#author: thursdaystgiles
lupines-slash-recs · 4 months
Rec: Jiuling by thursdaystgiles
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Title: Jiuling Author: thursdaystgiles Canon: Pet Shop of Horrors Pairing: Leon Orcot/Count D Rating: Mature [🍊] Word Count: 2,873 Summary: Leon never thought he’d see D drunk…hell, he never thought he’d see
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howlingmoonrise · 4 years
you're a psoh fan? wow can you pls rec some good leon/d fics pls ily forever
i’ve been meaning write up a psoh fic rec post for a while anyway so here we go!!! this is short-ish bc i could ramble on forever about psoh fics and i have SO MANY FAVES so this only is the cream of the cream of the crop, but if you’d like some more you need only ask! (also lacking my ffn faves because i currently don’t have my bookmarks on me sob sob)
ALSO please note i forgot to jot down the ratings while i was doing this so i’m trusting y’all to take a look at the ratings/warnings before reading them
sadie, sadie by @telanu​
i REALLY can’t recommend this one enough. it’s only available on mediaminer nowadays and afaik telanu herself no longer has access to it but it’s sooooo worth it to go there and read that glorious fic, it’s my absolute fave in this fandom and across several others. i’ve already saved this fic a thousand times over just in case the site dies anytime soon because i can’t picture my life without being able to read this fic again.
other people might also recommend you unwilling sleep by the same author, and while her writing style remains excellent, ss has ruined me for everything else. i got legit fic hangover after reading it, but absolutely DO take a look at all the other fics by telanu, they’re all incredible. features truly fantastic banter, excellent smut, and beyond amazing characterization. 
i can legit quote whole parts of this fic by heart, that’s how much it stuck to me.
It - something by Litaraniel
oh man. this one has a dreamy sort of writing, if that makes sense? it has a completely different writing style from most prose you’ll find out there, written in sort of-- bursts of thought and feeling, and it’s truly excellent. The style is perfect for this fic and really delivers you a full-force punch in the throat by the end. it’s a fic i just keep coming back to time and time again.
Sinister and Exquisite by thursdaystgiles ( @moku-youbi​ )
full disclosure: it’s a carmen san diego crossover. DON’T let this put you off, however, because it’s one of the best fics this fandom has to offer. i haven’t watched carmen san diego at all and i can guarantee that once you get past the first scene (featuring csd characters only, which initially made me turn away because i wasn’t into it), you’re golden. it’s legit so gooooood, with tons of pining and d/leon chasing and great characterizations. 
Jiuling by thursdaystgiles
yeah yeah i know, two recs by the same author in a row but can you blame me? thursdaystgiles is one of my favourite psoh writers and her style is excelleeeeent. fair warning, this one is mostly smut, but i’m always a slut for intelligent leon who can keep up with d plus the tension written between them is a++++
Differential by Cheloya ( @produdfctititty​ )
cheloya is the the absolute QUEEN of papa d/vesca and if you’re also into that you’re in for a treat because she’s got TONS of that! this oneshot is one of her d/leon works, however (featuring papa and chris) and it’s such a loving slice of life fic, i always melt a little bit whenever i reread it. her papa characterization is always a treat to read, and there’s so few fics where he actually interacts with d and leon (particularly in a family-like setting instead of a villainous one) that this one is an automatic fave. you can really taste the found family of d&leon&chris on this one.
Distant by jmtorres ( @julstorres​ )
i’ve laughed SO HARD with this fic, honestly. when i’m in a mood for a short reread of one of my faves, this is the go-to that always leaves me satisfied and gets me in the mood for reading more psoh stuff. it’s semi-epistolary and the letters are mostly short and easy reads with plenty of normal prose in-between, so even if you tend to dislike the epistolary style this won’t bother you. the prose is light and hilarious and GREAT, i’m rereading the fic as we speak and the urge to quote every few sentences is huuuuge. the whole squid exchange in particular always sends me into hysterics, i love this fic to death and back
Long Time Travelling by Nym ( @wibblywobblywritery )
i’m forever grateful nym acceded to reposting this fic on ao3 years after it stopped being up. it’s one of my favourite psoh fics, and my favourite by her (you’ll see many other fic recs listing her fics Beauty and Drive, but for me this one - THIS ONE - is the cream of the crop). it’s a fic that explores a lot of leon’s psyche when even he doesn’t know himself, lovely and heartbreaking in parts, and it resonates deeply. i’ve written pages upon pages of comments on this fic so it’s probably best if i don’t start rambling about this or i’ll never stop skldhflksdjglkjds
i hope you enjoy these anon! let me know if you’d like more recs!
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