#author: quellthefire
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themagiciansreccenter · 6 years ago
Five@Five: @quellthefire
As a part of our author spotlight, we’ve asked each writer to highlight 5 fics and tell us a little about their experience writing (or reading) them.
So It May As Well Be Me, by achray
“Whereas Quentin, like now, found it virtually impossible to shut off his brain. Eliot was inches away from him, curled on his side, facing the wall. Quentin could feel the heat from his body. If he reached out even a little he would be touching Eliot’s naked back. If he turned on his side, slung an arm over Eliot, what would Eliot do? Would he shift to tug Quentin closer, sleepily? Would he turn towards Quentin, pulling their mouths together, their legs tangling? Eliot was bigger than Quentin, and for all that he was thin, he was strong; if he wanted to, he could roll on top of Quentin, brace himself there, holding Quentin trapped, as Quentin tried to rise up to meet him.”
This story absolutely blew my mind because it was so meta about fanfic tropes and was truly a celebration of the weird culture we all share. It was smutty and fun and just opened my mind to the fun to be had with leaning into tropes.
Modified Aspect Ratio, by @sabrinachill
“Days blur and grow hazy like a book dropped into a bathtub, the ink running and the pages dissolving into an indistinguishable pulpy mass. Quentin tries to hold it together, he really does. But the reality jumps stay unpredictably random - they’ll spend weeks in one place and only hours in others - so there’s no way to develop a routine or become comfortable. And it Just. Never. Stops. The world swirls around them like an ever-turning kaleidoscope, and the only constant, the only thing they can cling to, is one another.”
This is one of the first 75k+ fics I ever read fully, and completely changed my viewpoint on what a long fic can be. The way they utilized different genres to explore Quentin and Eliot’s relationship, as well as the role the Monster plays in this is just gorgeous and everyone needs to read it.
oh my god they were roommates, by @sadlittlenerdking
“Margo nods, tilting her head to the side, “You might just be right.” She clicks her tongue, “Come on, Q. Let’s eat, then you and Eliot can go on with pretending to be roommmates that aren’t in love with each other–”
“I thought we agreed not to bring that up?” Penny asks, though it’s all bluster, and Quentin’s going to jail, because it’s a crime of passion and he can’t even think of how to dispose of the evidence. They’re all going to die and he’s going to prison.
“Mmm,” Margo hums, pointing a finger at him, “Damn, you’re right. Sorry, Q. You and Eliot are definitely not secretly in love with each other, and aren’t going to cuddle up on this couch the second we leave and watch crappy romance movies!”
I’m a sucker for a roommates AU, and I loved how sweet Eliot and Q are together. Plus the fact that everyone else knows is just perfection.
Happy Together by @quellthefire
“At first, it had taken Quentin weeks to convince Eliot to let them get a dog. He’d gotten the idea one night when they were over at Julia and Penny’s for dinner, and Julia introduced their new beagle, Molly. Quentin had immediately fallen in love with her, nuzzling into her short, soft fur. He’d spent all night with his legs crossed on the floor, petting her and sending very pointed looks to Eliot, who pretended to be way more interested in his wine and the stories Julia recounted about her 1st-year grad students than he’d ever been before.”
This started as a Tumblr prompt ask and was supposed to be a drabble. It ended up as a 1700+ word fluff piece that was so much fun to write. I started it before 4x05 happened, as a way to console myself with the pain I was certain would come this season.
Open Secrets by @quellthefire
“He was about to round the corner into the living room when he heard Quentin’s voice. 
"I like him. That’s the answer. I like Eliot. A lot. And I want to kiss him."
Eliot’s breath caught and he froze in place. He knew he shouldn’t be listening in, but how could he not? He’d never been very good at not prying when things involved him. And this was a motherfucking revelation.”
I really had a fun time writing the two perspectives of this same scene. Eliot and Quentin are so often experiencing the same things from such different viewpoints, that I wanted to make that a major plot point. Plus the idea of Eliot getting himself off to Quentin’s love confession was ridiculously hot to me.
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no-gorms · 5 years ago
Random Steve/Tony recs
Have some recs!
(MCU) Catching Up (& Feelings if You Squint) - spiders_n (13,002 words) A post-CW fic where it’s upbeat and healing, with perhaps unintentional (or is it) flirting on top.
(MCU-based AU) president captain america - livingtheobsessedlife (13,368 words) Steve’s running for president, so of course the best thing he can do is develop a crush on a wealthy donor.
(MCU) Descending, Descending - hollyandvice (18,498 words) A post-Endgame retelling of Orpheus & Eurydice, which I feel should be enough info but it has twists of its own. Everyone needs a hug!
(Ultimates) The Least Difficult of Men - isozyme (46,153 words) Tony notices that Steve has Needs, and decides to offer his services. What’s a little controlled painplay between friends, right? Surely it will stay simple and uncomplicated and not change their friendship at all.
(MCU-based AU) a date with disaster (or, the time steve essentially whored himself out on national tv to pay his rent) - quellthefire (3636 words) Steve partakes of a blind date reality show, thinking he knows what he’s getting into, but... not really. He and Tony are both sweeties, just putting that out there.
(AU) How to Treat an Outcast First-Class - deervsheadlights (9809 words) A Snowpiercer fusion and also a/b/o if that’s your jam, and is VERY MUCH mine. Please mind the warnings.
(MCU) familiar, unbidden - ohjustpeachy / @omg-just-peachy (8226 words) Steve goes on a roadtrip. Steve-centric, soft & lovely for it, and with the promise of Tony following Steve’s every move.
(AU) brief even as bright - picturecat (1285 words) They’re flowers and it’s GREAT.
(MCU-based AU) it’s a small world after all - goodmorningbeloved / @maguna-stxrk (2062 words) Tony stumbles upon an old one-night-stand slash the-one-that-got-away. REUNIONS ARE BEST.
If you enjoy any of the above, do leave feedback for the authors!
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stonylovessteve · 6 years ago
Gifts Revealed July 2nd
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It's the sixth day of gift reveals! Check back each day for more reveals or keep an eye on the AO3 collection.
Please keep in mind that while viewing the works produced for this exchange, you will see a wide variety of takes on Steve’s character, ranging from light and fluffy to dark and angsty. This is because we allowed our participants the freedom to show their love for Steve in many different ways, some of which you may not agree with. Please use your good judgement when picking which works to view and comment on.
If it’s not something you like, then it wasn’t for you.
To our participants, please be sure to comment on your gifts and thank your creator for making something for you.
AO3 sometimes forgets to send gift emails, so be sure to check this blog (or the collection) each day to see what's being revealed. We allowed bonus gifts, so your creator might have made something extra for you!
All creators are still secret, so don’t post anywhere about your work, even if it has been revealed.
You can, however, reply to comments on your work. AO3 will automatically show you as an anon author until creator reveals.
Creators: AO3 will post your work under the date it was submitted.
Once your work has been revealed, go into edit and click "Set a different publication date" then change it to today's date. This will ensure that your work is posted to the top of the new works. Without further ado… onto today's gifts
good old-fashioned lover boy for Cachette (MCU, 7k words)
Tony is thrilled about his new relationship with Steve. He's on cloud nine, in fact. It's so amazing he can believe it's real. He just wishes they could... Uh. Touch a little. Just a little
Here’s Looking at You for SpanglesandSass (MCU, 12.6k words)
Captain America's disapproving stare watched over most of Tony's childhood. It only makes sense that when Steve Rogers walks into Tony's life, that he return the favour and stare right back. But what he sees when Steve doesn't know he's watching doesn't match up with what he thinks he knows, and he comes to realise that maybe the man under the cowl isn't quite as untouchable as he thought.
Write and Draw for Shamen610 (MCU, 2.7k words)
games night and plotting ends with two idiots finally getting together
Loose Ends for riodesal (MCU, 8.9k words)
Steve Rogers was found in late 2007 after being on ice for over sixty years. In trying to find closure with his past, a few months later he comes across Tony - at the moment a charismatic billionaire responsible for the world's most lucrative weapons manufacturing company while the country is at war fighting terrorist cells in Afghanistan. When Steve reaches out to Tony to get closure on his friendship with Tony's father Howard, how will Tony react? Can Steve find the closure that he's looking for?
running into the sun for ohmyloki (MCU, 8.2k words)
There are other people Steve could ask. Sam or Nat. Even Clint would make more sense. It's not that they aren't friends - they are, they're good friends, hard won, fought for, worked on - it's just weird. They can live together and fight together, but Tony's not so sure a few weeks with just the two of them in a car is a good idea. It's definitely not a smart idea. "Can you repeat that, please?" or: tony and steve go on a nice, soft road trip that brings them closer together.
Vienna Waits For You for quellthefire (MCU, 13.4k words)
Steve Rogers was desperate. Not in the general sense of the word but the deadline for his college art project seemed to be looming and damnit, he should have been done already. But it had taken a bit of Barton and Wilson madness to leave his final project in pieces. Natasha, Bucky and the guilt-ridden duo had tried to help him, but the project was lost to him. They had even tried to offer their own college acquired expertise to help. Of course, he had to refuse.
posing up a storm for Mizzy (MCU, 5.2k words)
“I have an idea. Can we just pretend the day ended with that really badass Superfriends pose we did?”
Letters To My Lover for XtaticPearl (MCU, 3.5 words)
*Avengers: Endgame spoilers* On the day of the funeral, Steve hears a phone ringing that shouldn't be. No one had that number. No one except Tony.
Taking a chance for Bill Longbow (MCU, 746 words/art)
Steve likes the Science Professor who lives across the hall.
Yes to heaven for magicasen (616, 1.1k words/art)
All started with a clear change of smell, it was subtle, slow in a way that if Janet had not told him he would not have noticed, but after that he just could not help noticing every little sign.
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breakmebucky · 5 years ago
What Can I Get Started For You? - Masterlist
Author’s Note: This mini-series was inspired by this post:http://quellthefire.tumblr.com/post/186749328917/the-avengers-and-their-starbucks-orders by @quellthefire
I plan on there being roughly 15 parts? I’ll update it as I get parts written.
Nat and Bruce 
Happy and Pepper
Peter and May Parker
Thor -
Sam -
Quill - 
T’Challa - 
Stephen Strange -
Nick Fury - 
Loki -  
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ao3feed-mysterispider · 6 years ago
Weekly post #4
Weekly post #1 (2019, Jul 29th)
Weekly post #2 (2019, Aug 3rd)
Weekly post #3 (2019, Aug 4th)
Deleted posts
- Oblivion by moon_hedgehog Deleted because Peter Parker/Tony Stark is a secondary ship. - A Whole Lot of Baggage by shesleaving Deleted because Michelle Jones/Peter Parker is a secondary ship. - Hell of a life (Passengers AU) by Mustyvanillaa Deleted because Peter Parker/Tony Stark is a secondary ship. - Bad At Keeping Secrets by TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsG Deleted because Peter Parker/Tony Stark is a secondary ship. - Lover Dearest by SmartKitty42 Deleted because Peter Parker/Tony Stark is a secondary ship. - Bound and Determined by quellthefire Deleted because Peter Parker/Tony Stark is a secondary ship.
New authors added
And welcome to these awesome writers! Make sure to encourage them by leaving kudos and comments! aplacetoland, bellamavi, bittersweetlovesongs, bukkunkun, Caitlin_WithanI,  Chachachacha, cryptidknees, heavenmoment, hellblazers, kashxy, LilaLang, Mad_Moon_214, MysteryWeb, projectingstark, rhysgore, shesleaving, spideyshield, starrynightsea, stripedlimabean, zoex
- 【虫神秘】番外合集 by luminol44, chapter 3 up!
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themagiciansreccenter · 6 years ago
Author Spotlight: @quellthefire​
Every week we interview a writer from The Magicians fandom. If you would like to be interviewed or you want to nominate a writer, get in touch via our ask box.
First things first, tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a 26 year old queer woman who probably obsesses over fandoms more than is healthy. I went to school to study bones and infectious diseases, but ended up working as a barista and really love it most days. At some point I hope to go to mortuary school. I’m hopelessly obsessed with Marvel as well, and have been writing a lot of Steve/Tony fic lately, in addition to my usual Queliot.
How long have you been writing for?
I started writing fanfic about 12 years ago, but only recently got back into it after a years-long hiatus.
What inspired you to start writing for The Magicians?
I was so captivated by the friendship and sexual relationship between Quentin and Eliot in Season 1. At the time I never imagined the writers would develop it to the extent they have, so writing fanfic seemed like the only way to explore that relationship in the way I wanted to.
Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write? What it is about them that makes them your favourite?
I absolutely love writing Eliot. He’s my go-to point of view. There’s such an opportunity to explore feelings of lust and inadequacy, and I love writing about Eliot being awed that Quentin wants him. I also love writing banter between El and Margo. It gives me a chance to be snarky and crude and write lines of dialogue that make me laugh. And recently, I’ve been trying to challenge myself to write from Quentin’s perspective more, because I really love his awkward/excited stream of consciousness style of talking.
Do you have a preference for a particular season/point in time to write about?
I tend to veer towards a non-defined point in the middle of season 1. I absolutely love writers who dig deep into show plot points, but I always end up writing scenes where the point in time doesn’t matter nearly as much as the conversation and emotions that are happening.
Are you working on anything right now? Care to give us an idea about it?
I actually don’t have any Magicians stories in progress at the moment, because I need to fulfill some obligations for fic challenges in the Marvel fandom, but I’ve got some ideas for exploring post 4x05 Queliot. Much of my writing has had an angsty bent to it, so it’s been fun thinking about fluffier concepts.
How long is your “to do list”?
Ehh let’s not think too hard about that. It’s kinda daunting, but I’m slowly working my way through it. I tend to be very spontaneous in my writing method, and I’m trying to challenge myself to write things that are longer than a single evening’s worth of work.
What is your favourite fic that you’ve written for The Magicians? Why?
“Feelings are for Pussies and the Aesthetically Challenged” is probably my favorite right now, and also has had the biggest response from readers. It was originally intended as a one-shot, but basically every comment asked me to keep going, and that was such a cool experience to get ideas from readers and use them as inspiration to write two more chapters. I’m really proud of how many people seemed to enjoy it.
Many writers have a fic that they are passionate about that doesn’t get the reception from the fandom that they hoped for. Do you have a fic you would like more people to read and appreciate?
“Eliot and the Art of Sharing” for sure. It’s one of the first Magicians fics I ever wrote, and it’s kind of an odd one, but it holds a special place in my heart because it’s when I started developing the way I write Eliot and Margo’s friendship.
What is your writing process like? Do you have any traditions or superstitions that you like to stick to when you’re writing?
I tend to be very in the moment. I’ll get an idea and sit down on my couch or in bed to write for a couple hours, which can be quite difficult since I use my phone. I’m bad about writing at night before an opening shift. I’ve spent a lot of late nights I should be sleeping working on a story in the hopes of getting it posted. Waking up at 5 am for work sucks the next morning, but it seems to be how I write my best stuff.
Do you write while the seasons are airing or do you prefer to wait for hiatus? How does the ongoing development of the canon influence and inspire your writing process?
I joined the fandom in November of 2018, so I don’t have a lot of experience with the show airing, but I definitely wrote more on hiatus. A lot of my work exists outside of current canon, so I think the emotional aspect of whatever is currently happening with each new episode affects my writing much more than the actual plot.
What has been the most challenging fic for you to write?
I struggled to complete “Dancing on My Own” partly because it was such an introspective look at Eliot’s inner thoughts. I found myself channeling a lot of my own anxieties and intrusive thoughts, and that was difficult to write, but I think it really paid off to take a step back from writing it to give myself space to decide what I was comfortable with sharing about my own mental health struggles. I’m so proud of how it turned out.
Are there any themes or tropes that you like particularly like to explore in your writing?
I’m a slut for writing any fic where the two people in the ship are pining for each other, but are too scared to make a move. Add in the cast of background characters who start to realize what’s happening, and that’s my jam.
Are there any writers that inspire your work? Fanfiction or otherwise?
Fanfiction-wise, @ohmarqueliot, @sadlittlenerdking, and @adjovi are the people whose writing I first fell in love with in this fandom, and I keep coming back to their work. Outside of fanfiction, I’ve learned a lot through playing Dungeons and Dragons with a group of friends about character and world-building, and while it’s not traditional writing, there’s such a collaborative storytelling aspect to it that has massively influenced how I approach things.
What are you currently reading? Fanfiction or otherwise?
Right now I’m reading a lot of post 4x05 Queliot fic, (especially anything fluffy or smutty), as well as a lot of Steve/Tony MCU smut.
What is the most valuable piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?
I saw Neil Gaiman give a lecture a few months back, and he told the audience that when he’s struggling to write that he makes himself sit at his computer and he tells himself he can either write or do nothing, but those are his only options. He said that usually he’ll get bored of staring at the wall pretty quickly, and start writing to save himself from the tedium of nothingness. As silly as it might sound, it totally works for me. It’s like a little hack for my brain that overrides the anxiety of starting a new story.
Are there any words or phrases you worry about over using in your work?
I definitely describe characters blushing far too much, and find myself using the same phrases a couple paragraphs in a row in most stories. Reading outloud as I edit helps a lot with that.
What was the first fanfic that you wrote? Do you still have access to it?
The one that immediately comes to mind was based off of Tamora Pierce’s “Protector of the Small” series. As a middle/high schooler I really loved her books and identified most with Keladry, the protagonist of that series. It was a post-series fixit fic resolving all the stuff I wish had happened. I tried finding it a couple years ago but couldn’t. I also wrote a lot of awful James/Lily Harry Potter fic back in the day, so that was probably the first stuff I ever wrote.
Self-edit or Beta?
Self-edit. I’m far too impatient to not post stuff the same night, and I get very stressed about other people editing my work. I’d like to eventually be able to handle having a beta, but I’m not sure if it’ll happen.
Comments or Kudos/Reblogs or Likes?
Yes please! I’m definitely the kind of person who closely monitors that stuff, as much as I hate to admit it. Comments are my favorite though. I absolutely love hearing from people who’ve read my work
Smut, Fluff or Angst?
I mostly read smut, write angst, and fluff is the sweet spot in that venn diagram.
Quick & Dirty or Slow Burn?
I’m impatient and usually go for Quick & Dirty, both in my writing and reading preferences, but I’ve been getting more into the delicious tension that is Slow Burns.
Favourite season?
Season two
Favourite Episode?
This is probably super cliche, but either 3x05 or 4x05.
Favourite book?
The Magician King
Three favourite words?
What the fuck
Want to be interviewed for our author spotlight? Get in touch here.
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