#auto correct kept trying to turn sins into sims but only for the second half of the post
grimbiliah · 5 months
I don’t remember if it was NADDPOD or some other piece of media that put the idea in my mind that the circles of hell represented the deadly sins, but I was thinking about it recently for a dnd campaign I’m running and realized it dnd make sense because there are 7 sins and 9 circles.
The main reason I was thinking about this was because in said campaign the players have a necklace with a big gemstone on it in which lived an evil wizard who can’t leave. He’s been in there for a while, and some things have changed while he’s been trapped.
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So after I had this realization about the circles and the sins I thought it would be really funny if the wizard remembers their being 7 circles for the 7 sins and is baffled by the fact that their are 9 circles now.
“What, did they add 2 sins? Is murder and larceny bad now?”
I don’t actually know what the two extra sins would be, so lmk if you have a funny idea.
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