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pttedu · 10 months
Dive into the future of HVAC technology with our comprehensive training program. Equip yourself with the skills needed to navigate the digital landscape of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning systems. From smart thermostats to advanced control systems, our training ensures you're at the forefront of the industry.
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pttiedu · 10 months
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
In 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic raged unchecked across America, President Donald Trump offered Democratic state governors an exceedingly cruel ultimatum: If you want help from the federal government, you “have to treat us well.” That exchange — lifesaving medical equipment for blue-state political support — reflects the inverse logic of the Biden administration as it seeks to revamp domestic manufacturing by directing billions of dollars into deep-red states, money that will be used to subsidize lower-paying jobs that will ultimately be able to replace union work in states that voted for Joe Biden.
In late June, the Department of Energy’s Loan Program Office granted a $9.2 billion loan — its largest ever — to Ford and its joint venture partner, the Korean firm BlueOval SK, to build battery plants in Tennessee and Kentucky. The cash injection follows other projects, like a sprawling chip manufacturing plant and close to a dozen solar manufacturing sites across the South.
The loan, issued from the Department of Energy office that drew billions of dollars for investments in green energy under the Inflation Reduction Act, stems from Biden’s pledge to make half of all vehicles sold in 2030 zero emission. That undertaking means more plants that manufacture components of gas-powered vehicles are sure to close in coming years. Those jobs are overwhelmingly union and heavily based in swing states or blue states. While the administration’s investments so far may notch it a win in the war against offshoring and the White House’s perceived threat in the looming menace of Chinese competition, the White House’s handling of the transition to green energy — including where it invests federal dollars and whether it protects union workers’ jobs — will have implications not only for the climate crisis, but also for Democrats’ electoral prospects.
The success of the climate program will require continued federal commitment. Biden is placing a bet that clean energy investments could ultimately work the same way as the military-industrial complex. The military and its allied contractors have made sure to set up bases and/or manufacturing facilities in nearly every congressional district in the country, with extra attention paid to areas represented by key lawmakers. That has produced durable support for ever-expanding military budgets. Whether the same could be accomplished for the clean energy industry is an open question, but so far, Republicans from districts that have won federal awards have nevertheless voted to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, which funds the tax breaks. By subsidizing the decline of union jobs, the Biden administration risks empowering lawmakers who will then move to end the subsidies altogether.
“What Biden is doing is politically insane, environmentally bankrupt, and it’s poor economics,” Larry Cohen, former president of the Communications Workers of America and board member of Our Revolution, told The Intercept. “The White House and my old friend John Podesta” — who is overseeing the federal government’s spending of climate incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act — “should have labor-centered guidelines about where these investments are going, whether it’s in purple states like Michigan, whether it’s in Philadelphia, whether it’s in Ohio, there are acres and acres of devastated industrial landscape that need new investment as opposed to cornfields. The total lack of consideration for workers could certainly make the difference in 2024.”
During the 2020 presidential election, Biden won Michigan by just 150,000 votes. It was a hard-fought win for Democrats, who had lost the state in 2016 for the first time in two decades — and it was due in no small part to the United Auto Workers’, or UAW, political machine, which spent just under $10 million on nationwide political donations during the 2020 election cycle and many millions more on political outreach and media in Michigan. That money followed Biden’s promise to be the most pro-union president in recent memory, a claim he has continued to make while in office.
Ahead of 2024, Michigan Democrats find themselves in a strong position against their GOP opponents. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer cruised to reelection with a 10-point margin in November after seizing on the need to safeguard abortion access from GOP attacks, and, for the first time in 40 years, Democrats gained control of both of Michigan’s legislative chambers.
Despite the tailwinds, the Biden campaign will need to court every voter it can to clinch the election in what is still a purple state. Republicans, who will also be vying to gain a Senate seat in Michigan, have signaled that they believe the state is competitive given the election year turnout boost that a Trump candidacy will provide.
The UAW’s 130,000 members in Michigan — almost the same number of votes that made the difference for Biden three years ago — form an important voting bloc. In addition to their individual votes, UAW members are active donors and get-out-the-vote organizers. The union’s newly elected president, Shawn Fain, recently said the UAW would continue withholding the endorsement of its hundreds of thousands of members for Biden’s reelection until more progress was made on supporting members through the green energy transition.
Fain also lashed out at the president when news of the Energy Department loan to Ford broke, reminding him that union support is a privilege, not a right.
“We have been absolutely clear that the switch to electric engine jobs, battery production and other [electric vehicle] manufacturing cannot become a race to the bottom,” Fain said in a June 23 statement. “Not only is the federal government not using its power to turn the tide — they’re actively funding the race to the bottom with billions in public money.”
Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who represents autoworkers in her Detroit-area district, was similarly critical of the loan. “The federal government shouldn’t be subsidizing the automakers’ expansion into states that are hostile to labor rights,” Tlaib told The Intercept. “The automakers must act fairly towards its union workers, especially after the UAW workers sacrificed so much during hard times for the industry. The rapid transition to electric vehicles that we need cannot come at the expense of the people making them.”
Union members have already taken losses in the run-up to the Biden administration’s investments in green energy. General Motors, another one of the big three automakers, recently opened a battery plant in Warren, Ohio, where starting wages for union members are about half of what wages were at an Ohio plant the manufacturer shuttered in 2019. Sen. Bernie Sanders criticized GM’s reduction in wages at the new plant, which opened last year. “The government is putting a lot of money into transitioning our economy to a non-fossil fuel economy,” Sanders said in April. “We want to see workers get a fair shake, not just the CEOs of the companies.”
The same week Ford secured a loan for its joint venture, the manufacturer announced it would lay off significant numbers of employees, following a 3,000-person cull in August of last year. While the plants planned for Tennessee and Kentucky will create 7,500 jobs, according to the Energy Department, workers will have to fight for higher wages and benefits while the company continues to downsize its combustion operations.
When it announced the joint venture loan to Ford, the Department of Energy’s loan office project said that it was committed to creating good-paying jobs with labor protections. “[BlueOval SK] is actively engaging with local stakeholders to develop a diverse local workforce and network of suppliers. To ensure the availability of skilled labor for construction, BOSK is constructing the projects under project labor agreements. In addition, [the Loan Program Office] works with all borrowers to create good-paying jobs with strong labor standards during construction, operations, and throughout the life of the loan and to adhere to a strong Community Benefits Plan.”
Yet neither the loan office nor the White House responded to The Intercept’s questions about the community benefits plan, including whether there are legally binding aspects in the loan terms that could provide tangible benefits for workers seeking to unionize in right-to-work states.
Ford, for its part, told The Intercept that it “has every reason to expect that BlueOval SK will pay competitive wages and benefits so they can attract and retain the workforce needed to build high tech batteries. Employees at BlueOval SK’s battery plants in Tennessee and Kentucky will be able to choose whether they organize, a right that Ford fully respects and supports,” according to spokesperson Melissa Miller. Asked whether the loan contained any terms to that effect, Miller added, “We’re not able to provide additional details on loan terms.”
Fain, the UAW president, took a different view. “These companies are extremely profitable and will continue to make money hand over fist whether they’re selling combustion engines or [electric vehicles],” Fain said. “Yet the workers get a smaller and smaller piece of the pie. Why is Joe Biden’s administration facilitating this corporate greed with taxpayer money?”
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eventefi · 6 months
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newstfionline · 1 year
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Gunman Kills Four in Southwest Philadelphia, Police Say (AP) A gunman wearing a bulletproof vest opened fire on the streets of Philadelphia on Monday night, seemingly at a random, killing four people and wounding two boys in the latest outbreak of gun violence in the United States, police said. The shootings took place over several city blocks in the southwestern neighborhood of Kingsessing. Responding officers chased the suspect as he continued to fire, and he was arrested in an alley after surrendering, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said at a news conference. He had a bulletproof vest, an “AR-type rifle,” multiple magazines, a handgun and a police scanner, she said.
Why Car Repairs Have Become So Expensive (NYT) New cars and trucks are packed with sensors and technology that protect and pamper drivers and passengers. But those features are also raising the cost of repairs after accidents. The average cost of making damaged cars good as new has soared 36% since 2018, and may top $5,000 by the end of this year, according to Mitchell, a company that provides data and software to insurance companies and auto repair businesses. That big increase is the main reason that insurance premiums have been soaring—up 17% in the 12 months through May. New SUVs and pickup trucks, including a rapidly growing number of electric models, have become so complex and luxurious that seemingly simple repairs can cost a small fortune, auto experts said. Insurers are often on the hook for much of those costs, leading them to raise their rates. Materials designed to crumple or deform in a crash to protect pedestrians or passengers, for example, can be hard or impossible to repair. Many bumpers must be replaced after low-speed dings because the safety sensors embedded in them may no longer work properly after repairs. Other systems, even some that do not appear to be damaged, must be inspected or recalibrated.
A good six months for billionaires (Bloomberg) The world’s 500 richest people added $852 billion to their fortunes in the first half of 2023. Each member of the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, including big names like mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, made an average of $14 million per day over the past six months, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It was the best half-year for billionaires since the back half of 2020, when the economy began to rebound from the Covid-19 recession.
Mexico’s old ruling party fractures following election loss (AP) Mexico’s old ruling party fractured Monday, with four leading senators resigning amid internal disputes and the loss of the last major state the party governed. The Institutional Revolutionary Parties held the presidency and almost all statehouses in Mexico without interruption for 70 years. But the PRI, as the party is known, has been reduced to a shadow of its former self by the rise of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Morena party, which won the governorship of the last major PRI bastion, the State of Mexico, last month. Morena has seized on the combination of handout programs and nationalism that the PRI once espoused, and has largely replaced it. The PRI, which now governs only two sparsely populated states, is now Mexico’s fourth biggest party, trailing Morena, the conservative National Action Party and the centrist Citizen’s Movement.
Why do French protesters burn so many cars? (Worldcrunch) Following a police shooting of 17-year-old Nahel M. during a traffic stop, police say that at least 2,000 cars were set on fire, and 3,880 other blazes were reported at the protests around the country. It would seem counting the number of burned cars after nights of social unrest has become something of a tradition in France. But why? During the late 1990s, a trend of burning cars on New Year’s Eve emerged in certain neighborhoods of the eastern city of Strasbourg. The car fires spread across France and acquired an almost ritualistic nature. Two French sociologists, Gérard Mauger and Michel Wieviorka, explained that the phenomenon evolved from a competition between suburb districts, trying to outdo each other in the number of times their district makes the headlines. The level of attention from the media is of course a factor. The sight of cars engulfed in flames on dimly lit streets captures interest. “If it’s not too shocking to say, it seems to me that this ‘French phenomenon’ is the result of cooperation between the media and the gangs living on the estates,” Mauger told France Info.
After Armed Rebellion, Putin Tries to Reinforce His Defenses (NYT) President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia is said to work out of identically constructed offices at multiple residences so that photographs don’t reveal his location. His assistants undergo such a rigorous selection process that a former bodyguard once called them “a caste of chosen people.” And more than three years after the pandemic’s beginning, the Kremlin has continued to enforce a “clean zone” around the president, requiring many who come near him to quarantine for days. For decades, people who know him say, Mr. Putin has been remarkably focused on his personal security and on preventing rivals from using the powers of government against him. Now, in the aftermath of last month’s short-lived rebellion led by Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner private mercenary group that fought for Russia in Ukraine, Mr. Putin appears to be scrambling to coup-proof his system once more. He is rewarding loyalty among the ruling elite and showering his most important constituency—the men with guns (soldiers, police officers and other security agency employees)—with cash. And, so far, he has avoided the sort of large-scale purge that other authoritarian leaders have carried out in response to coup attempts or rebellions, perhaps to avoid destabilizing his system further. “The president is acting very rationally,” said Ekaterina Schulmann, a Russian political scientist. “He is focused on his personal and political survival, and he’s ready for anything to accomplish that.”
Russia says it foiled Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow (AP) Russian air defenses on Tuesday foiled a Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow that prompted authorities to briefly close one of the city’s international airports, officials said. The Russian Defense Ministry said four of the five drones were downed by air defenses on the outskirts of Moscow and the fifth was jammed by electronic warfare means and forced down. The drone attack prompted authorities to temporarily restrict flights at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport and divert flights to two other Moscow main airports. Vnukovo is about 15 kilometers (9 miles) southwest of Moscow. The raid came as Ukrainian forces have continued probing Russian defenses in the south and the east of their country in the initial stages of a counteroffensive.
China curbs exports of key computer chip materials (BBC) The Chinese government is tightening controls over exports of two key materials used to make computer chips. From next month, special licenses will be needed to export gallium and germanium from China, which is the world's biggest producer of the metals. It comes after Washington's efforts to curb Chinese access to some advanced microprocessors. Semiconductors, which power everything from mobile phones to military hardware, are at the centre of a bitter dispute between the world's two largest economies. The US has taken steps to restrict China's access to technology it fears could be put to military use, such as chips used for supercomputing and artificial intelligence.
Hong Kong police offer hefty reward for intel on political exiles (Washington Post) Hong Kong police have offered a reward of up to 1 million Hong Kong dollars ($127,000) for information that would bring about the arrest of the prominent activists who fled the city’s expanding clampdown on dissent. Authorities on Monday announced charges against eight individuals residing in the United States, Australia and Britain, marking the first time a cash reward has been offered for individuals living abroad who are accused of violating a strict national security law. Kevin Yam, who now lives in Melbourne and is one of those on the wanted list, said he would not be deterred from talking publicly about the situation in Hong Kong. “I am an Australian citizen exercising my freedom of speech as an Australian in Australia to speak about a city that gave me everything, which I still love,” said Yam, a nonresident senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Asian Law. Human rights groups decried the “bounty” as an attempt to silence and intimidate critics even after they were forced to leave home, with the cause they once fought for all but banished from public discussion.
Japan’s Native Ainu Fight to Restore a Last Vestige of Their Identity (NYT) Masaki Sashima gazed through the fog one recent afternoon onto the gray waters of the Tokachi River in Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost island. From here, his Indigenous people, the Ainu, once used spears and nets to catch the salmon they regarded as gifts from the gods. Under Japanese law, river fishing for this salmon, an essential part of Ainu cuisine, trade and spiritual culture, has been off limits for more than a century. Mr. Sashima, 72, said it was time for his people to regain what they see as a natural right, and restore one of the last vestiges of a decimated Ainu identity. Mr. Sashima is leading a group that is suing the central and prefectural governments to reclaim salmon fishing rights, four years after Japan’s Parliament passed a law recognizing the Ainu as the nation’s Indigenous people. For centuries, Japanese assimilation policies have stripped the Ainu of their land, forced them to give up hunting and fishing for farming or other menial jobs, and pushed them into Japanese-language schools where it was impossible to preserve their own language. “Japan is a country that says it follows the rule of law, but in terms of Indigenous rights, they are very behind,” said Shiro Kayano, director of a private museum in eastern Hokkaido and the son of the only Ainu to serve in the Japanese Parliament.
Activists in Lebanon are fighting to reclaim dwindling public spaces (Washington Post) To get to a park in Karantina, an impoverished neighborhood near this city’s blast-destroyed port, two children on a recent day had to climb a utility pole and jump over a spiked iron fence because the park, with trees and a jungle gym, is always closed. It is a story repeated across Lebanon, where people are reeling from an economic crisis and desperate to breathe, but where open spaces are often shut, in short supply or reserved for those who can pay. “There are barely any public spaces in Lebanon. Public gardens are often closed, and most of the places either are privately owned or you need a permit from the municipality to get in,” said Maggie Najem, who is fighting to keep her local beach open in northern Lebanon. Mohammad Ayoub, who heads the public space advocacy group Nahnoo, says little has changed since he was a kid in the 1990s, when he and his friends would play in vacant lots “in any way we could.” Now, he added, all the empty spaces have been turned into parking lots. Ayoub says he believes the situation has little to do with Lebanon’s financial crisis or the pandemic, pointing out that officials kept the city’s largest park, Horsh Beirut, closed for 25 years and only partly reopened it in 2014. Rather, he blames policymakers who he says are not interested in providing public services or making investments in parks, unless it involves building parking lots beneath them.
Israel ends West Bank raid calling it a blow to militants. Palestinians grapple with destruction (AP) Israel withdrew troops from a West Bank militant stronghold Wednesday but warned that its most intense military operation in the occupied territory in nearly two decades was not a one-off. Twelve Palestinians and an Israeli soldier were killed in the two-day raid. Residents of the Jenin refugee camp emerged from their homes to find alleys lined by piles of rubble and flattened or scorched cars. Shopkeepers and bulldozers started clearing the debris. Thousands who had fled the fighting began returning. The army claimed to have inflicted heavy damage on militant groups in the operation which included a series of airstrikes and hundreds of ground troops. But it remained unclear whether there would be any lasting effect after nearly a year and a half of heavy fighting in the West Bank.
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abcnewspr · 1 year
Eva Pilgrim and DeMarco Morgan Are New Co-Anchors of ‘GMA3: What You Need to Know’
Gio Benitez Joins ‘Good Morning America’ Saturday and Sunday Broadcasts as Co-Anchor
ABC News President Kim Godwin sent the following note to the news division naming Eva Pilgrim and DeMarco Morgan“GMA3” co-anchors, and Gio Benitez “Good Morning America” Saturday and Sunday co-anchor. This note may be published in its entirety.
Good morning, ABC News – 
I am pleased to announce that Eva Pilgrim and DeMarco Morgan will join “GMA3: What You Need to Know” as co-anchors of the program, with Dr. Jennifer Ashton as ABC News chief health and medical correspondent. 
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ABC News*
Eva Pilgrim joined ABC News in 2015 as a correspondent based in New York and has also served as co-anchor of “Good Morning America” Saturday and Sunday since 2018. While at ABC News, Eva has covered breaking news stories, including the recent mass shooting in Nashville, the Alex Murdaugh trial, the Charlottesville rally, the 2020 presidential election, the murder of George Floyd, and Hurricanes Matthew, Harvey, Irma, Maria and Michael. Prior to ABC News, Eva got her start in local news making stops in Bluefield, West Virginia; Columbia, South Carolina; Charlotte, North Carolina; Indianapolis, Indiana; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
DeMarco Morgan joined ABC News in 2022 as a correspondent based in Los Angeles. Since joining ABC News, DeMarco has covered a wide range of breaking news stories, including the recent severe weather in the West. Prior to ABC News, DeMarco was co-anchor of the weekday 4:30-7:00 a.m. and 11 a.m. newscasts at KCBS in Los Angeles where he also reported for all CBS News networks’ broadcasts and platforms. Before that, he was a CBS News correspondent. He covered stories ranging from destructive wildfires in California to the deadly Las Vegas mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest music festival. He also covered both RNC and DNC 2016 political conventions.
Gio Benitez will join “Good Morning America” Saturday and Sunday broadcasts alongside current co-anchors Whit Johnsonand Janai Norman.
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ABC News*
Gio Benitez has been ABC News’ transportation correspondent since 2020, covering aviation during the industry’s near-total collapse in the pandemic and space at the onset of America’s private space race, plus the auto industry and railroads. Since joining ABC News in 2013, Gio has notably covered the Pulse nightclub shooting, El Chapo’s underground escape from a Mexican prison and the Boston Marathon bombing. He has a long history of breaking exclusive investigative stories, and some of these investigations have led to important safety recalls. Before joining ABC News in 2013, he was a reporter for WFOR-TV in Miami.
I am incredibly proud of the reporting Eva, DeMarco and Gio have brought to ABC News. They join their colleagues Whit, Janai and Dr. Jen whose steadfast commitment to bold, straightforward journalism has been integral to their respective programs’ success. I must also acknowledge the incredible work of the teams led by executive producers Simone Swink and Cat McKenzie whose programs are the ones most Americans turn to for the day’s news, analysis and more. I know these programs – and our viewers at home – will be well-served by all of their collective talents.
Please join me in congratulating Eva, DeMarco and Gio on these well-deserved new roles.
*COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC News. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. 
-- ABC --
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If you're in the market for a second-hand car in Bellefonte, PA, you may be wondering where to start your search. With so many websites to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is the best option for you. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the best website for buying second-hand cars in Bellefonte, PA.
The Top Contender: AutoTrader
Regarding buying second-hand cars, AutoTrader is one of the best websites to consider. With a user-friendly interface and a large selection of vehicles to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect car for your needs. Whether you're looking for a reliable daily driver or a rugged work truck, AutoTrader has you covered.
One of the things that set AutoTrader apart from other car-buying websites is its wide range of filters, which make it easy to find the car you're looking for. With options like make, model, year, and price range, you can narrow down your search to find the car that meets your specific needs.
Another great feature of AutoTrader is its comprehensive listings, which provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. From detailed specifications to high-quality photos, you can get a good sense of what each car is like before you take a closer look.
Why AutoTrader is the Best Website for Second Hand Cars in Bellefonte, PA
So, why is AutoTrader the best website for buying second-hand cars in Bellefonte, PA? Here are a few reasons:
Large selection of cars to choose from
User-friendly interface with a range of filters
Comprehensive listings with detailed information and high-quality photos
Trusted by millions of car buyers across the country
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If you're in the market for a new car, but don't want to break the bank, consider exploring the wide selection of used cars for sale in Pennsylvania. Whether you're in the heart of Philadelphia or the rolling hills of rural Pennsylvania, there are plenty of options available to help you find the perfect car for your needs and budget.
The Benefits of Buying a Used Car
There are many benefits to buying a used car, including:
Affordability: Used cars are generally more affordable than their brand-new counterparts, making them an excellent choice for budget-conscious buyers.
Depreciation: When you buy a new car, its value begins to depreciate as soon as you drive it off the lot. With a used car, however, most of the depreciation has already taken place, so you can get more cars for your money.
Certification programs: Many used car dealerships offer certification programs, which give you added peace of mind by ensuring that your car is in good condition and has undergone a rigorous inspection.
Where to Find Used Cars for Sale in Pennsylvania
There are many places to find used cars for sale in Pennsylvania, including:
Dealerships: Many car dealerships in Pennsylvania offer a wide selection of used cars, trucks, and SUVs. These dealerships often offer financing options and warranties, making it easy to purchase your next car.
Private sellers: You can also find used cars for sale by private sellers through online classifieds such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. While these private sales can be more affordable, it's important to do your research and thoroughly inspect the car before making a purchase.
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Online marketplaces: Finally, you can also find used cars for sale online through marketplaces such as AutoTrader or Cars.com. These websites offer a wide selection of cars and comprehensive listings, making it easy to find the perfect car for your needs.
When it comes to buying a used car, it's important to find a dealership that you can trust. At Workman Auto Inc in Bellefonte, PA, you'll find a wide selection of high-quality used cars and a team of experts who are dedicated to helping you find the perfect vehicle for your needs and budget.
A Wide Selection of Used Cars
At Workman Auto Inc, you'll find a wide selection of used cars from popular brands like Honda, Toyota, and Ford, as well as a range of other makes and models. Whether you're in the market for a practical daily driver, a spacious family SUV, or a rugged work truck, you're sure to find the perfect car to meet your needs and budget.
Expert Assistance
When you visit Workman Auto Inc, you'll have the opportunity to work with a team of knowledgeable and experienced sales professionals who are dedicated to helping you find the perfect car for your needs. Whether you have specific requirements, or simply want to browse the selection and learn more about your options, the team at Workman Auto Inc is here to help.
Affordable Financing Options
At Workman Auto Inc, the team is committed to helping you get behind the wheel of the car you want at a price you can afford. That's why they offer a range of financing options to help you get the financing you need to buy your next car. Whether you have good credit, bad credit, or no credit at all, the team at Workman Auto Inc is here to help you find the financing that's right for you.
Comprehensive Services
In addition to offering a wide selection of used cars and financing options, Workman Auto Inc also offers a range of other services to help keep your car running smoothly. From regular maintenance and repairs to part replacements and more, the team at Workman Auto Inc is here to help you keep your car in top condition for years to come.
Workman Auto Inc
310 W College Ave, Bellefonte, PA 16823, United States
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pttedu · 2 years
Planning to enroll in auto mechanic training? Dive in to know in detail about the topics do auto mechanic training covers!
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pttiedu · 1 year
In the fast-paced auto repair world, staying up-to-date with the latest technological advancements is crucial for success. Mechanic cars have become increasingly complex over the years, so the demand for highly skilled mechanic auto professionals is on the rise.
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doingthedirtydishes · 2 years
Bruges, Belgium: Your velvety waffles, twice-cooked fries, succulent mussels, tasty beers and rich buttery chocolate are pure decadence.
Belgium was never a country that stood out to me and screamed “come visit” all I have to offer. Truth be told, I did not know what she had to offer other than gastronomic delight.  I first encountered this quietly hidden mischievous country while in community college in the early 1990s. While visiting England, as part of a cultural foreign exchange program, a few of us decided to wonder astray to further explore mainland Europe. Oddly enough, Belgium was only chosen as one in our group was a chef from a big casino in Atlantic City, whose employer was picking up the tab on all food and drink bills as part of a foreign taste discovery tour. Dave was a wild cat who liked to party; lockstep, we all followed his lead.
We had not arrived in Brussels ten minutes before Dave began watering at the mouth over the thought of all the beers and foods he was about to try, and others he had yet to discover. As large casinos are always on the hunt to increase the food variety they offer at their restaurants, twice a year, all expenses paid, they fly selected chefs anywhere in the world to eat and drink, on their dime.  As Dave was already there because of a program the casinos increased his expense account. That is where we came in; the casino was only meant to pay “his” dining costs. Well, I can assure you, it was not eleven minutes before Dave was buying the first round of Trappist beers. It was my first taste of Belgium beer – unforgettable.
For the next three days our motley crew of misfits wreaked havoc on Brussels and our stomachs. I was introduced to a whole new world of food that, until that time, I did not know even existed. A few years earlier my eyes were opened up to the world through international travel, writing one’s own page of history, and now my horizons were being spread even further in a new direction: the refined world of a culinary and oenophile palate. Dave was a true connoisseur, especially all things French. He introduced us to a whole new world – and took us along for the ride, first class. Though we may have been unsure some items he ordered, we tried them all. Not one complaint registered, but plenty of memories did.
My first trip to Belgium was memorable but did not leave me with the immediate desire to return soon without reservation. Fast forward twenty-seven years and I am now spending my summers living in Amsterdam, Holland. A close friend from Philadelphia, Joe, decided to visit me in Europe. What started out as a one week trip turned into two, then into five, before finally settling on an auspicious seven.  We decided we would take a few local side trips within Western Europe to visit some fun places. Spain was a bit too long in an auto for my injury so we flew there, deciding driving to Cologne, Germany and Bruges, Belgium. First stop on our adventure was Bruges – a city visited long before with some fellow comrades.
With all activity of prior nights’ raucous debauchery, those of young ‘innocent’ teens running amok in Europe, long forgotten, it was time for diverging roads and new indelible memories – Bruges awaited. Joe had never been to Europe – it was his first time. As almost always is the case I travel the world solo, so it was super helpful having someone along for the ride. And also someone to relieve me of driving responsibility, which can be quite taxing on my body as it continues to heal and progress further toward walking again. In life, it is only through Doing the Dirty Dishes that one can hope to change or grow as a person. One must get their hands dirty in life, becoming bold, vulnerable, choosing the path less chosen.
Long ago on my first visit to Belgium, a side-trip while on a cultural exchange program in England, we only swiftly visited Brussels, Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp. We were students on the hunt for anything non-academic and everything fun. My trip this time is a bit different as now I travel in a wheelchair. In my recent book: Unbreakable Mind – written for those facing an insurmountable obstacle or struggle in life, or those looking for a great story of motivation and inspiration – I speak on the need of continually broadening and expanding the horizons in your life; when the story ends life begins, and to travel the world is to remove prejudice through cultural understanding. Plan a trip in 2020 ~ hence this blog!
Since we only had a few days to visit we decided to pick one town, reserve a hotel and explore all the popular local sites. We chose Bruges. It is my favorite city in Belgium to visit. Located in the northwest, the capital of West Flanders, it is most well known for its picturesque canals, cobblestone streets and remarkable buildings from the medieval time period.  In previous years, with its huge canal network and access to international seas, the city was known for fishing and extensive European trade. The most distinguished part of town is city center, home to fine Burg Square, where the 14th-century City Hall (Stadhuis) is located, and nearby Markt Square, with its 13th-century Belfry and 83m tower with a view.
We chose to stay in the most central location, a hotel only fifty meters from Markt Square. Knowing the streets would not be forgiving on a manual wheelchair, it was important to be closer to the action. To claim access to the hotel in a wheelchair was difficult would be the understatement of the year; making the hotel clerk’s message to me a few months earlier on the ease of access the overstatement of 2019. Without Joe’s help I would have had a very hard time even getting in the front entrance. There were two hard doors to navigate before entering a one-man elevator with only a hair to spare for the wheelchair. The halls were carpeted, curvy and hilly – all nightmares for a wheelchair. Joe was an angel with wings.
As we had arrived mid-evening, there was no time to waste – local treats awaited arrival to our bellies. What would we try first? Joe was seduced by my description of the best waffles in the world. Well, there was no shops close-by who sold such warm goodness. Joe spotted a fry stand. After polishing off two orders of twice-cooked fries (Dutch are cooked once only) with obligatory mayonnaise (Andalouse), we decided on a drink. As we were already on Markt Square, there was no lack of outside restaurants to sit and enjoy the local delectable eats while enjoying the sun, conversation and amazing people watching. Six hours and three outdoor cafes later, while chatting with Nepalese staff, we closed down the plaza.
In Holland, their neighbor to the north, they prefer to call them Flemish fries (Vlaamse frites). They take their fries seriously in this part of the world, and so that ‘label’ ensures them a guarantee of the highest quality. Belgian fries are best known for being freshly cut, irregularly shaped, thick, distinct potato taste – and, twice-fried, served in a paper cone, they are crispy on the outside and super light on the inside. Flemish refers to Vlaanderen, which is the northern section of Belgium that is Dutch speaking. The Dutch relate well to this part of the country because they share the same language and history. Once upon a time they were the same country. The southern part of Belgium speaks French and is closer to France.
Over the next few days we would explore the city residents simply consider a village. A cosmopolitan yet nostalgic town at heart, with roots in medieval Europe, home to the regions’ most talented artists, an assortment of fine dining, it is an international city of tourists that maintains a small-town heartbeat.  The realm of eats spans from inexpensive street foods to expensive Michelin-star dining establishments. My five all-time delicious items to consume when in Belgium: Trappist monk beers, mussels, waffles, fries and chocolate. There are fourteen Trappist monasteries, six of which are located in Belgium. The city offers all types settings, from street to casual to modern. There is something for everyone to relish.
As you walk through the narrow cobbled streets, past astonishing medieval architecture and buildings such as the Belfry and Rose Hat Quay, exploring the quaint canals – possessing their own special energy, finding hidden off-the-beaten-path gems, feeling the song of this seductive mistress being sung unto your soul.  The easiest way to see the city’s extensive network of canals is by boat tour. The city’s past is affluent and influential, once home to the Hof Bladelin, a part of the Medici banking system. Float by the Jan Van Eyckplein and Burgher’s Lodge, at one time where you could find the city’s famous and elite. The Groeningemuseum displays art of the ‘Flemish Primitives,’ such as Hans Memling and Jan Van Eyck.
The city is best explored on foot – getting out into the streets and seeing what aesthetic pleasures await your discovery. The historic core of Bruges is an UNESCO world heritage protected site. Once you get beyond city limits there is an extensive network of abbeys and castles, known as Brugse Ommeland. Visit the squares, climb the tower and see the cityscape views, eat some of the endless street foods, go to a fancy restaurant, take a bike ride through Loppem Castle – a garden labyrinth built for noble offspring dated to the 19th-century, take a canal boat tour, go to a museum or enjoy the summer sun with friends – savor life. Americans do not pale in comparison – Europeans focus more on enjoying life to its fullest.
Most cities in Europe I visit require navigating public transportation systems, whereas Bruges, village-like and historic, with only tapered canals and cobbled roads to navigate, nonetheless still a daunting task in a wheelchair, is manageable. Regardless, the number of worries never changes. Bruges, with its small doorways and untold stairs, is not for the novice injured traveler. With a bit of meticulous planning, you could have a spectacular trip. And when things do not go as planned, which is often in my case, trust that the universe will see you through it. Otherwise, start with fries and mussels (Moules frites), with a Westmalle Dubbel on tap, followed by a warm waffle with chocolate, strawberries and cream as dessert.
Travel Blog: Click here.
Spiritual Blog: Click here.
Book: Unbreakable Mind. (Print, Kindle, Audio)
Doing The Dirty Dishes Podcast: Watch or listen to episodes and subscribe: Spotify, Apple Podcast, Buzzsprout.  Also available on Google Podcast, iHeart, Tunein, Amazon Alexa and Stitcher.
Doing The Dirty Dishes YouTube channel – watch and subscribe.
Social Media links: Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin.
Travel Blog links: Covid-19 stranded in NYC JFK and Maine – also travel stories on Ireland, Spain, Sweden,  Belgium, Iceland, Colombia (Espanol version), Amsterdam, Germany, New Hampshire, TN and NYC.
Personal Website link where you can also find my book, photos of my travels and updates on current projects.
Thank you for your love and support.
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transittanq · 2 years
Software Solution: Off-campus students struggle with the overflow of commuters
For students living off-campus, commuting can be a nightmare. Commuters face problems like increased costs, high rent, and a lack of social interaction with faculty and staff. They also need time management help, making it harder to attend classes. Efficient transit can help manage their time and provide superb accessibility to attend classes.
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Some examples of how off-campus students deal with the influx of commuters
Costs of living are higher for student commuters
Costs of living are higher for commuter households in the US. While most commuter households earn above-average salaries, they must spend more on transportation than the average American. In 2018, the average commute in the US added $13,095 to the average household budget, and that's a lot of money, especially if you live in a metropolitan area. However, it may be worth it if you're willing to spend the extra money on transportation. Especially for students who are non-salaried, this issue creates a double impact.
The average cost of commuting is different based on where you live. In New York City, for example, the average commute costs $1,290 - more than seven per cent higher than the national average. Next in line is Rochester, New York, with a median commute cost of $3,984 a year. This figure doesn't include the rising cost of gas and auto insurance. Other areas of the country with rising commute costs include Jacksonville and Orlando, which have a 40% or greater increase in commuting costs. The percentage increase for Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and Phoenix is also higher than average. In the United States, commuting costs are primarily driven by the distance between a home and a school/ university.
Parking is a problem
Parking is an issue for both on-campus and off-campus students. It's a problem causing students a lot of anxiety and frustration. Fortunately, there are some solutions. One idea is to sell residential parking passes, with the cost being based on the number of spots available in a given zone. This way, students will have a guaranteed place near their dorms.
While parking is one of the biggest problems for off-campus students, the issue extends beyond finding a spot to park your car. Undergraduate senator Kathy Pham has proposed a bill to offer free bicycles to students who do not have a car. The bill has passed the undergraduate senate almost unanimously, but the administration has yet to implement the program. 
Rents are higher for commuters
Students often face financial issues when living off-campus. It can cause students to delay their graduation and put their studies on hold. Historically, colleges have expected that students' families will support them while they attend school. Increasing off-campus rents are pushing college students into debt and threatening to keep some students out of higher education. 
Jolynn Kelly, a senior at the University of Wisconsin, rented a tiny loft apartment for three months and ended up racking up $16,800 in debt. To help her pay her rent and eat meals, she had to take out a student loan. Although she lives off-campus, she commutes to campus when traffic is not too bad.
Commuters have fewer opportunities to interact with faculty and staff
Commuter students typically have limited opportunities to interact with faculty and staff off-site. This often results in a feeling of disconnect from the academic system and the opportunity to build relationships with faculty and administrators. Luckily, there are ways to overcome these problems.
Many professors are considering the advantages of synchronous teaching, which allows students to interact in a virtual classroom. This type of teaching is a great way to create a sense of community and interaction. But there are also significant challenges for commuters. In addition to limited time, commuter students may share bandwidth with other students and care for younger siblings.
Commuters have lower retention rates
One of the problems facing many universities and colleges today is retention. Statistics show that more than one in four students will not complete their education in six years and that commuting students of color have higher dropout rates than their off-campus counterparts. These findings suggest that universities and colleges must work harder to keep their students in the classroom.
One reason for this difference is that commuter students have less contact with other students and faculty outside the classroom. Because commuter students have limited campus time, they need more opportunities to build meaningful relationships with peers. Because of this, they are more likely to drop out or transfer to colleges. In Nutshell With Ridesharing programs being implemented to student’s transit, these problems can be solved efficiently.. 
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Car Accident Attorneys Philad
Car Accident Lawyers Near Me Philadelphia PA If you have actually remained in a cars and truck mishap, you might require to employ an auto accident lawyer. An auto accident lawyer can assist you with your case and get you the settlement you are worthy of. The Benefits of Employing an Auto Accident Lawyer (215) 561-3600 Working with an auto accident lawyer can be extremely advantageous for those who have been associated with a cars and truck mishap. A knowledgeable legal representative can assist victims get the settlement they are worthy of, along with supply assistance and assistance throughout the legal process. In addition, an auto accident lawyer can investigate the mishap and collect evidence to support the victim's claim. Automobile mishap legal representatives recognize with the laws surrounding cars and truck accidents, and they can ensure that victims are treated fairly by insurance provider. Insurance companies often try to benefit from mishap victims by offering low settlements or rejecting claims completely. A knowledgeable legal representative will fight for the victim's rights and ensure that they get the full settlement they are owed. The legal process can be complicated and complicated, but an auto accident lawyer can assist victims navigate it. They can handle all of the paperwork and settlements, so the victim can focus on recovery. Automobile mishap legal representatives likewise have a network of resources, such as medical specialists, that they can utilize to enhance the victim's case. The peace of mind and defense that a knowledgeable legal representative can supply is invaluable. Bernard M Gross Law Offices 1500 John F. Kennedy Blvd, Suite 1910 Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215) 561-3600 https://sites.google.com/view/bernard-m-gross-law-office-phi/car-accident-attorney-philadelphia-pa-bernard-m-gross-law-offices/car-accident-attorney-old-city-philadelphia-pa 39.9534068, -75.1657299 https://caraccidentattorneysphiladelp682.blogspot.com/2022/12/car-accident-attorneys-philadelphia-pa.html https://bernardmgross.com/auto-accidents/{Car Accident Lawyer Philadelphia PA|Car Accident Lawyers Philadelphia PA|Car Accident Lawyer Near Me Philadelphia PA}/ https://bernardmgross.com/auto-accidents/{Car Accident Lawyers Near Me Philadelphia PA|Car Accident Lawyer Free Consultation Philadelphia PA|Car Accident Attorney Philadelphia PA}/ https://bernardmgross.com/auto-accidents/{Car Accident Attorneys Philadelphia PA|Car Accident Attorney Near Me Philadelphia PA|Car Accident Attorneys Near Me Philadelphia PA}/ https://bit.ly/3izlk1v/ https://automobileaccidentlawyersphil745.blogspot.com https://automobileaccidentlawyersphil745.blogspot.com/2022/12/automobile-accident-lawyers.html https://lawyer-philadelphia-pa-law.tumblr.com https://lawyer-philadelphia-pa-law.tumblr.com/rss/ https://www.tumblr.com/lawyer-philadelphia-pa-law/702469940165459968/automobile-accident-lawyers-p/ https://methadoneclinicsusawestendave.blogspot.com/ https://septictankpumpingportland.blogspot.com/2022/12/methadone-clinics-usa-west-end-ave.html https://weightlossprogramsely.blogspot.com/2022/12/weight-loss-programs-ely.html https://donnadiary.tumblr.com/ https://donnadiary.tumblr.com/rss
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animationgreys · 2 years
Abc box body for truck
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#Abc box body for truck pdf
#Abc box body for truck series
Click to see literature for the specific Morgan model that interests you.
#Abc box body for truck pdf
Many of the Morgan body PDF literature files are listed below. Let us design your truck body around your specific needs- whether they be interior cargo control, special access side doors, temperature control, or special loading/ unloading requirements. If these Fastrak programs do not meet the specifications you require, we can assist in customizing Morgan truck bodies to meet your transportation requirements. 2014 Reading Adapts To New Markets With the new euro-style van market hitting the US strong, Reading adapts its successful Aluminum Classic Service Van (CSV) to work with the new Ford Transit and. Please refer to the Morgan website for the wide variety of specifications available in these programs. The Reading Group purchases America’s Body Company (ABC), which expands its truck body offering to include hauler, dump and landscape bodies. The Morgan Fastrak ordering program through Morgan distributors produces dry freight van bodies in 7 days and refrigerated van bodies in 21 days. STAHL has a variety of service bodies to meet your needs. Our line of truck bodies includes standard and medium-duty service/utility bodies that provide heavy-duty performance wherever the job takes you. When you submit your used truck part request, you will receive offers from our network of dealers with the most competitive prices.Morgan has available two quick build Fastrak programs that minimize your lead time in waiting for delivery of a new truck body. Since 1946, STAHL Scott Fetzer Company has been manufacturing durable, rugged truck bodies that provide years of dependable service. Find a store near you or shop online for car, truck, and SUV replacement parts.
#Abc box body for truck series
The series premiered on ABC as a fall entry in the 202021 television. Because the body wraps around the chassis, the floor of the truck sits lower to the ground unlike box delivery trucks where the cargo box is mounted on top. Kelley and based on The Highway series of books by C. box truck or cargo van, Kansas Truck Equipment can help you find the. (786)-803-8031 Do you have any question Write us that we will gladly assist you. Your local source for quality auto parts. Big Sky is an American crime drama thriller series created by David E. price on rebuilding my transmission was 1000 abc cake decorating store near me. Only the best brands on the market Truck Accessories & Parts Check out our wide variety of products for Truck. Our nationwide network of salvage yards, auto recyclers, and junk yards carry an extensive inventory of used truck parts – both domestic and foreign. ABC Truck Parts is the leader for truck Accessories atftermarket oem parts. solid, steel journal boxes, Susemihl side bearings, complete lead. or Packer's Depot to the Retailer's Ice Box With ABC Refrigerator Bodies. We are proud to announce that our C-body dash pads have been selected as a top-ten reproduction part for 2016 by Mopar Collectors Guide Magazine. 26000 lbs PHILADELPHIA 6-188 Type of ABC Refrigerator Truck Body used by John. U Need A Part is one of the largest truck parts locators for ford truck parts, toyota truck parts, dodge truck parts, chevy and chevrolet truck parts, and other used heavy truck parts. Cast steel body and truck bolsters, brake beams, Simplex body and truck. Thanks to our constant efforts to provide exceptional products and services, we have managed to carve a niche in the industry.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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“The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist, hate-type organizations . . . “ FBI letter, 8/25/1967. 
Series: Classification 157 (Civil Unrest) Case Files, 1957 - 1978
Record Group 65: Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1896 - 2008
[stamp]Declassified Authority: FBI Auto Classification Guide By: NARA Date: 09-12-2013
Bureau File Number   100-448006
[written]Ruc 10/6/76 [following crossed out]Baker 10/6/76 C 1/23/75 Need 1/21/75 C 1/17/75 Need 12/30/74
NW 11637 DocId:59167145 Page 1
[page 2]
SAC, Albany    August 25, 1967
[written]Counterintelligence program disruption of hate groups 157-865* N.I. Black Nationalist Group 157-866* N.R.
        Offices receiving copies of this letter are instructed to immediately establish a control file, captioned as above, and to assign responsibility for following and coordinating this new counterintelligence program to an experienced and imaginative Special Agent well versed in investigations relating to black nationalist, hate-type organizations. The field office control file used under this program may be maintained in a pending inactive status until such time as a specific operation or technique is placed under consideration for implementation.
          The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist, hate-type organizations and groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and supporters, and to counter their propensity for violence and civil disorder. The activities of all such groups of intelligence interest to this Bureau must be followed on a continuous basis so we will be in a position to promptly take advantage of all opportunities for counterintelligence and to inspire action in instances where circumstances warrant. The pernicious background of such groups, their duplicity, and devious maneuvers must be exposed to public scrutiny where such publicity will have a neutralizing effects. Efforts of the various groups
2 - Atlanta  2 - Baltimore  2 - Boston 2 - Buffalo  2 - Charlotte  2 - Chicago   2 - Cincinnati  2 - Cleveland  2 - Detroit  2 - Jackson  2 - Los Angeles  2 - Memphis  2 - Newark 2 - New Orleans  2 - New York  2 - Philadelphia  2 - Phoenix  2 - Pittsburgh   2 - Richmond  2 - St. Louis  2 - San Francisco  2 - Washington Field Office
[stamp]SEARCHED [initialed] INDEXED [initialed] SERIALIZED [initialed] FILED [initialed] AUG 28 1967 FBI - BALTIMORE
NW 11637 DocId:59167145 Page 2
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soundrooms · 3 years
Soundrs: William Fields
My name is William Fields. I live in Arden, Delaware, just south of Philadelphia on the East Coast of the USA. I make non-functional, future-oriented electronic music.
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My newest album is ➜ Bokuseki  My 24-hour algorithmic music project is ➜ FieldsOS  My website is ➜ https://williamfields.com/  On social media:
    ➜ Twitter
    ➜ Instagram  Why do you make music?  I played the drums for a bit as a kid, but otherwise I am self-taught. I grew up listening to a lot of different music, but hiphop was a big part of it. I discovered electronic music in high school and was hooked for life. For some reason it resonates with my brain. On a fundamental level, I suppose I make music because I enjoy the process and because the results are rewarding. Music provides me with an endless source of learning and exploration and problems to solve. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and pride. And maybe in some small way, it’s given me an opportunity to inspire others and leave the world a little better than I found it. On a practical level, music has given me the opportunity to connect with really great people around the world and to travel occasionally for shows, which adds some adventure and excitement to my life.  What are your inspiration sources?  Rhythm: Photek, Squarepusher, Untold, Rian Treanor, Mark Fell, Kindohm Sonics: Autechre, Drum and bass (Noisia & friends) Groove: J Dilla, Flying Lotus, Aoki Takamasa Improvisation: Jazz, Indian Classical Ideas: Brian Eno, John Cage, Thich Nhat Hanh, Yuval Noah Harari, Austin Kleon, George Saunders, Haruki Murakami, various podcasts, my good friend Qebo.  Tell us something about your workflow.  I am always working on my music system (my “instrument”): adding features, removing features, adjusting algorithms, refining, tweaking, etc. You could think of my system as a huge, complex modular patch with hundreds of modules, that has a nice UI, full generative capabilities, and easy state management, but at a tiny fraction of the cost and it fits in my backpack. I ♥ Computers In the process of working on my system, I will occasionally feel inspired by something, so I will hit record and improvise. Most of these improvisations are crap and get thrown away. But, occasionally something magical happens, and those recordings end up getting released. If I know I have a release coming up, I will sometimes have dedicated recording sessions. Some of my favorite releases (like Shackamaxon) have been recorded in the course of a single day.  How would creative rituals benefit your workflow?  Good question. I don’t practice any creative rituals. But, I’m pretty sure going for a vigorous walk beforehand is a good idea. Gets the blood flowing to the brain.
How do you get in the zone?  It usually takes me around fifteen minutes before things really start flowing. So the first few tracks of a session tend to be stiff and self-conscious. In a stressful live performance situation, I’ve found that a little bit of tequila helps!  How do you start a track?  These days, my tracks tend to start with a snapshot that is algorithmically generated by my music system. It is much better at finding interesting musical spaces than I am. So, I will sit there and hit the randomize button until something inspiring comes out. Then I will hit record and improvise with it. I also keep a collection of interesting snapshots that I can load at random. So sometimes I will flip through those until I find something good and improvise based on that.  Do you have a special template?  Yes! I never start from a blank slate. The template is everything. It is my instrument. It has been burned into my muscle memory. I can control the music without thinking about it. I have been working on it since 2012. The fundamental structure is: LEMUR (controller) ➜ Javascript (for state generation/capture/recall) ➜ REAPER (sequencing, synthesis, fx) REAPER is the core of my music system. It is where the sequences are generated, the synthesis is done, and the FX are applied. 
The visuals are generated in real time, triggered by the music via MIDI. So there is very tight correlation between audio and visual events. I am not using audio analysis. The visuals are done in Javascript, running in Chromium. I use Visual Studio Code for development. 
For the visuals I am mainly using three.js. Thank you Mr. Doob! On the music side, I am hugely indebted to Justin Frankel (REAPER) and the Surge Synth Team. What I do would not be possible without their amazing work. What do you put on the master channel?  I try to put as little as possible on the master channel. I have some metering stuff like a spectrum analyzer, an oscilloscope, a goniometer, and a loudness meter. Other than that, the only thing is a waveshaper. It adds saturation, glues everything together nicely, and tames the peaks without reducing the impact of the transients. I’m not sure of the technical term, but it’s a special kind of waveshaper that folds over the waveform when it hits 0 dbFS instead of flat-topping it.  How do you arrange and finish a track?  I perform and record the music in real time to a single stereo pair. I don’t do any arrangement, layering, or multi-track editing after the fact.  How do you store and organize your projects?  When I record something, it goes onto the desktop and on to my phone. When I listen back to it later, if it has potential for release, I put it in a “Release Candidates” folder. Otherwise I throw it in the archive, probably never to be heard again. When it’s time to compile a release, I go through the “Release Candidates” folder and pick out my favorite stuff.
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How do you take care of studio ergonomics?  I work in software, so my physical studio setup is very minimal. I have a motorized standing desk, so I can easily switch between sitting and standing.  Tell us something about your daily routine, how is your day structured, how do you make room for creativity?  I work at a day job four days a week to make a living. I have Fridays off and focus on music. I’ve found that mornings are best for detail-oriented tasks like programming and critical listening related to the mix/mastering of my system. Afternoons seem to be best for improvising and recording. Sometimes I wonder if all this music stuff is just an elaborate excuse for me to play with computers. Having said that, I am always thinking about music, listening back to recordings, taking notes on my phone, and making small adjustments throughout the week. I don’t need a big chunk of time. I am able to work in small bits here and there. Also, sometimes while working my day job I set my system to auto-generate new music every thirty seconds. Occasionally something really good will happen and I’ll run over to my computer and hit “Save” so I can perform with it later.  Share a quick producing tip.  (1) Don’t start from scratch every time! Build your instrument. Practice with it. Develop your muscle memory so it becomes fast and intuitive. This approach helps you to develop your own voice, and it’s much more fun than laboring over a DAW for endless hours until you hate your own music! (2) Always level match when doing A/B comparisons. If a plugin is increasing gain by as little as 0.1 db, it will sound better to your ear, even if it is actually damaging the sound. (3) Process as close to the source as possible. Instead of putting it on the master, put it on a bus. Instead of putting it on a bus, put it directly on the track. Instead of processing the track, fix it directly in the synthesis.  Share a link to an interesting website (doesn’t have to be music related).  I just discovered the Solarpunk movement and I think it’s really inspiring. Here’s the ➜ Solarpunk manifesto.  List ten sounds you are hearing right this moment : )  Cicadas Airplanes Cars in the distance Computer keyboard clacking as I type My own breathing That’s all I got. The cicadas are too loud!
Thank you William! Any other mad sound scientists out there?
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