ultimately, the best way to ensure a child’s physical and behavioral integrity is through careful and knowledgeable implementation of each phase. For example, a common feeding error in infants is the premature introduction of starches. Starches do not occur in breast milk and infants are unable to digest it.
Starch digestion begins in the mouth as saliva contains the starch-splitting enzyme salivary amylase. Noted naturopath Paavo Airola, N.D. writes in Every Woman’s Book: “Salivary amylase will not be present in a child in any appreciable quantity for at least 6 months. Another starch-digesting enzyme secreted by the pancreas is also not present in sufficient amount to digest starch….The baby’s digestive system is not equipped to efficiently digest starch foods until 1-year or longer, and therefore, he should not be fed starchy foods for at least that long.”
It’s common practice for mothers to introduce cereals to 4-month-old infants. This crucial feeding error may impact the child’s health for the rest of her life. Herbert Shelton, N.D., founder of the Natural Hygiene System, writes in The Hygienic Care Of Children: “The present widespread practice of feeding cereals, baked potatoes, bread and other starch foods to babies is responsible for much illness in them. Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, colic, skin rashes, tonsillitis, etc. are chief among the outgrowths of such feeding.” I have always advised mothers against feeding starches to babies until they are at least 14-months-old.
Clearly, investing in a child’s future must go beyond a college education fund to include parental investment of time and effort to learn about and implement optimal prenatal and childhood nutrition. In fact, it is one of the most important gifts a child can receive.
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