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deinbester089de · 8 months ago
Die Welt ist schön ✔️
Und täglich grüsst das #MurmelTier , #Reggie ✔️
Ein #WildesTier #BesuchtTäglich das kleine #Mädchen und ihren #Vater , sie #SieGebenIhm eine #Fasche #TäglichEssen #WildLife #AusDemWald #KeinHaustier , aber ein #FreundDerFamilie #AnimalLove #WildTiere #POV #Love
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ilyh · 5 years ago
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Ohhh. Ziemlich spät geworden... Dafür ist unser Waldhonig jetzt im Glas. Und ganz frisch im Webshop. Mmmm. #honig #ausdemwald in der #steiermark #iloveyouhoney #imkerei #yeah https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Csw4KF2Zs/?igshid=jzx0q4nso5pl
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justuclover · 8 years ago
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| brkfst | #healthyfood #ichmagblaubeeren #blaubeeren #gesundessen #bleuberries #ausdemwald #essenwasaufdentischkommt #vegan #nekatrine
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danskdanish · 9 years ago
"I’m not lying”
“I wish you said you were.” He sighed, just finished reading the newest message handed to him.
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monacomonoikos · 9 years ago
ausdemwald replied to your post:You could dig up something from the very, very...
It would be more than a little difficult to move in, wouldn’t it?
"It was the first time around with the panniers, tight lacing and piled on hair. Luckily, fainting was also in vogue so that all worked out well if a bit ridiculously. -It is better than a visit to the 1980s though."
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mateship-archives-blog · 10 years ago
Send “📚” and I will flip to a random page in a book and use the first line of dialogue I see as a starter.
‘They suit you very well.’
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deinbester089de · 8 months ago
Die Welt ist schön ✔️
Und täglich grüsst das #MurmelTier , #Reggie ✔️
Ein #WildesTier #BesuchtTäglich das kleine #Mädchen und ihren #Vater , sie #SieGebenIhm eine #Fasche #TäglichEssen #WildLife #AusDemWald #KeinHaustier , aber ein #FreundDerFamilie #AnimalLove #WildTiere #POV #Love
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udontas · 10 years ago
“Have you ever wanted to disappear?”
“No, but I’ve wanted other people to disappear”
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landforces-archived · 9 years ago
“Have you no compassion for my poor nerves?”
“Now, now. You are just being dramatic.
What have I done to cause such distress for your poor nerves?”
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zhwangyao · 10 years ago
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“Are you looking for the paperwork?”
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mateship-archives-blog · 10 years ago
Could you love Ludwig as much as your people?
‘They’re different kinda loves, anon. Y'know, apples and oranges and all that, right? My love for Luddy is an indulgent love, a human love– irresponsible, almost. It’s a choice I made, even if it was accidental. The option of it happenin’ or not was always there.
‘As for my people, they’re the reason I exist. They’re my purpose. See the difference? My devotion to my people is on a cellular level. It’s why I’m here.
'So they’re different. I love Ludwig as a human, and I love my people as a nation. I don’t compare 'em. Make sense?’
{ ausdemwald tagging you bc youre mentioned :3c }
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udontas · 10 years ago
-you can hear a low chuckle, and he looks away very amused- “Good guy. You should see it for yourself.”
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mxskvich · 10 years ago
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i’ll tell you the following; 
my opinion on;
character in general: I love Ludwig he’s bae.how they play them:  I honestly haven’t paid too much attention to their actual portrayal, but judging by their pages, they seem to put a lot of thought into their Ludwig and have a very unique writing style!the mun: Unfortunately, I have not talked to them either IC or OOC :c
do i;
follow them: Just followed!rp with them: No, sadly.want to rp with them: Literally yesship their character with mine: Maybe, if they interact and form a solid, chemistry-based relationship!
what is my;
overall opinion: Mun and muse seem like cool beans B)
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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zhwangyao · 10 years ago
☂ - An entry about a time your muse annoyed mine.
[ 27 September, 1940 ]
It’s not that I dislike Germany or Italy– not the problem is not that at all. But that there is such a country that has the nerve to ally with my brother as such a time. That has the nerve to assume that they China would still support them in any way while allying themselves with Japan. While China is still in the middle of both a civil war and a war with our nemesis of a nation.
And of course no one gives a damn. I don’t expect any one of them to. At this point, they can all burn for all I care. Especially Germany.
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mateship-archives-blog · 10 years ago
Kyle’s extremities tingled with a nervousness that seemed to be restricted to Ludwig, these days. The German did something to him: made him want to be more careful, and not mess up this beautiful thing they had created. It put him on edge when he felt he had stumbled, but he’d persevere.
‘Luddy.’ Kyle had learnt early on to announce his presence before touching his boyfriend. He approached him from behind and kissed his temple.
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republiqueisms · 10 years ago
I wouldn't say that Germany was brainwashed but rather that they participated. It takes out their culpability to blame it all on one man "brainwashing" the innocent country/people. It's important to avoid that narrative. Other than that, yeah, I agree. Nationalism in and of itself is a tricky thing. It's good to be proud of your country, but obviously not to the point that you're looking down at others.
I see where you’re coming from. That’s indeed a better way of saying it.
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