#autocorrect is killin me here
theworstcreature · 5 months
Oh yeah sorry I couldn’t hear you I was thinking about things relevant to the task at hand (birthday party trumpets playing inside my skull and they WONT STOP)
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imagine-daryldixon · 6 years
When it all began
okay, so the odds are not in my favor tonight, my laptop is about to die and it freezes with pretty much every click I make, but I promised you a story and you will get a story today. It doesn’t look like it normally would but I will update the overall appearance later. I also couldn’t run my autocorrect program because of said problems so please be gentle. I hope you can still enjoy the story and let me know if you want more parts. :D (and also let me know if I uploaded this before because I’m really not sure)
You’re happily reading away while the world goes downhill. When you finally realize what’s going on, it’s almost too late...
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It was a warm sunny day in June when hell broke lose. I was sitting on an old plastic chair that used to be white but rain and sun had left cracks in the paint. A romance novel in my hands I was drooling and swooning over the last few pages as the hero came to rescue the heroine. Sipping on the cold drink I had in one hand I wondered if the heroine would get her happy end even though I knew she would. They always did in these books. That was why I loved them so much. Because whereas the heroine could always be more than sure to lead a happy life I couldn’t be. Too many obstacles to overcome, too many ifs and whens… I sighed deeply as I read my way through the last few pages when a loud shriek from the street caught my attention. I flung around to look for the source of the sound but of course I couldn’t see anything. It wasn’t too difficult to convince myself that it was nothing. A lot of people screamed and shrieked around here. However, the weird feeling in my guts wouldn’t go away. Concentrating on the words in front of me was harder now. There was something in the air like a bad omen overshadowing the sunny afternoon-mood. Another gut wrenching scream made me flung around and drop my book. I was used to people screaming but that just now.. That was the scream of someone fighting for their life. As I jumped out of my chair I threw over the small table next to me spilling icewater over my knees. I could barely feel it as I ran inside and through the corridor towards the front door. The door was torn open right as I reached out to grab it. Daryl was standing in the door, panting, sweating and with trembling hands and shaking knees. I had never seen him like this in all the years we had known each other.
"What...!?", I gasped unable to finish the sentence. "Just run!", Daryl barked. He took a step inside and tried to grab me by the wrist but failed as I took a step back. "What?! No, why would I? What's going on?", I asked. "No time to explain. C'mon now!" He took another step forward. "What's going on, Daryl?" My eyes grew wide as I looked past him and outside where I could see cars burning, smoke coming out of the house across the street, people screaming and shooting other people. "What does all this mean?" I tried to cover my eyes from the scene outside. Impossible. The old lady having her had crushed in the door would probably stick with me for the rest of my life. "Do ya trust me?!" Daryl simply asked, still not answering any of my questions. "Why!? What!?" "Do ya?!" "I.... of course I do... Daryl...I", I stuttered. My heart felt like it was trying to escape my chest. "Good..." Daryl reached out to me once more, much gentler this time and with a trembling hand I reached out to him as well. "Run", he said in a calm voice and grabbed my hand. I didn't hesitate this time, my legs were running on their own as Daryl dragged me with him. We dashed out the door and across our front lawn. The lawn that had looked perfect just a few hours ago was now torn and big holes were gaping everywhere. "What happened?!", I whispered without slowing down. My eyes fell upon a young man, once my neighbour... I knew him since... preschool probably... He was screaming as a figure was bending over him, blood dripping from his hands. Was that.. his mother?! Why was he screaming?! I regretted not looking away the next second. His arms weakened until they just snapped and the figure, his mother, landed on top of him. She sank her teeth into his flesh, biting his cheek off. Blood covered both of them until they looked like something out of the horror movies I had always loved to watch... until now. I wanted to go back to bed and tell myself that this was just a bad dream over and over again... but the grip around my wrist, Daryl's warm fingers against my skin reminded me with a burning intensity that this wasn't a nightmare. This was real. "Get in!", Daryl screamed as we reached his truck. I jumped onto the passengers seat without losing another second and only moments later Daryl had started the engine and scorched down the street towards the highway. "Could you please tell me what the fuck is going on?!", I hissed. We had left my neighborhood behind and I knew we had left our old lives behind as well. I didn't know what it was but there was no going back to yesterday. "Dunno..." Daryl kept staring out on the street in front of us. "What do you mean, you 'don't know?'" "What I said... People just.. ya know... went batshit crazy, started killin' each other... comin' back..." "Coming back? From what?" "Death", Daryl shrugged as if it was nothing. "We gonna get Merle and get the fuck outta here...." "Where to?!" "Dunno....just... away..." "That's not really a good plan", I whispered not sure if he would hear me. He did. Daryl's head flung around glaring at me. "Ya got a better plan up your ass!? 'Cause if ya don't, ya better shut your goddamn mouth. We're doin' what I say!", he barked in an outburst of emotions, scaring me. When our eyes met he sighed deeply and with a tone much softer than before he added: "We'll figure it out, okay?!" I nodded unsure if I could trust my voice. I had just witnessed my neighbour being torn apart, I didn't know how we were to figure this out but there was nothing else I could do than put all my trust in Daryl. He had already saved me once....
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