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grandhotelabyss · 2 years ago
What do you think of the charitable reading that Chu is attempting a sub rosa Socratic dialogue in her ‘reviews’ - that a good percentage of the time, she is clearly taking the piss; but it’s ultimately for the reader’s edification?
If so, the joke's on me. Her views on literature are such boilerplate grad-student Marxism, if written up more wittily than her peers could manage, that I think she probably acquired them honestly in academe and genuinely believes them. Now when she actually writes about her own identity—when she vaunts that she's a pornsick automisandrist autogynephile and dares you to criticize her for saying it or being it—that I think is meant to have the Socratic function of trying to make the imagined interlocutor (in this case, the middlebrow "shitlib" reader, presumably cis-white-PMC-female) understand Foucault-style that rights are based on the sheer exercise of self-assertion and power, not pathetic pleas for empathy or understanding. That's why only she could have written "On Liking Women" and Females, but anybody from NYU English could have written the Zadie Smith review. (Okay, "anybody from NYU English" would have supplied the famous Gramsci line about traces and inventories in the review's final paragraph rather than quoting Leavis [!] making the same Gramscian point about Austen [!!] in The Great Tradition [!!!]. I never said she wasn't clever.)
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 4 years ago
Autoandrophobic Pride Flag
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Autoandrophobia: the fear of being a man; the opposite of autoandrophilia, characterized as the repulsion by the thought of becoming a male; the aversion of being testodominant/dominantly androgenized (testonized/testeronized); the dislike of Wolffian/Wolfadic sex traits (either primary or secondary sex characteristics: genotypical/genetical (karyotypical/cytogenetical, chromosomal) or phenotypical, gonadal/genital or hormonal) in oneself.
Flag by @themogaidragon​
Charles A. Moser used this word the first time in 2010, ascribing “blocking masculinity” through antiandrogens (testosterone blockers) whereas autoandrophobes aren’t essentially paraphilacs for the desire to block masculinizing traits or experiencing undesired masculinization. That said, it was never defined til now. The blog @autophile-positivity​​ once used autoandrophobia meaning autoandrophilophobia or autoandrophilomisia (apparently), which is the prejudice against/antipathy towards or hatred of autoandrophiles. But what I’m describing here is a clinical phobia term. Although semantics would imply internalized androphobia or otherwise self-hatred (autoandromisia/automisandry), it’s not the case of oppression, however it can be societally conditioned. -Ap
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