kingofthewebxxx · 4 months
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dontcxckitup · 10 months
Blofeld smirked, almost laughed. "My dear M, whoever said I was referring to myself?" he quipped. "Devils have friends too...... and oh does my new friend have a lot of curiosity about you and your darling pet......... "
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"Tell your...friend to get in line." He almost wanted to laugh. Work was keeping him busy, there was a hell of a lot to do. He didn't have time for these games. Unless they included Wendy. "He will end up like you if he even dares coming closer."
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agentjamesbond · 3 years
Sentence Meme
@authorofallyourpain​:  ❛ we all die alone. ❜
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“Oh please. You really think you can scare me with your stories, Blofeld?”
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poxsonmenace · 3 years
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“—To say I wasn’t EXPECTING you would be a BIT OF an understatement,” words TRAILED off INTO a breathy chuckle.  “But to be FAIR to myself, everyone always pops IN  for a chat.” [ @authorofallyourpain​ ]
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authorofallyourpain · 3 years
"Why the hell couldn't you just leave me and Madeleine alone? For once in your pathetic, miserable life. Why couldn't you have just shut up and died here quietly and leave the rest of us in PEACE?"
truth serum
"Because I can't allow you to be happy...." Blofeld coughed out with a terse smile. "You don't deserve to have what you stole from me."
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"Family..... love.... I even buried my father under an avalanche to take him from you. Do you know the odds of surviving an avalanche? It's almost a divine gift, a diving calling to make you suffer, and you make it so easy James...... Even if you pretend to not care you make your heart an easy target. "
Not that he needed truth serum to say these things, the truth often was the best weapon.
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brokenthimbles · 3 years
“You’re protecting someone. Tell me who.”
"My brother!" she finally broke. She'd talked like her family was dead due to her past, and she tried to keep it that way. Had she even mentioned John to James? Michael yes, but her living brother? She couldn't remember.
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"I know what I signed on for falling in love with you, he doesn't. John doesn't even know you. But I swear if that bastard lays a hand on him I'll kill him myself."
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kingofthewebxxx · 4 months
Gareth Mallory .... for science. // authorofallyourpain
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“Darling I don’t think any amount of shots would do it for me but if you want a number, thirteen is a long shot. Just so drab, too uptight. You on the other hand, are much for interesting”
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kingofthewebxxx · 1 year
Closed starter
Today was a very big day for him, in the fact that it was finally time to play with his new toy, Mr Mallory of the secret services, now he had been very very naughty and had to be punished. Of course, he knew of Spectre, he had dealings with them before and had come to an agreement long ago, enemies that either of them had, they would offer no assistance to, no matter how much they begged. Also, with Spectre offering assistance to him since he would sometimes assist them as his clients, they had grown a mutual understanding over the years. When he heard of Blofeld’s capture and the plan of escape, he offered to assist the organisation, all they had to do was give him everything they had on M and let him play with his new toy and he would ensure Blofeld escaped and had everything he needed to continue his ‘good’ work.
Having ensured Sebastian was in place to cover Blofeld’s escape, he knew it was very unlikely that he would not be meeting the other criminal in their safehouse, in which the criminal consultant now sat, drumming his fingers against the armrest of the surprisingly comfy armchair. Sebastian was his best, as much as Spectre tried he wouldn't let either of them be sold so easily, he worked best alone after all, it got messy otherwise. Hearing incoming footsteps he stopped drumming his fingers, “took you long enough, now time to discuss business” he said getting straight to the point. “Although I do wonder, what is high-security prison hospitality like these days? Last time I was there, it was a little bit rough around the edges” he said with a small grin as he waited for the other to take a seat.
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kingofthewebxxx · 4 months
[ 🎼 ] + SpectreSpider (shippish LOL)
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Mostly slowed versions (there may be a theme)
My Ordinary Life- The Living Tombstone
Where Evil Grows- The Poppy Family & Terry Jacks
Desperado- Rihanna
Supernova- Mr Hudson & Kanye West
Bury a Friend- Billie Eilish
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dontcxckitup · 10 months
"Oh it's so much more entertaining to stay out of line......" he pointed out. "I might be in a cell again, but he is out there. With all sorts of fun information.......... your little bird really shouldn't be so trusting."
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"I told you I don't participate in your games - so if you have to say something, say it now. I'm a very busy man, I don't have time for this."
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dontcxckitup · 10 months
"Did you really think you could call up the Devil and ask him to behave?"@authorofallyourpain
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His back straightened, and he lifted his chin. With this man it was better to not show any kind of weakness. Even strength was a weakness to him. "I'm not...asking. I'm demanding it." An eyebrow rose. "You think of yourself as the devil, but...truth is, Mister Oberhauser, you are merely an itch."
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
❛ you kill me and you accomplish nothing. your world as you know it will end. ❜ - @authorofallyourpain
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"Your death might not do anything for the world...but it will surely do something for me."
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kingofthewebxxx · 1 year
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Tagged by: @collidingxworlds thank you!
Tagging: @malumxsubest @question-marked @shadowrealmofmuses (Muse of your choice!), @cardigansandearlgrey @jemmaagentofshield @authorofallyourpain and you!
Many thanks to @governmentofficial for your assistance
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kingofthewebxxx · 4 months
“How many shots would it take for you to sleep with Darth Sidious?”
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“As if I would in the first place, not my type besides, he is the Emperor and I'm a mere Inquisitor, gotta draw the line somewhere yanno. Still, I will have to track you down for this, since you used anon you get a headstart, I do hope you turn out to be part of the Rebellion, could make an interesting story and I LOVE some stories. Nice try though anon, I know better than to further comment, see you soon”
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brokenthimbles · 5 years
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@authorofallyourpain || @thepropertyofalady
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brokenthimbles · 5 years
"Your sweet little lover, your innocent and charming blue eyed boy. I suppose now that he's back he hasn't mentioned the blonde he was with during the last mission, did he? All accounts say the hotel received noise complaints. Tsk tsk. It seems your leash was not tight enough around his neck, little darling."
The message being given to her was clearly intended to aim directlyat her heart, and it hit bullseye. The accent thick, and familiar. Imagesflashed to James with a blonde, and the noise complaints…. Well, she was sureshe had caused a few herself. He warned her, told her that it was something hedid. In her mind, she tried to remember that. This wasn’t new information toher though knowing he could do it…. And knowing he did do it were two thingsentirely.
“You must have me confused….”
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“Trying to convince yourself that it’s okay aren’t you. It was necessary for his job……”
“Stop it….”
“But you know on some level he must enjoy it….. Otherwise you’d have hung up and not listened…. Or are you a sucker for pain wendy….. you enjoy knowing you’re always going to end up hurt…. “
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It was then the voice struck her, that same chord of antagonism, and desire to not just hurt Wendy, but to hurt James knowing he could get to her. The man with the scar on his face, James had been furious when she had finally told him because of the rose he’d not given her.
“Whatever your plan is here?” she finally spoke. “It isn’t going to work.” Hanging up the phone she sighed softly trying to erase the last few moments from her memory, from her mind. James was home and what happened on the mission didn’t matter. She’d already come to terms with it. Or so she thought.
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But she knew one thing was for certain…….. she wasn’t going to keep this a secret. No, whatever they were going to go through they were going to go through it together. She’d tell him of the phone call, of the message from the man with the scar. She wouldn’t tell him how much it stung, or hurt, but she was not going to let this phantom from his past create a wedge between her and the man she loved.
@authorofallyourpain @thepropertyofalady
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