#author spotlight: little-escapist
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multi-fandom-lunatic · 2 months ago
booktok is odd because white women so badly want books where white people lead revolutions/save the world/make society more progressive and yet they only see this as an escapist fantasy. Like, they don't seem to actually want to change things in real life. It's really strange. Trying to change the world for the better doesn't have to be a fantasy! You can read up about things, listen to marginalised groups and put in the work!
It's because when POC lead revolutions it hits too close to home for them and forces them to confront the reality that they are benefitting from a system they should be against.
They understand that the Capitol from Hunger Games are the villains; greedy people who use the system to keep up their lifestyle while stepping on a lot of people to get there. They want to be like Katniss who's not had that privilege but had the courage to lead a revolution. But they realise that they benefit from the system like the Capitol do, and it draws uncomfortable parallels.
(Side note - I haven't read the Hunger Games, just done a little bit of Google search, and I also know that the Capitol benefit from the system by being wealthy, not nessesarily white. But. I think the comparisons are easiest to draw from HG, because they make it so absolutely clear that the Capitol is in the wrong and Katniss is right. , Also. I'm not hugely a reader of the dystopian genre, so I haven't read enough books to find a better one to use for parallels.)
They (white women) tend to find that mentioning race at all, especially to have a nuanced discussion on where racism is present and how it affects even the smallest part of their lives, is uncomfortable. It's often rooted in the (incorrect) understanding of racism being equality despite differences, instead of while embracing differences. Bringing up race brings up those differences, and that reminds them of the differences they (usually subconciously) would like to bury. It upsets their balance. And that's why bringing up race at all (even in the BookTok and similar) rocks this teetering tower of equality. But it's foundations are shaky. And it will fall.
Anyways, got a little tangent-y at the end there. And I'm writing this while quite sleep so my points might not be super coherent, and I apologise for that. I also haven't really touched on the facet of white feminism that benefits upper middle class white women, but you know. There's always next time. Still, this was very refreshing to talk about. I just find this whole concept very interesting to discuss. Thank you so much for the ask!
(Side side note: Yes! Absolutely, supporting POC should be the next course of action after this. I'm not from the US, but I hear that there's a lot of Black owned bookstores being shut down. The best way we can support POC authors is to buy their books and hear their voices.
Books with POC protags, Books by Black, Brown and Women of Colour and Queer POC books are some good places to start (these are books by POC with POC protags). I'd personally like to spotlight the Momo Arashima series by Misa Sugiura, a middle grade fantasy series with Shinto gods, much like Percy Jackson, and is also very queer. Check it out!
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todaydreambelieversfic · 4 years ago
Author Spotlight: Little-Escapist Day 1
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Author Spotlight: @little-escapist 
How did you get into Glee and Glee fandom?
My sister got the whole series DVD box for Christmas 2016 because she loves Adam Lambert, and he's on season five. We spent the Christmas break binge watching and I got hooked worse than my sister. Since I had been in different fandoms for a decade at that point, it was only natural to find my way into the fandom side of things.
In general, what drew you into writing (and/or creating)?
I've been writing and telling stories for longer than I can remember. I am a writer first and foremost. It's a part of my very essence, and I have no idea what made me that way. I mean, when I didn't know to how to write yet, I made my mom write down my stories.
What was it about Glee that made you decide to write fanfic for it?
Honestly, I can't remember. Klaine drew me in really strongly, and then suddenly I had more time on my hands (I was finishing my Master's and my thesis was mostly done), so I started writing and suddenly wrote 30k of fic in a month.
Have you been a part of other fandoms before? Have you written fanfiction pre-glee?
I started writing fanfiction in 2006, so long before Glee was even a thing! I started with Lord of the Rings, moved on to Supernatural, and lurked around Arrow for a moment there before I found Glee.
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Hmm. I'd like to try out soulmates. I even have two different ideas for that, so hopefully I'll get them written. Also something with fantasy or magical realism, since that's my go to genre when I write my original stuff.
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Several. My squicks include mpreg and slavery, and even though I have read stuff with prostitution and strippers, I would never want to write those.
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Like I said earlier, there are two soulmate ideas. In one of them, Kurt's soulmate has died permanently in another life, or at least that's what Kurt thinks. Kurt works in a tiny lost and found office. I even wrote down the beginning about two years ago. There are other magic elements, too.
Check out Little-Escapist’s Fics
Soundcheck - Before a concert, there's a soundcheck to make sure that everything works as it should.In high school, Kurt Hummel makes friends. Those friends lead him to new music, which in turn leads him to accepting himself. Somewhere along the way he meets his friend's big brother, Blaine - and that, more than anything else, changes everything.
The Concert - The concert, the main event: through music, you can go through many emotions like excitement, joy, sadness, love, pleasure and even heartbreak.Kurt is going to see Elliott Starchild live in concert with his friend Rachel's big brother Blaine. That concert begins a journey he never thought he'd find himself on. Can dreams really come true?
Encore - Just when you think it's all over, it's time for encore.Kurt is living his best life with Rachel in New York. He is a student in NYADA, he got a small role in a movie, and befriended his idol, Elliott Starchild. Everything comes to halt when Rachel tells him that her brother is moving in with them. Little does she know that her brother also happens to be Kurt's ex.
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jeremy-88 · 4 years ago
The Owl House: Top 10 Episodes
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The Owl House's first season was made up on nineteen great episodes, but as with any show there were some I loved more than others. And here's my top ten of them.
10 - Witches Before Wizards: The first episode might have done a great job of establishing both the main cast and the world they're having their stories in, but it was really the show's second outing that truly cemented that this wasn't going to be a typical children's fantasy tale. Luz, overwhelmed by her years of wanting the perfect escapist fantasy, is seemingly given exactly what she wants and, with her current mentor looking like something of a disappointment, goes along with it right into a trap. This episode's clear message is that, whatever ideas Luz and the audience have of epic adventures in other worlds needs to be jettisoned right here and now, as such thinking simply leads to those like Luz being taken advantage of. It also helped to establish Eda, both as an unconventional type of mentor, but also as someone who genuinely cares for Luz's well-being. It's a story that firmly tells us that, if good things are to happen to us, we need to make them happen instead of waiting for others to hand such things to us, and that even a place that comes off as creepy and horrifying can have its appeal when looked at the right way. A fine episode that does well at helping to acclimatise us to the world of the Boiling Isles.
9 - Something Ventured, Someone Framed: Gus didn't really have that many standout moments in the show in the same way that Willow did, but I can safely say that his first (and thus far only) spotlight episode was a good one. Most of the time he's used either as "the supportive friend" or as comic relief, but here we got to see other sides to him, like his insecurities at being the youngest among his peers, or the fears he feels over losing even the small position he has among them. It was also a good show of how Luz isn't the only one who's going to be causing problems at Hexside, as Gus was very much responsible for the shenanigans this time, but he does win points for taking the blame and accepting the consequences of it. Also, special mention must also go to Eda for her subplot of trying to get Luz into the school. It really went to show how much she cared for the girl, since she was willing to make nice with a place she personally loathed because she knew how good it would be for her apprentice. Between Gus and Eda, this was a good little Hexside story with some good development for its two prominent players.
8 - The Intruder: This episode marked an important moment of development for all three of the main characters. For Luz it was her first real step in learning how to use magic in this world, as well as showing just how quick she is to be able to use it in an immediate situation. For King we got to see a softer side to him than we'd been seeing up to this point, and just how much he values Luz as a friend and someone to teach. And for Eda, this was the moment we came to realise just why she's separate from the rest of the Boiling Isles' society. Her curse, which is portrayed in much the same way as something akin to a chronic illness that real-world people would have to deal with, is clearly a bother to her and something that would play a pivotal part of later stories. And the horror aesthetic is of course a good framing device for all of this, giving our characters a desperate situation to not only show of what they can do, but also reveal secrets like Eda's condition. It was a dark, intense and very character-driven story that served as a massive wake-up call to the fact that danger can very much be right at their doorstep in this series.
7 - I was a Teenage Abomination: Here we got our big introduction to Hexside, a location that would provide a great many other great stories and serve as an important place for Luz. In addition, the episode also gave us a number of supporting characters, like soon-to-be friends Willow and Gus, and perhaps one of the show's most complicated characters, Amity. Luz's first arrival onto the scene, both for this school and its students, would prove to be her first real impact on this world, which would of course have consequences aplenty further down the line. Now of course, schools for magic are no stranger to works of fantasy, but this show does well in making Hexside its own thing, with its own feel distinct from other such institutions in fiction. And of course we once again have Eda utterly stealing the show with her early-season disdain for the place and her horror at the thought of Luz wanting to go there, though she admittedly does at least soften to the friends she makes in her brief encounter. Overall, a fun and enjoyable introduction to one of the most important places in the show, as well as giving Luz her first taste of a place that would come to mean a great deal to her later on.
6 - Covention: Like with our introduction to Hexside, this episode gives us a lot of information about the world of the witches and how things typically work here. We're told of the coven system, the magical authority that governs magic, as well as why Eda specifically is opposed to them, but at the same time we have Luz, who despite respecting her teach is open-minded enough to want to learn more and make her own decision on the matter, which was a nice touch as far as I'm concerned as it showed she wasn't just blindly obedient. And speaking of Luz, we get her next step in her relationship to Amity here, as we once more have the two at odds, but with that conflict eventually changing into one where Amity understands Luz more and where we learn that there's more shades to Amity than simply being a school rival. Eda too gets growth as a character, as we have our big introduction to her sister and the knowledge that the two don't have the best of relationships, culminating in one of the show's thus-far best pieces of animation when the two eventually duel, which would of course serve only as a prelude to a fight that came later. Overall, Covention had a lot packed in, and it was executed nearly flawlessly.
5 - Adventures in the Elements: Fun fact, I'd sort of debated with myself over whether this or Lost in Language would be included here, since both episodes share a lot in common. Both feature Luz learning more while also taking action that puts her in a bad light with Amity and both heavily involve Edric and Emira. In the end though I decided that I enjoyed this one more, and what's more it served as another important milestone in Luz's education, since it's really the first time Eda actively goes out of her way to teach her about magic. Additionally, we get some hints as to the true nature of magic in this world, something that Luz comes to know more than even her own teacher. We get hints that Luz's ways are something that the oldest witches did back in the day but has since been forgotten, as Esa herself seems to only vaguely know how that ancient power was used. Also, it's another case of Amity warming up to Luz, to the point where I'd officially call this the moment where the two became friends. And of course Edric and Emira were far more hilarious and likeable here than they were in Lost in Language, so there's that too.
4 - Enchanting Grom Fright: Let me get the obvious stuff out of the way first. Yes, the Lumity shipping moments are adorable and a great milestone for Disney. And yes, that dance sequence was brilliantly animated and easily worth the thousand-plus times I've gone back and watched it. But as good as all that stuff is, what really makes this episode work for me is Luz. Not only do we get another example of her well-meaning nature getting her into trouble, which is something of a recurring theme in this show, but it's also the episode that really addresses her decision to leave her world and be in the Boiling Isles. Throughout the story she's shown to be worried about both her mother back home and what the latter might think if she knew what Luz had really been doing these past few weeks. It's an understandable fear that she's been avoiding for, quite possibly, the entirety of her time in the show, and by the time the episode ends she's fully accepted that she needs to speak to her mother far more than she'd been doing. That, alongside great stuff from other characters, Like Amity's own fears and King struggling to find an audience, made this episode a truly special watch for me.
3 - Wing it Like Witches: In terms of pure entertainment value, as in just sheer fun, this episode easily makes it to my personal top. However, given that the remaining episodes all did more in terms of character and story, I felt it wouldn't really be right to have this one be any higher. But, it's still a hugely enjoyable outing for the show, and one that I've re-watched several times over since it first aired. And it's surprising that that's the case, given that sports movies (or even parodies of them) aren't something I usually enjoy, and this episode has it as both its A and B plots. But I guess that's a testament to the episode if I managed to be delighted by the story in the face of that. The character of Boscha proved a good "love to hate" antagonist that Luz, Willow and Amity must overcome, and it's especially satisfying to finally see Amity in particular break away from that kind of toxic crowd for good. But, not one to be one-upped, Eda herself gets a similar trouble to face when she challenges her sister to the same game, and much like with Luz it's very good to see her come out on top. In terms of how much the characters are developed, this one probably isn't winning any awards, but in terms of just how much fun it was for me, it's easily one of the best The Owl House has to offer.
2 - Agony of a Witch: Disney have had plenty of moments where the episodes prior to the finale are among the darkest and most serious stuff they make, and Owl House, it appears, has one more to add to that collection. Agony is, without question, the most intense story of the entire first season. A darkest hour that I haven't seen from Disney TV for quite some time. It's a level of seriousness and danger that we all probably knew was coming, but likely weren't ready for when it finally came. Our main villain is revealed, the truth behind Eda's curse comes to light, and by the time it was all over it seemed as though all hope was lost. It was a real punch to the gut, and went to show just how much these characters had come to mean to me, given how distraught I felt at seeing them hurt like this. If I had one complaint, and this is no fault of this episode specifically, it's that the follow-up, the actual finale, never managed to capture the same feeling of intensity. But that's a very small criticism, and as I said, this was one hugely impressive episode that brought the stakes up to eleven and showed that this show had more than earned the right to do so.
1 - Understanding Willow: I'll admit upfront that I have some bias on this one, as Willow has consistently been one of my favourite characters in the show. So an episode devoted to delving into her backstory was pretty much guaranteed to get my interest. But credit where it's due, it actually impressed far more than just that initial hook, as we get our long-awaited explanation as to the reasons why she and Amity stopped being friends way back when, a point that was hinted at quite a few episodes back. It's one of those things I like about shows like this, where small bits of dialogue can come back and take centre stage in big ways like this. And of course, we have Luz coming into her own as the responsible one, taking charge and doing what she can for her friend. And it's great that this isn't a problem that she was directly responsible for, unless you count her flipping a photo over as her being the cause of all this. Amity gets plenty of growth as well as a truly gut-punching reveal as to what motivated her actions, and the remaining cast, like Eda and Gus, all have a pretty entertaining side-story of their own. All-in-all, this might seem like an odd choice, but to me Understanding Willow is just the complete package in terms of what I like about this show.
And that's my list. Hope you all enjoy these episodes as much as I do 🥰
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chicagoindiecritics · 5 years ago
New from A Reel of One’s Own by Andrea Thompson: The March Sisters are Doing It For Themselves in ‘Little Women’
By Andrea Thompson
One could argue that all works are at least somewhat semi-autobiographical, but Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women” is more directly associated with its creator than most. Alcott drew on much of her experiences with her own family to create a book that has gone on to be quite beloved to generations of girls. Few works take their concerns, daily lives, and yes, ambitions, so seriously, and with such passion.
Alcott herself led a rich, fascinating life, one which she wasn’t always allowed to mine for more complexity, especially with her more famous writing, a fact which few adaptations of “Little Women” seem to acknowledge. But may the cinematic gods forever bless writer-director Greta Gerwig, who grasps this dichotomy from the first, kicking off 2019’s with a quote from Alcott herself: “I’ve had lots of troubles, so I write jolly tales.”
It makes sense that we begin with the March sister who is Alcott’s surrogate, Jo March (Saoirse Ronan), but near her end, not her beginning. As if we needed an excuse to love this character more, she kicks things off by confidently striding into a roomful of men to see if her writing could amount to money. Yet it’s not the story we know and love that she’s peddling, merely one that will allow her to earn her living. Her other sisters are also all struggling in their own way, what with her married older sister Meg (Emma Watson) struggling to reconcile her taste for finery with her more straitened circumstances, Amy (Florence Pugh) in Europe taking painting lessons and considering marriage with a wealthy, eligible bachelor, and sickly Beth (Eliza Scanlen) the only sibling remaining at home.
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Sony Pictures
Gerwig doesn’t so much flash back to their earlier lives as juxtapose the childhood and adulthood of the four March sisters, and just how much their past informs their future. Before Jo and her beloved Laurie (Timothée Chalamet) share any screen time, we’re already informed she’s rejected Laurie’s proposal. So along with the most obvious, but non-romantic connection Jo and Laurie have always shared, the affection that also existed between Laurie and Amy is allowed to grow and mature. But as always, Jo and Laurie still pretty much steal the spotlight as the lifelong friends who are always meant to remain just that, sharing an easy chemistry that practically bursts from the screen in every scene.
Given that, it’s always been difficult for many of Alcott’s fans to not only reconcile themselves to Jo’s decision to refuse Laurie, but get invested in his subsequent courtship of Amy. It’s only natural, since the more conventional Amy, both in terms of femininity and beauty, is the antithesis of the awkward, tomboyishly lovable Jo, whom readers were far more likely to identify with. But this time Amy not only gets her due, but a romance worth our time and investment, as well as a vibrant inner life. Each sister does, and we empathize all the more when the harsh realities of adulthood – not to mention womanhood – hit, and the gap between their desires and their opportunities becomes painfully wide. It’s another secret this adaptation seems privy to, that Alcott didn’t just reassure young women that their ambitions were acceptable, but their loneliness too, although it leans a bit too hard on Jo’s regrets at a crucial moment.
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Sony Pictures
Costume designer Jacqueline Durran, who has worked her magic on films as varied as “Atonement,” “Another Year,” “Anna Karenina,” and “Macbeth,” also understands how to make her cast stand out, as individuals and as a unit. It isn’t just Marches, but also the more wealthy Laurie, who share a certain naturalistic sensibility which reflects their idealism and activism, which is in stark contrast to their more worldly friends, who are all attired in the kind of traditionally breathtaking period clothing we associate with costume dramas.
Not that the book isn’t limited in itself by providing the kind of escapist entertainment which was most likely a far cry from Alcott’s own life as a female writer. The ending of “Little Women” certainly achieves a kind of balancing act of its own as it gives us the romantic, idyllic ending the author felt pressured to create, along with a new kind of wish fulfillment, which gives Jo negotiating power in not only publishing her book, but owning her copyright. Is the utopia at the closing, which Jo has filled with children, family, and friends, a reality, or yet another fantasy? It’s unclear, but the sight of Jo holding the book, which is truly her book, at the end is not.
Grade: A-
from A Reel Of One’s Own https://ift.tt/2OocAJL via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/35AHl43 via IFTTT
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todaydreambelieversfic · 4 years ago
Author Spotlight: Little-Escapist Day 2
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Author Spotlight: @little-escapist
Share one of your strengths.
Strengths as a writer? I'm disciplined. I know writing is about sitting down and getting it done, sometimes, and not only about inspiration. Also, I've been told I'm good at describing emotions and writing realistic dialogue.
Share one of your weaknesses.
Balance between description and dialogue. Sometimes I write only dialogue for way too long.
Which fic has been the hardest to write?
My current WIP, The Underneath verse. I had to write the beginning like four or five times from scratch because it didn't work, and then abandoned it for two years. And that's only the beginning - I got out of my comfort zone with explicit sex, I had to flip scenes around, and even though I wrote about a 100k in two months, I got totally stuck for over a month after. I am getting over that slump right now, though, so hopefully I'll get the third part of the verse done in a timely manner.
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Probably the first Glee fic I wrote. It just flowed out of me.
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
I feel like I answered this earlier, again :D I am a writer. It's the most defining factor of who I am as a person. I wouldn't know how to live without the constant stories rattling in my head, or characters talking to me as I try to sleep.
Is there an episode or character or arc above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Blaine. I see a lot of myself in him, and there are more facets to him than the show ever cared to explore.
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Never edit and write at the same time. They are two different processes. Write first, so you can edit later - the first draft can and almost should be crappy.
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
To be honest, I have no clue. There is some dumb stuff out there, but I can't say anything off the top of my head.
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Oooh. This is difficult, but I have to say the Underneath verse. I just love those versions of the characters even though telling their story has kicked my ass several times.
What’s your process? Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines? What are the perfect writing conditions for you?
I write in order. I have a beginning in my head, and some kind of an end goal, and then I write an outline as the story grows from the starting point. I write first drafts usually by hand, and transfer that to a digital form during editing (I rewrite every word). I always keep track of time passing in a story by writing down exact dates when different things happen, so I keep up with how much time passes. I write the story and fill the timeline side by side. As for conditions, I can write anywhere as long as no one is trying to talk to me.
Check out Little-Escapist’s Fics
Soulmate Seeker -  During game of drunken truth or dare, Kurt is dared to go and hold Soulmate Seeker's hand. Something unexpected happens.
Only Pretending (Or Not At All) - Kurt gets an invitation to a New Directions reunion, but he's not sure he wants to go: he's the only one not in a relationship. His roommate Blaine gets an idea - he can pretend to be Kurt's boyfriend for a week!Kurt is doubtful, because he happens to be in love with his roommate, but he agrees. He can have this one last thing, maybe he'll get to kiss Blaine, and then he will move on from Blaine for good.
Most Dedicated Fan - Blaine loves the band One Three Hill, especially one member. He decides to go outside the bar the band is playing in, since he's too young to get in. That night changes everything.Or, Kurt is a musician and Blaine is not the only one who crushes hard. Loosely based on something that actually happened to a friend of mine.
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todaydreambelieversfic · 4 years ago
Author Spotlight: Little-Escapist Day 3
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Author Spotlight: @little-escapist
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Two is the bare minimum. Sometimes it's more. And still there are typos I don't see until after posting...
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Can I go outside of this fandom? Because I would love to go back to 2007 or 2008 (can't remember which) and rewrite my third longfic. My Glee fics are relatively new, and I'm pretty happy with what they are.
What do you look for in a beta?
Confession time: I've never had a beta reader in all of these years.
If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Oh no. For the life of me, I can't remember the name of that oneshot, and I can't tell who wrote it, either - it's set vaguely in the 80's, I think, and Karofsky bullies Blaine to either kiss skank Kurt or get beaten. Blaine and Kurt kiss, and I would just love to expand on that. Oh no. How do I find that fic, because now I want to read it again...
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
Depends on the fandom. In Glee, I write AUs with canon elements. I like to play around with canon, but... it's Glee. Canon is pretty shitty here.
Talk about a review that made your day.
Someone commented on Only Pretending that while reading my fic they realized why their former relationship didn't work out. It is probably the most validating comment I've ever received. Even though the fic is purely for entertainment, I managed to make something real enough that it got someone to a realization about their life. That is why I write.
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I've been lucky. There haven't been rude comments.
What advice do you have for people just starting to write?
Just, start writing. Keep writing. If you want to get that story done, you can't rely on inspiration alone. And do get a beta reader, because another set of eyes on your text can teach you a lot.
Which fic do you most like to discuss with other people? Why?
My own fic? I would love to talk about any of my works, but I don't really have people to talk to about them.
What's one aspect of writing fic that gets you really excited?
When the text just starts coming, when the floodgates open and suddenly it all makes sense. Details add up and even I get surprised by my own creation. That is the best.
Check out Little-Escapist’s Fics
In A Car With A Beautiful Boy - Blaine is always willing to help out someone in need. When Kurt Hummel, a person he's never met before, asks for a carpooling arrangement in the company intra from his neighborhood, Blaine agrees instantly.If he only knew how one innocent helpful act is going to change his life.
He Loves You -  Kurt is in love with Blaine. He has been a while already. And now, they’re finally on the same page after Kurt gathered his courage and opened up. It’s just not as easy as you think it might be, telling someone you’re in love with them, when you’re used to being ignored or thrown aside.
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todaydreambelieversfic · 4 years ago
Author Spotlight: Little-Escapist Day 4
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Author Spotlight: @little-escapist
What other Glee Fandom authors do you enjoy? Can you recommend some of your favorite fics?
It's so difficult to name favorites. I read so much by so many authors! Off the top of my head, I love the oneshots of hazelandglasz and fhartz91. I really enjoy WildHurricane's works. One of my most favorite fics is It's Not Babysitting by anxioussquirrel, and even though it's been years since I read Someone Like You by iconicklaine, I don't think I've recovered. I'm sure I forgot a lot of people and a lot of fics, but. I read A LOT and I really enjoy 95% of what I read, so.
Hazelandglasz’s Fics
Fhartz91′s Fics
WildHurricane's Fics
It's Not Babysitting by Anxioussquirrel
Someone Like You by Iconicklaine
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todaydreambelieversfic · 4 years ago
Author Spotlight: Byebyeblainey Day 4
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Author: @byebyeblainey​ 
What other Glee Fandom authors do you enjoy? Can you recommend some of your favorite fics?
omg too many but some of my favourite recent authors would be Kuhlaine, BlurglesmurfKlaine, InsightfulInsomniac, HKVoyage, Little-escapist, Dizzywhiz, and scatter-the-stars!!! 
Some of my favourite fics that I've read and reread TONS over the past few years are Is It Weird by a_simple_rainbow, Where There's Smoke by Stoney, Go Your Own Way by Zavocado, One and Only by theoreoqueen, and Ride by Nellie12 <3 <3
Kuhlaine’s Fics
BlurglesmurfKlaine’s Fics
InsightfulInsomniac’s Fics
HKVoyage’s Fics
Little-Escapist’s Fics
Dizzywhiz’s Fics
Scatter-the-Stars’s Fics
Is It Weird by a_simple_rainbow
Where There's Smoke by Stoney
Go Your Own Way by Zavocado
One and Only by theoreoqueen
Ride by Nellie12
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todaydreambelieversfic · 4 years ago
Author Spotlight: Byebyeblainey Day 1
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Author: @byebyeblainey​ 
How did you get into Glee and Glee fandom?
in 2011, a classmate of mine posted a status with the link to the gcv of baby it's cold outside with the caption 'so gay' so being a curious 11-almost-12-year-old I clicked the link. I spent the rest of the night watching glee vers on youtube. I remember falling asleep and waking up and Bills Bills Bills was playing!! After that, I watched the Klaine kiss on youtube and then asked my sister to (illegally whoopsie) download the episodes for me so i could watch :)
In general, what drew you into writing (and/or creating)?
i've wanted to be a writer for most of my life! I was a huge bookworm as a kid and started wanting to write novels when I was like 9 or 10. Even today, it's one of my biggest aspirations :)
What was it about Glee that made you decide to write fanfic for it?
I don't even remember how I got into writing fic for the fandom but I just remember reading fic when I had a free moment and it was like opening up an entirely new world that I'd never even thought to tap into before. Even so, I attempted to write fanfiction twice in 2013 (it didn't go well and i'm never sharing the names of either fic) and then never again. Then, the 2020 Blaine Big Bang happened and I signed up thinking why the hell not with a lot of encouragement from my wonderful friend Aly (blurglesmurfklaine) and never looked back!!!
Have you been a part of other fandoms before? Have you written fanfiction pre-glee?
After my disastrous attempt at writing glee fic in 2013, I stopped attempting to write for fandom again until around 2017. The first fic I wrote that I was proud of was for the TV show supergirl. Since then, I've written fic for Thomas Sanders' Sanders Sides series, the Youtube channel Smosh, Disney's Descendants, and Frozen
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
SINGLE PARENT! I'm such a sucker for a single parent fic, partially because I love kids and also because I love reading about parenting?? idk. I've never tried to write a single parent fic but that's not to say that I never will.
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
......mpreg. I also find myself too embarrassed to even attempt to write smut even though I read it pretty regularly. Something about writing smut that other people will judge and read makes me uncomfy
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
I have one multichapter and two one shots going right now! My multichapter is being beta'd by my lovely friend Nery (little-escapist). The premise of it is Kurt is an anonymous restaurant critic for the NYT and Blaine is the head chef at a restaurant managed by Rachel. Kurt leaves a bad review on Blaine's restaurant which irritates Rachel and causes her to become unbearable. One night, they meet at a club and hook up - but Blaine doesn't know that Kurt was the writer who left a bad review on his restaurant.
Check out Byebyeblainey’s Fics: 
Is There a Twelve Step Just For You? - “He was still the same short, nerdy Blaine Anderson he’d always been. An easy target for school bullies everywhere. Kurt was the popular co-captain of the Cheerio’s, looking down on his kingdom like a fair but firm ruler. No one was on his level, certainly not a peasant like Blaine.”Or Blaine tries to tell Kurt that he has a crush on him but accidentally ends up asking for a makeover instead. Oh, dear.
When Are You Gonna Sing For Me? -  Kurt is one of the three members of wildly successful pop punk band One Three Hill. He is also forgetful as all get out and accidentally leaves his phone somewhere where a certain music teacher just happens to find it.
Tug At My Heartstrings -  As he got closer to the man, wallet already in hand to give him a tip, Kurt stopped in his tracks. Because the busker who was playing the violin so beautifully on the streets of his neighbourhood at just past 6pm on a Wednesday night was the most beautiful man he’d ever seen.
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todaydreambelieversfic · 5 years ago
Author Spotlight Update
Hello everyone! 
Update for the Author Spotlight for you! 
Here is the current list of authors that I have (in alphabetical order): 
I’ll be randomizing this list, and each week, starting on Sundays each week, we’ll spotlight an author by showcasing their work. 
Authors if you could take a moment to fill out THIS QUESTIONNAIRE I would really appreciate it.  
The questionnaire answers will be posted (no personal details shared) on the Sunday of your week.  If you don’t see your name on the list and would like to participate, please take the questionnaire as well, and I will add you to the list.  (I’ll be dropping a message to all of the authors as well, but since Tumblr won’t tag me, and won’t let me send links via messages, I needed to write a post first.) 
Once I get a majority of the questionnaires in, I’ll get the schedule up for who is going when (always subject to change).  
If you guys have any questions as to how any of this will work, please feel free to message me anyway! 
Thanks! ~SO :)
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