#australian made flannel shirt
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clothingflannel · 2 months ago
Womens Flannel Shirts: Style Epitomes Of Winter Months
Womens flannel shirts are known for their style versatility and comfort. It is no joke that the flannel has survived through different variations of style and season and is here to stay. For the winter months, a flannel shirt for women is one of the most fashionable clothing apparels that one can have in their wardrobe. Celebrities are now relentlessly relying on flannel shirts to elevate their…
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underthecrazy20 · 1 year ago
Layla ~ Sim Jake
Genre: Fluff, college!au, meet cute.
Warnings: None.
W/c: 810
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The orange and red leaves gently fell from trees as you walked through the park, you were on your way to a café to study a topic for a paper you had to write for school. Not a lot of people were in the park which was unfortunate because it was a beautiful day in the cloudy morning. You made it to a small black bridge that was in the middle of the park where a small pond of water flowed in the ground. Looking down at the leaves floating, in the deep mirror of the water, the reflection of the fall trees made you smile softly. Fall was your favorite season; it was always a fun thing to experience. New changes in trees and weather and like a familiar friend stopping by for the year, coming to say hello never got old to you. 
You had not known how long you stayed standing on the bridge in thought, but a distant voice calling someone broke your deep focus causing you to turn your head to the right where you had walked previously. A smile broke out on your lips as you saw a boy around your age chasing a cream-colored border collie as it made its great escape to the desired adventure. The boy looked as if he had been running for quite some distance before coming to the park. It was amusing to say the least to watch the dog slow down by a tree or bench and be distracted for a second before running away from its owner. It looked small enough to be female.
"Come here!" he ordered out. The border collie ran a few feet in front of him laying her paws down on the leaf covered ground with her behind up, tail wagging in a teasing way. The boy sighed, placing his hands on his hips looking at the mischief pup. A little giggle escaped your mouth at the funny scene unfolding before you. The boy stepped closer to the dog and leaped forward but was too slow as the dog escaped once again. 
So as soon as the dog saw you on the bridge, you bent down clapping your hands together speaking sweetly to her. Of course, the collie was super excited to receive an invitation of love. When she came up to you and stopped by your feet, letting you pet her head while she began wagging her beautiful tail. You then took the red leash that was hooked onto her collar so she wouldn't run off again. Peeking at the tag you were pleased to find out she was a girl. Layla was her name. Soon the boy who was the owner came up out of breath.
"I am so sorry, I don't know what has gotten into her today," he managed to speak out. He had a thick Australian accent when he spoke. His hair was brown, and he was taller than you, he also wore a white shirt with a flannel over it and black pants and black shoes. You grinned, giving Layla a gentle rub on her ear. 
"That's alright, I don't mind," you answered, then looked up to him and handed him the leash. He took the leash with a relieved expression, but a bright smile came upon his face after he got Layla comfortable at his side. You smiled in return. 
"I was on my way to a café, would you like to join me?" you offered, kindly. The boy looked surprised, but then nodded at the offer. 
"Um sure, but I'm buying, it's the least I can do for you helping me," he bargained. 
"Deal," you replied, turning around to walk off the bridge to head onto the café that awaited you two. But you stopped on the path to wait for the new friend you made.
"I'm Jake, by the way," he introduced himself as he caught up with you. 
"Y/n," you greeted back. Layla let out a bark at the two of you as she stood in the middle looking up at you both.
"And you have met Layla," Jake laughed, looking down at the jealous collie. You reached down to pet her again. 
"And I am very glad to have met her, both of you." you said, looking up at Jake after you spoke. He smiled brightly at your words. Under the fall trees a new change to the two acquainted lives began to turn into a bright future for them. 
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thunderbunny24 · 8 months ago
Second Chance at Love
It's finally here. Lots and lots of Matthew. I know it's taken many parts, but I promise the wait is worth it. It might be a few days before I get to the next part as, so far, when I upload a part, I've already written the next part and just need to edit and type it, but as of right now, part 5 has not be written. I'll probably start on it next Monday or Tuesday. Until then, enjoy a large chunk o' story.
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Part 4
            “Turn right on Central and your destination will be on your left.”  Your car’s GPS said in a male, Australian accent.  You stopped at the light and glanced down the road.  You couldn’t see any available parking spaces on the street but did see a parking garage to your right.  You turned in and found a spot pretty easily.  You crossed the street and started walking to Bea Bea’s, the link Matthew had sent you.  Once you were inside, you looked around and saw him sitting at a corner table, waving at you, with the window shade pulled down to offer a bit of privacy from the people walking down the street and any potential paparazzi.
            Matthew stood up to give you a hug as he looked you up and down.  “Wow!  I am severely underdressed.  You look beautiful.”
            You blushed as you glanced down at your floral blouse, grey pencil skirt and black heels.  “The meeting I had this morning, I needed to look professional for and didn’t have time to go home and change.”  Matthew pulled out your chair for you then sat down across the table.  “Yesterday was more the real me.  Jeans, flip flops and flannels or tank tops are my every day.”
            “I though you looked beautiful yesterday but today…”  Matthew put his fingers to his mouth and made a kiss sound.  “Chef’s kiss.”
            You giggle and tucked some purple hair behind your ear.  “You look pretty handsome yourself.”
            “This schlub?”  He waved his hands down his body.  He was wearing jeans, green Vans and a solid black v neck t-shirt.
            Before you could say anything back, a waitress walked up to your table.  “Welcome to Bea Bea’s.  My name is Lindsey.  Here are some menus for you to look over.  Do you know what you might like to drink?”
            You flipped the menu to the back page to see the options.  Matthew said, “I’d like a Diet Coke please.”
            “And you?”
            You point to the menu.  “I’ll do the house latte and a glass of flat water please.”
            “Coming right up.”  Lindsey walked away as you opened up the menu to start looking to see what your options were.
            Matthew did the same.  “I’ve eaten here a handful to times and everything has been so good.”  You nod as you continued reading through the menu.  “Anything jumping out at you?”
            You nod.  “All I’ve had today is coffee and a granola bar so everything looks delicious.  The Chinese Chicken Salad sounds good but the French toast is tempting me.”
            “Live on the wild side.  Get the French toast.”  Matthew set his menu down on the table.  His energy is so infectious and you can’t decide what is more adorable; the dimples in his cheeks when he smiles or the nose crinkle he does before he smiles.
            “Here are your drinks.  Do you know what you want to order or do you need some more time?”  Lindsey looked over at Matthew as he made eye contact with you.
            “I think we are ready.  Ladies first.” he says as he bowed his head to you.”
            You smile up at the waitress.  “I think I would like the Coco Caribbean French Toast.”
            Lindsey made an approving noise as she wrote down the request.  “And you sir?”
            Matthew ran his hand over his beard.  “I’ll do the Apple Cobbler Pancakes.  And can I get a side of turkey bacon?”
            “Can do.”  Lindsey wrote down the order.  “I’ll get this back to the cooks.”  She picked up the menus and walked off.
            You both sat there quiet for a moment in an awkward silence when Matthew asked, “So what kind of meeting did you have in Culver City this morning?  If it’s okay I ask.”
            You smile.  “Of course.  So, just like everyone else in our industry, I can’t just stick to acting and singing.  I also run a security business with the head of my security team.”  Matthew mouthed wow.  “Yeah.  Chris has known me since I was 6 years old and he was a high school sophomore.  He was one of my mom’s students at the high school she taught at the time.  When I decided to try the singing thing and got a little bit of notoriety, my mom asked him to be my personal security guard when we were away from home.  Who wouldn’t want an almost 6-foot, 275-pound, black football player taking care of their kiddo?”  You laughed.  “As I got more popular, I needed more security and by the time I actually moved here to LA, we knew a bunch of great guys that were awesome at security but had a hard time finding full time jobs.  Chris and I decided to open a temp security business.  So, let’s say someone who doesn’t live in LA but is going to be here for a few days needs some people.  You call us and we instantly have people that are vetted and ready to go.”
            “That is so cool.”  Matthew propped his head in his hands and placed his elbows on the table, leaning in to give you his full attention.
            “We’ve done pretty well in our 20 years in business.  We started a second office in New York about 7 years ago.  We have around 30 security people on staff.  Mostly retired football players or wrestlers that the big leagues didn’t work out for them.  I’m very proud to say we’ve got two women on the security team.  Then there’s around 10 back-office people including myself and Chris.  He’s there every day.  I come in mostly for new hires first days and team meetings but I try to be in the office at least one full day a week.  We had two new hires today, so that’s why I look so fancy.”
            Matthew looked at you in awe.  “You have the coolest side hustle I’ve ever heard of.  Makes mine sound kind of childish.”  His statement piqued your interest, but before you could ask about his he said, “I have to be honest.  When I got home yesterday, I Google stalked you.”
            You laughed and raised your hand.  “I did you too!”  Matthew raised his hand for a high five and you obliged.
            “I went deep too.  Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.  I found your TikTok and watched everything.”
            You snapped and pointed at him.  “TikTok.  I didn’t even think about that.”
            Lindsey came to the table with three plates and set them down in front of each of you.  “Let me know if you need anything.”  You both nodded at her.
            Matthew took a bite of his bacon.  “I didn’t see anything about the security business, though.”
            “Yeah,” you nodded.  “We work really hard to make sure it shows Chris more than me so that we get clients that actually need our services and not d-listers that just want to rub shoulders with me.”
            Matthew took a bite of his of pancakes, made an mmm sound then cut off a bit and pushed it towards you.  “This is so good.  You have to try it.”
            You took the bite from the fork he held, trying to remember the last time someone fed you, and raised your fingers to your lips as you chewed.  “That IS good!”  You cut off a piece of your French toast and fed him.  “Try mine.”
            Matthew opened his mouth and took the bite, licking his lips while he closed his eyes.  “Tastes as good as you look.”  He smiled at you.
            You blushed at his compliment.  “You said you have side hustles.  I think I saw something about whiskey when I was stalking.  What else do you have?”  You take a sip of your latte.
            Matthew swallowed the bite he had in his mouth.  “So, the whiskey is actually bourbon, but don’t even ask me to explain the difference between the two.  It’s called Quest’s End and it’s made to pair with my other business, Beadle and Grimm’s, that makes special sets of Dungeons and Dragons games and a bunch of other related things.”  Matthew was beaming with pride.
            “That’s not childish at all.  That’s awesome!  I know nothing about Dungeons and Dragons, but would love to watch sometime.”  You smile at him, making him do the nose crinkle.
            “It’s a bunch of 40- and 50-year-old nerds nerding out.”
            “My stepdad does Warhammer.  Is that kind of the same idea?”  You pick up your napkin to dab your lips.
            Matthew tilted his head from side to side.  “In the most basic sense.  Warhammer is more like the game Risk and is about battling other people with your figures.  D & D is more about acting out what’s happening.  For me, it’s all about being with my friends and family, making memories and being a theater nerd.”
            “I have two math degrees.  I think I can hang with the nerd crowd.”  You wink at him.
            Matthew gave an approving hmm and shifted in his seat.  “I saw the two-degree thing.  Did you honestly think with as big as you were at that time that you would ever actually become a high school math teacher?”
            You shrugged.  “My parents wanted me to have a backup plan.  I did minor in music and theater fine arts, so I wasn’t always focusing on the teaching thing.”
            “I would have paid A LOT more attention in school if you were my math teacher.”  Matthew wagged his eyebrows at you.
            The two of you continue your small talk as you finished your food, sharing bites every one in a while.  When the check came, Matthew didn’t even give you a chance to pull out your wallet before he handed his card to Lindsey to pay.  You took a peek as he signed the receipt and included a tip and was impressed with his generosity.  You both got up from the table and walked out the door, Matthew’s hand on your lower back.  Once outside you pointed to the parking deck and Matthew pointed down the road.  He offered to walk you to your car, but you politely turned him down.
            “I hope we can get together again soon.”  Matthew smiled as he ran his hand through his hair.  “I’d like to take you out on a proper dinner date, if that’s alright with you.”
            You blushed, looked down at your feet and stammered.  “I’d…I’d like that too.”  Matthew hugged you tight, his arms wrapping around you to the point that you could feel his fingertips were resting on the sides of your breasts through your blouse and bra.
            When he loosened his hug, he took one hand, placed it under your chin and tilted your face up and to the left to place a soft kiss on your cheek.  Your entire face felt like it was on fire and you knew he had to have felt it too.  When you made eye contact with him, you could see an intensity in his eyes.  “I will be contacting you very soon.  I promise.”
            You gave him a wink and said, “I’m going to hold you to that.”  You both smiled then turned your separate directions to get back to your cars.
            When you got in your car, you took your phone out to plug it in to charge and saw you already had a message from Matthew.
I had a wonderful time with you today and you look just as beautiful walking away as you do walking to me.
            He included a purple devil emoji and a picture of you walking to your parking garage.  You laughed and shook your head before putting your phone down to drive back to your house to change before you picked Violet up from school.
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noisycatstephanie · 1 year ago
I know OCs aren’t’t much of a thing in the Good Omens fandom, but I made one and she makes me happy and my kids love her so much.
I was wondering who Aziraphale was talking to when someone called his bookshop and cussed on the other end of the phone. I also thought about how Shax says she is the Hell representation for *London* (not Earth) and how at the Flood Aziraphale wasn’t sure if God was angry with the Americans, or Chinese, or Australians. Because he isn’t in charge of those regions. So, by that logic there has to be other representatives in other regions, right?
So, meet Baphomet aka Mattie. She is a deal maker demon, but she doesn’t trade in souls. She just makes barters, deals, exchanges and sales and along the way tries to stir up trouble. She will deal with anyone, and knows about other representatives (for example, she often deals in procuring and asking for books for AZ Fell’s bookshop).
Mattie runs a convenience store in the Midwest somewhere (probably Ohio). She actually loves her job because even if she gets a bad customer she can muck up their day and feel satisfied.
Mattie doesn’t plan ahead and she leans heavily into staying cool no matter what, while somehow also screeching at people constantly. She is sarcastic and cynical and not extremely bright.
Her angel counterpart is Ezekiel aka Zeke. He co owns the store but doesn’t actually do anything other than stop by to harass Mattie, often lecturing her about her swearing and whatever hijinks she is up to. They wouldn’t call each other friends, of course. But Zeke has been known to to sternly threaten criminals who are caught trying to rob the store, and Mattie has been known to kick people if they upset Zeke or offend him. So not friends, more like protective business associates.
Mattie is short, with greasy, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with slitted pupils (everyone thinks they’re cosplay lenses). She wears 90’s grunge fashion: band tshirts, flannel over shirt, ripped jeans, and hightop shoes. She always wears a knitted cap with ear flaps, even in summer. This hides the large scar that circles both ears, from a punishment she endured in Hell.
I plan on making a fun little comic showing the day to day life of Mattie. Her only connection to the Apocalypse was being asked to deliver the antiChrist, but she refused because she can’t stand being nauseous.
Here’s a ton of sketches!
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headcanonsandmore · 1 year ago
'Glad All Over (Cake By The Ocean)', Epilogue
Summary: A soft epilogue for Nyssa and Tegan.
Read on AO3.
Nyssa headed through the high-street of Tregonnereth.
Summer was slowly turning into a soft autumn, and the town’s summer season had mostly finished, save for a few elderly couples who chose this time of year to holiday in the UK.
Nyssa was glad that she had chosen her long-sleeve lacy blouse. She had sewn it herself, of course, and it paired wonderfully with her long flowing burgundy skirt. She was wearing her pair of Edwardian-style lace-up brogue boots, and delighted in the feeling of the wind gently swaying the fabric.
She had, of course, changed after getting back from work. She wouldn’t have worn this in the practice, but this evening was special.
Smiling softly to herself, Nyssa entered the garage.
She was met with the sight of an Australian dream.
Tegan was dancing to herself, eyes closed and smiling widely. She was wearing her normal overalls, with the top half tied around her waist to reveal a purple crop top. The same purple crop top that she had worn to Pride the previous year. Her muscles worked and bulged as she moved, and Nyssa couldn’t help but marvel.
Had a whole year really passed? As she watched Tegan pirouette in time with the music, Nyssa supposed that -when you were having fun- time really did fly by. But Nyssa didn’t care, because time was made up of those wonderful little moments that she couldn’t help but adore.
“I don't wanna hide my love… I don't wanna waste it…” Tegan sang, along to the music. “But I can't deny the moment when I taste it…”
She punctuated that last line by wrapping her arms around her torso and pirouetting again.
“My heart's a secret, mmm… I think I'm coming alive, yeah… I think I'm coming alive with you…”
Nyssa smiled, feeling her heart well with love for the woman who continued to dance in front of her, apparently oblivious to the outside world.
“Don't give it up… Don't say it hurts… 'Cause there's nothing like this feeling, baby… now that I found you!”
‘Oh, is that so, my darling?’
Tegan’s eyes opened, and she froze where she stood.
‘Nys!’ she exclaimed, happily. ‘Had a good day at work, love?’
‘About the same as ever,’ Nyssa said, with a giggle as she stepped towards Tegan and pressed a kiss to a spot on Tegan’s cheek that didn’t have oil grease on it. ‘Yours?’
‘Pretty good,’ Tegan grinned, grabbing a cloth and wiping her hands with it. ‘Give me five minutes to get cleaned up and I’ll be right with you…’
Nyssa followed Tegan back into the office, which was partitioned away from the rest of the garage, with screens around it.
Without ceremony, Tegan stripped her overalls off, and began washing herself with a flannel at the small sink imbedded into the wall. A year ago, Nyssa might have gotten flustered and looked away, but now she simply inclined her head to get a better view of the Australian’s rear end.
‘I can feel you watching me, love.’
‘You sound surprised,’ Nyssa said, with a grin. ‘Goodness forbid I stare at my gorgeous partner while she’s stood in her knickers.’
Tegan laughed, and began to dry herself off with a towel.
‘You know I’m not complaining,’ she cheeked, turning to smile at Nyssa and pulling on a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt. ‘Goodness knows I stare at you enough.’
The Australian then bent down to dig into her rucksack, and slipped the gold-coloured band onto her ring finger.
‘I’m taking no chances,’ she said, stepping closer to Nyssa and putting her hands around her wait. ‘I am not losing one of our engagement rings inside an engine.’
Nyssa giggled, and cupped Tegan’s face with her hands, kissing her softly on the lips.
‘I know, my darling, and I love you for it.’
Their hands wrapped around each other, and Nyssa pushed Tegan gently up against the desk, the Australian giving a happy squeal as Nyssa hoisted her with surprising strength onto the wooden surface. Their tongues slipped into each other’s mouths. Tegan’s legs parted around Nyssa, and the older woman moaned softly against Nyssa’s lips as their bodies pressed close together, one of Nyssa’s hands slipping inside the half-open flannel to squeeze Tegan’s hip. The other followed it, but travelled upwards, and slipped under the material of the sports bra-
‘Oy! Tegan? Nyssa? Anyone here?’
Nyssa and Tegan froze, tongues in each-others mouths, and they both rolled their eyes, pulling away.
‘Ace!’ Tegan exclaimed, yelling over her shoulder as Nyssa reluctantly removed her hands. ‘You have the worst timing!’
There was the telltale sound of Mel giggling.
With a sigh, Tegan hastily did up her shirt, and climbed off the desk. Nyssa quickly brushed her hair where Tegan’s hands had been roaming. The two women then headed out of the office to where their friends were standing in front of the huge front doors.
‘Town meeting this evening,’ Mel said, with an apologetic grin at Nyssa. ‘Barbara stopped by the practice and requested that we help her set things up.’
‘And Ace is here as well because…’
‘Because she happened to be hiding under the desk at the time,’ Mel replied, without an ounce of embarrassment. ‘And, besides, four pairs of hands are better than three.’
Tegan rolled her eyes.
‘Alright, alright…’ she said, reaching over and wrapping her arm around Nyssa’s waist, giving her a squeeze. ‘We can get the papers ready this evening, anyway.’
Ace frowned, in bafflement.
‘Adoption papers, for our new cat,’ Nyssa explained. ‘She’s called Felicity and she’s the other love of my life.’
‘We are not,’ Tegan said, with a chuckle, ‘naming the cat after Felicity Kendal.’
‘Of course we are,’ Nyssa shot back, with a smile. ‘You promised, after all.’
‘Because you asked me during a moment of intense emotion. Nys, at the time, I would have literally yelled “yes” to anything you asked me, owing to the fact that you had your head inbetween my-’
‘Yes, I did do that,’ Nyssa said, with a smile. ‘Funny that, isn’t it.’
‘I bloody love you, Nyssa Traken.’
Nyssa giggled, and pressed a kiss to Tegan’s cheek.
‘Bleurgh,’ Ace retched, making a face. ‘Forget I asked. C’mon, doughnut; let’s go.’
Giggling at the nickname (which Nyssa still didn’t really understand), Mel intertwined her fingers with Ace’s, smiled happily at Nyssa and Tegan, and headed out through the main doors of the garage.
Nyssa stood while Tegan closed up the front doors and hoisted her rucksack onto her back.
‘You ready?’
‘Of course,’ Nyssa replied, intertwining their fingers. ‘It’s going to be wonderful; you, me and Felicity.’
Tegan chuckled.
‘Our little family,’ the Australian said, before kissing Nyssa’s cheek again. ‘Good grief, it doesn’t seem that long ago that I was dumping your shoes in front of you on Tregonnereth beach.’
‘Well, I am glad you did. Otherwise I never would have met you, meaning that I never would have stayed here.’
‘Nah, Nys; you stayed here because you wanted to help people.’
‘Yes… and you helped me. You were there from the very beginning. I was petrified at first because I didn’t think anyone here would enjoy being around me. But you always had my back. Just because you wanted to help. And… I love you for that.’
Tegan’s cheeks flushed.
‘I mean, I did fancy you.’
‘Stop downplaying it; if you hadn’t been you -lovely, kind, wonderful Tegan Jovanka- I would never have decided to stay here.’
‘Makes me sound cooler than I am.’
‘Tegan, you are the coolest person I know, and I’m not even being biased. As well as being my partner, you��re also my best friend.’
Tegan smiled, eyes wide and filled with an immensely soft tenderness.
‘I think Mel would get annoyed about that description.’
‘Okay, she’s my best platonic friend. But you’re my best romantic friend.’
‘Nys, we’re literally engaged to be married.’
‘I know; it’s wonderful, isn’t it.’
Tegan grinned.
‘It’s brilliant. It’s a big step, though; are you sure we’re ready?’
‘Of course we are, Tegan,’ Nyssa said, smiling at the woman who had opened up her world and her heart. The sun was already sinking below the horizon, bathing the two women in a soft, warm glow. ‘We’re indestructible.’
Tegan smiled, and squeezed her fiancé’s hand. They set off towards the town hall.
As Nyssa walked, hand-in-hand with Tegan, through the high-street of the small town, with the soft autumn wind blowing gently through her hair and the sea glistening in the deep orange sunset before them, she knew -in her heart of hearts- that she was home.
The End
Thanks for reading, everyone! I've had such a wonderful time writing this series, and I'm glad that you have all enjoyed it as well! The comments have been so lovely and encouraging, so thank you so much for sticking with this series!
You won't have to wait long for my next Tegan/Nyssa fic, though; no spoilers, but y'all are in for a... fang-tastic October...
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kakaduaustraliaaus · 8 months ago
Australian Flannel Shirts for Style and Comfort
Explore Kakadu Traders Australia collection of the best flannel shirts in Australia. Made from lightweight yet durable materials, our shirts are built to withstand any adventures you may find yourself taking in Australia. Our range of rugged shirts offers the perfect solution for any occasion, whether it’s a fishing trip, a work adventure, or just a casual day at home. Add versatility to your wardrobe and shop our range today. With a perfect blend of style and functionality, our flannel shirts are designed to provide comfort and durability, making them ideal for the Australian outdoors. Experience the rugged spirit of Australian outback wear with our best flannel shirts.
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thirtyknives · 2 years ago
Some Australian notes: A tank is sometimes referred to as a singlet over here. Blue singlets, like this one, are working class staple especially in regional areas. Over here that means "out bush", so very far west. A sensible choice when it hits 35C by breakfast. In urban areas they're more in the fashion showing off your muscles/tattoos category.
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Flannel shirts are often called 'flannos' or flannies' and are a common winter wear option instead of work wear. A flanno doesn't need to be made of flannel, many are poly blends these days but they're made for warmth. Checks are still the most dominant print but you can get others. "Breaking out the flannos" is a sign the Queensland winter has finally shown up.
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How you wear a flannie is another class marker - in some areas your formal shirt might be a nice red and black flannie with belted jeans (again, more common in regional centers, my uncles in Rockhampton love a classic ironed flannie for a dinner date) but more urban areas see them as a casual item. I'm in the North; this might be a bit different further south where its colder.
Okay, let's try this without the errors and casual domestic abuse references and classism/racism!
All of the below may be worn "because I like how they look." When I say what they're worn for, I mean the intended practical intention of their design.
This is a compression tee or workout tee. They are usually made out of synthetic materials for moisture-wicking purposes. They are worn for exercise or workouts, to draw sweat away from the skin.
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This is a muscle tank. It is worn for working out (lifting weights, most often) or showing off one's muscles.
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This is a sleeveless tee. Note the different sizes of the armholes. This is pretty much just a fashion statement, two tickets to the gun show, etc. but sometimes worn at the gym.
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This is an A-shirt, ribbed knit tank, or fitted knit tank. In the US it may colloquially be called a "wifebeater," but that's classist, racist, and fucking gross, so knock it off.
Originally intended as an undershirt, may be worn as a primary shirt. Still worn as an undershirt by many men/mascs.
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This is a fitted tee. They come in crew necks (pictured) and v-necks, typically. These also started as undershirts and are often still worn as same, but now are often worn as casual shirts as well. The difference between one intended as a casual shirt and one intended as an undershirt is mostly just fabric weight.
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This is a tee shirt, also known as a heavyweight tee (a reference to fabric weight), loose-fit tee, or unisex tee. Intended as casual wear.
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This is a polo shirt. Usually worn fitted and tucked in as shown, unless being worn with shorts. This is a "dress casual" sort of shirt, the kind of thing a person might wear to a semi-nice dinner out with family during the summer, but it's also part of the work uniforms of a lot of working-class people now, so.
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This is a Henley or y-neck. Usually 3-5 buttons at the neck and made of cotton knit. This started as underwear too - a warm layer for winter - and is still used that way, often layered with camp shirts, chamois shirts or flannels. Also worn alone. These are pretty common chores/work shirts in my experience.
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This is a camp shirt or work shirt. It is made of broadcloth, denim, canvas, or another sturdy material. Worn either as an outer layer unbuttoned over a tee, tank or henley, or if it's a nice shirt in good shape you can button it up and tuck it in and get away with wearing it to a semi-casual thing, like a weekday dinner with friends or an event at church/synagogue which isn't a service, like a potluck or a meeting.
These can often be bought lined or quilted and used as a light jacket. I used these for throwing on real quick when going to bring in wood so the wood wouldn't chew up my forearms.
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Now THIS is a flannel. The difference is this is made out of flannel.
Everything I said above applies to this, except flannel shirts are more "casual" than a nice camp shirt bc the material is softer.
Flannel. Shirts. Don't. Have. To. Be. Plaid. A lot of them are, but I own/owned plenty of solid color flannel shirts. I don't care for these as much for chores bc the soft material means stuff is more likely to poke through, but they're great for layering.
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I'm out of pictures so hang on, adding more.
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a-queer-seminarian · 4 years ago
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Listen to the latest episode of Blessed Are the Binary Breakers, a multifaith podcast of transgender stories, for some cool queer art history!
Amy Neville (he, she, or they pronouns) is a 21-year-old Australian art historian & artist whose work celebrates being both Catholic & queer. In this episode, Avery and Neville discuss Neville's life and how they've learned to stand up for themself and other queer persons; the way women & queer artists have used textile arts over the years; and Europe’s Renaissance Period, focusing on queer artists who navigated adhering to & rebelling against the Catholic Church's rules for art in that period.
For an episode transcript and more info about this show, visit blessedarethebinarybreakers.com/podcast.
Find Neville on instagram @krem.caramel; check out their work at amyneville.art.
Image description and episode timestamps are under the readmore.
Image description:
Image 1: Text reads "Finding the power in our queerness and rebellion in our love -Neville studies & creates queer Catholic art; listen on Blessed Are the Binary Breakers, a multifaith podcast of trans stories." A photo shows Neville's 3-meter long tapestry "Divine Rebellion," which features embroidery and appliqué of students sitting at desks with a holy spirit flame over each and a dove flying overhead; an angry teacher shaking his fist at a student figure who is standing up with their hand raised high, their other hand at their side clutching a sword, and two angels hovering over them, one of whom holds a rainbow streaming downwards. On the right is a burning eye over 3 signs labeled "warning."
Image 2: Text is a quote from Neville reading, "I got in trouble because I told my teacher that what he was teaching wasn't actually in the Bible... ‘You're using your prejudice, but you're teaching it like it's fact; but I've read the Bible and that's not what it says.’ …I remember thinking, ‘if I don't say anything, then all of these kids are gonna think…that that's what God thinks of them.’” A detail from the previous tapestry is shown, with a close-up on the student raising their hand: their hair is short and brown, they wear a blue jacket and red tie, and text around them reads, "Your very existence is a Radical act."
Image 3: Another quote from Neville reads, “God made you who you are. …Find the power in your queerness and the rebellion in your love. You can fight with your love, and your queer love and your queerness can be a form of activism in itself.” A photo of Neville shows them with short bright blue hair, pale skin, thick dark eyebrows and blue eyes, wearing a flannel shirt and looking at the camera with their mouth in a neutral line, lips slightly parted. / end image description.
(0:00 - 4:51) A reminder to Christians to confront antisemitism in Holy Week - see here for Amy-Jill Levine's article
(4:52 - 13:43) Discovering queerness while in Catholic high school - finding resources, standing up against a teacher's homophobia
(13:44 - 18:04) Meeting confident queer persons at university; coming out as genderfluid, going by last name Neville
(18:05 - 21:37) Creating art about being queer and Catholic; push-back from fellow queer folks for being Catholic
(21:38 - 29:22) Finding fellow queer persons of faith; the joy of community; Neville's graduate art exegesis "Divine Rebellion"
(29:23 - 37:08) Some textile arts history: suffragettes & feminists reclaiming it; queer persons expanding it - "the perfect medium" for underrepresented and undervalued groups
(37:09 - 43:32) Europe's Renaissance Period: the Catholic Church's power over the art scene; Caravaggio's role in rules censoring what could be depicted
(43:33 - 44:30) Resisting pinning down dead artists' sexualities with labels they didn't have
(44:31 - 48:24) Da Vinci's revolutionary art; sympathy for Judas
(48:25 - 55:26) Michelangelo's struggle with religion - not because of queerness, but because of his love of science; rebellion in his Sistine Chapel masterpiece
(55:27 - end) wrapping up - "find the power in your queerness and the rebellion in your love"; a future ep will continue Neville's tour of Renaissance art
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trashydemigodmess · 3 years ago
Macey didn’t go into the city very often anymore. Albeit for the occasional professional dance class or nice dinner. But, she always remembered how fun it was to make the trek in and explore when she was younger. So, when Spencer mentioned not having explored much of the city either, she decided to jump at the chance.
Instagram-worthy, ridiculous rainbow colored bagels now in hand, the two of them walked down an equally Instagram-worthy street. “—And then we sprinted off the bus and made it back to the show before their set was even done.” Macey laughed, almost triumphant, “Extremely stupid, but, that’s probably the craziest thing I’ve done in the city. But also how I own the flannel shirt of an Australian rock star that I’ll keep forever, so, I cant really complain.”
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clothingflannel · 11 months ago
Women's Flannel Shirts For Various Occasions
Flannel shirts can be styled to suit either a professional or informal look. Read the blog to learn more about flannel shirts and wardrobe ideas for various situations. Flannel shirts are fashioned from a soft, woven cloth. Some believe plaid jackets hump for fantastic picture sessions, while others see flannel as a soft and pleasant textile to resist the terrible cold. The others think of it…
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welcome-to-green-hills · 4 years ago
Maddie and Tom headcanons, please! Congrats on the new puppy!
Tom and Maddie headcanons? I love those two, they’re so sweet and wholesome! If I ever choose to be in a serious relationship again I’d like for it to be what they have. I love them! And thank you! I love her—she’s a punk! ((In case you didn’t know, I adopted a rescue puppy on 09/05/2020, she’s an Australian Cattle dog and I LOVE her)).
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Tom and Maddie cannot cook! They’ve tried several times I’m the past to learn how to make a decent meal, but it’s always turned out rough. Translation: it’s always caught on fire. They really didn’t start trying to cook their meals until they’ve adopted Sonic as their son. They make an effort to cook every night and sit together as on big family.
Tom lost his mother at a young age. He remembers bits and pieces of her, but not all of her. He lost her too young. Tom grew up under the care of his father and with assistance of Crazy Carl—thé family’s life long friend. He doesn’t talk much about his mother’s passing, but he will talk about it with Maddie. He’s only mentioned if briefly to Sonic.
Maddie is Tom’s person. She’s his missing piece. Being around her makes him feel safe. When he’s with her, his confidence skyrockets and he feels invisible. She helps him become a better version of himself, as well as always has his back 100%.
Tom is Maddie’s person. He’s her missing piece. Tom is a very loyal and dedicated person to whom he loves. He would move mountains, sacrifice himself, and give her anything he has to make sure that she is okay. She trusts him with her heart.
Tom and Maddie met almost ten years ago when Crazy Carl cornered The Blue Devil in Farmer Zimmer’s barn. Tom and Wade were called to the scene to arrest whatever was in the barn, but it escaped before anyone could react. All that Tom recalls was being rubbed over by a blue streak and lightning shocking him. Wade, trying his best, tool Tom to visit the only doctor in town, Madeline “Maddie” Robinson. The doctor had been out all day, gone fishin’. Maddie the Vet was the next best option. Tom woke up to staring at the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen in his life and fell in love with her instantly. He visited her everyday at the clinic until Maddie agreed to go on a date with him.
Maddie didn’t know that Tom was the one until their first date... which went completely WRONG. Anything that could have happened did happen. Dinner was caught on fire, they accidentally locked themselves out the house, it rained on them out on the patio, Maddie’s Jeep had her engine stolen, and they ended up missing their movie at the movie theater. They stayed in for the night and slept on the couch, then Tom took her to work the next morning and paid to fix her Jeep. She could have left that night, but she loved spending time with him, he never game up and improvised well. What made her fall in love was when they were watching the stars together at night, him explains everything and talking as if they were longtime friends. That’s when she fell in love with him.
Tom loves Maddie’s snort laugh. He goes nuts for it and tries anything that he can to get her to laugh. It’s best when he tickles her. Meanwhile, Tom will laugh so hard that he sneezes.
Both share a deep love for animals. They both love to help animals in danger, donate to any rescue center in town, and they’ve fostered animals in the past. Ozzie was a foster dog that they’ve rescued, he was a dog that was sick, the owners abandoned him, and someone found him on the street. Maddie and Tom bonded right away with Ozzie and kept him after meeting him.
Maddie loves to steal Tom’s t-shirts and hoodies to wear. They’re big, they’re soft, and she likes that it smells like his cologn and donut glaze on it. She wears them all the time, even taking some to wear as a night gown. Sorry Tom, they’re bae’s now... you can say, “goodbye” to your favorite flannel.
There are some nights where Tom has to take a night shift. He hates them due to not being with Maddie. However, Maddie always shows up to the Sheriff’s Department at 03:00am with some hot coffee, a box of donuts, a breakfast burrito, and breakfast sandwiches. They’ll stay up late with each other all through the night and they head home together when Wade comes in. (They usually spend the whole night flirting and playing board games that she brought with her).
Maddie is a very good singer. Tom loves the idea of singing, but he’s not very good at it. It sounds like a scraggled turkey. However, it doesn’t stop the two from singing duets in the car.
...Tom and Maddie have tried in the past to have children...
Maddie has a lead foot when it comes to driving. She loves to go over the speed limit and drive like a NASCAR racer. It scares Tom completely when he’s in the passenger seat and ends up getting motion sickness after.
Tom and Maddie are at the point in their relationship where they can look at each other and know what the other thinks deep down. They’ve also learned to read their small cues, such as Maddie fluttering her eyes when she wants Tom to pay attention or her, or when Tom clicks his tongue when he needs gum.
Depending on who gets up first, Tom or Maddie likes to watch the other sleep in the early morning. Tom will caress her hair and plant a kiss on her forehead before he gets up. Maddie likes to give Tom an ear rub—yes, Tom likes his ears rubbed—and she wakes him up with a kiss. Sometimes Ozzie will come and wake up the two with his food dish in his mouth, but that’s besides the point.
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When it comes down to making life-changing decisions, the two are very quick to sacrifice their happiness for the other. As the two were quickly fixing the house, they’ve realized that Sonic, himself, was returning home to his cave. The two followed him into the forest and saw where he lived. Right then and there they knew that the Space Hog needed a him and that he needed a family. They moved everything into their home and set it up, even returning the Olive Garden gift card in return for adoption papers. When Sonic was welcomed home, the two presented him to his new room and showed that they had legally made him their son. That bit of happiness went a long way for them, it made them both appreciate the gift that they were given and they’ve thanked their lucky stars every day.
I’d like to thank @movie-robotnik-positivity , @the-brucest-fan , and @writersonicfan91 for helping me out with some of these for the headcanons. Thank you all! You‘re all very wonderful and very creative people! Tom and Maddie do deserve more love, I would love to see a scene of how the two met each other in the second film. I would love it! Thank you for suggesting it!
Stay safe for me, okay?
You matter❤️
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cottegecorepanarabread · 4 years ago
10 Things I Hate About Tsuki pt.3
ok hi I wrote more of this because it is an obsession. also I personally headcanon that Akaashi and Tadashi use he/they pronouns so if you don’t like that you can just live with it. I also don’t want to over feminize characters so don’t think there will be a lot of that (there will be like 3 skirt wearing parts) ok will enjoy and credit as always to the writers of 10 things I hate about you.
transition song 1- feed my ego by mickey darling
transition song 2- typical story by hobo johnson
No I don’t love you, I just love the things you say
Feed my ego
Keep telling me all the ways that you think I’m great
Feed my ego
“So how do we get him to date Yamaguchi?” Bokuto asked.
“Easy,” Hinata said, “we get someone to pay Tsukishima to take out Yamaguchi to make them think that they then get the chance to take Kageyama but I actually get to date him.”
“I mean sure.” Bokuto looked excited. 
“But who do we ask?” Daichi said.
“Oh! I know,” Bokuto clapped his hands.
“Hey Terushima!” Bokuto called, “I have an idea for you. You want to date Kagayama but can’t, so you should pay Tsukishima to take out his brother so he can date.”
“And what do you get out of it? Popularity.�� 
“One ride in your car,”
“Deal.” Terushima smirked.
“Tsukishima Kei.” Terushima came up to him during gym.
Kei ignored him.
“You see that guy,” he pointed at Tadashi who was knocking someone over in the soccer field, “I want you to take him out so I can date his brother. And done think I’m doing this for nothing I’ll give you $75.”
“Ok sure. I’m bored anyway.” Kei shook Terushima’s outstretched hand.
Bokuto and Daichi each held stacks of flyers. 
“Party at Kuroo’s Friday, free beer?” Hinata asked.
“He’s a guy that plays volleyball with us.” 
Hinata nodded. Daichi and Bokuto threw them down the stairwell.
It’s a typical story
Were the bassist kills the singer
The guitarist and the drummer find out there in love with each other 
Tadashi walked through the music store. He picked out multiple CDs. He caught himself in a mirror. He looked at his ripped mom jeans accented with silver chains, cropped black Remo Dive shirt, and red flannel. He loved the perfect way his eyeliner as smudged out this morning. He played with the blue beaded bracelet Kageyama had made for him so everyone knew to use masculine pronouns that day. 
Tadashi loved Kageyama but sometimes it was just hard to deal with his bitchy attitude sometimes. He picked up a 5th CD and made his away to the counter. He payed for the CDs and excitedly made his way to the car. It had an aux cord but the CDs were just so convenient.
When he got to his Jeep, he saw the blond boy from his English class. Tsukishima Kei was his name, right?
“This bumper is nice,” Kei smirked.
“Thanks it’s Australian. It’s made to withstand Kangaroos so you can imagine what it could do to a tall blond boy wasting my time.” Tadashi couldn’t help but like the attention even if Tsukishima was a pain in the ass.
“What CDs did you get?”
“Now Tsuki why would that be your business.” He said but handed over the bag anyway.
“Best buds by mom jeans. That’s a good one.” He handed the bag back to Tadashi. 
“You know who mom jeans is?”
“I know more than you think Yamaguchi.” he winked, “go to Kuroo’s party with me.”
“Not likely.”
“Ok I'll pick you up at 9″
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lu-undy · 5 years ago
Hi!❤️. Spy is a romantic. He always makes nice things for Sniper, and the dates he plans are amazing. Sniper wants to be romantic too, so, this time, he wants to surprise Spy with his own planned date. He'll take him camping and they'll watch the starry together. Convincing Spy to go camping was a little hard, but totally worth it, Spy completely loved that date.
Alright, a date in the forest it is! I hope you’ll like it!
“Non, Sniper, I cannot accept.”
“How can you not like it if you’ve never tried it?”
Spy got up from the shade of the van and walked further away, his more-than-friend on his heels.
“Let us be serious, Sniper. Do you see me in the middle of a forest with squeaky plastic green boots?”
The Australian sighed and let his shoulders sink. He put a hand on Spy’s back who had just lit a cigarette.
“Spook, please… You always take me to wonderful places I’ve never been before, luxurious hotels and restaurants, and there was the tailor too, that fancy hairdresser… I want to try and open yer horizons too. I-I’m sorry I’m not a fancy city man like you but-but I’m sure I can make it worth your time.”
Sniper saw the cloud of smoke float in the air like the steam of an old train. Thoughts were racing in Spy’s head.
“Please, Spy. It’s not all about dirt and wilderness. There are beautiful things outside of a city’s walls.”
The Frenchman turned to face the reason his heart was beating for and Sniper put his gloved hand on his cheek.
“Like you, right now, you’re in the middle of the desert and uh… Y-you… You’re just beautiful.” 
Spy raised his eyes to Sniper. His lagoon blue eyes shone so gently that he didn’t find it in his cold stone heart to refuse.
“Oui. Let us go camping tomorrow.”
“Thank you so much!” The Australian squeezed the slim Frenchman between his arms.
“Ah, yeah, sorry, the suit, alroight, I’m sorry.” Sniper took a step back and wrapped his arms around his own self, lowering his head. He knew the Frenchman didn’t like anyone to touch his absurdly expensive attire.
“Sniper, look at me.”
The Australian shyly raised his eyes.
“I don’t like when other people touch my suit…” Spy added a smug smile, for good measure.
They had spent the night in Sniper’s campervan and when the sun rose up, the Frenchman found himself entangled in his lover’s limbs. His first reflex was to free himself certainly out of professional habit but then he realised that he liked that embrace more than he could admit. The warmth of his lover, the comfort of his soft body, the touch of his rough skin against Spy’s…
“Mornin’, Spook…”
“Oh, you woke up?”
“Felt you movin’ on me.”
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to disturb your sleep. You may go back to your dreams if you will.” Spy took Sniper’s hand in his and kissed his knuckles. He couldn’t see it but the Australian’s eyes snapped wide under the gentle touch.
“Not a chance. I’m likin’ this way too much…” The embrace tightened.
“So, when are we going to the jungle, Tarzan?” 
“Oi, I’m no Tarzan and I’m takin’ you to a forest, not a jungle.”
“I don’t see the shadow of a difference.”
“Between me and Tarzan or between a jungle and the forest?”
“You’re a bloody mystery and a half.”
“It is indeed my job title.”
About an hour later, the van was crossing the empty golden, flat desert, on the thin strip of grey asphalt.
“Are we there yet?”
“Spook, not yet.”
A few seconds passed and the van's engine was roaring.
“And now, Bushman, are we there yet?”
“Do you see anythin’ that looks like a bloody forest?”
“Non, I can only see the dull, boring orange desert.”
“Well then that means we’re not there yet, roight?”
“How long is this journey, Bushman? Are we going to make it before you get baby kangaroos?”
“Oi! A bit of patience, Spook!”
The Frenchman sighed and let his head fall back on the headrest.
“Also, I can’t get babies on my own, this isn’t how it works.”
“Is this an invitation?” Spy smirked.
“Shut up!” Sniper nudged him with his elbow.
The journey took an extra hour before they could see the end of the orange and the beginning of the green. The Australian lifted his foot off the gas pedal and eventually parked somewhere that the Frenchman would describe as “the middle of nowhere”.
“Roight, this is it.”
“Ah, oui, merci Sniper, for this delightful ride to the middle of nowhere, forest edition.”
“Oh get out and cheer up, I’ll show you some nice stuff!” Sniper answered and cut the engine off.
“After you, Mister guide…”
They got off the van. 
“Uhm, I am not really dressed for this, Sniper.”
“Come ‘round. I can lend you some clothes.”
“Non merci.”
[No thanks.]
“You’d rather walk around in yer suit and nice shoes, then?”
“I did not say that.”
“Then c’mere.”
They walked to the van’s back and Sniper jumped in. He rummaged through his belongings and found an old flannel shirt and a pair of jeans as well as some white trainers.
“Here, wear this.”
“I do hope that you are kidding me, mon beau.”
[my handsome one]
“Nah, I’m not. It should be yer size more or less and it’s fine to get them a bit dirty, although you’ll see that we’re not gonna go through any survival things. This is just to show you that you can find as many beautiful things in nature as you can in a city.”
The Frenchman winced.
“Alroight, I can uh… I mean if it helps, I can… Ahem…” Sniper put a hand on the nape of his neck. 
Spy jumped in the van and got close to his lover. 
“Tell me, what is it?”
Sniper glanced over his lover’s shoulder and seeing the door shut, he lowered his head and whispered.
“I… I can remove yer suit for you and dress you up… I-if that helps I mean…”
“Oh I don’t know if that would help.” Spy smirked and put his index finger under Sniper’s chin to push it up until their eyes met. “On one hand, if you do remove my clothes, I might get carried away. Should you proceed anyway, I would find it most enjoyable.”
“Is that a yes then?”
A few minutes later, both men were out in the green. Spy kept his gloves and balaclava on. He took his lover’s hand in his.
“Show me then, please.”
“Alroight, see those trees here, well, you gotta understand somethin’ about the way they work…”
It wasn’t a visit, it was a trek, an excursion, a hike across the green. The Australian unveiled the secrets of the forest, the local wildlife as well as the typical flora around this parts.
“Oh and what is it about the mosquitoes! it’s getting worse!”
“Ah that must mean one thing, Spook, we’re getting closer to some water. Oh, look here, on the ground.”
“What are those fluffy, uhm, mille-pattes?”
“What do you call those insects with a lot of legs?”
“Ah, caterpillars. These are called caterpillars.”
“Why are they so fluffy? Can we touch them?”
Spy got his finger closer to them.
“No, no, don’t! They’ll sting you!”
The Australian took his lover’s hand away.
“And why do they walk in a line like this? They look like they’re queueing for something…”
“Haha, my poor city man, they’re blind, that’s why they follow the only one that has any idea where it’s going!”
“Oh… I see…”
“What do you think about’em?”
“They look actually quite pretty. And very organised.”
“Glad to hear you say it, they’re amazin’ these creatures, see? Blind but they know what they’re doing! Let’s continue.”
“Fine, I’ll follow you.”
The guided tour lasted the entire day and to Spy, it seemed that he had received an entire encyclopaedia of information about the place. Everything had been accounting for, every straw of grass included. The sun was now gently setting in the distance.
“Hungry, luv’?”
The Frenchman raised an eyebrow.
“Did you just call me…?”
“Oh, uhm, sorry, that came out like that, I didn’t think about it, uh…”
“Don’t apologise, now I am quite hungry indeed…”
Spy winked at his lover and Sniper’s cheeks turned red instantly.
“R-roight, uhm, I-I’ll get the fire goin’ uh…”
“Let me light the fire, please.”
Sniper’s eyebrows jumped.
“You know how to do it?”
“May I try?”
“Alroight, go ahead. I’ll get to the van and arrange some stuff meanwhile.”
A few minutes later, the Australian exited his van again.
“Crikey, you did it! You lit a fire!”
Sniper jumped out of his van and leapt at his lover.
“Mon amour, non-oof!”
[My love]
The momentum of the Australian’s jump made them both tumble and fall on the grass. The Frenchman rolled his eyes.
“Oh now even my balaclava will be dirty…!”
“Yeah, but it’s protecting yer hair! Why are you always seeing the glass always half-empty?”
Spy smiled.
“I guess you are right.”
“Also, did you just call me-?”
“My love, oui, I did.”
“I… I love you.”
Sniper wrapped his arms around his lover and buried his head in his chest as he laid on top of him on the earthy ground of the forest.
“Sniper, y-you are crushing me…”
“Don’t care, I just love you.”
They enjoyed their sausages and marshmallows, sat on a tree log, Spy leaning his head on his lover’s shoulder. The sun had now fully set and the sole source of light on which they could rely was the dancing flames of the campfire that the Frenchman had made. 
“It’s cold now, mon amour.”
“It is. Climb up the van’s roof, I’ll be a minute.”
“The roof?”
“But it’s cold!”
“Trust me, Spook, please.”
“Fine. I have been so far so why not go all the way?"
A few minutes later, both men were on the van’s rooftop. Sniper had put the flames out and only the smoke floated in the air, evaporating through the darkness of the night. 
“Here, a duvet, we’ll be a bit warmer.”
The Australian sat next to his lover and threw the cover on their shoulders. Spy snuggled up against his taller man.
“Now look up, luv’. See those stars in the sky?”
“I see them in your eyes.”
Sniper looked down and saw the Frenchman’s eyes riveted on his, his wide black pupils reflecting the moonlight. 
“Oh, uh, they must look tiny on my eyes, uh, y-you better look at the sky to see them better, I think.”
“You are adorable.” Spy took Sniper’s arm in his and looked up. 
“See those stars shaped like a saucepan?”
“That’s the Great Bear.”
“It doesn’t look like one, does it?” Spy tilted his head left and right, trying to see where on Earth anyone could see a bear up there.
“Nah, it’s true… And that one there, the upside down saucepan, that’s the Small Bear.”
“It doesn’t make any sense, Bushman. Who are these people who decided on that, their vision is terrible! Have they ever seen a bear in real life?!”
“Oi, don’t blame me, I have nothing to do with that, luv’! I’m just explaining it to ya.”
“I know, but still. They should have called it the saucepan and the upside down saucepan.”
“I agree with ya. Now there’s that one there, that’s the Dragon.”
“And unsurprisingly, it does not look like one.”
“Oh cause maybe you have seen a dragon in real life?”
“And what if I did.”
“Oh, shut up and c’mere…!”
They snuggled up closer to each other under their white fluffy blanket and  the dark one God had laid above their heads.
“So what about today? Did you like it?”
“Oui, I think I did. You know a lot of things about this… Nature business…”
“Well, yeah, I’ve lived most of my adult life outside and in me van, so I guess it makes sense.”
“I find this interesting.”
“Is that a way to say that you would like a second trip some time?”
“Maybe, Bushman. It all depends on one thing, you see.”
“Oh, what’s that?”
“The way that you decide to spend this night with me.”
“Well, we’ve got the cover here and no one around for miles…”
The gaze they exchanged in the night sealed their decision and as the day had started with their limbs entangled, it ended the same way. 
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hystericalweenie · 5 years ago
Just Another Day at the Office Series - New Experiences
George MacKay x Reader Series
Part Two: Overthinking
Summary: Y/f/n Y/l/n had found herself stuck in a scenario she’d never thought she’d ever have to face: she’d been catching feelings for a coworker. While she attempted to adapt to her new job and work load, she also had to get used to these new feelings and figure out what the fuck to do with them. George made her want to take risks, she didn’t care about the potentiality of a broken heart with him, because falling in love with him made it seem worth it. Is George falling for Y/n too? Will he be able to reciprocate her feelings?
a/n: I have absolutely no personal experience in magazine/journalism career, so the information in this fic will be provided with the knowledge I have conducted from research. With that being said, please don’t be mad if this is not accurate!!! Sorry this part’s so short! I have more ideas coming but they wouldn’t have fit right in this chapter ://
Warnings: This is a slow burn fic, their relationship won’t happen in one night, so if you’re not into that, check out some of the beautifully written imagines that you can most likely find under the george mackayxreader tag. I might eventually write some of my own too :P At least one person’s saying “fuck” and there’s some sexual! tension! up! in! here! Brief mentions of sex, nothin’ too bad.
PSA: Everyone please stay safe out there! Protect your elders, family members with chronic illnesses/diseases/etc., and all those whose immune systems are extremely vulnerable to this virus!
My eyes peeled open at approximately three in the morning. The room was still dark, my naked figure still remained on top of George’s, and the previous events were clear as day in my head. This uneasy feeling rested in my stomach, a feeling of guilt, and it made me want to throw up. Feeling so vulnerable, like I’d exposed so much of myself to a man I barely knew, it was a new sensation and I felt almost angry at myself for my actions. Why did I let this man perform such an intimate action on me? Why did I do the same to him? It made me even more uncomfortable that we didn’t have a label on our relationship, that all he thought he was to me was a coworker. 
I wanted to cry, I wanted to sob my heart out and curl into a ball by myself, in my own bed. But, instead, I lay on top of George in my naked form, our skin flush against each other, as I fought back tears that threatened to spill from my confused y/e/c eyes. I wasn’t sure why I was so emotional, why I felt so exposed and guilty for having oral sex with George. Bree did this all the time, right? This felt different though, maybe because of the fact that we had an unlabeled relationship and the fear of being abandoned had been taking over me. Or, maybe, it was a sense of shame that I’d let myself lose my self control and got lost in the intimacy. 
Wherever this guilt and shame feeling was coming from, it was eating me alive and I had no idea what to do about it. I wondered how George would react when he awoke. Was he expecting me to leave, like a one night stand would? I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression, because I, most certainly, did not believe this to be a one night stand. I wished he would talk to me, that his eyes would flutter open and I’d be able to tell him how guilty I was feeling. I wished I could interrogate him with a label, because I needed to know what this meant. 
I couldn’t help the tears spilling out now, they dragged down my face and pattered onto his chest like raindrops. I wanted, so badly, just to be in my own bedroom, by myself without the worries of George seeing me cry and asking ‘what’s wrong’; there was too much wrong with my head at that moment, far too much to explain to him and if I’d tried, he’d no doubt think I was a lunatic. I sniffled, wiping my eyes quickly before I heard him stir in his sleep. I froze, stilling my body, hoping that I hadn’t woken him up. With one of his arms snaked lazily around me, his breathing returned to its previous steady rhythm. 
“I know you’re awake,” he mumbled.
I was wrong; he didn’t go back to sleep.
I sighed, feeling his fingers begin to trace patterns on my bare back. 
“I’m just thinking,” I answered back, my breath against his skin. 
He rested his chin on top of my head.
“What about, love?”
Love. Why did he have to do this to me, to make me feel so warm and safe after all of those feelings I’d been having? Why did he have to confuse me even more? Curse this handsome British man.
“What last night meant,” I admitted.
If it wouldn’t come out now, it’d come out eventually. I didn’t see any point in lying anymore. His fingers stopped abruptly against my back, before quickly resuming. I felt his warm breath against my hair, feeling him press his lips against my scalp. 
“What do you want it to have meant?” he questioned softly.
I brought one of my own fingers to the bed, tracing the flannel design on the sheets in hopes of making this conversation easier for me.
“I didn’t really want it to be casual,” I confessed, my eyes focusing on my finger tracing. “I’m not one to have casual sex, not that we actually had sex, but I think oral sex still applies,” I blabbered nervously.
“I’m glad we’re on the same page,” he muttered into my hair. “I really like you, Y/n. I was actually quite worried that you’d leave in the middle of the night.”
My eyes widened at his confession, butterflies making my stomach feel sick.
“I like you too, George. I’m just a little overwhelmed right now, I think.”
My finger led to his arm, tracing over the veins that traveled from the backs of his hands to his forearms. His skin was soft and warm, and I found this simple action comforting my anxious head.
“Do you want me to make you some tea?” he offered, now brushing his fingers gently up and down my back, differing from his previous design tracing. 
“No, thanks.” I traced my fingers up to his biceps, feeling him shiver under me as he reacted to the movement of my gentle fingers. “I’m feeling a bit better, actually,” I mumbled against his skin.
I felt him press his lips against the top of my head, keeping them there for a moment. I wondered if he was inhaling the scent of my lavender shampoo.
“I like this,” I added softly, moving my fingers down to the back of his hand. “I like just laying like this.”
He moved the arm I’d been tracing and wrapped it around me, joining his other arm. I felt him brush his cheek against my hair, nuzzling me. I couldn’t help the smile that crept onto my face as he embraced me lovingly.
“Me too.”
The second time I’d woken up that morning, I was feeling much better in contrast to the first time. Knowing George’s feelings for me and feeling him embrace me gave me some of the comfort that I’d needed. I turned my head so that my chin rested on his chest, as I watched him sleep. He looked so calm, there hadn’t been a single frustrated crease on his face. His bruised eye was a greenish yellow hue that day, signifying that it was properly healing, and the scab on his lip had reopened from last night’s activities. I gently ran the pad of my thumb over his bottom lip, checking for any blood. His eyes fluttered open, meeting mine instantly. 
“Has my alarm gone off?” he asked, his accent accentuated due to its raspiness and exhaustion. 
And as if on cue, the alarm on his phone blared. He groaned, his head tilting back in dramatic agony before reaching for the device and turning it off. He put his phone back down, before returning his attention back to me. A lazy smile took over his lips, his eyes swollen with sleep as he looked at me. His arms removed themselves from my back, as both of his palms grasped each side of my face, his thumbs stroking my cheekbones. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he commented, as his eyes observed my face.
My cheeks heated instantly before I gained the confidence to roll my eyes and push myself off of him.
“C’mon, we have to get ready for work,” I reminded him. My eyes widened. Work. “Shit, I have to get to my apartment.”
“Do you want me to whip up something quick for breakfast before you leave?” he offered.
I frowned, realizing the sun had already started to rise through the curtains of his room.
“I don’t think I have time,” I chewed on my lip. “But I really wish I did; I still have to shower after last night,” I reminded him. 
He smirked at the mention of last night. 
“Alright, at least let me walk you out to your car, then,” he pleaded.
I gave him a toothy grin.
“Of course.”
I changed into my clothes after the long process of looking for the fabrics strewn all over his floor. He copied my actions until the both of us were fully dressed and ready to leave. I grabbed my purse on the way out, which had been sitting in his kitchen. The chicken parmesan recipe reminded me of the way we washed dishes afterwards, how he’d told me about missing his family in England and how his father was Australian. Conversations like those, conversations about childhood and life before we’d met made me fall more and more in love with George.
As we made our way to my parked car, I leant against the door and looked up at him. The way his skin glowed underneath the rising sun, the way the beautiful colors washed over him and made his hair look golden. I slipped my tongue between my lips and fisted the collar of his shirt, bringing him to my lips. His arms immediately snaked around my waist as our lips moved intensely against one another’s, returning to our perfect rhythm. I could feel myself melt under George; he was absorbing me by the second and I knew I would be too far gone soon enough, but I didn’t care anymore. 
We finally released, as I gave him one last peck to savor the taste of his lips, the taste of him.
“I’ll see you at the office?” I smirked, watching his blissful expression. I hoped I was having the same effect on him. 
I drove away, leaving him looking fucked-out. But, God, I loved it. 
As soon as I entered the apartment, I was immediately met with Bree’s wide hazel eyes.
“I will tell you everything later,” I promised quickly, before hopping into the shower and taking possibly the fastest shower I’d ever taken in my life.
I threw on a dress, a jacket, and wedges and left the house, not even caring to do my makeup. I sped to work, praying that I’d be on time. And after rushing into the elevator and speed-walking toward my office, I was finally able to breathe regularly. I looked across to my brunette friend, my lips curling into a smile at his presence.
“You’re back today?” I queried, logging into my computer and settling into my chair.
“I am,” he confirmed, winking at me with his signature smile.
“Let’s get this mother fucking show on the road, then, shall we?” I clapped my hands together, opening my documents that I’d already written and sending them to him.
After work, I went out to retrieve my CBD oil for the article before returning to the apartment. But as soon as I turned the knob, Bree was shouting from the couch.
“Tell! Me! Everything!” she begged. 
I rolled my eyes, throwing my purse and my bag from the pharmacy onto the small kitchen table before making a seat next to her on the couch. 
“We did not fuck,” I stated.
“But you did something, right?” she asked, her eyebrows raising.
I nodded slowly, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. She scooted herself closer to me.
“Well, what the fuck did you guys do?” she urged. 
“Well, first, he taught me how to make chicken parmesan–”
“Y/n,” she interrupted, dramatically begging.
“We had oral sex,” I confessed with a sheepish smile.
Her bushy eyebrows furrowed at me.
“Wait, so he ate you out and you sucked his dick?”
I rolled my eyes at her raunchy language.
“Yes,” I sighed.
She stilled, her eyes boring into mine.
“Did he make you cum?”
The memories replayed in my head; the tightening feeling in my stomach, the shaking of my legs, the curling of my toes, his tongue; how could I have not orgasmed?
“Yes!” I practically screamed. “God, it was amazing.”
She threw a fist in the air.
“Thank fucking Lord, Y/n has finally got a guy to make her cum!”
I rolled my eyes, but it was true.
George was the first guy to ever make me cum. Who would’ve thought?
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cheonsans · 5 years ago
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Featuring: UV (Jamie-focused), TMRW’s Dabin ( @ttmrww​ ), staff.
Genre: Angst, a bit of soft if you squint. It just hurts, I’m sorry.
Word-count: About 2.8k.
Warnings: Mentions of death, strong language, mild violence, general emotional pain (including references to anxiety). 
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“No, fuck it, fuck this. I’m done, I’m going home, all of you can shove it. Get the camera out of my face.”
Jamie has no idea how much the cameras cost, but likely more than he’s expected to earn in years. He feels no guilt over pressing his palm to the lens and shoving it away from him, feels no remorse as the cameraman loses his grip on the device momentarily and the corner of it smacks with a resounding note against the doorframe, chipping as if it were made of nothing more than cheap plastic. All he feels is bitterness, toxic and bubbling between his ribs, coating the roof of his mouth with every exhale. His fingertips are buzzing with unrealized panic, each frantic beat of his heart sending more icy-hot anxiety suffusing his veins.
They’re only three days into filming their reality special, and that is simply three days too many. Three days of cameras in his face at what feels like every waking hour, from the moment he rolls out of bed to when he’s too tired by the end of the day to bother remembering from where they are being recorded. Three days of endless questions, ridiculous challenges, humiliation from the other members, and a palpable lack of already debatable privacy. He’s an idol, he should be used to every step being monitored and the soreness in his cheeks that comes along from faking smiles, but enough is...enough.
Lucy’s death had been one of the last straws, really. She was an old spaniel, it had been expected really, but to get nothing more than a call from his Mom after he’d practically grown up with that dog...no, it wouldn’t do. It wouldn’t do at all. Crying on the couch with King’s arms around him might have sufficed if those damn cameras didn’t eat up every second of it. They’ll edit it out later, you can tell them you don’t want it included in the show. King’s reassurances had helped in the moment, but now that Jamie has had time to process, he doubts the company would pass up an opportunity for fans to see the ‘real Jamie.’ ULTRAVIOLET: they’re just like you! He can see it now, bubble letters racing across the screen for the viewers to lap up the news like champagne in the first episode.  He has put on a brave face for two days now, and what finally breaks him is being denied a short break due to a delay with getting started that morning because of Minsung’s probably fabricated migraine.
He’s opening the front door before he knows what he is doing, ignoring King’s shout from behind him and the deeper tone of their manager as he removes himself from the group of staff members to chase after him. Jamie isn’t interested in giving him the chance. They had been preparing to leave as a group soon, so at least he has a face mask hooked under his chin already, which he tugs roughly into place the moment the door slams behind him. He doesn’t look back as he walks down the front path to the sidewalk, unsure where he’s going, and only now regretting that he hadn’t thought to grab a coat. His flannel and t-shirt are doing nothing to ward off the bitter chill of the late Autumn morning, and the wind stings his eyes until he ducks his head.
“Jamie--” It is King’s voice that carries over the wind. He’s certainly as cold as Jamie himself, for when Jamie turns to face him with the beginnings of burning tears gathering behind his eyes, he finds that the leader had also neglected to find a jacket before giving chase. He supposes he should have been touched that King had thought of him before himself, but any affection he might have felt normally is overpowered by that noxious, churning need to escape.
“What the hell is going on with you? Come back inside, you’ve got nowhere to go!” King moves as if to reach out to him, but stops when Jamie draws back an arm defensively as if to hit him, ignoring the pang of genuine pain that blooms in King’s eyes at the action. Jamie is far from a violent person, but when this driven by emotion, rationality is out of the question. Logically, King must know that their lovable, if not a bit chaotic, maknae is far from a threat...but in that moment, all the leader sees is a panicked young man, both taller than stronger than he is, and it gives him pause.
“I don’t fucking care.” He’s playing the part of classically belligerent teenager a bit too well, but he can’t be bothered to adjust his attitude. “It’s too much, I’m done. I can’t do this anymore.” Although his voice is somewhat muffled from behind the mask and it’s getting harder to breathe with the crushing pain of warding back proper tears, his voice only trembles slightly. He loses the battle with himself, however, as their manager hurries down the walk, Siyun and Taesong only shortly behind him. Minsung is still inside, probably desperately trying to pretend nothing is going on. For once, Jamie is grateful for Minsung’s non-confrontational attitude, as it gives him one less person to be humiliated in front of.
He pulls the mask down again once it truly becomes difficult to breathe, tears tracing steady pathways down his cheeks. Their manager, Byungwoo, steps forward, but is stayed by King’s arm. Miraculously, the older man listens, looking nearly nauseated with stress. King takes a step towards the youngest member carefully, as if approaching an infuriated and feral dog.
“Jamie, I know things might seem rough right now, but--”
“No. fuck you, hyung, you have no fucking idea what it’s like being across the world from your...your family, your f-friends. You don’t know shit.” His words are snagging in his throat with encroaching sobs, but his image is the last thing on his mind now that the cameras won’t dare capture this. He doesn’t wait for a response before turning on his heel again and continuing to attempt getting some space between him and the others.
Jamie doesn’t think before lashing out once a hand snags the back of his flannel. His palms connect firmly with King’s chest, and with only the base instinct to preserve his personal bubble, he shoves hard enough to send the leader to the pavement. King hits the ground hard, likely scraping up his lower back and hands in the process. He grunts as he goes down, a curse dying in his throat as Byungwoo steps forward to intervene. The manager doesn't make it far, however, and his grip on Jamie’s shoulder is wrong, all wrong.
Jamie isn’t sure when he curls his fingers into his palm, isn’t sure what his intention is when he angles himself and drives his fist into the older man’s jaw. The pain that sparks in his knuckles is negligible compared to what Byungwoo must be feeling, but the only thought in his mind is on how hitting someone in the face had hurt much more than expected. He’s thought of doing the exact same thing to countless assholes in high school before debuting, but he’s never acted on the impulse so cleanly. “Fuck! Oh my God, I-I’m so sorry.”
He doesn’t wait to take in the aftermath, after that. 
Jamie is running before it catches up to him, barely managing to fix his mask in place again before rounding the corner and scrambling up a chain link fence gracelessly. He tears his flannel in the process. He’s never been the type of kid to manage to pull a move like that off smoothly, anyways. The last time he ran from someone was when his cousin Josie had a lizard in her hand, and he certainly has no practice evading anyone cool like bullies, the police, or one very pissed off team of staff members. For a while, the only sounds he registers are the pounding of his heart and the rhythmic smack of his converse on pavement. Slight seclusion gave way to the crowded streets of Hongdae quickly. Suddenly, the danger of being recognized in his current state becomes very much real, and his lack of a real plan settles over Jamie’s shoulders with definitive weight. So, he turns left and begins to move mindlessly towards the first place that kindles within him a sense of security.
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It is over two hours later that Taesong pulled up in front of TMRW’s dorms. Dabin is anxiously waiting by the curbside, and he gets in the car without so much as a proper word of greeting.
“Where the fuck is he?” the Australian boy’s jaw is set, and he taps his phone anxiously on his knee. Taesong sighs, heavily, long fingers flexing and unflexing on the wheel.
“I have a feeling, but you need to relax.”
“Relax? I get a call from your fucking manager, who sounded stressed half to death by the way, asking if Jamie were at my studio...you take two hours to show up to go looking for him, and you tell me to relax? Where the fuck is my friend, Taesong? What happened? What took you so long?”
They’ve yet to pull away from the curb, and it is evident that the rapper’s stalling. He continues his rhythmic gripping of the wheel, blunt fingernails digging into his own palms.
“Is this even your car?” Dabin continues, noting the cloth upholstery rather than the leather of Taesong’s usual sports car that he swears isn’t compensating for something.
“...I stole our manager’s keys, wanted to stall him a bit more. I told him I’d handle getting Jamie back but he didn’t seem particularly convinced.” Taesong’s tone is clipped, barely contained. “Look, you’re only here because I’m not sure if he’ll listen to me alone. Keep whining at me, and I swear to God, I’ll leave your tiny ass here and go drag him back myself. Shut up.”
Dabin looks him in the eye for one long moment before simply opening the car door and...getting back out. He slams it behind him with much more force than necessary. Taesong sits there, shellshocked, for only a moment before he unbuckles his seatbelt and hauls himself out of the car as well.
“What the fuck is your issue?” Tae gives up on keeping himself neutral, his expression contorting in blatant frustration. “Get back in the car!”
“I’ll find him myself. You could at least pretend to care about him, he’s your fucking member, and you’ve waited this long to do anything? What the hell is wrong with you? You’re the one who lost him, take some goddamn responsibility. I knew you were an asshole, Taesong, but this? He’s a kid.”
Dabin is yelling, matching Taesong’s aggravated tone note per note. For once, Taesong seems at a loss for words. His brows draw together, as if he’s trying to comprehend just how this tiny producer has managed to shut him up. Irritated, Taesong slams an open palm down on the hood of the car.
“I’ve waited because i know he needs space, okay? I love that idiot, you have no fucking right--” Taesong cuts himself off with a groan, swallowing the last of his pride. When he resumes speaking, his voice is more forcibly controlled. “You know how he gets. If someone tried to find him before now, it would have made things worse, more public. I need you, okay? Right now, you’re probably the only person he wants to see, and I need to make sure he’s safe. I couldn’t care less about how you feel about me, but get in the fucking car for Jamie, and stop acting like you know shit, when you don’t.” A muscle in his jaw twitches, and Tae exhales sharply before getting back into the car, shoulders relaxing once Dabin relents after a moment’s hesitation and gets back in beside him.
This time, he doesn’t stall before putting the car in drive.
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“I’m surprised you aren’t at the airport by now, dude.” The merry chime of the coffee shop’s door when it closes behind Taesong and Dabin is a stark contrast to the absolutely caustic expression on Jamie’s face as he makes eye contact with the rapper. His gaze does soften, however, as he notes Dabin by his side...even if only a little bit. Jamie is curled up at a table in the far corner of the small shop, a plate dusted only with crumbs on the table in front of him, and a half-empty mug of coffee warming his palms. His knees are drawn up to his chest, shoelaces untied and dangling off the edge of the chair, and while he looks a bit worse for wear...he’s safe, and that’s what matters.
“I’m an idol, Tae, you really think I could afford a ticket?” Jamie’s tone is resigned. “What is he doing here?” He sounds genuinely surprised to see Dabin, but far from upset about it.
The Australian replies readily.
“They thought you might be with me, so I got a call and got worried. You really think I wouldn’t come help?”
“How did you know where to find me..?” Jamie picks up his coffee and takes a slow sip, shoulders relaxing further as the flavors of cream and sugar melt over his tongue.
“I remember we stopped here two weeks ago and you mentioned how the strawberry tart reminded you of your mom’s, so I figured you might…” Taesong sounds nearly embarrassed to admit it, scratching the back of his neck with one hand.
They’re lucky the shop 9s tiny and empty besides the three of them and a concerned looking barista, busy wiping down the counter. No fans are gossiping outside, snapping pictures on their phones. In fact, it all felt quite...normal. How odd it is that normal is more suspicious than anything to the three men in the cafe, hovering in the space as if it weren’t made for people like them.
“I didn’t think you would pay attention to something like that. Tsundere ass bitch.” Jamie takes a sip of his coffee to hide his expression while Taesong pretends he knows what that means. Jamie doesn’t fight as Dabin approaches him and drags the chair from the other side of the table around to sit beside him, tentatively reaching out to drape an arm over his shoulders. Jamie relaxes visibly, leaning into the touch with a sharp exhale that rattles the crumbs remaining on his plate. Taesong feels overwhelmingly awkward standing there, as if he’s intruding, but he tosses the stolen keys from one hand to the other to break the odd tension.
“It’s been two hours, let’s head back. Sungmin’s not mad at you, don’t worry.” Taesong tries, and although he has no idea whether or not the leader’s going to hold a grudge, that doesn’t much matter now.
“...Shit, i’m gonna be in so much fucking trouble.” Jamie groans and let his head fall to the side to rest on Dabin.
“Anyone tries messing with you because of this, I’ll kick their ass, alright? Siyun’s rich as shit, anyways, he can probably just pay someone off and call it a day. Let’s go.” His lame attempt at a joke is met with a dude, really? expression from Dabin, and Taesong shrugs, helplessly.
Jamie hesitates, however.
“Uh, about that...I don’t actually have any money on me? The barista was an angel and took one look at me before saying I needed something sweet, but…I don’t think the promise of a signed album’s gonna be enough.” He looks at Tae expectantly, who sighs in response, but fishes in the pocket of his leather jacket for his wallet.
“The things I do for you, I swear to fucking God.”
“Aw, come on, you know you love me, hyung.” Jamie’s heart is only half in the attempt at playful banter, and he sniffles before getting to his feet. Dabin is still clinging to him, now via a protective, or even possessive, grip about his waist.
Taesong glances at the two of them, not rolling his eyes or scoffing as Jamie might have expected. Something seems to click as he notes the way Dabin’s face is pressed into Jamie’s upper arm, the familiarity with which his fingers gather the fabric of Jamie’s t-shirt to bring him as close as possible. It’s a conversation for later, surely, but things seem a bit clearer, even if it isn’t Taesong’s business.
“Yeah. I do.”
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maiden-of-ice-and-fire · 5 years ago
The One Story I have actually finished in my life.
Hi Everyone, I figured that I would post the one story that I’ve ever finished, and the only reason that I completed it is because I’m a competitive little gremlin. This story came about because one of my friends dared me to write a story that would embarrass him, and so I did. For anyone who knows me in real life, you guys should be able to pick out exactly who the characters are all based on. This was also written because when he said to write a story to embarrass him, he didn’t think that I would use his crush on my sister against him, Insert evil laughter. Admittedly, I wrote this story about 3 or more years ago, so my writing has gotten a bit better since then.
@inky-duchess Look, a complete story, and I am working on the tag game you tagged me in.
@enchantrash-files Here’s some more of my stuff for you.
P.s I’m Australian, so there are a lot more u’s on here, which my auto correct on here is trying to tell me off for.
Story in Progress
As soon as Evelyn heard the door shut, she sighed in relief. Finally I've got the place to myself. Evelyn thought happily. I should go for a shower now since Ash and Myles just left and Corlan shouldn't be home for another hour or so. Grabbing a change of clothes, Evelyn walked downstairs to the bathroom she shared with Corlan. She shut the door as she dumped her clothes and towel on the bench. Evelyn started to undress as she waited for the water to heat up to a reasonable temperature. Sometimes it took awhile before it started to behave itself. The water heater had been a bit dodgy of late, so having a shower while there was no one else home was a smart move.
Corlan walked through the front door, kicking his shoes off as he went. He listened for any sounds of life, but could hear none. Well I'm sweaty as hell, and I need a shower after that hell of a lesson. Corlan thought to himself. I'm so glad the coach let us out early, otherwise I wouldn't have survived the trip home.
Corlan dragged himself upstairs and dumped his bag on the floor of his room. He pulled out a cleanish T-shirt, a pair of shorts, and a pair of underwear. Walking out of his room, Corlan snatched his towel up off the desk chair. He wandered back downstairs towards the bathroom, not paying a great deal of attention to his surroundings. Corlan opened the door to the bathroom and froze in shock. There in front of him, was Evelyn, with streams of water cascading down her body, completely naked. Her hair dripped water onto the bath mat as it clung to her back. Droplets of water made her bare skin look as though it had little crystal sprinkled all over. Evelyn turned around and screamed in surprise at the sight of Corlan standing in the doorway.
“Corlan! Get out!” Evelyn yelled, trying to grab her towel to cover herself, while blushing a deep red.
“I..um thought there was no one home. I'll... uh just leave now.” Corlan stammered as he stumbled backward, hurriedly shutting the door behind him. He raced back upstairs, into his room, and shut the door.
Evelyn stared at the door for a moment, her cheeks a bright red, before she continued to dry off and dress. Oh god, that was embarrassing. Evelyn thought as she dried her hair, I won't be able to look at Corlan now without blushing. Damn, that was a horrible time to leave the door unlocked. How was I that stupid? I should've guessed someone would come home, cause this house is never empty.
Once she had dried and dressed, Evelyn walked slowly upstairs to Corlan's room. Evelyn knocked on the door. Corlan opened the door just enough to poke his head out.
“Hi Evelyn.” Corlan mumbled, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“The shower's free now, if you want.” Evelyn announced quickly, before she all but sprinted into her room.
Corlan stood there for a moment before muttering to himself. “Well done Corlan, you have thoroughly screwed up your friendship with her now. You complete and utter idiot.” He scooped up his clothes and towel and walked downstairs to the bathroom again.
Steam was still floating in the air, as Corlan entered the bathroom. He could smell Evelyn's Coconut Aloe Vera shampoo and conditioner. This made Corlan think of Evelyn again. Well done idiot, I doubt she'll talk to you for a week now. Think of how long it took her to be more open around you, now you've managed to undo all of that. Corlan thought to himself as he pulled his shirt over his head. Once he'd stripped off, Corlan turned the shower on and stepped in under the spray. The cold water spraying on his face helped to clear his head a bit. Corlan let out a groan of frustration, banging his head against the wall as he did. Pulling himself together a bit, Corlan reached for his flannel and body wash. Lathering up the flannel, he proceeded to clean himself of the sweat and grime from his fencing class.
Once he had rinsed off, Corlan stepped out of the shower and reached for his towel to dry himself. He scrubbed himself dry and chucked on his clean clothes. Corlan gathered the rest of his things up and walked back upstairs. After putting his things away, Corlan sat down on the floor with his back against the door. For awhile he sat there, trying to summon the courage to face Evelyn again. Finally, Corlan was ready to face Evelyn again, hopefully without embarrassing himself while he was there. Come on Corlan, you're going to have to talk to her sooner or later. You may as well try and fix things while everyone else is out. Getting up off the floor, Corlan opened his door and walked over to Evelyn's room. Just as he reached for the door knob, Corlan heard the front door swing open and Ash and Myles walk in.
As fast as possible, Corlan rushed to his room, shutting the door behind him. Corlan walked over to his bed and collapsed face first onto it. Tiredly, he rolled over, put his hands behind his head and stared blankly up at the ceiling. Corlan lay in thought for awhile. He must have lay there longer than he realised. It seemed as thought he had only just lay down,when Ash banged on his door to tell him tea was ready. Rolling off his bed, Corlan walked downstairs to try and face everyone.
Evelyn was already at the table when Corlan walked over and sat down. Trying not to look at Corlan, who was sitting across from her, Evelyn asked Ash and Myles how their class had been. Ash told her that they had enjoyed their class a lot today. She also exclaimed that she was glad today's warm-up had not been a kind of hell. Myles added that they had done take-downs and ground work, which was why Ash was in such a good mood. As the meal continued, a silence fell over the table. This was unusual considering Evelyn and Corlan were usually teasing each other during meals.
“Ok what's gotten into you two tonight? You're never this silent at tea, even if you've been at each others throats all day. You were both getting along great this morning, so why are you so quiet now.” Ash finally asked, confused at the pair's odd behaviour.
“Nothing's wrong.” answered Evelyn, as she took a quick glance up at Corlan, who was staring at his plate and playing with his food.
“Um I'm gonna head back up to my room, I'm not that hungry right now.” Corlan announced, pushing his chair back. He grabbed his plate, taking it over to the kitchen bench and putting it down before he headed back up to his room. Now Ash knew something was up. Usually after fencing, Corlan would go through two or three helpings of whatever was served. For him to only eat half of his food meant something was definitely wrong. Also Ash had noticed that Corlan had been sitting completely still. He wasn't even bouncing his leg, which he usually did non-stop. Ash watched Corlan trudge up the stairs to his room. Turning to Myles, Ash gave him a questioning look. Myles just shrugged his shoulders, he looked as confused as Ash.
Ten minutes later, everyone else had finished with their meals. Evelyn disappeared back upstairs while Ash and Myles stacked the rest of the dishes into the dishwasher and cleaned up the leftovers. Both Ash and Myles could hear Evelyn playing her music loudly, she usually did this if she was upset, angry, confused, or all of the above.
“I don't know what's gotten into those two. Everything was fine when Corlan left for fencing today and now they won't even look at each other. So I'd be guessing that something happened while we were out and Evelyn and Corlan had the house to themselves,” Ash stated, “What do you think Myles?”
“I reckon you're right. It makes sense too since they weren't like this earlier. We really need to work out what in the hell's going on here.” Myles replied.
“Agreed. How about once we finish up here, you go talk to Corlan and I'll see what I can get out of Evelyn.” Ash suggested, putting the leftovers in the fridge as she spoke.
“That sounds like a plan.” Myles answered, putting away the stack of plate he had in his hands. Ash gave Myles a kiss on the cheek and started towards the stairs, Myles finished putting away the last of the dishes and followed suit.
Myles walked up the stairs, towards Corlan's room, trying to decide how to get Corlan to tell him what was going on. Well I guess I'll see what's wrong and we'll take it from there. Myles thought. Once he reached the door, Myles knocked loudly. He heard a thump that sounded suspiciously like Corlan falling off his bed, the sound of footsteps and then the door opened wide. Corlan stood in the doorway, Myles could see him visibly relax when he realised who it was.
“Hey Corlan, you wanna talk about what's going on between you and Evelyn? You guys were acting pretty weird at dinner.” Myles asked, looking straight at Corlan. Corlan shifted around under Myles' gaze, looking a bit uncomfortable.
“Umm yeah, you wanna come in first?” Corlan replied, stepping aside to let Myles past. Myles walked in, grabbed Corlan's desk chair, dragged it closer to the bed, and sat down so that his arms rested on the back of the chair. Corlan shut the door and walked over to his bed, sitting down so that he was half facing Myles. Silently, Myles watched and waited for Corlan to speak. Corlan stared at the floor as he fidgeted in his seat. He let out a sigh running his fingers though his hair as he did so before flopping back on his bed with a groan.
“Are you gonna tell me what happened between you and Evelyn or am I going to sit here all night.” Myles asked, hoping Corlan would give him an answer.
“Myles, I've screwed up big time and I don't know what to do.” moaned Corlan, as he stared at the roof.
“Go on.” Myles encouraged, waiting for Corlan to continue.
“While you and Ash were at class, I managed to walk in on Evelyn when she had just gotten out of the shower and saw her completely naked.” Corlan admitted, covering his face with his hands to hide his embarrassment.
“Corlan how the hell did you manage that.” Myles asked, surprised at what the problem was but happy he had managed to get an answer out of Corlan.
“I don't know. When I got home from fencing, I was so tired that I wasn't really paying much attention to anything. I also really needed a shower too, so I grabbed my stuff and headed for the bathroom. Evelyn must have decided it was a good time to go for a shower and not had bothered to lock the door because there was no one else home. When I opened the door she was standing there completely naked and she yelled at me to get out while she tried to grab her towel. I backed up as fast as I could, shut the door and bolted upstairs to my room. It was really awkward when she came and told me the shower was free and I haven't been able to look her in the eyes since. Now I'm pretty sure I've managed to screw up our friendship and that Evelyn will never talk to me again.” Corlan revealed all in a big rush, trying to get it over with as fast as possible.
“Well I can't say I've been in that situation before. The first time I saw Ash naked in the shower she had invited me in, but I don't think you want to hear about that.” Myles joked, trying to get Corlan to smile a bit.
“Myles, how am I ever going to be able to talk to her again, this changed our friendship and I don't want it to.” Corlan exclaimed, looking quite sad.
“Change can be a good thing. This doesn't mean that the changes to your and Evelyn's friendship are going to be negative. Your friendship just may end up becoming something more instead.” Reassured Myles. Corlan was deep in thought for a few minutes before he decided on what to say next.
“Maybe you are right. Even though I have known Evelyn for this long, she can still be a mystery and I don't want to hurt her in the process. Change may be a good thing, but not if it costs me my friendship with her.” Corlan admitted, finally lifting his head to look at Myles.
Meanwhile Ash was not having as much success as Myles was. Ash stood in front of Evelyn's door, banging on it rather hard; trying to get Evelyn's attention over the incredibly loud volume of her music. Oh I wish she hadn't locked the door, it drives me mental when she does that because no one can get in there until she decides to open the door. The fact that she has her music up so loud doesn't help the matter either. Ash thought to herself, rather annoyed that she wasn't even able to open the door at this point.
Finally the volume of the music reduced to a more reasonable level, so Ash tried knocking on the door again, and called Evelyn's name as she did. Ash waited for a few seconds, then the door swung open.
“What do you want?” Evelyn asked, standing so that she was half behind the door.
“I wanted to talk to you. Can I come in?” Ash replied, hoping that Evelyn would let her in, and not be too difficult.
“Fine, you can come in.” Evelyn sighed, stepping aside to let Ash in. Ash walked in and waited for Evelyn to close the door and sit back down on her bed, knowing it would only annoy Evelyn if Ash sat down on the bed before she did. Once Evelyn was sitting back on her bed, Ash sat down on the corner and looked at Evelyn.
“Nothing happened.” Evelyn replied defensively, looking at something she was doing on her laptop.
“Come on Evelyn, I know something happened. The way you were both acting at tea, and the fact that Corlan barely ate anything proves something happened.” Ash pointed out.
“Nothing happened, and even if something did, I wouldn't tell you.” Evelyn said defiantly. Ash sighed in annoyance, her sister had always been this way when it came to talking about personal stuff, and she probably always would be. What Ash needed was to find the right way to get it out of her.
“Okay fine, tell me what you did today while Myles and I were out?” Ash asked, hoping that this tactic may work.
“Nothing much, I went for a shower when you guys left, then I stayed in my room until you got home.” replied Evelyn, although Ash could tell that she wasn't quite telling the truth.
“What about Corlan? I know he was back early today.” Ash continued to ask, prodding Evelyn bit by bit.
“Don't know. I heard him get home while I was in the shower, then when I got out he was in his room. It did sound like he went for a shower after me though.” Evelyn responded, not meeting Ash's eyes as she did
“Did you see Corlan before tea, cause you can't have been avoiding him for nothing.” Ash asked, thinking that this may catch Evelyn out.
“I saw him after I got out of the shower.” Evelyn replied, now staring at the screen of her laptop, but looking as though she was trying to hide her face more than anything.
“Ok now I know you're lying. You said just before that when you got out of the shower Corlan was in his room. How could you have seen him if he was in his room and you had gone into yours before he came out to go for a shower.” Ash announced, finding the hole in her story, it was a bit hard to miss. Ok, now she has to tell me what's going on. Ash thought triumphantly.
“Ok the reason I haven't been able to talk to Corlan is that, Corlan accidentally walked in on me when I had just stepped out of the shower. Now I'm embarrassed and I don't know what to say to him.” Evelyn admitted, finally telling Ash the truth. Evelyn put her head in her hands to hide her embarrassment and blushing cheeks. Why can't everything just go back to the way it was. It was so much less awkward between Corlan and I then. Evelyn thought sadly to herself. Evelyn put her laptop off to the side and got up, she walked over to Ash and hugged her, burying her face into her sister's shoulder.
“Ash I don't want to lose my best friend over this.” Evelyn whispered, sounding as though she was about to cry. Ash hugged her sister tighter, trying to comfort her a little.
“Evelyn you won't lose him over this. All you need to do is talk to him, try and work out how to not be so awkward around each other again.” Ash soothed, pulling back to wipe away her sister's unshed tears.
“Look, I'm going to talk to Myles for a bit then I'll be back and we can talk a bit more, if you want.” Continued Ash, extracting herself from her sister's extremely tight grip. “Also, get into your pyjamas and I'll bring a bit of the chocolate stash with me, Ok.” Evelyn nodded as Ash walked to the door. As Ash shut the door, she could see Evelyn digging around for her pyjamas.
After giving Corlan a bit more advice, Myles walked back downstairs where he found Ash waiting for him on the lounge. Myles sat down next to Ash and pulled her to rest a bit more on him. They sat there for a little while and just enjoyed each others company. Reluctantly, Ash sat herself up and turned to face Myles.
“Did you find out what was wrong with Corlan?” Ash asked, wanting to hear the answer to what had happened with Corlan.
“Yeah I did. Turns out that when he got home early from fencing he decided to go for a shower, but Evelyn was inside and was completely naked. So now he is freaking out that he has utterly ruined his friendship with Evelyn, and that she will never speak to him again.”Myles explained.
“Oh those two are way to similar for their own good at times. So after I had managed to extract the reason from Evelyn, she started to freak out as well. Saying that she won't ever be able to talk to Corlan again without becoming embarrassed.” Ash replied, laughing a bit at how similar both Evelyn and Corlan were. “Also they do tend to blow things a bit out of proportion at times.”
“Yeah they do tend to do that. Although it's quite funny from our point of view, to them it's basically the end of the world. It doesn't help that this is something they don't know how to deal with and that they think the worst possible outcome will happen.” Myles explained, leaning back in his seat more as he pulled Ash to lay more comfortably on his chest.
“So what do we do? I'm pretty sure that they are both too embarrassed to talk to each other at the moment, but they really need to sort this out.” Ash asked, pulling Myles' arms more snugly around her waist.
“I don't know. I reckon that we leave them alone for a few days to see what happens.” Myles suggested, as he started to run his fingers up over Ash's waist and along her sides.
“Well if they don't sort it out in that time, I reckon we lock them in one of the rooms and don't let them out until they sort it out.” Ash exclaimed, a devious smile on her face that told Myles she was planning something and was enjoying it way too much.
“Well,” Ash said as she pulled away from Myles and dragged herself up, “I promised Evelyn I would bring back chocolate and that we could talk some more. So no I'm not staying for more snuggles like I know you want to; we can cuddle all you want later once I've talked to Evelyn a bit more.” Ash walked into the kitchen and started to dig through the cupboards for the stash of chocolate and marshmallows for a game of chubby bunny. Finally she found them at the back of one of the cupboards. Digging them out, Ash dumped the stuff on the bench to check that she had everything she needed. Once satisfied that everything was there, Ash made to gather the items back up when Myles grabbed her arms.
“Can I pwease have some chocolate.” Myles said in a little kid's voice, staring at Ash with big, pleading eyes. Ash sighed and shook her head with a smile. Myles did have quite a bit of a sweet tooth times, and when he used those big pleading eyes, she just couldn't resist.
“Fine, but you have to stand back and try to catch it in your mouth.” Myles gave a cheer and walked back a few metres. He opened his mouth wide as Ash pulled a lump of chocolate out of one of the bags. Aiming for his mouth, Ash through the chocolate at Myles. The chocolate flew through the air, Myles stretched out and caught it in his mouth, chewing on it happily, a huge grin on his face. Ash just smiled and shook her head. God he can be ridiculous at times, but this is part of the reason I love him so much. Ash thought. She gathered up her supplies and started towards Evelyn's room, giving Myles a kiss on the cheek as she passed him.
When Ash reached Evelyn's door, she tapped on it with her foot, being that her hands were full. Evelyn opened the door and moved out of the way so that Ash could walk through. Ash walked over to Evelyn's bed and dumped the chocolates and other things on her bed. Ash had even brought a bottle of milk and cups to go with the tub of drinking chocolate that was somewhere in the pile.
“So Evelyn, can you tell me why you think things with Corlan are going to change, apart from the fact that he walked into the bathroom while you were naked.” Ash coaxed, trying to find the tub of drinking chocolate as she did.
“I don't know. Of late he has been a bit more affectionate with me. Like he will hold my hand and pull me to lay on him while we watch movies, or he will wrap his arms around my waist and rest his head on top of mine at random times. Though it's not like he didn't do that before, but he has been doing it more often of late.” Evelyn confessed, looking slightly confused.
“Evelyn, do you think that has something to do with the fact that he may like you more than just a friend.” Ash continued, implying something more. She set out two cups and spooned Drinking Chocolate mix into them.
“Of course he likes me more than a friend; I'm his best friend.” Evelyn replied, trying to avoid this conversation, even though she knew it was inevitable. Oh now she's just being stubborn. Really she decides to use that, cause I know she knows what I'm talking about, but she's just trying to avoid it. Ash thought.
“Ok, now you're just being difficult. I'm trying to help you here Evelyn and you're just being stubborn,” Ash protested, getting slightly annoyed with her sister. Evelyn avoided looking at Ash as she climbed onto her bed. She sat down with her back against the headboard, knees pulled up and arms wrapped around her legs.
“Is it really that bad if he likes you more than a friend; or is it that you don't like him like that?” Ash continued, as she poured milk into the glasses and passed Evelyn her cup of chocolate milk, then Ash sat down on the corner of the bed, facing Evelyn.
“I just don't know. I'm not sure how I feel. I mean I like the fact that he's being more affectionate of late, but I don't want our friendship to change If we actually start going out.” Evelyn mumbled, her head resting between her knees.
“Evelyn, when Myles and I started dating, did you see any difference between the way we acted beforehand and after?” Ash questioned.
“No, but that's you and Myles, you've known each other for years.” Argued Evelyn, taking a small mouth full of her drink.
“And you and Corlan have known each other even longer. You know basically everything about each other, You two do almost everything together, and it is very rarely that you see one without the other.” Retorted Ash.
“I like the way things were before, I don't want things to change.” Evelyn exclaimed, pulling a piece of chocolate from the pile.
“And Mum and Dad said I was the one who couldn't stand change.” Ash muttered under her breath. “Evelyn, you should take a chance, things may turn out better than you expect.” Ash suggested. She grabbed a box of her favourite chocolates, a pack of Maltesers and her cup of drinking chocolate before she got up and left Evelyn alone to think.
Once Ash had left, Evelyn lay down on her bed with a groan, confused by the feelings that this incident had caused. Maybe I've liked him all along and I just haven't realised until now. Evelyn thought, as she lay on her bed trying to sort out the mess of her jumbled feelings.
Despite the fact that Myles and Ash had talked to Evelyn and Corlan, it was still extremely awkward between the pair over the next couple of days. At tea, both Evelyn and Corlan would sit there in awkward silence as Ash and Myles tried to encourage some sort of communication between them. During the day, the pair tried to avoid each other as much as possible. When they weren't out somewhere they would be in their rooms, or never in the same room as the other person. Ash was starting to get rather frustrated with them. They'd never avoided a problem between them for this long. Usually two days was the absolute maximum for their arguments, but then again this time was different from the others. Ash was becoming more tempted to lock them in the linen closet and not let them out until they had sorted things out.
Finally both Ash and Myles agreed that this situation had gone on long enough. Something needed to be done to get Evelyn and Corlan to talk to each other. Even though Myles thought it may not be the best plan, he agreed that locking them in the linen closet would at least force them to talk to each other. First of all they actually needed Evelyn and Corlan to be in the same room, so Ash decided a movie was in order. To try and push them along a bit, Ash and Myles lay out on the three seater lounge. This left only the one armchair, meaning that Evelyn and Corlan would have to share. Evelyn and Corlan both glared at Ash and Myles, clearly not happy with the seating arrangements.
“Umm, Evelyn how about I sit on the seat and you can sit on my lap?” Corlan asked awkwardly, not meeting her eyes.
“Yea, that sounds good, since Myles and Ash are taking up the whole lounge.” Evelyn agreed, although the last bit was said in rather an annoyed tone. Corlan seated himself comfortably in the chair, then Evelyn sat down on his lap, perched there with her hands on her lap. Corlan had to resist the urge to not put his arms around Evelyn's waist and get her to snuggle in close like they used to.
Once everyone was settled, Ash started the movie. Surprisingly, they had managed to agree on watching Avatar, although it was more Ash and Myles had decided and the other two had just agreed with them. About ten minutes into the movie, Evelyn started to shift around on Corlan's lap, trying to move into a more comfortable position. Corlan however was desperately hoping that Evelyn would stop soon and not notice the problem her wiggling had caused. For god sake I really hope she stops wiggling soon, or I'm going to have to get up and sort out my little problem. Corlan thought to himself, thankful that the lights were off so that no one could see his bright red cheeks. Finally Evelyn settled back in the seat, resting her back against Corlan's chest. Sitting in silence, everyone concentrated on the movie, although Ash was waiting for the right time to put her plan into action.
“Hey Evelyn, Corlan, would you to mind going and getting some blankets out of the linen closet please?” Ash asked, hoping they wouldn't be suspicious
“Why can't you get them yourselves?” Evelyn snapped. It didn't help that she was already annoyed with her sister about the seating.
“Because, I made the popcorn and got everything else ready.” Ash retorted.
“Fine.” Evelyn huffed as she got up, dragging Corlan with her. Ash and Myles waited until they had disappeared up the stairs before getting up quietly and following them upstairs. They crept as silently as possible up the stairs, keeping an ear out for the sound of Evelyn and Corlan coming back downstairs. Thankfully the door of the linen closet faced away for the stairs so Ash and Myles weren't seen.
Peering around the corner, Ash and Myles could tell that the two were far enough inside the linen closet that the door would shut. Quickly, Ash ducked around the corner and shut the door, sliding in the bolt before either Corlan or Evelyn could do anything. The house had come with bolts on the outside of some of the doors, which had never made much sense or been of any use until now. As soon as Evelyn and Corlan realised that they had been locked in, they started banging on the door and yelling at Ash and Myles to let them out.
“Sorry you two, but we're not letting you out until you sort out what's going on between you.” Ash called through the door, she could hear her sister cursing her quite loudly. Clearly she was not impressed with the fact that she was locked in there. Evelyn kicked the door in frustration, cursing her sister under her breath. Oh that manipulative little witch. She must have been planning this for awhile now. There's no way in hell Ash, or Myles for that matter, is going to let us out of here any time soon, she's too damn stubborn for that. So we won't be getting out of here until we've sorted things out. Evelyn thought angrily.
“We should get comfy 'cause we aren't getting out of here for awhile yet.” Evelyn advised, looking up at Corlan. Although it was dark in the closet, she could still see him nod in agreement.
“How about I turn on the light?” Corlan suggested, “Then at least we would be able to see.” Evelyn nodded, knowing that by now he would be able to see her well enough. Corlan felt his way over to the door and felt around the wall at the side of the door frame, trying to find the light switch. He found it and flicked the switch. The light flared to life, half blinding them both. Evelyn looked at what was in the shelves. To her surprise, two of the sleeping mats were up on a high shelf, fully inflated and ready to be used. That just served to fuel her annoyance towards her sister. Pulling the blankets off one of the lower shelves, Evelyn reached for a sleeping mat. Although Evelyn had forgotten the fact that she couldn't reach the top shelf. Before she could try and jump for it, Corlan walked up behind her and picked her up. This put Evelyn at the right height to reach the mats. Evelyn pulled both mattresses down as Corlan lowered her back to the ground. Carefully making sure nothing came crashing down on their heads. Thankfully, one air mattress fit perfectly on the available floor space.
“Thanks.” Evelyn murmured, not meeting Corlan's eyes.
“Don't worry about it, we both kinda need something to sleep on.” Corlan replied, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I'll sleep in one of the shelves, and you can sleep on the floor, considering you've grown quite a bit since the last time we did this.” Evelyn joked trying to ease a bit of the awkwardness between them.
“Yea I have a bit. Toss me some of those blankets though, otherwise I'll freeze tonight.” Corlan chuckled, glad that some of the tension had eased. Evelyn tossed some of the blankets onto the mattress on the floor. She slid her mattress into the cleared out shelf and put some warm blankets on top. Corlan dug around in the shelves and pulled out some old pillows that had been shoved in there. He tossed two onto his make-shift bed, then pulled out two more and placed them on Evelyn's bed.
“Well I'm getting in bed 'cause I'm stuffed.” Evelyn yawned, stretching up on her tip toes, before she hoisted herself up and onto her bed. Evelyn snuggled down in the blankets as Corlan turned the light off. He crawled into bed and pulled the blankets tight around his shoulders.
“Night, Corlan.” Evelyn called, half asleep already.
“Night Evie,” Corlan replied as he drifted off to sleep. Corlan calling her Evie made Evelyn extremely happy, he hadn't called her that since before this whole mess had started. Evelyn gave a happy sigh and snuggled further down into her bed, drifting off to sleep, happy and content.
As the hands of the clock reached midnight, Evelyn started to roll around rather violently in her sleep. She had always been one to end up on the opposite end of the bed to the one she started on. Suddenly, Evelyn rolled over in her sleep; she rolled so far in fact that she fell out of bed, and landed on top of a sleeping Corlan. Corlan awoke with a start, having felt something drop heavily on him in his sleep.
Slowly opening her eyes, Evelyn felt that she wasn't in bed any more, and that she was lying on something. Looking down, Corlan saw Evelyn lying on top of him so that her body was pressed against his and her head rested on his chest. Evelyn looked up at him as if to say, I should move but I'm not sure if I want to.
Evelyn was frozen; she knew that she should be moving and getting back into bed, but for once she wanted to just lay there. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness more, Evelyn could see Corlan staring at her. Although it made her feel a bit self conscious, Evelyn couldn't look away from Corlan's gaze. Evelyn also noticed, for the first time, that over the years, Corlan had become a lot more muscular and well built than he used to be. Evelyn shifted slightly so that she was level with Corlan. Maybe it was that they were lying so close together, or the fact that she had barely seen him over the past couple of day; but Evelyn couldn't help but notice how good his muscular shoulders looked in his loose sleep-shirt, or that in the limited amount of light his lips looked incredibly soft and inviting. Why, after the countless times they had been to the beach, and the numerous scorching days where all the boys would walk around without shirts on, was she noticing these things about him. But Corlan was her best friend, she shouldn't be enjoying the way he felt underneath her.
“Wow Corlan, when did you get these?” Evelyn asked teasingly, as she reached down to run her hand across his impressive six-pack. Before she could touch him, Corlan caught her hand, startling her. Corlan looked down at Evelyn with an intense look on his face. Evelyn thought for a moment that maybe he was angry at her for some reason, but before she could think about it any more. Corlan yanked her downwards and covered her mouth with his. His lips were warm, and softer than Evelyn could have imagined. Evelyn reached up and threaded her fingers through the soft hair at the back of Corlan's neck, kissing back with the same fever as was given.
Hesitantly, Corlan opened his mouth slightly and prodded gently at Evelyn's lips. With a soft hum, Evelyn opened her mouth just enough to let Corlan in. Evelyn tasted like chocolate and sweetness. Having one taste only left him wanting more, but unfortunately both he and Evelyn were running out of air. Reluctantly, Corlan pulled back to gaze up at Evelyn. She was such a beautiful sight with her long, blonde hair all messed up from sleeping and the cute little smile she now wore. Rolling off to the side, Evelyn lay down next to Corlan and snuggled in close. She sighed happily and buried her face into his shirt. Corlan lifted one hand and placed it underneath Evelyn's chin, tilting her head up so that she was looking at him. He took a deep breath, readying himself for the confession that was to come next.
“Evelyn I have loved you for years, first as a best friend, then as something more. Not to be cheesy, but I love everything about you. I love that you are adventurous, and can be brave when you need to be. I love that you are a bit weird and can be extremely sarcastic. I love that you are stubborn, even though there are times that it drives me up the wall. I love hearing you laugh and giggle when you find something funny. I want to be there to cheer you up when you're upset. I would put my life on the line for you and not think twice about it.” Corlan confessed, his eyes full of love and adoration. “So what I'm trying to say is, I love you so much and I want to be able to shower you with all the affection you deserve. Will you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?” He asked, feeling nervous.
Evelyn lay in stunned silence for a few seconds. She had come to realise that Corlan did have feelings for her, but she had never imagined that he felt so strongly about her. She may have only realised that she loved him a few days ago. She realised that those feeling had been there for a long time and that she hadn't noticed until now. Being with Corlan had always made her feel safe and more confident, and now was no different.
“Of course I will Corlan. I may have only just realised that I do love you but I see now that those feelings have been developing for a long time.” Evelyn answered with a smile. Corlan grinned, his happiness at that moment couldn't be explained by words. In his happiness, he rolled Evelyn onto her back, pressing kisses all over her face and neck. Finally he attached his lips to hers and kissed her deeply, trying to convey his joy and love for her. Evelyn pulled back and let out a yawn. Pulling Corlan to lay down beside her, Evelyn snuggled into him and sighed contentedly.
“Night Evie.” Corlan murmured, although Evelyn heard nothing as she was already fast asleep. Soon he too succumb to the pleasant darkness of sleep as well.
In the morning, when Ash and Myles went to let Evelyn and Corlan back out, they found the pair curled up together on an air mattress, fast asleep. It was obvious that they had made up and were peaceful at last. With a smile, Ash closed the door, heading back downstairs with Myles to start breakfast. which would be sure to rouse the two that were still sleeping. In the kitchen, Myles came up behind Ash, wrapping his arms around her waist as he whispered in her ear,
“Well done. I think you did rather well at playing cupid. Even though locking them in the linen closet may not have been wasn't the best solution.”
“Why thank you, I think I make a very good cupid too. I also think locking them in a enclosed space would have been the only way they would have talked to each other without us forcing conversation.” Ash responded, as she reached up to run her fingers though Myles' hair. Happy that everything was back to the way it should be. With a laugh, Ash pulled out of Myles' arms and began to cook breakfast. She needed to get a head start on the cooking before the hoards descended from upstairs. Eventually, Evelyn and Corlan did come downstairs and join Ash and Myles, the house filled with laughter and good-natured banter.  
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