Oh my god, what about the garden lodge boys all being autistic???
To be fair, I don’t know too much about those boys but I do know they were Freddie’s family. So Garden Lodge would be filled with even MORE love and MORE shenanigans, especially when Jim joins the group. 
Like Phoebe walks into the bathroom to find it flooded with bubbles, Freddie in the middle screaming happily. He does a u-turn right out of there. That is not his job!!
Or Jim decides to garden after it’s rain and he gets distracted by all the mud and Joe ends up having to hose him down before he can go back inside. 
Oh and Joe is an expert at cooking everyone’s same foods!!! He takes pride in it, especially since cooking is a special interest of his!
It would be chaos, laughing and love 24/7
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I wonder what phoebe does to stim? Poor thing is probably stressed beyond belief having to watch over freddie all the time
None of them need to be watched. They’re 4 independent autistic men who can take care of themselves but choose to live together to help wherever they can and because they’re best friends who love each other.
Freddie can take care of himself fantastically and so can everyone else.
As for Phoebe’s stims, I have no idea. Like I said, I’m unfortunately not too familiar with the garden lodge boys. Besides Phoebe’s blog, there isn’t a whole ton of information out there about them, so I really can’t put a finger on their personalities. Phoebe seems like such a sweetheart though, so maybe he rubs his cheeks when excited? A cute stim for a cute guy. 
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